By this Day's Mails SALEM, December 20. The Riches of the Sea. The schooner Two Sifters, David Fornis, J'in'r, master, lately arrived at Beverly from the Grand Bank, witfy a fare of 500 quin tals of fi(h. This vefTrl has performed three filling voyages this season, in the (hoi ; space of Gx months and an half, and landed, at lead, 1700 quintals—a very rare instance of industry and fiiccefs. It is in contemplation to make st turnpike road from this town to Boston, in such a direftion as to leflen the distance to twelve miles. An Irifli gentleman, wlto resided in this town last war, on conGdering the fifheriifs and other maritime advantage of this (late, used to fay, that Maflachufetts was the hack-bone of the Union. NEW-YORK, December 29. Communicated for the Publication in the Daily Advertiser, SHIP WRECK. Sailed from Port Royal, Jamaica, on the 4th of September 1800, on board the Ship Charles Baring, Capt. John Avis, for Lon don.—Ship foundered with 15 feet water in her hold, 24th of O&ober, rBoO in Ut. 42, 39, shout 33, Weft. Picked up by the brig Harriot, of New-York, for Briilol, 20th Odiober. Saved »nd landed at Kinfale. Thon«a» .Bennett, Efq.~ passenger. Capt. Fuz>imons,6ath regt. Mr<. Fitzfimons, Capt. John Avis, Jtmes G'ltty, George Derbifti, John Jones Joseph Rose, Richard Jackson, Araham Day, John Davis, Benjamin Seggar, Timothy King, George Fox, Hants Denguifh Wnii Roberts, Domingo Privateer, James Blake, James Ruler, Antony Landed at Bri/l&l. Madam Baovais, {wflenger M i's Hauvais, do. Miss B.invais, do. Madam Le Grande, do. David Arkman, (Wward La Sarin Servant to Gen. Le Grande Thomas Halloway, seaman Ad:>lphus Holloway, do. Geneial Le Grand died aßt'n of Odtobcr. Lost. Mr. Murray, . General Bauvnis, Dr. Dcla Fond, General Bauv»is's General Le Grand'l Mr. tloHoway, John o>vrn, seaman Abraham Ffloot, do. ' Michael Oats, do. . Emarfael, ' do. James Swan, do* James Rstkef, do. James do. John Hall, do. Caned Howfon, do. And invalid soldiers, 4th battalion, 6th regiment. Capt. S* fYom Bermuda informs, that prs tiom to his faring, a brig arrived there from London, with part of the 47th Regiment to compleat thsgariifons. In the Mary Ann, from 9ermud», came paflengrrspart of the crew of the fthr Friend lhip, Taylor, which was taken on the Ift December in lat 29, 40, the British (loop of war Lilly, on her passage from Philadelphia to Port Republican, then m 8 »lays out. The fchr was sent into N. Providence. They inform that a fchr from Baltimore to Port Republican, hwl arrived there, prize to Jo the above said sloop of war. ALEXANDRIA, Dec. 21. R'lo will be tie next President is uncer tain. When the Constitution was formed it was forefren that a majority of ele&on appoint ed might fail to give their votes to any one perfoH, and that the House of Reprefenta tires, voting-by slates, might'fail to give a majority of votei to either ol the persons out of whom they .are bound toelett, whe ther between two. having an equal number and a majority tff the eleflors; or between the five highest on the lift, neither having a majority of the eleflors appointed. " The necessity of having a President al ways in being waj obvious. Therefore the Cooftitution enatted, that " the Congress mny by law provide for the cafe of remotal, death, resignation or inability both of the President and Vice President, declaring what officer- (hall then aft as President, and such officer ■ fliaH adl accordingly, until" the dlf •bility be re.moved or a PrciiJent flmll be «le&e3." Inpurfuance of this provision a law wai pasTed on the firfl of March, 179*. by which " the President of the Senate, pro tempore anil in cafe there be ne President of'tlie Senate, tlvu the Speaker of t c House of Ueprefentatives, for the time being, shall aft as Prilideiu of the