. a -''viSiin of .vliicti is'aid to have failed f»r tile Eat*. Indie*. Sdted provision» are very plentiful at Brest, autl even fell below prime cost ; but rice and floui are very scarce Tire Ru'San fcpudron intended to a£fc under the otde.'s of our admiralty, is commanded by adtriiral Hanniintt, and is d<-ltiiK*d to prote& the north fca9 from the naval Force.) of the States General, fhuuld they be brought into action ; which, ac cording to pref.nt appearance is, however, very doubtful, from the general dlfiontents which pre vail i:i H ilhni in comfequence of their late con nefl'n with th * l'Vench republic. O) the 2d isn't. rear-admiral Prinze failed with O'lr fle>*t from the Downs, and carried with him pints f>r the Ruffian (hips. Ad-nir'd Duncan (hifted his fla* to the Defence of 64. guns.' LIVERPOOL, Jline 15 A letter direct from Paris, was received on yef ferd ty fe'ni.;ht, by a booty iA Mwchef ter, from M Perreganx & Co. the French national banker*, giving t'i« following invr»<»#tant informa tion:—" That the decree of the National Conven ts 1, on the io'h October, 1733, ordering that a'l property belonging to Biiti'fj subjects (hauld be confifcated, is reverfc 1, by a ft-con 1 decree of the 3I of Jat!ia>-y lat. All foecie and efFects of cverv kind, are ordered therefore, to be reflored, and areupw ready to be disposed of as the refpedt ive oroprietors in this kingdom may direct." Great preparations are making for encamping the troops along the north coast; and on Wednes day la it Lnrd Grey de Wilton arrived at Tyne mouth barracks, and joined hii regiment of Royal Lancashire Fvncibles. of the advantages already given to th»* inhabitants of the United Provinces, by -in aft this feilion, chip. 80, which pnfled the 22d of la'l month, any (hip or veffc! of theirs brought hv thtm to this country, may under certain conditions be regiftcrd at the of this kingdom, for the European trade. Th-'ir goods and effe&s (1 -noTifcd -d r this time rft Hamburg or any port in Gerrrunv, the Bi'tic, or E;ift Countiy, may be brought into my part of th's rountrr, in any bot tom of ;!>eit's, or an*' central or British bottom, without any rmharrafiing reftri'Hon, and may re mr:'n until the proprietor's de'ermine as to the dif pof'l of them by files either for exportation or for cor fu nption of them in this kingdom. All hou re hoJd furuitwre, pifturei, Sic proved to be the sole private property of f;ich inhabitants, may be landed and Tide u(e of, dutyfree. O' the 5 1! i inlait, arrived at Hull, the Ame rican !hio PeTQr-,-, Cao". Van Ranfeller, which vef f- 1 left Havre-de-Grace the Sunday morning before. Mijor Campbell of the 69th who was taken prisoner ivifh General O'Hira at Toulon, fin? I.i }ier as n p.iflentrer,. Capt. Ranfell. r was at P.'r't during the who'e of the late com'nations, and fays, that at one time the Jicobin party, in OpDafition to the Convention, had not less than men in arms, to which the Convention op pof*d an army of 100,000, but no took place between them. At piefent, however, tran quility is restored .to the capital, and the Conven tion has fvfiimed i's f.m&ionsand powers. In evtf. ry part of France where the Captaia has been, the erons of corn upon the ground appear to he in great forwardnef:, and the approaching harvest is likely to be very abundant ST. JOHM's, f Antigua) Jti'y i.r Ships Oil t>JC • the leji that can be obtained ; and Kitted to ent«r all the Kriiifh Weil [ndia iflnids, ' that it is infinitely for the intcreft of the United in, veflels of 70 tons, to carry there nl! kinds nf pro-1 States, to carry it into effect. Minerva. duce, and to'bring from thence the valuable arti- t cle9 of ftijrir, cotton, cocoa, &c. Judge, then, From, the Courier of NewHampJh'trc, printed at citizens of the United States, of the uproar of those ! Concord. who condemn the latter, and cordially acquiesce in j TH £ Treary is warmly