Number .907.] For SALE or CHARTER, MSIC Tht S *' P *§M§k. pENNs rL VA NIA > BURTHEN 3400 Bbls. Flour—compleatly/ound, and may be sent to sea at a fmaU expence. For terms app Xj to Qgi T R NET <3* SMTTH. Wtro HAVE FOR SALE, A Quantity of Excellent Bourdea-ux- Claret in casks and Brandy in Pipes and Butts. July 16 $ HAMBURGH, FOR -n. The Ship ADR.IANA, Captain Samuel Ccapp, Will receive Freight, ( part of whie-h v;-jry?'t_V'?* i Js > i» engaged) for Hamburgh, and is to fail as Toon as ifcf is dZfcharged, Sid tan be loaded, PafTongars that purpose to go to England, are to lie landed it 'Deal or Dover, th* Ship having good ao.- csmm ifhtioii', bei:ig lately enlarged for this purpoi'e Fo!- freight o>- paffaje enq'ilre of Ralph Mather, No. 71, Pace-Street. in Lon»dn. July T4. lor FREIGHT, CHARTER ar SAL The Shi? , , , y!t Mr. N xon sWtiarf* r T"*HE jhip will tike a Freight to any of th; Windward AMERICAN, I rflanttt or Europe, if oae offers soon, as (be is now ready to take in. She'is ia complete order, ani has good ;.cconiniod»tioEs for piftertgits. For particulars apply to Jehu Hollingftvorth Si Co. WHO HAVE fOR SALE, A Few Punch cons of Exceilsnl Rum 5 By the above ikip,,one of which is eld. July 17 300 tibds. Maryland and Virginia TOBACC O, /~vr a funerior part of which 11 Kitefdot, and i J particrlaily for the manafefiurers, or for the Holland v: Hamburgh nuirkct. 50Q Hcglheads be delivered on beard a v< flcl in C ; :cAj.iM- a ktj Eav, forfait by George Sibbald, No. 170 South I< rontJireef. 'fit/.- 24 The Subfcribtr Has Removed h : s Countiag-Ho'.ife to No. 18, Pemi-ftreetj next door to his New Stores. L EI'INUS CLARK SON. J,-h, 29, t79). diw lb. of Virjl Quality GreenCnffec Til.L be La-iced on Monrhy, the ac-th inft. cn i'Vleff VV WHlings and Francis's Wharf, from 011 board the Schooner Delight, Ayies Stokelv. Master, from St. Do ming, for fak by LEVINUS CLARKSON July 18 A BAT MORSE for Sale, WARRANTED found, fuitabie for Chair or SaiWle, can welf recommended for flrepgth and bottom. Apply at No: 18 Pine ilreet, July 17 NOW LANDING, From on board the Sno-M *ercurv, 'Haling* Qoyuper thiuait, niaflrr, froi'n Ha-vartttsb, 215 Hogsheads of Molasses ; b'OR SALE LY PR.AGERS fcf CO, NOTICE. FINDWG myfelf unable from ttdijus inclifpoCtkin, to effed a r.ttlc»nent of my affairs, 1 have appointed R>>- .irrt Hrrt'Wfm my true and lawful attorney, to adjust and ftp-ally fettle all-matter* where 1 am icterefted, to pay all debts, due bf me, and to receive all monies due to rrut, ei- ther by bond, nate or other wife. Jur.s 15 §6w ' Now Landing, r eargoes of the brigs Weft-Indian and Betfey&Pol- JL lr from Jamaica : CofTee in hhds and "barrels in hhds Rum,' high proof, and 36 bags Pimehto. ALSO -ON HAND, A Quantity of Coffee in Hhds. Barrels aud Sags ' \> Tor Exportation r jßnrtifly, Id and 4th proof \V"ine, &c. July 3* Insurance Company of the State of Pennsylvania. A Dividend of Ten Boliarson eacli half stare -will be paid to the Stockholders; n.r their legal reprcfenta tives, on or after the loth inthint By Order of the Direßors, SAMUEL IV. FISHER, Secretary. J 