Gazette of the United States. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1795-1796, August 14, 1795, Image 3

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    Ed by fa&s than it t, it would not follow that the
fngg Ition it true ,<* or the thing would depend not
on the realfituation of that country, but on the o
pinion entertained of it by iti own adminiftratio*,
00 the personal ehara&er of the prince and of hit
Councilon the degree in which thty were influ
enced !>v pride :int! paflion, or by reason. The
hypothecs, that the dil portions of a government
arc cdnformnhle with iu situation, is as fallacious a
otic as can be entertained. It is to suppose, con
trary r<> cvciy days experience, that cabinets are
always wife. It is, on the part of thofc who draw
the inferreiictr, to suppose, that a cabinet, the
must vtolertt, ralh, and foolifh of Europe, is at the
fame time moderate and prudent enough to act ac
cording to the situation of the count! y; Who
rif'jut ejfiHjiliifts, realoiiing from his view of the a-
Kafed CoiiiT.'ion ot Great Ilritaiu, has notlong since
j suginrd that (he ought to be on her knee* to France
fning for mercy and forgiveuefs ? Yet how different
hitbeito is ilie fn.ct- It we carefully peruse the
ipreches of the 1 ailing members of the Convention,
we (hall oLfervc.the menaces against Britain frequent
ly intei fperfed with invitations to peace. While
the British Government maintains a proud and dif
tanj refei ve, repels every idea of peace, and inflex
ibly pursues tlie path of war. It the illusion of
Ijiirope iij (iii&l of Great Britain in particu
lar, as is pretended,, authorized us*o expect what
ever wc chose, ho\v happens it, that France with*
fell hefr viJtoriej has n*xi y&L been able 10 extort
f. saee ?
As to the true pofitiou ,of Frkncc, we are not
left to mere inference. A.ll the reports,
all the pnvate accounts from thence acknowl d-Je a
state of extreme cmbarraflmcn: and diliref. ; an
alai ming denngernent of the finances, and a faareity
Bot diltant from famine, To this are to be added,
» continuance of violent an 4 dteftruftive conflict of
parties, and the unextingnifhed embers of iufurrec
This fail- comparifaa of the relative fmtatiqn of
tue contending parties will, I know, be
cd as bla/.omag the and ivfuurces of Great
Britain, and depreciating-the advantages of Fiance.
But the cant phrases of party cannot alter the na-
ture of truth—nor will ih -y prevent the. people of
, the United States trom liltcning impartially to it,
or from ilifcerning that it is a mark of fidelity to
their intercfts ,to counteract wifieprrfcniarion, by
placing ta£ts fairly before them, and a dtltt which
they owe to thenlVlves, and whi.-h they cannot o
mit to pcrf.irr« ivithan't betraying their own inter
cltl, to receive diem candidly, and wei' r h th'-m ira
The roich'rvn l'g, that all those highly ch.irgei!
declamation! which dcfcribc Qrtu Britain to us at
vanquished and humbled ; as ready to pala under
the yoke a» command, and to submit to aay condi
tions whiuh w« miv think fit to preforibe, are either
the chimeras »f over-heated imaginations, or t.he
fabrication of i.npofture*; and if listened to, ran
bav« no other rffee* than to inspire a dclulire pre
lyshption,' and '« dangerous temrrity.
But to judjTe the better of the extravagance of
thjfa declamations, it will be ufeful to go back to
the periods when titc nejjticrarron and ended.
O* envoy arrived in England and entered upon the
butinefsof his mifltoa, at the moment when thcie
was a general elation m account of the naval viito
ry gaiuett by Lord Howe, and previous to those
importantfiicce(Tc9, which have terminated in the
cuiiqucll <f Holland ■, and the treaty was conclud
ed by the Qth of November last, prior to the la/l
mentionedtvent, sad to the defedtion of the king
of Pruflia. The of thing's at the time it
was in nejfctiaticih, and not at this time, is the
standard bvMflu'ch to try its merits j and it may be
observed, thit it is probable the negociation receiv
ed it? iit ft inprefilon, and even its general outline
the principal part of the disasters fuf
taiacd by thec»>alefced paweis in the course of the
lift tampaigu.
Il may not be improper to add, that if wc credit
the reprefeatatioiu of our envoy, Great Biitain
manifeftcd liirilar difoofitions with regard to the
triaty at the commencement as at the close of the
negotiation » whence it will follow, thr.t too much
hi beew attributed in this country to the victories
<f France.
