Gazette of the United States, & daily advertiser. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1800-1801, December 30, 1800, Image 2

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    Gazette of the United States*
tuksoaY ivsni.->;, dkckmbbr 30.
0" The Editor of the Gazette of the
United States requests all persons who
stand indebted for Subscription or Adver
tising, and . who f elide out if the City of
Philadelphia, to transmit the amount of
their by pojl paid.
It is also proper to remind thofd who
fland indebted to the late proprietor, for
subscription and advertiling; that the
p'tefent Editor is duly authorised to fettle
all accounts relating to said Gazette —*
and as there are Turns tcJ a large a
, mount, due from parsons refidlng at a
distance, an immediate settlement is re
quested. All letters must be! post
Sy The prite of this Gazette ii EfcUr
Dollars pet annum to Subsetibers residing
in the city of Philadelphia, All others pay
#te Dollar additional, sot enclosing and ili
riclitir ; and unless some person in this ctty
will become answerable sot the subscription,
it must be paid Six Months in Advance.
tfo Subscription -will be received for
a iborter term tbjn six months.
December t 1799-
" The Duc!>efi of Beaufort to Henry IV.
•' I am dying with fear : console me
me know haw the bfaveft of
me»-i$ : I fear he is very ill, for nothing
else could deprive me of "his presence.
Write to me, my^Knight, for you know
that the smallest of your mischances is
r . 1
death to me. Though I have twice heard
tidings of you to-day, I cannot deep
without fending you a thousand good
nights ; for I am not endued with an
unfeeling conftaney ; I am a feeling and
■constant princess for all that concerns
you, and infenlible to every thing else in
the world, good or ill."
Ar.fioer cf the King to the Ducheft of
" My heart, I this morning, on my
waking, had tidings of you, which wilt
reader this a happy day. I have heard
nothing from another quarter finee I left
you. I will not fail twice a'day to re
member the good graces of my dear love,
fer the love of whom I take more care
of myfelf than I was accustomed to do.
To-morrow you will fee Csefar (their son)
a pleasure which I envy you. Love al
ways your dear fubjedt, who will be yours
till death. With this truth I end, kil
ling you, as tenderly as yesterday morn
ing, a million of times. Perone, 26th
At the end are some anecdotes of
Henry IV.
" He was of so generotn a nature,
that he ordered Vitry, captain of his
body guards, to receive into his compa
ny the man who wounded him at the
battle of Aumale. The Marifchal
D'Eftrees being one day in the King's
- tpach, while the foldicr was riding by
the fide of it, he pointed to him, and
(aid, 44 There is the soldier who wound
ed me at the battle of Aumale."
• •• »••»*»
" The Duke of Savoy visiting his
Court, he was advised to detain him,
till he had rertored the Marquifate of
Saluces, which the Duke had perfidiouf
ly seized. But he answered, " the Duke
indeed* violated his word, but his ex
ample shall never induce me to an aft
of perfidity. On the contrary, his per
fidy ftiall render my good faith the more
" Some troops, which he sent to Ger
many, having committed disorders in
Champagne, and pillaged some houses
of the peasants, he said to some of their
officers still in P#ris, " Depart with all
diligence, and set things to rights, else
you shall answer so me. What! if my
people be ruined, who is to nourifli me,
who is to pay the expenses of the state ;
who, pray, gentlemen, is to pay you
your arreurs ? To injure my people is
to injure myfelf."
M A nobleman, who had long hesi
tated in the time of the league which
party to adopt, coming in as Henry was
playing at Primero, he called out, *' come
along, my Lord. If we win you will
be ou our fide.'*
* -
Married, on Wedhefday evening, by the
Rev. John Blair Linn, Mr. John B. N.
bmrs, to Mils Mary M. Hoppik, both
of this city.
From the "true American of tills mOrrung.
7be follow) ing extfatt of tiri adjust, deli
vered on Saturday last, by Mr. James
A. heal, principal of the Toiihg Lad it's
Academy, me are inclined to belii've, ivill
afford as much pleasure and improvement
to many of our readers, asj ttie doubt
not, was experienced by the fair Audience
to ivbom it to as addressed.
