Number 913.] r sr FREIGHT, CHARTER «r SALE, At Mr. N:xon's Wharf, (hip will take a Freight to any of the Windward -1 Iflar.ds or £urope, if one offers loon, as (he is bow ready to She is in complete order, arid has good ac&omuiQdiUoiis lor passengers. For particulars apply to Jehu Hollingfworth & Co. WHO HAVE FOR. SALE, A Few Puncheons of Excellent Ram, By the above skip, one of which is old. July 2*7 $ AMERICAN, I< R I E T ND°S H I P, BURTHtN flurry live tons < built in North Carolina, o! L:ve Oak and f viii years old and pretty ioimd. Fcr terms appiv to 'Joseph Anthony Son. 6 tor SALE or CHARTER, The S h 1 1- MgSs£ P£ **KS TL VA NIA, BURTHEN 3400 Bbls. Flomt—ccinplsatly found, and may bj fcnt to fra at a final! cxpcticf. For term;, apply to GUIt to El WHO HAVE Tan SALE, A Quantity of Bordeaux Claret in calks and Brandj- so Pipes and Butts. Tulv t6 si I-OPv HAMBURGH, The Ship ADRtANA, Captain Samo-rl Ci.jrp, W'H receive Freight, (part ut whieh '* cngagcl) for Karab'jrgh, is to 4$ ioon as foe is difchirgcd, can be loaded. PafTc'iigers that purpose to go to England, are be lan-led at Deal or Dover, the Ship having good ac commodations, bcmg lately ejiUrgtd for this purpolt bl Lenten. For freight c palfage enquire of Ralph Mather, Mo. 71, Race-Street. III!" T4, 300 Hbds. Maryland, and Virginia TOBACCO, OF a superior quality part of which is Kircfoet, and particularly adapted for the manufa&urcrs, or for the Hollaed or Hamburgh mirkct. 500 Hogflieads ready to he delivered oft *-oerd a vessel in Chcfapeake Eay, for sale by George Sibbald, Nc.. 170 Scuth FrontJlreet, July 24 50000 lb. offrirj} Quality Green Coffee WILL be Landed on Mond iy, the 20th inft. on MelT. Willings and Francis's Wharf, from on board the Schooner Delight, Ayres Stokely, Master, from ?t. Do mingo, for sale by LEVIN US CLARKSON ~j*!j 18 § Now Landing, cargoes of the brigs Well-Indian ar.d Betfey&Pol- A ly from Jamaica : Coffee in dihds and barrels Sugar in hhds Rum, high proof, and 36 bags Pimento. ALSO ON HAND, A Quantity of Coffee in Hhds. Barrels and Sags S*g;ar 111 Hhtls 7r, ■ Pimento in Cap j lor ts f°rt«ion Brandy, id an«l 4th proof Sherry Wine, &c, "J' j h .11 tor SALE, 1 he Sciiooni CHORLEY, AN American built veflVl, burthen sbcut 300 bbls. of riotir, and well found—For terms apj-iy to tbc cap tain »n board at tlic fublcriber's wharf, or to J'osEP j SIMS. Jt'ho has for Salt, imported in J'aid i bower, St. Croix Rum and Sugar, ia Hhds. and barrels, Coffee, &c. Auguji 10 Came to the Stable of the Sub/criber, lAi>r evening, a Blaek Maie, with a liriile white on _j her «ff hind foot, a»d the head flail of a bridle on lif r head. Whoever owns the said mar? ftiali have h<*r by paying for this advertiienient. GEORGE GR£I&N, Ani. 'O JAM L 6 V AR D Hal for sale, at Ms f*ore on Walnut-street wharf* - ht. Croix i-lum tnd Sugar of fupwrior quality. St. Domingo Indigo. l,aguira and St. DomirB g«* J bait-?, & ; l .packet,, . Tor Jul George Sib* • 'As.l"~U South Fl .■■ COFFEE, in CO TON, ia * -.v ■* C J* #<■< The Shi? ir" SMITH. ALSO, For sale by Peter Blight. §101 No. 123 Pi;>eJtrcet WEDNESDAY EVENING, AUGUSI 12, 1795. FOR SALE by the Subscribers, at their Sttfe on IValnut Jlreet Wharf, 26 Hhds. 33 Barrels and £ Hifpaniola COFFEE, lately arrived 543 Bigs J Who have also On hand, Red Port Wine, in Pijes and Hogsheads Mountain M ine Wine, in Qr. calks aa Tons Brimflone Nails assorted Sail CaiiVus, N°. lij and A few gentlemen's haudfome Saddles July s'4 JAiVLKS TIFFIN, Nn. 70, South Second-Jireet, hear tlx City Tavern, HAS just opened and for Sale, an Aflortment of La dies' and Gentlemen's Faihionable HATS, from London. Alio a -variety of CJ»ildri.*n'4 Hits of differ ent Colours. N. B. A Man or two a? finifhcrs in the above buftnefs, wett recomaftcndeji, will meet with co'nftant eifipJoy and good encouragement. June 6 Antrican LunJfcapts. proposals' F)R PUULISHItfG IN AQUATINT A Twe nt \-Four VIE VV S, SELECTED from the molt fir iking and interesting Ptofpe&s in the United States ; each as which Views, will be accompanied with a deferiptive account tof its Local, Hiftoricai, and other Incidental Peculiarities By G. I. PARKTNS, Author cf tie M li/ltncjlic Xsjj&int and Ancient Ca files in Great CONDITIONS. I. That the work (haU be published by Subfcriptlon; and that each Subfcrib r lhall engage to take the whole set Views, and shall pay for each engraving if lda<.k or brown, 2 Dolierg ; and if coloured 5 Dollars. 