United States, until the difatnlity be removed, or a ' President lliail be elefted." The Prefidenc and Vice-President beittg elefted for the tens of four years, com mencing on the 4th ot' March : they continue in office no longer than until the lad morrnnt ef the 3d of March in the fourth year after the commencement of the PreGdency, when they are removed from office by virtu? of,the Conttimtion. In providing a fucceflbr in the cafe of removal from office, it is probable the Gon ftitution contemplated few cases likely to happen, but the conftitiitionnL removals of the PreGdent and Vtce-Prefident, which re rtiovaU were certain to occur at the fame time every fourth year, and whether the v»cancies so occuring would be filled up by an eleftton could not be otherwise than un certain. But the Cqnftitution autbrfrifes Gongrefs to provide bylaw for a faccelVor in all cases of removal of President and Vice-President, and consequently in the cafe when the Presi dent and Vice-Prelident shall be removed according to the conditutional tenure of their refpeftive offices. interpretation of the text in the Conllitution that has been quoted, is to be maintained not only for the reasons which have been £iven, but beCause if the words be at all doubtful, that confiruftioo (hall be given which is indtfpenfibly necelTary to pre serve the exigence of the government. To suppose a cafe when there is no person au thorised to perform the funftions of the Pre sident constituted as the Federal Govern ment is, is to fuppole a cafe when the go vernment is fufpendetl in its operations thr4>'- out the Executive department, from the highell to the lowest officer who Isolds? his office diiring the pleasure of the President for the time being. The Senate is always in existence and will be competent to aft when there is neither a PreGdent and Vice-Piefident. On the 4th of March at the luftant when the Vice-Pre sident i* removed frain . ffice 1 -v virtue of the Gonftitucion, the Senate is competent to hold its feflion and eleft a PreGdent, pro tempore. Therefore it Arnold not agree to in adjourn ment until a President pro tempore (hall be elefted. do. do. do. act mace, boatswain gunner gunner's mate carpenter Teaman do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. Cool' If Mr. Jefferfon and Mr. .Barr (hall each have * majority of the n'can be held and, a President (hall be elefled- A Spanish schooner, having one twelve poan dtr and tu enty-eight men, taken off Cuba by his majtfty's (hip Thunderer, arrived on tuesday evening—tllu a dpkmih brig and schooner from the Main j*fle*get do. The schooner Lively, captain Young, laden with rum and sugar, was calt away on Sunday, during the violent gsle, at »\lo« rant Bay, and ouly a few puncheons of rum saved. i Black fervint fervint Chief mate On the properties between this town and Spanish-town, very considerable damage has been done to the canr, corn, and plantains, which have been niaftly laid down, and « great number of trees torn up hy the roots. Two Spanish brigs, one from Campeachy to Trinidad, priae to the brig Argonaut the other from the fame place to Truxillio, prize to his majafty's ship Juno, and the American brig Sukey, from Salem to La Guira, with dry goods, prize to the fame, arrived ycfter* day. Loft a 7 Saved 29 The fhlp Jane, with the loss of her main and mizen masts, aud his raajefty's ftnp Jj no, with the loss of her fore a.ud main-top masts, went into Port-Royal ycftcrday after noon. Total 56 His majesty's ships Decade and Lark, ar rived at Port Royal on Saturday, from a cruize. Trie Decade with the loss of her main-top-mast ; and the Lark altnoft totally difmafied. The Decade in carrying away her roain malt, loft three fesmeii from the top , off Morant Bay (he fell in with • foreign schoo