The fubjeiS of the frcond article will be refuffi
cd and concluded in the next number. ,
Philadelphia, slugujl i_»
A Citizen who attended the late Tow i-Meeting
(altho he Was prevented fiora either fpeahing or vo
agreeal>ic t<» hi*. judgment,) thinks tie bat a
fiffhi to kn• 'A' the anfvkei which the Pr.-ficlent has
given to those doings. He therefore picfeiita his
■amplimentttrtthe Chairnan Dr. Shippeii;:nd dtfii es
to be liiformed why he fuppre.Tes that anfv.'er, which
report .fay* was delivered 10 him fevcial wjys ajjo.
Philadelphia, Augujl Iyh 1795.
AT a meeting at Puterfbuigh, Virginia, Au/uft
1, the I'reaty was reprobated and condemned in
a <erics of refutations, t.hich concludes with the
following i
Relolved, That the minority <«f the Senate, who
oppnfed the'' itirication of the Treaty with Great
Britain, are entitled to the thanks of their coun
try ; and tint the Senators from this Hate havejuf
niUJ tU. <t>*.fidcnce reposed in vhem by their con
Refblved, That the patriotic boldnefi.a«d. mag
nanimous independence of Sri?hens Thompson
Mason, in having. caufjd the publication of the
Treaty af®ici»id, dtfervli the molt grateful inccufe
that can be offered to mine] the praijV
«f Republieant. '
We 1. ear a veflel arrived at **c w York yefterdav
;n a (hurt pafli»jr«t frort^Eiigland.
■ The'eaSern mail did not arrive yefterdSy at Niw
York.'. The floods have been great in the eastern
States, which probidly occufioned the interruption
of the poflfc
xjefetiption of the Bank of the United Stst'es, now
■ ew&ing in third (licet, from a design by Mr.
S. Blodget.
[ 1 tie entrance to thij building ivill be by a Sight
•f ft«p» a Port two Supported by ' fijcCoJttmiis of
the Corinthian Order, of 3 i- 2 feel diameter*
to Aud in pairs at the corners, with an ii»terc >•
lumaiation for the other Columns f,f two di
ameters.; the Capital* will be th« decu
r»ti«w are to be »» plain as the rules*/ elegaat
order wilt admit*
The priicipal elevation will (te ornamented by
ten fMatteu, forming (even recefTes for the do ;r and
n'indawi; orcv which will be placed as ornaments
for the frieze, between ornamented trufles, or con
f.Hs, tliir fafcei, or live rods bound by croft fillets,
the ancient emblem of union and tttength, and in
riireffc allusion to the tire Branches of the Bank,
l'lie whole front will be of White Marble, but the
jrincipal part of the Work being plain and square,
nd theijfttcrinli colledted near at hand, it will way
ie very expienfive.
.xtrail of a letter from the ivcjlern fart tf Majfa
i -r .. i , / j 1 r
chufetts, dated 6.
" What a ftocic of enlightened wtfdom and repui
lican motleratim our brethren, in fame of the cilie
andpnporh, have exhibited ou the fubje£t of th
'1 reaty ! ! but have they not been rather over-reach
ed, by fuffcring party rage and pafHun t» operat*
so precipitately ? What honqft, candid man, bu|
mull be convmsed that it was predetermined Wv th«
without regard to it* merits or demerits T Their
piorecdingf eviiicc this so clearly, that to attempt
I further de.nonflratibn of th« fa& would ai fuperflu
otis. Ju'.i;re Diwes, in the Boflon townrmtetingn
I made an obftrvatron, that it might have been sup." l
| posed Would have can led the <wiji mass to have hung
! declamatory leaders with the blulh of fhaine. The
Judge observed that " he wanted time, and sup-
Jiofcd that other people who had no better meant of
infermaticn than Jtimftlf, wanted time also for eon
lideration." No one, poiTefied of the leatt particle
of consideration, can enteitain the idea that 14 out
of the 15 hundied Senate cf 80/ ion, had better
meant of information, or were more capable of
judging of the merits of the Treaty, than Judge
Dawe» j to fuppofc the contrary of this, would
latyrize decency 6nd common sense. It is some
confutation to the friends of order, republicanism,
a id good government, to know that the meeting in (full as it was) did not include the majori
ty of the inhabitants of the town : thirty-three
hundred have heretofore aflcmbled together on some
important occasions, where they could do it with
propriety, and c»nliftent with their refpeft for that
government which they had chosen for the protec
tion cf their rights, and riot in contra difH.nftijn to
thr power which they had veiled in their cHosen ,
rulers. ' '' j
We have receive/} nu account of the Chr.rleftown,
S.C. mn'tinw ; and while we lament that the in
fluence us Boiloii fanaticilm has extended so far, all
who have any knowledge of certain orators, an wik
linjr to gi-e full credit to theirp.ttrioufm—even sup
posing the " hen patriots" to be thousands in debt
to Jlrili/l creditors | eren supposing this to be the
f»a (I am lar from aflcrting it) why could
not as confciencioujly wi£h for a rejection of the trea
ty, and a war with Britain, as any other per font ?
