Gazette of the United States, & daily advertiser. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1800-1801, December 30, 1800, Image 4

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Wajhinglon, September \Ji, iß<so.
Public Notice is hereby Given,
In fu-rfuunce of an a3 of Congreft, pajfed in
the 2sd dtiy of April, one titoufand c't*hl
hundred, emitted " An aS to eJlMifb a
General Stamp Office,"
THAT a General Stamp Office is novf
eftablWhed at the feat of government, in tne
city of Walhingron, from whence there will
ifTue, from apd after the date hereof, (upon
the application of the Supervisors of the
Revenue, under whose management t4ie
Colleilion of the (lamp duties is placed) any
of paper, pasc.hme.rit and vellum,
marked or (tamped, and duly couoterdamp
ed, with the following rates of duty which
arc demandable by law :
For every (kin or piece of vellum or parchmetn.or
(heet or piece ot pap»r, upon which fhi.l be
, written or printed any or either of the iufliu
menti or writings following, to wit,
A Do!!,. C M.
NY certificate of naturalization 5
Any licence t« pra:ViM,or certificate
of' the adnnffiun, enrollment or re
gift! y o' any counsellor, Solicitor
Advocate attorney, or protfkor, in
any court of the United Sta'e* is
Provided, that a certificate 111 asy
one of the courtH t«f he United States,
for any one of the faid'.ffices, shall
so far aa relates to th- payment of the
duty aforefiid, tie a fuffi, ient admis
sion m all the courts of the United
States, for each and every .of the said
Any gran' or letters patent.under the
seal or authority of the United
States (except for lands graated
for military Cervices) 4
Any exemplification or ceitified copy
of any such grant or If ters patent
(except for lands granted for mili
tary services) a
Any charter party, bottomry or re*
fpondentia bond 1
Asy receipt or discharge fcr or on ac
count of any legacy left by my
will or other teflimentaty inliru -
ment, or for any (bare or part of
a personal cflatc, divided by force
of 2 ny liat ute of diltri'.utrons other
thin to the wife, children or grand
children of the dileafed, the
amount whereof (hall be above the
value f fifty dollar*, and lhall not
exceed the value ef one hundred
d 'liars
When the amount thereof lhall ex
ceed the value of one hundred dol
lars, and lhall not exceed five hun
dred d, lla s 50
And for ev«ry further sum of five
hundrrd dollars, the additional
» ftim of 1
Aay policy of infnrance or instru
ment in nature thereof, when the
sum for which insurance is made
ihall not exceed Ave hundred dol
lars aj
When the sum insured (half exceed
five hundred dollars I
Any exemplification of what nature
soever, that lhall pals the seal of
any cou t, o'her than fucb as it
may be the duty of the clerk of
such court to furnilh for the use of
the United Statin, or fume parti*
culsr (late 50
Any bond, bill single or penal, inland
bill of exchange, promiflbry
note o'- other note (other than any
recognizance, bill, b*nd or other
obligation or contrail, made to or
with the United States, or any
state. or for their use refpetftively ;
and any bonda required in any ca(V
bv the laws of the United States,
or of any tfate, upon legal procels,
or in anv judicial proceeding, or
for the faithful performance of any
trull or duty )
If above twenty dollars and not
excee ting one hundred dollars 10
If above one hundred and nut ex
ceeding five hendred dollars aj
If above five hundred and not ex
ceedinfr one thrwifind dollars 50
And it above one thr ufand dollars 75
Provided, that 'f any bonds or
notes (hall be payable at or within
sixty days, such bonds or notes lhall
'be Tubjedl to only two fi'th parts of
the duty aforefaid, viz.
If above twenty and not exceeding
one hundicd dollars 4
If above one hundred dollars and not
exceeding five hundred dollars 10
If above five hnndred dollars arid
not exceeding one thnu'and dolls. »o
If above one thousand dollars 30
Any foreign hill of exchange, draft
or Order for the payment of money
in any foreign country
The said duty being charge,
ible upon each and every bill of ex
change, without refpedl to the num
ber contained in each set.
