TREASURY DEPARTMENT, Wafhinglan, September \JI, 1800. Public Notice is hereby Given, In pursuance 0/ an ad of Congress, pajpd on the 23-/ day of sfp-ril, one thoufund eight hundred, entitled "An aS to ejlablilh d General Stamp- OJ/ice,'' THAT a Genfcral Stamp-Office is noiv eftablKhed at the feat of government, in tne city of Wafhingtan, from whence there will iflue, from and after the date hereof, (upon the application of the Supervisors of the Revenue, under vthofe manogement the colleftion of the Himp duties i6'placed) any quantities of paper, pa«ohrmMit and vellum, marked or (tamped, arid duly counter-Itamp fd, with the following rates of duty which are demandable by law : For every (k\r or piece of vellum or parchment, or (heet or piece of paper, upon which (ha'l be written or printed any or cither of the iuftru ments or w-ritings following, to wit, AD.SU, C M. NY certificate of naturalization s Any licence to prai£lice K nr certificate oi the admiflion, »nro aentorre giftry of any. counsellor, Solicitor Advocate attorney, orpro&or, in any court of the United States t-o Provided, that a certificate in any one of the courts tof he United States, for arfy bneof the said officei, (hall so far 33 rentes to the payment of the duty aforefaid, he a fufficient admis sion in all the' coons of the United Stated, for each and every of the said officei. Any grant or letters patent,under ilje seal or authority of the United States (except for lands granted for military fervic«s) 4 Any exemplification or certified copy of any such gram or letters patent (except for lands granted for mili tary services) » Any charter party, bottomry or ro fpoudentia bond I \hvy receipt or discharge for or on ac count of any legacy left by any •will or other tcilimentary inftru tcent, or for any lliare or part of a personal eflate, divided by force of any statute of diftriVntiops other than to rhe wife, children or «r-and xhildren of the person dileafed, the >an\onnt whe reo; shall be abo®e the Vaine f fifty dollars, and (hall not e*ceed the value ol one hundred dollars »5 When the amount thereof ftiall ex ceed the value of one hundred dol lars, and (hall not exceed five hun dred dollats jo }And tor every further sum of five hundred dollars, the additional sum of 1 Asy polity of inftirance or instru ment in nature thereof, when the sum fiit which infurante is made (hail not exceed five hundred dol lars »5 "WKeu the sum inliired (hall exewd fi<?e hundred dollars I Any "exemplification of what nature soever, that (hiH pass the seal of any c«urt, other than such as it m*y be the duty of the clerk tif court to furnilh for the use of the United Studs, or some parti culsr state 5® Any bind, bill fing'e or penal, inland bill of exchange, promissory note or other ncte (other Than any recognizance, bill, b»nd or other obligation or contrail, made to or with the United States, or any Bate, or for their use refpedtively ; anil any bonds required in any cafa bv the laws of the United States, or of any state, upon legal process, or in anv judicial proceeding, or for the faithful performance of any trust or duty) If above twenty dollars and not 1 . e?(c;ee''ing one hundred tlwllars lo If above one hundred and not ex ceeding five hundred dollars aj If above fiv® hundred and not ex ceeding one thoufjnd dollars jo And it above one thi ufand dollars 7 j frovidtd, that if any bonds or notes shall be payable at or within fixtv davs, such bo/ids or notes (hill be fubjedl to • nly two fi;th parts of the cuty aforefaid, viz. If above twenty aAd not exceeding one h#h tired dollars 4 If above rne hundred dollars and not exceeding fivehund'ed dollars 10 If above live hundred dollars and not exceeding one thou s and dolls. 10 It above one thoufjnd dollars jo /Any foreign bill of exchange, draft or order for the paym.