, (hall riow, Young Ladies,
make fonie observations on a subject to
which your attention has been frequently
called) more frequently indeeil than there
would have been uCcafion for, hid but
teachers and the public in general, co-ope
rated 111 rendering it popular, viz.
Tile iritrinfic excellence and utility of this
art, nnill be dttvious to every refle&ing
roiud. It is an emlieUHliment to all the o
tlier—the only legitimate medium
through which they can be communicated.
Learning without some facility in writing,
is an inanimate niafs. It is to literature
in general, what fridlion is to the diamond,'
wit.out which, its lulhe Would forever be
obfeuredi . ■
Years are laudi'oly devoted to other
branches of •cienfce, •vhilft this, the orna
ment ot' them all, is criminally negle&ed.
Female* are tlius tufFered so agquire, by the
lolitary ilnalHlled exei ti«ij> of their own
minds, an acquaintance. w«h eompofrtion,
ore to remain totally ignorant of it, juit as
cliance or caprice Siay direci.
After having acquired a competent
knowledge of rending, writing, arithmetic,
grammar, an J perhaps geography, it is in
excusable, in my opinion, to neglett teach
ing you at lda'ft the prailical part of coni
poGtion. Letter.writing, in particular, is
■so profitable and so pleasing a duty, that
it cannot, with propriety or lafety, be nc
Some persons who pofTefs, in other re
fpe<fts, a liberal edacaion, by having ne
glefted this exercise, appear totally unin
formed. If they attempt to write even a
common litter of buftnefs, they lubje£t
themlV-tves to inevitable ridicule. This is
unavoidable. For, as Dr. Blair truly oU
ferves, the frequent habit of composition is
indifpenfible in order to attain a good fUle-
No rules, he adds, without this prattice,
can answer the piirpo.Ce. Frequent attempts
indeed are requisite to write with even a
tolerable degree-os corr&»ef» & perspicuity.
How contempti le are the produdUons of
many, who in ycuth acquired, and deserv
ed the reputation of scholars, through this
fatal negligence. Their obl'curity of expeef
Con, together with ynavoidfble grammati
cal and orthographical error's, are equally
the objefts of pity and derision.
Farlv con-vinced of the importance of
this part of an education, I have persisted
to inftrutt you therein, unaided and oppoled
by many difficulties, until the prelent peri
od. You doubtlefs sensible of my un
cearing efforts in this reTpeft. Numbers
of you kn iw how to appreciate the advanta
ges you enjoy. Nor can any one capable
cf reflection, regret that part of a day in
each week is devoted to an object ot luch
concern* Let me appeal to hose of you
who have long T>een inftrufled in couipofi
tson whether you do uot pursue your vari
ous lludies with greater delight lince you
commence this weekly exercise of the mind?
whether the necetfi y of obtaining know
ledge does not appeal more m*nifrft ? whe
the>, .f it were possible you would barter
this ineftimahle privilege, for any reward
which could be proffered ?
Many of your young ladies, may recolleft
the period, when it appeared almost im
poflible to express even sk few common
place ideas on paper. The/ t4<k waa»then
deemed a pecwiiar hardship. With some
«f you howevnr such (iifflculties have en
tirely disappeared : are now fur
prifad they (hould ever have afTumed the
nppearance. Many Specimens of your pro
ficiency in composition have been exhibited
■- honourable to yourselves, grateful to your
parent), and delightful to nie, Be perfaa
ded that habit will make th'u duty not only
easy, but delightful. And how frequently
after you ranquifh every opposing obstacle,
will you have reason to felicitate yourselves
on the conquest !
Facility in composition will also teach
ywi to expiefs your ideas vtrbaHj* with
propiiety and grace. The fpreific force
as well as beiuty of language •.11 then be
familiar to yog. Hence you will be able
to form an accurate opinion of tlie llile of
authors, and to f<lect such work* foi* peril
far, as are calculated to refine and intorm
the underllanding. Reflexion is the natu
ral attendant upon this invaluable exercrle.
It naturally leads you into a train of lalu
tary refledlions. Whatever then has a
tendency to promote contemplation', claims
your firft attention. For the dignity of
human nature is defaced when thought is
I banished.
