Gazette of the United States. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1795-1796, July 08, 1795, Image 1

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    Number RB3.J
Sales at Auction. .
Sales of Real Estates.
To be Sold by Public Vendue,
ON Tuesday the 14th of July, at the City Coffee
House, at 7 o'clock in the Evening,
Two Valuable Plantations,
Beiitj* part of the Eftnte of Andrew Doz,
. deoeafed. One containing abt>*t one hundred &nd seventy
one Acres, vrhereon is erc&ed a new and substantial brick
building two ftork-3 high, With three rooms on a floor,
and cellars underneath. Oa the premifcs is a pump of
excellent water, a floae barn, a. spring house, and a wharf
at the landing, near the motth of Frankfort Creek. Also
a fine apple orchard, from which, upwards of two hun
dred barrels of Cfder have been made in a year, and a
quantity of apples fold.
The other, adjoining the former, contains about fifty
eight acres, whereon is a convenient brick house, a new
barn, a pump of good water, an orchard, cyder mill, &c.—
This trad is fubjedfc- to a ground rent of 45 pounds per
Annum, redeemable at anv time after the 20th January,
1806, on payment of fli oz. 10 dwt. of Gold. The two
farms contain about seventy Acres of Wood JLand, the
whole is inclosed with post and rail fencing.
The fit nation is beautiful for a gentleman's feat, Frank
fort Creek and the Delaware being in full view, with all
the craft pafiincr up and down the river. On these watets
there is plentjrof fpwlingjjnd fifhing, and the creek affords
an inexhauftable fcock of manure —The produce of the
Farms may be easily tr infported from the wharf to the
city of Philadelphia, which is only fix miles distant, eV
ccptinthe Win:cr when the navigation is interrupted by
ice, and then the communication is open by Frankfort
road, which is the best to the Philadelphia market.
Any person desirous to view the prcmifes, they will be
shewn them by George Castor, living there ; and the
terms of lale will be made known at the vendue,
John Connelly, Auctioneer.
June 30. ' JSftS
Sale of a valuable LOT.
At public au&ion, onTucffday, the 14th 8 o'clock
in the evening, at tlae Merchants Coffee House,
A L'A of Ground.
Situate on the south east corner of Walnut and Eleventh
containing in front on Walnut street 10 feet, and
In depth fronting on Eleventh street 113 feet—clear of
U1 incumbrance. The terms to be cash in ten days,
when an indifptitaLle title will be
John Conneliy, AuGioneer.
>->7. 17 95- d -
For "SALE,"
<n " Scb °" r ' r
sail y,
■ij— * - Lying at Latimer's wharf, this vtflel is
Ready to tak- in a carton, and it well found in rigging
and fails. Her burthen about fijo Barrells Apply to
SAMUEL BRECK, Jun. Rofs's wharf.
June io d
UVifO K I'll. L>, in the .
from Calcutta,
And for fa! * in the Package, by
yobn Miller, jun.
A Capital AfTortment of
OF Qualities peculiarly well adapted to thij market,
and for Exportation,
A-nongJi them are a Gr*nt Variety nf
Printing .Cloths, Coflaes,
Calicoes, Patna Handrs,
Checks, Mulmuls,
Gurrahs, Taffaties.
The above w-'!l be fold -on very moderate terms, for
Notes at 3 and 4 months.
30,000 lb. PEPPER.
The SHI?
y-~=. Three Brothers,
will like-wise be Sold.
Sfce is S years old—n.wly coppered—
mW. a ftroag vcfTel, burthen about 150 torts.
June S3 §iof§t
ForTl \ M BURGH,
T - —_ The New Cedar and Live Oak Ship
Burthen about three hundred Tens,
Philadelphia built, shc is a Tub flan *ial
well buiit Vessel and win be fitted in
the best manner, will be ready to receive a Cargo in a few
days, and i» expected to fail in three week-?. For freight
cr pafTagc apply to the captain cupboard, or
Convenient /lores for receiving good* to be let on the ri
ver fide. June 29 * }§fa
. i-— ■- ■ Wanted to Charter,
For a port in Europe,
v-tT.I vM h wiH carry about 4 bun
r" dred Hoglheads of tobacco.
- Enquire of E. DUTILH & W \CH
SMUTH, SouthSecond-llreet, No- 164.
June 29,' S__
rr HE time of a Stmit NEGRO L AD, who has upwards
J. of fix years to serve. Enquire of the Printer.
Jtir - i_
I too Barrels Tar.
