Gazette of the United States. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1795-1796, August 15, 1795, Image 1

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V v
\ N&mbmr .$16.3
, The Ship ADRIANA,
Cap/ta'm Samvsl CLATT,
W! " receive Freight,/part of which'
" «>gag«d) for Hamburgh, and U
to foil as soon as Ihf is difcharccd,
and canbe loaded.
Fafleiigert that purpoft to go to England, are to be
landed at Deal or Dover, the Ship having at>
coiamodatious, being lately enlargtd for this purpose
in Lonioa. For freight or paflage enquire of
Ralph Mather,
No. ji, Race-Street.
WW. rt.
The Shi?
Mr. N xon's IVharf,
T® f*'P wil ' ta,ie a Flight to any of the Windward
ISnnds or Europe, if one offers soon, at (he i* now
ready to take in. She is in complete order, and has good
accommodations for padVngers. For particulars apply to
Jehu Hollingfworth & Co.
Who have for sale,
A Few Puncheons of Excellent Rum,
By the above {kip, one of which is old.
My *■* *
BURIHjIN thirty five tons ; built in North Caroling,
of Live Oik and seven years old and oretty
well found. For terms apply to
"Joseph Anthony iy Son.
The Ship
§MMK p enns tl va nia,
BUR rHEN 34C0 Elils. Floar—compleatly found, a*i;J
may be sent to sea at -a f nail expence.
For terms apply to GURNET t3* SMITH.
A Quantity of Excellunt Boiirijeaux Claret in caiVs and
Brandy is Pipes and Butts.
J»'y __ §
300 Hbds. Maryland and Virginia
OF afnperior quality pajt of which ij Kitefoot, tod
particularly adapted for the manu&ii2Un:i.< > or for the
Holland or Hamburgh nwket.
500 Hoglhcads ready t<f be deliver id 011 !>mr<j a vefTel in
Chcfapeake Bay, for falc by
George Sibbald,
Ae. 1 *'o Hou/h Front jlreet.
*yttiy 24
c'oooo lb. of J'irjl Quality Orcenuojrtc
WILL be Landed on Mondiy, the joth inft. on Mess.
WilKngs and' Francis's Wharf, from onboard the
Schooncr Delight, Ayres Stokely, Master, from St. Do
mingo, for sale by LEVINUS CLARKSON
1 J«h I? §
Now Landing,
THE cargoes of the brigs Weft-Indian and Bctfey&Pol
ly from Jamaica :
Coffee in hhds and barrels
Sugar in hhds
Ruin, high proof, and <
36 bags Pimentp.
A Quantity of Coffee in Hhds. Barrels and Bags'
Brandy, ift and 4th prcof
Sherry Wine, &c,
J'h n
C H O R L E Y,
A N American built vessel, burthen about Soo bblt. of
/ V Flotir, and well found—For terms app / to tbe cap
tain on board at the fubferiber's wharf, or to
Who hns for Salt, imported in said hooner,
St. Croix Rum and Sugar, in Hhds.
and barrels, Coffee, &c.
Augujl 10
Came to the Stable of the Subscriber,
LAST evening, a Black Ma.e, with a little white on
her off hind foot, and the head flail of a bridle on
her head. Whoever owns the said mare fhali have her by
paying for this advertisement. tGEOR-GF. GRI'.KN,
yfue !0 4t No. »»3 I'ine (lT<-et.
FROM on board the brig Eagle, Capt. Dewar, and
Sloep George, Capt. Chapman, fro in Port «vi Prince,
M Hamilton'* wharf,
Muscovado SUGAR, in
/ugujf 5
A Lot, containing about seventeen
,-acres, on the Wi/Tahickon road, 4 miles tromthe city, and
dire&ly oppolite to the houic of Mr.llaac Wharton.
A Lot, containing 10 acres, in Islington Lane, on said
Toad, near the estate of jaf er Moylan, Kfq.
A Let, containing 10 acres in urncr s Lane, on said
jTo»d', and (fci'c&iy to the estate of Mr. Ternant.
F.nojuiit; o. Jofcjvh ivedoxan, Woodstock corner of .tur
ner's i/ane
■April ft
The Sloop
For fab by
Peter Blight.
JosEPh Sims.
C hogsheads,
3 tierces, &
/' hogsheads
\ tierces,
) barrels, S
C l»gs
< - 1
I bales, &
£ packets,
For fakly
George Sibbald,
No. 170 South FrontJireet.