-nt of money in any foreign country , ic> The laid daty being charge able upon each and every bill of ex change, without'refpedl to the num ber contained in each set* Ar<7 note or bill of lading or writing / or ueceipt in nature thereof, for godbs or merchandize to be ex ported ; If from one diftriil to another dil tiifl of theUniled States,not being in the fame state 4 ' If from the United States to any so- v reign pert or place 10 0 The said duty being cbargohle 1 upon nrh and every bill of lading without rifpeA to the number con tained to each iet. ( Any notes iffuecd by the banks now f eiUHilhed or'that may be hereafter f eftablifbed within the United t States, <»ther than the notes of r foch of the said banks as (hall a- c to an annual coropofition of « one per centum on the annual di- e videitds made by fnch hanks, c* I their ftockh' Ideis refpeihvely, ac cording totke following scale I On all notes not exceeding'fifty <J«I- jgSg- rz lars, for each dollar 6 On all notes above fifty dollars .ind not axceedijigone hundred dollars s° On all notes above one hundred do!- v lars and notexcteding five hundred ; dollars * a On all sotesaleve ftve hundred dol lars Any protuft or other notarial a.-< 1 ,» Any letter of attorney, except for an Invalid petition, or to obtain or fell yarrants for land granttd by the United St3t»s as bounty for military ferviecs performed in the late ww 2$ Jj vAny inventory or cj'alogae of any fur niture, g«od« or effeAs, made in any A 1 cafe required by law (except in cafe of gvods and chittels cliftramosl for rem »r tase», and goods taken in Vrt- tue of any legal pj-ocefs by any officer JO A»y c rtiKcjtes us a Ih-ire in any insu rance of a fttar,' in the bank of the United States, or ps any state or other bank ; If above twehty dollars and not exceed ing one hundred dollars lo A If above one hundred dollars »5 J} iug one hundred dollars If above one hundred dollars If under twer.-y dollars, at the riti of ten cents lor one hundred dollars. Tim the power of tjie supervisors of the Revenue to liiaHc or (tamp any vellum, parchment or paper chargeable with duty, will and determine from and after fix months from the date hereof, to wit, on the lafl day of February 1801. That, if any persons (hall, after the lad day of February ißei, have in their cultody or pofl-(fion, any vellum, parchniem or pa per, marked or (tamped by ihe fupe-rvifors oi the Revenue, upon which any matter or thing, charged with duty, (hall not Iwve been written or printed, they may at any time within the space of sixty days after the said last day tf February 1801, bring or fend such vellum, parchment and paper, Bnto fofhe office of infpefVion, and in lieu thereof, receive a like quantity or value of vellum, parchment and paper, duly (lamped in pursuance of the a£l herein before recited. And in cafe any person (hall negledl or re tnle, within the time aforefaid, to bring or cause to be brought unto Come officer of in- Ipection, any f«ch vellum, parchuent or pn per, it is hereby declared, that the fame will 1 hereafter be «f 110 other cfteft or use, thin if it had «ever beeti marked or (lamped, and that all matters and things, which may af ter that time be written «r printed upon ajiy vrllul, parchment or paper, authorized to be exchanged in raarmer xforefaid, will be of no other effctt, than if they had been written or printed on paper, parchment or vellum, Hot marW-d or Itainjied. IV. And for the convenience of tl.ofe psrfons who re ay be inclined to have their own vel lum, parchment and paper (tamped or mark ed, it \s hereby peclared, thqt when any per- son deposit any vellum, parchmrtit or p.ipf r at the office i?f a fapervifor, accompa nied with a lift, ratifying the number and denomination of the (tamps or mark*, which are d«;fiied to be thereto affixed, the, fame will htf transmitted to the Gfneral Stpam- OfFic, and there properly marked or flumped, and forthwith sent back to the fame super visor, who will thereupon colle£l the dutic; and deliver the paper, parchment or vellum, to the order of the person from whoin the Came was received. Given under my HasJ, and the Ssal (L. S.) of'the Treasury, at Wa(hing ton, the diy and year akuve men tioned. OLIVER WOLCOTT, Secretary of the Treasury. djro. firptrmbcr 19. Certificates Loft. LOST, THE undermentioned certificates of Hock o t'*« Bai.kof the United ltat?