t \ I Number 894.] For SALE or CHARTER, The S h 1 r wi£Bf&kr TLVA Nljl > BURTHEN J460 Bbts. Flour—-compleatly found, and may be sent to sea at a small expence. For terms apply to OtfRNET 53* SMITH. WHO HAVE »0* SALE, A Qjintity of Excellent Bourd«aux Claret In calks and Brandy i B Pipes and Butts. • July 16 § / For BOST ON, p H I X, -4MM Oakman, Majler, WILL fail in a few days, for freight or' paflage apply to the captain on board, or t» JOS£PH ANTHONY& SON. Who have for /ale, receive J by said Vtjfel, Demerara Sugar, in hhus. Coffee in Bags and 4 A few Bales excellent Cotton, July i S FOR SALE, SALLY, at Latimer's wharf, this veflel is Ready to take in a cargo, and is well and foils. Her burthen about 650 BarrcEs Apply to SAMUEL BRECK, Jun. Rofs's wharf. d June 29 • .LOST. nT.tfaxU Jat«i tb» ?«J» J«ly. JwwWy J. ii JUaiuei M'CwrwiLiL, payable to tiki Sutfcriber 60 days after date, for five thousand dollars ; as the payment isftoppad, any person leaving it at No. 18 Courtland (Ireet toll be paid for their trouble. IVm. S. SMITH. New York. July 14 - §IW 25 Dollars Reward. LOST, on the Road between Princeton and Trenton, a Red Morocco Pocket Book, coataiaing a Bill of Exchange for 533 Dollars 33-100. drawn by J. Price fr Co. onComfprt Sands Esq. New Ycrk—dated Churl ?fton, S.C. at 60 days fight, accepted May iu favor of MeflW. John J. Waldo & Co. and flidorfed i>y Samuel Breck Jun. per power of attorney from MefTrs. Waldo and Co the pay ment of which •is ftopt. Likewise 90 Dollars in Bank Notes, anif other papers of no consequence bvt to the own • or. Whoever finds and returns to the Printer hereof, the THE Dividend for the la ft half year is declared by the J*rilldeiit and Directors to be one dollar and seventy five cents on each fliare of Stock in this Company; which will b« paid to th« Stockholders, or their legal reprefenta. tives, in ten days from this date, agreeably to chatter. By Order of the Prcjiilc. §TW EBF.\'ZZER HAZARD, Secretary. FOR SALE; THE time of a Stout NEGRO LAD, who has upwards of fix years to fcrve. Enquire of the Printer. Jua d 1100 Barrels Tar. 750 MolafTes fhooks, Molair "'] fa Hotheads. SPimente, in fcrroons, tOR SALE BT GEORGE SI3BAL9, No, 170 South Front Street, June a; For Sale by ihe Subscriber, A few hundred barrels ©f Prime Hearings lit forExpor* Cation 70.000 lb. Green Coffee in hhds. barrels and bags Vcrx Wrnt-in pip^ft Madeira in dp. hhfls. and quarter calks Teneriffe in Ditto Malaga in quarter .casks Jam lica Spirits in hlids. NaHt(h Liquorice Ball, in boxes of 1 cwt. aaeh fcf iimlkoioe, crude and refined, linghlh fail Canvas assorted tr.jwu Window Giafs 8 by 10, Men's English saddles, and A (Quantity of Mahogany. Ju«e i JAMES TIFFIN, Np. -jo, Bomb. Second-Jlreet, near the City Tavern, HA3 jull opnncd and for Sale, an Assortment of hz dies'and IDRIANA, Captain Samuel Clatt, \ Will r«eive Freight, (part ot' which i» engaged) for Hamburgh,"ami U to fail as soon as (he is and can be loaded. P2flengeri that purpose to go to England, ire to be landed at Deal or Dover, the Ship having good ac commodations, being lately enlarged for this purvefr iu London. For freight or passage v-nqWire of Juljc 14. The highest price in Cash, will be given fer EMPTY BOTTLES, A preference will be given to Claret Bottles.—Apply to No. 187, south Third-ffcreet. Ap'ii 10, .Nbw-Castle Pier Lottery. PtU ZE Tickets in the above Lottery are paid at a fair discount.or exchangedfar tickets in the Canal, IVajty ington and faitr/bn Lottxries, at the Office Na: 149 Chef nut Street Where approved Notes to any amount are alf»difcount«d. June 24 J Fraunces's Tavern. No. 59 South Water Street. Subfcrflier rcfpeflfully begi leave to inform his X friends and the public in general, thai he has remov ed from No. 166 south id Street, to that large, commo dious, House in WatarStrret, betweon Chefnuf an4)Walnut lately occ*pi-d fay Mr. Tf\a; MazM 1~ .nd ; which he has fporcd no ptiins orcxp;nfe, to ma'*t it cw>- and agreeable for the »f gentlemen. The Heufe being fituatej on the famefpot where the noted Beef Steak and Punch house formerly stood, has the advantage of thebeft water in this city, known lomrfince by the name of the Green Tree i-yaier. As there are. feveral'elegant Rooms, fafftciently Urge to accommodate any Society or company of gentlemen, and from hi# wejl known abilities topleafein the iine of hisbufinefs, he flatters himfelf with 1 continuance of that patronage which he has experienced since he firft opened a Public House in this City, and, for which he begs leave to make a public" acknowledgment. For the accommodation of Small Parties, the Large Coffee P-oom ©n the ground floor is conveniently fitted up with a number of Boxes, conftrudled in such a man ner as to admit Gentlemen to be as private as they please Where may,-be had, at any hour, Soup 6, Becf-Stnakj, Relishes, &c. &c. He hasoa hand, and will keep a constant fapply of Spi rituous and Malt Liquors, and of the best qualities. Breakrafts provided—Also Dinners and Suppers cook ed in the molt approved manner, at a short notice, andl'af try of all forts, made to order, in. th« House, or to fend out at any hour. He has several well furnilhcd Bed Chambers, for Board ers and Lodgers, by the Week, month, or year. SAMUEL FRAUA'C-ES. June i, Few Pipes Port Of a Superior Quality, Now landing at Pine-Stre«t VVharf, For sale by .William & Samuel Keith, No. 279, South From-St""«et. J"V 14 FOR SALE, At the STORES of Jesse & Robert Waln, PORT WINE in pipe, hlids. and qaal ter calks LISBON do.irj pipes apd quarter ca&s Soucliongand Congo IEA 3, in quarts] ctieftsj A quantity of I.ifljonand CadizSALT Sol* fltelled ALMONDSin baie? Velvet CORKS, in do. R.iffia MATTS. May 9 4 FOR SALE, 4/ne and commodious house twojlories high, 6® by with a portico the full length of the house, and extending to the upper Jlory, and other nficeffixry honfes ft for a Public House, for ivbich they were intended; good houses are-over several of the baths, with J 'veating rooms. There are adjacent thereto, two remarkable cold springs of well tajled lime-ft on; water, These baths are a fpecifc for the mof ob/HsaU rheumatic and all other diseases originating from colds or obfirutt'J perspirations, and gives great relief in tbegout; i 'jy havf eff-Sltsi wonderful cures in various difemfes incident to the ladies ; they have this fpr'tng made a perfect cure of a disease on a IVeJI- Indian rfembliug th e lepro/y, and arc remarkable for the ture of white fwcllings, controlled nerves, and many ether difeaf are too obfinatc to be ejftSled by medicine. In Bath County, Virginia, Torre ij near the said Baths , A new Saw-Mill erected, and a Raca dug ft om thence 1 to build a Manufa&uring Mill, which reclaims clout 30 acres of as rich Meadow Land as any upon the Continent, and may be watered every night, and the bay made thereon fells as well as any that is made near any city or town within the United States. The proprietors of the above property will treat for the fame on thepremife*, at any time between the lOth of Augujl and the 20tb of September ; they will also fell Viluable Land for tivo or thru Farms near t/je said Springs, and if the said Land and Houses at the fpriitgs are not fold, they will be rented. [N. B. Good accommodations are provided at the above springs far ladies and gentlemen'this season, which from experience is found btfl to commence in June, and end the firfl of OSiober• July 14 NIQHLAS DIEHL, Jun. XOTART PUBLIC, & c . HAS removed his Office from No. 19 south Fourth to No. 30 Walnut I June 4 LANDING, from on board the Ship Charlotte. Capt. Jena. Bowers, from Banrdcaux, 30 Pipes 40 Tons Claret For sale by coppinger, No. a»i South Front, near Pins-street. Who has also, 3300 cases of 30 & jQ bottlo, Choice Old Clirtt 600 hogflieads ditto A Quantity of Annifeel Noyaux Liqueurs *md Carobricks, Ralph Mather, No. 71, Race-Street. Wine snn «§♦ $ July 16 JULY 21, 1795.' For SALE or CHJR TER, • THE SHIP CHARLOTTE, laying