gazette of the united stapes. PbILADILPHI ', Augujl 15. ✓ Pursuant to the consent and advice of the Senate, as expreflVi' in their refutation of the 24th June lalt, thePrefident of the United States has ra.ified the Treaty of Amity, Commerce and Navigation, between his Britannic majelty and the Untied State* of America. S T'O C K S. Sin per Cer.t. ------- jftf Three per Cent. - - - - - » .ny Deferred Si* per Cert. - - - i nj~ BANK United States, - - - . - . — North .metica, - - - - - Pennfylvatiia, - - - - - fv'tTRANCE CoMfANr Nort \-ntrica, 30 ■ Pennfylvania,[lnt. orT] 6 • • How truly content ttble a figure, fays a Correspond ent, does the Aurora cut. Finding that pofitivc afier tion without any foundation, will uot arifwer t > prove vhat they wiiTi, and that it it sure to he refuted by ftatenients f r fass, — abandoning a dire<3 and positive afiertion, do these people attempt in the mod pitiful maimer to cla~a> off. See article refpeifting Mr. Pinck ncy's letter, in the Aurora of this Jay. The Committee appointed by a general Meeting of the Citi/.-iis of P'lihJ-Iphia, the Northern Liberties anil the t)iftri<3 of Southward, to fipjn ind to transmit to the Prslidcnt of the United State 3, the memorial expre'live of the Scvi'nents of the Meeting in relation to the Treity negociated between Mr. Jay and Lord Orenv lle, have received by the hand* of Dr. William Sa.p.ien 'he following Answer, which they thiuk it th ir d :ty to pubiifh for the information of their Cnn'tituenrt. Philadelphia, Augult 14, 179 c. Tio nas Sic Heart, AlcxH'idsr J. Dallas, C'l/Tr- Pettit, John 5 unn vick^ Mof?s L.-vr, "John Hum, IVdliam Coats, Abt ahatn Coats, *jo?n BfrJt.'r, Stepbe'i Gtrard, Krcdertck -1. Muhlenberg, William Sbippen, junr. Thomas L?" SApien, Blair Mc'Chnacban. Untied Statu, I 2th Augujl, IJ. Sir, T HAVE received your letter of the aSth of July* eovering th; Memorial of a Meeting in Philadelphia. As the Aftfwer which ! have given on a limdar oc-, cation to the Sel.-ilrri -!i of Bolton, i« applicable to this Mjmoriai, I think it proper to transmit a Copy thereof to you. With due rcfpciS, I am, Sir, Your Obi lient, (Signed) Go. WASHINGTON. Dr. Villiam Shippen, juur. ]L%e\\tl Price, Thnrr. is I'/'d.'ey, WlU' Bordman, Eb'ntccr Sravr, Thomas Crafts, Thomas E.i ivtirdf, It ilTtam Li'tlr, William Scollay, and Jtffc Putnam, Efquirti, Siltnmen ofthe Town of BoJluh. GSN'TLEM I *, In every act of my adminilbratioo I have fought the Inppinris of my ftliovv citizens. My fyffcm for the attainment of this obj ft has uniformly been to overln jk sll perf >n»l, loca',. and partial confederations, to contemplate t(je United St»tr» a» <»•>« n>-«atw>hiv f, to confide that Hidden imprrflions, when erroneous, •svoald viehj to candid reflation, and to confuh on- Jy the fiibftantial and permanent interests of oar Country. have I departed from this line of conduct, on the oeeafion which has produced the icfolutions Contained in your letter of the ijth '"ft- Without a pre.'.ile£lion for my own judgment, 1 have weighed with attention every argument which has at any time been brought into view—But the Cm (lit ut ion is the guide which 1 can never abandon. ]t has a (Tinned to the Prefii ent the power of making Treaties with the advice a;id consent of the Senate. It was doubtless supposed that these two branches of government would combine without paflion, and with the bell means of ins rriMti in, those farts and principle* upon which the success of our foreign re lations will always depend ; that they onght not to substitute for their oivn conviction the opinions ofo theis s or to seek truth thr nigh any channel but that of a temperate and well informed inve ligation. Under this persuasion, I refolvel on the manner of executing the dutylwfore me. lo the high refponlibility attached to it, I freely'- submit ; and yon, gentlemen, are at liberty to make these sentiments k'lown a« the grounds of my procedure. While I fed the moit lively gratitude for ihemany intances of approbation from my cpuntty, I can he trtherwife dcfei ve it than by obeying the dlitales o my eoafcience. With due refpeft, I -'Tn gentlemen, Yelir Obedient, GEORGE WASHINGTON. UVT'.D $TJTSi, 7 iph July . 