CANAL LOTTERY. SCHEME 'of'a Lottffy authorized tty an afi entit led " an aft to enable tlie Prefideiit and Managers of the Schuylkiil and S'tifqueferrtia Navigation, aud the Prefidcnt an J '•1.-.nagin! d'f tKf Delaware and Schuyl kill Canal Navigation; toraife by way of Luttiry, the sum of four hin'iti thoul'and dollars, for the pur pose of compViiiie ili'e works iii their a£U of incorpo ration mentioned.'" " . I Prize of 50,000 dollars is I 30,000 5 i 3,000 to lw paid, to the'poffefTori of the tickets of tfie" five Lift drawn numltcra, ioo,ooo 1.5,000 I'^.co'o X i s,ooo to be paid to the poffeilbr of fte tiJ.iet of the first drawn number, 10,000 2^,00 a,co© i,ouo 500 100 16,500 16,687 Prizes,- 3.1,313 Biatlii,' 50,000 tickets at 15 dailars each, .All Prizes shall be paid ten davs after the-drawing is finifhed, upon the demand of the polleflbr of a foi - runate Ticket, liibjtcl to' the di;Ju\s\iou of fifteen per ccnt, Such prizes as are not demanded in iz months after thp drawing is finifhed, of which public notice will be given, flnll be coiifidered as relinquifhcd lor the ufc of the Canal, and allied accordingly. jit a meeting of the i'rtjident and Manager} of the Schuylkill and Sv/juebanna Canal navigation- —and the t'r Jident and Managers of the Dela ware Had Scuuylkill Gautil, IVcdwjUaj, M.y 13, 1795. Relieved, That David Rit'enhoufe, Joseph Ball, John Stein rnetz, Standifh Furdt, and Francis Weft, be a Commit tee to arrange and dire& the mrxle of difpoling of the Tickets j which Committedfflall depolit the Money in Bank, to be c.rried to the credit of an account to be opened for the Lottery. Extrj. DA FIES'r Bwk-Stortt' No. 63 Higb-flrect, Del Pino's Sp'anijh; Grsmrftar r To which is added, an EngliJh, for the use of Spaniards. At the fame place may be had, a few copies »f Bayer's French iy EngliJh Dictionary. London Edition. Juflß S> bollars. 50,000 30,000 20,000 15,000 10,000 »0,000 20,000 to,ooo 198,000 500,000 500,000 Managers. jawtf. MAY 16, 1795 SAMUEL S. SMITH. jawtS, M-OROjeCAI LEWIS Svrvnin? Executor. cots S A L E, 3taW2W. I'.'ijyEßT MORRIS. I'aw6w m&ftf PHILADELPHIA, Printed by JOHN FENNO t N°* Xl 9 C'tefuut Street.—Price Six Dollars Per Annum. PROPOSALS For carrying the MAILS of the United State: en the following Pofl Roads, -will' be received at • the General Pofl'Office until the firfl day of oSober next. See Note Jti. » In, MAINE. 1. From Paflimaquoddy by Machias, Goldflrurouglj, SuiHvan, Trenton, and Bluehill to Penobfcot. Kieeive the Mail at PaiTamaquoddy every other Sa turday by 8 o'clock in ftle morning, and deliver it at Penobftot the next Friday by 6in the' evening. Return ing. ICeceive the Mail at Penobfcot every other Satur day'by 10 o'clock forenoon, and deliver it at PaiTama quoddy the next Friday afternoon by 5 o'clock. a. From Hallowell by Vallalborough,' Winflow, (Fort Halifax ) Fairfield and Canaan, to Norridgeworth. Leave IJallowellevery other Wednesday by noon, and arrive at Noiridgeworth the next Thursday by 6 P.M. Returning. Leave Norndgeworth on Friday by 10 A.M. and arrive at Hallowt 11 the next Saturday by 4 P. M. x a,ooo 3. From Welles by Waterbury courthouse, Sanford, D nty's falls and Berwick, to Dover in New Hampshire. Leave Welles ever 7 Friday by 8 A. M. and arrive at Dover the next day by 3 P. M. Returning Leave Dover every Wednesday by a P. M. and arrive at Welles the next Thurf'ay by 4 R. M. In NEW HAMPSHIRE 4. From Portsmouth by Dover. Rochefterand Moul tonboi ough to Plymouth, returning by New-Hampton, Meredith, Gilmantown, Nottingham and Durham, to Portsmouth. Leave Portsmouth every Wednesday morning by S o'clock, and arrive at Dover by noon, every other Wed nesday, and ?t Plymouth the next Friday by 6 P- M. Returning. Leave Plymouth on Saturday by 8 A. M. and return to Portsmouth the next Tuesday by 4 P. M. Note. " The port is to go and return on this route alternately," and the mail is to be carried but once in two weeks from November ill to May lit. v In NEW .YORK State. 