it Mr. John Wilcock' Wharf. The Charlotte is an excel lent, welt builC New-England Ship, fiye and one half yfcar* old, 404 tons per regiftet, and 13 wctl found and fitted in every refpe*. Apply to Nalbro* & John Frazier, No. 95 foulh fr'/r.tjbed. dl t Juh 11. Wanted to Charter, jJM£SSS>£~ For a port in Europe, j vc """' w^'c ' l will carry abott 2 hun Hogfhcads of tobaccb. F.nquneof E. DUTILH & \V RETURNS grateful acknowledgement* to his friwrids and the public-for tiie encouragement he has rcWifed finee he tommeneod bufineft. Continues sales and purchases of real eftaf.ee and public; f«- eurities:—tranfafls every fpeciet of money fleeociatious discounts approved notes to any amount, Brx. «c. Tickets in the Canal and other Lotteries, may be had at the above office. The WASHidtVt-oN Lottery beipg now on the eft ot drawing, a numerical book will be kept ; £runj which the public will have the advantage of eiamining the. fate of tickets, three day» aarlicr than by the nfu.il tommonication of incorreiit printed flips, irregularly feat by ppfl, and which arrives twice a week only, Jiioe 14 American Landscapes. PROPOSALS FIR PUBLISHING 7,V A TWE NT \-Four VIEW S, SELECTED from the moil /hiking and interesting Profpe£s in the United States ; each »f which Views, will be accompanied with a descriptive account of in Local, HiftoricJ, and other Incid*ntal Peculiarities By G. I. PARKYNS, Author of tic " I.UnsJIU St-nairn and Ancimt Cattlct in Great CONDITIONS. I. That the work {hall he publifhcd by Subferintion; and that each Sufefcrib.r lhaiUngage to take the whole set of Views, and shall pay for each engraving, if blai.k or brown, a Dollars ; and if coloured r Dollars. 11. That th# dimensions of each engraving (hall {>e 14 by 17 uaches, executed in aquatinta, and puldifhed «pon paper ctf a sUperior quality, publication to commence im mediately ; and o»e engraving to be delivered to the Sub scribers, on the Srft Monday of each succeeding month, until the propofod series shall be finally completed. 111. That with the Uft View of the series, (hall he drli, vered an engraved titit-pagc ; an elegant iftic vignette: a map of the route, conne<3ed with the pref peds exhibited in the the course of the Work; and an Alphabetical lift us the Subscribers. Subscriptions are received by Mr. Harrifon, at his Print stop, Maiden lane, New-York, by Mr. Carey, Bo«fe-fell er. No. 118, Market street, Philadelphia, and by all the principal Book-fellers in the United itites. February aS. .J. NOTICE. FINDING mylelf unable from tedious indifpofiticn, to effeA a fetflcment of my affairs, I have appointed bert HntJcrfon my true and lawfa! attorney, to'adjuft and finally fettle all matters where I am interested, to pay all debts dua by mc, and to reccive all monies due to uu, ci ther by bond, nqte orotherwife. June 15 §6w To be Sold at Public Vendue, ON Seventh Day, 25th July, at 3 o'clock in the after noon, at the sign of the Blue Bell on Cobb'j creek. One Acre of Land, on the weft fide ef fail cretk, and adjoining land of Hugh toydEfq. Dr. PafcMl, aad others. Attendance will be given at the olaceof (an. July 18 f 50000 lb. of Fuji £>//allty Green Coffee WILL Landed en J :«nd»y the zoth inft. on MefT. Willing* and Franti.'s V/jurf, on board the ScVooncr Delight, Ayr;; Stohely, Maft-r. from St. Do mingo, /or file by 'LUVIfJUS CLARKSON July 18 ' £ Wantcd'to Rent, ONE or two Roomi on the Ground Floor, in a c'::id for sale in thj.Patkage, by , John Miller, jun. , "A Capital Aflbrtiuent of BENGAL GOODS, OF Qualities peculiarly well adapted to this market, and for Exportation, Among jl thtm pre a orefit Variety of Printing-Cloths, Coflaes, Calicoes, Patna Handfs, Checks, ,■ Mulmulsi Gurrajis, Taffafies. Baftas, The above wll fee fold on rery moderate terms, lor Notes at j and 4 months. ALSO, 300 Bags BENARES SUGAR 30,000 lb. PEPPER. The SHIP Three Brothers,, *'ifi likewise he SolJ, ® le '* 8 yw* old—ncwljr coppered— fcSw* * ftrorg vct^l ' bu,then "bout »«o WBK Junfii. . §re>t§f Fresh T*E A 8, Of Hvftitox Quality, vis. imperial, or Gunpowdar Hy&n Gemce, t ft quality Hjrfon. id." <10. 