Gazette of the United States. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1795-1796, July 15, 1795, Image 1

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Nvmser 889^
Lying at Latimer's wharf, this veiTel i»
R»hAv to tats in a carpo, and is well fonnd in rigging
aud fails. Her burtheo about 650 Barreils- Apply to
SAMUEL 3RECK, Jim. Kofi's wharf.
June so
. The New Cedar and Live Oak Ship
Btirthi-n about three hundred Totv<,
Philadelphia built, She is a fubftan'ial
i-— * well built VeiTel and Will be fitted ill
thebeft manner, will be riady to receive a Cargo in a few
days, and is e*peoted to fail in three weeks. For freight
or pillage apply to the captain on board, or
Convenient {lores for receiving goods to be let on the ri*
ver fide,
j—■=■ Wanted, io Charier,
For a port in Europe,
vefT.l which will carry about 3 hun
fiyf'i- T dred Hoglheads of tobacco.
Enquire of E. DUTILH & W4.CH
SMUTH, SouthSecond.ftrc-t, No 164.
June 29, §
IMPORTED, in the
from Calcutta,
And for J'ale in the Package, by
'John Miller, jun.
A Capital AfTortment of
OF Qualities peculiarly well adapted to this market,
and for Exportation,
Am-.n'rjl them are a Great Variety of
Printing Cloths, Coffaes,
Calicoes, Patna Handfs,
Checks, Mulmuls,
Gurrahs, Taffaties.
The above w ll be fold on very moderate terms, for
Notes at 3 and 4 months.
30 2 000 lb. PEPPER.
=■ Three Brothers,
will likewise b< Sold.
She is 3 years old—newly c«pp«red—
a nrong vessel, burthen about 250 tons.
Jnne 23 §!o}§t
W laying at Mr. John Wilcock's
Wharf. The Charlotte is an excel
lent, xvtll built New-England Ship, five and one half
years old, 104 tons per regiflei, and it well found and
fitted in every refpeA. Apply to
Nalbro' & John Frazier,
Ac. 95 fovtb Front-jtr set. dlOf.
J.'y 11,
v Captain Samuel Ciapp,
Will f*ceive Freight, {part of which
U*njrige'l) for Hamb\irjrh, and it
Sffo3S?3-irsife2 to fail as soon at lhe is discharged,
and can be loaded.
Palfcngers that purpose to go to England, are to he
landed at Deal or Dover, the Ship having good tc.-
eorrmodatlons, being lately enlarged for this purpose
In London. For freight o<~ pailage enquire of
Ralph Mather,
No. 71* Race Street.
July T4.
For Sale by the Subscriber,
A few hundred barrels «f Prime Herrings fit for Expor
70,000 lb. Gr-sn Coffee in hhds. barrels and bag*
Port Wine in pipes
Madeira in do. hhds. and quartet eases
TencrifFc in Ditto
Malaga in <|uart»*r
Jamaica Spirits in hhds.
England Rum iu ditto
Holland Gin
Hyson Gomee (
Souchong and f
Bohea J
Turk's Island and ">
Liverpool j
$weei Oil in Quart Bottle*, and Cases of 30 bottles
Clayed Sugars in hhds. entitled to Drawback
2000 Bujhels bej} Liverpool blond Salt
cow afloat, will be Sold cheap from ob board the vsffel.
Tt AS, in whole and half chests
Levinus Clarkfon,
No. 216 South Water street,
July 14
Philip N:ciclin & Co.
Are no*v Landing from the Ship Liberty, Capt. Vaa-
I.uvenigh, from Liverpool,
100 caiks of Nails afiorted in 4bd t &/, 1 o</, and 20d.
And from the schooner Favorite, from Virginia,
11 Hogfoeads prime Tobacco, and
Ijoowt. Virginia Hams.
They have also on hand,
»» Tops Pig Lead
Rich Mountain Wine in Quarter Canes,
Fine Old Port Wine in Pipes and Hogfteads,
Spau-ft Liquorice Ball, in boxes of I cwt. oaoh
Brimllort*, crude and refined,
fail Canvas aflorted
Crown Window Glass 8 by 10,
Men's Er.vflilH fiddle*, and
k Quantity of Mahogiam
ju.-< J J -
June 29
S A L E,
The bigheft price in Ca(h, will be given for
A preference will be given to Claret Bqttles —Apply to
No. 187, south Third-street.