«, »iz No. 978. d»tc I tft January, 179.?, for fi»e ikarc» in the Bourdieu, Chollctt and Bourdiou No 17166, dated id of January ,1798, for five !hare«,in the «*me "I the Bright h»n. lord John Townlhcnd. Notice is hereby given. That application is intended to be at (he said Bank hy the fuhferibe-, for a rmtwal of the fame.of which all persons concctnei are requested to take notice. JOHN WARDER. Philadelphia, 10 mo. 18, 1800 tuthfajm Loft, TN the (hip Kenfing<«n,captain Kerr, in the year I 1794. having been captured ky the French r.n her \oyagefrom herce to Amfter !am,the follow ing certificates of stock of the Bank of the United States, standing m the name of Benjamin Chap man jVoj. 432 iy 436 (xf 4 Sbans cacb; 158 3 do. 1215, It 16, I 217, I dn. Application it made at f*id Bank by the fubferi her lor a renewal ol the fame, of which all perfsns concerned aredcfireJ to take notice. JOHN MII.LER, Jurr. oft. 17. dam. The Porcupine. I TAKE this method of informing the People of th« Unfted S-tates, Chat on the firftdayof No vember n<xt, I propose to rcfume the publication of Porcupine's Gazette, under the titl* of THE PORCtjnNEY aud to notify (in cafe any geotle man in America should want it) that the price of each Number will be fixpcnce llcrling, and that the cast mud be received by me before the paper can be tupplied.— As to the mode of conveyance, fa frequent are the opportunities from Lomkun to Now York, that files may be forwarded ta the lat. tcr plate once a fortnight upon an av.rage—from Nev»-York they can be fpcedily conveyed to ev ery part of the Union. When files can be, with out delav, Cent t •thru places direct, it may be done ; when tiiey cannot, they will all be fentt# JJew-York, unlets otherwise ordored. £s* Porcupine's fVorkt, Which have been fometimc in the Pr»f«, wil ba caihpVted in February nest, when the copies for in America will be forwarded to the Sufefcrifccrs. Any of my literary friends in America, who may be disposed to ranew their correspondence with mej will 'o dire<& to me at my print ing office. No. Southampton flreet, Straiitl, or at my Bookl'ellcr's {hop. No. 18, Fall Mall. WILLIAM COBBETT. bcudon, Peytamber t, ißce. Wanted to charter FOR EUROPE, A Vessel, ~3tt3as£&£Lmt 0 f , or 280 tons burthen, q Apply to t Jatties, Clibbarn, & Englijh. ' ia mo. 9th. $ For Liverpool, , To return an early Spring ship to Pfr'hi- ' delphia, v MjjL R O"s E, of Philadelphia SILAS JONES, made!.-, ] Burthen l?o tons. Is intrnded to be speedily dis patched. For freight or passage as ply to ] JOHN ENGLISH, No. i 47, Water flreet, or JAMES, CLIBBORN ENGLISH, Philadelphia Niw-Yokk, Dec, id. 1800. §_ For Sale, THS SCHO6NJR ELIZA KA.TY, ijfl'iSiiiSa George Parker, mafler ; V ■ w Burthen no tons, 4 months old, fa:is lift, and is pierced fori4 guns. Ap ply to the matter on board at Downing's whlrf, or SAMUEL RHOADS, 1 No. i, Penn Street. November 11. dtf For Hamburgh, £— a._ The Hamburgh ship Three Friends, John Peter Janfen, master, ' A fuhftantial strong good'vtff:), and well found 1 is intended te fail previous to the 15th of Decem- I bar. two thirds of her cargo being ready to go or. board—For the remainder, or pafltge, apply to JAjCOB SPERRY W Co. : Wbe have received per said vejfel 1 and are row Landing, , P I.ATILLAS&OYALES Britannia® Qttidruplc Selefiaa Checks, No a, and LiQadccs a la Morlaiz Arabics Stripe? Selefia Handkerchiefs r Bizztis Oil Cloths » I , Gun Flints Aljo on Hand t Checks and (Wipes Boccadillos, Br:tannia9, Ccf f rillos Brown RolU, Rtlopilk*, Creas a U Mor tals, Bielcfield fine Shirtirg, I.inncns, DowUfs, » Sjamoife, Tapes ,GlafsWarcs,Cc£ee Mills Scythe*, Dcmyjohns, Quills. 