795. j ExtraS of it letter J rem an Ojjicer in the Army under Genlral WavSe, dated' at Greenevilie, July lalb, 179J - " A fahiie from the Citadel isthis moment an : flouncing to the Lrgion thearrival of the Wyandots to join in Council and i'moke the Pipe of Peace— the ireaty profperP—the council fire burns bright, and we frruiked yesterday in pood fellowships as the to ferioiu bufiitefs." PORT OF PHILADELPHIA. ARRIVED. Schr. Andrew, HillmAn, ARRIVALS AT the FORT. Br!p Snllv, Cook, Scli'i" Maria, Hefs, Columbia, Bulls, Sloop Farmer, Bnuvn, WHA RIO N Iff LEWI S, HAVE removed their INSURANCE OFFICE and . STOKE to No. lie Sruth front street, !h "v bav: fur SjU t Coffee OM Bill Wine Scfuciu tifr iV S 'ii Can vas •& •» Jul;- By BOSTON, Ainjaft 10. Saturday arrived (hip C» lia, Capt. Hat Way, in 47 days from Havre—Some translations by this ar rival, in our next. This (hip bring* intelligence of the arrival at Antwerp of the fohooner Helena, Capt. T. Lovell belonging to this port. This is thefcrft velTel that has navigated the River Scheldt, for more than, 150 years. Beit known unto all it may concern, that on the Jay of the date hereof, before me Christopher EUery, Pub lie Notary for tl»e cqjjnty of Newport, m the state of Rhode-Island and Providence Plantations, in the Unjted States of America, came 1 homas Bliss, matter of the (loop Peggy, of Newport, just arrived from New-York 3» pr. Cent, jo - *8 - and Louis Andre Piehon, formerly secretary of the le gation of the French to the United State#, paiTenger on board laid sloop, together with S. A. Hiffer, citizen of Bolton, and Capt. Chabert, also a paflenger on said sloop, all of,whom on oaths, declire, that yesterday at j o'clock in the afte noon, being the firll day of August, inftart, they were at a distance of two miles from the light houff, in Narraganfet bay, in said sloop, bouad to Newport; when being opposite the fame, a Britilh (hip of war the Africa, commanded by Home, fired a cannon (hot at said (loop, as a figrial to bring her too j that the (loop had then American lulors flying; that the mailer obeving the signal, soon per ceived two boats coming to the sloop from the (hip of war, which boats were manned by a part of the crew of this (hip, and out of which came four or fivs officers, two of them appearing to be higher in command than the'others, ordered the captain,of the laid sloop to go near to the (h p,with u'hich order he complied, and soon anchored astern of the said (hip ; that, n the mean time, the officers asked the said- master of tne (loop several queftijiHS,particularly if he had any paflingers on board, ami he answering to this question in the affirmative, was to'd by them that they came on purpol'e to take the late French mraifter, M. Fauchet, whem they knew to be on boaad with dispatches ; that the master aud pas sengers then informed them that M. Fauchet had left the sloop in the m iming, at Sto:)ington, where they had been detained two days, by contrary wihds ; and that he hid also left Stonington aforefaid,on horseback, with dispatches and public papers, which were ail taken out or pasteboard boxes, as a proof of the lad aflertion, fhew«J the said boxes empty, five in number, that M. Fauchet had really let ; the officers, not fa is- fied with the answers given, said their # ordsrs were poj; tive, and dirtied them to search all the trunks of the pafTengers, at which proceeding they hoped no one on board would be hurt, as their duty requited the fame ; that,tjwy accordingly had all the trunks and b 'xes in