April 10.
At Cutbbert*s IVbarf, from en board the Sbi* Pmtnfylr>ani2 t
Bourdeatix Brandy, & Claret in calks.
Jut? r, 1795.
American La»dfcapes.
SELECTED from the molt (hiking and iaterefting
Profpe&s in the United States ; each »f which
Views, will be accompanied with a descriptive account
of its Local, Historical, and other Incidental Peculiarities
Author of the 11 Motiajiic Remains and Ancicnt CaHiet in Great
J. That the work shall be publilhcd by Subfcriptton; and
that each Subscriber /hall engage to take the whale set
of Views, and (hull pay for each engraving, if bliGk or
brown, 2 Dollars ; and if coloured j Dollar*.
H. That th* dimensions of each engraving fliallbel4by 17
inches, (.xecntcd in aquatinta, and pubttfhed upon paper
of a superior quality. The publication to conamcsce im
mediately ; and one engraving to be delivered to the Sub-
fc; ibers, on the firft Monday 01 each succeeding month.
until the propofod scries Ihalt be finally completed.
111. That with the last View of the series, (hall be deli
vered an engraved title-page ; an elegant character iftic
vignette; a map of the route, connected with the proi
pe&s exhibited in the the course qf the Work; and an
Alphabetical lift of the Subscribers.
Subfcriptioßs are received by Mr. Harrifon, at his Print
shop, Maidrnlane, New-York, by Mr. Carey, Book-fell
er. No. 118, Market flreet, Philadelphia, and by all the
principal Bcok-fellcr» in the United itatei.
February 2S,
Fraunces's Tavern.
No. 59 South IVater Street.
THE Subscriber rcfp*>Sfully begs leave to inform his
friends and the public in general, that he has remov
ed from jNo. 166 south 2d Street, to that large, commo
dious, House in Water Street, between Chefnut and; Walnut
Streets, lately occupied by Mr. Jfaat HazUbmrJl, and, on
which he has spared no pains or cxpenfe, to mak.e it con
venient and agreeable for the reccptio-of gentlemen. The
Hsufe being utuated ojj the fame spot where the noted Be«f
Steak and Punch house formerly stood, has the advantage
of the tcft water in this city, known long Gnce by the name
of the Green Tree IVatrr. As there are several elegant
Rooms, fufticiently large to accommodatc any Society or
eompany of gentlemen, and from hk well known abilities
topleafein the line of hisbufmefs, lie flatters himfelf with
a continuance of that patronage which he has
since he firft opened a Public House in this City, and, for
which he begs leave to make a public acknowledgment.
For the accommodation of Small Parties, the Large
Coffee Room an the ground floor is conveniently fitted
up with a number of Boxes, conftradled in such a man
ner as to admit Gentlemen to be as private as they please—
Where may be had, at any hour, Soups, Beef-dtsaks,
Relishes, &c. 3cc.
He haion hand, and will keep a couftant fupp'y of Spi
rituous and Malt Liquors, and of the best qualities.
Breakfafts provided—Also Dinners and Suppers cook
ed in the most approved manner, at a ihort notice, andPaf
trv of all fort«, made to order, in the Mouse, or to fend
out at any hour.
He has several well furnifhed Bed Chambers, for Board*
ers andLodgeri, by the Week, month, or year.
June ».
Horse Acadcmy ;
THE Ladies and Gentlemen of Philadelphia and its vi
cinity are refpeitfully informed, that a Building of
the above dcfcription is intended to be immediately ereited,
under the sole direction of T. SWANN, where Ladies
and Gentlemen will be inftru£ked in Riding and managing
the Mori- according to the established rules of art, and
Horses will be properly broke for every purpose. But as
the fitting up such buildings will be attended with a heavy
expense, he has publifhea proposals, folicitiag a fubferip
tion to forward this ufeful Seminary, particulars of which
may be feen'at'Mr. Ormrod's Printing Olfice Chefhut
ftrcet; he will be happy to wait upon any lady or gentle
man inclined to honour hini with their support aad fully
exp ain himfelf on this fnbje<Sl, a line addrefs'd to him at
No. 63, South Third street will be duly attend«d to.
