Gazette of the United States. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1795-1796, July 14, 1795, Image 1
Number 888. J FOR SALE* Lyirtg atL»timer'» wharf, this vessel it R.«tdy to iai m 3 cargfi, and is wqll found in rigging aaJ f-iils. Her burthen about 650 Burrells Apply to SAMUEL BRECK, J -a- Kofi's wharf. d June 20 For HAMBURGH, ■ L The New Cedar and Live Oak Ship FAVORITE, . BurthNt about three hundred Tons, ("*)■-• ' /?' Philadelphia built, She is * fubftan'iai well Veffsl and will be fitted in the bed manner, will be r.ady tc rcc:ivea Cargo ma few days, and is expend to fail in three weeks. For freight or paffaee apt>:y tc the captain oil board, or JEREMIAH WARDER. Convenient ftoiet. for receiving goods to be kt on the rw ycr fide. June *9 t§}l J j- —- Wanted to Charter, For a port in Europe, A veffcl which will carry about % hun drod Hogsheads of tobacco. Enquire of E. DUTILH & W 4.CH fcMUTH, SouthS:cond-ftrect, No 164. June ij, IMPORTED, In the Slip THREE BROTHERS, from Calcutta, And Jvi fa!e the Package, by John Miller, jun. A Capital Aflortment of BENGAL GOODS, OF Oualities peculiarly well adapted to this market an J for Exportation, Amnngft them are a Great Variety of Printing Cloths, Coffaes, Calicoes, Patna Handfs, Checks, Mulmuls, Ourrahs, i ailaties. ■Baft as, T«c above w'l! be fold on very moderate terms, for Nctes at 3 and 4 months. *00 Bags BENARES SUGAR 30,020 !b. PEPPER. * Three Brothers, - V will llkewile be Sold. She is 8 years old—newly eopp«red— •C. a strong v;ffel, burthen about 450 tons. June aj §i°W FOR SAL E, jr** THE SHIP CHARLOTTE, NOW laying it Mr. John Wilcock's J Wharf. The Charlotte is in excel lent, well built New-England Ship, five and one half year 6 old, 204 tons per regiffet, and is well found and fitted in every refpeA. Apply to Nalbro' & John Frazier, July 11, No 95 fmth Frinlftrrct. rfiol 1100 Barrels Tar. $750 Molafles {hooks, St. Domingo In Ho „ hel< j v »odSyr»p, j ; Pimaute, ill lerroons, FOR SAit ST CEORCE SIBBALI> t No. Tone Street* Jvnc 17 Bourdeaux Claret In Ditto Brandy in Pipes, And German Oznaburgs & Ticklenburgs in Cases., For Sale by RUSDI.K & MURC ATROYD, No. ii Walast tcrc-e*. J"'y 9 FOR SALE, At the STOKES of Jksse & Robert Waln, p.)R T WIME in pipe i, .t'ld*. Hnd Tiial ter calks LJ.IBON nianei cctf!:s S;>uchong;and 1 EAB, i n quarrel chcftt A ciuantit\ of l.iiboiia i<l CadizSALT Soft tHeMci A I.MONOSto bales VeU etCORK 1 -, in do. RnQia MATTS. May * JAMES TIF'( IN, *\ r n. yo, South Sccond-firett, near the City Tauem* HAS }Uft opneed and for Sale, an Alfortraent of La-, die»' and Gentlemen's Fadiionable HATS, •from London. Also a variety of Children's Hats of differ-. ent Colours. N. E- A Man or two a« finifhets in the above hnfuiefs, veil recommended, will meet with Cor.ft-nt employ aed encouragement. Jun; 6. ' Philip Nicklin Co. /ire rtzrw Landing fi'om the Ship Liberty, Capt. Van- Luvetiigh, from Liverpool, .j&& cafkft of Nails aborted in <W, &</, iod, and *0/. And from the fchconer Favorite, from Virginia, 2.1 Hogfhcad* prime Tobacc#, and i<COwt. Virginia Hau». They have also on hand, 11 Tons Lead Rich Mountain Wine in Quarter Calks,^ Kmc Olu Port Wine m and Hogfneads franifh Liquorice Ball, in boxes of icwt. each 13 rim Hone, crude and refined) Erig'iifh lail Canvas rfforted Crrrvrr: Window Ohfs H by IC# « hng'lifh fuddles, and A Quantity of Mahogany. The SHIP tt&flW ' ''' '' 1 IUESDA r EVEMN<4 . jUIT Tk« bigheft price in Calh, will be given foC EMPTY BOTTLES, A preference will be giren to CUret Bottles —Apply No. 187, loiith Third-ltreet. Afrit 10. NOW L.