7 50 Moiaffesfhooks,
St. Domingo Molasses,"? [n Ko „ shcjds .
spa .lyrop," j
ri.r,culo, in lerroon'!,
No. J'S Fenn Street.
' Jtikc 27
The highel price in Csfh, will be given for
A will be given to Ckret Bottles—Apply to
No. 187, Youth Third-ltreet.
Notice is hereby given,
THAT the grantees of the Georgia Company hav« ap
pointed William Urquhart, Esq. of Augusta, their
agent for the purpose of receiving payments from the per
sons holding an iatercft in the said Company, and hare a«-
thorifed hira to give receipts for the fame: and, for the in
formation »f all concerned, the following Rule and Regu
lation of the Georgia Company is hereto subjoined.
M. MCALLISTER, £ Grantees.
" If any person holding an interest m this Company,
(hall fail to pay pnn&ually the full amount of the purchase
money for the lands held by them, at and after the rate of
two cents and one third of a cant per acre, or the balance
which is or may be dae on or before the seventh day of
August, one thousand seven hundred and ninety five, to the
Grantees, or their agents, every person or persons so hold
ing an interest or fabfhare, and failing to pay as before men
tioned, shall forfeit such Interest or fublhare, and the fame
is hereby declared to be abl'olutely revetted in the original
proprietors, and shall thenceforth be considered as part of
their property, and be disposed of as they may think pro
per. July z §1
AEL Persons indebted to the Estate of Robert Reside,
late of Southwark, Mariner, deceased, are deured
to make immediate payment, and all those having just
demands against said Estate, are desired to furnifh their
accounts properly attested, to either of the fubfcribsii.
Sarah Reside, Executrix.
John Craig, ) r
May il , A
Philip Ntcklin isf Co.
Arc no«w Landing from the Ship Liberty, Capt. Vaii-
Luvenjgh, from Liverpool,
100 caflcs of Nails aborted in 6d, B</, 10/, and
And from ttie schooner Favorite, from Virginia,
ai Hogiheads prime Tobacco, and
Ijoowt. Virginia Hams.
They have also on hand,
12 Tons Pig Lead
Rich Mountain Wine in Quarter Caflcs,
Fine-Old Port Wine in Pipes and Hogsheads,
Spanish Liquorice Ball, in bqxes of aewt. each
Brimstone, crude and refined,
Enghfti fail Canvas a/Torted
Crown Window Glass 8 by 10,
Men's Englifli saddles, and
A Quantity of Mahogany.
Juae 3. d.
At Cuibberis IVbarJ, from on board the Slip JPennfyl<vanla,
Bourdeaux Brandy, & Claret in calks.
Gurney & Smith.
July I, 1795. i.
In Three O&avo Volumes—price 4 Dollars,
Laws of the United States,
Pajfed ly Congress Jirtce the adoption of the
Constitution, to
Tlvj above may be ruid at the of F.
Childs, in Sixth, between Cnelhut and Walnut-Streets,
and at the several Book-Stores iathi* City.
I June 30. 6r
large size, and beautifully variegated.
Apply to z
July 6. Wdlnut-Jlrcet. t.
At the STOKES of
Jesse & Robert Waln, *
PORT WINE in pipe', hhds. and qual fer calks
LISBON do.i n pipes and quarter calks
Soochongand C'.ongo 1 EAB, i n quartel chests
A quantity of I.ilbonand CadizSALT
Soft Ihelled ALMOMDSin biles
Velvet CORKS, In do.
Ku fli a MATTS.
May j J
American Land/capes.
Twenty-Four VI E«W S,
SELECTED from the mod striking and interefling
ProfpeAs in the United States ; each »f which
Views, will be accompanied with a descriptive account
of its Local, Historical, and other Incidental Peculiarities
! Author of the " :c Remains and Ancient Ca/IJes in Great
I. That the work shall be publilhed by Subscription; and
that each Subfcribcr shall engage to take the whole fct
of Views, and (hall pay for each engraving, if bhi.k or
brown, a Dollars ; and if coloured 5 Dollars.
11. That the dimensions of each engraving shall be 14 by 17
inches, executed in aquatinta, and published Hpon paper
of a superior quality. The publication to commence im
mediately ; and one engraving to be delivered to the Sub
scribers, on the firll Monday of each succeeding month,
until the propofodferies shall be finally completed.
111. That with the lafl View of the series, (hallbe deli
vered an engraved title-page ; an elejant charaileiiftic
vignette; a map of the route, connected with the prof
pe<Hs exhibited in the the courfo of the Work; and an
Alphabetical lift of the Subscribers.
Subscriptions are received by Mr. Harrifon, at his Print
Ihop, Maidenlane, New-York, by Mr. Carey, Book-fell
er, No. 118, Market street, Philadelphia, and by all the
principal Book-fellers in the United States.
February zS. d.
" three second hjvnded
Of the best make, ready flocked, two of which are
suitable for yeflels of 200 to 250 tons; the other would
do for a veflel of 300 or 400 tons. For sale by
F. L. Faures,
Lombard-Jlreet, N«. 91.
July 3j M*- ■
Delaware Bridge.
IN Pursuance of an a<ft of the General Aflembly of this
Commonwealth, entitled " An ait to authorise the
• c Governor of this Commonwealth to incorporate a
" Company for ereAing a Bridge over the river Dela
" ware, at the borough of Eafton, in ths County of
" Northampton ; M and alio of the Lcgillature of the Hate
of New Jersey, entitled " An a«SI to empower the Go
" verhor of this state to incorporate a Company for
" erecting a Bridge over the river Delaware, at the
<c township of Greenwich, in the Couwty of Sufiex, bp
" pofite the borough of Eaiion"
Notice is hereby given*
That Books will be opened to receive Subscriptions for
the Stock of the said Company, at the times and places
following, to wit ;
In the City of Philadelphia, at the Countia|| House of
Levi Hollingfworth, on Monday, the sixth day of July
next, and on the two succeeding days—
In the Borough of Eafton, at the lioui'e of Conrad llirie,
fen. on the fame three days;
And, in the State of New Jer "ey, at the House of Tho
mas Bullraan, in thetownfhip of Greenwich, abd County
of Sulfex, on the sixth and eighth days of July next; and
at the store of Thomas Paul, at Belvidcl-e, in Oxford town-
Ihip, and Suites County aforefaid, on the feVcndi day of
July aforefiid.
At which Places the Books will be kept open from nfric
o'clock until twelve in the foreaooa, and from two o'clock
until five in the afternoon, of each day, or until the sub-
Jcription Qia.ll be filkd —The Capitnl Stock of the laid
Company will consist of two hundred and fifty fraris, at
one hundred dollars each, whereof ten dollars mull be
paid on each lhare at the time of lubfcribing.
Levi HollingJ'ivor'tb,
Jtfe (Tain,
'John A icbalfon,
John Amdt, ,
William Henry, j> CommiJJior.ers.
John Heijler^
*- Jamet liyndjba<w,
Thomas Paul,
Thomas Bullaian.
Philadelphia, May t8 d
Fra-unces's Tavern.
No. 59 South Water Street
' I "HE Subscriber rcfpedlfully begs leave to inform his
X friends and the public in general, that he has remov
ed from No. 166 south ad Street, to that large, commo
dious, House in Water Street, between Chefcut andjWalnut
Streets, lately occupied by Mr. Isaac Hazkluifl, and, on
which he has spared Bo pains orcxpcnfc, to make it con
venient and agreeable tar the receptio.. of jrentli»ien. The
Heufe being fit 11 a ted on the fame spot where the noted Beef
Steak and Punch house formerly stood, has the advantage
of the best water in this city, known long since by the name
of the Gran Trie IVaier. As there are several elegant
Rooms, fulficiently large to accommodate any Society or
company of gentlemen, and from his Weil known abilities
topleafe in the lin* of hisbufinefs, he flatters himfelf with
a continuance of that patronage which he has experienced
since he firtl opened a Public House in this City, and, for
which he begs leave to make a public acknowledgment.
For the accommodation of Small Parties, the Large
Coffee Room on the ground floor is conveniently fitted
up with a number of Boxes, conftra&ed in such a n»an
her as to admit Gentlemen to be as private as they please
Where may be had, at any hour, Soupsj Beef-Stuaks,
Reliflies, &c. &c.
He hason hand, and willkeep a couftant supply of Spi
rituous and Malt Liquors, and of the best qualities.
Breakfafts provided—Also Dinners and Suppers cook
ed in the most approved manner, at a ihort notice, andPaf
try of all forts, made to order, in the House, or to fend
out at any hour.
He has several well furniflied Bed Chambers, for Board
tai and Lodgers, by the Week, month, or year.
P. S. The large, convenient, Stores and Vaults, under
neath the House, with the Office above, to be rented, .either
separate or together—For terms apply t® the Subscriber.
June 2. dtf.
