Gazette of the United States, & daily advertiser. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1800-1801, December 29, 1800, Image 2

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    Gazette of the United States.
MO*BAT KvrniHS, U«CFM»BK »/)
1 SEND voti t' e eoncltilion of a ferni >ti
preached by Dr. Wharton in St. M Yv's
Church at Uurlmgton, on Sunday the
inflant, th<; text was " Give an cacount of
thy flewardlhip. '
" BKYORIi we d.fiuifs this ('uhj-ci. it is
natural tor us to rellrtt, my brethren, with
mournful fennbility, th 1 1 on this very day of
tlit- preted; !, .,t jr-ir, our beloved W.i'hin ;'t "i
wis called upon t > give an account of his
stew .ud'flip. We all knew the numer
and talents with which he had heer
intruded, and tVe use which he made of them
■will be eothlafoned in the faithful parses o'
history, for t'ie admiration and exampl'- o
ages yet unborn. But neither the'luftre n
his achievements, nor the l.bours of hi:
patriotism, nor the philofop[ncal commun,
ot his .tffrctiotis, nor the blameless tenor o
his life, would induce me on this day &c in thr
place, to call your attention to his «ver-che
rifhrd memory, were I not persuaded tha
he ranked among those faithful few, who art
habitually prepired to give an account o
their ftewardftlip. There arc but two way:
of arriving at the knowledge of human clia
ra(\er. The one by a man's words and tin
other by his anions. Let the character oi
our Wafllinftton be examined by this test
and his christian enemiesf, who have rt
proached him with the cold apathies of D>-
ism, and his unbelieving admirers, who will
to rsdure his principles to the ftmdardo]
their own sceptical indifference to religion,
wc mull either blufli at their ignorance <u
acknowledge their tniftake. A» to the pub
lic dec!ai.itions of this g'eat and »ood mar
on the fuhjedt of religion, they were folenu:
and explicit, such as no Deist could utter
without the imputation of the deeprft hvp- ■
crify. From the very commencement of his
public carer-r, to its gl lious termination,
he appears to have lived under an awful con
viftion of a fbp?ritltetlding Providence, tc
have looked up to it continually as his coun
cilor in di'ficultie?, and his protefW in
danger. Did he evrr write an addrtfs 01 a disc >urf- to bit fellow-citizen;
their Creator, without imploring upon hil
beloved country the choicest blellings ol
Heaven and fohc-itintr its diredlion in all oin
national affairs ? What can be more in>-
preffive than his solemn prayer to Almighty
God, in his farewell ord-rs to the army
11 that he would rn .ft gricioufly be p!-."ifei
to us all to do justice, to love mere)
and to demean ourselves with th-.t charity
humility and picifi - t-mpr of oiind, whicl
"were the charaderiftics of the Di*iiie Authoi
of ourbiefltd Religion, without a" humbl
imitation of whose example in these things
■we can never hope to be an happy nation.'
w_Wereever the genuine ivax'ms, prin
ciples, spirit, and belief of Chriftimitv
exprefled mJi-e hipiily or unequivocall)
than in these few word? ? They are a:
far removed from the hypocritical cant o
41 Cromwe4l on the one hand, as from th:
atheistical ad lref> made to fortnne b} th«
Invader of Egypt, on the other. Thcj
express the lentiment of a mind correft in
its id-as, and glowing u ; th the affettion:
of true and vital religion ; Did ever Deism
speak in language like tiiis. Under tin
inafque of hypocrisy, indeed, even ab rotate may at one time proclaim aloud th<
belief of G ds unity to die Mahometan, anc
at another tli • belief of his son Jelus, tc
the christian t but where is the man 'bole
enough to nfiert that W ajfiijigtnn waj at
hypocrite ? D'd ever bis anions run coui'
ter to his prof, (fiors ? Was not the whult
tenor of his en"du£l a bright comment upoi
his principle." ? As no pr fane word eve
dropt from his l ps, fj no ailioii of his lift
ever indicat-d a w-.nt i,f refpett to Religion
In the pirts of it, he wa:
pui'idlHal and edifying, and I trust com
plied with thrffl more from a sense of per
ion aI, than of public duty. Ho indeed
made no vain parade of his religious opiir
ions, reserving the open proft flian of then
to those f .lr-mn oc Cations, when they woulc
probably be more edifying and impreflive
and what Mmitelqnieu •■bferves of the i'ica
Duke of Berwii k, applies with eqiirtl pro
priety to our illuitrious 1.-ilow-citi»en, tha
no man, in p> lite, " I'poLe less o
religion, or pratticed more of it."
*' Shew me tli J" faith, by thy works," fay:
of all relL.ious ex< ellencc nothing costs less t<
the indolence of our nature, or the afcen
«!ency of our pafTions, thfl) high and evet
extraordinary pretenfi ns to religion, ant
how frequently these have evaporated int<
nothing', or produced fruits more becoming
9 Pharisee than a Chriflian, let obf-rvatici
and experienc; pronoi! -ce G d foibid tha
I fliould be so tar lailimderftood, as caftinf
any reflecti- 1 !) on religious conversation
vlien ir.trodo'r ; wiili propiit ty, and appliet
with difcr-tion. But there are certiii
elevat-d ftitions 111 society in which action
speak with peculiar energy in recommending
religion and virtue, Persons in these fitua
tions arc friJom fut rounded with eharadler
of o rtligious cast of mind. Any attemp
to obtrude f-icb sentiments upon then
a, ass ft'tion, and confrquently lose it
tff°e<s>. Uinl.-r tli'fe circun.ft-inces, wha was our Great Chief to purine, but ti
model his whole conduct with such diligeoci
and accuracy upon th? spirit and maxim
cf the Gotpel, that all men bch' Iding it
might glorify our FA Th KII, ivl)j is 11
JLuven.'' l'hictd at the head of anew
fSeeAnti Jocubin Review.
| See Buor,»p ric'i Pru«!amath>n in Italy am
born indeed, but important' Nation, as
full leader in war, arid ruler in peace, he
conceived hinifait' -charged with a commil
luin as burthenfome, as it was moni-n
---tous, as dangerous as it was honour
able. As the head of a iiatian, he regard
it as a trud, and as an individual, as a ftew
ard'hip, of which he was one day • to give
ill a lev ere account. He found hiinl'elf cal
led upon to intsrwe.ive'the intricacies of po
licy with the duties of o>nfcience, to blend
the adUvity of the Stats fman with thi mo
deration of the Ghrifkia.i ? and accordingly
we behold him in every ciicnmllnice and
lituatibn the . treasures of his
J great mind untainted with any of those
; weak [-(TeS, or depravities, w|ii«.h too often
| debali: the deliberations of C ibinets and the
I traiifadiiMis of nations. Hifl >ry, in tra
| cing the virtues of this hero, will never find
| thfin deviating from the maxims ef
ch«iftian mt-grirv. In the midst ofapplauft,
and (yrrotindtd by honours, such p'rhaps,
as never fell to the lot of any mortal before
liini, Ihe will behold hi in niodell, unarm
ing and diffident. She will discover him
controuling' all those inferior propenlities of
onr mature which the gospel is calculated to
nrodcrate or destroy. She will hehold him
difintereflr-d and liberal refilling every pecu
niary recompence for his Cervices, or return
ing it back into the bofoin of the public.
She will behold him tifight in all his deal
ings temperate in all his enjoyments abound
ing in every good work, and void of of
f-nc- b.-fa-c God and before Men. Such
was the man, my brethern, whose memo
ry every American is boundto hold in ever
lading veneration, whom the representatives
of our nation may extol in the gates and
whom the mimftert of religion may com
memorate in the temples without the cen
sure cf impropriety or flattery. © Wafh
iugton ! the folernn addreft "give an ac
count of thy flewardfhip," had we tiuiln* |
terrors for thee. Th"U hadft preserved the
fqitb, thou hadfl fin idled thy courfi?, and
therefore there was laid up for thee a
crown ; not for tbee only, hut for all who
lnve the coming; of the LordJefus"to whom,
&c. See.
Shipment of Flour ta Eng'and.
A merchant remarks on this fubjeil with
a.hope of its beiny; ul*ful to his fellow citi
zens, and at. the fame time widiing them
to oblerve every advantage which the ob
je£t really h >lds out.
That from the various documents pub
li(h«J by the government of Great Britain,
their aim is evidently to exite alarm of
scarcity, and thereby encourage a
It must be reco!le&ed that it has been
the habit if Great Britain to become alarm
ed at the leafl appearance of scarcity and
tha* until the hit year tliofe alarms ha*»
jf -n.Tilly proved groundless to the ruin of
numerous adventurers in grain, See.
Until very lately our accounts from
England have been that their crop was an
abundant one, and under that impreflion,
one barrel of flour was fold at 46i in
Augult lad in the London market, without
any bounty being allowed.
Now if the fgarcitv is so great and so
alurming as the Hmilh government hold
out, whv do they not offer such bounties
as will allure us that it is so and allure us
if *e lliip tlii-in flour at 10 dollars per LUI
A motion has been made in the Britilh
House of Commons to allow such a bounty
011 flour as will make up 70s. per bsrrel,
to the importer, taking toe average price
of the three weeks preceding the veflels
arrival. This is no security whatever, for
it is pr-fumable that the price will pro
gieflively fill with conliderable importati
ons, so that the price of the 3 preceding
weeks may a\erage 70s. and yet your flour
may be fold at 4 6s. or peihaps much lower
and you receive no bounty whatever. If
indeed the price was made up 70s. place
taking the average of the 3 fuccee'dmg
weeks it would be a security and only a rea-
I'onable one too ; when at )afl ten dollars
here, flour will do little mire than save it.
felf, and a peace would reader it a ruinous
bufinsfsto the concerned.
Remarks from the brig Polly & Mary Ann's
Log-Book, from Tobago.
On the 3111 OA. I 8' 1 0, being bound for
j Tobago, and 111 fight of the lllmd, was cha
| fed by an armed vefi\'l for four hours, who
j after firing several (hot b.ought us too ,
I flic proved to be the Brititti sloop of war
I Busy, who Cent a boat with an officer on
j board, who overhaul'd my papers, and then
i sent them on board the Busy for examinati
i on ; he then fearvhed the veflel fore and
aft, and after trea'ing m.• with insolence, Sc
taking Robert RuiTel, a Teaman from me, I
was permitted o proceed. By being de
tained by them two hours, brought on night,
which had like to caulV the lots of my vessel
and cargo, by getting 011 a reef, uiknown
to in , going into Tobago harbour.
On the full December, 10 leagues N.N.
W. of it. Thomas, was brought too by the
Britilh frigate Diana, capt. Beresford, who
sent his boat on board with an officer, who
o*e haul'd my papers, searched the vefTol
fore and aft, gave me a specimen of his
politenels, and took from me A/artin Quin,
my Mate; I then hauled down my colors,
and told th m I gave upthevelTel to them,
as they had taken my only Officer, audi had
but two lea men 011 board, it wa3 impoflible
for me to reach my deflined port ; but all
to noefleif\, they rrfade fail from me, and I 1
was obliged to do the bell I ceuld. Spoke
110 otner vefTel on my passage, but the Dia
na, 1 would fay his majesty's fliip Diana,
but cannot without putting tyrannical to
after of the brig Polly & Mary
Ajiii, of Philadelphia.
•riii following remarks, copied from i liob
don paper, are cunrte&ed Ihe Currefpon
dence, publiihed in Saturday's Gazette.
We have in his day's paier (fays the T,on
d. n prim) inl'erud tlie snofl interesting articles
of the very Important C( rrelpmdmce relativ
to ths late Overtures of Negotiation for Peace
between this coimt'y and Franc e. The only
p.rt »f it whi 'h, from its length and our with
to prefcrve it entire, we are obliged to defer
until to morrow, is the fiihlanre of the Confe
rences that tjok j/a e between Citizen Otto
md Mr. Hammond. It is certainly of a euri na:urc, but as it relates m re to the private
opinions and fjsatimeuts of M. Oito than to
those of the French. Government, we art indu
ce! to give the preference to the Articles of
Corrclpondence wh th arc officially authnnti
cate !.
