Gazette of the United States. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1795-1796, July 21, 1795, Image 2

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    Mr. Fi .so,
Wi Tii rei'pect to the effects of a peace so Eu
rope upon onr commerce agriculture, 1 can tee
no reason to apptCttpd any very speedy or important
changes; except, as 1 have bvfore observed, of
our own jwWucirtg- Our commerce extending to
articles iVu'y of the firft ncceffitj, is not a commerce
which can at choice be taken up or laid aiidie—it is
effentiil to other nations ; and therefore in reason
we iria'y dictate the terms on which it (halite ton
dufted. Let it be remembered our great mart is
the Weft-l.idies ; this the wai hath almost ruined ;
houses burne.l, plantations deltroyed, \Srill at the
peace require to be i&nftatcd. In this beneficent
, ;iice we mult be employed : au'r boards, ftlingles,
;. id lumber, hnift be had, and the produce of our
;.)il mult feed their iiianders. Europe will for ma
ny years have little to export ; it will be f.rtiinate
if (he can produce enough tor her owu inhabitants :
we mil# therefore supply our neighbors in the Weil-
Indies. Now we do this at pr<fcntj and it forms
the ritlwrd commerce w'e have. SHall we then re
li.iquiib it—'(hall we sign an aft of cefiiou.of this
ricii poffeflfon ofoiir o*n ? I affe.t that no nation
on earth can (hut the Weft.lndies to the free egress
fm.l ing refs of our (hipping but ourfelvcs. I deny
t :,«it any nation but usca«i tor a Lnjr time to come,
ue relied oil to family them what is inditpenlible to
their cultivation * and exiftenefc. God Almighty
by placing them in our neighborhood plainly indi-
Ct'ites their natural dependence on us ; and when he
made the paTage wide between us, l imagine he
did not intend it lliould be ciinfmed to a navigation
on our paits in canoes of 70 tons only. It there
tore we aflcrt, as we ought, cur right to a free
navigation to "the Well-Indies, our vessels will be
every day iiicreafiiig, and our agriculture obtain
the higlietl price from those countries of the world
who give 'is gold,-(liver, or what js as gqod, -if not
better, cbifce, fugat, cotton artd indigo, inolafTes
ind cocoiij !« exchange. The planters in the Weil
indies have an eqtialharveft with us in this open
trade, because they will by means of it extraift the
highell price poffiblc for their predu<3ion*. Whor
then, is to Hand in the way of thfMntercft 0 f the
planters in the Weil-Indie*, and of ouifclves, the
:wo parties immediately concerned ? Is it a power
three tiwufafld miles off, occupying some islands in
tl L e Atlalitick, who li to di&ate such hard terms to
us ? Fortunately we have here too the (lass in our
own hands. We are the belt eullomer for her ma
tiui'adures; and we "oiilglrt to make this circun
ftan -e of out importing such immense quantities of
European articles, the ground 011 which we claim a
trade open tit the Welt-Indies. Let us then give I
our import trade in Europe to that nation who
fh.ill cilcou age most our navigation and export.
sradc not to her who rellricts them moll ; and
oar inter? lis, commercial or agricultural, will hav<
totliu)■' to fear from a GENjiRAE PEACE.
A: B.
NORFOLK. july'io.
IM£D, on Tuesday lad, afiei a fliou BlmT».
•M s. HuiUrd, wife of Bcjamln Pullat 'di Esq. of tint
Thou God ! who from the diszying Weight;
Where Angel-Fancy ncrcr flew,
down with uncreated Ltglit
On this;; cat Plau thy pencil'd.fetf^
ftrnVfaw tkjr finding Favor he trend,
1 Heriadiant Vifane to the i>uH f-
JleUre from every Friend,
... And place in thee Jier only Trust.
Fttirf) the gay HtiaVir thy Picfence fillsV
; ''§*fld -q easlji['piifJ- A {inule of thinej
Silk-la tbem.&om ibis' World's ;ium'rous Ills,'
• Ami guide them «itii a hand divine.
CJpth'd i» the Robe of Day,
..'..Let Uriel * to her Friend* appear, ,
Plawt in each Bteitlt« funny R<')'>
' And dry the ever falling Tear.
