Gazette of the United States. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1795-1796, August 13, 1795, Image 1

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    Number 914.]
At Mrt fjJxQrf j mart
r !~*H£ ship will take a Freight to any of the iVittdvari
- JL Islands or Europe, if one oifers footij as (He h now
ready to take in. She is in complete order, and bas good
accomniodati«ns for palfsngers. Fbr particulars apply to
Jehu Holiingfwortfr & Co.
A Few Puncheons of Excellent Rum,
By the above skip, otic of which it aid.
Tufy if
BURTHEN thirty five tons ; built in North Carolina,
of Liye Oik and Cedar, f:vcn years old and pretty
well found. For terms apply to
Jofepk Anthony & Son.
Jr-* For SALE or CHAISE R,
The Snip
BURTHEN 3400 Bblt. Flour—camplaatly found, and
may be sent to sea *t x fmill expcncc.
For terms apply to GUR NET is* SMITH.
A Quantity of Excellent ftoucdeiuix Claret in cufes and
Brandy in Pipes ami Butti.
July 16 §
Captain Samuel Cl.ipp,
Will receive Freight, (part of which
fefc '* engaged ) for Hamburgh, and is
«i?KU';.3SiE4s-5 to tail a3 loon as she is dilcharged,
ami can be loaded
Paflengers that purpose to go to England, are to be
landed ?,t Deal or Dover, the Ship having good ac
rommodatiojis, being lately enlarged for thw purpol'e
in Loio'en. For freight or iwffage enquire of
Ral?h Mather,
No. 71, Race-Street.
300 lihds. Maryland and Virginia
OF a fuprrior quality. part of which it KitefeOt, and
particularly adapted for the xxianufadi uteri, or for the
Holland or Hamburgh market.
.joo Hogsheads readfto be drj-rered on board a veflel in
Chclapcake for fal;i by
George Sibbald,
No. 17a Siuib FrontJiri'tt.
' §
July 24
50000 lb. of Firji S>jialtty Greth Coffee
WILL be Landed on Monday, the 20th inft. on Mtff,
Willings and Francis's Wharf, from on board the
Schooner Delight, Ayret. St»kfly, Mailer, from St. Do
mingo, for sale by LEVINUS CLARKSON
7*b 18 $
Now Landing,
r T , HE cargoes of the brigs Weft-Indian sod Betijj'&Poi-
X ly from Jamaica :
Cofiqe iu lilulf. and barrels
in hStds
Rum, high proof, and
36 bags Pimento.
A Quantity of Coffee iir Hhds. Barrels and Ba*s
Sagar in Hluls ") r . in Bags j For
Brandy, Ift and 4th proof
irhcrry Wine, &c
J"'-y 31
' For SALE, ■
1 he Sc HOO N Ft I
AN American built veflli, burthen about 800 bbls. of
Flour* <uid well found—For terms &{ oly to tbc cap
tain on board at the fubicriber's wharf, or tf»
lt"ho has for Salt, imported in said Scbotner,
St. Croix Rum and Sugar, in Hhds.
- and barrels, Coffee, &c.
A ugujl 10
Came to the Stable of the Subscriber,
IAST evwiing, a BlaA Ma.c, with a little white on
j her off hind foot, and the head still a bridle on
>er head. Whoever owns the said mare (hall have her by
paying for this advertisement. GEORGE GREEN,
4uj4- TO
on board the brig Eagle, Capt. Dewar, and
Sloop Ocoi'jv. Capt. Chapman, froia Port au Prince,
at Hamilton's wharf,
Mufcovatlo- SUGAR, in
A Lot, containing about seventeen
acres, oil the Wiflahickon road, 4 miles, trom the ci»y,and
dire<sUy opposite to the houie of Mr.lfaac W harton.
A Lot, containing 10 acres, in Islington Lane, on said
road, near the estate of Jafoer Moylan, Esq.
A Lo:, containing 10 acres in Turner's Lane, on said
road, and dire&ly opposite to the estate of Mr. Ternant.
Enquire of Joseph Redman, Woodstock comer of Tur
ner's .Lane.
April 6.
The Shi?
For file by
Peter Blight.
§ let
No. I 23 Pine ilreet.
C hogsheads,
(_ barrels.
(' hogsheads,
N tierces,
"S barrels, &
(_ bags.
( bales, &
\ packets,
For sale by
George Sibbald,
No. 170 South FrontJirtet.