\NDIVG. At Cvthbert*t Wharf from on board the S&ifi A CARGO OF Bourdeauxßrandy, & Claret in calkj. J'OR SALE Bl' 7-hr, 1795 » A nerican Landscapes. PROPOSALS F)R PUBLISHING IN AQUATINT A Xwenty-FOUR VIEW S, SELECTED from'the molt ftrilcing and intfr*(ling Profpecb in the United States ; each «f which Views, will be accompanied with a descriptive account of it« Local, HiHorical, and other lin idtiital Peculiarities By G. I. PARK.YNS, Author as the M Monadic Remains and Ancient Caftlu in Great Britain CONDITIONS. That the work (hall he published by Subscription; and that each Sobfcriber (hall engage to take the wliole set of Viewj, and Ihall pay for each engraving, if bUi or brown, a Dollars ; and if coloured 5 Dollars. . That th* dimeniions of each engraving fl.all be 14 by 17 inches, executed in aquatinta, and pubHliiedupon pipei of afuperiorqnality. The publication to commence im mediately ; and one engraving to be delivered to the Sub fcribers, on the firft Moi.djr of each succeeding month, until the proposed series fhail be finally completed. 11. That with the last Vi<* of the series, ftiallb® dili- Tered an engraved title-page ; in elegant vign.tte: a map of the route, conned.ed with the prof ped» exhibited in the the course qf the Work; and an Alphabetical lift of the Subscriber s. •Subferiptioß* are received by Mr. Harrifon, at hi* Print hop, Maidrnlane, New-York, by Mr. Carey, Book-fell :r. No. I jB, Market street, Philadelphia, and by all the principal Book-fellers in the United kates. February iS, City of Wamington. Scheme of the Lottery, No. 2, For the Improvement of The FEDERAL CITY. 1 A magnificent / 20,000 Dollars, and dwcuUig house, ) calh 36,000 aie i d'«* ij.oooioli ajieoo t dm" »S>o®o & cash >3,000 i d'H" i®,300 & calh 10,000 j duto 3,000 & c»IVi 5,000 1 diu» 6.°°o & C><l > S> 00 ° 1 C»ft pure ol 1 ditto {.00* cich, aft ,o ditto t,oo<t Soo 100 »S a o <liuo jOO ditto *oo ditto 400 diuo i.ooQ ditto I£,ooo &IW> 16,739 Prise* £C,ooo Tickcii at 8 dol'crs This Lottery will alTord an elegant specimen of die privite l.uildingsto be erect. d in the Cilv of Wafhiiigton - Too fcr«utif«tl designs arc already frleflrd fur the entire fronts on two of thr public squires ; from these draw, ■tig!, it is proposed locrcfttwo cemre and t»ur corner buildings, »s soon as poflible after this Lottery is fold, and to convey them when complete, to the fortimare adventur- IS, in the manner defcribad in the scheme for thr Hotel Lottery. A nett drdu&ion of five per ccnt. will be made to defray thr neecflVy expences of printing, &c. and the furolas will be made a part of the fund intended f..r the National University, to b« eiefted within the City ol Walhington. The drawing will commence as soon as the Ticket! ire fold off. The money prices will be payable •1 thirty day< alter it is ftn:lhcd,»nd an, prizes for which fort inair numbers are noi produced within twelve months ,tier th« drawing is clo'ert are t» be confidcied as given towards the fu*d for the Univ.rfi'y, 11 beinfj determin ed to fettle the whole bufuiefs in a vear (torn the endnig of the drawing and to take up the bonds given is fecu- rity. ' The real fecunties given for the navmentof the Prizes irr he'd b* the P'ef.rlp'ii and two Dire£lor» of the Bank of Cilumbii, and are valued stmorcilun half tn? amou . 