Gazette of the United States, & daily advertiser. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1800-1801, December 27, 1800, Image 1

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Relative to the Commencement of the
Negotiations of
[No. I.]
No. 8, Hereford-ftreet, le 6 Frue. An. 8,
August 24.
" My I Old,
" However scrupulous I may have hither
to to follow hi all refprtts the path
traced for my official communications with
the ministry of his majesty, yet the secrecy
and dilpatch requitue for those which form
the filbjeft of the sncloi'ed note, appear to
uie 'o jiUUfv a more direfl communication
1 flatter myfrlf therefore,that youi excellen
cy will not dilapprove of the (l«p I now take
of communicating to yon without any in
verven'inn, the intentions of the French
government refpe&ing the overtures which
been made to it by Baron 1 hugut.
" If his majesty should accept the propo
sition contained in the inclosed note, I beg,
my lord that you would appoint, as Coon as
polTiblc, the person who lhall be employed to
treat with we ; and who, without doubt,
will,be guided in this important negotiation
by that spirit of conciliation which alone
can contribute to the reiloration of peace
and good ufidertlanding between the two
government j
" I have the honor to be, with the mof
My 1 r rds, your axcellency'*
Mod humble, and
Mod obed't ferv't
[Signed] OTTO.'
T i anflatton
[No. 2.]
To hit Excellency Lord Grenville, Secretary of State
for the Department ot Foreign Affairs.
*< His Imperii! Majeity having communicated to
thc/gorerpment of the French Republic a Nora from
Lord Minto, Envoy extraordinary aud Miniver i'le
nifotendary of his nrajefty the King o» Great Britain,
at the Court of Vienna, from which Note it appear
that the desire of his Britannic majesty »» to foe a
termination of the war which divides France and j
England, the is fpcedily authorised to
demand from his majesty's ministry further explana
tions refpe&ing the propiiition which has been tranf- |
mitted by the court of Vienna | and, at the feme |
time, a& it appear* imppllib'.e that at the moment
when Austria and England rake a co.Ti.non ihare in ;
the r.egochtions, France Jhould find herfelt under a
suspension of arms with Auliria, and a continuation
ftf hoftilitiea with England, the underligued is, in
like manner a to pr~,urc * ««*«'«
arnatlttce be o-cluded bet"ec. the armies and rhe
fleets of (he wo .ua'.e*, adopting, w-th reipedt to
'.he places which are besieged ar.d blockaded, raen
furei analogous to tho«c which have taken place in
Germany, relative to Ulni, t'hulipsburg, ai 1 ia
u The unde. figne*l has received from
his government the powers iVr
ntjjociatiiig and concluding this general
arniiilice. lie begs his Lord
Grenvtjie to lay thi» note before his Britan
nic Majcity, and to tranlnut to hun his
Shicfty 's answer.
(%nea) " OTTO."
London, the 6th True, Ann. 8. (Aug.
24, 1800,
(No 3)
Downing-ftreet, Augull 2S, 1800.
" Sir,
" I aui to request that you will endeavor,
as soon as yen can to fee M. Oito and to atk
him from me, whether he has an objection
to deliver ta you, (caled up tor Hie, the pa
pers to which his last communication re
fers,at Jii« doing to will expedite his rec
eiving the anlwer to it.
" Y»u will, at the fame time, apprize
him that you are not informed •ftlie par ti
tulars of that commu»icauon, «r of its
tendency , and that you have been charged
to make this enquiry, in order to avoid
drawing any attention to it,
Commiflioner George.
(No. 4)
M. Otto's Full Powers.
1 Buonaparte, First Consul of the French Repub
lic, in virtue of the 40b article of the Oonft ution,
gives to the eitteen Otto, commiflary of the govern
ment tor the exchange of prisoners in fcngfand,
power to propose, to content to, and to Ggn, confor
mably to his inrtru&ions,a general armistice be
tween the French Republic and his majelty the king
of Great Britain.
By the First Confal, BUONAPARTE.
The Sec'ry of State, H. B. MARET.
9 Done at Paris, at the PaUce of Government the
id Fruftidor, year 8 of the Republic.'
No 5. Co-taim, a letter from lord Greaville to
commiflioner George, of the tranfpurt Board desiring
he would wait on monf. Vtto and enclosing him the
heads of a canverfation which he wiilied hi hi to
Jkold with the French comm.liar j.
(No. 6.)
Minute instructiont to Captain Georgt.