5 ivvemhcr n dxot—fu&fr^w^ > 30,000 lbs. bejl heavy Black Pepper, FOR SALE BY SAMUEL RHOADS, No. i, Penn Street. December r. <5 . Ihorpas Orr, dm. c. a* * South Fhont Strest, HAS received by the latest arrivals from Lon. don, a well chosen aflortment as the fol lowing articles: CALICOES and Chintzes, ( a great variety) Furniture do. do. Corded Dimities for garments jind furnilure Duranti, Joans and Calimancois li mbazttts and Bombazeens Printed Linen and Cotton Handkerchiefs *nd Lawn bordered d*. Jaconet and Book Muslin handkerchiefs Shawls, Cotton and Chintz, a great variety Do. Camel's Hair Hosiery, Worsted and Cotton of all sizes Do China White and Black Silk Table Cloth*, from j 4. to 10 by 16-4 with and without Napkins Thread, Gauze, Lawns and Cambricks Jaconet and Lapett Muslins, coloured and plain While and Black Lace, Lace Veils, Cloak, and Handkerchiefs Black Mode, Vetlongs and Satins White and printed Marseilles for vests Swanfdown, ftripedand plaid. Cotton Checks (five) 1 8, 4-a, ii-8, and 6-4 iilack and coloured Barcelona handkerchiefs ludia Bandanna do ot super.or quality White, Red and Yellow Fiaunels Guernsey Worsted Frocks A f«w dozen keft elastic Suspenders. Jti« Rccrirrd, a well »fTortrd Invoice el India Muslins, CONSISTING OF Berhkoom Gurrahs Patni Raftas Mahabad Emernes Do. Gurrahs •Company Guzzipora Janna Mamoodits. CulTas. By the Bale or Piece O£tol>er 18. diw .^awtf. FOR YOUNG LADIES. IST. GOUIN DUFIEF, prcfcffor of the Frwich lunguag*, will open on Tuslday, the 9th of De cember, at Mrs. Beck's Academy, in Fifth llieet, oppofitc the Srat-' House gard n, a morning (chool or young ladies,from eleven till one o'clock (every otier day.) Parents or guardians are defircd to make early application, that the fchojars may have the mutual advantags of l-eginning ato»ce. N. G. Dufief, has the honor to inform th em that he ii the auther of a course of praitical lec tures and conferences on the noli eflfential parts of the French language, by means of which, the lear ner is f«ou initiated in the most approved pradice of this polite and fafliienable language. An analysis of fiis p an of tu : tion, and of his work having beAn givcin at length in the public papers, they are referred to the Gazette of the United States and the Aurora for .September lift. For terms and other partienhrs apply at No j, fourh Fifth street, or at Mrs. Beck's on the days and flours of tuition jtfortfoid, December a. eodSt.J No. 52, Be ha* Also French School, NOTICE. Bank of the United States, NoVKMBfR 17, 1800. THE Stockholders of the Bank of :he United States arc informed, that accerrfing |to the Qatu'e of incorporation, a General Ele&ion for twency five DireiSors, will be held at the Bank ot the United States, in the city of Philadelphia, on Monday the sth of January next, at ten o'clock in ihe forenoon. And pursuant to the eleventh ft &ion of the bye laws, the stockholders of the said Bark are alio no tifietito affcmMe in general meeting, at the fame place, on Tuesday the 6th of January next, at fix o'clock in the evening. G SIMPSON, Cashier. Second Fundamental Article. Mot more than three foartht ot the Dlre&or* In office, eicluDre of the Prafident (hall he eligible for the next rafuiog year, but the Di<e&or who stall be PreCdent at the tiro* of an Elc&i<-n stay alwaya he rv-elr&ed. tu »jJ* Infuranct Company of North America. 0- THE STOCKHOLDERS are hereby informed, that a flatrd Meeting of the Com pany will be held it their Office, on the 13th day of January next, (being the second Thurs day in the Month) for the Eleilion of twenty five Direflorsf, r the enlmnjf year. CHARLES PETTIf, President. December ic- f&ttijihj Bank of North America. Notice is hereby given to the Stockholders of the Bank of North Amer ica, that on the second Monday, the lath day of January next, an EleAion of twelve Direc tors for the ensuing year, will be heU at the Pack at 10 of the clock in the f -rennon. H. DRINKER, j«nr. Cashier. a»w;w&dtiaj. Jufl Received by A. Dickens ; Oppofitc Christ Church, Desultory Reflections, ON THS Political Aspect of PUBLIC AFFAIRS In the United States of America. Pirt-JL^ " And I Inaked, and "beheld a pale horse : and " his name fhat lit on him w'as Death, and " Hell followed with hira " ( Frice 35 Cents ) ALSO CARMEN SECULARE For the year 1800. By Henry James Page P.L. Suptrbly printed in 4.