:'h*re has not occurred, at any period du
ring th; war, not even in the management of
t<>e nejje iations entrufteft t<j Maltnrsbil
ry, a Itiperior infiance < f fund n afoning, of
firm aduerence to national d gnity, tempered
hy th? true spirit of c in illiati n, and exprelfed
in cneigetic and perfpicuons language, than the
aofwes atid observations of the Britilh Mini
ftry in the course or the i-it«difcuffiuns. A more
infidioin and deltiulive fyft-m to the real in
tcrel's of Great B itai.i, could not be well de.
vised than the Projafl communicated on the
part of the Chief Cnf (•—We were, in fa<sl, re
quired to yield every advantage obtained by the
unrivaled exertions us our navy ; and, in return
we wsre to throw ou'felves upon the candour
asd the mercy .-f the government of France
The propofai went to give every thing to the
enemy, and to deprive ns, not only ot our fu
perioiity, but of the means of fifety itfelf. Hit
Majesty's reply is admirably fluted to ihe «cca
fie:-. ; exposing thv ibfurdity and danger of the
enemy's pretenfi ns, yet conceding more tn such prctenlions could be entitled to. 1 he
Counter-pr jet, wlvih gave to France every
'le benefit c nfiltently with the just rights
and Security of this country, will, we ire con
fident, be considered hy everv unprejudiced
mind, an e.nrq tivocal de nonftaation on the
part of the Government <o »fFefl the restoration
ol tnr.qui iity. But it appeais that nothing but
the breach of ».ir inott f.>l< aiu engagements
cauM induce the Cfcief Cnnful to accept a pro
pofai highly unfavorable to himfelf, and we
h ve be n caJled upon to lay ourfrlvea proftra e
at his ftet. by confentirg to the con ition o' a
N vil Armilliie, or t" tear afun.ler every bond !
of alhanre from which we hape to contribute to !
the refioraiion ot the general tranquility of I
The d frraceful alternates has Wen rejrfied
by the wisdom and fiii/uitfs of Admiiiißration :
were any thing wanting to convince the w»rld
of the amlii ion and perfidy of the eiuiny, it
would be found in :he prelim documents.
Ir is remaikable that the French Govern
mentjiai, iu n official comments, condemned
by anticipation the late iovalion of Tuscan .
In the nore and ii< rtply »o our counter
projet we find this flrong nhfervation :—" It
is liy means of the Anniftice that n en are raif
ling in Tufcany " 'lire levies of Tufca-y were
there r »re fanwlinned by the admifli"ii of France
herfelf—and uas not the entrance of the Re
publican tro ps inf> the Tuscan territories a
dire£l violation ofthe principle of Armistice,
which had been/u!ly recognized f y the consu
late, an J indeed formed one of the chief bales
of its condul in the late Ncg ciat'ons with
rtfpefl to this country ?
Frem the H'a/hingtun Ftderatijl.
" See nation* flnwly wife, and ju(l,
" To buried merit raise the tardy bull."
Johrfeii's yanij y Human Wijhes
When the Father of his country died,
tlie lament*lions of general torro»v were
• loudly exprefied, and re-rch.ird from oneeud
cf tlie continent to the other ; the press
teemed with elegy and prnegyric ; the so
: rum,the pulp'<t and feitate rrfounJed with
eulogy and p.thuic declamation. During
; the piaxifin of grief, the frpiefentativrs fcem
| ed willing to. indulge the people's
I and decierd to eiedt honourable tellimonies
i ot a nation's veneration and regret.
' Washington has lift us hut twelve months
I h'S remains lie yctg een in the earth ; and
f< rrow has fubfidrd, feeling has grown cold,
: and the remembrance of his services are fa
ding into obfcui ity, like the objects of vision,
I when the fun ha* funk below the horiaon.
Thus (landsthe character ofAm.'rica.ifit may
i be drawn from the condudt of her delegates.
A few, with liberal spirit andenlarged views
wish to display the general will with mag.
nifictnee and giandnt'r suitable to the occa
finn : o.hcri, regardless of national dignity
and not justly apprrciating the rx lt;d cha
racter, are wafting time in dejjrsding calcu-
I lations of petty economy ; while the left
I hope to delify'eveiyefficient plan, by pro
poling t> commit the memory, the fume,
; and the virtues of Wafliinjton to the fra«.
gile temple of the human Ft:art.
On an occ..fiun like the present, three pro-
I tninentobjeds 01 conGderatim naturally pre
sent tiicmlclvrs. To honor tlte illnftriout
dead, to evince a pcopl 's gratitude, and to
; decorate thr nicyopoli* honored by his name, Ipecimexs the us ful and imitative
arts. It', in the wisdom of antiquity it has
been cuitoirary to honor the memrtiy ut the
superlatively wife and good, by foiuc sensi
ble memorial, of ftiiking magnitude, and
durable materials: has the cxp of
mankind yet discovered the iinpro] rietv of
the ura&ice, or imputed folly, extravagance,
or fiiperftition to the principle ? If a nation
chorlrs by outlaid fyn.bols to (hew its
gratitude anid veneration ; ought not such
reprefrntations to be obvioully difcrimins
trd from others, t>y their superior granduer
and sublimity ? and if it is honorable to in
courage the elegant Arts, and congenial
with the charafler of a refined and enlight
ened people to decorate with claflic taste the
capital of thrir empire : what fitter oppor
tunity or nobler lubjedls can be offered to
the hand of genius, than to exhibit Colum
bia's feeling for her departed Hi'ro !
Sir Benjamin West, whose letter w- in
serted in yesterday's Fcderalifl, is a native i f;
born of .objc.uK, .yet rei'pe&a- j
|Ale parcrtts for the purity and simplicity of
their lives and maimers. At an early period
the Rev. Dr. William Smith discovered the
dawiiinp.s of thof- talents which' have since
raised him t6 the Presidency of the Royal
Academy of Britain—and what is highly
honorable both to Mr. Weft, and to his
Royal Patron, he was, dining all the war,
frequently permitted to deliver his patriotic
opinions in favourof AmelMcar' independence,
to the royal ear, without'reproach ; and al
tho' these sentiments of Mr. Weft were
made life of, by his rivals, to remove him
from hii IHtion as Historical Painter to the
King, yet they did not succeed.
The votes of the Electors of Rhode
Island. contrary to all theprinted
have been given as follow ;
For John Adaras 4
C. O. Pintkoey 3
Johji Jay I
A waer veftfid iy evening observed, that
Jefferson (if the report of the day was true)
had only the luck of many a good traveller
to meet with a Sand-Burr. They are tick-
Lsb at firft, but painful afterwards.
Norfolk pap.
The {hip Mercury,having on board a very
valuable cargo, from the river La Plata,
ijound to Philadelphia, is taken by the Bri
tish and carried into Halifax ; 70,000 dol
lars in specie were landed from her at Ha
A gentleman arrived at Baltimore from
Kentucky, informs from good authority, that
Mr. Burr will have 4 vot*s in that slate,
Mr. JefFerfon 3, and the other vote will be
thrown away.
A letter from NafTiu, of the 27th ultimo,
mentions, that a (l""p called the B-tfey,
captain Tory, was 1 'ft on the Abaco Keys ;
cargo fived, b.:t damaged.
In of Commons, of N; Caroli
na, Mr. Fitt presented a bill for the timber
taxing of Bachelors, and to forward the
population of the (late, by promoting and
encouraging matrimony.
Six fail of Urge armed thips, with troops
from Lo'dan for Surrinam, were spoken
Nov. 8, lat. 27, long. 37, 3 ■>.
Price Current at Havnnrtu Dec. t.
Flour, 16 a 17 dolls per bbl.
Beef, 18 a2O do do
Pork, none at m.irket, and in great de.
Died, at York fwi, P nnfyWani*, on
the 11ft inltant, after a tedious illness, tha
honorable Thomas Hartlj, for a l"ng time a
member of congress for the state of Pcnn
fylvania, aged 52 years.
Monf. Piertr Sainlo Duvvivier.
yr.ns, one »f the prifonert from St. Domin
>?o, brou>h in by the Trumbull. He was a
commflary of national sequestrations at Pet
it Guave, and has left a widow and two
children 111 captivity.
"JpHE lubfcribcr in the decline of life, having
I. determined to relinquish the Printing Bufi
nefj, hs therefore off. rs at private fjle, two excel
lent Mahogany Printing Pr. flc«, with an extensive
of Printing 1 ypes including as Hebrew
and Greek Font, the whole anffnmjting to 34 fonts,
well assorted, wuh every rtquifiu, in excellent or
der and in good condition, ea culated for extensive
bo kwork, or a daily also,
a geiural and us ful affnrtment of Flowers, Cuts
an j Ornaments, with esery other implement in the
printing bufmcfc
He will also disp is* sf
A tvvo-flory Brick House,
On the corner of Latitii-Court and B.ack Horu
Alley, which he now occupies as a Printing Office,
*8 b y 3J ; the fecimd story ha< 8 large windows,
14 panes in each, and a lofty garret for drying pa
per ; wi h a cellar under the whole. The litua
tion and accommodations are inforior to none in
this city, and may be f»'d feperate or tiig'rther to
suit the purchafurs. For further particular apply
Dec* 19
Toung Ladies
Boarding and Day School.
North Eighth urert, S«ckel's R«w, No. j6.
MRS. bMI TH, at the request of many ref
pettablr Ladies in Philadelphia, will open
her l'chool for the reception of young Ljdies
from 4 y-ars of age, . n v.-ry moJe.ate terms,
the firll of January—El g i(h and lan
guages will be taught grammatically; writing,
and every kind of ufetul and ornanwntal needle
work., A (filled by an Englilh lady of acknow
ledged alilitic-, Mrs Smith bfgs leave to aflure
fhdfe who (hill be pleated to entrust their children
to her c.-.rc,that unremitted attention (hall be paid
them—And file returns her mod grateful thank*
to her friends for their kind exertions, and to
those who have alrnadv done her to en
gage with her their children
Mr. Smith's Drawing Academy isnow open for
the reception of Ladi's and Gentlemen, in which
drawing is taught in all its branches. I.ikrwife
that ornamental painting which has become the
lathi nable employment of the Ladies in Europe.
Hours for Ladies Iron two to lour and for
Gentlemen from four to fix and from fix to tight,
lucfdays, Thursdays and Saturdays.
Mr. Smith holds in very grate:ul remembrance
the attention ol his friends during his long affli&mg
illness. and solicits them to uic their endeavors to
get him fach employ as they may think ad apted to
hit merits.
Ladies atterded at their own apartments as usual
deember 29 m&w tf i
Employment Wanted
WHO can produce good recommendations.
Enquire at ibe Office of the Gazette of
the Uniti.d tattt.
Dccfijiber 19 Jt
Printing Office
No, ti, Market Href.
m« th tf
By this Day's Mails
NEW-YORK, December 27.
The Editor of the New.York Gazette
was not able yesterday to notice the Transla
tions from Paris Papers received by the (hip
Argus—lndeed, they are not interesting,
the papers being crouded with internal re
gulations, ol no contequer.ce to this coun
try The following articles are translated
troni a Paris piper of the 10th ult.
Paris November 10.—The commercial
relations between the United States and
Denui.itk are daily iticreafing, the Court et
Copenhagen, which hitherto had no Minillcr
in America, has appointed M de Bulcher
bilTen Minister relident at W.ttnngten.
Ihe Price ot Or. in has experienced a
considerable declenlion.
We are informed that a rich Lead Mine
has been discovered at Faithlegg, in Ireland,
on the ellate of M G. Balton.
M. Cotzbue was for three years Dire&or
of the Theatre at the Court of Vienna
He was deprived of that office, together
with 1000 florins, he could not spend
out of the hereditary eflates. At present
lie dire&s the Imperial Theatre at St. Peter-
Iburg, in Russia, with an appointment of
12000 Rubles ; besides an eftablilhment, a
roy.l carriage at his orders, the rank of Co
lonel, and several other advantages ; in ad
dition to which, he is in possession of an
eftaie belonging to the Crown, worth 3000
Rubles per annum.