For not a Spirit of the, Sky,
N«r one trescfa.tUs ferry Road,
Sits happter in the Realmsoll high,
Tilaii Pollard 111 her new ahude. <•
, ' JUSTICI2. i
The! /it^eix/lbt^unt
Norfolk, Jul>'9> ! 795'
NEW-YORK, July 2c.
As it will bd no doabt interfiling, not only to
tlie citizen* of this (late at large, but to the
citizens of other jiates, to. have an accurate idea
of the cirfumlUmces, which preceded and attend
ed the meeting of Saturday last, at.the City Hall,
the following llatemeiit is o fie red as one which
lirayb# depended Upon.
The intelligence of the Town Meeting at Boston,
wnk-h had c::;ercd. into certain lefolucions, diiap
proving of the Treaty lately negotiated with Great
Britain, had nO foouer reached this city, than a
buz began to pVevail that a fmillar meeting would
foeediiy be had here., It Was observed very soon
atcei, that particular characters were very a&ive in
gtfing about" the city to inculcate the ueeeflky of
focli a meeting.> '
On Thurfd/iy evening' there appeared in several
of the papers an ano'nytrvous .invitation to the citi
zens, to meet at the City H.fll on Saturday at 12
o'clock, for the ptirpote of uniting their common
eifarts with theft fellow citizens of Boston, who,
at two geneial Tuwa Sf-edtingsy unanimouOy a
d;/pted r'efoiutions expressive of their detestation of
t'.fc VireMf tirade with Great-Britain.
Qh Friday « hraii.l-bili was circulated, which
c~ r.ained theft ffininn* nt(—That the Treaty fur
j*.:i Jers rights and p. ivileges riiiirott's to our com
ri -rcef that it yields advantages' •. hich we ought
r. ver to past with bit with Ourdive* , ihat it
rnaxes faer'tfices lor which we have wo equivalent :
iii mort, that it lettles principles dang' to'the
liJr nd happi icfsof the people, a'nd Bcffroc
live of oar frccdorrJ and independence ; and urged
•ithe'citiz; :)8 to attend the meeting, tv cxprcTs their
iti m of the Treaty.
the evening of the fame day, a number of
met at tjjc Tontine Coffee House, and
" jTeid upoa an addict to the citizens, which was
Jljlted by their chairman, Jamds Wntfon, and pub
lifhcd the next morning.
This address recites the expreflions above quoted
from the hand-bill—appeals calmly to the judgment
of the citizens, whether such a pidure of the Trea
ty can be true—exprcfies this, anting other fenti
menjs, that they, the Merchants, then convened,
had not yet been able to difedver in the Treaty
'< those hideous features which are alleged to exist,"
| and exhorts to calm difcudion and deliberation, and
to a general attendance of the citizens, that the
|true sense of the city might appear.
At the time and place appointed, a very nume.
rou# body of citizens aflembled, among thele the
principal part of the Merchants, and many veiy rc
l'peflable citizens of all descriptions.
A piopofition was made for appointing a chair
man. Col. William Smith and Commodore Ni
eho'fon, weie named. The fint was appointed,
and took the chair.
A proportion was then made for adjourning to
some place more convenient for a fair and full dis
cussion. of the Treaty 1 this was opposed on the
following grounds: " That the treaty had been for
some time in the hands of the citizens ; that it was
prefumeublc each citizen had come there prepared
to give his vote upon it f that if the opinions of
citizens were to aufwer any purpose it mult be spee
dily given, since it was probable a decilion by the
President of the United States would not be de
layed ; and that a difcudion to be fatisfa&ory and
cffeitual, would require more time than the attend
ing citizens could Ipare, and would tend tofrultratc
the objects of the meeting."
There were many voices for and again ft the pro
posal : but a. part of the meeting was so clamorous,
that no reply could be made to the o jections to it,
and no decision could be obtained.
• While thisquellion was agitated, a proposal was
made, that those who disapproved the treaty (hould
draw pff to Jhi *ijjht—thofe who approved of it,
to the left. X cwifrderablc. part of 'he meeting'
drew off tj the right; .but the greater part remain
ed where they at GrQ flood.