10 August i Thomas Noble, Monei, Lanv, i'l Commission &ROXBK, Ko. 149 Cbefnut Jlree.t; RETtTRNS grateful acknowledgements to his friends and the public for the encouiagement he hoi received fincehe commenced business. Continues sales andpurchafes o, real eftatcs and public fe —-tianfafts every fpfcies of money negotiations— discounts approved notes tolany amount, ucc. tic. Tickets in the Canal and other lotteries, may be had at the above office. The. Washington I>9TTef v being now on the eve of drawing, a numericalbook will be kept; from v. hicr. Lie T,ubli" will have the advantage of examining the .fate of tifkets, three days crHcr than by theufual communication of incorred printed flips, irregularly fcr.t by poll, and ■which arrives twice* a week only. June l-t * ALSO, JAMES MITIR, For fate by Peter Blight. WEDNESDA T EVENING, AUGTJSI 5, 1795. JAMES TIFFIN, No. 70, South Seconi-Jinet, war the City Tavern, HAS Just opened and for Sale, an Assortment of La* dies' and Gentlemen's Fashionable from London. AHo a variety of Children's Hats 0: differ ent Colours. N. B. A Man or two as ftnifliers in the above business, well recommended, will meet with constant employ and good encouragement. June 6. <1 American Lanifc&pcs. 'PROPOSALS - F)S PUBLISHING IN A^JJ'ATIN'I A TwKNTI-Four VIE W S, SELECTED from the molt striking and intetcfting Profpecls in the ETnited Stctes ; each «f which Vie-.vs, will be accompanied with a descriptive account of it's Local, Hiftarical, arid other Incidental Peculiarities By G. I. PARKYNS, Author of the " Alvnajltc Remains and Ancient CaHlei fn Great I. That the work shall he pub'lilhed by Subfcript'.on; and tl;ac each Subscriber (hall engage to take the uhole set •f Views, and lha.ll pay for each engraving, il Liable. or brewn, 2 Dollars ; and if coloured 5 Dollars; 11. That the dimenftons of each engraving shall be 24 b)' 17 inches, executed in aquatinta, and puhlilhvd upon paper of afuperiar q\4uliiv\ The public&tian to commence im mcdifOeiy; apd one engraving to he delivered to the Sub fpi jbers, on tho nrft Monday of eark fuceee jing month, until the propofedferiet be finaiiy cQmplcfcd. Hi. That With thj last View of the Rries» thall be dcli- vered- an engraved title-page.; an elegant Qhara" . - - r c. > . T , 1 vlgmttfi: a *nap of• th« roitte, conricitcd rrrth the pro»- pt <3 s exhibited in the the cotirfe ot the Worl.; and an Alphabetical lift of the Subfcn'oers. Si.hfcl - ipt'ioj»s are receiwAby Mr. Harrifon, at his Print, {boo? Maidttilafcc, L.I:, >-ir Eoyk-kll er, No. 118, Market street, PtiiladWphfS, and by aH fee principal Dooik-fclljri in tbe>Ur.itei States. February 23. FOR SALE by the Sub/l fibers, at their-Store on Walnut Jlrtrt IVharf, 26 Hhds. T 33. Barrels and > Ilifpaniola CQFFSE, lately arrived 540 Bags J P.ljq have also on ha fid, Red Port Win*?, in Fij«s and Flog&eads Mountain \ : ;'inc Wine, in Qr. calks 20 Tons Brina&ane N?ih a flirted , N°. 