V " Tn« rebel# fprcad a report, 400 emigrants had entered } foofl after it wis said to be no more than eleren, afterwards seven emigrants, whom they brought along with them, and on whom they de clared that they found papers on which were writ ten, ♦ Long live Louis XVllth.' It -deserves to be remarked, that they comprehend under the descrip tion of emigrants, all those wko have escaped the profcriution*, and who have been recalled by your' dc orees. The insurgents took poffeflion of the gates of the town, and mourned them wrth cannon. They talk of matching again:! Maifeilles, bat I am taking measures to repel them. The National Guard of.this commune is organizing itfelf, and the public spirit Is tt tiie light kind. " It is a grevious circumltanc# to rae to be, oblig ed to tell you that our colleague, C liar bonier, has joined the insurgents. He was employed in the ar senal, had a great iufluenie over the workmen, and we areafTured that he has made the worst use of it. The number of th«: leaders of the levolt islmall. Already the workmen are rriurmuring; and v»e are going ti) get together a force, and (hall display both celeiity and vigour. The rebels have dispatched cmiflaties to Ciola, to fedaoe the regiment which is theie in garrilon. I'hey want to deliver up the port to the English. " Some travelers- w'nu !>ave arrive J here by the diligence friira "VWljn, announce, that our col league, Chiapp?, is detained as a prifuner, that the fleet has been conducted into the road, that it is in ille power of-the rebels, and that they occupy the fort L.-.m;lle. " Another traveller, who followed, informed us, that the insurgents have chofcn, for Commandant of the place, one of the prisoners named Port at ! that the garrison has rem-tined faithful, and the rfeet alio, excepting a few vcll'els. We are going to a(T:mble the neceflary force, and (hall negleci nothing to (\ibdue the Rebels, whose number does not exceed 8000. Our colleague, Cicerin/fets out to-night with a batalli»n." Doulcet read another letter, (Jafcfd the 2d by Chiappe, which confirmed the details contained in the pi et ;r'ing one. " The firlt ohjefk which presented itfelf to his eyes, on his arrival, wos the bleeding body of his * Colleague, iiiu.iel, who hinifelf blew out his brain 3, but the fpeiitacle fi-rved only to fire his courage, and Vi give him cause to deplore the fate of a Repiefent atiye of tite people, wbo had determined either to peri fh, or to caute the laws tti be refp»&ed. He presented himfelf at the gates of the towp to get otlt of it ! the infurgjrnts opposed his departure ; he then drew his fabr-e, and, supported by fume frieads, forced his pafTage.V The reading of this letter was fearcely fiuifhed when Merlin of Dotiay pat another into the hands of Doiiicet. It was Irom Jambou St. Andie, and dated M:tvfeiiles, the 3d P.airial. This Repieientative announced, that the armed forwe was aflembled, in order to bring into fubjeCttun the inluigcnts—that the fquadion was at that mo > inent ir. the great road ; and that from different in formations it appeared, that the families of Char, bonnier and Elciiiier took a «Jeeided part in the Rebellion. TtieJa.tc.ft reports of tlie Continent were, that the Auitrians, afrereroding the Rhine, had attac ked the French near Menl2, anj defeated them ha ving killed 1500 men, and taken as many prifouers, as well as a confidetable 11 .tin of artillery. It appcaars evident, that the Emperor is not dis posed to makepeace with France upon any other terms than those which may be approved by the Bri tish cabinet. The Jatefl accounts from Ratifbon even date, that all,difcii.lion rtfpectiMT the negociations for pe-ice with France is fufpeuded for the piefeat, a t drclAraticin from the E'nperor to the Empire at large Upon that fibjedl being very (hortly expected. The accounts from the inferior of Holland by the way of Hamburgh, come down so late as the 24th uit. A general difpofltion prevails among the Duteh Tailors, not to serve on board the Ihips fitting out for the service of France Since the 23d, trie Convention lias been employ ed in punifbing the supposed author* and agents of the eonfpiracy, and ditarming all thole who.