Those gentlemen &c. who may have horses labour
ing with diseases either fiek or lame he will attend ou theof
if defircd and immediately explain the nature of the com
pla.nt and Xvhst can be done to help and relieve them—he
also engages to cure and make found horses which have
the following complaints, viz. canker'd feet, tontra&ed
hoofS, sand cracks, quitters, fplents, wind galls, curbs and
spavins, either bog ot boncy, if in their firlt stages.
He performs a curious manual operation Vhich takes
away the cause of blindness from Horse» that have bad and
weak eyes. The above he has experienced on more than
fix hundred Horses, with lingular success.
N. B. Any Lady or Gentleman who have Horses
that have been ill broke/ and very aukivard ?. ad un
handy to ride, he will engage to give them fix fupplikg
leflons in his temporary manage, at the fraall expence
of only five Dollars, by which their Mouths and anions
(hall be more altered for the better than is possible to be
conceived by those who are unacquainted with the art.
The Leflures on Horfemanfliip published by T. Swann
are to be had at Mr. Ormrod's, Chefmit-ftreet; where
in is contained more concise and genuine inftruflions
on whii-h the art is founded, shan arc to be had in any
publication, comprised in so fmalla compass, now ex
July 6.
Few Pipes Port
Of a Superior Quality,
Now landing at Pine-Street Wharf,
For sale by
William & Samuel Keith,
No. »79» South Front-St"»ct.
July 14-
Guraey £3? Smith.
diw&3 tawt '
JULY 15, 1795.
Delaware Bridge,
IN Purfuancc ef an ail of the General Aflembly of this
Commonwealth, entitled " Ah to authorize the
" Governor of this Commonwealth to incorporate a
" Company for ere&ing a Bridge over the river Dela
" ware, at the borough of Eafton, m Ae County o f
" Northampton and also of the Legislature of the Hate
of New Jersey, entitlsd " An a& to empower the Go
" vernor of this slate to incorporate a Company for
" erev3ing a Bridge over the river Delaware, at the'
" township of Greenwich, in the Caunty of Suffsif, op
" polite the borough of Eifton"
Notice is hereby given,
That Books "Will be opened to dubferipHons for
the stack of the said Company, at the times and places
following, to wit :
In the City of Philadelphia, at the Counting Howfe of
Levi Hollingfworth, on Monday, the sixth day of Juty
next, and on the two succeeding days— l ?
In the Borough of £allon, at the House of Cdarad Ihrie,
fen. on the fame three day*;
And, in the State of Nct» Jer ey, at the Hoafc of Tho
mas Bullman, in the townlhip of Greenwich, and County
of SulTex, on the sixth and eighth days of July next; and
at the ft ore of Thomas Paul, at BeWidore/iri Oxiori town
ship, and Sussex County aforefaid, on the leventh day of
July aforefaid.
At which Places th« Books will be kept open from ni»le
o'clock until twelve in the forenoon, ami from two o'clock
until five in the afternoon, of each day, or until the fub
fcriptlon shall be filled The Capital Stock of the laid
Company will aonfift of two hundred and fifty shares, at
one hundred each, whereof ten dollars mu*t be
paid on cach Hiare at the time of iublcribing,
Levi Hotli.igfwortb
Jc ffc Wu i/1,
hie half on
% Joicn Arndty
William lltnry t
jabn Heifitr,
Jaw*J Hy'iJJhaiv,
T on as Pent!,
Thomas Lull/nan,
Phi 'Vr Jrb< hia, A ■«? y • 8
b' 0 K -V Al. £,
62 puncheons Tobago Rum,
Just received by the brig Neutrality— By
Who has also for SJ!LE,
A Quantity of Bristol Window Glass,
Of the following fives :
7 by 9
8 by 10
9 by 11
xo by it
July 11
TKE time of a Stout NEGRO LAD, who ha 6 upwards
of fix yearj to serve. Enquire of the Priater.
Jun d
1100 Barrels Tar.
Iso Molasses (hool.s,
'I Hogsheads.
Pimento, in icrroons,
No. 18 Finn Street.
June 27
Bourdeaux Claret in Casks,
Ditto Brandy in Pipes,
And German
Oznaburgs Iff Tickleitburgs in Cases,
For Sjle by
No. II Walnut Street.
July 9
At ihe STOKES of
Jesse & Robert Waln,
PORT WINE in pipe*, KWds. and qual ter calks
LiiBON pipes and quarter calks
Souehongand I'.ongo 1 EA9, in quarrel cheftsj
% A quantity of I,ift}orand Cadiz SALT
Sott /helled ALMON'DSin bales
Velvet COUKS, in do.
riutfia. MATTS.