1 a 7 and A u_vv harmonic Saddles Ju'y 24 l iiAUNCKs's Tavern. No. 59 South Wattr Slrat. T*E Subscriber rcfpe&fnlly begs lcaye to inform his friends and the public in reneralj that he h-is remov ed from No. 166 Fouth id Street, to that large, commo *4i»UE, Hyuft »n WtttfrSird Jt, a.9 a Streets, lately occupicd by Mr. Ifuac Ilaaiel-arjf, and, on which he has f pared no pains orcxpenfe, t# make it con venient and agrecible for the receptio*. of gentlemen. The Ho»jfe i>eing iHuated on the fame fpot'where the notccf Beef Swuik and Punch house formerly stood, has the advantage of the bolt water in this city, known long fmce by die name <:f the Grew Tree Watt*. As there are several elegant Rooms', fufticiently large to accommodatc any Society or company of gentlemen, and from bis well knovyn abilities topleafe in the line of hisbufinefs, he fiatlters himfeif with a continuance of *hat patronage whioil he has experienced fmce he firft. opened a Public Houfc in this City, and, for which he begs leave to make a public acknowledgment. J-i w For the accommodation of Small Parties, the Large Coffee Room on the ground floor is conveniently fitted up with a numbefc of Bftxes, conftracfled in such a man ner as to admit Gentlemen to be as private as theypleafe— Where may ba h&d, at any hour, Soups, Beef-Steaks, Kctli'fres, &c. Szc. He has on hand, and will keep a constants upply of Spi rituous* and Malt Liquors, and of the best qualities. Breafefafts provided—Alfa Dinners and Suppers cook .ed in the'mofit approved manner,at a ttiort notice; andPaf-, tvy of al) forts, mar tickets i-t th<* Cu\al, IV.-.jh* imrion PcUrfjn Lotc rics, at the OlILc No; Chcf nut Strert. Wiiese approved Notes to a»y amount are also di r coun>ed.. Tune i\ Far Sale by the Sub/criber, A few hundred barrels of Prime Herrings fit for Expor tation 70,000 H). Gfe&t Coffee in hluis. barrels and ** Port Wine Madeira in do. hhjds. and., garter caiks Malaga in quarter casks Jamuica Spirits in hhtis. New England Run; in ditia Hyfoi) ~\ Hyson Gomee ( Souchong and C Bohta ■ J Turk's l£and and ") Liverpool j &\vce£ Oil in Bottles, :mu Cases of 30 boil! 2COO Bu/hc's bejl Liverpool blond Salt now afloat, v. ill be Sold .cheap from 01s boaril the vefGsl. Leviaus Ciarkibn, - • • *it .1 ; ■ rcet TEAS, in whole and Half clu!U July I i'Ue liigheft price VI C'. fb, will be givren for EMPTY BOTTLES, A preference will be given to Civet Bottles—Apply to No. IS7, ibiiih Third street. ylj'ri- i v Pioes few Of a Superior Quality, Nov.- tfiidin? at Piiie-Su'ewt Wharf, ban S.vle bv William & Samuel Keith, No. J79, South Front-St-«et. J"!y i 4' RIDING-SCHOOL, Horle Acadcmy; Also, HOSPITAL for SICK and LAME HORSES, frc. r I 'HE Ladies and oi' Philadelphia and its vi ~JL ' onity arc rcfpcut'»> and anions fnallbe more altered tor the better than is possible tc be conceivcd by tkpfe who are unacquainted with the art. The LecftureS on Horfemanfnip pubiifned by 'i . Sv/ann are to be bad at Mr. Ormrod's, Chefnnt-ttr^t; where ie contained more concile and genuine inftruilioiis on which the art is founded, than are to be had in any -wMication, comprised in ib finall a compass, now ex tant J u| y_6- ALL Perforis indebted to the Estate of Alexander Ritchie, deceased, are requested to make im mediate