Gazette of the United States. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1795-1796, July 08, 1795, Image 2

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    Far the GAZETTE of the UNITED STATES.
FIRE, Firp, Fire, Help, Help—the town
is on fire—the world's cn fire—we shall all be burnt
up alive—roaded, baked, to make a dinner for
damn'd aridocrats. Stop your mouth, fool;" the
five is out, extinguished, every spark of it ; don't
then alarm the town and ditttirb honed people ( orn
their red. But nothing can (top the mouth of a
f.K.I, efpcciLilly if be is a wi.-ked one rhe Cries on
i IRE, Firs, Fike ; if it is now out it whs not a ,
lirle while ago ; if the vigilance of our watchmen j
Ijhs suppressed the flame, tbe house was certainly
(Id fire ; if we are not to be burnt up, we had like '
to have been ; it is all one ; Firs, Fire, Fire.
Such, and so absurd, is the clarnor raised againll the
lite treaty with Great Britain. The only obnoxi
ous part, the only part againd which the'venom of
fiction is directed, and bv which the public peace f
j.i attempted to be d-cdroyed, is that which is rejected
by the Senate, and which therefore no more forms
a part of the treaty than the Mahometan creed or
the adventure* of Jack the Grant Killer/ But wnat
(,'in appease determined dilcontent ? what ancft
the voice of afuiring Faction ? The clamor is abroad,
ai-.d it will be echoed from Democratic Society to
Democratic Society, through every (late where a
Democratic Society is to be lound ; then die in the
significance ps those who gave it birth.
I will {late a few plain and broad observations,
under which this negociation (liould be candidly
conlidered. i
It fuould be remembered, that when we are treat- (
i:ig with a'gieat and politic nation, (tor such is
Great-Britain, in spite of her milcondnct and cor
ruption) we mult not expeft that our desires arc to
be the terms of negociation—that bccaufe a thing
is for our advantage, tbeiefore it is to be given—
becauf.- inconvenient to lis, therefore rejedted.—
Great-Bsitain has its interells to attend to and
to urge as ivcll as we have ; and if the bed compro
mile of those interetts is made, the belt terms <td- ,
rnitted that the nature of the cafe would give, we (
fhouid be laUsSfd. It i? not but to alk and receive, to knock at their ports and have them opened
to us, without an equivalent, without condition or
co..itroul. Certainly it would have been a good
tiling if Mr. Jay could have persuaded the Britilh
Kiiniitry to cede to us the exclusive trade between
1 heir Weft-India jflands and Europe; to have given
us the free use of all their ports without duty or
restraint ; to have given us a million of dollars, or
q.ny thing else you please. But could a man in his
foil It's aflc these things, or would men in their feirfes
Have granted them ? Is it not enough then to (hew
that an article is not quite so convenient or benefi
cial as we could wish, while it is evident we could
not and perhaps ought not to have had it on better
t ims. If Mr. Jay had been treating with a nation
of ideots or children, he might have cajoled the
l> >ur cieatures out of any thing he could have alli
ed ; or if Mr. Jay had been sent to negociate, 01
rather give terms of pardon, to a people vanquilhed
by our arms, on theii knees imploring our mercy,
in t hat cafe too he might have imposed on the fup
pTiatits such terms as conquerors ufuslly give. But
i,i truth he had to deal neither with fo«ls nor sup
pliants, but with a people wile ,!<:d politic, llio'
deluded J with Itatefmeh deep and experienced, tho'
diihonelt and corrupted. It is therefore ridiculous
to expert they could be either terrified or ensnared
by. any man under Heaven into a compait by which
they were to give every thin, 1 ; and icceive nothing.
In (fiort, I profels myfelf fati:.fied with the treaty
as the §ena ft: have ratified it, becaufc- it gives us
rsany and great benefits with as few and small facri
l'.ces and iucouveiikaces as could have been expeited.
Price ijJ S roCK-d.
6 per Cents 19/9 1°
3 per Cents 11/910 10
Deferred I^/4
Bank of the United States 40 37 '
No/th-America 48
The Earthen-Ware Manufa&ory,
In Front Jlreet, above Poors Bridge,
T 3 continued in the moll cxtenfive manner. A large as-
X fortment of the belt ware is on hand ready afiortcd in
Hogiheads and Crates.
A cenflant and regular fupuly may be depended on, at
the ihortelt notice..
Orders are received at the Manufaitory, *>r at Ijo.