Any note or bill of lading or writing
or receipt in nature thereof, for
goJUe or merchandize to be ex
ported ;
If from one ili drift to another dif
*ri<Sl of theUnitert States,not being
in the fame state 4
If fr-m the United States to any fo
reign pr»rc or place 10
The said duty being chargeable
upon each and every bill of lading
without r-.!'pe<fl to the number Con
tained to each set.
Any notes issued by the banks now
eftafelifhed or that may be hereafter
eftablilhed within .the United
States, »ther than the notes of
such of the said banks as (hall a
gree to an annual compofltion of
one per centum on the annual di
vidends made by fnch banks, t»
their ftockholde. s refpeiftively, ac
cording to the following scale :
On all notes not exceeding fifty dol
lars, for each dollar _ '<
On all notes above fifty dollars and
not exceeding one hundred dollars jo
On all notes above one hundred dol
lars and notexceeding fire hundred
dollars *
On all notes above fiV* hundred dol
| ftoiU, C. M'
Any proud of otVtr hdtifial a<St »5
Any tetter ofattoi ev, except lor
an invalid penfion,or to obtain or
fell warrants for land granted by
the Uni'ed States as bounty sot
military iVrvices performed in the
lite w:r » f
Anv iutfOtofy nr cvilrgitt of kny fur
niturt,gko4i or mijc In any
ciie by law io c»te
-of groil* and ehattUt 4itlraiooJ for
*r taac*<. and tatten in vir
lue of any Icrjl procrf» by .-my iillttir 50
Asy certificates of a (hire in any insu
rance company, of a shir« in the bank
of the United States, or of any (late
or other bank ;
If above twenty dollars and not exceed
ing one hundre-i delta's 10
If above ons hundred dollars it
II unftr twuuiy rlollirt. at the ra>e of
ten ceot* for jce hunrfrc. dultari.
' II
That the power of the supervisorS of the
Revenue to mark or ftsttip any vellum,
parchment or paper chargeable wwh duty,
will cease and determine Irotn and after (ix
months from the date hereof, to wit, on the
lad day of February 1801.
Tiut, it' any perfolit fliall, after the lart
d.iy of Feb; I*ry j»cr, in their custody
or posT (lit hi, any vellum, pardon wit or pa.i
ner, in»rkcd or Sniped by ike fupiwifor*rf
ttie Urvti-ur, upon whiclt any inmtcr or
tiling, charged witli duty, fh.tll not Iwvc
t>etn *riitni or prmtrd, they may at any
tnnr witb:t> <te spare of sixty days af'tr
tie soid fast daj ef February 1801, bi in»
or fci.d I'uch vtlluni, ;ur(.hment and p:ipri,
unto lome office of inlpr£li<>n, and in lieo
tlirredT. receive a like quantity or value of
vei'om, parchment and p»p«r, rfuly lliiiDjxd
ill pursuance of the ait herein before tecitrd.
And in cafe any person (hall negleft or re
tu(e, within the time aforefaid, to bring or
cause to he brought unto son e of in
ipeclion, any fsn h vt lium, parchment or pa
per, it is hereby declared, that the fame will
thereafter be of no other cfTeil or use, than
if it had never been marked or damped, and
that all matters and things, w.hfch may af
ter that time be written ar printed upon ajiy
vrjlul, parchment or paper, authorized to be
exchanged in m»liner aforefaid, will be of no
other efTed.l, than if they had been written
printed on paper, parchment or vellum,
not marked or damped.
And for the convenience of those p«rfons
who may he inclined to have their own vel
lum, parchment and paper damped or mark
ed, it is hereby peclarcd, that when any per
lon fliall deposit any vellum, pa-chment or
paper at the office of a supervisor, accompa
nied with a lid, ;he number and
denominational the damps or marks, which
ire defircd to be thereto affixed, the fame
*'il! be tranfinitted to the General Stpam-
Offic-,and there properly o'arked or damped,
and so rthwith sent b,ack to the fame fuper
vilor, who will thereupon colled! the duties
and deliver the paper, parchment or vellum,
to the order of the perlbn from whom the
lame was raceived.
Given under my Hand, and the Stal
(L. S.) of the Treasury, at W a filing
ton, the d iy and year above men
Secretary of the Treasury.
d ;in.
t-ptrmbfr 2^.
