Gazette of the United States, & daily advertiser. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1800-1801, December 26, 1800, Image 3

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    By this Day s Mails
SALEM, December 1
T he Mond iy previous to Thanksgiving-,
Mr. Joseph Lord, jun. of Ipswich, was re
turning from Boston, where he had been to
receive the int-ered 011 Ibme State Notes, to
the amount ol 2or 30° dollars. In the new
road, just at lull-down, be was (topped bv a
large Blackmail, who laid hold of the boric's
Jridle, and demanded the young man's mo
ney—Mr. Lord was considerably dartled at
firft, and ' endeavoured to warn him of the*
consequences of such conduift but the Fei
- low relolHtely perfided in demanding his mo
ney—finally, as Mr: L. was putting his
hand into his pocket to deliver him his loose
change, he observed a man on horseback
coming towards him—he immediately hal
lowed, and the gentleman rode up, and the
Negro instantly made of— but the gentle
man and Mr. Lord pursued, overtook, and
with considerable refinance, flogged him tj
such a degree that he laid down iji the road
apparently dead. He laid he .would sooner
be killed on the spot than to go to jail, and
they were obliged to leave him the rascal in
the road. The foregoing may be depended
on at fa&s.
NEW-YORK, December 25. •
It was mentioned in our Gazette yester
day, under the London head, that Caraccbi,
who was at the head of the plot for the
aflaffination of Buonaparte, had been in
America. This is true—a Gentleman was
at the office of this Gazette yesterday, who
informed us that he had dined with him
in Philadelphia several times ; and further
mentions, -while in Philadelphia, he
had conltrudted a model r>f a monument
Intended as an honor to the Great Wathing
toit. This mcdel was exhihited for the
infpeftion of several Gentlemen, who were
highly pteafed with the ingenuity of its
Caracchi was genteel in his deportment,
*nd aflociated with Frenchmen oirefpefta
bility while in America.
Since the above, we have conversed with
another Gentleman who saw Caracchi with
his model in this city, in the year 1790.
We dial] not hazard a conjecture on the
nature of his business to this country.
Last evening arrived hers the thip Argus,
Captain.Maine, in 32 days from St. Sebaf
iians. Ihe Captain came on (hore without
the Paris Papers intended for us, wlueli,
he informs os, are as late as the 17th of
November. This morning we (hall receive
them, and on Friday the'readers of the New-
York Gazette m-ty expeft Transitions five
days than any thing heretofore receiv
ed from that quarter. IT7* Undei the
Marine Head will be found feveraj interell
ing articles, received from Captain Maine.
£xtra£l of a letter from an officer on board
the United States fliip PreTident, to his
friend in New-York, dated St. Pierre's
N«». aotJu
« \\r e this morning came to an anchor in
the road oi St. Pierre, where we found
th« John Adams, and the. schooner Experi
ment which we lent in a .few days ago, ha
ving carried away her foretopmaft and sprung
ker foremaft in chace. She is getting new
ones, ind will Coon be at sea again. I be
lieve there are few privateers out now ;
they (lay in the ports ; and if they fee a
•velfel they run out and in again immediately.
This is evidently the cafe ; for none of our
Ships have fallen in with them, and we can
fee jinmbe.-s of them Hinder the land. The
Sloop of War Mrnimack, about. ten days
ago, captured a privateer brig of 14 guns
•that **as driven out of Gurracoa by the
IE/iglilA. The John Adams is going home,
fcer crvife being out. She has captured
chsven prizes this trip, one of which was
retaken and carried into Guadaloupe."
.By anentiaent American Aitiib
A Pjrranrid 100 feet'Yquare at the feafe, and
100 :fcei high, £uilt of blue granite, will
cost. Dolls. 47,816
D . 'l' do. Jto do. ■ ' 57,826
D). 120 da. do. 120 do. 68,855
Do. 130 da. do. tjo do. 80.609
Do. 143 do. do. 140 do. 93'7'9
Do. Ijo do. <fo. Ijo do, 107,586
A Pyramid njo feet bale, and 150 feet
hign, the external psat of the work built
of fiec-ftone, one foot; on the under bed,
aud Uid m courses <»ne foot high, will
cpmun ef free-£t-ne, cubic feet,
at per fooi, 1437,140 dolls. 1
A Pyramid tjo ioetbafe, Dolls. 107,586
Free-Hone work, 57,104
Deo#ft 46,380 ex hie feet graliite,
to 1855 joerclies, at 3 Dolls. 5,565
. A Pyre-mid i-oo fejelinfe, and 100 l'eet high,
the.external part buih of folici free-done,
one foot on the under bed, and laid in
courses one foot hij{li, will contain
20,613 1-3 cubic feet of Hone, at 6s.
per foot, is 16,490 dolls.