the cabin opened, and not finding any papers they went into th* hold, where having ordered iVI Fauchet's fer- ■ant to open the trunks of his mister, they had them mptied, in prsfenoe of all the paflengtrs, and out of one cf '.he trunks, they took a bundle of paper, which ■ hey gave to otie of the officers in care, when the search wen- on for the other trunk*; thai they then asked for ;wo other trunks of N4. Fauchet, faying that they had notice of four trunks (hipped on board the said (loop. and feeing: several otht r trunks flowed about, they, the said officers demanded the owners ; that one of these belonging til Capt. Cliahprt, afore nam- d, a gentleman engaged in commercial and £.afaring bufincfs, was over hauled and the p.ipers confiding chiefly of sea-books, or journals, examined and put afnle wi.h a tin box, Containing some fiaperj. with letters diredied to dif ferent perl'ons in France; that thev then fell trunk of M-PiiW, * s they founcrteavy, Ihey , defircdro havs.t opened,threatening oneftrpped forward with the key, to break the lock thereof; tnat M. ri. hon then went forward and opened the trunk, wiiich proved to be full of written under clothes; these thrown cut, they observed t .at it was-the trunk ot M. Fauchet's secretary, and that i:» containing furh a quantity of papers, was a fufficicnt reason for taking it on" board the (hip, for the ihfpcflion of the Captain of th° (hip ; that an officer then vent on board the (h:p with such papers as he thought proper to take with him, that he might receive the orders of-the commanding officer relative thereto, and relative to further procecd :ngj, that this officer soon returned and permitted the {loop to depart, faying that the main objen. Even the late Tieaty with Great-P»ritain, which agitates all parts of the Union; has not e* cited a Angle measure or publication againfl it in this Stale. If we had not been favored with the address of your Correspondent, Leo m das, we never Ihould have difcorered that this State teemed with such Murderers, Thieves, Rjfrnh, D'tf organizers, and what nor, who arc planning the downfall of the President, and the deftruftion of the national Government., The Public are tinder great obligations to Leotiidas 1 How important this discovery is to us! How much is due to Leu nidas for making it known ! He ought to give his real fame to the public that he may reap the re ward due to his patriotic services. Where a writer publifhco for his own benefit, it is a pity that.he Ihould miss his end by not being generally koown The PEOPLE. Port-au Prince St. Croix L'Arehaye St. Thomas L'Arehaye [By De/ire ] From the Porijmouth ( iV. //. J Paper. Mr Peirce, IN your paper of Saturday the ift inft. you in serted a piece from the Gazette of the Urr'e:! States, in which it is said the Virtuott 7en (o<"the Senate) prevented any negociarion being renewed on the fubjeft of the Ne£*oes, and that the Refo lution brought forward by Mr. Ouvn, touching ihe Negroes, would have been agreed to, had ei *SW this Day*s Mails. AUTHENTIC. BRITISH CONDUCT. ther Meflrs, Burr's RolinAn, JT/7tetveV Mufan, tSriiuris Marjhal, Martin, Bloodvunrtb, or "Jiichfin, voted iii the aiii- mativr-—Tins is a.pi 1: 1, jalfe insinuation— is a fact, that fom l ', it no all, of thpfc Gentlemen, voted for Gunn's RefiJu tion, and that it waslott hy a part of the majont" voting against it—Forfurely the Twenty Senato .