Gazette of the United States, & daily advertiser. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1800-1801, December 26, 1800, Image 2

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    Gazette of the United States;
IRAA} RTKNiBi, dxcemb'Eß lfi.
0" The Editor tff the Gazette of the
United States requests all persons who
stand indebted for St/bfcription or Adver
ti/ing, and who reside out of the City of
Philadelphia, to tranfmrit the amount of
their Bills, by letter, pojl paid.
It is alio pfpper to remind those who
stand indebted to the late proprietor, for
fubfeription and advertising, that the
present Editor is duly authorised to fettle
all accounts relating to said Gazette—
and as there are sums to a large a
mount, due from persons refuling at a
distance, an immediate settlement is re
quested. jjr All letters mull be poll
£jf» The price of is Epcht
Uollaks per annum to Subscribers Residing
in the city of Philadelphia. All others pay
tnc Dollar additional, for enclosing and iii
rteling ; and unless some per son in this ctty
will become answerable for the subscription,
it must be paid Six Months in Advance.
*»* No Subscription will be received for
a shorter term tb'an six months•
' PKWblt I l}|t-
House of Representatives,
Wednesday, December 17
Debate on Mr. Varnum's motion for redu.
cing id Regiment of Artillenfts and En
gineers to three bottalisns.
( teryclUDßD FROM OVM LAST )
This fcieuce cannot be procured in a
fliqrt time ; other branches of military
knowledge are acquired and in pofleflton
of our citizens, but this is known but to
few. He d Clared his warm fapport of
this system arose from pure convi&ion of
its ulefulriefs, & not for a desire of show
or parade. Whether or net the adminis
tration of our government was changed,
he wished this system to be supported, &
whether or not the state of our situation
with France was changed he fhoukl
equally favour it. He believed sincerely
•hat the state of things was changed ; he
believed a treaty was made ; he a!fo be
ieved two years ago that there was a
igreat profpefl of war. He believed the
Erefe t profpeft of peace was procured
y the efforts of his honarable friend
(jftr. Otis' and those who voted with
him, for vigorous measures of defence
he beleived that the posture in which our
fortifications were put, the determined
ft; Mid of our citizens, the increase of our
army establishment, the naval prepara-r
tions, and the encouragement of our
merchants td arm and relist the innume
rable aggreflions and insults before offe
red, had changed th£ state of things in
our relation to France. It was showing
the world that we' were not afraid of,
lior unprepared for war, that procured
us peace; and therefore peace is the
fruits o? our labor and exertions to re
. dress aggreflions the most insulting. He
hop«d this part of the army would not
be decreased but increased to the origi
nal intent of Congress, as it' was adopted
in profound wisdom and upon mature
Mr. Sheppard acknowledged that, when
this resolution was firfl laid on the table he
was ib favour of it. He thought this batta
lion cr.uUl be well difpertled with, but upon
"a more mature ddiberation, upon confidec
ing theiiinnienfe traift of territory we have
so protest, and the number of pefis to occu
py and keep in repair, he had changed his
opinion and was opWofr Jto it.. Added to
Hhis, he knew that artilleiefts could not be
suddenly called to aflion. He alfoexprefftd
his estimation for this part of the army : he
%suld rather part with the infantry than
tlie artillery and engineers, as some mud be
parted with ; bin h« really thought with his
tolleague (Mr. Otis) 'that it would be a
"laving to prel'erve this corps.
