Ifvmntu ij73^ Al vIANAC Frtm Dmm'tr 1\ t'» Dtttmhr 39. UIOU IVAI tt. \Vednefday Thurtday Frid»y Saturday Sunday Menday 't Hcfiiay SUN- Wcdncfday Thurfdiy Friday Saturday Banday Monday Toe Hay CHINA GOODS. Landing fro'n the s4rif< America, IValte. Sims, Commander, from Canton, AND yOR SALE lIT NICKLIN, .GRIFFITH far Co. Bohea, Congo, I Souchong, ift &md quality, Caper souchong, Hyftin-fltin, >TEAB, . ionkay, .. Singlo, __ Young hyson, Hyson, ift & ad quality, Imperial, Yellow A white nankeens tuteftrings, back & Sinfhaws do. C assorted, Sattiss do. j L-J'eftringa, niaz. blue k. dark green j n Su..lhaws do ?■ , Per Can laft-taj, dark J The y have also on band for sale• rtcrxes white Harsnna sugar, 13 Pipes oM Madeira wine, Gunpowder, Empty .-wine bottles, 10 Guns, 6 j}Guiider<, U do. 9 do. _ • . 1 g do 9do with carriages, See. aßo,coolbs. Cerjbou eolfee, jil quali'y L Entitled to lo,ooolbs. black pepper ( awfon'») No. 50. north Sixth street —vv'urc they may 1 e supplied with l?ort«r, Ale, Tatiie and othor Beers. ' N B. A quantity of excellent .Id Porter on hand fit for immediate use. 11 T"» 1 20 Dollars Reward. RAN away from the frigate Con'lella'ion, captain Murray, at M.ircns Hook, l mu ' lattomm, named William Williams, but better known hy the name of JOHNSTON. — He wis fifcr to the marines on board laid ship, about u years of apt, 5 feet. 7 or 8 inches high, a little poCk marked, full and free, open countenance, Itout made, his hjir tied m a short qneue—Had on whe'i he'we-n away, aw olive co. >r'd jacket, and pantaloons, I'ie colour of which is hot recolltfled. Having been ac euftomed to the lea, it it pr-)babl-he ha< enter ed, »nd tailed', onboard I'ome m rchatit ship. — Ten Doiiars will be given, f.r certain joforma tio's, what vefTil he has failed on board of, or the above reward and realtfa«b!e expeiices tor iecurir.g bisn, ?n any part of the United States, and giving immcdia'e in( rmation t ie eof, to Richard Cursam, Esquire, of l.'aitimoic, James Siton, F,iqr. oi: New-York, or the I'ubfcribers in Philadelphia, Thomas £s* Peter Mackie, No. 119, foutk Fron' Street esitot. 1 -Dumber I. Gazette of the United States, & Daily Advertiser. H. M. 9 10 9 Si to j6 i> *3 M 15 « »} RIBCS SITS ? i J 4 55 7 »5 4 35 7 *5 4 35 7 15 —c 435 - 7 «5 4 35 7 *4 4 36 7 114 4 36 m&w tf FRANKLIN WHARTON, > Captain Commanding. Fhil^'e'phia, Marine Barracks, Nov. 8. ~an apprentice WANTED, At : ,e OPEee of the Gazette of the Unit*d States. 1 FOii SALE. B r Jo se p h S IMS, No. iss,fouth Water street. White &brown Havanna Sugars Holland Gin f Old Ccni.»« Brandy London particular Madeira Wine Pale red ana yellow jesuit's B^rk A aflortment nf CORDAGE, See. deccmher'3 mwStfa tf For Sale BY JOSEPH ANTHONYS Co. Hyson ~i Souchong and > TEAS. Bohea J Mufcovido sugar in lihds. Brjady lit proof Lilbon u ikc in quarter calks Madeira wine in pipes China,'-aflbrtcd, and a few bales white and ) yellow nankeens 5 A few boxes chocolate and dipt candles Spermaceti oil 4nd candles December ii. jtaw^w Gideon H. Wells Has Just Received, By the late srrivals—a large and general alfort , moot of Hardware, Cutlery & Sadlcry, Which he offers for file, for cafli or the ufuil credit. No. 135. irw4« A Genteel Tbrte Story BRICK HOUSE, in Sprtacc aiar Third flreet, 4 TO LET. Enquire of MOORE WHARTON.