August 2S; 1600.
" 1. Todeclare that the Note presented
at Vienna by Lord Minto contains the ex
prellioß of his Majesty's, fentimenta, and
that the King is icady to att in conformity
to it.
" 2. To enquire whether any answer ha
been returned by the French Governmen
to th« propolal contained in M. Thugut'
letter to M. Talleyrand respecting a place
tor the meeting of Plenipotentiaries to cany
on joint negaciation ; or whether M. Otto
is authorised to agree with this government
on the point, agreeadly to the fugjettioß
eentaised in M. Thngut's letter.
3. To express, in that cafe, that cjtber
ot the places named by Mr. Thugut would
be agreed to by his Majesty, and a proper
person for minilYer on his,Majefty's part to
meet the plenipotentiaries of Anftria and
Fmrite, provided that the French Govt in
rnent is willing to enter into l'ufficient en.
gagements for the frredora «f dueft com
munication by couriers with fucli plice of
" 4 1 hat with refpe£t to the propo
sals of an armistice, the king would fee
with great fatisfa&ion, the moment
when he could with propriety adopt auy
measure the immediate effeft of which
would be to put a stop, at for a time
to the calamities of war : but that an armis
tice, as app.ying to nc.val operations, has at
no period ever been pgreed in between G.
Britain and France, during the course of
their negociations for peace, or until the
preliminaries have been aciually signed—
That it cannot, therefore, be considered us
a step necessary to negotiation ; and that
from the dil'putes to which its executien
must unavoidably be expe&ed to gi»e rife,
it might more probably tend to obftru&than
to facilitate the luccefs of tliofe sndeavors
which the two parties might employ for the
restoration of peace ;
That the ciicumftanees of a naval war
ire obviously not such as to admit of such
equal arrangements as are eaftly ellablilhed
with regard to military operations when
iufpended by fuLh an agreement : That it
appears, therefore* at all event 6 premature
to enter even into the difcutfion of this
question, until, from the course of the ne
goci itisns it {hall more clearly appear how
far they are likely to lead to a latisfa&arjr
iflue ; And that no decision could in any
cafe be taken here on such a fubjeft uulefs
the French government bad previously explain
ed ia what manner it is conceived thai the prin
ciples ot the regulations adopted in the Germa
nic armi(tice, with reflect t« blockaded towns,
can be applied to the naval ports and arsenals
of France, fa as (o carry ionu fide into executi
on, as to the refpe&ive maritime forces, the ob
jects which those stipulations have a view with
refpeft to the military pofuions occupied by ike
two armies."
No. 7, contains a letter from Commiffioser
George to Lor<l Grenville, acquainting his lord
/hipofhis having had a conversation with M.
Otto, according to his Lordship's inftruftions.—
He lUtes, " I also informed M. Otto of the very
fubftantal rtafons that will prevent his Majef
ly from agreeing to a general armistice provious
t# ihe ligning of preliminaries, at detailed in
th£ minute which I had the honourof receiving
from your Lordihip; aitd-was aofwcrrd by him,
that he has every reufon (o think, and is person
ally cortvinced, that the continuation of the
—ill depend upon the conclu
iion ot the Eng.ilh •rlvuniagcs
of the latter bring considered by France as <m
equivalent tor tfit very obvious liil'adrtmages of
the German oit. H .ibfTved, thai ihr regu
iMi'iak r»maki«] n ikt Gent).in ar™iiti cfj ( | ()
noi extend to fncli pl<' i| at «ere «js'i
blockajcd 0.-aCiackeii by"ih» French ; judging,
Ariefcre, trom imogv Ai t ch places only as ate
actually blockaded b ihe Engiiih forces, coold
be comprehended in me prupofed, armidice
th rcto'e Be'lille, Mailt, and Alexandria,
(hruid be put on ihe lime footing as U ft, Phi—
liplimrgh, and I -Oirtadt.
" M. Oiro h.ii been inftru&ed to require an
answer t».ihe (iropofai lor a general armiflicc
before the 3d of Scpitnihcr, wliich makei liim
conclude thai hod lUies a>ay again c mujeucc
about ihyt time, llioitlri the propolcd arrhiflice
be pulitively refuted on the pjrt of his Mjjef
ty. H' farther oblerved, thai is long as humi
lities on ihe continent are carried on, {here can
be ao firm balis which to ground tirgoeiation,
as every change on either liJe vi»uli) occalion a
new mbjeft ol'difcuilion.
