Number 915.] $Sr FREIGHT; CHARTER »r SALE, J"""** 1 The Shi? life AM E R : AN, At Mr. Nlx'tir s Wharf \ r-pHE ship will take a Freight to any of the Windward JL Iflandsor Etirope, if one offers soon, as she is now ready to take in. She is in complete 9rder, and has good accommodations for passengers. For particulars apply to Jehu Hollingfworth & Co. WHO HAVE FOR SALE, A Few Puncheons of Excellent Rum,. By the above skip, one of which is old. July 17 F R I E T N'D°S H I P, BUK.I HiiN thirty five tons ; built in North Carolina, of Live Oak and Cedar, seven years old and pretty well found. For terms appiy to Joseph Anthony if Son 6 j-—- Fcr SALE or CHARTER, Tb e Ship IiSS!S. P E VA NIA, BURTHEN 3400 Bbls. Flour—compleatly found, and may befent to sea nt a small expence. For terms apply to GURNET fcf SMITH. WHO HAVE FOR SALE, A Quantity of Excellent BourJcauK Claret in calks and Brandy in Pipes and Butts. July 16 5 HAMBURGH, FOR j-—- The Ship ADRIANA, Captain Samuel Cljpp, Will receive Freight, ( part of which engaged) for Hamburgh, and is »-»-to foil as soon as (he is discharged, and can be loaded. PafTengers that purpose to go to England, 2re to be Ijntted at Deal or Dover, the Ship having good ac commodations, being lately enlarged for this purpose in'on. For freight o r pafTage enquire of Ralph Mather, Jjilv tj. Maryland and Virginia TOBACCO, C\F a ftiperi'or cpuHiy. part of which i« Kitefoot, and } particularly adapted for the aianufa&urers, or for the Holland or market. 500 Hogshead? rr-.'dy so he dHivered on i/oard a vcffbi in Chcfapeake Bay, for file by Georgfe Sibbald, A'o. 1"O iouth Front jirct'.. July 24 5000Q lb. of Kirjl Quality Green Coffee WILL be Landed on Monday, the 20th inft. ©n Mess. Willing!! and Francis's Wharf, from on board the Schooner Delight, Ayres JVlafter, from St. Do mingo, for sale by LEVfNOS CLARKSON 7"'y is i Now Landing, cargoes of the trigs Weft-Indian and Bet&y&Pol- X ly from Jamaica : ;: * Coffee in hh3 Or-Pt. I,H iV lJ /A G, FROM on bpard the brig Eagle, Capt. Dewar, and Sloop George. Chapman, from Port aw Prince, at Hamilton's wharf, ' >. C llOg&R?.ds, Mufeovado. SUGAR, in ) tierces, & ' £ barrels, r liogfheads, \ tierces, j barrels, 8c C. ba e s - S bales, & v I packet., For /ale by COFFEE, m COTTON, In No. J 70 South Front Jlreet. August $ : § TO BE SOLD, , A Lot, containing about seventeen acres, on the WifTahickon road, 4 miles, from the city,and dire&ly opposite to the houle of Mr.lfaac Wharton. A Lot, containing 10 acres, in I fling ton Lane, on said road, near the estate of Jasper Moylan, Efa. A Lot, containing 10 acres in Turner's Lane, 011 said joad, and dire&ly «ppofite to the estate of Mr/Tcrnant. Enquire of joseph Redman, Woodstock corner of Tur ner's Lane. Apifl 6 No. 71, Race-Street. A^LSO, For sale by Peter Blight. II Tor SALE, t he SCHOONER -§ lot George Sibbald, fptitife FOR SALE by the Subscribers, at their Store on IVa/nutJireet Wharf, 26 Hhds. 33 Barrels and > Hi r paniola COFFEE, lately arrived 54 0 Bags J Who bane also on bandy Red Port Win£, in Pipes and Hogftieads Mountain Wine Wine, in Qr. casks 2© Tons Brimstone Nails aborted Sail Castas, N 9 . I& 7 and A few gentleman's liandfome Saddles J' d y 2 i JAMES TIFFIN, No. 70. South Second-/}reety near the City Tavern, HAS just opened and for Sale, an Assortment of La dies' and Gentlemen'* Fafhioriable HATS, from London. AL r \> a variety of Children's Hats of differ ent Colours. N. B. A Man or two as finifhers in the above business, well recommended, will meet with oonftajit employ and good encouragement. June 6. d LAN-DING■, from on board known long the name of the Grcrn Tree IVater. As there are several elegant Rooms, iufficiently large to accommodatc any Society or company of gentlemen, and frotn his Well known abilities topleafe in the line bf hisbufinefs, he flatters himfeif with a continuance of that patronage which he has experienced since he firft opened a Public House in this City, and, for which he begs leave to make a public acknowledgment. For the accommodation of £mall Parties, the Large Coffee Room on the ground floor is conveniently fitted *ip with a number of Boxes, conftna&ed in fucli a man ner as to admit Gentlemen to be as private as they pleafc— .Where 'may be had, at any hour, Soups, Beef-Steaks, Relives, &c. &c. He has on hand, and will keep a constants upply of Spi rituous and Malt Liquors, and of the best qualities. Breakfafts provided—Also Dinners and Suppers cook ed in the most approved manner,at a Ihort notice, andPaf try of all forts, made to order, in the House, or to fend out at anv hour. He has several wcJJ furn>fhcd Bed Chambers, for Board ers andLodgors, by the Week, month, or /ear. SAMUEL FRAUNCFS. • epdtf June 2. FRIDAT EVENING, AUGUST. 14, 1-795. Philip Nicklin & Liverpool / ) Sweet Oil in Quart Settles, and Cases of 30 bottles Clayed Sugars in hhds. entitled to Drawback 2000 Bajbels bejlLiverpool blond Salt ✓now aiiout, will be Sold cheap from on board the veiTei. Levinus Clarkfon, No. 216 South Water ftreec. ]' !■/ * The highefl price in Cash, will be givdfh for EMPTY BOTTLES, A preference will be given to, Claret Bottles.—Apply to No. 187, south Third-ltreet. Aprii 10. Few Pipes Port Of a Superior Quality, Now landing at Pme-Streit Wharf, For sale by William & Samuel Keith," No. »79, South Front-Sfeet. July 14 BROKE out of the piflure of John De Grulhe, the comer of Eleventh and Spruce Streets, about the Bth instant, two Mares ; one an iron-grey, about 14 and 3-4 hands high, the legs of which have been much in ■ jured by the flies. The other 1 small Bay, low in flefh, about 14 hands high j legs also injured by the flies. — Whoever has taken up the said Mares, and will return them as above, Dull be rewarded and all rcafonablt charges paid. , July 21 Fresh T E A S, Of Superior Quality, viz. Imperial, or Gunpowder Hyson Gomee, 1 ft quality Hyson, 2 d. do. uo. Young Hyion, '■ Hyion Skin, and Souchong. A few Bixcs of each, for fait at No. 19, Third Street, South. Dec IC. C-VVES Nof CLEJV.TM A Moral Tale. JttJl Publifhml —Price 50 Cents, And for sale at WILLI J M W. WOODWARD'S Printing Office, A'o. 16, Green fgn oj Franklin's Heady Chefitut Street. HAVING removed to the above-mentioned place from No. 36. Booksellers can be supplied with a number of New Publications on the most reasonable terms. ' Received, price 80 cents, THOUGHTS ON DIVINE GOODNESS, Relative to the government of mo«son, has on hand a few copies of this valuable work, to be disposed of, at one hundred and ten dollars, thefet of 18 vohunei, the whole money to be paid on de livering the volumes now ready, and the remainder of the work to be funiifhed to the ordir of the purchufer, when ready; without further chrrge. The sale will continue for three months on these terms, if any copies fiiould then remain uiiiold, the prite will be encreafed -.en dollars. 4 LANDING, l?rt, ;bo . ftrv-et. This lot extends 110 Feet ijrr cjepth and ha> vilege Of a nine feet a!!ey from Gilbert llreet th length -> r the lot, and of a3O feet fq'.are court so ges to turn in. This last building is not fratfted in the inside, and miy he made either into one or two houses—it will anfwtr for stay Urge manufa&ory. The whole clear of ground rent or "any incumbrance For terms apply at No. fli Chefnut street, dugujl 1 City Scheme of the Lottery, No r s r the Improvement of The FEDERAL CITY. I A munificent V 20,0c0 Dollars, and dwelling houle, > caih are j dit*o 1 5,000 & ca 1 !: 95,000 X' dt'*o 15.000 —- & cath 5,000 j CalV> p»i«ef>| £ .into lO d:*to ao oe» diito coo ci'.io di'.io 1 ,oco dinrt i 5,000 dm? 16,7jc) Fmei 33.261 Kiaukj jojoc-o ai 3 dollars Thu Lottery will afford an elegurt? fpecimtn ofYhg private buildings to be ereftcd in the Cuv of —Two i»,eautilul are already felc &ed for the entire fronu on two of the public squares ; from tliefe draw ings, it is proposed to ere£l two centre and tour corner buildings, as soon as poflible after this Loitety is fold, and to convey them when complete, to the fortunate adventur ers, in the manner defer ibed in the fehemc for the Hotel Loitery.. A