Arch street. July 8 63m t
Amerkan Manufadory of
Compolition Ornaments,
T THERE every aiticld in that line for the enrichment
VV ps Chimney 1 pieces, piiafters, flair cases, base, fur
hate and cornice mouldings, lonic* Corinthian and Com
posite columns and pilaster capitals, key ftoncs, trufies,oval
and rounu patuas, and every other ornament for inside and
outC-lc work, of public or private building* may be had.
This Manufactory is conducted under the direction of
an able artist, late from London, who learned under and
followed the bufiucfs there many years in company with
the original inventor of the art The several patterns from
t newell designs, are of masterly workmanfhfp, and exe
cuted, at a great e*penle, under his immediate infpe&ion,
fdrming altogether as complete a let of patterns as the
London artiits couid produce.
Orders taken at No. 21 South Second street.
N. B. Orders for pieces* complete, and to any
iize, furnifhed to any pan. oi the continent.
July H tnwf3w
New-Castl*. Pier Lottery.
"f Tickets in the a'oove Lottery are paid at a fair
A dilCoant.or exchanged .«r tickets in the Canal, IVuJb
i.nrton and i'att.rfbn .Ltnt-jrir-o, at tile O.hce No: IClief
:A:t Street.
vv iiere approved Notes to any amount are also discounted.
June 44 §
Miniature Painting.
■ At No. 93 South Eighth Street,
WARRANTED LiktnelTcs arc taken at a reaConahle
ijpeciinejis of the Artiil's abilities may be seen at Mr.
Cooke's Store, eu'ucr of thirdand Maxlut Streets.
J-jtic I; dr^t
Philadelphia, July Sv
p i
V'. Continuation if
By the Ship Adrianj.
GENOA, Aprl 13. h j
Tire branch areencreafing very considerably (heir a
magazines. I'lieir army amount* to 50,006* men. vt
LEGHORN, April 15, Cl
The intelligence of a dreadful conspiracy having
been discovered, when 011 tlie eve of breaking out er
in Sicily, is confirmed. The number of p«rfons a i
arretted at Palermo has, however, been exaggerat- ci
ed ; they amount to 110 more than 30, who have ci
been sent in chains to Naples.
MILAN, April 18. "
The General liar on de Vins arrived here yefter-
day evening. He wilt' leave this place to-morrow
to tz)tc tke command in chief o: the army. o:
STRASBOURG, April 22. la
General Pichegru arrived eight days since at the
army of the Rhine. He ;6 ailively employed in 1
giving to it a new organization : for this purpose he
has reviewed the several corps fiom Cobleutz to
Landau. We expert him hete every day. f (
MADRID, April 15. v
The Marquis of Rubi has been appointed cap- e
tain general of Andalusia ; the prince of Caftel .
Franco, Commander of the army of Navarre, and
the Marquis Del Campo, now ambassador to the
court of London, to go in the fame capacity t»
Vienna. The archhifhop of Toledo has ordered all
the plate and ornaments of the churches to be given
up, and applied to defiay the expense of the war.
The determination of making a new levy of 80,oco '<
men, is now carrying into effedt with £nll vigour, 1
tor the completion of our armies, of the operations e
of which we have 110 particular infoimation. »
HAGUE, April 18. h
Citizen Blauw has let out again for Pai is, to car- f ;
ry the answer of the States General to the ortieles si
helatelv brought. Twi deputies are also to pro- »
ceed to Paris from the province of Zealand, which r
province is particularly interested in the said articles. ''
Citizen Hohendorp has been again chosen Prcfi- c
dent of the States General in the place of citizen
Kempenaer, and Citizen Gevers Vice President. a
NATIONAL CONVENTION, 20th Flared, May 9. '
The Difcufiion was interrupted by the reading of 1
a letter from the Deputies 011 million in the \\ ell- '
ern Departments. They announced that they had j
completed the re-establishment of peace in LaVen- ,
dee, and that Stofflet and all the chiefs of his par- (
ty had fubruitled to the laws of the Republic, and 1
had sworn never to bear arms against their country,
and to surrender the artillery in their poffefiion.— '
Ruelle, who had just returned from Vendue,
cited as a proof of the good faith of the Chouans, ,
that they had given up a million ot forged afiignats,
ar.d the plates from which they had been (truck.
An English squadron attempted to land some Emi
giantsat Port Brieux, but the Peasants rendered
their attempts ineffectual.