May a d
No. 70, South SecondJlrtct, near the City Tavern,
HAS ju{{ opened and for Salt, an Assortment of La
dies' and Gentlemen's
Fafliionable HATS,
from London. Alio a variety of Children's Hats of differ*
ent Colours.
N. B. A Man or two as finifkers in the above business,
well recommended, will meet with tonftant employ and
good encouragement.
June 6. d
In Bath County, Virginia,
450 Acres of Good Land.
WHEREON aire the Hot Springs, *tvbicb are from 70 to
110 degrees of beat. Tie re is on the said land a band
fome and commodious house twofuries high, 60 by 3© feet, with a
portico the full length of the house, and extending to the upper fury,
and other mceffary houses ft for a Public House*> for which they
were intended; good houses are over federal of the baths,
five citing rooms. There are adjascnt thereto, remarkable cold
springs of well tajled lime-Hone water, Tbcfe oaths are a fpecifc
for the mof obfinate rheumatic and all other diseases originating from
colds or obfrufiedperfpirations, and gives great relief in thegout ;
, they have effected wonderful cures in various difafes incident to the
ladies ; they have this spring made a perfect cure of a difctsfe on a
IVeJi Indian resembling the lepro/y, and are remarkable for the
cure of white fwdllngs, contractednerves, and many other difeaf
art too obfinat. to be cjfe&ed by medicine*
There is near the fa:d Baths ,
A new Saw-Mill erected, and a Race
dug from thence, to build & Manufacturing Mi/I, which reclaims
about acres of as rich Meadow Land us any upon the Continent,
and may be watered every night, and the hay made thereon fells as
well as any that is made near any city or town within the United
x Tbe proprietors of the above property will treat for thf fame on
the premifa, at any time between the 20ih of Augujl and the lOth
of September i they %vill afo fell Vaiuab'e Land for tout or three
Farms near the said Springs, and if the said Land and Houses at
the fprirgs are not fold, they will be rented.
N. i>\ Good accommodations are provided at the above springs
for ladies and gentlemen this season, which from experience is found
1 beji to commence in June, and end the frf of Qftooer*
I July 14 S in*
Volume VIII.]
\ Note of dated the 7th July, J7l)', drawiTly
Cx. Daniel M'Cormick payahls to the S'jhfcriber 60
Hays after date, for five tlioufand dollars ; as the payment
'• any p-.Tfon leaving it at No. iSConrtland ftrcet
will be paid for their trou!;!e. IVm. S. SMITH.
New York. Ju 1V- 14 T:v
2 r y Dollars Reward.
LOST, on the Road between Princeton and Trenton,
a Red Morocco Pocket Book, cor.'nijtinp a Bi'l of
Eschar<rfi>r 533 l>ntlar« ji-too. drawn hv f. Price & Co.
in Cor.,for; Sands Ffq. New York—dated Charleston, S.C.
,it 60 days fiiyiit. accepted 2td May tn tavor oi /viifi'rsl
John J. Waldo ft. Co. and icdorfed hy Samuel&eck Jun.
per power of attorney from Mc{pr». Waldo and Co theoay
'nent of which is (loot. I.ikewife 90 Dollars in Bank
Notet, and othc r p-ipor; of no consequence h'.;t to. the own
»r. Whoever finds and returns to the Printer hereof, the
laid Pocket Eack with its contents, fliall receive the above
Reward. July 14 §6
Insurance Company of North America,
J'"/»• M. 179?,
r I 'HE Dividend far the M ha'f y-»r is declared w the
1. PrjGdcnt and Directors to be one dollar and seventy
five c*nts on each stare of Stock in thin Company; which
will be paid to th- 1 Stockholders, or their rcprefenta
tives, in ten day? from this dare, apveuMv to charter.
By OrtUr of'lb: Prcliicnt and DirrSon,
William Young,
3(jokf-ller and Stothnsr, comer cf Chefnut and id Street, Ho. Ji,
Has jitji rtcaved a large an - e'.:sd'.£nt cf Stationary
articlej, amonrß which are
Writing, Drawi.n*, and Printing Papers; viz.