o.ppofed by some, who i £*<-*1 a great tenderness for the mild government of IfiJtKktrnly republican and federal slate of Con-j F'ait a fentcnce is n'tered aqainft the Trea- Alliance with that Republic. The following clause tji In the ib.tc of New-York, except the city, | will remove all objcdioi* on this head :»« Nothing it has been * >afled in large companies with ap-)l- :le ; and in the city of New-York, on w >iJ of a gentleman ju!l arrived therefrom, the ow:lers of nineteen twentieth* of the ftiippinj ate warmly in favour of it By several arrivals at various ports, we have re ceived information of the capture of several (hips of tlie Britilh Welt-India convoy. Captain Smith, arrived at New-London from Barbadoes, infotrfis, of the arrival there four days before he failed, of between 60 aid 70 fail of (hip*, with troo. s and ordnance; part of a fleet of too fail, which parted in a fqttall to the windward of Barbadoes, where three or four French Frigates were cruihng, and whom, it was reported at Barbadoes, had captured four of the transports, one of which had 500 troops and a large quantity of ordnance. Captain Aubin, arrived at Newburyport, confirms this, and adds, that eight prizes arrived at Petit Bourg, on the 2d of July, with 750 troops on hoard. The piifon ers were sent to Point Petre, When the fl *et above mentioned faile 1 from England it had 7900 troops 011 board, and contained oie hundred transports. Oas;ht to be the animating principles of the times. The Treaty is the fubjeifl of, difcufiion. ft was framed by one of the wifetl (latefmen in the U ited States, and has been ratified by the Senate of the United States. It has been condemned be fjre it has been tead ; and is now the rallying point of antifederalifm. Tiie objections to it arefpcci out—but aflc your hearts, do they not conceal a dagger aim'd at the vitals of tlie government of the Un'ted States ? Its oppofers are rafli and inflam matory—its defenders candid and jiift. American l !, be not deluded ! Art yourselves ! Hear the voice of reason, and then decide. Freedom. p adage. July if. Arrived schooner dolphin, Boynton, 38 days from Liverpool. June 30, lat. 46 long. 32. spoke a Biiti.li fioop of war, convoying two bii to the wellward. July 2, lat. 45. long. 34. spoke a (hip from Ne>v-York bound to London. Same day arrived ship Lexington, Capt. Roberts in 168 days from Canton, in China. This vefT'l returns from a voyage to the North Weft Coast.— Three days since spoke a sloop frorr* hencc for De marara, which is the only vefTel spoke since her lea- ving Canton Some day arrived f.iip Jc.Tv-rfon, Stetson,47 daye from St. Uhes. July to, lat. 34. 44. long. 50. fiwke the schooner Harris, Homans, 14 days from Salem, for Rochefort* Arrived at Salem, Capt. Lambert, in brig Hope 97 days from the Cape. 12th March failed the Belifarius, Geo. Crowninfhieid, jun. matter, bound round the Cape—lsth dj. the (hip Atlantic, Capt. Swaine, of Philadelphia, failed, b«und rourd the Cape; 29th of June, lat. 24, 41, long, 51,fpoke with Capt. F. Goodiidge, from Newbu-y-port, bound for Tobago, lat, 4U 30. Ion? 61. spoke with Samuel WiiifWell, in the brig William, from New York, bound to the Isle of Wight. Capt. G. Croivninfhield, jr. arrived at this port on Sunday in the beautiful (hip Belifarius, in the remarkable pasTa ;e of 70 rtats from the Isle of France—having completed his voyage in seven months and an half. He left there the (hip Beujnminj Captain Silfby, of this Port ; Captain S. Croel, from Boston, bouud for Mufkat ; Capt. Gardner, just arrived from Boston, after a te dious paflige of 220 days; but like to make a better voyage for it, however. Capt. Dfpeyflci, in the ihip Bangalore, of New-York, bound for Senegal, touched at the Isle of France a few days before Capt. C. failed, but tarried only two days. At the celebration of Independence in Newbttryport, the following, among