■ who were all Jjrefent, could have catried the que} tion, had they tuotight proper—but having carried their point in obtaining the, vofe to ra'ify th lilejfed Treaty—it was thought by them improper to fetter the business with the Negroes. NEW YORK. 14. From a Correjpondrnt. The following is a fart in substance of the very de cent letter written by Capt. Home, of the Bntifr ship Africa, to the British consul at Newport, and to be communicated to the Gdvernor, allud d ti under the Providence bead, and received from good authority. Captain Home states the necefiity of procuring flip plies tor his velTcl—he had received information-thai hii people visiting the shore for that pnrpofe would meet with miiilt—This led him to claim the attention equal to what was received by the cit(2ens of the French republic, and to complain of the disregard of the American« tothe h\*» of nations. He demanded, and that not feigncd'j, the aid <5f the citil authority to imprefifuch Dritiih feaineri as fliould be found on shore. He alleoged that a Britifli officer was taken from a vefic! in Newport, and imprisoned on board the French Frigate laying there, whom he demanded to bexeleafcd. An immediate reply was required from the Governor ; He (hould haul his ship into the harbour of Newport If his people were infuiteu by a mob, er any indivi dual—he Jhould pi oteil ihem. .Note. The captive officeV alluded to appears to be the fame that Was taken by a French privateer and at the time of Capt. H's application, was it) New-York onhisoarole. Extrait of a letter fr.m Havre, dated the 2id June, to a g? tleman in 1 his city» The manufa&ories of this country have been nearly d(P.roved — what by requisitions, and what" by the war ring of faclions. However, I think it will fpetdily revive, on a peace, which every thing in my mind be gins to foretel. On the firft Prairial, there was a great r'rlai of the disposition of the people, and I have no doubt from the evens of that day, and the three fol iowmg, of which I was a'very attentive witness, that the principle of the revolution has taken perfect root. Fl*at the people of Frajice have infinite merit, they always obey the laws, but "he evil has beeu, the law lias been abu Ted—but tranquility will put the power into the hands the peoplechufe, who will not abuse it. The bloody reign of Kob-fpierre is finally at an end, •and his memory more deftoftcd thar. that ol any tyrant you can name to the French. DIED —Wednesday night last, of a very Ihort >11- nrfs, ry lr. John Simmons, an old and much refpeJled inhabitant of this city, and it is said, the molt corpu lent man in the Voired States. RICHMOND, Angnft 7. The following wanton munlcr w~s committed on Monday the 27th u!t near Hick ry bridge, Princess Anne country. William Stone and Bason Land, both inhabitants of laid county, foine differences on Sunday evening refpifl ng money mutters, parte feeminjly displeased. N.xt morning Mr. Land, on corning to Stone's houle for the purpose of reconciling their dispute, was fired at by Stone from his doer, with a mufcet loaded with buck (hot, the contents 0/ which lodged in Land's ; h,. survived onlv a —■»>»•>." -int* -- •• • t a i rendered himfelf to a magillrate ; but, on conrfutfing him 10 Kempfville jail, he thought prop r (for the present) to evade justice, by a precipitate flight into the woods. What adds to thie melancholy catailropl.e is, their being on the ch'feft intimacy and having large families. From the American Mtrcury. Mr Bapcock, Your pivine the foliowinp a p'acr in your uieful pap-r, --A - - will be'pleafing at least to one ot you readers IT was highly pleasing to ine, to fee in your paper of the oth June, an account of the fufptnfion of the sentence aga.nft Fogel and Mitebrl, by the Supreme Executive I 'till November next. These men were ccn demi.ed for treason. Now,'tis certain thai some of our natural rights must bt given up tor a civil (tare. But no man ever bought hinifclf obi' cd give up far a civil itate, what lie had no right to dispose ot. And I fancy men are generally that they have not a right to dispose of their'own lives, but confides their r : to life as -what they cannot alienate or tr-in.