Mr. S. Smitli pe.rfeflly agreed with his
■honorable fritnd lall up that the artilleries
eould not speedily be called into the field
and also with every gentleman who has
fpokeniit elimination of the intrjnfic valye
of this species of the military. Upon this
]prlnciple,'lie heartily concurred and Suppor
ted the Kjeatures which, in hii opinion, ne
ceflity called for iu their organization and
increase. He repeated the proceedings and
Teports of the periods when they were rai
ded, and aflerted, that when they were or
ganized, it was thought the three batallions
to this second regiment would be fully ade
quate to the service, altho' contrary to an
assertion made by a gentleman ( Mr. Otis)
the country was njt in a state of profound
peace, but of considerable alarm, and this
was a part of the defenlive system, and not
the firfl, for several afts which afterwards
were paffi-d; had been reported when this
aft palled which w,i3 cbulidered as a part of
the military eftabliihmtnt, aud of a psrina
It was not, at that time, wheii alarm ac
tually did exist, and/when, in his .opinion,
very proper means of defence were adopted,
even tbaj a fourth battalion
would be necefTiry. Why Ihould gentle
men, then peril It in the raiting of this corps,
when there is alm'oft a certainty of peace?
He knew of no new posts to defend, nor
of the necellity of any new dilpofition,
though it might be iii contemplation to
make one. As it was not thouglit necel
fary in a very different pollurt; of affairs,
upon what ground could gentlemen advo
cate Its neteflity now ?
Mr. 3. laid, lie had not examined the
| (latement made by the gentleman of the
disposition of the troops but he believed it
j was inaccurate, from liis present opinion
los it. He 'believed it would be generally
acknowledged that the whele would be
very infufficient to the proteflion of our
vast coalts, and that there was no other
firvice to perform than to take tare of the
ports and arms, and to inftittite a kind of
schOol for information in enginering, to,
keep alive the art. Surely 95 men Could
not be fufficient to defend an important
port. No it was upon the solid, the only
l'ubltaiitul defence of our country, we
rely in time of danger, the people.
If this is accurate, wherein can contort
the propriety of railing men when we do
not want them ! As the number raifrd, or
contemplated to be i aiTed, would be far
infufficietlt to the defence of our -frontiers,
and as they were only ul'eful for the prefer
vati'on of the arms and the fortifications
deftru&ion, Mr. Smi.h contended
that the prefeat number was too great.
He took a view of the number at the
different ports of Charlellon, Norfolk,
New-York Bcc. which, by their contiguity
to populous cities, «ould at any moment
eceive the afliftance of the inhabitants ot
those places, and therefore reqired but a
fmall number of men to take care ot
them. He acknowledged that theeltirtiate
given for Newport was not too high, be
cause that was a very important port, and
one were unto our veffelscould with facility
escape, and ought to be well secured in cale
of war. Ke was not one of theTe gentle
men who widird the deftrudtiou ot our de—
f nfive system ; he had advoated it, and
while ".he-neceflity remained, Ihould advo
cated its preservation,
It was observed by & gentleman, that
this part of the system and undergone more
deliberate support tlvn aay other law what
ever. Mr. S. would take a view of tjie way
I this fourth battalion came into existence at
all. It was brought into existence, not in
that open avoved way which a law ought
to appear in, but in one of those back hand
eJ fly modes wh'ch had been to nruch prac
tiftd, to palm an unpopular hieal'ure upsn
the public. It was not brought in by an
adl to raise a fourth battalion of artilerifts
and engineers, but in another mode the ( i)ill
was worded to this efFeil, that_ each regi
ment of artillerilks and engineers Ihould
consist of four battalions. Thus wi nout
an apparent, an adlual increale ol
o*e battalion.
He thought it an important objcdt, if
money could be favod without an)' injurious
confequentes ; the laving ol 45,000 dollars
in the prepofed way was worth attending
to, and he hoped would meet the approbation
ofth=houfe. This sum was nearly the a
n.ount of orfe third of the diredt tax, at.d
would be a conliderable objedl.
Mr. S. advanced several more arguments
and supported the motion with great z«4l,
but from the rapidity with wiiich Vt was de
livered, and the conltru&ioi) of the houfs, it
was impolTiiile to folluw him with justice.
Wanted an Appren,
To » light prnfiuble bufuieli,
A {mart 'active Lad,
Of repu able pjfenu—Enquire
at No. si, Dock street.