- • PeeemWr R ro A .tw BENJAMIN CLARK, Clock W Watch Maker, H.riS REMOVED To No. 36, Market St»kkt, Where licha« for Sa'c, Spring and other Clocks ; gold and ("rive Watches'; Tools, Files and Materials; fire id gilt Chains, Seals and Keys ; Springs, &.C. Sc-c. CLOCKS ANP WATCHES T , Repaired a« ufnal. June ; * tu Stftf RUSSELL't Modern Europe. ■""l"" 1 HE Second Volume of MODERN FUROPB ™ A is now delivering to ■'ubferibers, an J may t> nr ha'i of te W. Y. Birch, No. 17, South Second Street OAohar if. jr Philadelphia Academy. £s* Mr. Francts Gallet, AN Mpcrienced and approved loilruilor, has "tandertaken to teach the FRENCH LAN GUA(>E in this SeniiNary, to such of the Young Centlemru a» mjy choose to place tbeiafslves un der hit care catioM. HS >tk« rf reenrniog Km fio* cere itknowif J«mrnt» to thr Uent)citi«A tf tbe Brr.aod th«ir fludtno in tbe United Ftatei, (if (Im filrciagt Mr kj* mct«ilK,f>ir cf tihKlbinj(. for the (alt oI Lair ■ Book* Tb« a!»»' offer thcm( pnwar to keep con&mtly kj him, a teniral and tnnfl yatn ablefapply sf ikt land Aid bed Kditiaos and (mm hii falca, to dispose or tham, on t*rm* fotnodcratt ttfn preclude the i tccfliiy of gentle tlteo mrpnrtinjr.their own Librmrte.'s Akvycomnundt be may be l*r«ertd with, from a r-ilunift to »ny numbtt, thail thuikMtlly nd promptly >nr of stationary ; Ladies' and Gentlemen's pocket book", wi'h and without ir.ltrumems ; maho frny writing desks, pen ard frnit knives, play cards, &c December 4 we6w Pi opofals For publijhing, by Subscription, A DIGEST Of riie X.aw erf A£lions and Trials at MS/ PRIUS. By Ifcaa 'Kfpiniffe, of Gray', Inn, Ffq. Barrister at l.aw, The third edition, corre&ed, with conGderablc adJirions Irom printed and manuscript cases. I?t spes el ratio ttudiorum. IN TWO VDLUMKB. THE work is now printing, and in confidera blc forwardnels, on a ftiperfine paper, of royal fizc, and oSavo form. It will he printed page for page with the late<| London ediUaa, io.l 110 pain« -will he ffure c* render the work cor real, ant! free of typographical error*. It wi'.l be hcatly bound and lettered in two vo lumet.r.iyal oAivo, and to fwbictibert will be put a» 6ve dollars and filty cents per set—to nonfub-. fchterS the price will be somewhat enhanced.— Thi price of the Loudon edition is seven dollars Thoft who fubferibe for eight fcts shall kavea ninth gratis IKe two T lilbltMbe feafonatily. N. li. Gentlemen holding fukfcnption paper* arc requeued to return them to rhumal und I ho mas, the publilhers, tijr the Hrft of January next. gj" i'h« hookfellert in Philadelphia are k-efpefl. fu!iy irrfjrmed, that they will bt fold either bv.untl' or gathered in ftc-ts, by thA fuMcribtrs, at their afual low price. I'hofe who wish to purch»fe will pl.'afe to apply by letter to tht publisher. Thew ,rk will be out of j-rel's some time,in the winter. THOMAS \S THOMAS. Walpole (N H.) o£l. ißoa (28) e»--f ' A HANDSOME EDITION LIN DIET MURRAY'S English Grammar, WITH AN APPENDIX, Has this Day been publillied, by Asautti Dickins, opposite Chrilt-Church, Philadelphia. [/Vim One Dollar. ] Oftober 7. Education FOR YOUNG LADIES. COLUMBIA HOUSE, BOARDING y DAY-SCHOO L, RE-COMMENCED | Tor the winter lea Inn, on Monday, October 6th, Walnut, between Fourth and Fifth-llrerfs, MRS. GROOMBKIDGE refpeafully ac knowledges the liberal encouragement she has experienced, for more than fetfen years in Philidel hia, and, at the mnfl cxpreflive proof of gratitudt, will be a continuance of the unre mitting: attention, already pa d t» her pupils ; flatters herfelf, it will be the belt recommenda tion to future patronage. TKe folkiwing branches (or any of them fep arate'y) may be engaged for, as molt agreeable, the Eng'ilb, French, and Italian languages grammatically ; writing, arithmetic, geogra phy, use »f the globes, history, mulic, vocii and instrumental, drawing and dancing:. Plain work, marking, embroidery and tam baur in gold;fi!ver or