-nthey fufpetted tliejr have not only turned "the tide of power buc of odium against their opponents," so that their authority is morc s firmty ellablilhed than ever. In consequence of a declaration by Mr. Crawford the Englilh Charge des Affaires, at Copenhagen, lignif ing that all Danilh ships iaden with corn for France, wotild be f?ized,and the lading ami freight age paid for, the exportation ot that article from the Danilh States' has been proni jited till the firft of September next. State of the Prince of Wales's debts, as laid on the table of the Honfe of Commons. Dtbt3 oa various fecuritics, and f. s. bearing interell, 500,571 19 Amount of tradesmen's bills un paid, 86,745 o Tradesmen's bills, and arrears of eflablilimeiit, from the 10th of Oft. 1794, to April 5, 1795, 51,573 5 Total, 639,890 4 4 The account of the Auftriang having crofled the Rhine, 3'icl beaten the French, appears to have •been a report which the meflfeng'ers w"ho arrived on TuefUay nijrht picked up in their way. Certain it js, that the diibatches ifiey brought contained no such intelligence. LONDON, June y. Speech of Ciicniej, in commemoration of Ferrand, the member addfTiHatccl in th: Convention by the liifurfeiitSi SO long as£~ contest lasted between virtue and rice, between loerty and anarchy, between justice md aiTaffinaiion, between persons who bad a ref pe& to property, and fobbei9, youreommniittee of public weltare, general iaffty, and military affairs., thought it tetter to originate victory, than to in voke your regret,and folieit honors to the memory nf~ a rr.artyr in the cause of repflblicaniim. Now tlje country has to mix with the enjoyment of the triumph, which it ha« obtained the feiifation of the li>fs which ftie has experienced ; and it may not be permitted to .Tied a ftw tear* on the field of battle June 6. wh'erc we hare eouqucred. Within the& walls, ooly three days ago, the murderers di&ated their own law* } a Reprefcntative of the People fell, their vic tim at the foot of thil Tribune. What was his crime ? his crime was his intention to prcferve the dignity of the National Representation. Liberty !'at one moment near perishing, survi ved our virtuou9 colleague. Let us render thanks to the'good ciaitiny of the Republic ! Ferrand did his ducy ; his course was accomplished, and his life «feful, becarufe he died for the country ! • Let ns discharge our duty like him, in imitating his heroism, in celebrating his memory. The hon ors decreed to the dead tend to the advantage of the living. Let that day, Representatives, so horridly memo fable, never escape from your recollection ; when the National Convention, outraged by fafVious men uivelledj - itormed, taken forcible pofleffion of by a; uorde thirsting after blood and pillage, saw the ma jelty of the people trod underfoot, and the discre tionary mandates, of criminals pafling for law in the fan&uary of the -law itfelf.- - • Forget not those seditious cries, those attrocious vociferations, that mad and homicidiotis intoxicati on, that Ihocking fight of Representatives of the people, fitting on the fame benches with the execu tioners. Hecall to yoitr recollc&ion thi6 august aflembly, listening with a calm and dignified lilence to the de crees ot a frantic populace, fotne guilty deputies mingling with it, bafcly flattering it, and fancying themielveslegiflators when the Legislature existed no louger ; two Prefidents,both of them refpe Snbnown ; Schelof and Neagle Boom Homeward bound {rtmi China; JBlyterlwyk, Eochuyfeii Maag, Afrits? aad Ueiii, homeward bound Kait-Indiainen, from Ba'javia. At aheecrn ts. frigate. At Portfmoiah, Zunder berg Eaft-indiamen, homeward bound. At Cork. Overyflel man of war. Lord Hugh Seymour, who i« one of the new Rear- Admirals, will hoi ft his flag on board the cuns-Pareil of 80 guns, in a division of the Channel fleet. £y this Day's Mails. NEW-YORK, July 20. Yefterdaf arrived the brig Elice, capt. Penfield, in 19 days from Martinico. C'apt. Penfield informs, that on the 3,9 th of June, the Britifli ship of war Experiment arrived at Martmico from St. Lucia, with a number of lick and wounded foidiers, part of the garrison of that place:—The of ficers of the Experiment informed captain P. that St. Lucia was taken pofieflion of by the French on the aorii ult. that they had met with great lol's in