HoiTe Academy;
Also, HOSPITAL for SICK and
THE Ladies and Gentlemen of and its vi
cinity are refpe<ftfully infor^. d) that a fluiidi of
the above description is interna to be immediately created,
under the folc diredir,, of X . SWANK, where Ladies
and Gentlemen will mftrU»Sfced in Riding and managing
the Horse to the eftabiilhed rules of art, and
Horses will, oe properly broke for every purpose. But as
the fitf,„g U p s uc h buildings wiil be attended with a heavy
expence, he has publilhed proposals, soliciting a fuhferip
-ion to forward this ufeful Seminary, particulars of which
may be feenat Mr. Ormrod's Printing Office Chefnut
street ; he will be happy to wait upon any lady or gcntl»-
ma» inclined to honour him with their lupport anU fully
explain himfelf on this subject, a line addicls'd to him at
No. 63, South Third llreet will be duly attended to.
I hole gentleincn &c. who may have horses labour
ing with diseases either sick or lame he will attend 011 them
if desired and immediately explain the nature of the com
plaint and what can bfy done to help and relieve thena—he
also engages to cure and make found horses which have
the following complaints, viz. canker'd feet, contracted
hoofs, sand cracks, quittors, fplents, wind galls, curbs and
fpavius, either bog cr boncy, if in their firlt stages.
He performs a curious manual operation which takes
away the cause of blindsel's from Horses that have bad and
weak eyes. The above he has experienced on more than
fix hundred Horses, with singular success.
N. B. Any Lady or Gentleman who have Horses
that have been ill broke, and very aukward and un
handy so ride, he will engage to give them lix suppling
leflons in his temporary manage, at the small expenoe
of only five Dollars, by which their Mouths and allions
(hall be more altered tor the better than is pofiible to he
conceived by those who are unacquainted with the art.
The Leisures 011 Ilorfemanlhip published by T. Swann
are to be had at Mr. Ormrod's, Chefnut-llieet; where
in is contained more concise and genuine inftrutflicns
on which the art is founded, than are to be had in any
publication, oomprifed in so small a compass, now ex
July 6. dxw&ir^wtf
"No. 70, South Second-Jlreet, near the City Tavern,
HAS just opened and for Sale, an AfTortment of La
dies' and Gentlemen's
Fashionable HATS,
from London. Also a variety of Children's Hats of differ
ent Colours.
N. B. A Man or twjo as Snifters in the above business,
well recommended, will meet with confla*t employ and
good encouragement.
June 6. j
Volume VIII.]
Far the Bsneftt of
On WEDNESDAY NEXT, Jar.r 8, will be
pref.-nted a Mifcellaorous Fnt-rtainmcnt, of Rcadin&j
and Music.
(To ttumnenf? at 7 o'clui i prteifely.J
Overture PUjJ.
Miss Broadhvrfi, JVTri .Q !ii~
Glee u Cumt all milt fifclt/ rrthcon, Mr. Darley, Mri
(Dr. Rogers) f Marfan, Mr. Sbatv, 13"
y Mr. Gillingham.
Duett, « Tlx Way Worn Traveller," $ M 'f'^oaJturJ (uJ
J i Mrs. Ohlmixon.
Recitation, GrayS Elc£v, Mr. Moreton.
Catch " Mr. Sweater" Mr. sba*v, Mr. Darley, and
Mr. Gillingbam.
Song, u The Soldier Tir*d, u Mfs Broadburjt.
Glee, " H?bat Sdpf.bc tjn'd' 4 (Dan by) Mi ft Broadburjl,
Mrs. o'idtnixoni anci Mr. Darley.
PART 11.
Glee," Com* litre f vtih me," "> M'tfs BroadhurJ,l) Mr. Darley, Mr,
( Webbe) y Marjball, and Mr. Gillingbam.
Song, '' The Streamlet" Mr. Marfbali
Concerto on the Violin, Mr. Gillirgbam.
Duett, " Together Ist us range ibe Fields '* (Dr. Boyce)
Miss Broadburjl and Mrs. Oldmixoh
Catcll,Pwr Tlomas Day" Mr. Darley, Mr, Marshall,
and Mr. Sbaxv.
Sortg, (Giordani) Mrs. Oldmlxon.
Glee, " From the fair Larviuian fbore" (Dr. Wilson)
Miss BrqaJhutfi, Mr. Durley, and Mrs. Oldmixon.
Part lI'I.
'Glee, " Lullaby(Harmoniz'd by Mr. Shaw) Miss Bnxrd
burf, Mr. _Sbaxv, Mr. Giiiintham, and Mr. Darley
Song, 44 On by the spur of v.r lour goaded " Mr. Darley.