Matthieu, from the Committee of general Safe
ty, informed the Convention that a commotion had
taken place at Lyons, on the :sth Flereal, May 4.
That the relations of t-hofe who had been put to
death under Ropefpierre, had broken into a house
of aired, and had put to death between 60 and 70
persons. The Wational Guard had not been able to
quell the fury of the people, who cried out, as they
put theprifoners to death, "This man denounced
my father ! This aflaffinated my wife ! This mur
dered my child !" Boifet, the Deputy, harangued
the people, and at length put an end to the infur
The Convention decreed, that the Deputies on
million at Lyons, fhouid fend a report of the events
of the 15th Floreal, and that the Committee of Le
gislation fhouid order those aecufed of abuse ps au
thon'ty at Lyons, to be prosecuted.
IPSWICH, May iz.
The 88th Regiment of foot arrived here on
Thursday from the Continent ; when they went
abroad it eonfifted of 1000 men, and they had two
drafts sent them of upwards of IfiO men each time.
When they arrived here tliey were reduced to 250
hick. 1
From the Times.
t L O N D O N, May 16.
* It appeared, in the debate on Thursday, that
the new ellablidunent of the Piince of Wales a
mounted to 35,0001. a year, in salaries only. This
seemed to the House to be a much more exorbitant
t sum than any proposed income could possibly bear;
. and we trust, therefore, that his Royal Highn fs
. will caufeaii immediate reduction to be made in it.
In the debate on Thursday night, Mr. Lambton
1 gave it as his opinion, that no gentlemen holding
j places in any of the royal eftahlifhments, and having
i feats in either House of Parliament, ought to be al
-1 lowed to give their votes during the time they held
a such offices, as it created an undue influence in the
legislature. Much may be said in favour of this
' observation ; but, surely, if Mr. Lambton's argu
ment holds good in one instance it must in another ;
and we fugged, whether, in debating the fubjeft of
the Piince'B debts, any gentleman nuglit to throw
V in the weight of his peifonal influence, who is in
any degree related to those who are very juttly fuf
petted of having led his Royal Highness into ads
of very great imprudence, to use no hardier term.
Vait quantities of dollars arc remitting to Ham
burg for the payment of the Imperial Loan, which
i_ on the Continent, is supposed to be finally ratified ;
f- although this is not the fa£t. A messenger from
Vienna has bee* hourly expefted for the lad three
The oath to be proposed to the creditois of the
Prince of Wales, will be the occasion of many a
demand, lately made, lying dormant for ever ;
for there are some who would lose all character were
they to ascertain the nature of the value they had
0 given for the bonds they have received.
, It is the Jobbers in the Stock Exchange, and
not the Miniflersof tliis country who are making
overtures o! Teace. Those ttvo legged bulls and
bears, ha.e been Raping a plentiful haivcft by re- fa«
ports of tins nature.
The general fafhion of wearing Spencers, reminds /
us of a wager laid by lord Match, that he would be tll(
able to introduce to genera) imitation, the moll hu
miliating falhion he could, think of. Accordingly
he appeared several days fuccefGvely about the Roy
al Exchange, drefled like a livery fetvant. The ii- en
very coitfifted of a blue coat with crimson collar and ot
cuffs ; and he gained the wager.
Spencers—Over-Ciats ivitUut Sth'ti. J
A revolution has taken place in Persia, which has .
entirely changed the posture of affairs in that kingdom,
and has put Aga Malimed Khan, the eunuch, in the
entire poffeilioii of Persia. Mahmed Khan, the prin- co
cipal Pretender to the kingdom, had kept his rival,
Loffali Khan,i shut up in the town of Kermin for ,
eight months. Well fortified, both by nature and art, j
and provided with provisions and ammunition for two j
years, Kerman might still have held out, but Mahmed j
Khan having corrupted part of the garrison, the gates j
of the town were opened to him in the beginning of , ,
last Odtober. i
We are extremely sorry to state, that the Speaker of |
the House of Commons still remains vtrv much indil- 1
poled. His disorder is the plcuril'y. We doubt v. lie
ther he will be able to attend his duty this day. j
Her Majesty has had a return of the disorder in her -
feet, to which she has been occasionally fnbje<st for je- P
veral years, and which proves more obltinate upon ,
every return. • . ! th
M he generality of people seem to entertain but one
idea refpe<fting a certain personage's debts ; which is, ,
that in times like the present, they cannot afford to
pay those debts for which he never had any value.