0< hf Lotleiy* The twenty four gentleman who by appointment of the late Commissioners assisted in the minajremen: of the Hotel Lottery are requested to undertake thi» arduous talk a second time on behalf of the public ; a fulficiunt num ber of thefc having kindly accepted, it '» hoped that the friends to a National Univerftty and the other federal oh jedU may continue to favor the design. The fynoplis of. one of the Colleges, to form a branch of the National Institution, is already in the press, and will be speedily publifiied, together with its constitution A eompleat Plak of the wholi of tbis Important Inflitution, compiled from a fele&ion of the best materi als, ancient and modern, will be fubrakted to the public whenever the fame may have gone through such revisions as may'be necessary to establish the perfeA confidence and general approbation, so essential to its present rife and fu t«r» exiftencefor the general good of America. Br accounts received frotn the dish-rent parts of the Continent a* well as from. Europe, where the tickets have been Cent for sale, the public that the drawing will speedily commence, and that th« care and caution unavoidably necelTary to mfure a fafe difpo al of the tickets has remderedthe short fufpeofion mddpenlable. rehruary >4, SAMUEL BLODGET. • * Tickets may be had at the Bank ot Co'-umbial of Umes Weft & Co. Baltimoie or Gideon De.iilon, Savannah, of Gilman, Bottoni of John Hopkins ; Richmond : and of Richard Wells, Cooper's fer-v. . ioatt Au« 30 . TO BE SOLD, A Lot, containing about fcventeen acres, on the Wiffahickon road, 4 mil" *rom the city,and opposite to the houft of Mr.lftae Whafton. A Lot, containing 10 acre., in Iflmgton Lane, on said, read, new the estate of JaC. er Moylan, Esq. A Lot, containing 10 acres in Turner .Lane, on fa>d road, and direflly oppofitc to the estate of Mr. Tenant Enquire of Jofefh corner of T»r ner's Lane. April * Gurney & Smith. 4. 50,000 40,000 30,000 SO,OOO 10 000 10,000 10,000 iC.O o 10,001 10,004 10,000 io/>co »o,ooa *0 ,000 150,000 4©O,CQo 9 Del\iyare BRiiidE. IN Purfiianccof an ad o f the General Alfem of thi? Commonwealth, entitled " Aa aofc to authorize the; " Governor of this Commonwealth to incorporate a •' Company for erecting a Bridge t>vcr the river Dela " ware, at the boruugh of Kailon, in the County of *' Northampton and aifo of the Legislature of the liate of New Jerley, entitled " An ad: to empower th; Go %t vernor of this Jlate to incorporate a Compauy for " ere&ing a Bridge over the liver Delaware, at the " township of Greenwich, in the Caunty oi SuiTcx, op -44 polite the borough of lotion" Notice is hereby given, That Books will he opened to receiVe Sti ifcriptien* for the Stock of the said Company, at 4he tiniej and places following, to wit : In the City of Philadelphia, -it the Counting House of Levi Hollingfworth, on Monday, tuc«.,ah day of July next, and on the tw# succeeding days— In the Borough of J&iilon, at die iioufe of Conrad Ihrie, fen. on thefaiue three day*; » And, in the State of New Jcr <*y t at the Houfeof Tho mas Bullmao, in thetownfnip of Greenwich, and County of SuiTex, on the sixth and eighth day. of July next; and at the store of i'homas Paul, at lietyidere, in Oxford town ship, and SuiTex County aforefli.d, on the fcvoitii Jay of July aforefaid At which Places the I>oolls vrill be kept open from o'clock until twelve in the forenoon, aadfroai two o'clock until five iu the afternoon, of cack day, pruatii tTii fu'b fcription. (hall be diUd -The Capital Stoclcol tke laid Company will eoniifl of two liuadred and -fifty thares, at one hundred dollars tach, whereof ten dollars be paid on each (hare at the time ofiubfcriblng. L:vi Holli igf-WQ rib ,1 Vcfc IVuL, John AicL'ol/bn, yciui Aruili, li'tlluiM Henry, Job ft ti.ilter, "Jauul ilyndjbavj, T' omas Paul, Thomas B:Jlman. Mai *8 J?KAUNCLS'S TAVER^ No. 59 South Water Street. THE Subscriber rcfpudfwlly Legs loavt to inform his frien is .mil ths public in general, that he has remov ed from