To be able to ex,'refs your ideas with
ease iitd propriety on paper, is a source
ofrenviable felicity, as it enables you with
modest alTurance to rOrrefpond with slif
tant friends and relatives. An intercourse
may be thus maintained with the molt re
mote parts of the civilized world. The
plrafure as well as advantage refuhing
from this arrangement, cannot be to high
ly appreciated. It is alone the precious
substitute for personal intimacy. It ce
ments and harmunizet distant communities,
and forms « bright and immeasurable chain
of amity. Nor can this reciprocal inter
change of frntiments exist unless the parties
possess a practical acquaintance with com
petition, which indeed necessarily includes
a cultivated and liberal mind.
I might flill greatly enlarge upon the
excellence of this efiential branch of a
finisked education. The fujeft indeed is
both copious and interesting; But time
adwonifties roe to conclude. *#*«*.
House of Representatives.
Monday, DeS. 22.
The motioii mide on Friday, by Mr. Da.
vis, to refer to the committee to whom had
been referred a memorial of the House of
Kepreffntatives of the Mississippi territory
on the official eondudl of Governor Sarge
ant, the following resolution , (cmneluding
a rpecification of unconstitutional laws en
adted by the governor in conjunftion with
the judges, '.nd of sundry oppreflive ails
committed by him) viz. 4l llefalved that the
laws palled by the Governor and Judges of
the \'ifliffippi territory, and the petition of
Cato Weft and others, heretofore presented
to the hoilfe, together with all the docu
ments telative there t6, be transmitted to
the President of the United States" was
taken up a«d on the question of reference..
Mi. Grifwold said the whole fabjeft, of
which the resolutions now offered formed a
part, was already refered to a committee.
The charges laid in the resolutions were
serious. To refer them wolild be to give
an in-lired fan£li hi to their truth, and he
thnught any fucll fanftion highly ' improper
until they are proved. T'je comir.ittee al
ready appointed had full power to in veltigate
all the faas that existed. The relulc of
their investigation would be reported, and
it would then be time enough to exfrefs an
opinion «n the propositions now offered.—
I'hefr fame relbluuhns had be«n offered to
the house the last session, and had then oeen
rcjeftVJ, Mr. Gwfwold hoped the fame
Course would now be pursued.
Mr. D»vis lajd he had always thought
that a committer to s(certain faft;, and to
fliape btifiiu-fsfqr thai house proceeded from
a kt>otfl-d e that a committee confining of
a few members could with more facility
gain a knowledge of those fadts than the
house in its colledUve capacity could do—
He could, therefore, fee no good eaufe for
withholding the resolution from the leledt
committet, who were appointed to consider
the rembnlfrance from the l.egiflature of
the Milfiffippi Territory. His resolutions
contained fafts, and he was readv to fup
oort tliem, from the documents before him.
It \vnuld be criminal in the house to with
held from the committee any fa<ft< it was
in their power to furnifh. If this resolution
contain miftateirents, let the gentleman
from Connedticut (how them, and he would
readily join in expungingthem, so as only to
let pure fails go t« the committee. . He
wiihed no impofuton.; he wanted only a
fair examination of the condudt of Win
throp Sargent, governor-os the Miffiflippi
Territory, whole adininiftration had l<*en
marked with so much relllef-nefj and discon
tent ; anil he believed -justly. At the lad
ft ffioji ofCongrefs some alleviation was in
tetided to be offered t« the distresses of this
oppressed ; but tbeir governor had
defeated the objeft by omitting to five no
tice of the election, at he ought to have
dent 1 .