nctt deduction o? five per cent, w ill be made to defray the expehccs of printing, &c. and the fui plus will be made a pari of the fund intended for the National I'niverfity, to be ere&ed within the City of Wafhjngton. tf., (PT The drawing will commence as soon as the Ticket* are fold off. * The money will be payable in thirty da-y& after ii is fixnfhcd, and any prizes for which fortunate numbers are not produced within twelve months after the*}fjr.vinc; is closed are to be confidcicd as given towards {he fund for the University, it b ing determin ed to feule the whole business in a year from the endOis of the fi^ik < ;>. I' • in l ■i a. and are 01 more > he-11 il 11! vh : elil m ">t of the Lottery The twenty four gentlemen who by appointment of the larte Commiliioners aflifted in the management of t:i ". Hotel Lottery are requested to undertake this arduous talk a second time on behalf of the public ; a fufricient qum her of thrfc having kindly accepted, it is hoped that the friends to a National University and the other federal ob jeitsmay continue to favor the design. The fyxopfis of one of the Colleges, to form a branch of the National Institution, is already in the press, and will be speedily pablifhed, together with its constitution. A compleatv I'lan of the whols of this Important tnftitution, compiled from a felejtion of the be ft materi als, ancient and modern, will be fubmktcd to the public whenever the fame may have gone through f*ch rc .iuOns as may be ncccffary to eftablHh the perfect Confidence and general approbation, so essential to its prcfent, rife and fu ture eiiftencefor the general goed of Amerisa. By accounts received from jhe dnlerent parts of the Continent as well as .from Europe, where the tickets have been sent for fal£, the public are alTared" that the drawing will speedily commence, and that the and caution unavoidably necefiary a iafe disposal of has rendered the lftor: fufpeafion indifpenfabls Februarj # 14, 1795, *** Tickets may be hao' ai the bank, ol Columbia; of James Welt Sc Co. Baltimore .or Gideon Denifooj Savannah, of Peer Oilman, Boston ; of John Hopkirif Richmond : and of Richard Wells, Cooper's fcrfv Aug 30 Department of iVtir, July it, 1795, Information is hereby given, To a!' the Military Invalids of trie United .States that t'lf furr.s to which ihey are entitled for fix months of th':r annual pehfion, from the 4th of Marc! , 1795, ami which will become due 0:1 the fifth of September next, \vi,l bo paid on thar day by the Conmiiilioncrs of Loans, under the uluoi regulations. Applications of executors and administrators mnft l,e accompanied with Legal Evidence of their refpe.Aive 'ap pointments, and ef the time of the of the invalids whose penfiolls they may daiiii. HereafVr, all Invalids on the panfioh t /l are to apply to the rcfpeCtiveLoan Offices fqr their pensions on the filth of March and September in erery year withouffurther notice. By Order of the Prejident of the United States, 'i imotby. t Pickerir.™, Secretary of t&f6- July 21 FOR SALE, A very valuable ESTATE, Called Tivittrnham. 'if SITUATE in t'-e toicnJh':p of Ufptr Derby, artel coy:Us f c~.d tt/jef buildings; a Sfnoh-Houfe and Jhnc Spring Hc.fe ; rrood Apple- Orel>ards, and one of Fedcbjs, t 'Ji>e Fields are alt in | Clover, cxcepi ihofe immediately under tillage, and are so hiid j out as to have the advantage of Water in each cf than, | renders it peculiarly convenient for . Grazing. 'The Jituation is pleafaiit atid healthy, and from the hi eh euifi* nation of the Land, the good neighborhood, and the •vianity to thsti ty t it is very fuiiahh for a Gentleman: Country Seat. 7be foregoing is part of ihe Efate »f Hat ma\ decccfed, qtidoffered for sale by 4, *79 * J! [i-C> of VVafningtbn. 50,000 40,00 a 30,000 fcO.COO 10,000 10,000 s.Co® '•ach, ar * ,oco J o,oc Q 1 0,000 IO ? OOQ 10,000 1 0,Oo»> i0,a03 20, pDO i^^C9o 400,000 SAMUEL BLODGET. M ORDECAI LEW 13 SurvG&Lng Mxccutcr« •V >e k, tfc „ott . vs.: '•.Oft V S r XV 19 the Wots * Kn Jo Ei ifch ~ .V :r ;i' ' t§t 0,000 codtf nff