" M. Otto farther remarked, thai if a gene
ral armiiticc Ihould be agreed on he is autliori
zed to ea'er into any fecuMtjr that may be iho'r
neceflary For the commerce of Great-Britain;
and that the grrat importance of thij fiibjett
■bliges him to enquire whether he is to hive a
written answer on the fubjft of the general ar~, or whether He is to coi.ft.lcr the present
verbal communication as definitive against it.
" R. O£*RGE.
" Right Out, Lord Crcoville."
(No. 8 )
I -I
Dawoinc-ftrrci. Auf. i«. ißex
"MR, 71
" Ai M, Oito (xprefltrt id jron a dcfirg <• rt~
cciTe in • riling 'he Mf«<r of the Cing'i go
vcrnacal to lutaoic, I iranTmii lo jro» thecn
clofid, urhifk I rcqncft jroii will co«iaiUßic*lc
(• him.
" CoaamiAioiier George."
Downiog-ftrrci, Au*. 19.i80c.
" SIR,
" I enclose to you, by king's command,
the answer which his majcfty has thought pr.i
per that 1 fliould '■eturn to the different points
contained in the note which 1 had the honor to
leceive from you.
" The mode which yon adopted for the tranf
miflion of that paper, was perfectly fatisfaftory
to Itis majesty's government ; but as Captain
George has, from his liiuation, the opportunity
of unubferved intercourl'e with you, 1 will re
tjueft yon to tratifmjt td me, through him, any
furiher communications with which you may
be charged by your government refpefting this
" M. Oirn."
No. io, conrains a note from lord Grenville,
in an official form, agreeing nearly word For
word with the minutes of inttructiwns tocapta n
George, contained in No. 6.
HU reii rd-Ptreet, Ayg. 30, l8o».
<c Mv Lprd,
Wo. ii.
" ! received yesterday evening the letter and
the note which your exeellenc* did me the ho
nor to add) ess ti> me, and I immediately trans
mitted ihem to Dover, by an extraordinary
" 1 cannot but he extremely flattered by the
approbation which his Majesty's governmeni
lias been pica led to give to the mode which I
adopted for my political communications
That which your excellency proposes to mi-,
combines-the double advantage of d fpatch and
of secrecy, and 1 thai I fallow it as' 4 ften as or-
•fibe United Stated
By C. P. Wayne, No. 6j, Soi^Pi^i^j^reet.
ders from ray government fliall afford me an
opportunity of profiting by it.
I liave the honor te be, sec»
" OTTO."
~ NOTE. " His Excellency, Lord Grenville,
having been pleased fd inform the urderfign
ed of the intention of -Jih majesty t» feud a
plenipotentiary to Luneviile, in order to rake
a (hire of the negociations which shall be en
tered upon, as soon as the necefftry paffporrs
fliall have been transmitted by the French
government, and as foeii as afluranee fhal.l
have been given refpecling the free corres
pondence of this Plenipotentiary with his
court and with the cou-.tries belonging to the
allies of his inajelly, the undersigned imme
diately dispatched an extraordinary messen
ger in order to communicate these dispositi
ons to his government.
" 1 lie conciliatory and humane sentiments
'which have had an influence in producing this
decision of the cabinet, are a happy prefagc
of the re-efWblilhment of good harmony be
tween two count net which, from the genius
the talents, and the indullry of their people
are so flrongly inttrefled in cherishing the
a ts and the enjoyment of peace. It is with
a view to attain more speedily this end, l'o
ardently delired by all Europe, that the un
dersigned was directed to submit to the Bri
ti(h government tlie projedt of a maritime
truce; but the Ministers of his Majesty
having judged that it would be premature
to enter even upon the discussion of tbis ob
ject, it is his duty to refpett tW motives
which appear to them .to militate against
tuch a negotiation, although lie may have
had every re a (on to hope that the adherence
of his Majesty to that proposal might have
become the pledge of the continuance of the
two aimiftices concluded in Germany and
Italy; the French government not being
able to consent for any length of time, to
facrifice the advantages afforded to it by its
military position upon the continent, without
the afluranee of an analogous facrifice on the |
part of Great Britan.
" If through the imperious force of circum
ftanees, the refultof the negociations of Lu
neviile (hould be fubjefted to the future for
tune of war, it is to be presumed that there
fpeftive inllrutflions and deliberations would
no longer have for a bads a state of things
konwn and ippreciated\>n all fides, and that
the pacific dispositions rnanifefted by the bcl-
ligereat powers, would not produce eflefls as
prompt and salutary as might have been hoped
for from a general truce.