He was en joined by the lawsof laftft flion,
to give notice of the cl«t\ion, and to ap
point a judge or judges to attend it ; he
had emniitted to do so, and had refuted to
issue a "writ of aledtion (doubting f° r the
firft time his power.) This conduit had
diawn from their legi(l.iture a remonstrance
which required the further interposition ot
Congress, to enable them to organise their
body. This remonftrapc makes a general
allusion to the unconstitutional laws made
by the governor and judges ; tht resolution
particularises those laws, and will bring
rhein in a preciftf manner before the Com
mittee. If gentlemen doubted the acci#su
cy of the resolution, he would convince
those, who were not oppofrd to convi£\ion,
that it was Corrett. (Here Mr. Davis
read several <>f the laws made by the go
vernor and Judges of the Milliffippi terri
tory, an i some clauses of the federal Confti
tion to prove that the laws were unconsti
tutional.) Here then are abundant proofs
of unconiliratimial and oppressive laws,
under which the people of that territory
labour, and of which they complain ; and
wil. this house afford no relief, from a
tyrant, who has trampled on their right
wi<h a tiger's stride, and plucked from them
by voracious and di (graceful laws, their
hard earnings
* The governor of that territory receives
annually a salary of 2000 dollars for his
services and each of the Judges a salary of
BGo.dollars per annum. This was suppos
ed by the law a competent compensation :
their acceptance of thole offices for that
sum acknowledges it to be enough, dill yoy
find laws here that give the governor a
fee of 8 dollars on tavern licences, &c. As,
well might the Pulident of the United
States claim fees for giving Patents or any
other writing to which he affixes his najne.
The-Judges of their territory, who con
jointly with the governor made the laws,
have taken care of "themlelves- Heat
their table of fees, giving to themselves
fees for certain services rendered by them
in their judicial capacity. And is this not
a fhametul abuse of the Legislative power
they are veiled with ? (Here Mr. D. read
the table of fees) Gongrefs cannot raise
their own wages, the tonttitution has wife
ly forbid it, yet Winthrop Sargent and the
judges give themselves what tees they
please, without regarding the fpiric of the
Conllitut'i»n. If this resolution accompa
nies the remooftrance of the legitlature of
the Mifiiflippi territory, the committee will
be able to judge whither the governor with
held the writ of ele&ion from a fear of
exceeding his power, or whether he did it
to prevent the organization of the legisla
ture, for had the legiflatare been formed,
those very laws by which he and the judges
patiate their avarice, would have been re
The gentleman from Conne&icut fayi,
that the r-efolcrtion contains-direft charges
again 1 1 a man high in office and this fioufe
ought riot to fan&ioo them until fliey are
proved. I tnid X have proved theny by a re
ference to the laws now before the and if
they are not proved, let the gentleman take
the laws and (hew wherein I am incorred ;
and so much as is found defe&ive let him
expunge. The gentleman fays, that despo
tism is, charged against the governor. Why
said Mr ( I), what stronger proof of tyranny
ordef|jotifm can you aik, than to lee a man
set no bounds to his conduit, and who
breaks through the limits set for him by the
supreme laWs of the Land.
It as true this rofolutien was offered by
rrte at the last session, but|t was notrejeft
ed as the gentleman supposes, it was not
afted npon but if the gentleman from
Connefticut, and other gentleman on this
floor, after feeing that Winthrop Sargent
has openly violated the constitution of the
United States, consider him a fit objedl to
rally reund ; if after they fee he has vio
lat«d the ordinance designed for the govern
ment of that territory, they consider him
a fit objeit for them to cling to, if after
feeing the (hameful abuse of Legislative
power veiled in his hands ; and his dif
graceful avarice ; if after feeing and
hearing all this, they consider that, he
has aiEted consistently with federal prin
ciples; aid is entitled to federal fup
pori, they will unite, and ftifle this reso
lution here, and never let the committee
lee it—it may be that this resolution will
be loft to-day—perhaps it wowld be to mor
row : but tie ti-ne is approaching when
the conduit of a public officer will not be
veiled in this manner—The fun of federal
ifm is nearly set—not three months, and it
sets forever 11!
if this refolidtion contained any thing
r«ew or ft range there would be some excuse
for the objections made to a reference ;
but its haviug been presented during the
last felfion mult have imprinted the fads
charged in it on the minds of every member
preftfnt—btfides this, those complaints have
been made front the firft hour
Sargfcant came into office, and have been
heard from one extremity of the continent
te the other. It is a fadl well known, that
at the time this ntan was appointed Go
vernor of the Mifiifippi territory, he
was hated and defpiled by the people of
the WelterH country. Hit. pride, his indo
lence, and tyrannical disposition, had render
ed hit name odiotw to the Western co-intry.