FOR SALE by the Sulfcribers, at their Store on
WalnutJlreet Wharf,
36 Hhds. ~S
3:i Barrels and yHlfpaniola COFFEE, lately arrived
540 Bags 3
Who ha-ur.alfi ott imnd,
RciVPort Witve, in. Pipes, aa4 Hotheads
Mountain Wipe Wine, is Qr. caflcj
so Tons Brimstone
N*aib sUorted'
Sail Canvas, N°.' I i f and
A few gentloraen's haodforac Saddles
Philip Nicklin & Co.
Nn. 7Q t South Second-Jlrecty near the City Tavern,
HAS jiift opeilcd and for Sale, an Assortment of La
dies' aad Gentlemen's
Faihionabie HATS,
from London. Also a virietjr of Children's Hats of differ
ent Colours.
N. B. A Man ofc two as finlfhcrs in the above business,
well recommended, will ivueec with oonftant employ and
good eaeouragement.
June 6. 4
LANDING, from an hoard the Ship Charlotte,
Capi. J na. Bowers y from Bottrdeaux,
3a Pjpes Brandy
10 'I ons Claret
No. an South Front; near Pine (traet.
3300 cafe* of 30 & 50 bottles, Choice Old Claret
600 hogXhcads ditto
A Quantity of Annifcod
Noyaux Liqueurs aad
In Bath County, Virginia,
. Acres of Good Land.
WHEREON are the Hot Springs, il'bicb are from JO to
110 degrees of heat. There is on the said land a hand
some and commodious hoitfe twoJtories high, 60 by 30 feet, 'with a
portico the fill length of th? house, and extending to the upper fory,
arrJ- other mccffary houses fit for * Publh House, for ivhich * they
ivere intended; good houses are over federal of the baths, with
pzveating rooms* There arc adjacent ther do, ttvo remarkable cold
rprings of well tajled lime-Hone ivuter, Thcfe baths are a fpecifc
tor the mofl ob/finatr rheumatic and all other difeyfes originating from
aide or obfitufted perforations, and gives great relitf in- thegout ;
they have effefltd 'wonderful cures in various difafes incident to the
ladies ; they have this spring made a peifefil cure of a difeaje on a
IVijt-Indian resembling the leprosy, and ere remarkable for the
cure of -whitefweHingt, contra Sled nerves, and many other difeaf
-lire tso objlimrtz to be ejfefted by medicine.
There is neir thefaid Baths ,
A new Saw-Mill eredled, and a Race
dug from thence, to build a Manufacturing Mill, 'which reclaims
about 30 acres of as rich Meadow hand us any upon tlte Continent,
and y:ay be -watered every night, and the hay made thereon frJls at
Iwell as any tb*it is made near any city or toiun •within the United
Theproprietors of the zbtve property 'Will treat for the fame on
the prtvnjriy at any time ietiueen the lOth of August and the 20th
of September ; they toill also ftil Valuable Laiul for ttv* or three
Farms ttear the. said Springs, and if the J,aid Load and Houses at
the springs are not fold, they iwill (fc rented.
N". B. Good aceoTr.mcdations are provided at the abrve firings
for ladies and gentlemen this season, which from experience is found
leji to conur.encc in 'June, and end the frji of QEither.
July 14
American Landscapes.
T went\-Four VIE VV S,
SELECTED from the moll striking and intereftmg
Profpe£ls in the United States ; each ®f which
Vie\ta, will be accompanied with a descriptive account
ofitsLocil, Historical, and other Incidental Peculiarities
Anther of the " il/unajiic Remains arret Ancient Gaftles in Great
I. That the work ihall be publifhcd by Subscription; and
that each Subfcribcr (ball engage to take the whole set
of Views, and fliall pay for each engraving, if tlauk or
brawn, 1 Dollars ; and if coloured 5 Dollars.
11. That thtdimenfions of cach'engraving fball be i 4 by 17
inches, executed in aquatins», and published upon paper
of a superior quality. The publication to commence im
mediately ; and onrf engraving to be delivered to the Sub-
feribers, on the firft Monday of each succeeding month,
until the proposed scries be finally comple^d.
HI. That with the last View of the series, fiiall be deli
vered an engraved title-page ; an, elegant ufcara&eiiftic
vignette: a map of the route, connected with the prof
pcits exhibited in the the caurfe of the Work; and an
Alphabetical lift'of the Subfcribere,
Subscriptions are received by Mr. Harrifo'n, at hit Print
{hop, Maiden lane, New-York, by Mr. Carey, Book-fell
er, No. 118, Market llreet, Philadelphia, and by all the
principal Book-fellers in the United States.
February 18
Fraunces's Tavern.
No. 59 South Water Street.
' J HE Stibfcriber rcfpe&fully begs leave to inform his
1 friends and the public in general, thathe has remov
ed from No. 166 feuthud Street, to that large, commo-
Uiims, House in Water Street, between Che&nit and Walnut
Streets, lately occupied by Mr. Isaac HazUkutjl, and, on
which he has fparei no pains orcxpenfe, to make it can
venient and agreeable for the receptio.. of gentlemen. The
Heufe being Stuated on the fame spot where the noted Beef
Steak 3nd Punch house formerly stood, has the advantage
«f the best water in this city, known long fuace by the nam#
of the- Green Tree Water. As there are several elegant
Rooms, fui'iicicntly large to accommodate any Society or
company of gentlemen, and from his well known abilities
topleafe in the fine of his business, he flatters himfelf with
a continuance of that patronage which' he has experienced
finca he firft opened a Public HoGfe in this -City, and, for
which he.hegs leave to make a public acknowledgment.
For the accommodation of Small Parties, the Large
Coffee Room ®n the ground floor is conveniently fitted
up with a number of Boxes, conferH&ey in such a man
ner as to admit Gentlemen to beas private as they pluale—
Where may be had, at any hour, Soups, Beei-Stsaks,
Relishes, £cc. ,&c.
He has on hand, and tvjH kc#p a constants upply of Spi
rituous and Malt Liquors, and of the belt qualities.
Brcakfafts provided—Also Dinners and Suppers cook
sd in thS-moft approved manner, at a flrort no;i:e, andPaf
try of all forts, made to order, in the House, or to fend
out at any hoar.
He has several well fumifiied Bed Chambers, for Board
ers and Lodgers, by the Week, month, er year.
eoatf -
' June a.
For sale lit
(Via inn al.o,
For Sale by the Subscriber,
A few hundred, barrels rf Prime Herrings fit for Eiper,
70,00# rb. Green Coffee in hhds. "barrels and bags
Port Wme in pipes
Madeira in d-o. hhds. and quarter calks
.Teneriffc in Ditto
Malaga in quarter cases
Jamaica Spirits in hhtis.
New England Rum in ditto
Holland Gin
Hyson *\
ttyfon Gomee (
Souchong2»d (
Bshea )
Turk's I (land and
Sweet Oil in Quart Bottles, and Caff, of jo bottles
Clayed Sugars in hhds. entitled to Drawback
2000 Bu/bels bejlLiverpool blond Salt
now afloat, will be Sold cheap from «n board the vcflcl.
Levinus Clarkfon,
No. 116 3outh WateT ftrect.
J U >T '
The highest price in Cash, will be given for
A preference will be given tty Claret Bottles.—Apply to
No. 187, south Third-street.
Afri 10.
Few Pipes Port
Or a Superior futility,
Now binding at Piue-Stre»t Wharf,
William & Samuel Keith,
Np. *79, South Front-S(r«t.
July 16
Jnly 14.
BROKE oit of the p»fturc of John De Grufhe, the
corner of Eleventh and Spruce StrecH, ""about the
Bth instant, two Mares ; one an iron-grey, about 14 and
3-4 hands high, the legs of which have been much in
jured by the flies. The other i small Bay, low in flefk,
al>out 14 hands high ; legs also injurad by the flics.—
Whoever has taken up the said Mares, and will return
them as above, fliall be rewarded and all reafonabie
charges paid.
July 21
Of Superior Quauty, viz.
Imperial, or Gunpowder
Hyson Gomee,
ill quality Hyson,
2(l* do. uo.
Young Hyion,
Hylon Skin, and
/I few Boxes tf each, for fait at
No. 19, Third Street, South.
Dec Ic. eodlf
Cavern of Death —A Moral Talc.
JuJl PubYiJbtd —Price s(i Cents,
And. for /ale at WILLIAM W. WOODWARD'S
Printing Office, No-16, Green JSgn oj Franklin's
Head, Chefnut Street.
HAVING removed to the above-mentioned place from
No. 36. Booksellers can be supplied with a number
of New Publications on the most reasonable terms.
JuJl Received, price 80 cents, t
Relative to the government of moral agents, particular
ly displayed in future rewards mid punishments; translated
from the French of Ferdinand Oliver Petitpierre, former
ly minitter ef Chaux de Fond.