' The apprthenfions of the undersigned,
relative to the probable renewal of hostilities
in Germany and Italy, notwithltandiog the
negociations, which, in concert with his
majesty, (hall be commenced at Luneville,
are confirmed- by the order which he has re
ceived - t,a -&Kci£ an xai*u/pr before the of
(Signed) " OTTO."
Hereford-Jlreet, Aug. 30, 1800."
N°. 13.)
Downing Street, Sep. 2, 1800.
" SIR,
" I am desired that you will apprise Mr.
Otto that the king has-been pleaied eventu
ally to -make choice of Mr. Grenville to re
present his majesty at Luneville, and of Mr.
Garlike, now his majesty's secretary of lega
tion at Berlin, to ait as his majesty's Secre
tary to Mr. Grenville's mission. It will
therefore be neceflary that a leparate passport
for Mr. Oarlike Ihould be fumifhed by the
French Govenment, such as will enable
him to proceed diredlly from Berlin to Lune
vrlle. You will add, that it will be matter
of convenience to his majesty's government,
and to Mr. Garlike personally, if that pass
port instead of being sent through London,
were tranfmilted through the French mipifter
at Berlin, to the Earl 'of Carysfort, his ma
jesty's minister at that court.
" I wllh you further to remark to M. Ot
to, that it is ufuaj in the opening of Negocia
tions for peace, that such previous explanation
Ihould take place as may enable the refpefiivet
Mini Iters to arrive nearly at the fame time a
the place of Nogociation ; and that as the
communication on this point may be received
here so much sooner from Paris than fram
Vienna, his Majesty's Government would
with to be informed, through you, of the pe
riod which may be fixed for the arrival of the
Austrian and French plenipotentiaries at Lu
neville, in order that no delay may take place
on his Majesty's part in the opening of the
Negociation. I am. &c.
(Signed) " GRENVILLE."
"To Captain George."
(Nb. 14.) Translation.
Hereford-Jlreet, Sept. 4.
" Mr Lord,
" Mr. George not being yet returned from
Margate, whither- he has conveyed his fami
ly, I hope that your excellency will not dis
approve of transmitting to you direftly the
very important communications which I re
ceived this morning by an extraordinary cou
rier. I should add. that if his Majesty con
sents to the propqfed Arpiiftice, lam direct
ed to deliver the pafipolt, and to give all the
assurances demanded for the plenipotentiary
who (hall be appointed. I have the honor
to be, &c. " OTTO." '
(No. 15.) Translation.
Note. " The undesigned having commu
nicated to his government the Note dated the
29th of August, forwarded to liim by his
Excellency Lord Grenville, is dire&ed to
submit to him the following observations:
" Preliminaries of Peace had been con
cluded and signed between his Imperial Ma
jesty and the French RepupJic. Th« inter-
a?\ * - * « > .
Daily Advertiser.
vention of Lord Minto, who demanded that
England (hould be admitted to take part in
the Negociations, prevented their ratification
by his imperii! Majesty.
>' The suspension of arms which hid taken place
fulel* in the hope of a tpeeJy Peace between the
hmperer and the Republic ought then to cease, and
will !« fa A cease on the 04th Fruit ul or, ii:b of
September fine* France had fierificed to th« H. Pr
'lone the imme&fe advantages which Yi&ofy had
feeored to her.
I " The intervention of England, renders the ques
tion of Peace so complicated, that it iiimpoflifcle for
'he French Government to prolong farther the Ar
mistice upon the contiaent. unless his Brittannic
Majtlr wi l consent to render it common to the three
" If then the Cabinet of St. James's de
sires to continue to make acommon canfe with
Austria, and if its desire to take part in the
Negociation be sincere, his Britannic Majes
ty will not hesitate to adopt the proposed Ar
" But if this Arrniftice be not concluded
before the 24th Frudlidor, nth Sepkhofti
lities will have been renewed with Austria,
and the First Consul will no longer be able
to confse t, with regard to that power, to any
but a feperate and complete Peace.
" In order to fatisfy the explanation de
manded relative to the Arrniftice thq under
signed is direfled to acquaint Lord Grenville
that the places which it is proposed to assimi
late to those of Germany, are Malta and the
maritime towns of Egypt.
" If it fee true that a long fufpenCon of
arms between France and England, .would
appear unfavourable to his Britannic Majcfty,
it is no left fe,—that an arrniftice prolonged
upon the continent would be eflentially alf
advantageous to the French Republic; so
that at the fame time that the naval arrniftice
would be to the French government a pledge
of the zeal which would be employed by En
gland in promoting the re-eftablilhment of
peace, the continental arrniftice would be one
also to ihe British government of tha sinceri
ty of the efforts of France: afid as the pofi
tipn of Austria would no longer admit of her
not diligently seeking for a conclusion, the
three powers would have, in their own pri
vate interests, decisive reasons for confentins
without delay to the facrifices which may be
reciprocally neceflary in order to bring about
an early conclusion of a general and solid
peace, such as may answer the with and the
hope of the whole world.
(Signed) OTTO."
" Hcrtford-Jlrcet, Sept. 4, 1800."
[No. 16J »
Dawning firett, Srpt. 4, isoo.
" Sir,
11 It appearing by a note received this day from
M Otfco, that the French g vernment has determi
ned to make the continuance of the armitHce be
tween Authia and France, and the commencement
cf thr Hcgoeiatir-na for pe*ce, dependent on Che COQ
clufiost of an armistice wkh this country, it is judged
proper, in order that the ultimate decision oh ij im
portant and extensive aqueftion, may be taken with
the fulleft knowledge of all the considerations by
which itf;ughtto be governed that you ihould fre M
O Co, and inquire of him, whether [as his note of the
joth ult. appears to intimate] he is furnithed with a
ProjcCt of a Treaty or Naval Truce 5 and in that
cale whether fee is willing tc comtnunicaie it to
you for the information of his majesty's govern
" X ou further enquire, Whether
he is empowered and inftru&ed to include
in furh treaiy, his majesty's allies.
" And laitly, if hisprojedt Ihould con
tain no article applicable to the question of
moving the French and SpaniOi Uups now
in Brelt, to any other (lation in or out
Europe, yt.u will enquire, Whether M.
Otto is authorised to enter into negocia
tion for the purpose of including preuer'
stipulations oh that fubjedt in any treaty of
the nature which his government has pro
p.ifid. lam &c'.
(Signed) "GRENVILLE."
" Evan t-eapean Sifq."
(No. 17.) London Sept. 4. 1800.
" M* Lobd,
" Since 1 had the honour of comruitrr
cating to your Lorafliip 'he conveifation
that had pal Ted between ine and \I. Otto
on the lubjeA of the proposal for a Naval
Aruiiftice. and the readinefa he had ex.
prelTed of fui inr with a copy of the
Piojeft, I have received from him the m
cloled Note and thp Projeft therein refer
red to.
'• I have the honor to be, 53"c.
(Signed) " EVAN NEPEAN.
" Lord Grenville."
(No. 18.) /
project, " 1 There tha'l be a ftifpen
(ion of hostilities between the fleets and
armies of the French Republic and thafe-ef
Great Britain.
" 2 Tire fliips ef war and merchant
vefitls of each nation lhall enjoy a free na
vigation, wi'hout being fubjeft t© any
learch, and (hall observe the nlagecftab
lifhed previous to the war.
" 3. All veffeh ®f either nation, captur
ed after the—of Frudtid >r, (hall be restored
"4. The places of Malm, Alexandria
Btlleifle, shall b» aflimilatrd to the places
of Ulm, of Philipfburgli, and of Ingoldltadi ;
rjiat it to fayi all neutral or French vessels
(hall have pe,million freely to inter ihem in
order tofurnilh thein with provisions.
" s.The Iqnadrons which bloik:ide Brest
Cadis, Toulon, Flulhing, Ihall return into
their own) hai-feours, or at least Ihall keep
out of fight of the coafi.
«* 6. I hree Englilh officers ftiall be dif
patched, one direftly to Hie Admiral com
manding in she Mediterranean, another to
the Co'i mander. of ihr squadron before
Malta, the third to the Commander of the
_ ■ . ' / ' "ir.T " v ; ';;; "' -- f- •—*
*"' ' I ll*
bl' Ck»c}e of Alexandria, to -notify to thefij.
the prrffnt Aruniflice, and to -convey W
them orders to conform thamfelvej. thera
unto. I tie said Officers (ball p«f s Arotgh
Fiance, in order the more expeditioufly t«
arrive it their deftinatioo.
"7. tin Catholic Majesty and the B*t*»
vian Republic are included in the pre lent
A.rmiflice»" *
(No. 19.) NOTE.
" ' he only motive which could lead thU
court to entertain tbe ajfeufiion of a. pro*
unufqal .in itfett, and so difadvan*
tageous to the interefls of Great Britain,
as that ps a maratiaie truce to. precede
negociation, is the desire of contributing
to facilitate the conclusion ps a general
peace , and the termination of the ariniftioa
oil the Continent, by the adt.of the French,
government, would put an end to all in«
ducernentb to luch a tneaiure ott the part
of this country:
" The necessity of receiving the king 1 #
commands on the project communicated
I by M. Otto, mud prevent the underjig
! Ed from transmitting any reply to that
paper before Sunday ne*t. It is, thcra
| fore, for M. Otto to determine whether
j he will not think it proper immediately
ito write to his government to remark,
j that if France has proposed an armifticc
I With Great-Britain, for the purpose of
its leading to a general negociation for
peace, that objedt can ■ nly be attained
by at least such a. prolongation of the
contiren <* armiltke, as will allow the
time required for receiving the afifwer t®
the proposal made here.
(Signed) « GRENVILLE.'*
Downing-ftreet. Sept j, 1800.
(No. 20.)
«« hurfday evening, Sept. 4, ilotf.
" CirisS h Otto presents his compli
m nts to Mr. >epean, and according t<J
his desire, enslofes a sketch of the treaty
proposed by his government."
bo. ar, contains a letter from ft r-
Otto, dated Sept 5, dating, that the ne
ceflary paflports (hall be granted to Mr.
Granville and Mr. Garlike.
(<*o, 22') Translation,
«« The undersigned received yesterday,
at four o'clock in the afternoon, t. e ncfte
which his Excellency Lord Grenvilk did
him he honor toaddrefs him. It appear
ed to him to be of TulU high tauce,
that at th? lame hour he transmitted it by
an extraordinary mefTenger 10 his govern-.-
raent. He hopes that it arrive in tirtie
to produce the effeft which his excelleacy
has h*d ifi view ; and if it fcrve to prolong
for a few days the continental armiltices, he
will congratulate hiuifelf very much oa
having had it in his power td contribute
" He begs his excellency to accept
homage of his refpetlful consideration.
(Signed) orro.
Hereford-ftreet, ?ept. 6, 1800.
, (No. 22 ) NOTE.
" LordGrenville prefenti his compliments
to Mr. Otto, and lends him herewith the
official answer to his lall communication, on
the fubjedt of an armillice, together wtjh
the counter projet therein referred t» t
" He requetts Mr. Otto to accept the
afTurances of his high co»G>lei ation.
Downing-flreet, Sept. 7, 1800.
£No. 24.] NOTE.
" The undersigned has had the honor to
lay before the king the official answer of
the French government, which he received
from M. Otto on the 4th inft. and also the
projet of aH armistice, communicated on the
fame day.
" The spirit of that arrfVreris unhappily
bjt little consonant with those appearances
of a conciliatory difpclttion which had bt
foie been nianitefted. If it be really prac«
ticable in the prcfent moment to restore
permanent tranquili ly to Europe, this <jb«
jest mull be effected hy very diffcient means
than th»('e of fiich a ccntroverl'y as that pa
per is calculatrd to produce.
" Some reply is, however indiCpeni'iblf
necessary to the aflertions .here adtanced,
which, if now palfed over, wight hereafter
be considered as a«l mitted.
i '' 'J'he articles which an Austrian officer,
charged with no such commiflion, was per—
suaded to fi«n at Paris, do indeed appear to
his nia jetty little calculated to terminate
the calamities of Europe.
" But whatever be the tendency of the
conditions which the Frinch government
has there fpecified, there caw be no pretence
for representing them as preliminaries co*>
eluded by Austria, or annulled by the in*,
tervention of his majesty.
" The engagements by whieh the Courts
of London and Vienna have ag eed not to
treat except in concert with each other,
were concluded before thrre was any quel
tion of those pretended preliminaries of
peace. And the firft intimations which his
majesty received of their iignatures, were
accompanied by the express declaration of
his ally, that they were wholly unauthori
sed? and mult be considered as abl'olutejy
" The French government Could indeed
expeft lio other determination to be taken
by his Imperial Majesty. Ihe want of all
powers or inftru&ions for such a treaty, op
the part of the Austrian officer, was at the
time diftin&ly notified by him to those wh«
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