_ Tliis attempt alio proved abortive and decided
nothing. u - . ■
A citizen present, however,-without recurrence
.to the chairman, proceeded t& name rapidly, fif
teen prrfms as a committee. There were a number
of voices in favor of each } hut this whole affair of
the committee was conducted in such a manner that
it is impotlible to consider it as the ad. of the meet-
'I'he meeting became every mament more and
more tumultuous and noifv. After the above iranf
adions a motion for an adjournment was made and
agreed to. Previous to this " the friends of fair
difculßon," as they were denominated, were invited
to withdraw, and many withdrew accordingly, and
were withdrawing when the motion for adjourn
ment terminated the meeting.
Theperfons who took a lead in the bumieisof the
meeting on the fide of those who advocated an i.n
med:ate condemnation of the Tieaty, were Ni r .
Bri.ckholft Livingfton, Mr. Peter JLivinglton, am!
Mr. Maturn Livingilon ; on the other fide app.ur
oi Mi. Hamilton ; and it is underftoud that Mr.
and other gentlemen, flood re.idy to c«
operate in a difcufiiji) if it could have been brought
j!)i ut.
In the course of the affair, three stories were
thrown at &Ir. Hamilton, the second of which
glanced his forehead, but without material injury ;
one of the others (truck another gentleman Handing
by tam.
From the beginning, (landards were difpl.iyed,
bearing the colours of the United State* and of
Abtfat this time, a part of those who had drawn
off to the righr, went round by another llreel,
down Broad-Way, to the Battery, bearing a (lan
da'rd with tlie American and Flench colours—buint
the Treaty,- and making a circuit, returned with
an augroertation of numbers.
While this was doing, according to every ap
pearance, without the knowledge of the great bo
dy of the citizens who continued be
fore the City Hal!, the following matters were
going pn, viz. ; *
A resolution was proposed, which being handed
to the chairman was read by him in the following
words :
. " Rdfolvcd, That it does not appear oeceffary to
this meeting to express any opinion on the Treaty
lately negotiated between the United States and
Great-Britain, inasmuch as they have full confidence
m the wisdom and virtue of the President of the
United States, to whom, in eonjunftion with the
Senate, the decilion of the question conititutional
ly belongs."
A qaefticn v.-as then taken upon it, by the Chair
man—The voices for and againd it were numerous
and loud—The parties were desired to Cgnify their
aiTent, l>y rsifi,ng their hands. Many hands were railed
for and against it; hut the noise and confufion were
so great, thar it was difficult, if not impra&icable, to
fay with certainty where the majority lay : Both fides
claim it with equal pofitivenefs.
Immediately after the question on this resolution a
proportion was made for appointing a committfce to
report, on Monday next, upon the Treaty. There is
good cause to believe that this proposition was not ge
nerally heard by the meeting, and it it not ascertained
that any question was taken upon it.
The following is a statement of the day by the Chair-
To the Citixens of Afiu-Tori.
The inhabitants of this city having been called to
gether, this day, to decide on the fubjeA of the Treaty
lately negotiated between the United States 'of Ame
rica and Great Britain ; it may be considered incum
bent upon me, being honored by the voice of my fel
low citszeos to preside at their meeting, to Hate to
them, with impartiality the business of the day.
The fir It proposition had in view the adjournment
to fame pl.'.ce where a full and fair discussion of the
Treaty might be bad; which was opposed on the
ground, that the J reaty had been for some time in
the harnls of the citizens ; that it was presumable each
citizen had come there pn pared to give his vote upon
it; that if the opinion of the citizens were to answer
at>y purpose it must be speedily given ; since it was
probable a. dccifion by the President of the United
States vrould Dot-be delayed ; and that a discussion, t(>
be fatisfa&orv and effectual, would require more time
than the attending citizens could spare, and would
tend to fruftrate the objefls of the meeting.
, The proportion was advocated and opposed (but
: 110 difcufiion. had a'nd a Resolution was then offered in
the following wirnls Ksfolvcd, ihif it <Jots not ap
pear to this meeting nccelTary to txprefs any opiuioH
oil the Treaty negociated between the United States
and Great Britain, inasmuch as they have full con.
dence in the wisdom and virtue 01 the President of the
United States to whom, in conjuuflion with the Se
nate the detifion of the q'jetUuii cuufiitutioaally be
1 his resolution being handed to the chair, was read
though not without interruption, and the queltioil
was put upon it. There were many who advocated
and many who opposed it; but there was so much
disorder that it was difficult to pronounce with cer
tainty where (he majority lay.