- fer. It is difficult therefore for me to fee, how a man offending >gainst the state, forfeits his life to tl.e states; or the right government have to take it away. We live in a uay of free inquiry. And to our joy fee the religious Dogmas that past ages lupported Superstition, under the name of J?, ligoni exploded and exploding more and *no;'C. '7 is to he wished that I some lkill'd in jurifprndence would turn their atten tion to the laws in being, and fee if there is nothing ill them that wants altering and amending. But 1 comfort myfelf that our Supreme Executive is wile and good ; a..d will give the wofld a better example rfian it has hitherto had: And that the day is not very far off when men will conlider it as unjust and impo litic to late away the life of anyVerfoii, without orders from the great giver and disposer thereof, as to charge the whole race of men with the fin and guilt of the fr ft man. _ J' ALBANY, August 7. The commiflioners appointed tr treat with the Indian tribes, for the purchase of their rofervation Jands, have held tieaties with the o"or.dagas and Cn/ttsras ; effeftcd the objeft-of their miffi »n to tokitual fatisfaflio'n.—The Indians have reded to this state a!! their said lauds, except a very small quantity, which they have Hill reserved for such of th-ir people as arc set.led, and intend remaining there, IV., pevfons from Niagara liad the preemption j attend theft- treaties, as agent* sot the Indians ; but the c\ mmiffionets peremptorily rtfuledto c land al(1II K the O nond.'ga Creek, for 200 dollar, annually. Our in formant, who left the Commissioners at Oneida on Monday last, thinks it probable a treaty alio be concluded with that nation the present week. On the 6th of July I'afl, lieutepant-goveinor S .the fbur.rfi ft fTion of the L r 'jrffl;iture •f the [>ro*in. c f Upc r. Canada,-by & fy-teh td-» "re ijeiitlrmcn of the legislative council and bouse •f aftVmMy, convened' in the couueil-chaniber at Mt'w-Affc. - ' ■« G.i the fubji-.ft of the treaty between t?'utf3 and Great' Brit ii , governor v inline ob erve , that it "■ ran lot r ail 'to be mutmilly b'ne . si "iaj to tjiefubjcdls of :he ki ig, mure r fpeci 1 y in BriiiOi A-merica, and to the people of i'lit- I'-i ed | States;*may be hoped (he affds) it will sf r equally remove aH grounds o r rr>ifund#r(!nndii.g." The aff.-'nhly, in then to ,the • jjo\ernor* fay "hey are happy to hear that a trea' y of ami y> commerce and navigation, lias been com lnd -d l.e vvccn his majelly aridtbe. United States ufNoeth-' Artierk-a, tlmt will effectually remove all grounds of miftindeift nding For the GAlEfeiiE of tut UNITED SfdTJiS. Mr- .'Finno; ...- »* ■v. K'y»j. THAT thfc per foil? who hare so zeajrviflv advocated • he doctrine of Liberty and Equality; fhfculd be the firft to object to the treaty, hcoaafe it dots ii it ftpuUtefor compensation to the proprietor*- of the 'negroes, who went off with the- British, } truly : uvj)d rful! If we take a'.retrolpediive view-os the vritirige'and speeches ot those men, we fhalbfmd them deploHiig the fate of Poland ; lanenting jthe ritiJet y of out feilow-eiiizrris ac Algiers, and etirfing the authors of their mijfhrtunes— but, when it beuotpes i queflion-whether it cottprrtf .with'he d'p'ity ofjffeetnetv.-to hararcßt* -eareft in tercfts in ocder to obtain Tor a number of human beings wiio ha find the i'ifne men wore violent if pofljbk in iavom of finery ! tit is not my in dention at this time to enquire into the truth of the argu ment used by ttie holders of negroes,that atv immediate ,ti-fiancipa:ion would be .'angerous to the tranquility of of phe country, becaufc it can o j ily apply to the policy of liberating the now adluafty in.the United •'t*tes but, th»t fuel a hue ant?cry should be raised on the fcbiea of those who have made their, escape, and from whom we hive nothing to dread,.is.not only anti republican, but immoral and scandalous in the extreme. If the perfot.s who are daily obtruding.their dull essays on the public, m