A Pyramid 100 feet bale, Dolls. 47.816
Fret-ftcane work, 16,490
jDrJuci $24 perches of ftone,at 3 dotls. 2,47!
Dolls. 61,834
j' We • 3er(Vii)i! tha* fn the prog<efsof the
I negociati ms attending the irt-ih h treaty,
j tlie cowiniffioners oij tin part of France
, labourioully drove to obtain 'the redoratjon
sos the treaty of 1778, and offered in cafe
' that was redored an indemnification for. l'po
liated property ; but dated that in raft- that
treaty was not rein-dated, thj claims of tfie
American government Tor indemnities made
-under that treaty, ought not to tie allowed.
Our commiifioncjs, in conformity to indmc
tioru receivrd, declared the reuidatemeiit of
the treaty ot 1778, to be altogether inad
miffihle ; but endeavoured for a considerable
length of time to obtain confpenlation for
illegal fei^ures, 1 without conni£ling there
with the condition LnfiJled' upon by the
. Frenrh commission. They however failed
; in the ucconjplifhnient of this objecl, and
finally submitted the conlideratian ot liidem
. nities to future negociation.
House of Representatives.
Friday, December 19, 1800.
Mr. Claiborne laid before the House a
memorial of the House of Keprefentalives
of the Mifltffippi Territory, dating some
inconveniences which had arisen from the
wa»t of authority in the governor, to ifTue
writs of ele&ion, in cafe of improper re
turns ; fuggeding alio the want of dilpofi
tion on the part of Governar Sargent, to
have the General Aflemblv organised, and
dating the adv:yitage which would -accrue
10 the territory, it an earlier day for the
meeting of the legiflat,ure was fixtd by a law
of Congrefv
011 motion,
1 lie laid memorial was Werred to Mr.
Claiborne, Mr. Goodrich, and Mr. Nott,
with authority to report by Bill or other
Mr. Davis moved the referrence to the
fame committee of certain rsfolutions fub<
mitted'by him to the hotife during- the, last
feflion, but then not atted upon, stating
the allrged of several unconstitu
tional laws in the MiflfilEppi Territory;
whereby -nujuflirublecxtartiona were pra£li
fed on the citizens.
The refutations were rend ; after the
reading Mr. Grifweld defiied a poftpoße.
merit of the motion for a irferrence till
day, which was aggrerd to* •
Mr. GriS'wOld, from the committee
to whom was referred so much of the Pre
sent's Speech as relates to the Judiciary of
the United States, which having beeui read
twice, was referred to a Committee of the
whole honfe on Monday.
Mr. H. from the committee to
wJiom was referred the several propositions
made commemorative of the services of
George Walhington, reported a bill for
theereflion of a Mausoleum, differing in
110 other refpefts from the former bill re
ported, except as to the materials of which
the Mausoleum is to be constructed ; {he
present bill directing it to be made of stone,
the former one directing it to be tnpde of
He said that the cofnmittee, after ma
tare conlidering the relative merits ps all
the plans proposed, hud preferred the Mau
loleum, as wellfrom its superior
ehe*pnefj to any other.
Th« bill was read twice, and refered to
committee of the whole lioufe on Tues
The committee on unfiniftied bulineft re
ported in patt a lift of certain laws relative
to revenue which expired with the present
session, and recommended to refer the cxpe
denry rf cantinuing them to the committee
of Ways|and Means.
Which report, being read twice, was a
geed trf.