A proposition in the course of the meeting was made,
that a committee fhouU be appointed to report a set of
refohr.ions to be submitted on Monday next, at n
o'clock at the fame place, expressive of the opinions
of the Citiiens on the fnbjedl of their meeting.
A member (not thro' the medium of the chair) then
named fifteen citizens as a committee to whom the
fubjeil (hould be referred, and who fltould be required
to report at the time and place above mentioned. The
persons named were Mr. B.Livingflon, Mr. I. Clafon,
Col. H. Rutgers, Mr. F. Nixon, Mr. A. Varick, Mr.
I. R. Livingfton, Mr. Jno. Broome, Mr. Simpfon, Mr.
Elting, Mr. Penning, Mr. Ofgood, Mr. Gelfton, Mr.
W. W. Gilbert, Mr. Browerand Mr. Gurdon Mum
ford. For each of these gentlemen there were many
voices: but the noise was so .considerable that it is
hard to pronounce with certainty, whether this pro
ceeding \vas clearly understood by the meeting at large.
A motion for an adjournment, to meet at the fame
Monday next at zi o'clock was then made ;
and an adjournment, thereon took plac«.
W. S. SMITH, Chairman.
New-York, July 18, 1795,
IN the Democratic Siciety of Pennfy'vania, held
at Philadelphia, the id of July 1795, the 19th year
of Am«rican IndiTpendance':
KESOLVEDi That the Resolutions of this Societv,
of the Bth of May, 1794* refpefling the appointment
of "John "Jujy as Ennoj Extraordinary to the Court of, be re'.ublilhcu in the of iliis
By order of the Society,
nigned,] ISRAEL ISRAEL, Vlce.PreftdenU
GEORGE BOOTH, S«r<t»ry. ~
T:t Rcfolutioru ailw cd to arc aj Jhllozus :
( I KESCIvY ED, as the opinion of this Society, (ha
theconrtitut'on of the United States, the Acred inftiu
ment t.t our freedom, which every public officer has
l ivoia io preserve inviolate, has provided, that the .dif
ferent departments of the government ftioulc be kept
<iiftindt ; and consequently to unite them is a violation
oi ;t, & an encroachment upon the liberties of the peo
ple, guaranteed by that inltrument.
i. Relolved, as the opinion of this Society, that as
by the constitution all treaties are declared to be the
supreme law of the land, it becomes the duty of the
judiciary to expound and apply them ; to permit, there -
tore, an officer in that department to ihare in their for
mation, is to unite fundlions, and tends to level
the barriers of our freedom, and to eiUbliih precedents
pregnant with dargcr.
3- Refolvcd, as the opinion of this Society, that
joftice requires, and the security of the citizens of the
United States, claims an independence in the judiciary
power: that permittir.g the executive offices of honor
*;id profit upon judges, is to make thcra its creatures,
rather than the unprejudiced and inflexible guardians of
the contthution and the laws.
4- Resolved, as the opinion of this Society, that from
■he nature and terms of an .mpeaehment against a Pre
lident, it is not ouly ntctflary that the'chief jnftite of
the Uiu ed States (hould prelide in the Senate, but that
he thould be above the biafs which the honors and emo
luments in the gift of the executive might create; that
it is, therefore, contrary to the intent and spirit of the
constitution to give him a foreign million, or to annex
any office to that which he already holds.
j. Resolved, ai the opinion of this Society, that every
attempt to l'upercede legislative functions by executive
interference, is highly dangerous to the independence
of the legislature and fubvrrfive of 'the rights of repre
6. Resolved, as the opinion of this Society, that the
appointment of John Jay, chits justice of the United
States, as Envoy Extraordinary to the Court of Great
Britain, is contrary to the spirit and meaning of the
constitution; as it Unites in the fame perjon, judicial
and legislative faiuftiont, tends to make him dependent
upon the President, destroys the check by impeachment
upon the executive, and has had a tendency to controul
the proceedings »f the legifiaturc, the appointment hav
ing been made at a time when Coagrels were engaged
in such meafiircs as tended to secure a compliance with
our jufl demands.
