treated with, him and is declared even on the veiy face of the paper which he signed. " With refpeft therefore to the supposed demand of his majesty to be admitted to those negotiations, nothing more is neceita ry to be said. The note delivered to NI. IJe Tbogut, by lord Miuto, fufficiently ex plains the part which his majesty is really disposed to tak? in any negotiation which may be regularly let on foot for a general peace. The Kiwg has always been persuaded that the rel'ult of litch* a negotiation can alone effectually re-eftablilh the tranquility qjf Europe. " Experience has confirmed this opinion, and it is only from the conviction of its trnth that his majesty his' rioW'been in duced to wave his objeftion to the firft proposal of a naval armistice, and to enter into the discussion of the conditions on which it may be established. " His majesty judging from the experi ence of ft> many former negotiations, con siders such an arwiftice as in no degree likely either to expedite or facilitate an ar rangement of the direCt interests of Great Britain and France. " He views it in no other light than as ■ temporary advu on the 16th of this month. " It was not merely with a view to discuss those principles, but in order to propose to vour excellency frefh means of reconcilation, that I felt it my duty to request, in my let ter of the 16th, to have an interview with you ; and I had every reason to hope that the explanations into which I lhould have en tered would effectually have obviated the difficulties which are still opposed to the co-n clufion of the general Armiltice. '• You desire, my Lord, that I Ihould give you ttofe explanations in writing. They re late to two points, whichin your firft Nose are represented as being the mod important ; the power of altering the positions of the squad ron« of the Republic during the Armiltice, and the fate of the Allies of Great Brita : n. " x am auihorifed to coefent that the French Ihips of the line (hall not go out of the harbours where they are at present : and if his Majesty infills upon his Allies being in cluded in the' propefed Araiftice, I am au ihorifed also to csnfent that they Ihould enjoy