General Anderfon, from the committee of
privileges and eleftions, reported :
" That they have examined Mcflfrs. Vefey,
Trefcot, and Geddes*, three of the mana
gers of the frjeilion fbr members of the le
gislature, in the parilhes of St. Philip and
St. Michael, Charldton, who attended the
committee in consequence of an crder of the
Ploufe of Representatives to tbrsii direfted,
fcr that purpose ; and they having given
their evidence to the fatisf„&ion of the com
mittee ; and tl>e committee having alio exa
mined other gentlemen,' as so the cortdnft of :
all thf managers, a're unaniinoufly ot opini
on, that they the elcdion for the
said pari flies with fairnefi and integrity.—
1 |iey therefore recommend, that they be
difchaiged from farther attendance on the
Committee, and that they be allowed the fame
pay as members of the legislature, ta defray
the expences they have incuired by travelliug
to and tiom Columbia, and attending on the
com mittee."
The report being taken into consideration
by the house, was unanimously agreed to.
* G Aertfon bring confined to his chamber hy
a fev«;re fit ol fickncfs, was prevented from accom
parying hi* tare colleagues.
At Wain's wharf,
The Cargo of the brigEnterprize,
Surinam Molasses,
Of in ejc.elleat quality, in hogflieads, tierces and
And about 40 quarter cash
Fob Sjlr Br
Wharton Lewis,
No. Front street.
o&aber 9 tu th fa tf
Dolls. 139,12^
In tbe House of Representatives.
December 6, rSoo.
Gazette of the United States
For President and Vice President of the
United States.
§ I f
~ ~ £ k fr
<3 y a 53 t
S, iS tt| Co V
New-Hampfliire, '6.6 r
MaflNchufetts; 16 16 I
Rhode-lnand, .4 4.
Conneftitut, 9 J t
Vermont, 4a-
New. York, 12 12 °
7 00 00
7 8 8
3 I
I 2 ' 21 P
! ii
48 8 p
«. 8 [
*■ 4 t;
New-Jcrfty, 7
Pennsylvania, 7
Maryland, j
North-Carolina, 4.
The. Honorable Oliver Ellsworth,
has arrived in England from France, a»d hus
been pre fen ted to the King, by the Ameri
can Minider. Me ♦'as also present at the
premutation of the sword to Lord Nelson by
the city of London. The treaty is scarcely
spoken of in the Lpndoa papers.
Citizen Pit no*, (the late Secretary of
Legation at the Haguf) is appointed French
Commiflaiy General to reCi'e >t Philadelphia.
TTe will aifl as Charge J'Affaires, until a
MinifUr is sent out.
House of Commons, North-Carolina, No
vember 24,.
A melTag« was fen* tp the Senate propof
inp the appointment of a joint committee,
to draw up such amendments to the Consti
tution of the United States as they may
think necelTarv, and that they piake report
during the present week.
The Leg;flature of Maryland adjsnrned
on Friday lafl> after passing eighty-seven
That the Elefl«rs of PreGdent and Vicr-
President in the States of South-Carolina and
Georgia, have given an unnuimotis vote for
Mr. JefTerfon and Mr. Burr, will* not now
admit of a quetlion,—it is dated positively in
the Charleft-jn papers.
. A bill has been introduced into the Le
gitimate of Virginia, tor the prevention rf
" the barbarous cusljin of Eiutil ">£•'' — L lt
difqu'ilifies every per lon who sends, carries
or accepts a challenge to Gghi ni any way
or with any weapon whereby the life of
either party might be endangered, from
holding any property real or personal, and
from exercising any office civil or military,
l'hey (hall also fevernlly be liable to a Crimi
nal profcrution as heretofore. Persons
leaving the (late, to elude the operation of
the law, are comprehended in its provisions.
I Ihe a£t also provides for tile pilnMhment
of such irritating insults, by the imposition
of fines at the discretion of a jury, as were
not heretofore cognizable by law.
Should this law be cafrie4 in . effeft, the
jurifdiclion of the mcjjJcrn " Court of
Honor" will become obfialete in Virginia.
The follovjing bill was read in the House
of Representatives of the United Stdtes oh
Wednesday last.
A Bill concerning the Diftrift of Coliwnbia*
Seflion I. Re it enacted by the Senate and
House of Representatives of the United
States of America in Congress assembled:
That the laws of the fote of Virginia as
they exiftcd on tlie firft inonday of Decem
ber in the year 1800, flisll he and continue
in force in that part of thediftrift of Colum
bia which was ceded by the said (fate to the
United State*, and by them accepted for the
permanent feat of government :and that the
laws of the Have of Maryland, as they exit
ed on the said firlt Monday in December
iliall be and continue ip force in that part
of the said d ftrift whthtvas ceded by the
state to the United State;, and by ttiem ac
cepted as aforef.iid.