Some harangue about their " refpeS and love for
the Prefideut," wlu;, if they decorated, their caatt
•wilt erupt on the event of his esit, it h shrewdly
fufpedted they would wear the garb of hypoerify.
In Charlelton, as in other places where precipi
tate and tumultuous afiembliei have been held, it
ferms that the majority or the mercantile intcicit
were in favor of the treaty."
MR. Fsnso,
I PROMISED in my preceding publication, to
fend you some obfrn'ations on the zd article of Mr.
Jay's treaty By t'tis article, the settler* and tra
ders within the or jurifdi&ion of the posts,
now held by the British within the boundary line*
of'the United States, may remove with all theif
eflefts; they may feli their lands, houses or effe&s,
or retain the property thereof, at theif discretion.
Such of them as /hall continne to reside within
those boundary lines, may remain Britilh fubje&s
if they chocfe, or become citizens of the United
States—in the latter cafe they are> bound to take
the oath of allegiance.
The enemies of the treaty have endeavored to
excite an alarm, under the pretence, that as the
limits of the precinfli or jmifdickion of those posts
are not delined, the fame may reach to vast extents
of country, throughout which are or may be plant
ed, even colonics of people devated to the interest
of Great-Britain. But nothing can be more un
The polls withheld contrary to the treatr of
peare, are two on Lake Champlain, in the Sate
of Vermont j one perhaps at Ofwegatchie ; and
those of Ofwtgo, Niagara, Detroit, and Michrti- |
All these pofls are military Jlationr, cither with
out any British settler* about them, or with but a
few families, except the poll of Detroit. DetroU
was originally "fettled by the French. The atten
tion of the inhabitants was devoted te the Indian
trade ; and consequently they cultivated very little
land. By the peace of 1763, Detioit, with all
Canada, was ceded to Great-Britain. Since that
time a few American, English, Scotch and 11 ifit
settlers and traders, have joined the old French in
habitants: but Detroit (till remains an inconsidera
ble village. The settlers within its ]urifdi£Ho» are
chiefly planted along the border of the river : but
their fettleinents are of such frnail extent, and so
little land has been cultivated, that tjriey have- not
been able to ftirnifh a surplus of provisions fuffiri
ent to feed its small garrison of two or three hun
dred men. For the consumption of these few troops
flour has bi>en Tent from the United States & Low
er Canada, and pork from Ireland.
What, then, can be the " jurifdiflion" of. this
post ? Common sense would suppose it of \ety
ftwall extent t that it was co extensive with the
settlers ; anu in the utnjoll latitude,-comprehended
no more of the land at and alxtut Detroit, than
belonged to them at the Signature of th«- treatv.
The reft of the country belongs to the Indiuns ;
who, tho' hitherto under the injlurnt <•, can in no
sense Ic said Su t« within the juKifdiaieh of Be
■ troit.
I * tuft idea of the pofEfjlc exteqt of the
I land«u pr iperty of these people, it will be neeefTi
i iy lo ircar to the treaty of peace between u* and
IG: rat- B, .turn. By that treaty, Detroit becrtnu a
| P*'l. l^e United Sta. e» ; and had wt then gained
pouenjon of it, it« Inhabitant! would doubtless have"
been confidercd as citizens. Or if any preferred,!
remaining British fubje&t, they mull have been,
debarred all ike privilege* of citizenlfcip. But wlie- ]
thcrcttizcntor British fubje&s, the treaty of peace
fecared to them all their landed and other property :
and .Mr. Jay's treaty doc* no mui*. Will it be
laid that since the treaty of peaee they may have
purchased immense traces of land of the Indians,
that these also will be held under Mr. Jay's
1 he idea it perfectly groundless.