other toafti, were given ; Commanders C Admiral Cal'dwe 1, | Capt. YVefcotc. Wilfotr Sir R. B'xicerton. Tnifcott. Fookes. C Admiral Tliompfon, ( Capt. Miller. Ke!!v. ' Darby. Bavntum. Barrett, Fahie NEW-YORK, July 3i. The Eilitors of the Baltimore Telegraph* under the date of July 23d, fay, " The Minerva arid fum-* other papers, hitherto the warm panegyrists of' of Mr. J-iy and Ilia Treaty, appear to have furten dered it up as a thing imlefenjible No, MeflVs. Editors, you mistake fa£ls wholly. We are not in the interest of any man, of any men, or of any party; merely as foch—-We espouse the cause of truth only ; and if Mr, Jay or the treaty has made improper facrifices, we will be the firft to con demn both. Be allured the treaty is not given up as inJefenfi ble. The friends of our government and of the real intercus of the country, delay their defenfe of the treaty for the noble/lpurpofe—that of examining its merits. It required time to investigate its vari ous parts, to compare it with other treaties and the law of nations. This was the motive, the honora ble motive of delay; and contralled with the hurry and lafhntfs and tumult of its oppofers, wheic is the man will not admire this condtidl of its ad vocates ? No ; the treaty, tho it does not procure us all we wifli, and t(io some parts of it are less fa vorable than we expetled, is on the whole more fa-- vorable to our trade than any treaty we have with other nn-ions—and more favourable than any othe' Capture os-British Transports. TRUTH, CANDOR, AND PATRIOTISM, Arrived brig , Jenkini, 43 clays from Jamai- The cap'. and torn? of the crew died on the Spoke n-> TeJfels. Our late Envoy to Great-3ritain—May the fatisfac tory amendment of the 11th Article in the Treaty, bring it into fpeedv operation, and secure to us the fr«its of talents and exertions. The majority of the Senate in their late delibera tions. The conftitiitiom and laws of the United States; may the intrigues of failion never ihake the one, nor weaken the energy of the other. May contempt be the guillotine of the Robefpierret of America —3 cheers. in this Treaty contained, (hall however be c«Hftntc3 or operate contrary to former and exiltirg 'public treaties with other S>vreigns or States. Bu: the two parties agree, that while they Continue in amity, neither of them will in future make any treaty that (hall be inconiiftcnt with this or the preceding arti cles." ' ■ .It i* said the Tacobins of Philadelphia, in the night of the sth inlt. burnt Mr. J .y in effigy, with a eopy of the treaty : but this report wants con firmation. It is ftippofed to have been circulated in order to induce the peopli in the Nothern seaports to imnifelt their disapprobation of the Treaty by committing (hameful and unwarrantable excciTes. B as to be ready to condemn it in toto the m oment it should come to hand which they did and sent their proceedings immediately to the PrefiJent of the United States. YVem-iy therefore conclude the principles of it were we/1 tlig'Jtcd by the inhabitants before the resolution paftcd ! WORCESTER, July 29. From a Cor re fpon'wut. From the moment of Mr. Jay's appointment, as F,n voy Extraordinary, to the Court of Great-Britajn, to ihe publication of Treaty, it wn uniformly aflerted, by those who, by way of eminence, llyle themselves Dtmoc-nts, thst negociation could never fuccee l, in obtaining aredrefs of tht injuries we had fnifered from that n.ition. And on this ground have thev raised their inoft formidable objeislions,agai«3; the pacific measures adopted by the federal government. Yet,.asfoonas the treaty was published.