00. Young Hy'ion, Hylou Sltin, and Souchong. , , A few Boxes of each, fur sale at No. 19, Third Street, South. eodtf Dec ro. Bourdeaux Claret in Casks, Ditto Brandy in Pipes, And Grrman Oznaburgs If Tick Unburns in Cases, For Sale bi RU\'D: E & mjR.GATS.OYD, No. II Walnut Stregt. July 9 riding-SC HO O L, Horse Academy; Also, HOSPITAL so* SICK and LAME HOUSES, &c. TIE I.adies and Cattlemen 5f Philadelphia and its vi cinity are refpt&fully informed, that a Building of the above dcfcrtption is intended to he immediately erected, under the sole direfiion of T. SWANN, where Ladies and Gentlemen will be intruded in Riding and managing the Horse according to the eftablilhed rules of art, and Horl'es will be properly broke for every purpose. But a« the fitting upfuch buildings will be attended with a heavy expfcnee, he has pyblilhed proposals, soliciting a fubferip tion to forward this ufeful Seminary, particulars of which may be seen at Mr. Ormrod's Printing Office Chefnut, ftrc- t ; he will be happy to wait upon any lady ur gentle man inclined to honour him with their support aca folly exp'uin hiinfclf on this fubjedl, a line addrefs'd to him at Ne. 63, South Third ikteet will be duly attended to. 'Xhofe gcmlcmen &c. who max havs horses labour ing witlulifeafes either lick or lamehe will attend on them if detired and immediately explain th; nature of the com plaint and what can be done to help and relieve them he aifo engages to cure and make found horses which have the following complaints, viz. canker'd feet, contradted hoofs, find cracks, quittors, fplents, wind galls, curbs and spavins, either bog or boney, if in their firil stages. He performs a' eurious manaaloperation which takes awLiy the cause of blin L-.eis fioip Horses that have bad and weak eyes. T,he above !>r has experienced on more tha» fix hundred Horfet, with singular success* Letters addrelTtd, to- bim oraddrefles left atMajar Pan cake's, the sign of .Guieral Mifflin, north Fourth, fir est, will be duly attended to. N. B. Any Lady or Gentleman who have Horses that have been ill brok», and very aukward and un handy to ride, he will engage to give them fix fupplir.g lellbns in hit temporary manage, at the small expence of only five Hollars, by which their Mouths and a<£lions shall be more altered for the betfer than is poflible to be conceived by those who ire unacquainted with the art. The Lefhires on Horll'manfhippublifhed by T.Swann are to be l.ad at Mr. Ormr6d's, Cheimit-ftreet; where in is contained more conciie and genuine icftruftiona on which the i' t i« founaed, than are to be had in any publication, nomprifed in fu fsnalla compufb, now cx< tant. July 6, TO BE SOLD, T7OUR valuable Lots of Land, communicating with X each other, and well calculated for capital Dwelling* Houfts, with all ncceflary appendages of Stabling and Coach Houfcs. Two of trasin front on Third Street, op p.ofite to Mr. Cramond's New Building ; other two on Spruce ftrest between Second and Third. There are two good brick buildings on the premises. For further particulars apply to £. BONSALL & Co. or to the Subscriber at 118 Spruce Ikreet. HENRT PHILIPS. Jifly i.i LAW BOOKS. GEORGE DAV is refpcdfuliy- informs the gentlemen of theprofeilion through tilt, United State?, that hjj laic general importation is now arranged, aiid ready lor faie at the fame moderate prkes is h'iv# hitherto fively recommended them. High Street,No; 313- LOST or MISLAID, A NOTE, drawn by Beujamin F. Gairiguea in favor of ills Subscriber, dated May ib, 1795, at 60 day 1, for four hundred twenty live dollars 66 cents. Payment beinj; lloppcd, it will be of 110 life but to the owner. Any person having found the fame, is requefled to leave it at Mo', ss Nor til Water i\r£et, and they ihall be tliauk fully rewarded.' John Clark. < July 18 Volume VIII.] ttftfzw AND 4nr&3 ta, wtf Jane 19 tu3cf4w '~V' £