firfl article ®f the treaty of peace, Oreflt-
Britain cedes and relinquishes totlie United States,
" all claim to the government proprietary and ter
ritorial rights or the fame, and-every part" thereof;
confcquemly, the land* of the British fubjecls with
in the precirnfis or jurifdiflion of Detroit, and auv
other British pests within the territory of the Unit
ed States, can l>* of no greater extent noi», than
they were at the treaty of peace. If the king of
Great Britain, or any of hi* porcrnors or offircrs,
have lincc, made grants of lands within the boun
daries of the United Statet, (a thing not proba
ble) Inch grants are mere nullities. The land* fe
attempted to be granted, being by that treaty the
aSfohite property of the United States, the Bruiih
fubje&s could not afterwards acquire any property
in them ; and consequently they cainiul hu'.u tlum
by Mr. Jay's treaty.
One word concerning the inhabitants of Detroit.
1 hejr are .chiefly br nch, with whom it in to be
prtlutned we fliall fi;,d no difficulty in fraternizing ;
and of the others, whether o.iginally Americans or
English, Scotch or Iri'h, many, and probably the
majority, arc already well disposed towards the
United States, and eager to enjoy all the advar
tages of our free government and citizenfliip. The
relidne can be hut a iiniii remnant : forne of them
tr.ay ptrhaps cross over to the Britirti fide of the
line ; and others remain for the pnrpofes of trade
at Detroit. These cannot poffihlv excite uneaii
ness, any more than the Bn'iifti fji.jech, whom,
tor like purpofc, we freely admit into all our j
seaports. I
P!iih«k'phia, Anfrtift 1797.
Si* jwr - -
Three per - ■
Deferred Sii per Cent,
&ANS United States, » - *
— North - - .
— Pc»nfylvaniu, - - i
Inibraßce CoKTAjtv North America, 30
-Pcimfylvmia.flßt. off] 6
NEWARK, August I2r
I The late irefhet has been ttuparaleled within the
memory of the oldest man living in these pan* <»f
the ftatt. So greet a fall of rain within so rtiort a
space of time at happened on Monday the 3d iutt.
hai periapt fcldo.n been known at any feafou of the
year, but never been 1 ecollei&ed at the prcfent;—
T he rife of the river P&Haick was fodder, owing no
doubt to the bursting of the dami of tbe large mill
pondt in Morrit county.
At Patterfoa the overflowing of the river below
the fa!l» was not as progressive as in former frefhett,
but almost inllantaneout—the greatest height of the
river hat exceeded any former frefliett witliia the
memory of the oldest iultabitant by feveii inches.—
The rapidity of the cuirent preveated the flood from
making at the mouth of the river for fix day«, and
the navigatien wag for fomc time impeded. It it
impoflible to ascertain or estimate the damage that
list been sustained. Some thousand tons of hay have
been either totally swept away by the current 01 des
troyed by the mud deposited in the meadow grounds.
Timber and (laves, and fencing duff along the mar
gin of thf PafTaick, have been floated off in immense
quantities. Many Farmert along the low landt,
j.ave not only loft all their hav, but likewise their
wheat, rye and oatt, "and buckwheat in the field.
•What with the loss of the farmert and injury done
to mill seat f, forges, &c. the total damage in these
partt may not be computed at left than One Hundred \
Thtufand Pounds.
During thisbreaking up of the foMntains of heaven
the falls at Paterfon prefentcd an objedl truly grand
and teriific—l lie column of water above the 'falls
rose at lead twelve feet perpendicular higher than
the common level of the Hver—the prcflure of this
raft body to find vent, afforded to the fpe&ator a
picture of the force and power of water not often
presented—the river not only overflowed its usual
boundaries, but at this place"overshot a large pro
portion of the raft chasm between the ilupendous
walls os-rock, which form the Falls, and the waters
returning on the opposite fide, united again midway
i» one vast cataract of boiling foam.