5. From Conajohary by Chsrryvalley, Cooper's town, Butternuts and Oxford academy, to Union (at the mouth of the Chenango) once in two weeks. Leave Conajohary every other Wednesday by S A.M. arrive at Cooper's-town by 2 P. M. and at Union the next Saturday by 10 A. M. Returning. Leave Union every other Saturday by 3 P. M. and arrive at Conajo hary the next Tuefdiy by 6 P. M. 6. From Filhkill by Newburg and New Windsor to Goihen. The mail to leave Filhkill on Wednesday by 7 A M, and arrive at Gofheh by 5 p M. Returning. Leave Go ihen on Tuel'day by f A m, and arrive at Fiihkill by 5 p M. In PENNSYLVANIA 7. From Bethlehem to Wilkelbarre. Leave Hethlehem every Thursday by I p M, and ar rive at Wilkelbarre on Saturday by 1 v M. Returning. Leave Wilkelbarre every Tuefuiy by 8 A M, and arrive at Bethlehem Thursday by 10 A M. 8. From Piper's tavern in Bedminfterfon the post-road from Philadelphia to Bethlehem) by Alexandria, to Pittfton in New Jersey. Leave Piper's" every Thursday by 6 AM, and arrive at Pittfton by noon. Stay at Pittfton two hours, and return to Piper's by 8 P m, or on Friday by 8 a'm. 9. From Reading Uy Sunbury and Northumberland, to Lewiiburg. Leave Reading every Friday by 4 A M, arrive at Sun bury on Saturday by 6 P M, and at Lewifburg by Sun day noon. Returning. Leave Lewiiburg on Monday by 7 AM, and arrive at Reading the next Wednesday noon. 10. From Yorktown by Abbot'stown and Gettis burgh to Hagerstown and Williamlport in Maryland, to Martinlburg in Virginia. Leave Yorktown every Monday by 6 A M, arrive at Hagerstown onTuefday noon, and at Martinlburg by 7 P M. Returning. Leave Martinfcurg on Saturday by 6 am, arrive at Hagerstown by noon, and at York town-on Sunday evening by 7 o'clock. 11. From Bearrfstown in Kentucky to Nashville, South Western Territorv. Leave Beardstown every other Tuesday by 10 A M, and arrive at Nafbville the next Sunday by 5 r M. Re turning. Leave Nashville the next Monday noon, and arrive at Beardstown the next Saturday by 7 p M. In MARYLAND. li. From Annapolis by Lower Marlborough and Calvert cjiict house to St. Leonard's creek. Leave Annapolis every Tuesday by 7 A M, arrive at Lower Marlborough by 3 f M, at Calvert courthouse by 7 PM, and at St. Leonard's creek on Wednesday by ro AM. Returning, Ljave St. Leon >rd's Creek on Friday by 3 p m, arrive at Calvert courthouse bj 7 p m, at Lower Marlborough on Saturday by 9 a m, and at Annapolis by 7 PM. 13. From Bladenfburgby Upper Marlborough and Nottingham to Bennedi^l Leave Biadenlburg on Saturday by 6 A. M. arrive at Upper Marlborough by 11 A, M. leave Upper Marlborough iu two hours, and arrive at Bennedifl on Sunday noon. Returning. Leave Bennedidl on Mon day by 6 a; m. arrive at U ppcr Marlborough by 4 P. M. and at Bladtnfburg on Tuesday by 9 A. m. 14. From Wincheftcc by Romney to Moorfields. Leave Winchester every Monday by 10 a. m. arrive at Romucy on Tuesday noon, and at Moorfields on Wednesday by 9a. m. Returning. L ave Moorfields on Tuesday by » p. m. arrive at Romney on Thurs day by 8 a. m. and at Winchester on Friday by 4 p. m. 1;. From Charlottesville by Warren, Warminfter, New Market, Amheril, Cibell&urg and Madil'on, to Lynchburg. Leave Charlottesville every Tfiurfday by 8, x. M. arid arrive at Lynchburg the next Saturday by 4, t. «. iinturning. Leave Lynchburg on Monday by 9, a. m. and arrive at Charlottesville the next Wednesday by S, t. m'. 16. From Powhatan courthouse to Cartersville. Leave Powhatan court honfe every Tuesday by 7 A m, and arrive at Cartersville Return ing. Leave Cartersville every and arrive at Cartersville No information of the length of tKis road is yet re ceived : perlons making proposals are desired to state liich times of arrival and departure at and fromjCatters ville, as shall be convenient to then. 17. From Yorktown in Virginia to Glouccfter couit house. Leave Yorktown every Monday by 7 a m, and ar rive at Gloucester court house by 11 a m. Returning, Leave Glouceller court houle by j p m, and arrive at Yorkrown by 5 P m. In NORTH and SOUTH CAROLINA, 18. From Camden S. Carolina, by Lancaster to Charlotte and Lincolntoii i« North Carolina. Leave Camden every other Monday by 7 a m, arrive at Charlote the next by 9 a m, and at Lincolnton on Thursday by 9 a m. Returning. Leave Lincolnton every ether Thursday at noon, arrive at Charlotte on Friday byyioon, and at Camden on Sunday evening. 