payment to the ; and those who haVe demands againit f;iid eftat:, are requaled t® r bring ki their accounts and receive payment. ' FRANCIS GJRNEY, ") ROBERT SMITH, ( Exeeutoss DANIEL SMITH, J Philadelphia, July 27, 1793 1< 0 R S A L E, A very valuable ESTATE, CIIHU Tm'ITTENHAM. SITUATE in the toixsnfhip of Upper Derby, and county of DcUncare, 7 I-Z miles front Philadelphia, and half a viHc from the ttev& IVejiern road: containing 230 acres of excellent Land, 45 of if hi ch ere good watered A. 50 cf prime IVood Landj and the reft Araltle of the fvji quality, 'There are on the prci*ifes a good tzvofiory Brick Jtloufe, with 4 rooms or. a. floor, and Cellars under them;hole, ivith a Pump Welt if cm cedent Water in frgnt; a large frame Bam, Stables, and other convenient buildings; a Smoke-Honfe andfone Spring Honfe ; two good Apple-Orchards. and one of Peaches. The Fields are all it: Clover, except those immediately trnWr tillage, and'are so laid out as to have the advantage of Water in t jeh of them, zc\:i> renders it peculiarly convenient for Crazing. The fttuaiion is p leaf ant and healthy, and from the hi Ai culti vation of the Land, the good rjivhborbort, and the vicinity to the ci ty, it is very suitable f r a Ger.t'emqns County Seat. lire for egoingis part of'.he EjlaU of Jacob Karma::, and offered for fedc iy 4,1?? totei' T S A ' .li* • Wine Port AND diiv&jtavvtf Jtawioi m oroe;CAI -LK-yrrs Surviving Executor, SAMUEL COATKS, At his Store No, 8» South Frc;:tf.;ect t HAS KOR SALE, 103 Pieces of Uull'.a Om-k, ' 15c Barrel* of exc-llrnt New-Enj-had Beaf, Cheers oi Copper* o oi new f.n^rij A q'jautitvcf mec's and women's Shoes and Sixers. . i- Wool Hats, " 16 Csfks or Claret, 32 Caiks or Shc-rrv Wine, A lew bags.of Janbaiuf Ailjnce. t - __ _ -T-- j& 'fj rrr's A Lot, containing about icventeen aar&, on tile Wlflahickon road, 4 troin the city,' And directly qppolte to the houl'e of Mr. ifattc Wharton. A Lot, containing: 10 acres, in. Iflingten Lane, on fw'd road, near thd estate of Jaf er Moylaa, Ef^. A Lot, containing io acres iii Turner's L?.ne, cp said road, and dire&ly oppoHtc to u;e estate of Mr. Tcrnait. Pn«juire of .JjQiqph Rodman, YVowdsCpck coiner oiTui- :r's .Lane, April 6 Fresh T E A W, Of Superior Quality, mz. Imnciia!, or Guiippwdet T"I>lon Gomee, I ft quality Hyf"", Z'j. do. uU. Young Hyion, Skin,' and [fe jlfc Souchong. /! Je-zu t B'uxfs of eachi f.r fate at No. iq, Third Street, South. 17w> ,r i Oi! Uciy a t'ubitjueUy By £>Q&EXiiOWER, KEY £ SIMPSON, A > I of The ,Wo rl d DisVl afE b ; Or*, A Curious Celled! on of VOT AG US h and TR/yELS* (7? El.rC 11 D x'.n«4 compiled from th" Writers of all rr&- tion?, ly Smart, i-joJ.DSMiTH and JoaNsoN. 