7 Keiolved, as the opinion of this Society, that after
the declaration made by John Jay, that Great-Britain
was juftifiable in her detention of the western ports, it
was a fac.rifice of the interests and peace of tht United
States to commit a to him, in which tfre
evacuation of those poiic ought taform'iheflential part;
that to abandon tliem is to put at ftakethe blood of our
fellow-citizens on tne frontiers, is to give biHhtoa pfer
petual military eftabliftment, an endless "war, and all
the oppriMEons resulting from excise and-heavy taxa
8. Refqlved, Thai the above resolutions b« made
public, that they be immediately transmitted to all the
democratic Societies in the imion, as a protest of free
men, against the iiioft unconstitutional and dangtreus
measure in the annals of the United States, and at an
evidence, that no influent* or authority whatever ihall
awe into a tacit Sacrifice of their sacred rights, [paidfor.
Philadelphia, July 21.
Bjt thejhip GEORGEftgm Liverpool
LONDON, June 5.
In eonfequence of the King of Prussia's declaration
to the German empire, the eledlor of Mentz's tninifter
has made overtures to the Diet of ttatifboa, to com
mence the deliberation! iclative to peace, on the 18th,
even tho' the Emperor't Imperial commiffiou fliould
Bot have arrived on that day.
The eltdoral minister, however, consented to ad
journ his proportion for a peace to the 20th, in tonfe
quence of notification from the Imperial commiflary,
of the speedy arrival of the Imperial commission.
From the VISTULA, May 19.
On the nth inft. the Pruffun chamber of war and
domains at ivoniglberg, prohibited the exportation of
grain, as well towards the sea as to foreign countries ;
tliofe who shaM be found in the adl of exporting any,
•* ill not only lose their grain, but likewise their horses,
waggons and (hips, which are immediately to become
the property of the informer.
MENTZ, May 19.
T he tranquility we have enjoyed since to 30th tilt,
induced us to believethat a truce had taken place; but
to-day we are convinced of the reverse. At midnight,
150 Auftrians, supported by other troops from the gar
rison, eairied a redoubt occupied by the French near
Gonfenheim, and which has givefl great imeafinefs to
the entrenched camp of Hardenberg. This operation
was executed with as mtich promptitude a* bravery.
The French rtdoubc was entirely demoliflied, afttr
Tiavlng d.fiodgi-d thein, with the low of fevcraf killed
uld wouuacd, artd 10 or 12 taken pnfoners- We have
only 3 killed and 6 wounded. The tamp established by
:he French in the vicinity of Remfclz a few weeks finee,
has lately received considerable reinforcements. A great
qnantity of cannon and amunition has arrived there.
In thp fitting of the Diet thi* day, many vote* have
been given on the fubjeil of the required Raman
months. A deliberation concerning the Pruffun decla%
ration of peace was to have taken plate ; but a decree
of the Imperial court being daily expeiled in which the
Emperor is to made a formal declaration to the whoW
of the empire, of his intention to cater upon negotia
tions for peace with France, in order to accelerate an
honoraule and 'tailing peace for the whole empire, the
above deliberation was poitpuned..
BERLIN, April 14.
Letter from Prince. Henry of Prussia, to M. B»f«
" Sir,
The rccollcftion yoti fugged to the year 1768
excites ih my roind very plealing sensation*. it
never occurred to mis that I had laid you under any
obligation. If I had done so, you could not have
made me a moie noble return than by your lewer
announcing the thing dcareft to illy heart—l'caee.
May this Peace become the objedt of happinnfc to
the Frcnch Republic ; may it, as I wiih it may,
strengthen the bonds of amity between all i.ations,
but more especially between France and PrufTia.
Such are my prayers, and tlu-y proceed from the
bottom of my heart. M. Barthelemy and you have
given the firft fanftion to this peace, which will
contribute to the public good ; might I have it in.
my power to promute this end ! But, if I have not
the meant, 1 (hall always have the wilh, accompa
nied with that of alluring you of the tileem with
which I am, See,
DUBLIN, May 30.
The militaty force now in thi* country amounts
to upwards of 40,000 tffef ive men.