the contest, not more than 1000 out of zoco, of which the garrilbn con sisted, including the French Royalists, had becu able (o escape the hands of the Republicans. Capt. P. Ilkewife informs, that the Britilh (loop t,f war Matilda, arrived at Martinico the day before he failed, the captain of which reported, ,t£at he had been chafed a few days before off Guadaloupe, by a large fleet, which he took to he French, coulilling of two 3 deckers and fix 64's, befiies frigates. Capt. P. also fays, that general Vaughan, the Britilh governor of Martinico, died a few days before he lailed. From the Att-Gaz. Feh'ow-Ciiizcns, THE proceedings of Saturday at the City-rlall, mull give picafor- to. every mail who U in truth a friend to his country anl her 1 h-rnen. When men come forward under the majkof Federalfm to fuppoit so infamous a Treaty as that entered into with G. eat. Britain by an envoy extraordinary, they certainly de. serve not the countenance of the free and independent citizens of New-York, tiiey deserve not to be hiard on a fub|e-a so degrading to feematj tic e*t, » l j o'clo lc, f,r the purpole a. taking into c m.iteration the propriety of exoref their sense of ,h IVat;,,lately atTot J->n* and .v|r. Jay- July t6. Q R.OKE out of the pifturt of John De Gru.Tie.tbe SiTh inft"?. El A venth ir, d Spruce Streets, about the fa Z l !T a J iron about 14 and 3-4 hand-, h.gi, the legs of whuh have been much in ured by the fl.es. The other 9 fraail Bay, low in fleih, bout 14 hanus high; legs also injured by the flics — ■Vhoever has taken up the said Mares, and will return ha™ "plid VC * bC r * W4rded and all reafonablc y« ! j *i. t c Green Coffee, In bogheads, tierces, barrels, and bars W,l! be Landed To-Morrow Morning ' ?roir. on b»,r the sloop Martha, at Hamilton's W.a 7 r. Foi isle by EDWARD D UNA NT. fc*o. 145, Soutii Front-street. July 17, t7 9 J. Fox LIVERPOOL The SHII> flmßk AMIABLE, A o"k fh- trader h -1 ? almt 'Sc 4 Kd Live fM , ft* T*' h s°° d for paflen«r. fails remarkably fa!l, ar.d no>v beginning to take in h,,' cargo, and is expend to fcr ready to depart by the firft of nesr month, For Freight or-Mm* Jthe matter . , JERZMIAH WARDER, fhc. Amiable is intcßoed to remain in Liverpool 21 days, C,d no longer, weather permitting, and to return im mediately to this port. 1 The LAST NIGHT. WEDNESDAY, JULT 22 \ jWr. O'ELLERSV Conckkt-Rqom, CLfnut _ Street, be Panted, (by way of an Evening Lounge) * V a f«ec:e* of Entertainment, (in ihre« „ g .' new« ai?d partly cotepHed, tilled • " P A cir;/. J?'ASIIIONABLE VARIETY • r m Or, A TODCH A - THE TIMES. ' ■ tornftinj* of varioue recit»;i«Bs, Hum .rout 1 fyp' r - Songs. See, to be Scr een the parts of tie Entertainment f.„ ' j F WRITE MRS, by MRS. WARReLII Part I. PORTRAIT •3 At ALTERED tn.l MODERN/ZED ftcm the ceUrauJ G A S„ iv»m t • Ltft.neon Heads ' * With ukich mi l be miro-iucii the following Po, trait,— Alexander the Gf'it—with obferiM In ,t ' ,■ • of Kings A.» Indian Chief of^ celebrated Quack "oSor-A Cornuto, who pocket, h£ disgrace A plain Head, u the Stat, of Nature—A Lawyer ... defied by art (with the intereflW caufc or « Btillum yerfus Boawiu")--A London Buck, eo.W to keep it up-A Comtczan in distres s _ A matrk-d Buck by Mr.! War/eIL" " P ~ Alter Truui I> * Part the Second. COLLINS's BRUSH; -. , or \, S/riaure.t on AtVmg. [A, originally delivered b\ the Author upward* of Nights m London.] With Satyric Observations and In.rU .« i r •, theQuixottes and Qpcfc Solver, of the ced by an Intrpduilory Song of the Brulh Th» q» i IB g After, or a Story of J a * k Sly J^££s ersand Spout, «g Clun. difpi.yed-A J „ Auiieacclake by Surprize, or the Prince of „ i , "Ken. Pedlar—A Butcher of Blank Verse cutting * S I.ear—Monotonia! g and Lisping, displayed t X S a "4 Tamerlane Serious Reflection, on < The >^T t * && *5-- « gink Ballad of, 1 Cant for I'm in Haste, "wjl Part the Third. " Sketches of, Charadei's." The Monk's Couvnfi mof the lew , r , f? hr Laughing and Crying Phi,,former,, w,th D ,bdi • TV favor,tf (ong »f "Swee, Echo," l>„'tf rJ . w 4frel] ' Audien'e ■. N. B. Ine Pwraitund Scenefy ejnirety.&eW i _'• td by eminent irt.fi,i„ thivCi'y } pawn* Price of Stocks. For SALE, A Quantity of Fine Liverpool Stored Sjzt* \m Kingrfton Surinam B^rbadoes Jereraie.