Seflion 2. And be: it further enacted,
That all executive and- judicial officers,
appointed by the relpe&ive states of Virq-in.
ia and Maryland, and who had jurifdiflion
in or over the said dirtrift} or any part there
of, on the said firll Monday in December,
according to t!se tenor of the coHftitution
and laws of the said States, Hull continue to
hold and exerclfe such jurifdiftion until re- !
moved by the I'refident of.the United States ,
and that theJppoiutraentUjf all fudi officers
hereafter, (ball be made hi the tiramier de
listed by the second feftion of the frcond
article of tlie Ccuftitutioß ©f the United
3. And be it further enacted. I
Thatnothing in this aft contained fliall in |
any wife alter, impeach or.impair the rights \
granted by or derived fro™ the ads of in- ,
corporation of Alexandria and George-T»wn 1
or any other body corporate or politic with- !
in the raid diftrift.
*i4r -
When the troops at the camp at Amiens
were informed df the Confpiraty again ft Bou
nap-rie tney tngetl to be marched immidiatefy
to Paris. Only 50, however, had per
miflion ; and with their knaplacks at
their backs', they addreflt-d the First Con'
ful,'and in a laconic manser defcrined the
devotion of their comrades of the army to
him. . .
From a Kingston (Jamaica) paper 'No
vember io. ,
" "The brig Diligence,, captain, Hugh
JohnlVon, of this port, with, a cargo of pro
visions from Philadelphia, td the t.f
U. Da vies 8c C<> f was Wt about 9 o'clock,
A.- M. 011 Sunday last during the gale, be
tween the Navaffa andeailend of thin island.
The captain and fourteen Teamen with fume
pii(Tenders were loft, and only two of the
crew laved ; they were taken from off a
spar, 'on which they had been for forty
three hours, by lieutenant Filton in the
tender of his majesty's (hip Abergavenny,
which arrived at port Royal on Friday last.'
We that anion* t(ie paflen
fTengers on board the Diligence, were four
The brig Ruby, from Philadelphia, bound
to Port with naval ftorfs, detain
ed by his majefly's (hip TifiphOiie, wis in
the offing la'ft night.
November 11.
We that an American fliip
was caR away off Plantain Garden River,
ami that the crew were all saved upon
parts* of tlie wreck ; forne of thein arrived
itl this town yeftrrday.
The American brig Juliet, from Philadel
phia, bound to Port-au-Prince, with flour.,
wine, and dry goods, detained by his majefi
ty's (hip Tifiphone, ari ivepl yellerday.
November 12.
66-1 66
I >6i
We are informed that in consequence of
the Americans being- prohibited to trade to
Honduras in their own bottoms, mahogany
has fallen there froni 321 10. to 20 —The
Deception, lioni Providence, a brig from
Cork, and the Duke of Richmond, from
London, arc all lately arrived these in bal
The American brig Dalphin, from Balti
more, bound to St. Thomas's, detained by
his Majesty's (hip Meltiger, arrived yester
Tliree fliipi were in the offing last night,
supposed from Africa.
u ARRIVED, days
Brig Christiana and Andrew, Brown, Ham
burg 47
Merchandize—to A< Ficlch
d Brig Polly and Mary Ann, Vmneman,
, r Tobago a»
M Rum—to Jones and Smih
Liberty, Hunt, Cymana 19
Cocoa an>) cotton—to William Wihi
J»niata Jufticc, Lilbon 88
Salt and wine-'-to More Wharton
P e CBV> Coffin, Havjnna ?o
f Sugars'—»to F. lin tiers
t .Schr Felix, Datidfon, do 14
j ' do
y The fallowing vefleli failed from Cape Francois
on or about the id instant, viz
n "W r 'R Dilpatch, ——, of and tor Baltimore
. Schr. 1 Brothers, , of and for Philadelphia
' Experiment, Bray, of and far do
Sloop Little Mary, —— of and for do •
Brig Nancy, CraiTen, from hence, has ar
s rived at Cape Francois,
it Brig Polly, Gerild, of and for Philadelphia
put back to Cape Francois the id inflant, in
t dirt.refs-»—Captain died the fame day
Schooner Tellmachus, has arrived at Ntw
" beta, ( North Carolina) from Kingston.
e Ihe United Stateo flip Delaware is on the
Havauni Ration ; and t\»o BritiAi men of war
? are coiftantly 011 that coast.
f Captain V jntienun left it Tobigo, brig Eg«
eonora, of and from New Yrrk to fail soon
Me saw no fnw.rd bound vessels below.