In thij, th* gentleman who represents the
I?. W. Territory, and who was nearer the
theatere of his adtions than I was can bear
me witness—Still he was apoointtd. We
felt indignant at the promotion of such a
character by our government; but we have
guardedfy repressed aur refentmtnt.
The objedt however, for which this man
was sent over us, has nat been accomplished.
His million has failed. Though we felt
the just indignation of freemen, we had
mote wit in our resentment, than to commit
any extravagent adts that would authorise
" The Chief who now commands," to fend
" A Heaven born band" among us—We
were apprised of the difpoGtiou ; we were
apprised that an excuse was all that was
wanted. Butthe reign ofterroris almost
at an end. If you want to conciliate the
affVdtions of th« Western people, and to
bring them over to your administration,
refer this resolution—is you do this, they
will suppose that the complaints of their
fellow-citizens are heard and attended to,
and thatthere is a hope of speedy redress ;
but if you rejedt it, the reverse will be
Y«u have no idea, said Mr. Davi;, of the
mifchief this man has done in the Western '
Country; particularly in the Millifippi ter
ritory. His conduct has reared a powerful
opposition to your administration, which
will grow with our growth, and increase
with our flrength, unless yon remedy the
evils that epprefs our fulfering fellow citi
zens. His condudl has alienated the affec
tions of the Western people, from your go
vernment ; and this effedt it will have while
•ar fellow citizens ar« fuffered to complain
unkeard, and the condudt of th«ir oppressor
is juftified. Aik a well informed man from
tlfs territory, or from almost any part of the
Western Country, why are you opposed to
the administration of the Government ?
He will tell you in a moment —I know that
Winthrop Sargent, Governor of the Mif
fifippi Territory, has openly violated the
Con fti tut ion of the United States in sundry
I know he has outrageously
violated the ordinance of that Territory.
I. think he has fhamefully exercised the Le- ,
giflative power put in his hands, by making '
it a cloak under which he has exadted the
roost exorbitant fees from the people to gra
tify his avarice. I know he has never re
ceived even a rebuke from the Chief Ma
gistrate for all this. I consider Winthrop
Sargent but a small vein of a great body ;
I am -acquainted with the pulsations of that
vein ; I know it beats towards aristocracy ;
I know it swells with tyranny and despot
ism ; I consider tie great body that feeds
this small vein as also contaminated.—
This will be the answer you will reeeive ;
and this will eternally be the language you
will hear from those people, until you re
lease them from the tyrannical bondage
under which they are laid by. the oppressions
of tbeir Federal Government.
Mr. Oti» was averse, the last feflion,
when this fubjedt was before the House, to
commit himfetf by a vote, without pofTef
fing an accurate knowlsdge of the circum
; ftanccs attending it. The fame want of
information under which he then laboured,
he still felt- Calling his eyes over the reso
lutions just read, he discovered that they
contained two serious ' declarations ; the
firft, that laws, hostile to the happiness and
prosperity of the citizens of thp Mifiifippi
terntoryy and at variance with the Conlfi-,
tution, had been eHa&ed ; the fecend, that
tbefe laws Wad l>ff n [wiTed under malignant
On the truth of these declarations, Mr.
Otis was hot prepared to decide. Here
quired that information which the com
mittee, already appointed, would be most
likely to furnifti. If the gentleman from
Kentucky had movfed the appointment
of a committee, either to enquire into
the expediency of repealing those law*
that were complained- of, or to report
'"fafts whereon an impeachment could be
grounded, he would have puri'ued the
usual courfebut when-he commits a
! speech to writing, (for by no other name
eould he designate the fixing of resolu
tions which he had moved; criminating
in terms of harlhnefs the condudl of a
public officer, he considered him as pro
posing an unprecedented step. Aa well
might he move to refer what had\fallen
from him in debate this day.
j Ir his opinion, Mr- Otis said the fub
jeft desired by the gentleman from Ken
tucky, could be accomplished with much
' greater propriety in the usual way, than
in that now proposed.
j But the gentleman a(k3, if the charges
; are true that are contained in the reso
lutions, why not pass them ? If falfe, why
; not expunge them ? How, said Mr. Otis,
; are these charges proved ? Fe confided
iin the varacity of the gentleman; and
! was purfuaded, th3t he would not fay
, what he did net believe but his belief
[ could not impart to other gentlemen, the
| fame flrength of conviction with him
! felf.