4 >° Acres of Good Land.
arc Springs, ■which are from 73 to
VV no degr M „f beat. Thn is 0 „ the said land a Laud
r»meand commodious bouse t-woJloriec kith, 6o by 30 feet, -with a
portico the full length of the bouse, and extending to the upper /lory
and other tecejfary bouses.sit for a Public House, sot -which they
■were intended; good houses are over several of the bath. 1, -with
[-locating rooms. There are adjacent thereto, t-wo remarkable cold
'firings of -well tafsd lime-Hone -water, These baths arc a fbecific
for the mojl ob/iinate rheumatic and all other diferfei originating fro»
colds or objlruaedperfpirathns, and gives great relief in th.gout,
they have effeHtd -wonderful cures in various diseases incident to the
ladies ; thy have this firing made a ptrfeSl cure of a disease on a
H ef.-Indian resembling the leprosy, and are remarlMe for the
cure of labilefiuellings, contracted nerves, and ,nmny other difxf
are too oojlitiate #t» be effc&cd-by medicine.
There is near the said Baths ,
A new Saw-Mill ereded, and a Race
dug from thence, to build a Mamfjflurmg Mill, tabid rtclaims
aboct 30 acres of as rich Meadow Land as any upon the Continent
and may be -watered every night, and the bay made thereon fells as
•well as any that is i.iade near any city or to-wn -within the United
Tb. fnprutfri of the tlwc property ivitl treat for Ae fame on
theprmifi,, at any time between the loth of Aufujl and the ZOth
of s.ptmtir ; they -willalfo fell Vuluibie Land for M* or three
Farm, near the foij Spring,, and if the foid Land and House, at
the former are not fold, they lull he rented.
N. 3. Good accommodations are provided at tie ahmt fprinos
ladies and gentlemen this f if:,, which from experience is fouad
hfl to commence in June, and end the f.rfl of Odder.
fitly 14
No. 70, South Second-flrttt, near the City Tavern,
HAS ju£t opened and for Sale, an Affortmcnt of La
diss' and Gentlemen'*
Fashionable HATS,
from London. A lf n a varirty „f rt;u ren ' s Hits o' differ
ent Colours.
N. B. A Ma* or two as finifters in the above bufineft
well recommended, will meet with corJUit employ and
good encouragement.
Tune 6.
LANDING, from mi board the Ship Chaklotte,
Cap!. Janti. JJowers, from jS<jurJeaux,
30 Pipes Brandy
2o Tons Claret
For fa'; by
No. 11l Sonth Front, neir Pir.c iireet.
/P7io has aifO t
a.ioo cases of 30 & 'jou'm, Choice Old Claret
600 hogflijuds ditta
A Quantity of- Annireed
Noyaux Liqueurs aad
FOR SALE ly the Sulfcribers, at their Store on
WalnutJlrctt Wharf.
t6 Hhds. >
33 Barrels and C HifpaniolaCOFFE£, lately arrived
J4O Eagj 3
IVbo ba-ve al/a on hand,
Red Port Wine, ei fk,
Mountu V : '
jsTon^'T 1 " 15
Najfc afTorted
Sail CaHvaj, N°. I a 7 »"<*
a i»Tr jcsDc]cmcß*B handfcaie Sid dies
Philip Nicklin & Co.
July a<
American Landfccipes.
Twenty-F OUR VIE W S,
SELECTED from the moll ftiiking and mterefling
Profpedts in the United States ; each as which
Views, will be accompanied with a descriptive account
of its Local, Historical, and other Incidental Peculiarities
Author of tbe ,ki M&ruijl'u Remaint and Ancient Cartld in Great
Britain '*
I. That the work (ball be publiihed by Subscription; and
that each Subfcribcr (hall engage to take the whole set
of Views, and fiiall pay for each engraving, if Llai.k or
I'FSwn, a Dollars ; and if coloured 5 Dollars.
11. That the dimsnfions of each engraving shall be 34 by 17
inchcs, cxccutcd in aquatinta, and publiflied upon paper
of a superior quality. The publication to commence im
mediately ; and one engraving to be delivered to the Sub
scribers, on the firft Monday of each succeeding month,
until the propofod fieries (hall be finally completed.
111. That with the last View of the f»ries, (hall be deli
vered an engraved title-page ; an elegant ohara&sriftic
vignette: a map of the route, connected with the prof
pe&s exhibited in the the course of the Work; and an
Alphabetical lift of the Subferibers.