(0 (Price 75 Cents.) r December 10. § PROPOSALS rvgiistrtNc ar sviscmrrtON, The Works OF THE Hon. James Wilson, Efq- L. L. .D Late one of the Assbciate Justices of the Supreme Court of the United. States and Projessor at Law in the College and Academy of Philadelphia. From the original manrfcript, in tfit pofTcllion of Bird ft'ilson, Esq. CONDITIONS. These works (hall be elegantly printed in two volumes oAavo, and* delivered to fubfcribcri at five dollars. They (hall be pat to press as soon as the fubferip tions'will juftify ttie eipence o[ publication, {subscriptions Will be received by AS BURY DICKINS, The puhlilher, opposite Chritt-Cbiirch, PV>ila .delphia ; and bj the principal bookfcllers through out the United States. *.* A ProfpeJlus of the werk may be fe«i at the place of fubfeription. feptember 13 § A. Dickins, Opposite Chh i st-Chuuch HAS JUST PUBLISHED, A neat and correct Edition OF The Exercises, ADAPTED TO Murray's Englijh Grammar, Designed for the benefit of private Learners as well for the use of Schools, with Key, BY LINDLEY MURRAY. [Price one Dollar.3 December 5, NEW- BOOKS, RECEIVED BY A. DICKINS, oppoGte Christ Church. Millars Gardner'* Di&iwiary, new edition, folio oo VPeh"s Travels, » vols 7 c '° Rochcfaucault's Trivcll, 4 vols 12 oo Anti-Jacobin Examiner, x vols. 6 5° Biioasparu's Intercepted Letters 1 3 7S Crutwell's Gazetrer, 3 vols, and atlas 18 co New Biographical Dictionary, I' vols 37 JO D'l vernois's Survey of tjie Luffis of the French Nation • 5° Parson's Britilh Chflics, ,l 6 vols 4® or: New System of Natural History, 3 vols 11 so Payne's Epitome of History, » vols 600 Chederfield'i Works, 4 vols 11 00 I» 00 ,oMlmith's works, 7 vol» * ilpole's royal and 11 oh if authors ron's new geography, 4 vela. 11 00 P e rke, 00 Ijifurance, new ijon. ed. «f 1800 S 00 Dr. Currie'« c.'.ic. of Burm's workv 4 vols n 00 Ftnno's edition of Gifford's works, Iv. Is iIS PAMPHLETS. Duigenan'j reply to Grattan, I JS Report of the fccret committee of the houfs of commons on '.h" 1 risK rebellion X Rose's examination of th« increase of ths revenue,commerce. See, of O. Britain Oiflord'i letter to the Earl of Landerda'e Romel's narrative of the D«porution to Cayenne Aime'a do A '4««mbir II WILLIAM BLACK, Of Dover, ii' Dc i'wut, HAVINO obnincd th< copyright of D. W« Poetical Nolfcgay, and *thcr worki, by in- for file, tli. Newcorrtb'f Version, at 2S ccnt« a copy. Mite of Praise, at it i-i cents a copy. Thia work originated fft>m refpeft To Him, who rul'd, ancSHim who rules the Land And tho' imperlcft—it may not displease. NARRATIVES OF THE PIRATES, (Baker, Lacroix, & Bero«fe or Bruus—price ao cents. BALL'S FAST DA Y SERMON, price 30 cents. Here piety and po'icy combine, To prove Bait both a ftatcfman and divine ; That the best way to guard the civil rights When pi«ty with policy unites; From France expelled pi/ty we fee, And in her place stalks murd'rous anarchy. THE POETICAL NOSEGAY, By D. W. price <ocents. Where Workman ftanas the Semple of the day, Qr, revolutionizing, stalks away ; Array'd with guilt—the (harp r plays the sneak And leaves the heart of inilocrnce to break. Impos'd on innocenct, ill anguilh, weeps, While onward to his lawn, Hugh Workman keeps. MORAL SKETCHES. And * variaty of other Works. Orders post paid, and price sent, attended to by • WILLIAM BLACK laniim November r c PROPOSALS ' FOR PUBLISHING THE Powers of Genius, A POEM, 0 IN THREE PASTS; 1 ' To which are attached General Criticisms en Author AND ILLUSTRATIONS OF GENIUS. By the Rev. Jpbit Blair Lrnil, Minister ©f the First Prefbyterean Church, in the City of Philadelphia. This work will !