If the people of tVis territory are re»lly
opprefied—if they groan under the pressure
of tyrannical and u'-conftitntronal laws
let those laws be examined and repealed.---
But when he found a genleman coming
from the neighbourhood of the territory,
aftuated by personal and loeal considera
tions, and animated by zeal that diftated
fentivnents which, in caoler moments, the
gentleman himfelf would not approve, he
could not avoid hesitating in taking his
opinions as the guide of his vote.
This, fir, said Mr. Otis, is not a qseftion
of federalifm or anti-federalifm. If the
fun of as the gentleman from
Kentucky asserts, be fct; if the adminittra
tion be changed ; may not such a measure
as this 'trike back upon its authors,|and pro
duc« a change in the tide of events ? If
the (un of federalifm be let, would it not be
unk'ind in us, th« very day after it, to fuffer
the gentlemen to injure thsmfelves by such
an act i
I hope, continued Mr. Otis, that the fan
of federalifm is not set- If it really be set,
I hope that the fatellue which that gentle
man inhabits will not soon experience the
want of its animating and protecting in
fluence. I believe it is not set, and ardent*
ly hope that that quartpr of the Union, as
well as all the reft, will long-continue to-*
fee its vivifying effe&s.
it might be proper to repeal the obnoxi
ous laws, without branding with . corrupt
motives those who enafted them. Mr. Otis
concluded with declaring that in the ac
cornplilhment of this purpose, if examina
tion and enquiry warranted it, as well as
in every proper step to gratify the citizeiw
of the Mifliflippi territory, he would hear
tily concur. •
(To be continued.)
Tuefdsy, December 23.
A petition was presented by Mr. J. C.
, Thamas from the meffengera of the fereral
executive offices complaining of the inade
quacy of their present falarie.i to meet the
increased expences of their residence in the
City of Walhington, and praying relief in
the premises. Referred to the committee
of claims.
Mr Dertt proposed to the House a reso
lution, that the president of the Senate
and the speaker of the house fliould hav«
power to adjourn their refpeitive houses
from this day to Tuefdy the 30th inft. A
meflage was received afterwards front
Senate approving of this resolution.
The bill concerning George Washing
ton was up in committee, Mr. Morris
in the chair, when it was moved by Mr.
Lee to strike out the dimenltons of the pyra
mid, which >vai carried. It was afterwards
maved by him to fill the blank with 200000
dollars for that purpose, which was also
carried, after coiifiderable debate Motion
was made by Mr. Claiborne to insert in
fteid of a pyramid, an equeflrian statue
conformable to a refolutifin of the old Uon
grefi to commemorate his military fervice3.
This was negatiued.
On thequeftion for engrofling the bU, * w»r«
debate ensued, when it was taken by yeas and nays,
and carried in the affirmative. Yeaa 44, nays 40
The bill was ordered to be read # third time oa
Tuelday nexc.
Adjourned to Tuefiaythe 30th inft.
Jacob Sperry & Go.
From on board the brigs Sally, and Christian, An
drews, from Hamburgh—Sixty packages of the
following goods s ,
Britannias Oil Cloths
Checks, No: *. Kid Gloves »pd Mitts,
Stripes long and ftiort
ERopillas Berth and Flannels for
CalTerillos the Spanifli market
Brown Rolls Bead* and Carnetts of
Boccadillos all defsriptions for the
Coutils India and Coast mai<-<
Thread Hosiery ket;
Ribbon* of fcveral kinds
ior the Spanish market
On bond by former arrivals,
. Creas a la Morlaix, Dowlafs, F.flopillas, Bocca
dillos, CalTerillos Bielfietd Linen, Liftados, Checks,
and Stripes Docanters alforted, Coffee Mills
Scythes, Quills, Sealing Wax, Gun Flints, and x
variety of other articles, lifualiy imported, from
Germauy and Holland.
December 29. diot—jafflm;