11. That the dimensions of each engraving (hall be 24 by 17 luchcft, ciccuted in acjuaiihta, and published upon paper of a superior quality. Tile publication to commence im mediately ; and one engraving to be delivered to the Sub scribers, on the firfl Monday of cach fuccceding month, unfil the proposed series shall be finally completed. 111. That with the last View of the fefits, {hall be deli vered an engraved title-page; an elegant charase;iftic vignette; a map of the route, connected with the prof .pe&s exhibited in the the course of the Work; and an Alphabetical lid of thfe Subfcribc^i. Sabicri jit ions arc received by Mr. HarrHon, at his Print (hop, Ma id ?T; lane, New-York, by Mr. Carey, Book-feli- No. 118, Market (treet, Philadelphia, and fey aid the principal Bool;-fellcrs in the United States. February 28. FaauncKs'sTav e r. n . No. 59 South Water Strtet, THE Subferiber rcfpe&fully begs leave to inform hit friends and the" public in general, that he has remov ed from No. 166 south id Street, to that large, commo dious, Hotife in WaterStrcet, between Chefnutand Walnut Streets, lately occupicd by Mr. Ifta; llazttlurjl, and, <*1 which he has fparcd no TMIUS or cxp.'llfc, to make it con venient and agreeable-for the receptio.. of gentlemen. 'J'he Ksufe being fitoafed on the farftefpot where the noted Beef Scerfr»m thence, to build a ivh-ch rccla'vn~ ab~rt 3c acres of as rich M?jdr~v Lindas any ujwn the and .Tray be 'watered i*very ziisht, and the bay made thereon fells as i»e:l as any that is made uoar any city or tjivn ivitbin the United States, T'b? brcSrictnrs of the *bWcflypirty ißill treat so* the fame on .r ; i : will alj6 fell f r a: tab ' c Lam! for t r .co or three I'jc .«' Sp? a;t:! ;j lie fiii Lm;d and Hojfes at i, re :?t r oln\ they ivfil re rente!. Ji'. "■ Good accom:/w'd-itions are provided at the above firings fc, \t . '.iidgantlf in this '.ftSftfrs ivhich froth experience is found *c) ci > vhee ir f 'fune> and end the frfl of Oflwber. if & V 14 •VG, jrotu en board the Ship Charlotte. Jattn. Bowers,-from Beurdraux, iO Pipes Brauuy 20 Tons Claret L.-/H Lap. For sale by F. COPPING EX, No. sit Sonth Front, n:ar I'M:ilrset. J'f DO Jl'lli al/Oy i "oo cat f3O & ,50 bottles, Choice Old Giaret ,< i ... .. - . ■ ,cju-iiJ Ctinsrk fee. Philip Nicklin & Co. Brniim" SAMUEL FRAUXCES. Sim $ July 16 For Sale by the Subscriber, A few hundred barrels ©f Prime Herrings fit for Exp or tation i 70,000 fb. Green Coffee in hhds. barrels and bags Port Wine in pipes f Madeira in do. hhds. and quarter casks Terrcriffe in Ditto Malaga in tjaarter calks Jamaica Spirits in hh&s. New England Rum in ditto Holland Gin Hyson "V Hvfon Gomee ( _ _ . „ Soochon" and ( TEA' •ln whol « »nd half chests Bohca ) Turk's Island and 7 Liverpool Sweet Oil fh Quart Bottles, aind Cases of 30 bottles Clayed in hhds. entitled, to Drawback 2000 Buflaels best Liverpool blond Salt now afloat t will be Sold cheat* from 011 hoard the vciTcL Leviuus Clarkfon, Job' i The highest price k Calh, will be given for EMPTY BOTTLES, A preference will be given' to Clsret Bottles.—Apply to No. 187, fodth Third-itreet. A few Pipes Port Of a Sup.ricr Quality, Now landing at Pme-Stre.t Wharf, 1' 01 L ' E v William & Samuel Keith, No. South Fro*u-3t-*et. July 14 BROKE out of the pasture of John De Grufhe, the .corner of Eleventh arid Sprues Streets, about the 3th instant, two Marts; one an iron-grey., about 14 and 3-4 hands high, the legs of wh£sjh have been much in jured by the flies. The other t> small 3ay, low In itaft, about 14 hands high ; legs a!fo injured by the flie6.