No. 166 south ad Street, to that large, commo dious, House in WaterStrect, between Chefr.ut and Walnut Streets, lately occupied by Mr. Ifaoc and, on which he has fp«red no pain? orcxp nl's. to make it con venient and agreeable for the reeeptio.. of gcutlcm&a. TLv Hbufe being situated on th- fame spot who»e the noitfd ISrot Steak and Punch house formerly ltood, h»i the advantage of the belt water in this city, known long since by tke name of the Green Trie IVuler. As there are several elegant Rooms, fufliciently large to accommodatc any Society or company of gentlemen, and from his weli known abilities topleafein the line of hit bufir.cfs, he flatters himfelf with a continuance of that patronage which he has experienced since he firlt opened a Public House in this City, and, for which he begs leave to make a public acknowledgment. For the accommodation of Small Parties, the L :rge Coffee Room on the ground floor is con ,-eaiaatiy httad up with a number of Boxes, conftrmftud in such a man ner as to admit Gentlemen to be as private as they please— Where may be had, at any hour, Soups, Relishes, &c. See. He has on hand, and will keep a coiftant supply of Spi rituous and Malt Liquors, and of the best ijua]utie6. Breakfafts provided—Also Dinners and Suppers cook ed in th.- most approved manner, at a !hort, andPaf try of all forts, made to order, ih the Hos&fe, or to f*-T-d out at any hour. He has several well furnifhed Bed Chambers, for Board ers and Lodgers, by the Week, month, or fear. SAMUEL FKAUNCES. P. S. The large, convenient, Stcres and Vaults, under neath the House, with the Office above, to be rented, either foparate or togeth r-—For terms apply to the Subscriber. June a. dtt. ~~R~T DTN'G- iS CHo oL; Horse Academy; Atso, HOSPITAL for SICK and LAME r ~7~HE Ladies znd Gentlemen of Philadelphia and its vi _L cinity are rcfpc&fu'lly informed, that a Euildhig of the above description is intended to be immediately ere&ed, under the sole direAion of X. l.adics and Gentlemen willb- inftruAed Ln Ridir.g'and managing the Horfi according to the eftabliftied rules of art, and Horses will be properly broke for every purfpfe. But as the fitting up such buildings will be attended with a h. avy exj ence, he has publilhed propofak, soliciting a fu .fcnu tion to forward this ufcful Seminary, particulars of which may be feenat Mr. Ormrod's printing Office Clicfnut ftre ;t ; he will be happy to wait upon any lady or gentle matt inclined to honour him with their support and fully exp.ain himfelf on this fubjedt, a line addrefs'd to him at No. 63, South Third ltreet will be duly attended to. Thoie gentlemen &c who may have horses labour ing with diseases either sick or lame lie will attend 011 them if dcfir.d and immediately explain the nature of the com pla.nt ar.d what can be done to help and relieve them—he atfo engages to cure and make found horses wlitich have the following complaint?, viz. canker'd feet, contrast.'d hoofs, sand cracks quittors, fplents, wind galls, curbs and spavins, either bog or boney, if in their firft stage*. I He periormi a curious manual operation which takes awa;' the cause of blindness from Horles that have bad and weak eyes. The above he has experienced on more than fix hundred Horses, with Angular fuecefs. N. B. Any Lady or Gentleman who have Horses that have been ill broke, and very and un j handy to ride, he will engage to give them lix suppling [ lessons in his temporary manage, at the irnall expense of only five Dollars, by which their Mouths and aitioris Ibalibe more altered for the better than is pofiib'ie to be conceived by those who are unacquainted with the art. The Lectures 011 Horfemanlhip published by T. Swann are to be had at Mr. Orir.rod's, eheinut-ltrect j where in is contained more concise and genuine inltruflions on whi.