W, W. Woodward has on hand a neat of
The Public are refpeflfully informed that the excellent
work of BURKITT on the NEW TESTAMENT, id
Number, will soon be publilhed. Each number 1-4 dol
lar—to be 25 numbers, one every 3 weeks.
A good font of second hand Small Pica, ijb per lb.
for Sale,
ho. 41 South Second Street,
Volume XIV.
CONTAINING, among a variety of other article*,Paf
lionsf Paflime, Pasture, Patagonia, Patriarch, Paul,
Pearl, Pegu; Pekin, Pelew-I flan ds, Pendulum, Pennfy!-
vania, Pergamus, Persia, Perfpedfcive, Peter, PetrifaAion,
Syltem of PJiarmacy, Philadelphia, Pltflip, Philology,
Phoenicia, Phpfphorus, Physics,
my, Physiology, Pi&s, Pisa, Planet, &c. illuftratcd with
sixteen copperplates.
The fifteenth volume is in the profs, and considerably
Such Subscribers as have not completed their set» up t*
the present time, are very particularly to take
away and pay for the volumes now ready, whieh they have
not received.
T. Dobson, has on hand a few copies of this valuable
work, to be difp'ofod of, at one hundred and ton dollars, j
th 6 set of 18 volumes, the whole money to be paid on de-' I
livcring the volumes now ready, and the remainder of the
work to be furniflied to the order of the purchaser, when ;
ready, Without further charge.
The sale will continue far three months on these terms, !
if any copies should than remain unfold, th« price will be
encreafed :en dollar*
/fogu.ft 4
From on board ths brig Juhn from Gonaivet, at
Clifford's wharf—
icJiQoo weight of COFFEE, in hhds, «ud bags,
J4,000 lb. COTTON,
Same Sugar, MolalTci, and Sale. For Sals by
jfobn Claxicn, or
"John Clark.
Augujl n
Landing at South Jireet wharf,
The Cargo of the Brig Fly, captain Homer, from Gi
braltar and Teneriffe.
Brandy, ill and 4sh Proof,
Tqneriffe Wine, in pipes, hhds. and quarter calks,
BenecaJo ditto,
Hazlenuts in Sacks,
Afro, cargo of the brig Oood Hope, capt. Hubber, from
Sugar in Hogsheads,
Coffee in ditto,
High proof Spirit, Logwood, Hides, &c. Forfaleby
Augufl it
/•' A-
TEAS, .in whole andhil/ cheftt
T E A S,
A»g. 5
Peter Blight.
To be fold at Private Sale,
I WO nerv three story brick houses, neatly finifherf; on
I- oa thefcuth fide of Eilbert, above ninth street; each
house has the privilege of a three*feet alley, and the lots
run back to a Jo feet wide street.
Also, a large three story brick btiildine\ thirty fix ?nd an
half feet front, oy the south fufe of Filber*:, above Eighth
street. This lot extends 120 feet in depth and has the pri
vilege of a nine feet alley from Filbert street the whole
length of the lot, and of a 3© feet fqaare court for carria*
ges to tu/n in.
This last building is not finifhed in the infidc, and may
be made Cither into one or two houlcs—it will an/wcr for
any large majjjifaciQry. Th.« whole clear of ground rent
or any incumbrance.
For terms apply at No. 11l Qhefnut street.
Auzuft 1
James lvl'Alpin,
1 a r 1 0 r,
N®. 3 South Fourth Slrfft,
RETURNS his grateful >iekn*ioledgtments t§ brr Friends and the
Public for their liberal aitdbagi leave to solicit
a cont'tnudnee of their favor u
At fas Shop genilanien*nay b2 fur ni foci ruilb, beQ materials t
and have them made a/nl Jtnifh'd in the moji fafiionable manner.
Hi tuill thankfully) receive any order* ana pay a prompt and
punctual attention to them. OH. 15
City of VVafhington.