5n wl.ijhtl.s ctHijcvyurea ;ind int.rrpolaticiiS ci f.v.rai vain JlcLtur* ui .1 Tram-utcr* are expunged; every relation is 1 :r co::c:ic mfd plain ; and tiv_- divifious us countiics ; ik! jri- cj-.Mfly *n»l di;hn- v ly po:n;«u out. In winch, it C 'jC'Jt'S I-AS-'T (/I /i'Gi-. CcnJiiioHs Wort .will It- pubjiihed in 48 -waiUy elegantly priiitid on fine.papei, with ■«. ijinutilyi new type. 11. Eich will cm lain So p£g;6 1■ ■ -^eclavo. — Six RU^ihi.r. to carji; ltutc 111. The v. • k will be with jo hand^onis engravujgj IV. The price of each number vyjll be a quarter of a clol* iar, to be paid for en delivery. V. Subscribers names flisil be .prefixed.' bubfcriptlonF rec-ived by the puY iTner* at t&e rr : rtirig oflke of..Jchn 1 ftunapfoni, Ko 43 Carter's i-lie/, aijVnilfc No. 79 Dock llrert- Mgitjl 4 Io Be fold at Private Sale, TWO n«w thr?e story brick houf;:,' neatly finifhed; on on thefouth fide of FiKictt, abov! ninth ftrest; CJ.h house has the privilege: ol a three fsct alley, -a.i the loft run back to a 30 feet wide street. Also, alarge three ftofy brick building, thir'y anj ta half feet front, or, the (outh fide of Ftibcrt, above ftreef. TJi 5 lot cxt ntZ 120 £e:t in depth UiiJfostfie pri vilege of a nitre feet alldy froni "Filbert'(lreet the -■ hole length of the lot, and of a 30 tret fqaare-ioart for carri - gcs to turn in. This iaft building is not fimihed in th« Jn&de, aa3 jbiay be made cither iiiroonc or two houses— it u 111 hi f ».r ft r any large nxanuf-clory. Thj whole clraf ci groui or any incumbrance Fos tewtts apply at No. ill Chefnut ftrcct, /I\>truo r _L i_ jL ojO uj as il. v V - j . MAY 2i, 1-7 5 ADVERTISEMENT. THE Grammar School formerly attached to this College, having gradually, declined through tiie increasing iufjrimtics oi' the late .IVeSiknt for funic time before \iis death, it is propuf.d by die fuii-'fiUtr immediately tp revive it, ami to cartful inltrudliun and government. The Latin, Greek, ami French Languages-frail be taught'in it, to gether wiih the principles of Engliih Gfawjnar, of Geography, and practical Geometry; l:ke wif<; who do not ch'jie that their ciiiMrcn iVmld go through the' intire course ol liuditk in the C'ojJege, may now have them inftriufted in any particular branches in.the fame maimer, on the lame terms, arid to the fame extent as m the-Co!.ege—particularly 1:1 the antiquities and mythol&gy of Home, in Gepg'a phy, in the Mathematics, in Nattiral Phiiofoyhy ajjd Attronomy, in Moral Phi]ofnp"hy aad' the lVipp:p'e J of Civil Government, \ti Eloquence, and'hi' the Ele ments.of Hi'tofy. They may address their thildie'n to-any of the Mjftera in the College, cr to N. B. The young gentleifien fiiall b< under the famerulrsof moral :v.' ion I Keeling and Anthony! t ; of Anthony Kjciiujv .'in; i j u.m : iu ;'~i ' "O'voty of Stafford h> nv:>:i!■ au: :r;. a: chi.'.a. .md v*r;h en ware, is JiiTuivrj' tTtt 14th d»y &f Milt.. a!M that-the laid t".iJc \vi!' in futur. 1 ' ! c carriedim n-y i.oii Anthony lvc.U.,>,'aii.i Eitoch ii;x!ii the f:m of Anthony & Enoch Kc'iirg; and'aft who have clwnts upon thi laidr p'ru-ceri, aro jicfoid to t>anfmit a particular account. 4h<'S.'«* to theni at their laid .nranuf'ailo ry,. arid to whom *11 debt* due to the.-laid Cojuptntr&jp are to be paid. * ' ' Aug I, «4* anthont keeling, ■ £NOCII KM-LING. *' ' 1 T Tolvms VIII.] ' — ZSg® tiodtf. f : o tr Yoh'lT' I SAMUEL S. SMITH. i-H "il ' . . ~ - '» , I i y 4 '. i"t T>- I .l' ■' 7, Lr.-'ch bitwise An*! icr-tiit. Rrrii IB J i rent f unoex-