-h the art is founded, than are to be had in any publication, ccmprifcd in so imstUa compass, now exr July 6. James M'Alpin, Taylor y N>, 3, South Fourth Snir.r^ Reti;rri h" grateful acknowledgement i > hU friend, and the Public for tiieir liberal iMicontagement, and Wegs leave rw'peftfuily to foheit a Continuanrc •! th ir Favours. A f hi* Shoo Gentlemen can be f urntlhed with the best ma.erials and have them made up ana limited in the r.eatefl aml.nioft fafrionaUc manner. will t'lankfu'ly receive any orders and pay a prompt asM panitual £Uer,ii/i. t' U*'tru «c&f Mrs *4» *795° CommiJJioners. AND HORSES, &c. diw&3tawtf FIR SALE, THE f p.' a Stout NEGRO 1.-iD, who has upward# 'd f si ye etc forve. Enquire of the i'nnter. Jar: d Treasury Department. RxpfttuE Oencf, /ip'i! 10, 179 J. I'RO FOiS AL3 Will be received at the Office of,the f Commi/fionsr .of \ the Revenue For building a LIGHT ;I O JS E At Mowtaik-PoiN'tY in ttie C< unty *rf ■SufT^Tk, and Stati New,Yoi:k, • «»f ri>c following Ma* terials,' Dimeufiuits aud Def.Ti^riou. r | ''HK form is to be O diagonal—the foundation is to be X of Stone, to-be funk thirteenftet below the 1 ottorn of the Water tabic, or thii furfoAt of the Earth, mid to be commenced of the Diunutcr of twenty nine feet From such commencement to the bottom of *he Wset *r able, the founvlatioa Wall is to be thirteen feet higfa, and niutf feet chick. The-Diameter of tB» * bafefrom the bottom of the Wa ter Table to the top thereof* '(where the. Oiljigonal pyra mid is to commence)- is to be t\v:i::y i c; iit ieet, and tbe wall i» there to he f veii set thick. she w<ui of the OcUgo.ial pyramid is to be fix feet thic,k at the Bu& thereof, on the top' ol tjie W .ter table. The Height-os the budding, Irani the bottom of the Water tuule tiriri from tht* I'ml'.icc of the liarrh, -obc . ehty feet to Ac top of the stone work, under the floor of the Lantern / -where the Dimeter is to be fixrcen feet fuinchc: ani the wall three feet thick Th«- whole to be built of Stone; the W ttt tabie is to be capt vith favved stone, at inches V."idc, and Sloped at top to turn off the water c l'be outfde of the walls is to be faced with hewn cr hammer drafted fto«c, having tear windows in the* East, and tlue« ia the Weft. The 3.r.]hes to be .huag with hinges t and each l'afh to have twelve panes of gi-us, eight by ten incite?. Op the top of the Stone work w to be a framed tier o r Joils, belied therein, planked over frith Oak plank, eixtending three feet beyond. the wall, thereby forming an eavc, which is to feeftnifh.d wkh a Coi'iiice, the whole having- a dcfcent from the Centre, fuftcient to throw off the water, aad to be c©v.*r?G with Jopp; A complete and fuHicient irox: la', tern, in the Oit-gunai form is to reft thereon, the Eight corner pieces or Stanchion* of which, arc to be built in the wall to the depth of ten icet, Thei'e Stanchion* are to be nearly 3 inches iquarc in the lower tea feet, and 3 I-a by 2 1-2 indies above. The hntern is to be ten feet and nine inches in diameter. It is alio to be tan feet high, from the floor to the bottom of tii dome or roof, and to have a dome or roof of five feet and n :>e inches in height. The whole fpa:e between the pofis or upright piece* at the angles is to be occupied by tlie Sa&es, which are to be moulded or. the infidc and flruck Solid. Each sash is to hive twenty eight panes of glass, f urtaeij fc,y twelve inches, a part of the sash on the South well fide is la be hang with hiii£Co for a convenient door to go out on the platform. The rafters of the Lantern are to be framed into an Iron hoop, over which is to be a copper funnel, through which the fmokc may pass into a iarjfc Copper Ventilator in the form of a mac's head ; capable of containing 10© Gallons. This head is to be turned by a l:xge vane ; so that the hole, for venting the smoke, may be Jways to Leeward. Eight dormant Ventilators uc to be fired in the roof, a large curved air pipe it to be palled thro' tin floor, and * clafe Stove itto tie provided and fixed in the Lantern. There arc to be I'tvtn pair of Stairs te afccnd to th(t Lantern, the exitr.inae to which is to be by a trip door co ve, ed with ceppcr. The baildirg is to be furnifhed with two eqmplete elec trical Conductors, or rods with puir.t* The floors are to be laid with plank, of at least one inch and one half in thickness. The entrance to the Light-Houie to be well focured by a strong door hung upon lunga, with a itrong lock and latch complete. Alio a Frame house to he thirty fourfeet in front and sixteen feet deep, -with a cellar under it. The cellar •w ails to bw eighteen inches thiek, and liven feet high. The firft story of the house is to be eight feet, and the second, seven feet fix inches high, the fioors to be bid in whole lengths nailed through. The Rack of Chimneys with two plain fire plactjs on each floor, one of them large for a kitchen ; two windows below, and three above in front and rear, each faih to have eighteen panes of glass ten by eight inches. The dcor« tJ be hung and furuiflud completely.—The cei!ing» and fides of the house to be piaiftered with two coats, all the wood work inside & out to be well painted St the what to he finilhed in a pi tin decent manner. An oil Vault is to be built twenty !>y twelve feet in the clear ; arched over and covered with earth or laud over which a (bed is to be built —It rs to be fur nifhed with nine strong ctdar cillerns, wtih covers each capable of containing two hundred gallons. | The entrance to the vault is to be ftcured by a (Irong A well is to be funk at a convenient dinance, d.ior artd famiihed with a curb, bucket and rope completely.. I'ht builder lo find and pay for all the materials, la : ior, wovkmanfhip, provifioirs, and other ebjefts of cost, charge or expence for a sum to be agreed upon and to execute the before deicribed work and every part thereof ina trood and workmanlike manner. Convenient payments or advances, on security will be made tu4t f t TO BE SOLD, THAT large Grazing FARM, now in the tenure of Mr. John Piffaat; containing about 471 acres, m. te than *00 of which-are msadow of the bsli .quality ; tiic remainder consists of cedar and maple fwaaxp, upland, aad ou'tfide marft, mol'ly fit to be takes in. It i, lituatc on the river Delaware, with a eommodiom aud cxccUoat liißding, dire& y onrofite to Chester, and between Rquu pa and Racoon crceks, in Giouceller county; •from whiefe creeks public market boats go every waek to, the city. This Farm may be conveniently divided ■into two, leaving mo dwellings in fifjationi; has barne uid tabling for feeding 6• head of cnttle; sad, from its uaiiy ad vantages, r.iufi. b an object for my nnc extenfm-ly in the gracing or dairy way. For terras or more particular information, appiy to Richard Whitehead, ■ June 30. 62 punchcotts Tobago Rum* Juit received by .the bri» Netitraii y— By; JOIIN CRAIG, m* ha.' af'j fir SAL Ej A Quantity of Bviftol Window Glass,, Qf the /Cloning Jtzcs s 7 by V S by 10 9 by it TO by I* July « »aw;f 1 ■ J Vdiviik mj. OP LO*£ I&oitl, No. 62, Viafr-ftreet. /<' 0 R $AI. £,