French School,
N. GOUIN DUFIBF, profrfgr of the French
language, will open on 1 uefday, the 9th of De
cember at Mrs. Beck's Academy, in Fifth ftieet,
oppoGte the State House gardvn, a morning ichool
or youngladies,fro 11 eleven till one o'clock (every
other day-)
Parents or guardians are desired to make early
application, that the fcholirt may have the mutual
advmtag* of beginning atoico.
N. G. Duticf, hai the honor to inform th em
that he it the auther of a'courfc of praAical lec
tures ami conferences on the mud cu-mial parti of
the French langmge, hy meahl of which, the lear
ner is soon initiated in the m i# approved prailicc
of this polite and iaihionabie language.
An analysis of his p an of tu : tion, and of his
work havirg. oeen -given at length in the public
papcra, th«y are referred to the Gazette of the
United State* jjidfhe Aurora for .September last.
S Fot tc r ms and other particulars apply at No 5,
south Filth flrcct, or at Mrs. Beck's on the days
and hours of tuition aforefaid.
December 1. aod&t
The Porcupine.
I TAKE this method ofinforming the People of
the United States, rtiat or the firftdayof No
vember next, Ipropofeto r«fume the publication
of Porcupine'* Gazette, under the title of THE
PORCUFINE ; and to notify (in cafe any gentle
wan in America ftould want it) that the price of
each Number will be Gxpence ftcrling, and that
the cash must be received by me before the paper
can be fupplied.—Aa to the mode of conveyance,
so frequent are the opportunities from London to
Now York, that files may be forwarded tu the lat.
ter place once a fortnight upon an average—from
New-York they can be fpcedily conveyed to ev
ery part of the Union. When files can be, with
out delay, sent t" or»t» places dire.fl, it may he
done ; when they cannot, th- y will all be feat'to
New-York, unlcfs otherwise ordered.
sIP Potcupin* 1 Wtrls,
Which have been fometitne in the Prsfi, wil
be completed in February next, when the copies
ftibfcri' ed for in America will be lor warded to
the Subfcribcrs.
Any of my literary friends in America, who
t. ay be disposed to renew their corrcfpondence
with me; will pteafe 'o direil to me at my print
ing office, No. 3, Southampton street, Strand, or
at my Bookl'ellcr's stop, No. 18, Pall Mall.
London, September 4, 1800.
At the OfSee of the Gazette of thr Unitod
OLD Long Primer,
Small Pica on Pics B^dy,
Engliflj, Chafes, Compofmg Sticks, ajid agrea
varicty of articJs9 neceflary to carry on the Prin
iup Business. They will be fold cheap ter cask
Apply to th« Prklter>
At the Stene-House, No. 41, south Second
street, Philadelphia*
Arts, Sciences,
Miscellaneous Literature;
On a Plan entirely New,
By which
The different Sciences and /rts
Are fligefted into the Form of Diftintt
rHK History, Theory, and Practice of eash,
according to the latest Difcov.- rie» and ir»
jrovements; and full cipla-ati< ns given of the
various detached parts of Kiuivltdjte, whether relating
to natural and artificial objeiis or to matters «c
---clcfiaiLical. civil, military eommcrcial, St.c. In
cluding v luci atioi.s of the mod important topics
relative to religion, morals, manners and the ceco
nomyolltle: together with a d>. farij'tion of all
the countries, cities, piincipal mountains, seas, ri
vers &c throuwhnus the world; a general History,
ancient and moitrn. of the different empires, king
doms and Hates; and an account of the lives ol
the nv ft cm incut prtfoM in every nation, from the
earli. il a;.es down to the present times. Compiled
Irom the waitings of the best authrrs, in feveial
language ; the mod approved di&ionaries, as
well ol general sciences as of particular branches;
the traofjSion*, journals and memoirs, of learned
f>»cicri=s. both at home and abroad ; the Mi.