London, Nov. 11.
Yesterday, the newly appointed Lord
Mayor, attended by a in agnificient proces
sion, proceeded to Weltminfter Hall. Oa
landing at Blackfriars, they were joined by
the carriage of Lord Nelion, who was wait
ing to receive thnn ; but as soon as the
populace difcovercd the vehicle, which was
to convey the hero of tho Nile, they unhar
nelTed the horses, and drew him in triumph
to Guild Hall. Between four and five
thotifand ladies and gentlemen then fat
down to dinner. Aftej fcveral toads had
been given, Lord Nelion was requtfted to
come forward that he might receive tbe
Sword lately voted to him 011 account of his
very exti aordinary fe-vices.
Thf gailant of rhe Nile then pre.
fened hiinfrlf to an admiring aflembl.igr,
taking his (ituation, as rcquedrd, under a
ii'iamphal arch, when he was thus addrelled
by Mr Chamberlaine Clarke, fupporied by
Mr. Crowther, the Comptioiler and Cham
4 Lord Nelson,
' In cheei lul obedience to an unaninou*
refolutiou of the right hon. ths lord mayor,
alderman and commons, of the city of
London in common council allemoled, I
prefenv your Lordship with the thanks of
the court for the very importont vitWy
obtained by a fqjadrnn i*f his rwaj Ity's
Iliips under your command, ovei a superior
French fleet, off the month of the Nile on
the 'lft of
(pleaded and deciiive—unexampled in
naval hifl»ry—and the hu-heft
honour 011 the courage ana abili ies of
your loidlhip and your otKcera and
"the discipline aud irrcfifta.ile brave
ry of Br tifli feauien, and which must
beprodu&ive of the greatelt advantages to
this country, and every of the civilize
,ed world by tending to fruftrate the dcllgnj
ot' our implicable enemy, and by rowling
o her nations to unite and reGnft their un
principled ambition !
" And as farther testimony of the high
esteem which the court entertains of your
Lord (hip's public service; and of ihe eini
nenc advantages which you have ren.iered
your country, I have the honor to pre
fenttoyour Lord (hip This Swo:;d 1
1 he consequences of the I am
thus called on to applaud, are perhaps, un
equaled in the hiflory of mankind ! A nu
merous army, which trimnpaei in Europe
over brave and veteran troops commanded
by officers cf the mod eltablilhed reputa
tion, landed in Egypt, under the command
or bun who now (\vays the G. llic sceptre,
with designs of the moil ambitious and ex
tensive nature. One of their objefts, as
acknowledged by themfrlves, wa* to annihU
lat« by degiees, the Englilh East India
trade, and finally, to get into their polTeffion
the '/hole commerce of Africa and Asia.
" Such were the gigantic views of our
implacable foe; and inch confidence had
they in the fleet which convoyed them, and
in the station it took on the coalt ot the de
voted country, that it bade drfi.» llC e to the
whole navy ot Britain. But at this momen
tuous period, the Almighty d.rested your
Lordlhip, as his chosen instrument, to check
therr pride, and crush their force, as a
maritime power, during the present contest.
1 l,e cii cumfttnces attending this grand
dilplay ot providential int-rpolhior. and
Britilh prowels mull interell the feeling of
ot Every Hid a space been
chorm to exhibit to the world a 1W K ! C
for fupenori ty innautkal Ik,II, and person
al valor between the two greatest naval
powers of the globe, none cauld ha/e been
more happily felefled. The three grand
divifiuns of the ancient world were witnelT
es; and the rti ol es which had beheld the
drftiu&ion of the Perlun navy by the
Greeks, and the heroic ads of Sefoftris
now resounded with the echo of Britilh
thunder ! To your Lordlhip b -longs the
praise of having added glory to such a
Irene Ihe heroes appl aid would them,
lelves have applauded us! and he, who ages
iince led his three hundred againit an a[—
molt countlels hod, might, on that proud
day, have wished himfelf a Briton.
" 'he thanks of your country, my
Lord, attend you ; its honors await you j
but a nigher praise than even these im
ply is yours, in the moment of jrourun-