ner boui d for this port, with 60,000 dollars on board, which she toek on board for fake of security j the foreign vessel arrived the fame day. . L 1 1 1 ,1 1 .... Imported In the Sbp Willam Penn, Volans, master, from Calcutta, and for Sale by JOHN STILL E, Junr. 83 Bales of India (Aods, consisting of PA FN A Baftis Jannalj Mamoody Do. Gurrahs Dimities Blue Gillia haadker- Emertiei chiefs Do. Baftas Bandanoet Sannas Clvna Culter? Oude Coflas Gu7ipore Coflas Mugga Sannas Allahabad do. Jallapore do. Mugga do Chittabully Baftas Dec 19 diw. 167 Bane'r dS } Of firft quality Sugar. 6000 Weight Logwood, Coffee in Hogflieads and Bags, 75bis day I and ifig at Pine Street Wharfs & FOR SALE BY, SAMUEL RHOADS, No. t, Penn Street. December 29. dtf Weft-India News. KINGSTON, (Jmti.) Nt>». 8. November 8. November 10. Gazette of the United Statfes: TUESDAY DKCKMBKR JO. MARRIED]— In New-York, on Satur day eveuirtg, by the Rev. Do&or Moore- JOHN RODMAN, Efqr. to M.fs HAR MET FENNO, daughter of the late Mr. John Fenno, afxbjs, city. Messrs. Potts, Pofllethwaite and Mc'Clfilan, of the Senate of Petinfylvaiiia, arc Cenl'ured, by the Editor of the Auro;*, in langn.tge the *ioit.indecent—all good men agree, that a " Villains ceiifure is the high ell praise." Mr. Davis, oi)e of the wtie democrats in the Legillature of the United states, his pre dated, that <-re three months elapse, the " sun of federalism will set forever." What kind of itght is to be then diifufed or whe ther we are to be left in midnight gloom, this political astronomer has not informed us j—we, however, naturally luppofe, that one of two things tirufl be the efledt of the fun set, we (hall either he in total darkness, or what light we do receive wiji be emitted by the feeble rays of ftie MOON of DE mu ck act. A letter was received In New-York on Saturday mentioning nomination of Al bert Gallatin as Secretin)- of the Treasury, in the room of Mr. Wolcot, Who has fig - nified his intention of relignirig. By the recent politic decree of the French CiufuU, Emigrants aie, it 11 dated permitted to ieturii to {heir country. All persons are to be erased, extent persons com ing under the following delcriptian—l I liofe who have borne arprs ngairifl Franc*. 2. Those who, fuicetlie departure of the French Princes, have continued to form part of ite civil and military elliblifhnient ct Prill- i teS. 3. Th.'fc who h<»'- *cceptrd fr.Qiu the I Frifnch Princes, or fiom the p.iwers at w*r j with France, the oificrs of Muu/lers, Am- | bafTrfdors, Negotiator!, and 4. Thole | who have been maintained o - tlte lift in consequence of the Report of the Comrt»if- 1 fion eftiblilhed 011 the 7th Hivole, 27th of Dec. lalt. Ma. Waywc, . You are iticorreft in the biogra phical (brtch y "»u of Mr. Weft, in your last pr.per. He isynot Sir Benjamin, hiving constantly re. use« tli-h jivir ofbejne: kight ei lie was not hinrn in Phil ui- phia ; but in Cberter County*-nor of ohlcuie parents, his father, was a farmer, and by no means oMeurein his time—and from the known prooc! fenfc,tyritdenee and found dif- Crcllion of M-rv Wrdj 1 prefurne the reft of your ftaternnit to be equally inaccurate. A CHtsist covNtr Man. CIVIJJS. AT the nvnaal niffeiihg of the German in corporated society, held in tlx - German Lutheran School-'Holite in this city on the inft. The following Gentlemen were chosen officers, for the ensuing year. NEW-JERSEY ELECTION. Return of Votes in Burlington County, for Representatives to Congress. Townships, Federal Ticket. Jacobin. Nor'thamton, 495 73 Evelliam, 360 . ; , 78 - Chester, 114 ; 52 Burlington, 380 •„* 116 Hanover, 186 w 34 Springfield, ! SJ ' 4* : Eggli;>rbour( ill li Mansfield, 109 109 Chefterfield, 239 66 Nottingham, 219 94 Total, CAUTION. WHEREAS the Evil» and jwtnieious Practice of firing