I,eiflurcs of eminent profeffors on different fcien
ces; and a vafle.y «f original materials, furnifhed
by an <xtenlive «(«rrcfpondence
The ruMifhci having been solicited to furnifh
fe's ol this valuably and important work by one
volume at a time, which, by dividing the pay
ment", might make the acquisition of the work
more convenient to purch/fcrs, proposes to dispose
of the few remaining copies on the following
The Work being already completed in Eigh.
teen large Quarto Volmes in boards, Ele
gantly primal 011 Superfine paper, illustra
ted with five hundercd and forty-two" Cop-
I. A Volume in boards will be delivered to
each Subscriber eveVy three months till the
wtude be delivered. •
11. The price to the Subfcriher will be Seven
Dr>llar« and a Hilf for every Volume in
in boards, payable on delivery, which will
amount t« One Hundred and Thirty-five
Dollars for t' e Eighteen Volumes, being the
prsftnt price for compl. te Sets of the work.
111. Each lubferiber fhili pay the price of one
Volume in advance, that it, wften the firft
Volump »s delivcrrd the price of the firft
and »ighternth Volume to he paid, and the
other Volumes to be paid on delivery.
Any Sfcibfcriher who miy choose to have the
who'« is a fliurier time than '.he above mention
ed perii-ds, may have a ly f.omber »f Volumes
that miy be ag r eeable at the fame time at the
above prices.
To prevent any mifunderflanding it is pro
per to exprrfithat no Volume will be delivered
t» any person without the money, and as the
Sets un Kand are but few in uumber,it Will be
requfit that such asjchoufe tohecomt Subscribers
Ihauld apply early as p«fiib!e to prevent dif
r The Subfcriptiuns will be received by
Thomas Dobfon, as above ;
Dec. 6. aaw6w
The American
FOR Tat re.An 1800.
Just Published,
By William T. Birch,
No. 17, South Second-street.
THEjLadirs' Book contains an interesting
fesne in the life of General Washington, em
brllifhed with-a beautiful engraving
An Almanac —ruled page* for memoran
dums and aiconnt of monies, &c. for every day
in the year ; taiftellaneous, mora), and enter
taining pieces in prufeasd verfej new a«d cele
brated songs, and feve al ufeful tables.
'The Gentleman's Book
Contains an interfiling scene in the life of
General Washington, with an engraving.
An Almanac, ruled pages for mem randums
and cash account; tbe Bankrupt Law complete;
Duties ch goods imported, stamp duties, do.
on domeflic articles ; Congrcfs of the United
States, Departments of State, War, Navy,
Treaf.ry, and Judiciary, lilt df the army and
navy, several ufeful tables, and other iptereft
ing matter.
W. Y. Birch has just received from London,
a general sflortmcnt of English Writing and
Drawing papers of the fid quality; copying
machines, pap<r and ink powder, fine hot-pref
frd port s an alTortmenr us the latest and belt
Maps on rollers, twelve elegant Atlafles. He
keepß always for lal», a general aflortment of
stationary ; Ladies' and Gentlemen's pocket
books, wi'h and without ir.ftroments; maho
gany writing defies, pen and fruit knives, play
cards, Sec. See.
December 4. wefiw
Gifford's Epistle to Peter Pindac,
(Price 37 i-a Cents)
AfD or
Dutton's Poem on . the present state of
(Price i» 1 » Cents)
Have just been received by
A. DI'JKENs, opposite Christ Church,
novemher 7. c'-T f
War Department,
November 13, 180?.
r r*HOS£ Oentlemen who have applied for mi
li'ary appointments in the fervic# of the
United Staw are informed that their applica
tions withal the recommrodatory letters accom
panying were confnmed by fire in the Wir Of
fice, on evening la'ft. Thole wh 1
continue to desire to be Gonfidered as candidates
will fee the propriety of renewing their appli
cations. _
Secretary «f War.
Powers of Genius,
To '.vhich arc attached
General Critiafms on Author
By the Rev. John Blair Linn,
Minister ef the Firfl Prifbyerean Church, in the
City of Philadelphia.
This work will >-e put to prels a« soon aspofliule,
k will form a duodecimo volume j will be printed
with elegance, on paper 01 the heft quality, an;
will be delivered to fuhfctiVtrs at thr price of<.ce
dollar, in boards The wotk will be printed un
der the care, and at the expence of the author.
0- Snbfcriptiua* are received by Aibury Dick,
Thof. persons into whofehasds fubrcription
papers are delivsred, are retptA'.ully requeued tu
return them to the author, or to Mr. Dickins
Bookseller, at the expiration of three weeks from
this date.