Schooner Aitive, Spence, from, has
c arrived at Cape Francois, after a pillage of
1 o.'teen'days
Schooner MeP'cnger, Stites, from he: ce, has
arrived at Cape Francois.
I BOSTON, December 18.
Arrived, fchooser Traveller, Dingley, Lou
don, thirty days j Ihip Onflow, Barnard. Li
verpool, forty-two days; schooner Brothers,
Fortune, Newfoundland, twenty days.
Schooner Experiment, Barnrs, twenty three
days from Portland, arrived fafe at Jainaici.
Deal, November 9. This afternoon it blew
" tremendous gale from S. W\ to N. W. S.-
ver»l veflirls parted their cables. The Ameri
can Hern, fro)n Virginia, is on ftiore near
Hamfgate, cargo landing. Many vcflVls of war
have been difsnafted, &c. and a vast number of
merchant veflirls loft or injured. The Winni
fred, from Briltol; Two Brothers, Philadel
phia, foundered at lea.
Gravefend, November 9. The Stillman,
Beriningham Packet, and Superb, failed for
TheLeicefter Packet, from New York, ar
rived at Falmouth. The IVafhiilgton, Bolton,
|at Cowes t and Dorothea, Charleston. Gen
eral Mercer, New York, at Liverpool ; Mer
cury, do. and John Adams, Bolton, do. La
vinia, Charleston, at Bristol ; Two Brothers,
Philadelphia; at Mi,ford ; Alexandria ; Virgi
> nia, at De.l; Mary Ann, Charleltsn at Clyde t
John, Charleston, at Dublin
Schooner Little John, of Boftoh, has been
driven on the Goodwin Sands, afterwards got
off; but the Captain and fume hands who,took
t'n the boat have not been heard of. The Joha
Cutter, Irom Bareelon, is on (here near Ply
mouth, (England) full of water.
NEW YORK, December a 5.
Ship Argus, Maiße, St. Sebastians 34
Schr. Jones, Evans, Havanna 11
' Ship Juno, Stephens, London
Schr Jack, Wynes, St. L&cea
Ship Brothers, Waterman, has arrived in
the Sousid from London, thirty days fiofu land,
left London 6th November j was boarded in _
the channel by a French privateer, and treated
1 politely.
; Ship Sampson, from this port, arrived at
] Portsmouth oil the 9th November.
November it, Captain Maine in latitude
; 44, 30, longitude 8, W. was boarded by the
■ britiih frigate Diamond, Captain GrifSth, de
! tained half an hour, ocam?ni«d all his papers,
Gazette Marine Lift.
-• » V
* t '#
To- r, N. longitude (,<; W. spoke a fcfafior.M
from Cape De Verd iflinds, loaded with- fait,
t|, h-langinp to Nantucket, bound to Narth Cs '
0 . rolina. December n, in latitude 37, longitude
( ,f 74, (poke the sloop Charming, ,sf Der
j_ by, wH fair; \
' ft 'Seb:iftisn» November 13. TJiefhipflUcii
«• River of New York, Captain Matthew"), Wir
u * driven on frinre from her anchors" by a harrt
ne gale of wind sam fht* N W. and remained ott
he fbore about three boors. All the American*
*a in this port immediately Vent to nis-afltftancAi
_ -tfier the Spaniards found tl.e was l.kdy to be
rot off they drove the Americans away .with *
£uard „f After {he had remarnfcd oft
J\ (horc about two hours. thinking it was not pof
"■ ffble for her to get off, they permitted the
11- Americans t return 1 finally, in about one
ur hoi.r after (lie was afloat, got ta Iter moor-*
inp?, by very great exort'ons, The damage is
id k-r.wtr; -as the still remains performing
r quarantine- ,
in L'ft »f American velTels left at St. Scbaftiitls,.
the 10th. of November.