Calcutta Gazette Extraordinary, t j|
Friday, Nov. j r 1794-
"We have now an opportunity of giving the sol- p e
lowing particulars of the action of the liohillas on the pi
a6th ultimo, which has been obligingly communicat- at
ed to us in an extract of a letter from camp. w
" The whole line was ordered to be under arms this 0 f
morning an hour before day light. The general and
his ftaff moved to reconnoitre some miles in front; they th
saw the enemy forming in full force, and after waiting ft
some time to judge of the probable disposition they
would take, rede back to camp to direst the arrange- m
ment for aftion. Our army moved forward in one bo
dy ; the artillery Rationed in the intervals of corps; the
cavalry on the right flank j the charge of the enemy th
was most daring and gallant, and it is utterly impossi
ble that it could have been surpassed ; both lines met re
and intermingled j the bayonet prevailed, and our ar
my pursued the enemy across the Doojura Nullah.
The enerhy consisted on a moderate computation of V
15,000 men ; about 4000 of them were cavalry, who re
direfled their whole force against the reserve, and made g
dreadful execution ; the number of the enemy slain was
very great. Our loss in European officers was very as- e <
flifling , Major Bolton was shot after having cut down 0 i
several of the assailants ; his batallion behaved with a w
degree of steadiness that would have done the most |;
disciplined corps in the world honour. ir
" The charge on the part of the enemy was peculiar- ti
ly singular ; they formed in line infinitely beyond the g
extent of ours, in deep wedges, supposed of fifty deep. u
When the signal of our advancing, which was two f (
guns from the centre of the line, was given, we moved* b
in good order slowly forward, at that time about 1200 g
yards from the enemy. They moved towards us ; t :
when both lines had come within about 500 yards, j,
Golaum's people scattered individually, approached in t
that extraordinary manner, and contested the point c
with our bayonets ; they appeared to defpile our mnf- a
quetryj and upon' every discharge tff artillery enibrac- >
ed the ground, inflantly rising and advancing to the
charge; their arms were spears, matchlocks and (
swords, which latter they employed with a deftrufttve t
effect, and their attack, as by universal consent, was j
called the Highland charge. Najeer Khan was killed f
' in the atftion ; Oomer Khan wounded : both these men t
r had decisive influence in Golaum's councils. Another t
> brother of Golaum's is come in this evening, but he 1
> had quitted his brother yesterday. There never was a 1
, more juftifiable war than this, or, at least, there never t
was a grofl'er provocation, or more desire to avoid hof- (
tility. j
[ " Golaum Mahomed, whilst he affefled obedience j
to the Nabob, proceeded without the boundary of the ;
" Rampore DiftrifU; He was told, that when he retired 1
within the limits of his father's jaghire, his story would i
1 be heard with attention, and he was given until this
s evening to comply with that condition ; instead of
which, he advanced posts within mufquet shot of our 1
picquets, and fired upon a party of cavalry Rationed in 1
advance with the piquets ; this intelligence determined 1
theailion, which commenced on Golaum's part, by
opening his artillery at half past nine. Our signal guns -
1 were fired at 35 minutes after that hour, and the ac
tion at the different stages of it. until the enemy were
beaten from the field, in every direflion, lasted till
3 near eleven o'clock, and then the time taken up to
• pursue in order of battle, our army did not reach this
3 place till four or five o'clock, when we arrived on the
banks of the Doojura Nullah. Golaum left the greater
part, if not the whole, of his guns and camp equipage.
The enemy's retreat was so complete that we could not
discover a single horferaan when we got to Nullah ; at
t this time the Vizier's corps, from Berelly,joined.
" The following lift of officers, killed and wounded,
, has been taken from pi ivate letters, which we believe
t to be corredt."
Killed —Col. Burrington; major Thomas Bolton,
' commanding iZth Native battalion; capt. Norman
s Macleod, commanding 13th ditto ; capt. 'John Maw
• bey, of id European battalion ; licut. J. Z. M. Birch,
n ditto.dittos lieut. John Flumer, of 13th Native batta
g lion; licut. IV. Hinckfman, of ditto ; lieut. Joseph
~ Richardson, oj ditto ; lieut. IVilliarr. Rennie, of ditto ;
|_ lieut. A. Cummings, of iZth Native battalion ; capt. J.
, Mar daunt, of artillery ; lieut. E. Baker, ofditto ; lieut.
James Teifer, of ditto.