Philadelphia, Dec. 6
JuJl Received by A. Dickens ;
Opposite Christ Church,
Desultory Refle&ions,
Political Aspect of
In the United. States of America.
Part 11.
" And I lpoked, and beheld a pale hor r e : and
" his name that fat on him was Death, and
" Hell followed with him "
( J rice 35 Cents )
For the year 1800.
By Henry James Page P. L.
Superbly printed in 4 to
(trice 75 Cents.)
December t' l .
A. Dickins,
Opposite Chu is t-Church
A neat ami correct Edition
The Exercises,
Murray's Englijh Grammar,
Deligr.ed for the benefit of private Learners
as welt for the use of Schools, with
[Price one Dollar.']
' ' Ul» . IUCK A I Q
The Works
rton. James Wilson, Efq- L. L. .D
Late one of the Associate Justices of the
Supreme Court of the UriiLed States and
Projessor at La'.o in tie College and
Academy of Philadelphia.
From chc original manuscript, in tfit: polTcffion of
Bird Pfilson, Esq.
These works (hill be elegantly printed in two
volume,. o&avo, and delivered to fubferibers at
five dollars.
They (hall be put co press as soon as the fubferip
tiuns will juftify the expence of publication,
Subscriptions will be received by
The publiflier, opposite Christ-Church, Phila
delphia ; and by the principal booksellers through
our the United States.
A IProfpeJtus of the work may be fe» tt
the place of fubfeription.
feptember 13 $
Forpublijhingy by Subscription,
Of »lie Law of Attions and Trials at
By Ifaaa 'Kfpinaffe, of Gray's Inn, Esq. Barrifler
at Law
The third edition, corrected, with conGderable
additions Irom printed and manui'cript cases.
Et spes et ratio studiorum. Jvr.
THE work is now printing, and in confidcra
ble furwardnefs, on a fuperfine paper, of
royal size, and o&avo form. It will be printed
page for page with the latest London edition, and
no pains will be spare ! t» render the work cor
ie6t, and free of typographical errors.
It will be neatly bound and lettered in two vo
lumes, royal o&avo, and to fubicribers will be put
at five dollars and fifty cents per set—to nonfub
lcribers the price will be somewhat enhanced.—
The price of the London edition is seven dollars
Thole who fubferibe for eight sets (hall have a
ninth gsatis.
The two volumes will confilt of about nine
hundred pages, ol which the one annexed to the
is a fpecimao: As the work is now
publishing, and will be completed with all conve
nient expedition, rhofe who wilh ts profit by the
fubfeription, will please to fublcribe seasonably.
N.B. Gentlemen holding fubfeription papers
are reqajQed to return them to Thomas tad Tho
mas, the publilhers, by the firft of January next.
g? The booksellers in Philadelphia are refpeA
fully informed, that they will be fold either bound
or gathered in flietts, by the fubicribcrs, at their
usual low price. Those who wilh to purchafs
will please to apply by letter to the publilierj.—
The work will be out of press some time in the
WalpoU (N H.) Ofl ißod (l'i) '-ovf
Cod Fifli.
A few quintals l eft Cod Fi(h and
100 quarter Sherry Wine, just received.
On band, Wine and Cyder Vinagar in )
pipes and quarter calks, )
December is. eodjt
That large and commodious
At tkc comer of Arch and Ninth flreets*
To be Let,
THE house, liable, coach-houje and lots, lately
occupied bjr Major Butter, fitaatc a« above
For terms apply to J. B. Wallace, No. »8, north
o<3ober it
octooer i\ u
John Whitesides,
INFORM 1 ? his frierds and the public in genet's!
that he has taken the
(late William Dawfon's) No. 50, 0 rth Sixth street
—where they may ! e supplied with Porter, Ale,
Table andothsr Beers.
N. B. A quantity of excellent aid Porter on
hand fit (or immediate use.
November 18 dind
Of Dover, in Delaware,
HAVING obtained the copyright of D. Wj
Poetical Noiegay, and other works, by va
rious hands, offers them for sale, viz
Newcom&'s Verjion,
at »j cents a copy.
'Mite of Pratfc,
at 1 i 1-i cents a co^y.