guns on the eve of the old year, has been long adopted by many of the indiscreet and thoughtless part qjf the Com munity to the great annoyance of the citizens—and whereas the legifl.iture of this Commonwealth has deemefl it expedient to pass a law forbidding ufider a fcvere pen alty the firing of guns in the «ity 'of Phila delphia or on or'tiearany public high way, I do in consequence thereof forewarn all perl Otis in the city afbrefak} traufgreffi;.g herein, and Ido hereby require and enjoirt all the city Constables and Watchmen to be vig lant in searching out., apprehending, and taking before proper authority, all persons so, off-noting, in order that they fnsy be pnniflied to the utmofl rigour of the law, arid all good citieens are solicited to aid in carrying the Ciid law into Effeft. JOHN INSKEEP, Mayor. Mayors Cjffice, Dee. 2<) i iS j«> PHILADELPHIA, I President, Peter Kraft. Vict-President . George A. Baker. Solicitor{g Michael Kitts. Treasurer, John Greiner. „ Secretaries, . John A. Lewis, and Andrew Geyer, jun'r. ■ Overseers. 1 Jarob Etienbor . Andrew Leinati, Coniad rx Abraham Stein.. Adiim Prime?, ajid . Peter Graven (lei n^. Deacon, Jacob ThomefTon. a 6*B ITT" Thf Southern Mail had not arnvrd. wlif-n th'njjipei to press. Gazette Marine Lift. PORT OF PHILADELPHIA. Arrived. Ship James, Nefbitt Cleared. Ship Pallas, Brown The outward bound fleet (confiding of upwards of lixty fail,) which has been a{ Reedy Island for some days pad, failed from thence and went to sea yesterday at 5 A. M. Brig Abigail, Lord, from Madeira is below. Also an inward bound brig nap* un known. Ship Minerva, Hemlerfon, of and for. this port, from St. Sehaftians, went on shore "n liudley's Beach, (thirty miles north ofC. May) and it is feared will be loft—part of tbe cargo ii e*pe£ted to be favrd.. Brig Franklin, Kenney, font inc» New Pro vidence on bei" vafT.ige from hence, to N. Or leans, hasbeeii liberated aft?r paying cofls and having a quantity of Castile soap detained. NEW YORK, December a 9. ARKI days Ship Fair American, B >ltou, London 39 Brig Rofetter, Hillman, Cape Francois ij Eugenia, Broom, Bristol Flora, Gillender, Charleft n 9 Sehr. Mary Ann, Slocum, Btrmjida 11 Sloop Sillers, Rudyard, Baltimore 6 CLEARED, Sliip Elira, Roblnfon, Cuba Fsrerprize, Wilcox, Cape Francois David, Englilh, St. Croix Bnp Fair Manhattan, Syme, Martinique I'he Blip Fair American, Bolton, arrived on Saturday, in thirty-nine days from London. The fbips Union an>i City, were to fail from thence in a few days for this p rt. On the fame day, (hip Eugenia, Brown, 39 da\« fr.-m Bristol. Off the Weflern Jles was boaHed by a French frigjte, and treated po litely ; the Ciptain ot the frigUe alked perrnlf fwn of Captain 15 to fend his boat on board 1 was afterwards boarded by a British Trigate, and treated p"lite- Th< (loop Sifters, ltudyard, arrived in fix days from Ha!timore. Spoke (hip Edward, Baird, fifty-three days fioio Madeira, for Phi ladelphia, all well. Froa of O A '.lki ji Gravefend »rrivrd,Venus,Difhcllßaltimpri Offthe Wight, arrived, Heitor, Benharo, llymouth arrived, Marr, Ham, Portland, Liverpool arriv.d, Venelw, Carter, Bali more; Indultry, Swain, i.Vw York; Poily, Dri. .iraoud, MalTicliufetts ; Liberty, WooJ liai>:. New Y i k. Dorer arrived, Wcli iß.iia, Chifho!m,Chrlcf ton. Clyde arrrivfd, Aurora, Seabury, Charles ton | ■■, M'Kinlay, Virginia. Cork arrived, Triumph, Wlfvel, Baltimore ; John, Warren, Clurlefton. Hamburgh ai rived, ——, Walldon, New York S , ''-'etfeher, Baltimore. Madura arrived, David atid George, Abel, New York j Dauphin, Gardner, do. Char lotte Murdock, Walke-, do. Brcm* n arrived, Sipc Sjftere, Baltimore 5 At flfiric, C ark, do. S-hwan, Vanner, N. York The Margaret, , from Liverpool to Virginia is totally loft in Sligo Bay. November 7, Gravefend, arrived, Bel'ona, Ward, Ma'aga Hector, Pinkh:m, Virginia ; Union, Hall, N. Y ik; American, Venn, Baltimore; Triton, JJerrv f Virginia; Fortuna, , do. Weymouth, arrived, Hole, Bunker, N. Y, Cowti arnvecj, Charlette, Walker, Virgi nia ; Ocean, Rarrifon, New London ; Char* 'utie, Walteri, Virginia, was boarded on the i;ih u timo, in Jatittide 40* longitude ic, by a French privateer of twelve guns, who plunder ed ihe cabin, 4cc. and the crew of their clothes. D.