favour of compensation, were to re'er to the -aa« of the National Convention of France, t'nev would find, that this point has been decided a-»a*nTl them—for the French have liberated all the ftav sin tiieir colonies, vithoiit making any" compensation to their mafiers I It;is worthy of remark, however, that this sfl which took pjfcrf duriftg the rdmmiftratiert o£ Robcfpierre, is the only one, thai has not been approbated and extolled by his partjian» in the United Stated-a convincing proof that fe'f-interefl forms the toucl.Oonc of patriot ism with all modern democrats. In'one of thefputhern state* for example, liberty and equality are so well under flood, that a cithten has been oUigcd from motives of p< rfonal fafety, to mike a public apology or dar,"% to queflion the propriety of fort' verv lawieft and difgratehi! proceedings—where a f.nall portion of the inhabitants are feading and loJling in the shade, M'hi'it graier part are compelled to work up to, the knees in water, txpoftd to the scorching rays of th£ fun—and where solemn fcftivals are celebrated to com memorate the ,?d of September, 1791. The most pro* found fi'ence has been obierved.on the fubjefl of the only circumstance from which Robespierre could poffibiv de rive any merit. ' I shall dismiss this fubjedl with observing, that if the point ill dispute was to he submitted to a jury of real and .lifinterefted republicans, there can be no doubt, ware ».! K Bnij/h compensation it ngw demanded: rui to .i,.« any civilized nation would folemn'y stipulate rhat their veflels fbould not aflord asylum to pcrfons who had escaped from slavery, is an absurdity too prof? to be credited-—And although ] frankly, ronf'efn that the ■reaty does not come up to my wifhes—ytt I cannot ad» mit, that the stipulations therein contained, are liable trail the objctfic ns which have been raised against them — much lef; that it i» cenfiirable for the otniffion nf in articl*, which if infei ted, would have proved an indeli ' blc stigma on our national chara&er. From th; Albany Rtgijler The Rev. Dr. Smith, of Charleflon* Souh Carolina, is elcded Bishop of the several Epiltopal Societies in that State. The following is a ltd of the order at present ia North America. The llt-v. Samuel Seabuiy; Bishop in Connee ticutt. S. Provost, Bishop, New York, W. White, Bishop, Pennsylvania. T. J. Clagget, Bishop, Maryland.- John Madison, Bishop, Vnginia. G. Inglis, Bishop, Nova-Scotia. Jacob Mountain, Bishop, Canada. The Rev. Dr. Peters is Bishop, clc& for Vetjr' mont. Since the peace 5,11783, three hundred Episco pal 1 s .rave been formed in the States and Provinces. In most of them ditine service is couftantly celebi. t.*d. In that period also, one hundted and forty clergy men have come tiom England, 01 been ordained If the Bishop* in the State*. Fif'y houfand copies of the American Prayer Book have been printed, finceitg levifion. The geneial Convention of the Church meets in Philadelphia* 1 011 the fccond Tuefdty of Sep tember next. On Wtfdnefday, July 29, and Episcopal church waft organized in W atertord, in this Hate. For SALE or CHARTER, The Snow MEHJTABLE, Bkvjamin Ffit Knap, Majlrr, Four, yeirs old, will carry about 19CO barrels, now lies in the fti earn, nearly opposite to Vine : Strect Apply to the Captain < n board, or to Samuj l Coates, August 15. In the Prrfs, a Ain a feix> days tui/I be pMiJhed, By Matbew Carey, nS Market Jlreet y Of. a Series of papers respecting Mr, Jay's Treaty. CONTAINING- —Speech of Mr. Pinekney to the citi zens of Charleston. Speech of Mr. Thompson it # meeting of the citizens of Pcterfburg. Speeck of John Dickinfoa, at the meeting held in Wiioniigtou. Camilluf'n Defence of the Treaty—ascribed to the late Secretary of the Treafury—WlUl iasilry other paper* •» thi» all-iw portent fubje&' 'Augujt IS* An Enimy to SiAVis.?, No. )s» South Front-Street. d