This work originated frrm rcfpe&
To Him, who rul'd, and Him who rules the Land
And tho' imperlcft—it may not displease.
(Baker, Lacroix, St Beroufe or Brous—price
10 cents.
price jo cem«.
Here piety and policy combine,
To prove Ball both a statesman and divine ;
That the bett w.iy t<) guard the civil right!
, Whet) piety with policy unitts;
Froin France expelled pi-ty we fee,
And in her place £alks murd'rous anarchy.
By D W. price ocent«.
Where Woikman flanks the Scrapie of the day,
Or, revolutionizing, flalkt away ;
Array'd with guilt—the lhar} r plays the fntak
And leaves the heart of innocence t.) tireak,
Impos'don innocence, in anguith, wctf*.
While onward to hislaint, Hugh Werkmankeep*.
And • variuty of other Works.
Orders post paid, and price sent, attends 1 to by
November 15
Prevention better than Cure.
For tbe prevention cud cure of Bilious and
Malignant Fevers, is recommended,
Da. HAHN's
Anti-bilious Pills,
WHICH hare been attended with a degree
of success highly grateful to the inven
tor's feelings, in several parts of the Weft In
dies,and the southern parts of the United States
particularly in Baltimore, Ptterfburg, Rich,
moiid, Norfolk, Edcnton, Wilmingt n,Ci;arlef
toif, Savannah. icc. Ihe teftirmny of a num
ber of pcrfonsin each of the above places can be
adduced, who have reason to believe that a
timely ufs of th s falu'ary remedy, has, under
Providence, preserved their lives when in the
most alarming circwinftances.
Fafls of this conclusive nature speak more in
favour of a medicine, than columns of pompouc
eulogy, founded on mere aflertinn, could do.
It is n .t indeed prefurnptuoufly propoled at
an infallible cure, but the inventor has every
pollib'e reafoDi which can refulr from rxteufive
experience for believing that a dole i t these pilltj
taken oriceevery two wetks during the preva
lence of out annual bilious fevers, will prove an
infallible preventative ; and further, that in the
earlier stages of those diseases, their ule will
yery generally succeed in restoring health and
frequently in cafe* esteemed desperate and bey
ond the power of common remedies
The operation of theSe pills is perfeiSly mild
and may beufed with fafety by pcrfomin ever
lituation and of every age.
They are excellently adapted to carry off fu
perfiuous bile and prevent its. morbid secretions;
to rellore and amend the appetite ; to produce
a free perfpiraticn and thereby prevent cold*
which are often of fatal conlequence. A dose
never fails to remove a cold if taken on its firft
appearance. Thev are celebrated for removing
habitual coftivenefs, sickness sf the fteraach and
severe head-ache, and ought to be taken by all
perfous on a change of climate.
They have been found remarkably efficaciou*
an preventing and curing moll djforders attend
ant on long voyages, and Ihould be procured
and carefully preserved for use by every feama*.
Dr. HAHN's
Genuine Eye-water.
A certain and fafe remedy for all diseases of thft
eyes, whether the effeil of natural weaknef», or of
accident, speedily removing inflammations, de
fluxions of rheum, dullness, itching, and films in
the e jies, never failing to cure those maladies which
frequently fuccced the l'mall pot, mealies and fe
vers, and wonderfully llrengthening a weak light
Hundreds have experienced its excellent virtues
when nearly deprived el fight.
Tooth-ache Drops.
The only remedy yet discovered whichgives im
mediate and Jading relief in the most fevsre in
The Anodyne Elixir.
For the cure of every kind ef head-ache, and *f
pains in the (ace and neck.
Infallible Ague and Fever Drops.
Thi> medici-e has never failed, in many thou
Hand cases not one in a hundred hat had occaSon to
take more than one bottle, and numbers not halt
a bottle. The money will be returned if the euro
is not performed.
No. 17, South Secend Street,
And no where else, in Philadelphia.
Where also may be had, Dr. Hamilton's Wnrn»
Dutboying Lozenges, his Sovereign Elixir for
coughs, &c. Reiterative Dreps, EiTence and Ex
tra& of Mustard, Sovereign Ointment lor the Itch,
Dr. Hahn's infallible German C«rn Plaiiler, In
dian Vegetable Specific for the Venersal com--
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