Superfine Imperial,
Ditto do. wove,
Ditto do. flat
Ditto do. common
Superfine iuper royal
Ditto do. wove
Ditto do. fiat wove
Ditto do. common
Superfine royal
Ditto <Jo wove
Ditto do. fiat do.
Ditto do. common
Superfine medium
Ditto do. wove
Ditto do. £*t do.
Ditto do. common
Superfine demy
Ditto do. wove
Ditto .do. flat do.
Common and fine glaied wafers in boxes frcfan 2 ounce»
ta 10 pounds each, fuperfine scaling wax, common do.
500 Reams Royal Printing Paper,
for Newfpapen.
London brown auorted, log-book paper, hiaer's piper,'s paper, common trown, patent fticatiiing paper,
bonnet boards, binder's boards.
Also, a variety at Wedgewood, and cut and p'ain glafi
philofophicsl ink-ftand-i, well aflcrted ; pewter ink-chefli
of vatious Gze*; round pewter ink-ilaiids, paper, brass,
and poliihed leather ink-ftaudt, for ths pocket Shining
find and sand-boxes, pounccand pounce boxes, ink and ink
powder, black leather and red morocco pocket books, with
and without inftrum .nts, of various Hies Counting-house
and pocket pen-knives of the best quality, afi-flcia tablet
memorandum books.
Quills, from half a dollar, to three doHars per hundred,
Black lead penc Is, mathematical inftrumcnts, &c. &c.
All i'crts of blank books redely made or made to order.
Bank checks, blank bills of exchange, and notes of hand
executed io copper-plates, Tomfcins ccpper-platc copies,
bill $ of lading, manifests, fcamfn's articles and journals,
&c . ice.
A well feloAcd collegian of law books. Also, of
Greek, Latin, and Englift chffiics, are now in use in tfce
colleges and schools of the United States.
Tnnc xo.
New Hosiery.
At bis HOSIERY STORE, Na. 48 Ckefittt flreety
RESPECTFULLY informs his Friends and the Public ia
general, that he has jult received by the Clip Liberty
from Liverpool, a further supply of
Men's & Women's Silk and Cotton
Among whith are a very ex.enfive assortment ef Gentle
men's plain white, fancy, and patent Silk, fuperfine fancy
plated silk and cotton, fine whit*, plain, and ribb'd eet
ton—a very large assortment of fancy Patent and fine rau
dom faacy cotton, &c. which he will fell upon the mo ft
reafonabk terms by the dozen ox single pair.
A General jflffortment of every other article of DUX
GOODS, newly imported.
Thole gentlemen who please to favor B. C. with tkeir
commands, will meet with, at his store, a taoft
extensive, and well chosen assortment of every del'cnption
of Hosiery. Also. a great Variety of
Gentlemen's Out-Jizes.
June 4
American Manufactory of
Composition Ornaments,
WHERE every article in that line for tin enrichment
of Chimney pieces, pilasters, (lair cases, base, fur
bafe and cornice mouldings, lonic, Corinthian and Com
posite coluimis and pilaftcr capitals, key, trusses.oval
and round pateras, and every other ornament f»v inside and
outside work, of public or private buildings miy be had.
This Manufactory is condu&ed under the dire&iou of
an able artist, late from London, who learned under and
followed the business there many years in company with
the original inventor of the art. The feycral patterns from
the newett designs, are of masterly workm-uJhfp, and exe
cuted, at agreatexpenfe, under his immediate infpeftion,
forming altogether as complete a let of patt.-ois as the
London artilis could produce.
Order* taken at No. 21 South Spcond ftrcet.
N. B. Orders for chimney pieces, complete, and to any
size, furnifhed to any part of the continent.
July 8
To be Sold,
And Poffeflion given immediately.
A Two Jlory brick Lhoelting House,
> In Arch flreet near Front street, No, 33, sixteen and
■an hiif feet front, and the lot is 102 feet rfeep. Enquire ct
South Second Street.
' t —codtf
Marek 3<*
Superfine extra large folio poll
JDifto Hat and wove
Superfine folio post
wove do.
flat and .wove
■SupciSr.e extra large thick
and thin 410 pod, plain
Ditto do. gilt
Ditto do. wove
Sr.psrfine small post, folio X
Common & wove,"gilt and
Superfine foolfcap
Ditto do. wove and gilt
Ditto No. i, 3, & 3
Transparent folio poll, for
tracing maps, See. &c.
*V « i' W