— Whoever his taken up thefaid Mares, and will return them as above, (hall be regarded and a?l reaforlable charges paid. July 21 New-Castle Pier Lottery. PRIZE Tickets in the aoov-- I.ottery are it a fair aiiccum or exchanged l"*r tickets in the Canal, IVa/b- Hgton and sou Lotteries, at the O.Tice No: 14? Chef nut Street approved Nates to any amount are alio discounted Ju!._ 24 TO BE SOLD, A Lot, containing about seventeen acrcs, on the Wiflahiekon road, 4 miles, from the city, and dire&Jy oppefite to the houfc of Mi-.l&jlc Wharton. A Lot,containing 10 acres, in Iflinjton Lane, on said road, near the estate of Jasper Moylan, Esq. A Lot, containing 10 acre* in Turner's Lane, on said road, and dirc&ly ©ppofite te the estate of Mr. Tcrnant. Enquire of Joseph Redman, Woodstock corner of Tur ner's Lane. April 6 Fresh T E A S, Of Superior Quality, viz. Imperial, or Gunpowder Hyson Gomee, lit quality Hyson, . id. do. uo. Young Hyion, Hylon Skin, and Souchong. A fe d font of second hand Small Pica, if& per lb. for Sale. Aug. J ISflw June 23. 3UW4W Notice is hereby given that an at tachmcnt was iflfued out of the inferior court of Common Pleas in and for the county of Cumberland, in the state of Jersey, returnable o?i the twenty-fifth day of Febru ary lalt, against the goods and chattels, rights and credits, lane's and tenements of George Hutz (not being a resident at that time within the state of New Jersey) at the luit of Jonathan Ballingcr, in dor fee of job Butcher, which was. levied by the sheriff of the cowtity of Cumberland " on a certain sloop or shallop called the Fly of Philadelphia" with its appurtenances, as by the return of the faidsherifl wilt more particularly appear—and notice is alio hereby further given, agreeably to the direction of an a«St of the Legislature of the state of New-Jersey ia such cafe made and provided, that unless the laid George Hutz lhall ap pear and give special bail to answer the suit so as afore* laid instituted against him by th said Jonathan Batiinger, wltliirt such time as is preicribed by law, " that then and in tlmt cafe judgment be entered" against the said George Hutz " by default, and that the said Hoop or shallop so a* aforefaid seized on the said attachment" will be lold for the fatisfaction of all " creditors who shall appear to be jtistly entitled to any demand thereon, and {hail apply for that purpofc." L'ated at Salem, in the county of Salem, in the said state, the thirty first day*of March A. D. 179 J. GILES, Clerk. L::dus Horatio Stockton y ") Attorney for the Flff. 3 AfrU i SALT No. ai.6 South Water flreet. Wine eodtf la-wjtf 7 e bi fold at Private Sale, j I ' w ° nevv tJl "e ftol 7 fcffck houses, neatly fimfhed; on X on the fouthfide of Filbert, above ninth street; each house has the privilegc oi' a three feet alley, and the lots run back to a 30 feet wide street. i w o ' 4 r large t " rce fLor >' brick tnilding, thirty fix and an hall iset front. ,m the louth fijc of Filbert, abcye Ejghth street. This lot ejffr nds izo feet in depth and has the pri vilege of a nine feet alley from Filbert ftrett the whole length or the lot, and of a 30 feet fijuare court for carrn g: j iq turn in. This hft is not finished in the inside, and may be msdt cither into one or two will for apy large manufa&ory. The whole clear of ground rent or any incumbrance For terms apply at No. in Cliefnut street, r James iyTAlpin, 1 A r L 0 R t N°. 3 South Fourth Street, E TURNS bis grateful aei/mvledgements f bis Friends and the Public for their liberal encouragement, and begs leave to solicit a continuance of ibeir favort. -it bis Shop -gnthUKH may he farnijhed with lie boeo&caot 25,000 1 ditto 15,000 6l cdlH 15,000 J ci 1, i.J lw,'-0: "V C.,[h iC,COO 1 ditto 5, •*oo 3c cj;h $,000 i .lino 5.000 dt $,joo ' 1 Cath pnzcot * .000 2 ditto 10 ditto 20 tll'.to ico ditto 200 ui'to 33,161 biai«n 50,000 Tickets at 8 dol'irs This Lottery will afford on eicgant fpecimeii oI the piivatc buildings to bierefted in the City of Walhington —Two beautiful dctigni »>rc already fcic fted for the ciitire fruoit on two us the public Iriuaret t ham thefc draw ings, it is proposed