The descent of the river was so much fafter than
the probability of finding a »eiu, that the b;tfon at
the foot of the falls was raised at lead 15 or 20
feet above the common level, and the water in the
chasm perhaps 10 or 15 feet abovethe bason, so that
at the juncture the height of the fall did not -appear
above 15 feet. Whereas in common times it exceeds
50. The sheet of water was alio very much enlarg
ed, ex'eriding to the e:iftward, and pouring over the
perpendicular wall in that part, at lealt 100 feet
wider than usual. The river abovethe falls also
presented a very unuiual fighi, appearing, a. it were
pent up aboul jo yards front the chasm and fwcl
ling above that part of the water about io feet,
from whence it began to defccnd in one immense
body, rolling with redoubled impettioufity to the
brink of the precipice, where, concentering all its
' r precipitated itfelfinto the abyss beneath in
oi. t aitouifliing whirlpool of foam, cairying along
with it wh»>e trees, timber, and the ravages of tiic
long c«arle of the waters fr«m above.
The spray occasioned by the falls precipitated in
a tonent of rain, and the beautiful phenomenon of
the rainbow, was to be fcen in its fuileft splendor.
Below the bsfon of the falls the river tumbled for
ward ov*r the b<;d of rocks in an extenlive sheet of
water and foam, burying in its progrcft the iftand
above tbe h),Jgc-r-tt nearly overflowed the latter,
wM-ch i».;aifc<latlealt 14 ieet above the bed ofihe
•rirwv' The low lands on each fide of the Pf.flki-k,
J from its fouree to in mouth were overflowed in fuck
manner aa .rendered all travelling klong the post
wad from this t»wn imprafti.-Hbl,; f or f„„ iC |vs>
The water began to rife with the greatest forte on
luefday, and were xearly. liatiouary all Wedr.efdar
on Thurfcliy they began ty abate and fell a!>out
011 Friday more cotiiidernbly, hilt the
rivcrdid not return to its usual coiifures until Mohi
d»y Sail. w , ,
Amiftft a!] the diftreffe? orcrTiiine ! hy the
wcare hap;, y talearr- that the works- of the wa'ntt
factunng focietv at Paterfon have futfaiiird ljtr! e 0 f
no damage, exceptthe printing n iil m,Una's,
winch have hern !. , As the wj.
lm have fi.i>Med, _\ve have great - ca f an j 0 f<l)|r *
vciy lick'y aii!f!wit in e.;nfcqnrm,e <>f tfs r txim'ai on
anfing- from the putrefactive dt-jjoJit, w f the fre». cl «
I'-vcry timely precsutiori vUtflit-I<> i* e-xrrted to
drain off, where {joflibk, tiny iiajjoant na-Vrs and
remove dead careafcsof aahn-tls ai,d I, fa or other
putieft'cfit mat ten • . .
Calvary. ; ■
Or, Th DEATH if C'tßi-T.;
A IV'I'M ) tf- F»1 NT' [ r,(i KO.
Soch (icrfons S k .arc4i!il m po;Vr«i,n of S„b;c,
Papers for t>; c»V ork,.aVc-, t ipr/Un-iy r.-iw.'lul
£ ° ' Vrt " tUd iunr. No. , 4
North , . . "
Livf OH hard,
A.Co»e«inu of vahiah!? flock, of :*,s t . an.-" h"1
K Jitiom ; aifo,. a'variftv of. B l*-V*i«Vr«"
*«"• by the Groii, IW., or Single. "' '
Auyoii ii. *"
5 Certificates of the FlMetl T).c>i; of
A -the United stvr:, LTued som th Office of the
Regilter of the TVeafrtqy of tli- &ld United States,
mthe name of Patrick Hi »tfy of Wit. •
ko, 8819, 8S;o, J—J 8811, dated 7 th, r 794,
•or Four J ftpuiand t>oliars«ach, of the Fumi*d three
per Cent. Debt, have been loit at Sea, and a-iplkarioil
" '"tfnded to he made for the Renewal of the laid■
Certificates at the Office of the Treasury of the fail.
I 'mted States, of which all pcrfons concerned art; dc
fired to takenntir^.
K a.
Ne. 60 South Second Jlreety
The Curious Prophecies of
CON TAINIXG grcit and remirkiUe Uunn/not reYcal
e.-. to »ny other person on eirth. °
Thii work i? interring to ercrj oEj
Aupji 14
- - W
- - 11y
.?.? pr. Csiii
50 -
.. _ t . y*ft PuMifiu,
By At. Cjrev, No. 11 y Market urest
r,lr'. 4,8,
The T R E A T Y,
AORKED upon by Mr. Jay ana Lord Crciiv'lle 1 tt
whlco naddeX, a copious appfii<ji«, containing,
1. Loiter from Mr. Je.lsrf«,u to Mr. Hammond. ■»
2. Motion of J/r. J!ur r .
3. Motion ut Mr. Tazewell.
4. I i«aty of Amity and Commerce between France and
t.i« United .Statei.