Scheme of the Lottery, No
|ter the Improvement of
1 A magnificent £ 20,000 Dollars, and
dwcllmgiiotiie, \ calh 36,000 ate
1 ditto 15*000 &cash 25,000
I dino 15,000 & calh 15,000
1 duto* 10,000 S*: calh 10,000
1 ditto 5,000 <Sc ca(h 5,000
1 ditto 5,000 <S« calh 5,000
x Calh pf»*« o\
4 ditto
if) ditto
!dO into
»oo ditto
2*oc> ditto
400 ditto
j,OOO duie
!5,»>00 d«cto
16,739 Prites
33,261 Blank.*
50,000 Tickc:sat3 dollift
This Lottery will afford an elegant fpecimcn of the
private buildings to be creded in the Ciiy of Wcftiingtort
—Two beautiful defigni art* Already fek &cd for (he entire
fronts on two of the public fquare> ; from these draw
ings, it is prOpo fed to ercft two centre and tour corner
buildings, as faon 6& oofliblc after this Lottery is fold, 3«d
to cofivey them when complete, to the fortunate adventur
ers, in the manner described in the scheme for the Hotel
Lottery. A octt dydu&ion of five per cent, will be made
to defray the neteffary cxpcncc* of printing, &c. and
the surplus will be made a part of the fuod intended for the
National University, tc» be erecked within the City of
(fcf The drawing wi'l comtscace as soon as the Tickets
are fold off.— ■ The mousy pn«e* wiM be payable
in fbirty days alter it is ftni(hed,and any prizes for which
fortunate numbers are noi produced within t\yc¥vc months
after the drawing is closed are to be confideicd aic given
towards the fund for the University, it being determin
ed to fettle the whole business in a year fromj:he ending
of the drawing and to take up the bonds given as fecu
The real securities given for the pay ment of the -Prizes
are held bythe Prcftdent and two Directors of the Rank
of Columbia, and are valued at more than half the asioUitf
of the Lottciy.
The twenty four gentlemen who by appointment of
the late Commiflioners alfifled in the management «f the
Hotel Lottery are requested to undertake this arduous ta&
a second time on behalf of the public ; a luSifcient num
ber of thefc having kindly, accepted, k is hoped that rhii
friends to a National University and the other federal ob
je&s may continue to favor the design. The fynopns 01
one of the Colleges, to form a branch of the National
Institution, is already in the press, and will be fpeadily
pvbliftied, together with its conftitufeion.'
A compleat Plan of the whole of this In»port<ttr
Institution, compiled from a felc&ion of the Heft materi
als, ancient and modern, will be lubmkted to the public
whenever the fame may have gone through fitch revivors
as may be necelfary to ei'tabliiK tlte perfea confrdcacc £i£o
general approbation, so effentialto its prefect rife and f»-
ture cjciftence for the gonernl good of America,
By accounts received fr»m the different 'parts of th«
Continent as weH as from Europe, where the ticket.
have been sent for sale, the pybiic are allured that the
drawing will fpcedily commence, and rhat the care a*id
caution unavoidably nsceffary to insure 3 fafe disposal of
tiif tickets, has rendered the ttidr: fufpeilfiop indtfpen&ble.
February 14, 1795.
%* Tickets may be had it the Ba?ik ol Columbia,
of James Weft & Co. Baltimore ot Gideon
S-tvamiah, ®f Pfter Cfiimi'i, Boium ; of John Hflpk'n*
Richmond : and of Richard Weill, Cooper's lorfv
Aug 30
Ladies and Gentleman, are refpedl
fully informed,
THAT the Sublcriber keeps an Cuowt to hire,
at a rcafoaahU rate, which h'e drive*, himfelf us ufui.
He alio keeps an elegant Coacm, hire without horilv
eithir o' which may be engaged at h. : s dwelling, No. 17 :
Arch iircit, between- Seventh jtnd Eighth llrects, at hi.»
Stable in eighth near Market street, or »t himi'ual
the earner of Murjtetand rourrh ftrsets.
He returns his Jincere thanks to his friends, and liopc< •«
merit a continuance of their favors.
July 16
THAT large Grazing FARM, now in the tenure, of
Mr, John PiiTuiit; containing about 471 acres, nio*c
than 200 of which are meadow </f the Iwft quality; ... •
remainder ccnfi.U of cedar and muple swamp, upland, a;:d
outiidc marsh, mc.ftly fit to ue taken in. it i« fitu.,te «.»
the river Delaware, with a commodious an(l excellent
anding, direct y oppofits to Cheiier, and between Re«a >
ua and Racoon creeks, in Gloucester county ; from which
creeks public market boats go every week to the citv
l'his Farm may ha divided if to two, leaviiig
two dwellings in good situations ; has tarns and ftabi'.;:£
for feeding tl head of cattle; and, from its muiv acv
vantages, must b: aa objed for any one extehfively i«
the grazing or dairy way For terms or more particular
information, applV to Richard Whitehead,
aVo. bz, Vis
Jtme 30.
[Fqlume VIII,
5i0o« each, are
+ r +
10, COO
1 o,coo
1 0,003