to erccl two centre and tcur cdrner buildings, as soon as pollible alter this Lottery is fold, and u> convey them when complete, to the fortunate adventur ers, in the manner defenbed in the (theme lor the hotel Lottery. A ueti U<,«iudiou of five pei cent, w ill be niade 10 dehay tne risceffiiy expeners of priating, &c. ami ~ e f"' p'" B will be made a part at tUrfunii wireiulcd for>' ' National L'mvcifity, to be eiefied with«i the City V WalhingtOa. {fST The drawing will commence as form as the Ticfcew are fold off. ~P' e money prices Will be payable in thirty days alter il is finilheo,and any prizes for which lortunate numbers are not produced within twelve month* alter the drawing is closed are to he cohfidcied as giveiV towards the fund foi the Univerfny, it bring Aeicn-iA'* ed to fettle the whole bufiueis in a year troni the er.cnj* of the drawing ?nd to take up the boiida given «s fceii- The real securities given for the payment of the Prizet are held by the President and two Directors oT the Bulk of Columbia, and are valued at more than hall the am.iunt •f the Lottery. The twenty tour gentlemen who by appointment of the late Commiflioners affiiWd m the managemea: »f the Hotel Lottery are reqneftedto undertake thi, arduoui talk a second time on behalf of the public ; a fuftici'-nt num ber of these having kindly is hoped that the friends to a National iJniverfity and the other federal ob- continue to favor the design. The fyrwpfrs of on *. of 'he Colleges, to form a branch of the National lnftitution, is already' in the press, and will be fpcWily publiftied, together with its conftitujion. A compleat I J i an of the whola of -this Important Institution, compiled from a fele&icn of the bed materi als, ancient and modern, will be fubinitted to the public whenever the fame may have gone through ftich rovifioft* as may be neceffaryto eftablift the perfect confidence and general approbation, so essential to its present rife and f»- ture exiftencefor the general good of Ameriea. Ly accounts received from the different parts of the Continerit as well as from Europe, where the ticket* have bevn sent for sale, the public arc assured that the drawing will fpecdily commence, and that the care ajiti caution "unavoidably neceftary to insure a fafe of the ticket's, has rendered the than fufpeafion iadifpcnl'able.' February 24, 1795. - SAMUEL BLOBGST. t Tickets m>y be had at liic Bank o; Columbia) of James Weft & Co. Baltimore or G'irieon Dcni'oii Savannah, ol Pcn-r Gi!mai>, Button; of !oh« Hopkia. Richmond ; and of Riciuro Wells, CdSpoi , lc,r .. Ladies and Gentlemju, ,\rc refped. iiiliy informed, the.'iiibicrii)tt keeps an TO < Ciacu--: to 1,--... a :/ rcalonable, which he Onv«s huiWclf aUfr,/ . t " e e °' !nt Co »<*. aire withovt'l.o-i"., ether o- v,h, ; h :nav be , lia dwcDir-g, Mo Arch fticet, jstween .Seventh and .Eiifhrh iiroets '«£ i.;, Stable m highth n-::,r Market ftrert, orat his ufua! {~U. the oerncr of Market and Fourth ftrt^rs He rctur*? h«s finccre thanks to .His fricuis, and J, o ac« •<> merit a continuance of their favors. ' July 16 ; o B E SOLD, ' ar £ e grazing FAKM, now in the tenure '/ Mr. John Piflant; containing Lfcout.4.7l acres m- - than aoo of wliith are meadow i f the W." remainder confitaof ;.-dar ami mauie i -ami, i/ol id' • outfidc marsh, mo'ily fit. to lie tr.'». r ' the river Ddamrr, with a con:?.odious aV'. t anding, direst y eppofste to Chvlisrj : p* . pa and Racoon crocks, in GMoKteftcr county • from whVh ■ creeks public market boa;..-; go every w« e k to the cty This Farm may be conveaimly divided into two leaving two dwellings in good Ctaatious; has bsrfcs „nd ibhluit for feeding U head pit cattle; and, frosa its manv ad vantages, must b an objed for aujr one <•- tci<"~eW in the grazing or dairy way For tarns or more particular information, apply to Richard Whitehead :f6w June jc. f;r ,-jM [Fslvme VIII. ,50,090 30,000 fco,ooo 10.000 10,020 10, COO each, art IC, or 0 10,000 J o,oo© 10,000 1 o,(?co s o,©co 20,000 ' is;,oso 400,000 c >tt(( HENRY MOSES-. ii §*-•»> V't