Ie Wounded —Capt. Bruce, aid-de-camp to col. Bur
is rington ; capt. Edwards, as the nth Native battalion ;
1- lieut. Odcl, of 13th ditto, lc/1 an arm ; lieut. Macleod,
; of ditto ; brigade major Edm. Wells ; adjutant Leivij
Thomas, of 13th Native battalion; Richard Adams,
of lt,th ditto ; lieut- Jollie, of id European battalion ;
lieut. RobertJ'on, ditto; lieut. Robert Murray, of the
'j 1 cavalry ; lieut. J. J'. Pigot, of ditto-
TranflatioKS for the Diary, from the Courier a'M.gatite.
PARIS, 17th Floreal, (6 May.)
n * The city at present is in a perfect state of qjieHide.
h Though provilions are not abundant, we are no longer
I ; made unhappy by the terrible apprehension of want
m and misery. The quantity of bread assigned to each
ee person colts near Jialf a livre —it is distributed at an
early hour, and the crowds at the doors of the bakers
are not so numerous nor violent as some days ago. Ihe
:l( - stage coaches are loaded with bread which the inhabi
a tants of the country and the departments fend to their
relatives or friends in town —But if we fuffer less than
re formerly from want, we are dsftreffed by the deprecia
-1(j tion and discredit of the affigHats—gold and silver ar
ticles have conliderably advanced in price within three
, or four days, and every other species of merchandize
bears the fame incrcafing proportion. It is greatly to
'8 bt wifhed'that government would interfere, and put a
id flop to the intrigues of the villains who c .uie ihi f
faul events* From it o'clock in Or ir.or mg till i<j
or ii it mght, is to be iet/i in lite gardens ci uc,:
a crowd of wretchei who make a ui evei-y thing*
fpecuftting on the diftrtfles and ava ling tjieralelve* of
the aiiltiy of the public.
Sitting of the 16th Floreal, (jth May.)
Dubois Crance propoled a plan to insure the fubfift
encc of all the great communes, even that of Paris, and
ol all the armies however numerous, without .sluing
an affignat from the national treasury.
This fiujple plan, which he had formerly proposed
to the Conftjtuent Ailembly, is to eltabliih payment*
in the nature of contributions, on the fame foo.nig ?.a
they wpre in 1790. He entered into calculations ci'
various commodities of the firll neeefnty, and oi ilici»-
comparative value in afii-griats, and evidently pt-veflfe
that such a mcalure if heretofore adopted, won.J have
saved the Republic feviral millions.
He refuted the objection* advanced against the mode
of collection, ai d propoled to limit the duration of
this impost to the end of the war. Finally, h« pre
-1 fented it as the only remaining preservative againJl die
dreadful dilapidations which have been ccmnuttcd un
; der every administration.
S After this dilcourfe, the interefling nature of which
precluded all tedioufneis from its prolixity, JUuW»-
Crance presented a series of qucllioiis, of w h.cli he de
manded the reference to the committees t9 make a
fpcedy report —after which he prelented the following
articles of a decree :
j Art. ill. rhe National Convention decreesthatfrom
this time, until the FruCtidor next, all aiTigr.ats of
25 livres and upwards, lhall be carried to the national
; treafurv, the polleflors to receive in return a new im
preffron, after that period those of the'denomination
above mentioned lhall cease to be current, but they
may be employed in thepurchafe of national property
tiil the Germinal next.
Art. id. The proceeds of thefaltsof national pro
perty (hall be deposited in the public treasury, toht ap
plied towards the current fcrvices of the campaign—
at the'end of the year the surplus itiall be burned, as
well as the aflignats returned into the trejfury by me'sus.
of the lotteries.
Art. 3d. No new aflignats lh»H hereafter he flruck,.
the plates and other instrument» of fabricating them
(hall be publicly destroyed.
4th. Thwre lhall be coined 150.millions of copper
money within 3 months.
sth. The aflignats in circulation retain the nominal
value —no person foall be forced to pay in coin rather
than in aflignats.
The afiembly ordered these propolitions to be refer
red to the committee of finance.
17 Floreal, (6th May.)
In the Extraordinary Sitting oi' yellerday Evening,
Vernier was nominated rrefident, several adilre es were
read ; all exprefled felltimeiits of gratitude for the ener
gy and courage fliewn by the Convention.
A member, from the army of the Wellern l'yren.
ees, reported the situation of the Conquered countries,
occupied by that army. The French troops, he laid,
were received in the provinces of Ouipu&oa and Biscay
like brothers and friends, who came lo eltablilh their
independence. We have become poli'efled of the for-
only by capitulation, the voluntary ail of the
garrisons more desirous of admitting, than excluding
us. Already the States of these two provinces had al
fembled, n<u to demand an union with the Republic,
' but to proclaim their independence from the
government and their being placed under the protec
tion of France. But the Reprefeittative Pinet ca(h»
iered the aflemblies of these States, and informed them 1
they were not to give, but receive laws. Pinet did not
confine himfelf to this a& of oppreflion j he arretted
all the priests, and caused them tg be tranfpi rt.d, as
• hostages, to the citadel of Bayonne. Indignant at so
gross a violation of national law, the inhabitants if
1 Guipiifcoa and Biscay their countiy, where
' they experienced neither protection nor fafety. Tkey
> joined the Spanish army, in expectation that a period
I Ihould fpcedily arrive, when (ignal vengeance mij' t
1 be taken for these outrages. The Reprefenutives of
r the People, at present on million in thole countries jre
: laboring to atone for the injustice committed on the !r.-
1 habitants. They have recalled the exiles, have libtra
r ted the pretended hostages, and have thepleafing con
- folation of feeing that meafui es of justice a'rid n.ildntjs t
produce the moll salutary confluences. Every decade,
c great numbers of the banished are t'ecn to return. The
c army of the Western Pyrennets, is at present able to
1 refill every poflible attempt of the enemy. [lnfertile.
I in the Bulletin.J
s The difcuflion on the finances was resumed.
f A Member made a lengthy speech, in opposition te
r the plan presented yesterday by Dubois Crance, and
n contended that the collection of the import was inexe'
i cutable from its nature.
y Dubois Crance replied to all his objections, and
s quoted Switzerland, where ihe lame mode of coileC.-
- ing the impost, was in use.
e He also cited certain provinces of France "where the
II method pointed oql, was formerly purlued with fuc
-0 cess.
is Boifly d'Anglas observed, that ,the projeft of D,
e Crance was not so intimately conneCled with the ge
:r neral fyllem of finance, that it could not be separated j
that it might be advantageously dilcuffed apart, and
>t demanded that it might be referred to the Committee
it of Finances, to report within one decade.
Bourdon de i'Oife, thought the means proposed by
1, Crance well calculated to el'cape certain inconveniences,
e which his penetration enabled him to forefce ; but that
he was very far from expecting the obje£i in contem.
1, platioh would be attained by the means proposed ; an
\u objeCt laudable in itfelf, as it went to redeem a large
] j- amount of aflignats. He therefore demanded the dif
b, euflion might be continued, with a view to the means
3- of cancelling without loss of time, the aflignats now
>h in circulation,
1; Delmas remarked, that there remained little leisure
f. to pore upon the projeCt of Dubois Crance. He de
if. manded that at the next Primidi, the Committees of
Fir.ance and Agriculture, Ihould present a report qn
r- the advantages, and inconveniences infepar.ble- from
1; the proposed method of colluding the' impoft.—D4-
d, creed.
;ij Roux, in the name of the Committee of Public Sn fe
-IJ, ty, informed the Aflembly, that an event very coir..
>i; mon, had retarded the arrival of the proviCons expecl
be ed from Havre ; instead of reaching Paris the preced
ing evening, they were still by the way. Hence it arcfe
that the allowance to the citizens of Paris this morning
was less than usual.
The mal-coments, said he, have already spread a-
j e _ broad, that we are about being replungerl yito a lUte
'er waßt ' F' milar t0 tiiat experienced two denades iincc
' nt —but they lhall be difappoir.ted.
C j l The Committee caused to be diflributcd this mtrn
an ing, a fufficient quantity of rice to fupplv the in niedi
cr, ate neceflities of the people. The escort w: 1 arrive
•J, j this evening, and every arrangement is already
jjj. I to prevent in future any difliculties tj- diipenliug
c ; r daily grant of provisions in reafonable'picnt y.
an Roux, concluded bv contradiCling the falfe rimiain s
ia- recently spread abroad, that an embargo had been ii..-
ar- posed on the supplies expeCled from Havr , Dunkirk
ree and Oftend —On the contrary, every pre ution was
ize taken to insure the uninterrupted traalpo tOf proviii
to ens from those places to the capital,
it ,1 A number of misguided women, fuppo icd l.v men
if: | rom the cpuntry, appeared again f, ;■ th_- eutuoii pz