■ e put to prels as soon as poffi le, k will form a duodecimo vo ume ; will be printed with elegance:, on paper st the ted qniHtf. i.d will be deliyereJ to fubferi'strs at th-. price if-ne dollar, inbeardß. The woi-k wilt bcp;intcii un der the care, and at the cxpence of the tut'.n: fjT Subscriptions are received by Afbury Dick; ens. *.* Thof-> perfoas into whose hands fubfcriptioti papers are delivsred, are requeue ' to return them to the aucncr, or to Mr. Dickir.s, Bookseller, at the expiration of three weeks lrom this date. Philadelphia, Dec. 6 PROPOSAL BY THOMAS DOBSON, At the Stsne-Housq, No. 41, south Second ' street, Philadelphia, FOR PUBUSHLNG BY - 'BSCRIPTIptf, ENCTCLOPjEDIA } OR A DICTIONARY Arts, Sciences, AND Miscellaneous Literature ; On a P an entirely New, By which The different Sciences and Arts Are digefieJ into the Form of PiftinA TREATISES or SYSI'EMS, comprehending THE Hiflory, Theory, and PratUce ef each, according ro the Uteft Discoveries and im provements ; and full explanations given of the irariout detached parti of Knowledge, whether relating to nataral and rrtificial objeiU or to matters «c ---cltfiaftical, civil, military commercial, &c In cluding i of the mod important topics relative to re'igion, morals manners an>i the aeco nomy of life : together with a deferif tion of all the countries, cities, principal mountains, seas, ri vers &c throughout the world; a general History, undent and modern, of the different empires, king doms and dates ; and an account of the lives of the mod eminent per Cons in every nation, from the earlietl ages down to the present times Compiled from the writings of the heft authors in several languages ; the mod approved diiliOnarieo, as well ol general sciences as of pirticular tranche i ; the tranfa&ions, journals and ulcmoirs, of learncd focUties. both at home and abr .ad ; the MS. Leiftures of eminent prolclTors on different scien ces; and a variety Bf original materials, funiiftud by an txtenfive cerrefpondence The Publilher having been solicited to furnilli sets of »his valuable and important work By one volume at a time, which, by dividing the pay ments, might make the acquisition of the work more convenient to t urchafers, propoics to dispose of the few remaining copies on the following CONDITIONS. The Work being already completed in Eigh teen large Quarto Volmes in boards, Ele gantly printed on Superfine paper, illustra ted with five huydered and fort)-two Cop per-platss 1 I. A Volume in boards will be delivered to each Subscriber every three months till the \yhole be delivered. 11. The price to the Subscriber will be Seven Dollars and a H tlf for every Volume in in boards, pavoble on delivery, which will atnouut t» One Hundred and Thirty-five Dollars for tfre Eighteen Volumes, being the pr»f nt price for complete Sets of the work. 111. Each fubferiber (hall pay the price of out Volume in advance, that is, wSieft the prit Volume is delivered the price of the firft and tighteenth Volume to be paid, and the other Volumes to be paid on delivery. Any Subscriber who may choose to have tlie whole in a fhenertimethan the above mention ed periods, may have ary number »jr Volumes thai may be agreeable at the fame time at the above prices. To prevent any misunderstanding it is pro per to express that no Volwme will be delivered to any person without the money, and as the Sets on hand are but few in number, it will be requfit that inch asjchoofe tobecomt Subscribers (hould apply as early as paffibie to prevent dif appnintn.eiits. The Subfcriptiona will be received by Thomas Dobfon, as above ; Dec. 6. saw6w FOR SALE, OLD Lonp Primer, Srmll Pica on Pica Bady, Enjilifli, Chafes, Comwofing Sticks, and aprea varicty of articles neceflary to carry oh the Fritt ing Bufinefa. They willbe Told cheap tar ci!h Apply to the Printer. 6v 75 • *a* I S9 •»*> p * • •
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers