Gazette of the United States. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1795-1796, July 22, 1795, Image 1
Number 895.] - For SALE or CHARTER, The Ship TL VA NIA, BURTHEN 3400 Bbls. Flour—compleatly found, and may be feat to fta at a small expcnce. For terms apply to GUH NET t2 SMITH. WIJO HAVE FOR SALE, A Q-!T.rltv of Ex ellent Boyrdeaux Claret in caflcs and fcramly in fojics aild Butts. July 16 § m 0 S T 0 N, . The Sloop P H OE N I X, <dhios QazmaN) Master, WILL foil in a fevr clays, for freight or paltage apply to the captain on board, or to I'cr JOSZrH ANTHONT& SON. IVbo have for fain, received by said Vifftl, Bemerara Sugar, in hliJs. Coffee in Bags and A few Bales excellent Cotton. Jn'y ! 5 .SALLY, M' :n £ whur', this vsfTel-is Ready tu uk- in a cargo, and is well found in ringing and f-ils. Her burthen abr>ut 650 Barrels- Apply to SAMUEL BRECK, Jun. Rofs's wharf. J d June 20 LOST. A Note of Hfind, dated the 7th July, 179.", drawn'by "Danici M'Cormick, payable to thu Subscriber 60 days after date, for five thousand dollars ; as the payment is flopped, anyperfon leaving it at No. 13 Courtland flreet will be paid for their trouble. IVm. S. SMITH. New York, July 14 25 Dollars Reward. T OST, 0:1 the Road between Princeton and Trenton, .*■ .J a Red Morocco Pocket Book, containing a Bill of Exchange for 533 Dollars 33-100. drawn by J. Price & Co% on Comfort Sands Elq. New York—-dated Charleston, S.C. at 60 days fight, accepted 2zd IvTay in favor of M.'firs. John J. Waldo & Co. and indorsed by Samuel Breck Jun. per power o<" attorney from Meifrs. Waldo and Cfc the pay ment of is llopt* Like wife 90 Dollars in Bank Notes, and other papers of no confluence but to the own - «r. Whoever finds and returns totfye Printer hereof, the fafd Pocket Bock with its contents, shall reccive the above July 14 Reward. Insurance Company of North America, July 14, 179 5> THE Dividend for the last half year is declared by the pFcfider.t and Director* to be one dollar an J seventy five cents on each Cure o; Stock in this Company ; which ■will be paid to th . S;ockholders, or their legal representa tives, in ten days from this date, agreeably to charter. By Order !-f the Prejidcnt and Director!, EBENEZER HAZARD, Secretary. §iw Wanted to Rent, ONr or two good sized Rooms on the Ground in a central part of ihe C*ty» * or aCompting House. Applv at the office of this Gazette. July 17 iioo Barrels Tar. 750 Molafies {hooks, St Domingo MoUiftO jjogsheads. and byr*p, J b Pimento, in lcrroons, fOR SALE BY GEORGE SIBBALS, No, 170 South Front Street. June 27 For Sale by the Subscriber, A few hundred barrels ef Prime Herrings fit for Eitpor- tat ion 70,c0c lb. Green Co3ree in hhds. barrels and bags Port \V ine in pipek ra in do. hhds. and quarter calks Ttncriffe in Ditto Mnia'ga in quarter casks Jamaica Spirits in hhds. New England Rum in ditto Holland Gin Hyion -\ ">Ud"n°Td ( TEAS » snwho!e andchcfts Bohea ) Turk'* Island and Liverpool J Sweet Oil in Quart Bottles, arid Cases of 30 bottled Chyed Sugars m hhd>. entitled to Drawback 2000 Bujbels bcjlLiverpool blond Salt now afloat, will be Sold cheap from oh board the vcffel. Levinus Clarkfon, - Philip Ivicklin & Go. v Are now Landing from the Ship Libert/, Capt. Van- L.iVfinyif, from Liverpool, 100 casks of Nails aflorted in 41i, bJ, Brf, 10J, and lod. J lily 14 And from the schooner Favorite, from Virginia, Si Hogflieads prime Tobacco, and Ijoowt. Virginia Hams. They have also on hand, 2.2 Tons Pig Lead- Rich Mountain Wine in Quarter Casks, fine Old Port Wine in Pipes and Hogiheads, Sp-iniih Liquorice Bail, in boxes of Z cwt. each Brimlionc, crude and refined, Lnghfh fail Canvas afmrted Crown Window (Jlals 8 by 10, Ivi en's Lugiilh fad dies, and A Quantity of Mahogany. 3 i JAMES TIFFIN, A's. 70, South Secord-Jireet, near the City Tavern, HAS just opened and for Sale, an Assortment of La dies' ana Gentlemen's . Jbalhionable HATS, ftffin London. Alio a variety of Children's Hats of differ ent Colour*. ' . M. ii. A Mati cr.two as finifliers in the above bufincfs, we*l .ecouimetidtd, wiil tat it with cooft«uit employ and jjooii cncoufug-jiicnt» June t. <i . 7t FOR SALE, §IW §lOt SALT No. 116 South Water ft'reet, Slaftife iplnito #' WEDNESDA T EVENING, JULT 22, 1795. FOR HAMBURGH, The Ship ADRIANA, Captain Samuel Clapp, T > r i!l receive Freight, (part of which ' s engaged) for Hamburgh, and is. to fail as soon as fee is difcliarged, and can be loaded. PafTengersthat purpose to go to England, are to be landed at Deal or Dover, the Ship having good ac commodations, being lately' enlarged for this purpose in Lonaon. For freight or pailage enquire of Ralph Mather, No. 71, Race-Street. July 14. '4—* Fox LIVERPOOL, ' The SHIP iPffiK'' amiable, ' Danhl TiUinghurJij KKaJisr Aconftant trader—a ftauueh, flout, Cedar and Live Oak (Kip, with good accommodations for paflengers, lails remarkably faff, and now beginning to take in her cargo, and is expelled to be ready to depart by the firft of next month, Fctt Freight or Pa/Tags £pply to the mailer The Amiable is intended to remain In Liverpool 21 days, and no longer; weather permitting, and to return im mediately to this port. For SALE, A Quantity of Fine Liverpool Stored Salt. The highe.t price in Cafli, will be given for EMPTY BOTTLES* A preference will be given to Claret Bottle*,—Apply to No. 187, l'outh Third-ltreet. si/ft.' 10. New-Castle Pilr. Lottery, Y)R!2E Tickets in the above Lottery are paid at a fair X difcou;i£,or exchanged f« tickets in the Canal, tVJh ington and Pj'.crfi.* Lotteries, at the Office No: 14y Chef- nr.t Street Where approved Notes to any amaun: are also discounted June 24 Fraunces's Tavern. h r o. 59 South [Fata' Street. T-JE Subscriber refpcftfully begs leave to inform hi. friends and the public in general, that he has remov ed from No. 166 south ad Street, to that large, commo dious, House in WatcrStreet, between Chefcut andjW-luut Streets, lately occupied by Mr. Ifnac aud, on which he lias spAred no pains oresp;nfe, to make it con venient and agreeable for the receptio.. of gentlemen. The House being fitnated on the fame fpnt where the noted Beef Steak and Punch house formeily stood, has the advantage of the heft water in this city, known long fmce by the name of the Gran Tree IVater. As there are several elegant Rooms, fulficiently large to accommodate any Society or company of gentlemen, and from his well kr.ivvn abilities topleafeiu the Tine of hitbufmefs, he flatter. Jiuufdf with a continuance of that patronage which he has experienced (Vnce h: 6rft opened a Public House in this City, and, for which he begs leave to make a public acknowledgment. For the accommodation of Small Parties, the Large Colfee Room oa the ground floor is-conveniently fittid up with a number of Boxes, conftrafled in such a man ner as to admit Gentlemen to be as private as they plcafe— Where may be had, at any hour, Soups, Beef-Steaks, Relifnes, occ. &c. He has on hand, and willkeep a constant supply of Spi rituous and Malt Liquors, and of the best qualities. Br-eakf.fts provided—Also Dinners and Suppers cook ed in the most approved manner, at a ftiort notice, andPaf try of all forts, made to order, in the House, or to scad out at any hour. He has fevsral well ftirnilhed Bed Chambers, for Board ers and Lodgers, by the Week, month, or year. Jun 4 FOR SALE, At the STOKES of , Jesse & Robert Waln, PORT WINE in pipe'., lihds. and quai tei calks LISBON do.ii* pipes and quartet calks Snucliongaird I'.ongo "I E AS, i n quartet chests A quantity of l.ilbonaiid CadizSALT Soft (helleci ALMONDSin bales Velvet CORKS, in do. Ruflia MATTS. May z J FOR SALE, In Bath County, Virginia, 4 Acres of Good Land. VT are the Hot Springs, nvbicb are from 'JO to X V lIQ 'degrees of beat. There is on toe said land a band fime and iomfnodious bovfe tiooJiories high, 6© by $ofect s • with a portico *tbe full length of the bouse, and extending to the upper flory, and o&tY necessary bouses ft for a Public House, for nvbicb they nvijfe intended; good bouses are over fever al *f the baths, ivitb five siting founts. There are adjacent thereto, tzvo remarkable cold firings of ni> el I tafed lime-Rone nvater, Tbefe baths are a fpccif-c for the mofl obflinate rheumatic and all other diseases originating from colds or cbfirufted perforations y and gives great relief in thegout ; they bank effcSed nvonderfal cures in various dfemfes incident to the ladies ; they have this spring ninde a perfeSl cure of a disease on a IVefl- Indian refambling the leprosy, and are remarkable for the cure of nubile fnvcllings., controlled nerves, and many other difeaf ure tjo obflinate to be effe6led by medicine. There is near the said Baths , A new Saw-Mill erected, and a Race dug from theme to build a Manufi&uring Mill, ivh/cb reclaims about 30 acres of as rich Meadow Land as any upon the Continent, and may be watered every night» and the bay made thereon fMs as ivell as any that is made near any city or toubn ibithin the United Stales. Tit pnptieton of the above property '.f ill tttat for the fame en the premifei, at any time between the 20th of Augujl and the loth of September ; they will also fell Valuable Land for two or three Farms near the J 'aid Springs, and if the f*id Land and Houjts at the firings arc not fold, they will be rented* N. B. Good accommodation' art provided at the aboiie fpringt for ladies and gentlemen this feafin, which from experience is found kef to commence Juke, and end the firj! of OClobir. 7 ul y *4 Few Pipes Port Of a Superior Quality, Now landing at Pine-Street Wharf, For sale By William & Samuel Keith, No. #79, South Pront-St-'et. Jylv a- JER&MTAH IVARDEH. SAMU£L fRAUXGES. §im Wine Far SALE or CHARTER, THE SHIP CHARLOTTE, NOW laying at Mr John Wilcock's Wharf. The Ch.ii'Jotte is an excel lent,' Well built New-England Shin, five and one half years old, 104 tons tier iegift-i, and is udl found and fitted in every refpe '+. Apply tu Nalbro' & John Frizier, A r o. 9«T fiwtb rr%nt-jirrei. (f\Ot 7"b 11, Wanted to Charier, F° r a port in Europe, * " which will carry about * hun- V?' Hogsheads of tobacco. Enquire of E. DUTII.H'& WIcM SMUTH, SouthSecouJ-ftreet, No. 164. June 29, 5 Thomas Noble;, Monet, Land, f<f Commission BsoxKk, No. 149 Chtfnut jlrtet, RETURNS gra'.efui acknowledgments to his friunj, and'the public for' the cacouragetocjit lie liu rut-uvei) since he commenced bu&acf*. C'outinus fates and purchafesof real estates and public fe curities:—trar.fa-fts every. Specie* of nu..ey. negotiations- difcouati appiuvcd notes to aay amount, J;e. <vc. I icket* in the Canal otiiti --OLteli. s, may be had at the above office. The Washington Lottery being itow un the eve ol drawing, a numerical book will be k-pt ; from which the public will hate the advantage of examining tl,„ f,;te of tickets, three days earlier than by the ul'ual communication of incorreil printed ilio», irregularly fait by pcit, a;.d which arrives twice a week only. June 24 A merican Landfcabes. PROPOSALS fix PUBLISHING IN AQUATINT A Twenti-Fou r VI EW S, SELECTED from the molt fluking and interefling Profpedts ill the United States ; cach .ef which Views, will be accompanied with a defcriplive account of its Local, Historical, and other Incidental Peculiarities By G. I. PARKYNS, Aiutbor of tie u &lunaf:ic Remaint a d An;':eht Ca/Ua in Great Britain. 1 CONDITIONS. I. Hiat the work shall be publuhed hy Subfcrivtion that each Subscriber shall engage to take the -.vhole fat of Views, and shall pay for ealh engraving,' if U.i.Jc or brown, i Dollars ; and if coloured 5 Dollars. 11. That tht diminCous of each engraving shall be 14 by 17 inches, executed in aquatinta, and ptibiifhed upon paper of a superior quality,. The publication to commence im- mediately ; and one engraving to be delivered to.the Sub. fcribers, 011 the firft Morday of each fuccjcding month, until the proposed series Cull be finally completed. 111. That with the l.ifl View of the series, shall be deli vered an engraved title-page ; an decant oharailei iflic vignette: a map of the route, connected with the prel peefs exhibited in the the course qf the Work; ar.d an Alphabetical lift of the Subscribers, Subfcriptioßs arc- received by Mr. Harrifon, a: his Print lhop, rvhidcnlane, New-York, by Mr. Carey, lit.oli-f.-li er, No. 118, Market ilrcet, Philadelphia, and by all the principal Book-fcllcr* in the United Status. February iS, NOTICE FINDING mvfelf unable from tedicUa indijpofition, to effect a fettlcment of my affairs, 1 have appointed Rs hrl Hen.,'erfan my true and lawful attorney, to adjust and finally fettle all matters v. here I am interfiled, to p -V all debts dus by mc, and to receive all monies due to me, ci ther by bond, note or otherwise. June 15 §6w To be Sold tit Public Vendue, ON Seventh Day, a;th July, at .