- Mr. Jay mul be severely re primanded, by the fcrlbbler» of the Democritic party, from New-Hamp(h;re to Georgia; guillotined in effigy at New-York ; burnt it Philadelphia ; and damned at NewcafUe. And all this, for what} Why truly,, for not efTeilin?, by, ntgociatign, what the very persons, who are guilty of these outrages, declare it impoffib'e n'go::*tion should e3e(?l. But without.deciding upon the merits or demerits of the treaty, we may venture to afleft, that such violent mcafurw, a have, in some iiulances at least, been adopted by its oppol'ers, iff in finitely more dangerous to the exiftejire of our govern ment, and, confeqnently, to our liberty and happiness, than it is possible for any treaty whatever to he. NEW-YO R K, i Yesterday arrived here the (loop Betsy, Captain King, in 19 days from Port-nu-Prince, who in forms us, that Gen. Wiiliamfon had newly ereft#d a very strong foit on the back of the town, and had a nnmbcr of flat bottomed boats withbrafs camion mounted in them ; that fincc the arrival of the troops from England, they had put the town in fucha poftare of defence as obliged the French to raise the siege and return to Leogan ; that it bad been very sickly there in ths month of June la ft, but was not so much so when be came away ; tha'. he was informed by a perfon,fome time before his ar rival, that there were three American captains bu ried in one day, andalmoft every veflel had some died o»t of them ; that in common they were not lick more, than five days. Capt. King begs the li berty to advise every mailer of a veflel that may go to that port, not to make any use of the water be fore it has Hood five days or more ; the immediate use of water theie is considered to be very hurtful, and has a great tendency to throw a person in a fever The whiggifm of 1776, was to rally round the Vencralle State/men and Patriots of our country— the Wafliington*, the Adams, the Jays, and Elf worths of America—New whiggifm is to ahufe them all as traitors, execrate them and burn them in effigy. To follow Wafliington is now to be a tory, and to deserve tar and feathers. Strange changes these ! But men capable of deserting their old tried patriots, who are still acting what they deem for the interest of the United States, aie ince pable of terrifying old tried patriots. We aSert the truth ; we are bold is defending it j we have the constituted authorities of our free country un our fide ; nay more ; we have the consciousness of serving the cause of liberty—we have teflimonies ot approbation from every quarter of the country— we fear not candid argument ; much less, the me naces of those who for want of argument, would bul ly us into criminal silence, £Mi ierva.] Port of Philadelphia. Au Z u ft 4-i ARRIVALS. Barque Hope, Bambridge, Bordeaux, 49 Brig Fair American, Nat}), Jeremie, 16 Eagle, Dewar, Port-au-Prince, 16 Nancy, Newhall, Charleston, 8 Fox, Cheefeman, Boftbn,, 5 Capt. Bambridge failed from Bourdeaux tlie I Ith June, the hrig Hector, Connel, failed a few days before for Philadelphia. The following vessels had arrived there : Ship Fame, from Brig Siifattna, Baird, Mary Ann, Kenny, Sea Nymph, Pedem, Ships, Ariel, Deeator ; Qceaft, Verdenburgh ; and Harmon), were to fail in a few days for Philadelphia. The Brig Cincinnatus, Rolertfon, 39 days from Brlfajl with 300 passengers, iyas boarded on the 20th ult. in long. 64, by three frigates experiment had been made; and propofej-) in lieu thareof, that a large sum fhouldbe paid on each mortar and pefijf, and that all makers of fnuff should be compelled to enter their mills with the collectors of the .everal States, and pay down, ot* g:ve undoubted fecnrity tor the lu r! of one thousand <1«-ilars annually, befoi e they -ihould be per mitted to grind one pound of luufT- This reafonmg appearing piaufible, and very few of "lie members of Coligrefs beinp acquainted «uh this business, they, eonfented to alter the ad sccoidmg to the wishes of the Touihern e.vr.offers, arid it paffijd into a law. But mark, fellow-citizens, the iniqiiify that arifts from 'his deception on Congress : in the firP. place, the duty falls very unequally ; tor example, to the maker who grinds three thousand pounds weight in a year, which is the common evcrage of all the New-England makers, the duty confcqaeutly is two lhiiliags pel- pound; whereas to a manufacturer who. grinds one hundred thousand pounds, which is reailv the ca'e with many at the southward, the duty is reduced to the infigiltfi ca'ice of one copper per pound ; and therefore at firft fight it evidently appears the men of opulence are ac tually and bma si-ie defrauding the revenue under au thority, and grossly impoling on their fellow-citizens, by advancing the price two hundred per cent, when in fait the duty does not affccft it on their /. ale five per cent. We all know, moreover, that the capitals of most of the fnuff-mskers ia New-England are not equal to the advance of so large a sum, nor are they able to stock their mil's so as to work on a par with the southern manufaiturcrs ; the n-tural consequence of which is, that the trade will fall immediately into very few hand*, and the industrious individual of small capital mull quit the business: and indeed it has hau that effect in. New-Englhnd, where almost ev ry mill is now tinerr.ployed. This proceeding is quite cor.r trary to a republican government, which ought i speci ally to guard agatnit all monopolies, and to the utinoft protect the middle elnfs of men. 1 hi- a& puts me in mind of the late farmers general of France, who obtained the exclusive privilege of making fnuff, by paying a sum in the gr-dfs to the king,and by that rm-ans infam« wily hnrraile'i and op preried their fellow fubjecls, even to a proverb. I flat ter myfelf our leg iflators will, icriipuloufly avoid such pernicious examples, and tenaeiciifly watch over the welfare of each class of citizens. Snuff, it is true, is a luxury ; but, if 1 may be permitted to use tbeexp'rei fion, it is a patriotic one ; it is of our own growth ; it employs a great number of farmers, fcamen and mechanics, and its effedls on the senses are in many iuftances highly beneficial, but never hurtful. OF all fi7.?% from 32 lb to Grafpc, Cambooles, Pots, and other callings exccutcd at die shortest notice, Nail rods, frt>m iod to spike, Hoop Iron, of all sizes, for cases or cutting into nails, frcm a brad to lid nails, Anchors, from 17 Cwt.to icolb. Bar Iron, A Quantity of James River Tobacco, Carolina Pork, Herring* in barrels, Kijn-dried corn meal in Hhds. ancf Bbls, Rye flour See. An-ivjl 4 This Day is Publijhed, By DOBELBOWER, KEY 5c SIMPSON, The World Displayed ; Or, A Curious Colleßion of VG TAGES and TR/IVELS. SELECTED and compiled from the Writers of all ra tion?, by Smart, Goldsmith and Johnson. In which the conjectures and interpolation*; of fjvcral vain Editors and Translators are expunged; every rel von is ma~"c concise and piain ; and the divisions of countries and kingdoms arccicarly and diltimSHy pointed outv In which is included, COOK'S LAS'T VOYAGE. This Work will be publilhed in 48 trtelly numbers, elegantly printed on tin: paper, with a beautiful new ty»e.' 11. Each NHmber will contain 80 pages large odlavy. Six number- to con rt itute a volume. 111. The work will be embclfiflied with 50 har.dfome engravings. IV. The price of each number will be a quarter ef a dol lar, to be paid for on delivery. V. Subscribers names ffaa.ll be prefixed. Sublcriptions received by the pub'ifhers at the printing office of John Thompfen, No 43 Carter's alley, adidinrhz No. Dockflreet. ' Philadelphia do. ~ THIS DA rIS PUBLISHED, — ~ By THO'tLiS J)OU:O'., The sTUNJi JiOUSE, ENCYCL OPM DI A. Vai.iiMS XIV. CONTAINING, among a variety of c'her artic!?«, Paf iions, Pastime, PaiVure, l : ;,ta«onia, P.'fri„"--:i* p ui 'j Pear!, Pegu; Pekin, Ptjew-lfland's, Pe-uhr.u n, ~:^ r ,.{ Y u varna, Pergamus, Perlw, P.-rlpi-ajve. Peter, lVri^w tt 'OT Sy:k-m of Pharmacy, Philad-lphia, Phiiin, PhUofopby,, Phoenicia, Pholjihorvs, Pfcvixs, PhyfioeS'- my, Physiology, Pi