SubfcriirtioHS are received by Mr. Marrifon, at his Print
simp, Maidi nlane, New-York, by Mr. Carey, Book-fell
er, No. 118, Market street, Philadelphia, and by all the
principal Book-fellcrs in the United States.
February 2S. d.
Fkaunces's Tavern.
No. 59 South IVatir Street.
THE Subscriber rcfptftfully begs leave to inform his
friends and the public in general, that he has remov
ed from No. 166 south id Street, to that large, cemmo
dious, House m Water Street, between Che&ut and Walnut
Streets, lately occupied by Mr. Isaac Hazltburfl, and, on
which he has f pared no pains or cicpe»fe, to make it con
venient and agreeable for the receptio.. of gentlemen. The
House being situated on the fame spot where the noted Beef
Steak and Punch honfe formerly stood, has the advantage
of the boft water in this city, known long since by the name
of the Gretn Tree IVattr. As there are several elegant
Rooms, fufficiantly large to accommodate any Society or
company of gentlemen, and from his well known abilities
to please in the line of hisbufinefs, he flatters himfelf with
a continunnceof that patronage which he has experienced
since he firft opened a Public House in this City, and, for
which he begs leave to make a public acknowledgment.
For the accommodation of Small Parties, the Large
Coffee Room en the ground floor is conveniently fitted
iip with a number of Boxes, conftru&cd in such a rtan
ner as to admit Gentlemen te be as private as they please—
Where may be bad, at any hour, Soups, Beef-Stsaks,
Relishes, &c. &c.
He has on hand, and will keep a constants upply of Spi
rituous anti Malt Liquors, and of the heft qualities.
Breakfafts provided—Also Dinners and Suppets cook
ed in the .molt approved manner, at a fliort notice, andPaf
try of all forts, made to order, in the lioufe, or to fend
out at any hour. „ _ .
He ha.'several well furntfhed Bed Chambers, for Board
ers and Lodgers, by the Week, month, .r year.
2 'i
for sale,,
la Bit-h County, Virginia,
'For Sale by the Subscriber,
A few hundred barrels »f Prime Herrings fit for Expdr
70,00 a lb. Gresn Coffee in hhds. barrels and bags
Port Wine in pipes
Madeira in do. ididi. and quarter calks
Teneriffe in Ditto j
Malaga in quarter calks
Jamaica Spirits in hhds.
New England Rum hi ditto
Holiand Gin
Hyson -»
Hyfos Gomee (
Souchong and (
Behea J
Turk's IHand and
Sweet Odin Quart Battle*, and Cases of 30 bottles
Clayed Sugars in hhds. entitled to Drawback
2000 Bujhels beji Liverpool blond Salt
now alloat, will be Soli cheap from on hoard the veffei.
Levinus Ciarkfori,
No. 216 South Water street,
July 1
The highest price in Cash, will be given for'
A preference will be given to Clsret Bottles—Apply to
No. 187, i'outh Third-ltreet.'
Apr:. 10.
A Few Pipes P^rt
Qj a Superior Quality,
Now Undmg at I'iue-Sire.t Wharf,
William & Samuel Keith,
No. 179, South Front-Sirret.
July 14.
From on board tht brig "Juhn from Conaives. at
Clifford's 'wharf-— ■
60,000 weight of COFFEE, in hhds, and ba<rs,
14.000 lb. COi'TON, *
Some Sugar, MoUffc, and Salt. For Sale by
John Claxeon, or
John Clark.
Landing at boutb Jireet wharfs
Thi Cargo of the Brig Fly, captain Homer, from Gi
oraltar and FenerifTe.
Brandy, itt jnd 4sh Proof,
1 cneriffc W inc, in pipes, hhds. and quarter calks,
Bsnccalo ditto,
Hazlcnut* in backs,
Also, cargo of tho biig Ooed Hope, c»pt. Hutbar, from
Sugar in Hogsheads,
Coffee in ditto,
High proof Spirit, Logwood, Hides, tic. For file by
Peter blight.
$ i-If ln»
A the United States, illuetl iiom the Office or "rnj.
Register of the Trcifury of the said United States,
iathe name of Patrick Heatly of London , to wit.
