Gazette of the United States, & daily advertiser. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1800-1801, December 29, 1800, Image 1

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Gazette of m United States, & Daily Advertiser.
By C. P. Wayne, No. 65, South Front-street. • £ :Vr
\ ' •' ''W , 1
~ ■ *
J<|ll ' 111H >wn 11 t 1 111 r n ttm, 'jTyvfr"i i /■>-;< yvi ■ win* . «'.-V K '*• yft'Nff?'• -tr»"7
PHILADELPHIA PRICES CURRENT, in Dollars and Cents.—December 29, 1800.
CJ* The following Duties are such as arise on Importations in American VefTels. An AddUional Duty of Ten per Cent, is imposed on all Goods, Wares, and Merchandize,
Imported in Foreign Bottoms.
vv h icl'aie From I dut jes.
ALLUM : 8 9
Almonds Jb « iSprctadv
Anchors II 1 ditto.
Ashes pot none
Bacon u, ion
Beef, mess 3 14
prime 12
cargo 9 11
Beer 6
Bread, fliip C 4 ,
pilot 8 9
Braziletto T |
Bricks M 6S°
Stnck 26 27 | [
Brimstone, roll C 4 45°
Butter in kecjs lb *5
CANDLES dipt 16 17
moul' 20
Spermaceti S°
Cards, wool j
Cassia 75 80 Isprctady|
Cheese, Er.glifla 33 7 cel,ts -
American 10 if
Chocolate, Bdrton 26
Phil id. 27
Cinnamon none
Cloves 13° *75 '5?" tad - v
Clover feed, red in 20 do
white 20
Timothy bu 4
Herd grass 1 5° „
Cocoa C 21 24 2 ctsprlb
Coffee lb »5 27 5 cent* >
Coal, foreign bu 5 c^lts bull,ci
Virginia T 33
Cotton St. Domingo lb 33 47
Surrinam 5° J
Georgia sea id. 45 5°
upland 36 37
Cordage, American C '4 15
Ruflu, tarred 13 1353 1 Barents ps C.
Copper,<pot, sheets, lb 60
Bottoms 4° T reo
Pat. (heath. 60 J
Copperas C 35° 4 °°
Corks 33 43
C.ur'ants, Zant
DUCK, Ravens p i. 75 p-r Ct
Raffia 14 1$ 5° f ad val.
HolLnd iMrce J
Feathers ib 45 s°
Fj h, cod dry qu 45° 5
d<v pickled
Snlinou d> B 9 i° 4
do. fmoaked
Shad B 8
Mackarel 7 8 50
Herrings 4 4 25
Flax ,1b 13 fcarcc
. FUxfeed H 10
Flour, fuperfine B 10 50 11
common 10 10 5°
Burr middlings 7 7 5°
Hyemeal 475 5 a 5
Indian meal 4 5° 4 75
Ship fluff C 233 267
Furs, Otter fc 333 160 ]
Beaver 10 I 2 I
Seal F,ec
Mink jfk 33
Mu lie rat, | 33 J
• ,V„, i..A««»vcfcl.; foreign veff.js 11 cents " From ibe Csp: of Good Hope, beyond „
per cent is added to the coff ofM
t Hie aforementioned r.tte of duties upon Ta . , r Fu-oue 17 l-e, 27, Co cents uer lb. From any other place, 18,7-10, 29 7-10, 55 pei Ij.
«-e~! «• j-rf f **-. >:"K ieJV 5,3 mo, °2»"<« »»***>• * ™ k * h "-** p " g
dicir is either none at market, I foei, P «e ran,,, b. afar, ained a„o depend opon
T ———.am-.yji WBI— wap-MtJlfc JHW-L- -ii 11 *—*—
This Day was Publijhed,
The origin hf principles
American Revolution,
Com»ari,-d with
The origin & principles
French Revolution.
Translated from the Girma i »f Gcntz,
By an American gcnticmnn.
Copy-right fccured.
Price— 37 t-i Cents,
decern'cr %A
To Printers.
The following MATERIALS will be fold
rcvifonable if applied for immediately.
1 Prels,
. 3 Founts Long-Primer (partly worn)
2 ditto Small-Pica on Pica body,
2 ditto Pica,
t ditto Englifli,
2 iitto Brevier,
1 ditto Burgeois,
Several pair of Chafes, several compoling
flicks, franrs and galleys, some brass rules,
Quotations, Sec, &c. &c: all of the above
will be' fold very reasonable for Cash.
September 8.
vVli.dcuie from to ft
Martin fk 50 "1
Grey Fox 47
Red Fox 1
Racoon 33 53 t
Fiflier 50 1 I
Bear 1 5° 3
Wild Car 40 5°
southern 27 i
Deer in hair, fall ,b 16 17
Ditto red 25 J' '
•Fufl-ic I
GINGER, Race C 850 ijprctadv '
do. Jam. gi-d. Ib 12 14 do
Glafs,Wi»d.Bbv 10b 12 13 15 pet ad v
7 by 9 do
Glue . Ib 15
Grain, Wheat bu Ijo 2
Rye 75 So
{lndian corn 80
New corn 60 65
Oats ' 33 40
Jrain, Barley bu 67 80
best flielled lb 6
Gunpowder Eng. ky 10 12
do Amer. 8 jo 9
'T_X AM3, Pork Ib 15 15 pctad v
JlI Hair-powder 100 cts P '•
Hemp, Ruifia I 350 J
Hides, La Guira Ib 10 >■ Fr.^e
St. Domingo 10 J
Gr en 37
- Hoops,Hhds. fhavid M
Ho.;j-lard I'b j 14 i4t
Honey, country 'xa n >ne at market
Havamiah dj 80 86
45 5°
■ rrel poles
TMDIGO, lb )
J[ St. Domingo I I 25 cts P lb
Itie of France 1 25 J
New-Orlc <ns 1 7 1 12
Carolina 60 1
Ir<»n Gifting* ' 74 67 80
Pit? 34
Country Bar 113 33
I Raffia Bar 100 Vi2 T pct
Sweden no 120 1 nd val
Sheet 226 67 140
Hoop 133 33 13 8 6 7 ,
Na'l-rods 122 67 C j cent pV.
T EAD, Bar • 150 163 > .
i_j Sheet i 3 p c t ad *
I Lead white,gr. ill oil '* 14 5° '5
Leather, Hal J b 18 20
Lemons, l.ifbon bx 7 8
Malaga, to
5 Fret
| Lime ftoue H 5 2 5
ILignumvitss T63
L igwood so
Boards, Cedar M 25
White Pine 19 33
Ditto P.innel 27 28
I Inch & qr. do. 53 33
Heart Pine ! 28
Sap 12
Scantling 18
Hemlock 10 12
1 Red Cedar Ft j°
Wanted an Apprentice,
Top light profi'ihtc jhaGrcis,
A smart adivc Lad,
Ot refu-.abic parent —Ei.qalre
at No. 76, Dock tlreet. . .
P. S. A who has foaie genius for painting
or drawiir* would be prefer re;..
deceii!>er 24 ,
By A. Dickins,
opposite Chnft Church.
of the late Mr. Cliffton,
To which are prefixed the introduaory notices of
tha life, character, and writings ol the authsr, and
a b«utilliHy engraved likrnef".
Price, bound and gilt, 1 dollar 25 cents.
De' 'tr.her 13. §
At Wain's wharf,
The Cargo of the brig Enterprise,
Surinam Molasses,
Of an ex'Sllest quality, in hogsheads, tierces find
And about 40 quarter casks
, For Sals. sr
Wharton &? Lewis,
No. Front llrcet.
oflsfcer 9 ™l h fa
W lioUi'ale i I'ioui l o '
is r\ r* t\ p DUTIES.
CUR U F.NT PRICK, n D- D. V.'. C
ihingle.S, 3 ft. drefl M 26
2 feet R 8
18 inches 5
jime* bll
hogs lb 14 Mt
M\CE 6 r S prctadv
Madder 25 26 "J
Mahogany, Bay F > Free.
St. Domingo 40 J
VlolalTes. W. India G 50 60 5 cts per gal J
Sugar liotife 73 "5
VTuft. Fl. in Bottles dz 1 2 o 15 pctad v
Nails, 3d ib
4d , 1 6^
6d 16 1 3 !""«■)
8d ,5 I I '
iod Ml" ' > ■
,1 1 l^oo
12 a 13 J 3 J p. a.
2cd 12 |
Gut do. 3d 13 I
4 d '3 ! 4
6i I 2 j
8d 11 |
iod ici
12d 10 j
2od io
Nankeens, long p i»*.p«*adv»
fliort I cl °
Nutmegs lb 6 '5 P ct a " v
OILFIor. 3cfla. 12 I p lt to
12 bottles 8 J
Oil, com. Whnle G 5°
Spermacetti. 6o 70
Tanners B ij
Linefeed G 70 73
Onions,' bu
ieo ropes 6 7
PEAS 40 40
Pepper black lb 30 32
Pimento, Jam. 13 14 " Lts P er
Pitch B ione at market 4 cents
Plaifter, Paris 1", 10 II
Pork Burlington, B 1650
C irotina
Porter, Lond. draft lz> 3ctspg&ro
bot. 250 3 ,n bo . u ad '
Philadelphia bot. 1 10 i2O "°
Peail, Pcnn. patent 8 9
RAISINS, bell kg 650 75015pCt ad \
Bloom & mu(k''x 450 5
l<«dwoo I, ground i!l 2o 30
lice, C j
Roftn, B j 350
SALT, Allum bo ,
Cadiz 94 . Set note *
Lifbo - 1
Liverpool fine 67 J
St. Ub 5 1 ' ! "' e - , i
Salt petre refined " 5 27 3° '*-ip cta
Sailcloth Ell. No. I I
Segars, Sp.inifh 8 10
6 , I' t ]ier cepu
\meru:a 2 ~
Sh'eting, Ruflia P >7 73 I cent per It,
Shot. G 750 8 '
f Snuff, in Bladdars l,b 33
Bottles z 6 , 1
Rappee 6 94 2 cents peril
Soap, Cxftile lb 20
Brown 9 ir> ,
White 13 ? per gallon
Spirits, G 133 139 >it P «S. c j
Brandy, French 1 1 5°
In the ship I hiladclpbia from Leghorn,
and for sale,
Castile SOAP in large and (mall loxes
Florence Oil ;npottles of fopcrior qul ; ity
L.ncca d'tto in nalks j
Camels Hair
Cremor Tartar and Gum arahic
Lr t horn Hat? nff rted
N'antnas a id silk Stockings
Spaniih fools cap Paper
Also on Hand,
Hyson and f. uchong Teas
A (inMl assortment of China Ware
Umbrellas, Hair Ribbon, Dorea Muslins
No. iB7,fouth Second street
Coffee and Cocoa
in" bags,
Also, about 351000 weight
Black Pepper
in bags,
Of a Superior Quality.
All entitled to Drawback.
For sale by
Nov 49, foeth Fourth ftrec
Decern'*' r 18, i
Of the State of Pennsylvania.
December i6th, 1800.
THE Stockholders are hereby r.otifiod that an
Eie&ion will be held at the Company's Of
fice, on Monday the 1 »th day of January next, at
11 o'clock in the forenoon, for Thirteen Directors
for the eofuing year.
J.IMES S. COX, President.
Br Joseph SIMS,
No. iss,fouth Water street,
White &brown Havanna Sugars
Holland Gin
Old Coniac Brandy
London particular Ma !eira Wine
Pale re' 4 and yellow |efui:'s Birk
A large afl rtment of CORDAGE, &c.
deccmberT,l mw&fa tf
For Sale, or to' Let,
In Cbesnut Street,
fJcar the corner of Eleventh street, at present in
th* tenure of Mr. A. M'Call—PofTcfEon may be
li3d the first of November next, or foonor if r«-
quired Apply to
Edward Shoemaker.
September 3 $
Neatly executed at the Office of the
Gaz.ette of the United States.
■ - ? 1 ■ 11 ■■ M ■' U J»U i' it. I. •irsstZ
- r. /■< T\ f DUTIES*
:uri:ent prick. I>. v. j). v.
Spanili 1 2i p 25
Run), Jamaica 115 120 . j lpzS
Antigu: 1 S J> +t h P32
St Croix t y O I a | jth P3B
Windward 93 J 6th P46
New-Englani 75
Gin, Holland 120 125 j8 to 50 c g
Apple Brand) 50 57
Rye 5 b 60
Itaves, wt.Oak pipe M 69 33
Hhd. 40
Heading 40
Red Oak 30
Leogan 26 67
Barrel 26
iteel, German b l 6 "1
Engl'ilh blifterec fa 14 13 l I0 o-' n 3
Crowley's V ,7. 5c 18 J P er C *
American 140 '44
itarch 11 10 11 15 prct ad
iugar,' Havan. white C t6 16 50 £ cts per lb
Brown 12 2t do
India, Ift quality i» 11 50 12 2 do
Muscovado G 12 16 75 2
;l b 26 64- da
Loft, single res. 9 do
Tar, n. c. b 4 4 50
Jersey I 25
fallow, Ruffla ib 14 12 percent.
Americai 14
lea, Imperial 150 166 { 3acein ,
Young Hyson 1 >2 > lb .
Hylon 1 20 j
Hyson Skin 83 87 2° do
Souchong 80 90 '8 do
Bohea 37 12 do
Fin in plates ,y 18 ee
Richmond oh 6 6 jo
do 11 en 6
Peterfburgb 5 75
Fredericklburg 5
Georgia , 4 7j
Carolina 475 5
Twine, Seine ,b ? 400 cts
Sewing 46 .) P er cw^'
Turpentine B 250
fpiritsv 33 4°
Varnilh 33 15
Wine 50
Cydei 18 20
Varnifli 23 25
Verdigreafe 80
Vermillion 2
WAX, Bees lb 30
Wines, Madeira l 'i6o 200 10 to Jo c g
Bft Loud, partic. 1240 o
Sherry 112 125 scents
Lilbon ■ P 145 18 3 ®
IVncriffe •"! 85 93
Malaga 8 > 90 2 °
Fayal 68 7° 28 A °
Port none at market ?° do
]!aret, sup. Bourd'x ,
calks 60 gals. 40 45 40 pr Ct ad V
Old fuperfine cargo 60
Law Books
Imported by fiindry late arrivals from London ■
and Dublin,
Is now arranged and ready for sale,
AF HIS STORE, j;'.--
No. 319, Market-Jlreet,
Where Catalogues will be dehvared on appli
T TF takes thisopportuirf.y of returning his fin-
IJ. cere acknowledgments to thr Gentlemen of
the Bar, and th*ir students in the United States, ■
'for the patronage hisdefignh~s me'with, for es
tablishing a Store, exclusively for the. faie of Law ■-
Books. The advantages which offer thcmfelves
to the profeflioa, from having such to apply to, he
trusts are rendered obvious by the co,iifidcra'ion,
that confining his attention ;o the Impor'ittion of
books, only in that Line, he has it in hh power to
keep conflantly by him, a general ai d most valu
able fopply of the latest and best Editions, and
from his ready iales,to dispose of them, on terms
so moderate as to preclude the- 1 eccffitf of gentle
men importing th»*ir own Librari r*.
Any commands he may be favoured with, from
a single volume to any numbtr, iliall thanktully
nd promptly be attended to. ,
november a 6 w&fr im
At the Office of the Gazette of the Unit*!
j&yj v