V. 8. A J. id who si»« fom« geniut for piintiog
or drawing would be £roicrr«d.
1 V •
his Day was Publijhed,
The origin & principles
of the
American Revolution,
Compared with
The origin (s* principle!
or THE
French Revolution.
Trauflated from the Gtraian of Gentz,
• ■ By an Amc ican gentlcmnn.
Copy.right fccured.
Price—37 l-» Cents,
By A. D ICKINS, !■;
ovp'-fit* CliriftK'hurch,' , l '
ot' the late Mr. ClifFton,
To which are prefixed the introductory notices of
the life, charailer, and writings of the auth»r, and
a beautifully engraved likeneli.
Price, bound and gilt, i dollar 25 cents-. b
Dcmberij J fj
lb Printers. I
The foil swing MATERIALS will he fold
reafoMable if applied for immediately.
1 Prels,
•5 Lang-Primer (partly worn}'
1 ditto Small-Pic* oil Pica body,
2 ditto Pic»,
1 ditto Englifli,
2 iltto Brevier,
1 ditto Burgeois,
St ver*l pair of Chats, feve.rjil composing
(lit i s, frames (.nci gaJlcye, lbme bras& rules.
Quotations, &C-. Stc. See: all of the above
will be fold very reaionable for CaQ>.
The Latest,
Foreign Intelligence.
From London papers to the ijtb of Novem
ber, inclusive, received at New Turk.
LONDON, November 3
Extratt of a letter from Isle de Leon, Oc-
" The day'beforc yelteraay appeared be
fore Cadiz, an enemy's fleet from the Medi
terranean, and colliding of—
-22 Sail of the ti*e , ' '
27 frigates
4 Corvettes
1 Brigantine
2 Trantports
3 Qun-baats
1 En flute
59 Ships of war
74 Store (hips > withtlo
10 Brigantines. J
Total 143 1
« Gen. Don Thomas de Maria, tha new
Governor of the place, where he arrived in
the molt dreadful time of the epidemic dif
tcmper, thought it proper to lend the i'.n
gli(h Admiral a note (No. 1) to (late to hjm !
the situation of the inhabitants, and haw
odious the English name would become la
all nations, if th;y committed any aft of
hottility againfl the city. Gen. Abercrombit
and Admiral Keith replied (No. 2), to the
Governor, without considering him as Go
vernor of Caaiz, but lolely as Captain Ge
neral of the army and Province of Anda r
lufia, and Capt. General of the department
of the Marine, propofmg to him to deliver
to them the (hips fitted and fitting out,
whose crews and officeis (hould be let at
liberty ; on this condition, the fleet wouid
retire. The Governor of Cadiz (No. 3,)
replied to the said Generals, and let therm
know the error into which his letter had
made them fall.
Yclterday the whole expedition anchored
before the place ; but to day the wind hav
ing changed ta the South Ealt, the (kips
set their fore fails, making tacks till the as
ternoon ; towards the evening they were 6
■ leagues off.
The matters as the barques and fiftiermen
(lopped yelltrday by the lquadron, and who
arrived this evening from the isle, declare it
to be intention, of the enemy to land this
morning between Candon and Regla ; they
have been prevented by the bouth wind.
We kuow not exadlv the number of their
troops—l hey are dated at 20,000, which
the number of tianl'ports bei*2 84, ot (Hips
of the line and frigate renders probable.
In truth, this event covld not have hap
pened in circum'la-nces itical; for,
on account 6f: the epidemic itilorder, our
forces are fear etiy able to defend the har
bour. Yet we inujt believe that the enemy
think them impoiing, since they dare not
attack us. On-the land lide eveiy incafure
proper tp defeat their plans has been taken.
It is not atural to expect they wiU aban
don them if the Sou;U wind ceal'es. It ap
pears as if it not lalt.