No. 8819, 882e, and 8821, dated 7th July, 1794,
for Four Thouland Dollars each, of the Funded three
per Cent. Debt, have been loft at Sea, and application
is intended t» be made for the Uenewal of the said
Certificates at the Office of the Treasury of the said
United States, of which all perlons concerned are de
sired to take hot ice.
ROBERT GILMOR, of Baltimore.
Augtift 14 i §6w
By FRANCIS 15" ROBERT BAILET, and to be fold at
their Bookstore, No. 116 High Greet, and by the prin
cipal Printers and Bookiellcr. throughout the United
A Revealed Knowledge of the Prophecies
Particularly of the prefect time, the present war, and
the prophecy now fulfilling. Containing, with other great
and remarkable things not revealed to auy othtr person on
Earth,the sudden and perpetual fali of the Turkish, Ger
man and Russian Wrote under the dire&ion
of the Lord God, and published by his sacred command j
itlieing a feeood sign of warning for the benefit of all na
tions ; by the man that will be revealed t® the Hebrews as
their Prince and Prophet. The year of the World 581 J.
FROM the following Extratti ike Public will be enabled to Jorm *
judgment of fhn work.
" A man that has been an officer in the Navy, whose im
mediate anaeftors have been fqxirated from the Jews for
such a considerable length of time at to make them forget
they ever belonged to thtiume, such a man declaring him
felf openly to the world a prophet of God, the revealed
priece allotted to order the ludden return as the Hebrews
from all nations, and govern them in the landof Israel, will,
with some reason 1 allow, excite both aflomfhmeut and
doubt; but from the multiplied recorded teflimonies I
produce, which no othtr on earth can, it ought not to pre
vail with any person as a just objeflien against believing
what I write."
" The prophet Daniel, chapter 8, verse 8. And four
great beails came up from the sea, different from one ano
ther. 4. The firil was like * Lion, and it had Eajlr's
wings: I beheld 'tillthe wings were placlied, when it
was lifted up on the Earth, and made to stand on the feet
a& a man : and a man's heart was given to it.
" The Lion meant George the Third, the prcfent King
of Fngland : plucking the wings of the Lion, means tak
ing away the power of tine king: made to stand 011 he
feet as a man, with a man's heart, means his redu&ion to
the condition of other men, aud poffeiiing similar thoughts.
" The Spanish Monarch* will cease by this war, and
the Stadtholdership of Holland will be cut off close
to the ground ; according to theirifions of god to me, iu
1791, and which I communicated at that time, by his sa
cred command, to the King aud Queen of England.
« The Dutch will acknowledge the French Republic,
and make % liafty peace with it j the Portuguese and
Prussians will do the fame."
" The United States of America will declare war
against England ; but before they do, France will lose all
her Weft India Islands; andaftii they do, Jamaica will be
the lafl in the possession cf the Engliih.
The Earthen-Ware Manufactory,
In Front jlreet, above Pool's Bridge,
IS continued in the most extensive manner. A large as
sortment of the boft ware is on hand ready aliorteiVin
Hoglheads and Crates.
A constant and regular fupp'.y may be depended on, at
the fr.orteft notice.
Orders are received at the Mar.ufa&ory, or at No . *5
4»rch iiceet. July 8
TEAS, in whole and half chefk
and Times,
No 60 South Secoxd-Stkeet, PHIL A DELPHI A.
P Ei'f'EC'l FULLY inform the public, that at his Store
V 'hey-may be iupplied with' most of t'.e modern Eu
ropean and Other pfcUicatigss of merit, on Politics, Divini
ty, UwteErf! ? Lettrei, & c r 41,-Affl a grca: vari
; c: J ' — GANI PRINT'S ani Paintings, and every ar
r V" l«jfinas; ; W hich fcs continues, as
usual, to dispose of at the fovveft prices.
Gentlemen's Libraries fornifted or prrchafed; and the
utmoil • value, in exchange or cast, given for any quan
tity of fecoiul hand Books. ' • •
Whole/ale Dialers implied at the above Store oa very
moderate terms.
Ma r *• . «f
Wanted Immediately,
By y) > E : p Inj) ■{ ? t
(r'Jifirr,'fh r Jeiurllcr.