19. From Columbia by Winnlborough, Chtfter, Fisckney, ami isparun court houses to Greenville conn house/ Leave Columbia every other Tburfday hy 6 a m, ar rive at Pinckney on Friday by 6 p m, and at Greenville court house the next Sunday lioon. Retwn'mv. Leave In VIRGINIA Greertville cpurt house oh Monday by 6 a m, arrive at Pincksey ceart house on Tuesday by 3 r u, and at Co lumbia the next Thursday by 3 r m. %a. From Columbia by Newburv to Green ville, Walhington anil Pendleton court houft». Leave Columbia every other Thursday by noon, and arrive at .Greenville court house on Suuday by 10 a m, and at Pendleton court house by 7 r m. Returning. Leave Pendleton court house o» Monday by 8 a M, ar rive at Greenville court house by 3 ru, and at Colum bia the next Thursday by neon. IN GEORGIA. si. From Savannah by Newport bridge and St Savilla to St. Mary's. Leave Savannah every other Monday by 7 A.-M. arrive at Newport bridge by 3 P. M. and at St. Mary's the next Thursday by noon.—Returning. Leave St. Mary's on Friday by 5 A. M. Arrive at Newport bridge on Sunday by a P. M. and at Savannah by 7 Nate 1. The Post Matter General may alter the times of arrival and departure at any time during the continuance of the contrails, he psevioufly ftipulatirtg an idequate campenfation for any ejetra expence that may be occaGoned thereby. Note x. Half an hour lhall be allowed for opening and closing the mail at all offices where no particular time is fpecified. Note 3. For every hour's delay (unavoidable acci dents excepted) in arriving after the times prefcribid in any contrail, the coatraflor (hall forfeit one dollar; and if the delay continue until the departure of any depending mail whereby the mails deftintd for such depending mail lose a trio, an additional forfeiture of five dollars lhall be incurred. Note 4. Newspapers as well as letters are to he sent in the mails ; and if any person making proposals de li res to carry newspapers other than thofc conveyed in the mail for his Own emolument, he jnuft state in his proposals for what sum he will carry k with that emo lument and for what sum without that emolument. Aote 5. The contrails for the Mail* Number 1, I 9» 10, and 11, are to be in operation on the firft day of Oilober next, and all the others on the firft A*/ of November next.—The contarils for the fourteen firft numbered roadt are to continue in force until the ift of October 1797 ; the contrail* for the road No. 11, is to continue until the ift cf October 1796, and the Contraih for the roadt No. 15, 16, 17, 18, 19 and »o, are to continue until the ift of April 1798. Noti, 6. Should any person making proposals desire an alteration of the times of arrival and departure above fpecified, he must state in his proposals fucli al terations and the difference they will make in the terms of his contrail. Note 7. Proprfals for the Road No. t, will be re ceived by the Pod Matter at Penobfcot; for the Road No. it, by Mr. Walter Beal, at Beardllown ; for the Roads No. 19 and 10, by Dr. S. Green, Post Master at Columbia : and for the Road No. »i, by General James Jackson, at Savannah ; proposals for the other Roads must be sent to this office. No proposals Tor the Roads No. i, 19, »o and ai, will be received after the 20th of September next. Note i. Contrailors may receive their pay ouar terly. General Post Office, Philad. July 6, 179 J. JOSEPH HABERSHAM, t6w, Scheme of a Lottery, Toraifc 39,900 Dollar/, on a 6 Dollars 15 per Cent, from the Priitt—Thts Lottery conjijls of 38,00 