" These are all the documents I am able
to give you rapidSy, It is lat«,— lam pr«f
fed by bufi net's, and flilj weak from illnels.
1 he following are the letters mentioned
« English Admiral, When the cruel
scourge which earries off in this city and
its environ*, thousands of ,vi&iins, and
which teems a^iPlt l Wo»ld not ful'pend its
ravages ant 1 it has cut off all those who
have >et escaped it is fufficient to excite
compallien, I fee with fflrprife that .the
fqnadron under the command of your ex
cellency is come to add to the confterna-
of the people. I have too good an
of the humanity of the Englifli peo
ple, and of yours in particular, to believe
that you would endeavor tp renderour situa
tion more deplorable. Yet if, in confcquence
of the orders which his excellency has re
ceived, he consents to draw upon himfelf
the execration ol all people, to cover himfelt
with opprobrium in the eyes of the whole
universe, by opprefling the unfortunate,
and attacking him whom-he thinks'.to be
without defence, I declare to him that the
garrison under my command accustomed to
look at death with a ieirene brow, as well
as to brave greater perils than all the perils
of war, will know how to make a refin
ance which fliall only terminate with the
entire annihilation of their enemies-
" I hope that the reply oi' your Excel
lency will inform me whether i am to con
l'ole the mifrrable inhabitant, or route him
to vengeance and anger. God proie& ;
your Excellency.
"Cadiz, 00.. 5,"
" Hiherto the (hips employed in the
blockade had not pre rental the filhrermer
fiom exercising their imioceat indultry.
It mull ca.fe aitonillmient that yoUr Excel
lency lliould deprive us of this feeble relief."
The Commanders in -Chief of the forces by
lea and land of hin Britannie Majesty
forming the expedition before Cadiz.
On board the Foudroyaiit ofi' Cadiz,
sth Oft. 18(90.
" We have had the honor to receive your
Excellency's letter of this day, in which it
depi&s tj us the deplorable situation ot the
town. We are deeply- alß.iled at these
calamities, thbugh we have llrong reasons
for btlivting that the •ffefts at it are much
less difaftro us.
" We art not igfcorast that a grtat nu»i-
tober T.
No. I.
No. 11.
v-er of Bis Catholic Majesty's Hsips are fit
ttd out to join the naval force of the French,
and are to be employed to prolong the trou
bles - which deiolate ill the nations of
Europe, ifljure public order, and destroy
the hiippiviefs of individuals. We have re
ceived from our Sovereign thtj order to life
all our efforts to defeat the projefts ot the
common enemy, by attempting to or
1 destroy the OiVps of war which are in the port
and arsenal of Cadiz.
" The number of the forces the command
of which has been entrulled to us, leaves
li'tle doubt of the success of-this enterprise
We are little difpoted to multiply, wit*hout
a necessity, the calamities inl'eparable fro:n
war. If your Exrellency contents to let us
■ have the (hips, armed Or in the ac\ ot arming
I for the/purpose of a&ing againfl our iCiug,
and protonginp the calamities of neignbov.
ing stations your crews and your officers
Ihall be at liberty, and our fleets (hall
retire. Otherwise we (hall be obliged to
ait conformably to the orders which we
have received, and your Excellency must
attribute to yourfelf alone the increase of
calamity which will result. We have the
honor to be, with refped, ijc.
" P. S. A frigate will remain in the
port to await your answer that there may
be no delay."
No. 1.1
" Meffirs. 'lhe Generals by Land and
Sea of Fi? Britannic Majesty, when' I
rcprefented to your Excellences the me
lancholy situation of this city in order to
engage your humanity, not to aggravate
it by a£ts of hostility, I could not have
thought that my request would be regar
ded as the effeft of weakness or fear-
Unfertunately I find that your Excellen
cies have put a wrong conftru£tion oil
any expreflions since they have drawn
upon me x propofuion as insulting to him
to whom it is addrefied, as dishonoura
ble to those who have made it. Your
Excellencies mud hold yourfelv'es appri
sed by me, that you must make more elt
gibl- propositions, if it be your intention'
that they (hould be accepted. I have the
honor to be, &c. «' t;S. 6.