So deplorable and wretched is the Gtuation of the
unfoifunate poor of the Earl of Meath's liberty, in
confequerice of the train of evils brought on by th«
prcfent jufl and necefTarv w»r, 'h»i ■ bare 1
ofinltanccs of their miferv mull nuke humanity
(hudder. In the courfc of yesterday evening a no
tice was ported in Andre-Street, by some of the
ttarving inhabitants, written in blood, expreflive of
the miiery of their Gluation, and couchcd in
which eiprelfed no alternative between death and
their prefect famifhing condition ! !
May 25 '
Nineteen persons have been condemned to death,
and five to one years imprifonmenrin irons.
May 26. The insurgents relied much on their
address which they expefled would produce a great
effect in the suburbs of Paris, and pr.rticularly on the
poor inhabitants of the suburb Antoine, who af
forded them much ailiflanceon the mtmorable days
of the iftand 2d Prairial. On the night of the 3d
Prairial, the members of the Conversion charged
with the direftiqn of the armed force, profited of
the horror which the attack upun the Convemfoo,
and the mafTacre of Ferrand had created. Accord
ingly on the 4th prairial, without beating the ge
nerate or ringing the tocsin, the Sefliont received
orders to march against the suburb Antoine, f or the
purpose of summoning it to to deliver the criminal*,
and to seize the leaders and the cannon, conforma
bly to the decrce passed by tne Convenrioo. The
suburb evinced a determination to reliit. The streets
were lined with chevaux de frife in such a manner
that it seemed to be impnffible to avoid the fheddirg
of blood; nevertheless, after fevcral military move
ments, and arrival of the troops, furi.ifhed by the
Sections of Paris, who were resolved to conquer or
die, the insurgents capitulated. It was at hvc
o'clock, on the evening of the 23d, that the can
non, and the ringleaders, were givfn. up. At
eleven o'clock the armed force was permitted to
take forae repose.
The military commiflion has been fitting at the
National Palace since ycllerday, and several of the
infurgeots have been tried, found guilty and exe
' The guillottinc is in a Hate of, permanence e»
the Place de la Revolution, nererthekfs, the in.
furgents are tried finglj;, and aie allowed all the
tpeaos of defence.
The aflaflin of Ferrand was given up at nine
o clack, thu night. In order to cfcapr puoift-'
jnent he attempted to cut his throo;, and failing'
in this attempt, threw iiimfelf from a window thiee
(lories high. He did not, however, kill himftlf,
and was carried on a litter to the piace of execution.
LONDON, June 4.
Extra&s from the Paris papers, fiom the 24th to
the 30th of May, 170?.
On the 26th the representatives at Lyons write,
that they had recorded in th*t commtine the news
that a banditti had taken pofft-ffion of the arsenal at
Toulon, and that instantly the citizens had mani
fefted their indignation, and had asked permiflioa
to march, if it was necefiary, to suppress the re
The next day Doulcet, in the name of the Co».
mittec of Public Welfare, informed the Convention,
that new crimes had been committed, that the ter
rorist had made themfelres mailers of the arsenal at
Toulon, and read a letter from Marseilles, Wl itt*n
by the representative Jamhon St. Andre, dated firft
" I havejuft," said he, » learnt the Ui,fortune.
CTents that have happened at Toulon, ? nd I haitijn.
to' inform you of them. Oiw worthy colleague,
Brunei, has loil his life, after having several timet
braved the sword of his aflaflina. Niou landed from
the fleet tooppofe the deligns of tlie infmgents, b»t
in win. They infilled on the liberation of thc Ter
rorifta, detained in the fort Lamelle. *
" Brunei could not survive the chagrin of having
Cgned the ordei for their release; and Niou, turn
ing hi* attention to the naval force, >e«t on board
to haftcn its departure, They were <he p 0 ; llt 0 f
failing, but the, brigands succeeded in detaining the
fleet m the road. They reported, that f. nc emi.
grants had gained admittance repaired tu £>oulitn,
dimmed tlie inhabitants, brought: eleven of them to
Foulon, and pushing to the arfmd, got poffeffiw*.
otthepotta, which made no refinance, andut naStr'
ecu Ike is, with a numbet of piftwjfc,'