FCormr of T£irJ end Mafiet Streets,
ROM 10 toiojoiirneyraen Uoldfiniths, Silvsrfmitha,
Jewellers, Engravars, Buckle Makers, Plate-V/.rk
tfs, Spoon- Makers, Small-Workers, Lapidaries, Chap.-
Makers, or any other Mechanics, ufeful hi the different
branches of a Gcldfmith ar.d Jewellery Manufactory : any
one capable of undertaking any'of the above branches
Will meet with cpnftunt Employ, the wages, and ev«
ery enco-iragement due to their merit? " •
Any peri'on capable of being a Foreman to the above de
fer,bed liufmef*, willing to ui.trud Apprentices, and do
PV Ty duty incumbent on a Foreman, ftiall receive » hand*
some salary for :iis i'erviccs, with Board and Eodgmj; ia
thehoufe. -
Five or fix. Apprentices will be taken to the' different
branches as above, and one to the Store and Mercantile
part of the business.
The highest price given for Olif Coif and Silver, Lace,
Diamonds, Old Watcnei;, and Jewellery, in Exchange or
other wife, by applying: at the above Stere, where there ii
ready for Sale, a compleat and elegant AlTo: tmectof fafti
onable Silver, Plated, Jewellery," Cutlery, JapaDSed, and
Fancy Goods, received by the lift arrivals. In addition to
which he hopes to receive a frelh supply by every Europe
an arrival, and Hill continues to manufa&iire every arti
cle hi the various branches as ufuzl.
N. B. To It Let or S/ldi
The Middle House and Store, fronting on Th:rd=Street,
next door to the one now occupied by him, which for
Convenience, Beauty and Goodness of Stand, is bv far the
rnoft eligible of any is the City.
Ju'y 3- s .
George Hunter,
At his Laboratory, AV. 114, so-Mh Second Jirest.
IV FORMS his ioiiiu i ( vitamers iiid itoe puMie, thai
he has be 6 un the DRUG oofincls jgaiii on an ix en
live plan.
He has lor sale a general afr.>lrr.frii'«f
oil oi lurp' n " l£ > ft"' Ollvanmu .....
i;o hi
Allum, copperas, madder, ground redtteodbythe hogs
head (or (mailer quantity.
As he imports ihe limpl s from the Otft markets, and
raakes th/- compolitujos and prrparauons himfelf, he is
enabled to vouch tor and warrant ever) a»t.clt tola out
of his Lahoiaiury, and likewifetu aifpofe *jl Lucm at ib 9
n oft reasonable rati s. i
(£T He wishes to feir a la.-** LOT of GROL'ND,
th corner of and Elevenil»-fliec *, contain*
ingyß tect tront 011 Higiefticei, and goo f*rt on t.irventh
(treei, oppo.itc Mr. Lciprr'i new building*—.And another
LOT on »he wolth frde of High ftfett, n«jr the above, s8
feet front, anci 200 feet dc p. iioih I 01& have the pnvi
egeot a 3 » feet alley in the rear.
No. 60 South Second Jlrect,
The Curious Prophecies of
/^IONTAINING great *nd rcaiarlcabU things,not reveal
s' edto »njr other perlim on earth.
J'his work is intcreftinj; to every one,
Axgujl 14
Card y Nail FaSiory y
No. 59, north Front flrect,
Webster, Adgate & White,
Have canjlantly for fa!(,
Cotton, Wool, Tow, and
Cut Nails of all sizes,
Floor Brads, Sprigsand Tacks,
Fullers Shears, Gun Flint* and Wool Hals,
A quantity of kiln dried Indian Meal in battels
A n<?\» .Edition of A igate's f(:ilatlt !pltia Harmony,
containing buthme firli- and ffcorid parts, being tlit- inuft
aprovedfvftcni'Ol Rules an»l ilie heft coleftiou of Tune*
now in ijle,
Alfe for Sale,
Machinery for making Caids
On an Improved CoiilUti&ion.
Oft. 2
Is now in the Pvrjs,
Anh will be fjtiyhed <witl< all $<Jp>kU expedition,
Or, The DE/.T 7 '.</ CHRIST.
A Poem in eight eooks.
Such puri'ons as arc flill in jvoffi-flron of Subiiription-
Papers for the above Work, are rcfpeftfuily requeficd
•o forward them to i\Va/ and A'nmuterer, jtiir. No. 24
North Third-Street.
Who have on hand,
A Collection of valuable Book, of the latefl and Left
t- ditions ; also, a variety ot Chiklrtus ILoks, Primeri, the Groft, Dozen or Single.
Awguft 14- 31.
[Volume VIII.
* r i
Of all Kindt,