PARIS, October, 17.
When the troops at the camp at Ami
ens were informed of the confpiraey
against Bonaparte, they urged to be mar
ched immediately to Paris. Only 50,
however, had permiffien ; and yesterday,
with their knapsacks at their backs, they
addressed the First (Toilful, and in a laco
nic manner described the devotion of
their comrade; ot the army to him.
Yesterday the Members of ths Tribu
nate waitod'on the First Consul, in com
pany with his two colleagues, the Minis
ters and Counceliors of State Craflau,
the President of the fribanate, addrefled
Bonaparte, and expressed a wilh to e!tf
•over the authors of the confpiraey, that
they might receive due punishment. Bo
naparte, in answer, laid, " Thatit would
not be in the power of eight or nine
aflaffins to take his life, while the pub
lic confidence was reposed in him, and
he was surrounded by his brave guard ''
And added, " if it ftiould ever be the
cafe, that he had loft that confidence,
his life was of no eftimatain to. him."
Many persons are daily arrested, who
are more or less concerned in the conspi
racy. One Enretien is arrested, wha, du
ring the reign of terror, was a Member
of the Revolutionary Tribunal.
Caracchi has d ifcovered every thing.
This Caracchi is the fame person, who
is mentioned by Joseph Bonaparte,
when Ambaflador at Rome, in his re
port of the revolution there; and is the
peifon who aflallinated Gen. Duphot.
When Caracchi left Rome, he went to
America, and from thence to France.
He advertifijd, that he would finifti the
bust. of Bonaparte, and wiftied that he
vrould allow him i fitting more, to ac
complish his designs; & the day before
he was arrested, he petitioned Madame
Bonaparte to prevail on her huflsand to
j give him one more fitting.
| An order is issued, that every Italian (hall
quit France, in 24 hours, and be furniflied
with passportS' for Milan. The Cofiean
Arena, who drew a dagger on Buonaparte
at St. Cloud, is one of the leadevs of the
con fpi racy.
Jt is ufferted that General Moreau, has
arrived in Paris.
VIENNA. Oilober 5.
private letters from Plague, informs us that
the Archduke Charles has accepted the nomi
nation of Generalissimo. Great preparations
were made (or his reception at Court. Ttere
is no doubt but the army will be rejoiced to
fee hinj. Although a great deal about prelimi
nary articles add ratifications is said, the pre
parations indicate nothing but warlike prof
pefts, and nothing (hort of hostilities are ?x-,
pefte ; in which cafe yve expeft to be fup
portedby alarge RufiUn army.' —PrinceCharies
is to command in person in Germany, and
Prince John in Italy with the afiifUnce of Gen
eral Mack.
XTLM. QAotor*.
* *
This morning thd lafl column of the Impe
rial garrison left this city—The firft confilled
of 3,650 men, and no hsrfes ; the second of
3,996 men, and _y6o horses. About 10 o'clock
the French marched in and took pnflejliori. It
is very tti!l_iiow. There is a great difference
between 1,640 Frenchmen and 11,000 men, ot'
which the former garrison was composed.
Mr. Tierney gave notice, that he should
this day fortnight move for a committee ,ef
the whole on the state of the Nation ;
and mpved for a call of the House far
that day. Mr. Pitt opposed this latter
motion ; and on taking the quellion there
were, ajes 24, nays 120.
The answer to ht« Majefty'a Speech mi
di Approved by mod of the oppnßtioqnxm
bers—and they took occafioa to inveigb »•
gainst the war, and of the mis>
The following Resolutions, for leffenrng
the fcartity ef grain arid provifiong were
.-.greed |;o.