Duet on Violin aad Violoncello, Messrs. GUlirgLam dud
M errel. -
Recitation, * Mr. Harxiwd.
Song, "Sivert Bird** fry deflrc) accnmpa- 7 „. f „ ~ „
niod on the Violin by Mr. j* A * roa <-urfl 9
Catch, " Tire Cries of Durham," (by desire) 'Mr. Darley %
Mr. Mar/W/ # Mr. Sbaxv, Mr. Gillingbam t and Mr.
Darley, jun*
Full Piece, Haydn.
Leader of the "Band, Mr. Dillingham.
Condufior, Mr. Reinag!e.
Tickets to be had of Miss N«. ar North
Seventh street, at O'Ellers's Hotel, and of Meflrs. Carey, *
Ric?, or Cars, Market ftrert.
JJiiiik oj i\orth America, July I, 179 J.
AT a met ting of the Diredlors this day, a dividend of
Six per Cent, was declared for the last half year,
which will be paid to the Stockholders, or their Represen
tatives, at any time after the loth inft.
By order of the Board,
diot. JOHN NIXON, Prefdrnt.
„ July 6, 1795.
NOTICE !• hereby »iveh, that there will he paid
at the Bank, after the 15th inft. to the Stock
holders, or their Representatives duly authorised.
Sixteen Dollar* for each share, being the dividend
declared for the lift fix months.
By artier of the Prcfident and Directors,
dttftli. GEO. SIMPSON, Cajkir.
New Hosiery.
At bis HOSIERY STORE, No. 4S Che/nut flreet,
RESPECTFULLY in>riKS his Friends and the Public in
general, that hehasjutt received by the ship Liberty
from Liverpool, a further supply of
Men's & Women's Silk and
Amor ? which are a very ex^ rtve a (T ortm , nt of G< . m!e _
men s pUn vvlnte, fancy. s; , k r fine .
phted silk and flnc whit ., r | ain> and ribb . d
ton a very ' r > r g c _ 4 <f ortme nt of fancy Patent and fine ran
dom tanc» c ettOn, Sec. which he will fell upon the woft
r or^ n ! c terms by the dozen or fir.gie pair.
A General AiTortment of every other article of DRY"
GOODS, newly imported.
Those gentlemen who pltift to favor B. C. with their
commands, wl meet with, at his store, a molt elegant,
extsnfive, and well chosen aflfortment of every defenptkm
ot Hoiitry. Also, a great Variety of
Gentlemen's Out-Jizfs.
J""» 4 ||t
A I bonneur d infortner fes amis et le public en general, qu il a
omvert un Enean public, dans State flreet,
a "*pp(Jite de M% M "Jones & Bass ;il fe jiatte-que let tonnois
£kces qu it a acquis dans ce genre de Commerce, le mettent a meme,
Idc fatisfaire tout teux, qui voudront bien Vhonnorer de leur confance•
II les ajfure quil aura une attention particuliere leurs intercfr
tt qut-la plus fritte integrit 'e, dans fa eonduite le rendre digne de
leur corfance Xtf de leurs recommendations.
A. B. Les affaires par de nittlqhe nature, quellet
foient, fcrontpox&udUment et dilijemmerit executes.
J u h 3 eodlm.
To be Sold,
And Poffeflion given immediately,
A Two Jlory brick Duelling Heufe,
In Arch street near Front ilreet, No, ai, fifteen and
an half feet front, and the lot is 102 feet deep. Enquire ot
Isaac Snowden,
Sou/.h Second Street.
March d6t—eodtf
GEORGE DAV IS refpeiftfally informs the gentlemen
of the profefiion through the United States, that his
late general importation is novJWjrranged, ard ready for
sale at the fame moderate prices as have hitherto so exten- ■
fively recomm-nded them.
High Street,No: 313. Jane 19 tu&f+w
Thomas Noele,
• j&lonei , Land, Commission Broker,
AO. 149 Cbifnut ftrect,
RETURNS grateful acknowledgements to his friend*
and the public for the encouiugeinent he has received
since he commenced hufmefs.
Continues sales and purthafesof real elates and public fe
curities:—tranla&scvt-.ry fpeciea oi naoney negociations—*
difcouHts approved notes to any anwunt, Sec. &c.
Tickets in the Canal and other Lotteries, may be had
at the above office.
The Washington Lottery being now on <.he eve of
drawing, a numerical book will be kept ; frorm which ths
public will have the advantage of examining the fate o£
tickets, three days earlier than by theufual communication
of incorreA printed flips, irregularly sent by poll, and
which arrives twice a week sn}.y.
June 34 5