Ships Alknomac, Akins ; Two Maries,
H'cbarlsj brigs Lydia, Roach, and Hiram,
'P Rice, ail of New York.
r i Brips Amiable Creole, Eldridge.'to fail the
>n 10th ; Two Sifters Watson ; Friendship O'Cou
-d ner ; khooner* Bilbns, Perkins, and Sally*
Forester, all of Philadelphia*
.]_ Ships Hope, Stevens j Eliza,' Brown/ and
r brig Nailcy,-G. MarlM, all
r' Brig Tully, Stone, of Norfolk ; bri<;TrU\j
Gifford, of New Bedford ; schooner M ;ncrra,
Bibftin, of Boston ; schooner Jack of Gloues-*!
fler, and barque Ray, of Savannah.
VefTcls performing quarantine in St. Scbiftiail
t0 _ Roads.
iy Ship Blick River Mat'heivs: brig ApJie?)
he Neil ; and brig Nancy, O'Conner, all of New
m *' _
Ship Enterprize, Hammond, and brig Mary.
. Jervis, both of Boston.
Br.g Palln. Collinsand Two Sif
ters, Liglitbourn. both ofCharleiton. »
Ship Panny, Walksr, of Newburyport, andl
iy brie Mafialcit, Crayer, of Plymouth,
r- Thtf llrip Abigail, Captain-Man,. failed from
Port Paffaje on theiBth of Oft< ber, with bal
j last and passengers hmnd/cr Baltimore, 'Sfee
returned on the Bth of November, with the
loss of her fore mjft ; was to be ready for fe»
again on the 45th of Noveinlier.
Selected from Loyd's List.
The Crel'cenf, Stewart, from Charfefton,
has a-rived at London ; and the Prir.cefs Royal
i from do. at Dub in.
J, Linifa. for Charleston, paficd
Gravefend the 7th of Oslo er.
! rhe Amelia. Higgins? from Baltimore," hat
. arrived at Bremen ; and the Johannah,Khenwi
from Charleston, at Hamburgh
The Uriana, Walker, from Virginia, ha»
; arrived at Liverpool.
| The Suffolk, Whipple from Live-pjol hai
■ s ar ived at Kinfale.
1 The Merchant, JCnr>x, failed from Grave
-7 fend for Boston on the of Odlober.
The Blcffom, Gummerfton, fromCharlefion,
has arrived at Liverpool,
*■ '
NORFOLK. December tj.
9 The Britiih fliip Betsey) captain,
frcm Liverpool (iatl from Cork, 10 weeks) we
8 we are cdnccrned to state, foundered n Friday
morning last, on'the Mddle Ground. The
0 ercw, the cook excepted, were picked by .
the brig Catharine, from Turk's Jfland bound
4 s to Alexandria, and arrived here yelterday.
On Sunday ar-ived. 'he Britifti brig Drake,
s Hutchinlbn, 35 days from St. Kitts.
Yrfterday the United States fVigate Ports
mouth, captain M'Ntal, anchored in our har
a bour—(be loft two anchors and a cable in the
Roads during the gale last week
Yesterday arrived the ! f g David &
. captain Beale, 67 days from the lfle ot May,
in diftcefs, having been plundered by a French'
j privateer
St. JOHNS, (Antigua) Oit 9.
• j YESTERDAY arrfved his Majefly's
Tender Gipfey, with an armed .Republican
' sloop, a prize, taken under Guadaloupe,
after one of the most gallant confiidle on re
. cord. The Gipfey mounts ten funs, four
. pounders, and had 41 men ; the Republican
S mounts eight guns r 6 and 9 pounders, was
s | returning from Curracoa, and in addition to
her own crew, had on board 65 chafTeuri
who kept lip a most incessant, and
deftruilive fitc of muiketry : the steady and
determined gallaotry of Britons, however,
prevailed, after a most desperate action of
more than two hours, tnoflly within piflal
1 (hot. It is with much regret we mention,
1 that the brave young commandei, Lt, Bojerj
is severely wounded, as is Mr. Clarke the
matter, and fix others ; one man only vai
killed on board the G pfaoo**?q ! % loss of the
enemy amounts to 3 killed and ( 1 wounded.
School Books,
No. s6, South Tbird Street,
The COUJM:!IAN ORaTOR; containing a
Variety of original ani selectsd' PIECiES, tn*
getker RwLt}, calculated to improve youth
and others in the orciamenral and Hleful art of
xLoqjjtNCE. The Third Edition. By CalkJ
Binoham, A. M. Price ccuts. ,
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