■ o'clock ir. the noon, at the f;gu of the Blue Bell on Cobb's creek, One Acre of .Land, on the weft fide of said creek, and adjoining land of Hugh LoydEfq. Dr. Pafclull, aud othen. Attendance will be given at the place of sale. July 18 § 50000 lb. of Virjt Quality Green Coffee WILL He Landed on Monday, thr aoth inft. on Mess. Willings and Francis's Wharf, from on board the Schooner Delight, Ayici Stokeiy, Mailer, from St. Do mingo, far sale by LEVINUi CLARKSON Jul}' 18 j NICHOLAS DIEHL, Jan. NOTARY PUBLIC, &c. HAS removed his Office irom No. 1? south Fourth to No. 3 ; Walnut ftrtct. June 4 New Hosiery. BARTHOLOjdt.W CONOLLT., Jt bis HOSIERY STORE, No. 48 Che/nut lh cct, RESPECTFULLY informs his Friends and the Public in general, that he hasjull received l>y the {hip Liberty from Liverpool, a further i'upply of Men's & Women's Silk and Cotton H®siery. Among which are a very ex.enfive assortment of Gentle men's j>lain white,, fancy, and patent Silk, fuperfme fancy pliUed silk and cotton, fine white, plain, and ribb'd cot ton—a very large assortment of fancy Patent and fine ran dom fancy cotton, &c. which he will fell upon the most reasonable terms by the dozen or pair. ALSO, A General Assortment of every other article of DRY GOODS, newly imported. Thoi'e gentlemen who pK-afe to favor B. C. with their commands, will meet with, at hit store, a moft< elegant, extenlive, and well chosen aflortment of every dei'cription of Hofury. Alio, a great Variety of Gentlemen's Out-fixes. June JAMES YARD Has for l'ale, at his llore on Walniilt-ftrect wharf, St. Croix Rum ;.nd Sugnr of superior quality. St. Dooiingo Indigo. I.aguira and St. Domingo Hides. 106 Pockcls of fine Cotton. Jtue 13 iate' LOST or MISLAID, drawn by Benjamin K. in of the Subfcrilwr, dated May 16, 1795, at 60 for four hundred twenty-five dollars 66 cents. Payment being flopped, it will be of no use but t owner. Ally porfca hivingfound tlitt fame, is requrdf,! t0 li it|at No. 55 North Water llriet, iuidtlicy "ir.alh be tha .fylv j 8 : f WILLIAM BAYLIS, Arhtmntt d'infutKe.- ft, um!t et ,t prl!* tn pvfral, fu'il a ow.-i t-,. Emm public, A,-, Statc.-«rc<>t/ -RiHtn. */*&* "i ?•*« <3* Hnfi i iihjtmrfutovmmu. ■./'/* ' <"V t.-gmr, at (j«w«, /■ vMcnt., m'<mt, *«(?•/'«*.» ■■! x, y.v; 'Muiimt Ht» i'lx.l.l inr Jt Itur ctnjianct. - t iff Cjiixr i:'u fl,r hurt intertft ct put ta ijl.l ftr'i.a w'e-nt;, &<„ f* .-mJ:ke it rcxdrc digne de it*, cotfmna & ! ivf - Li J^jfaires ji*+ Cwtijjion t dc quebjue nature > queUm jaieni, feronttbn&UcUerxenC tl tULiicaimtnt extt.ites. •■y -. J » 3 FiiEsn Fruits fee. \ ' c 0* Tillioiii be Landed, AtStamper's wharf, from on 6oar<! the fchoo ncr £.liaa, P. Arnold, mailer, direct from Malaga. 300 Qr. Ca&s old Mountain Wine, of fupcrior cjuaiity.. joo Qr- barrels B'.ooir. Raifim. 100 Boxe» Lemoui,. - 2 3oxcs muscatel Raifiiis. 191 fare ditto ditto. 4'J tO a Kegs F. May T3ROKE out of the piflure of Jolin De Grulhe, the J.) corner or Eleventh and Spruce Streets, about the Bth m Slant, two Mures ; one an iron-grev, about 14 and 3-4 hands high, the legs of whi.h have'been much in jured by the Hies. The other 1 smalt Bay, low in flefh, about 14 hands high j legs also injured by the flies.— Whoever hjs taken up the said Mares, and will return them as above, Shall be rewarded and all reafunable charges paid. July 21 The LAST NIGHT. WEDNESDAY, JULY 22, 1795, At Air. O ELLERS's Concsrt-Room, Chefnut' S.rcet, beprefented, (by way of an Evening Lou *ge) * V a fpecics of Entertainment, (in three acts) partly new, and partly compiled, called FASHIONABLE VARIETY • Or, A TOUCH AT THE TIMES., Confiftingof various recitations, Humerpus Descriptions. Com:c Songs, £cc, to be delivered by MR. jßA'T£§* Between the parts of the Ent-rtainmciit, several FAt r ORIT£ MRS, by MRS. WARRELI. Part I. PORTRAITS urprs ANECDOTES, As ALTERED mi MODERNIZED front the cMratci G. A, Stevens s 4 Ltftirre on Heads '* t< 'tth witch tuil be introduced the folluuing Portraits— OVtetandcr the G:\_ai—«ith obfervationson the ambition of Kind's—-Ah Indian Chief of the Creek Nation—A c£i> jrated Quack l>o«5lor— A Coran'o, wl.o poekete hi» deface—A pum Head, ui Oic Statu .of Nature- A L*wy.r\a« dignified by art, (with tiie intereftiiie caul'e of " iullu.u veih.» Boatum") —A London goine to keep it up—A Courtezan in d-ftrd's—A marrwe Eucif ait r he !.a» it lap —After which the Trump of I<«_ * by iylrs. Warrcli. JAMES MUIR Or, IVhbiJicai Strictures on A&mg* A* originally delivered; b\ the Author upwaids of 100 ijhts ir. London.] With Satvric Obfervttions and latfghabU Incidents of the Quixottes and Qmck Solvers of the Drama—prefa ced by aa Introductory Song of thfc Bru!h, —The Strik ing A£or, or a Story of Jack Sly and John Bull—Spout ers and Spouting Clubs displayed—An Audience liken by Surprize, or the Prince of Denmark find a Scotch Pedlar—A Butcher of Blank Vc'rfc Cutting up King Lear—Monetonizing aai Lisping, difplaycd by Bajazct and Tamerlane—Serious Rcfieflions on ' 'J he Inability of Popularity,' exemplified by the Fate of the Roman General Beliifariui—with Portrait and Song. And the Comic EaLad of, I Cant for I'm in Haifce, by Airs. War- I till. r.fter- Part the Third. " Sketches ,of Characters." The Monk's Convert] >n of the Jew, a tomic Tile. The Laughing and Crying Phiiolophei >, with Dibdin'* Sou d or '• Let's aii br unhappy together." Provincial Dn'rckj, or an Collier's f\: it trip to Churchy Couitthip and Matrimony contrasted, or " Jtha lyves J.aa and Jean loves John, The favorite tong of "Sweet Echp,*' by Mrs. YVarrcll. The whole to conclude with an Addict to the Aud cnce. mt N. B. Ihe Po. tuitsaad Scenery eutirily nevf, and paint* ed by eminent art lis in this Ciiy. The Room to be opened at 7 o'ctock, and the Perform, auce to coiu.'nericeat halt in hour after. Tick.- sto be had of Mcffn. Rice und Carey, aud at th bar of trie Hotel. Ladies and Gentleman, are refpedt fully informed^ THAT the Sublcriber Keeps an E.'rgJ-it Caacha to hire at a mtfouablc rate, which he dnvsj him!" If as usual! He alio keeps an elegant Coach, to hire * itfcout horfc», either o wbicii may be engaged at hi# dwelimg, No. 174 Arch fircet, Ir. twein Seventh and Ei ; rht!« streets at hi* Stable in Eighth near Market ftrett, orat his u&ui iiand, the csrnercif Market and Fourth (lrc;t» He, returns lus finecrc thanks to his friendr, and hope» to merit a of their fnvors, July 16 LANDING, from onboard tht i,hip> CuAKLOtrg, ' Capt. fona'. B'ikvers, frem' BoUrJtaux, ' 30 i'ipesßr:uidy 20 'i ons Ciavet 3 ta *4 w Volume VL •-ihelPd Almond! '2 s > «-• Far Sale bj PETER KUHN, Part the Sccond. COLLINS's BRUSH ; ,HENRY MOSES.; ■ For sale by > t.' Ci>J>J>lNG£&, Ko. 221 Soflth Front, ncarPias ftrcet. Who has alfb. 2T,00 cases of 30 & 50 bcKtbs, Choice Old Claret 600 hogfheitds ditto - A Quantity of Annifeafl No'ylit* I-iqueurs and Gunibricks. i m ! "John Clark. eoJim, J (it —mivlf" $ July 16