That the average price of Corn imported
into this Kingdom fliould be publiQied ill
the London Gazettt,
That It is the opinion of this committee,
that there be granted on avery Quarter of
Wheat weighing 450 fb. imported into the
port of London, »r any of the out ports, on
or before the firft day of OA. 1801, the fnm
by which the average price of the laid
Wheat fliall be fold in tliree weeks after im
portation, publifhedin the London Gazette,
(hall be lei's than xoos per quarter.
Ob every quarter of Barley weighing 35a
lb. imported and fold as above, the I'utn
which the average price in the London ga
zette, fliall l»e less than 455. per quarter.
On every quarter of rye, weighing 4081b.
where the average price ('hall b« less than 35#.
per quarter.
On every quarter of oats, weighing 2801b.
where the average price (hall be less than 30s.®
per quarter.
On every barrel of fuperfine flour, weigh
ing 1961b. imported »s above, and fold with»-
iu two Months, the sum by which the aver- *
age price (hall be less than 68s, per barrel.
On every cwt. 6f American rice, import
ed as above, and fold within two months,
the sum by which the average price shall be
less than 355.
On every cwt. of Eld-Indian i;ice, im
ported at above, and fold within two months,
the sum by which the average price shall be
less than 355.
FALMOUTH, E. November r S .
Arrived the Reiiard, of 20 guns capr.
P. Spicer, from a cruize ; alio the Ameri
can thip Agatha, Simon Caleff matter from
Norfolk (Virginia) to Falmouth
for orders : she loft her main and misen
masts during a dreadful hurricane on the
17th ult. on the banks of Newfoundland,
?nd sustained other material damage.
BC7* The membei's of the ThalfetlSociety
are requeded" to attend a special meetwig-at
the Circus, or. Saturday evening at 6 o'clock.
By order of the Pre'jdent.
For the fifth lime here.
December 26.
Will he prefent»d, a celebrated new Cemedj, in
5 afts, cillcd
Speed the Plough,
Written by Thomas Morton, Efq author of Co
lumns, the Way to Married, Cure for the
Heart ,Ac|je, Secrets Worth Knowing,
Children in the Woods, &c &c. and
now performing at the Covent
Garden Theatre, with apptaufe.
With nevi scenery and decoratlonsi
Sir Philip Blandford, mr Cooper ; Morringtsn,
mrWignell; Sir Ahel mr. Warren;
Bob Handy, mr Wood ; Henry, mr. Cain ;
Farmer A ftifieid, mr. Bernard; Evergreen, mr
Morris ; Gerald, mr Prigmore ; Poflillion, n»r
Hopkins; Young Handy'sServant, mr Durang;
Petrr, Mr Baily
Miss Blanrlf rd, miss E. Weftray ; Lady Handy,
mrs Shaw; Susan Afhfield, tnifs Wcftray ;
Daae Aflifield, mrs Francis.
Country Lasses—miss Arn«ld, miss Solomom,
mrs Doftor, mrs Stuart, &c ts"c
In act IF,
A Country Dance,
By thechara&ers.
To which will be added',
A Pant;ofniinical Entertainment, fele£ted
from the most approved compositions,
Christmas Gambols;
Or, Harlequin Mariner.
Hie Pantomime will conclude with the
With a grand di(play of Emhlrmatjc Trans
parent Scenery,—And the Apntheefis of
the late Illustrious and Lamented
„% On account of the Hollidays, thele ••
will be a performance on Saturday, when
will be afted the favoritfe I ragedy of
Employment Wanted
WHO can produce pood recommendation".
Enquire at the Office of the Gaiette o£
the United States.
December 19 jt
Cod Fi
A saw quintals ' eft Cod Fish and
ico quarter casks Sherry Wine, just received.
On hind, Wine and Cyder Vinegar ifl >
pipes ind quarterc.\fits, 5
Derenfber 12.
Neatly executed at the OJJice of the
Gazette of the United States*.
>' ' r
. . S»
««• 0