>v«r arrived, Tri'on, Berry, Virginia Deal arrived, Union, Hall, New York, in forty-nine days. Off Chichcfter arrived, Nancies, Atkinfon, New York* after lieing on. lhore, and much damaged, boU:id to Hamburgh. The Fatflor, Kemp, from New York to Ten* erifle, has been taken by tbe Surprize privateer ofGuarnliey, since retaken by three Ihipa of war. , SALEM, December io. Arrived the ftb'r Catherine, Capt. 27 days from the Havanria. Left there Jffip Cincmnatua; Endicott, of this pott. Deaeraber B.lpoke the fliip Superb, Capt. Storer, of Bolton,'bound to Norfolk, 40 days ,outhad then cut away her mizen and v,f ;S {>iuck with lit;inning and two men killed.upon the forrtApl'ail yard, viz George Calh and M'Ewen, of Marbl liejd ; M't tlieni hearing W. S. W. from the 130 miles, with a fair wind". CaptObtrar fuppliud bim with two barrels of water, and fuppol'es that he arrived the next day. December 21' Arrived the l'chr. Cynthia, Captain Ramfdell, from St. Kitts and St. Thomas's Left the l itter place November 2d, in com pany with about 30 fail of Amertc.m vessels. under convoy of the United States frigate John Adams. Lat 23, spoke the ship Sally, Capt, Oliver, from Batavia, bound to Beverly. ''7«4' Bank of Pennsylvania. . December 3c, 1800. NOTICE is hereby given, to the Stock holders of the Bank of PemnfyTania, that an of Nineteen Dirr&ors, ttffcrve foE one year, wi.l be hel l at the Bank, on Monday the second of February next, at 10 o'clock JGNATHAN SMITH, Cashier. Extradf from the Seventh Se.X«mHfr |o|Jv . ' . ' ~*Y, On Friday morning, ,Jt i j o'clock, On Walnut street ivharf, WILL Bfi SOLD, S4 Hhds. Prime Mufcovada SUGARS* Samuel fork, Auct'r. da* dccemtxr'j# For London, Ijm. WILLIAM'PENN; Samuel Volans, master. w For Freight or Paflage, aypljr JESSE to' ROBERT WALN. Imported, In the ftip Philadelphia, from, Leghari), mi . FO A SALE, BY THOMAS JOPIN CLIFFORD, Castilf SOAP Lucca oil in jars Ditto in bottles Anchovies, cape s and olives F-flcnce of lavender, lemon and bergime' Cream of tartar ' Liquorice Maccaroni and.vsrmicellt Silk manti:is and fitting Si!k hufe 1 Siik umbrellas -Cameiskair Single and double post paper Fools cap do Marble Cabs of tz inthes and 16 inches square, and block; of marble Also, in the sb'p Roebuck from London, A quantity of Chalk. decembfr ia*jw 1 Just Received, By the (hip Swanwick. captain Kitkbridf, from London, AND FOR S/ILP, BY EPHRAIM CLARK, CLOCK & WdTCH MAKER, Corner of Front and Market Streets, .AN ZXtfc»9lTF A?fORTMENT OF Clock arid Watch rhakfcrs Tools^ Tiles Materials} See. &c Am ng tvbicb are the following t CHAMBER and other clocks, moon and aiched clock dials, 8 diy and 30 hour cast, brass and flit pinions, clock belli, cat-gut, lnrfce »nd frtla.l witch, time piece and magni fying glafles, clock and watch round and square n:>ltd,o I llones, blue stone andpumm cC Sti ne, Camel's ;.a;r arid oihj-r bullies, capped and jeweled gold and other warranted watches, gold, gilt, ftcel ,nd pebble leals, as well as a great variety of other articles in this line. N. B. An Apprentice wanted. deccmber 30 tuthla tf Patent Water Proof. T'HF, SUBSCRIBER having procured of 1 A. Mr. John J. Hawkins the Patentee, ah exclusive right t«r the city of Philadelphia, tnj they mbft be ier.t clean, a generous allowauce will be- made t,> Xanuta