5. liraty of Alliance boeween dj
6 Infinitive Treaty between Great Br.!.•.;« arid tin Uni
ted State«.
7. Ctnftitution of the United States
8. Kiplmution of ths fitiaium of Mr. Jav'„ traci*
, 9. "Features of Mr. Jay'. Treat*.
10 View ot the commerce of tlit United State*, as i'
f;and».it present, and ai it u filed by Mr. Jay'.tr. u:».
11. Refnlutiont of :li£ citizens of Br,Son.
12, Addreli of tiie citiaeni ot I'ortfinoßth,
l.\. Rcfolutient of the citi*en»of New ¥(>;k.
14. Memorial of the citizens of Philadelphia.
15* Report of the Charleston comrcittce.
16. Refoluti«n> «f the Juitices of Norfolk..
17. Refutations of the citiaeM of Balti-nore
18. New Jtrl'ey petition.
iB. Hcfohuiofis us t£e citizens of Tren^oK.
20, Resolutions of the citizens of .Fkmmgtofe
21. Address of the merchants of New York.
23. Resolutions of the New York ehamher of
23. Ohforvaiiuns oa the eatent of the Pielidiut's power
with to tteatics. '•
44. Curtius » TinJicaiioh of Mr. Jay's treaty, it fwslire
numbers. -
IS' Britiih proclanaafion, Novefnbcr 6th 1793.
26. Ditto . ditto JanuarY *79-J*
27. L«rdDorchetler's reply to the Indian*.
rul refolutiom moved for by Mr. Madison
28. Mr. Dayton'srefolu ion for the fequdlrition of £n
tifh property,
3° RtfolutioHs moved for by Mr. GUrke, f»i
with Britain '
Auguft_i 4
yusf 'published,
By FX A CIS & ROBERT BAII.FX, v.-f to he f>W fc
their Boekftore, No. ii6Higa fireet, in a by the -r<n
cipil Primcra and Booki'ellcr. throsighout ti.t uinut
A Revealed Knowledge of the Prophed»-
and Times,
I Particularly of the prefcnt time, the prefer.t war, aai*
' the prophecy now fulfilling. Contain;;:-, xtitn othcr'erstt
and remarkable things Oot revealed to any otlu perfou
Earth, thefudden andperpetual kaii, of tlicTvuKis* r.r.t-
MA.f aud RUSSIAN cmpiio, Wrote under the
of the Lord God, and paolifced by his I'acred command •
it being a l'ccood figu at Warning f«r tiu benefit of *11 ua
tioru ; by the mail that will be reeled t» tl« Hebrews is
tUil- Prince arid Ptoph«. The year of the World ;g;
I FRQSi the JoHmtnjt E rtmfli the SMc aili ic entliej to f[, rvt t
judgment of thii weik.
" A man that hut b«<.-n an officer in the Nivy, wh< fe iow.
mediate ameftors have been Jeparat, d from the Jcw.» for
such a sacGderable Ungth ef time ui te m«.Vc thru turgn
they ever belonged to the, si ch a man lieclaringhim.
felf openly t<( the world a prophet of God, the
princs allotted to order the sudden return as the Hebrew*
from all nations and govern th'.-jn ift the had of-f fo<;l, will
■with some reason I allow, excitc both. ailor.ifhniciit aif
doubt; but from the multiplimj receded t?';t::noni-3j
produce, wj.i ;h no othi-f »n earth can, it ought rot to an.,
vail with any perforin a just objeitiM agaiu 11 iieliuvJua
what I write "
" The prophet Dane', chapter 8, ' *erftit Arid fear ,
gr -at beast» «*me up from the fen, d&ereat frera out
ther. 4. The vriti like p Lias, and- it E*»le'«
winjjc f beheld"tiUth? wings w-ere plucked, t<rhiaj it
was, lifted up «n the Earth, and made to liaftd un die feet
a» a,»iajo: atii » he«t w«» jjivfta to it. )
Is tuzu in ihe Pref;.:,
And will lefM'M with nitp, t %
A "?" n M $6v>
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