c Tickets f in which there are 14,539 Prize}, and *3,461 iilanks, about one and an haij blanks to a firtze. THE Dncitwrsof The Society toreltabiifh Ufeful Ma nufa&ures, having ret'olved to crett LQ TTEiUfcS toi railing Oni Hundred Thousand Dollars, agiceably loan Atk of the Lcgidaiure of tUe State ot New-Jersey, hbve appointed the following per Cons to fupcrintend and diredWhe drawing of the lame, viz. Nicholas Low, Rntus King, Herman Lc Roy, James Watfou, Richard Har« rifon, Abijah Hammond, ana Cornelius Hay, of the city of Nrw-York—Thomas Willing, Joseph Bali, Matthew M'» Connel and Andrew Bayard, of the city of Philadelphia —His Excellency Richard Howell, Lfq. Elias Boudtnot, General Elias Dayton, James Parker, John Bayard, Do& or Lewis Donham, Samuel W. Stockton, Joihua M . Wal lace, Joseph Bloomfield, and Eli(ha Boudmot, of N<"w- Jersey, who offer the following Schcmc of a Lottery, and pledge themfclves to the public, that they wilitakr every and precaution iu their power to have the Monies paid by the Managers from lime to time, asreceiy ed, into the Banks at New-York and Philadelphia, to remain for the purpose of paying Pna 1 wlneh Ota I i b c immediately difeharged by a check one of the Banks. SCHEME: I Priaeof so ICO 30# IQOO 2000 ,90© 0 8100 *4»539 Prize*, 33,461 Blanks. 38000 Tickets at 7 Dollars etch is The drawing will commence, under the iofpeflion ot a Committee ot the Superintendents, as soon as the Tick ets are fold, ot which timely notice wiil be given. The Superintendents have appointed John N. Cammisg of Newark, Jacob R. Hardcnbt-ig, ot New-Brunfwick, and Jonathan Rhea, of Trenton, as immediate Manager! thereof, who trave given ample fccurity tor dtfeharging the trust reposed in them. £3T In order toiecure the punflual payment of the Prizes, the Superintcndants of the Lottery have 20,0e0 Dollirs, and dwelling houte, 5 cath 3»,ooo are 1 ditt» 15,000 &cath 25,000 1 ditto 15,000 & cash 15,000 1 ditto *0,000 & calh 10,000 1 ditto s>ooo 6t ea(h 5,000 1 ditto 5,000 Sc. calii 5,000 1 Calb prize ot a ditto 5,60® each, are 10 ditto 1,000 ao ditto 500 100 ditto 100 aoo ditto 50 400 ditto 1,000 dittrf §5,000 ditto io> • 6,739 33,461 BUnk| 50,00 o Ticket* at B*dol!ars Tim tottery will alTord an elegant fpecimm of the private buildings to t>e t rettid tn the Ctty of WalhingtOfi —Two feeauiifuj defigni are already felt £iiJ for the entire troma on two of the public square* ; !rom these draw, ingl, it is piopofed to erect twu centre and t«ur corner buildiugj, a> foOH aa polEble akcr thij Lomry u fold, 2«d to convey tliem whei. compleie, tothe fortunate er«, in the manner defciibod in the Icheme tor the Hoiel Lottery. A nctt deduflion ot five pc/ cent, will be m Attorney for the Plff. J Apr il l TO BE SOLD, A Lot, containing about fcventeen acres, eii the WHTahickon road, 4 miies. from the city, and direfily opposite to the house of Mr. Isaac Wharton. A Lot, containing 10 acres, in Islington Lane, on said road, near the estate of Jaf ( er Moylan, Ef^. A Lot, containing 10 acres in Turner's Lape, on said road, and diredly opposite to the estate of Mr. Ternanu Enquire of Joioph Redman, Woodstock corner of Tur ner's Lane. April 6 WHARTON fcf LEWIS, HAVE removed their INSURANCE OFFICE, mi STORE to Ne Hi South Float * Where they have for Half, Coffee Old Bill Madeira Wise Souchong 'l ea Sail Canvas &c. , Julj- IJ James M'Alb®n, 1 A Y L 0 R, N°. 3 South Fourth Street, RETURNS his grateful acknowledgement! t, hi, Fritndt and tic Public fir ibeir liberal encouragement, an,/beg, leave to J'alicit j. continuance of tbeir Jautts. At bis Shop gentlemen mry be ftimfhed -with the bel materials „ and have them made up and fnified in the mojl fajtionable manner, He will thankfully receive any oracrt and fay a prompt and' ~iunHualattention to thei*. 0(2, 15 50,000 40,000 30,000 eo,ooo 10.000 iOXOO- 10,000 1 C,Of © 1.0,000 10,OO® 10,000 10,0©J> 10, coo •0,000 *5 ,<*«• 400,000 SAMUEL BLODGET. todtf lawttf eoiltf mt