coUSurs, fillagree, arlifi* ciat flowers, fancy bafkew, retting, hair, print eloth, and muffin work of every kind. (ftO. 1.3. diw iwti- ' Playing Cards. SUPERFINE Columbian, Harry the Vlllth nnd Mi'try-Andrew Playing Cards, fsr sale cheep for cafa—Apply at this Office. feptiJiber 13. STAGES REMOVED. THE public arc hereby infarpicd, thut the Bal timorc Ooachce wil! in future start frf&tn the In dian Quren, No ts, Forth ftrcct, every Jay "xccpt Sunday, at 7 o'clock, and will arrive at Peck's Tavern, Baltimore, the nejtt day at 8 o*»'ock awd the Stages ro N'ew York, will start every day at 6 and 1 % *»*ciocV. JOHN H. BARNEY if C®. N. B—K book i« kept open at Mr. Ely Chan dler's FrankJiu Head, where feats may a4fj be ta ken in the above iine oi stages. o<9ober a ' § LANCASTER STAGES. rHE Proprietors of the Philadelphia and LaD cafter line »f Stages DISPATCH, return their grateful tfcankj to their friends and the public rn general, for the past favors tfeey have received,and inform them that in addition to the regular Line, thay aru provided with Carriages,fober and careful drivers, to go through between the City and Borough in two days. Those who prefer this mode of traWling can be arcommodated at the£:ige Office, (ign of United States Eagle, Market street, Philadelphia. > Slough, Downing, Dtmivoody its Co. Nov. 30. f it—j A FEW COPIES Of Gifford's Epistle to Peter Pindar s (Price 37 1-* Cents) avo or Dutton's Poem on the present state of Literature, (Price nil Cents) Have just been received by A; DICKENj, opposite Christ Church, november 7. dtf PATENT American Balloon, OR Vertical Aerial Coachee. This cew, curious, and elegant MACHINE, Which has been xhibiied to, an J a:commoda ted Thousands of Perfous i,i New-Yom, s no v fixed up at the CIRCUS, IN FIFTH STREET, In this city. "'P'HE Properties «f this wonderful Conftruc- X 'ion are a* beneficial 39 they are various jfF.irding the tn ft delicate plo« ure, and at 'he fame 'ime operating as a reltoritive to health, and lor which purpose ihe treqjent use of it is recommen led by ihe faculty, to the sick, the we«k and thofc recovering The morion of tie alloon is from f.-ur to abeu; twenty miles per hour. The rat* of tra ve. ing, however, will lis regulated by 'he will of nt pa'fTci.gers ; eight of can b« c- mfortably accommodated ; but the Balloon . will fct «>fF with 'Wt> only. Sweet the air, heboid below, 7h» city, cruntry far around, » Atid tbcu delccndinp quick or flow, You think you move on iVngic ground. Conftan: a watT Grift Mill and Saw Mill—ftvenl Log dwelling Houses—one of which is 0.-cui itd as » Tavern with a Diftillcr)' Supplied by a powerful firing o excellent water— a coufilerabh: quantity of Timo thy Meadow fit for the scythe, and several acres el araHe Land already- cleared—l histracS will admit ot being divided into three farms, with a due froportion of meadow and arable land in each At prefect in tenure of Adam Hall, Esq. John Hicks, and others. 187 and an half acre* on Trough Creek, in Union tor-nfhip.a floarilhing fctdenKnt, firft rate land, with a small improvement. 173 and 3 quarters acre> adjoining the above and the fame quality—as thole latt mentioned tratfs are adjoining surveys they would malie one valuable farm In Bedford county, 3->4 acres Qtuate on Dannings Creek, ftrt! rat< land, on a public road to Bedford. 364 and 3 quarters acres adjoining the above, and of (he fame quality. 3SB acres called the Springs, fame quality as above 198 and i quartern acres On half Wiy run, A gead improvement and now in tenure oi Jacob Moles. Term* of falo, as follows viz—One fourth part of the confiJeratiun money nmtf be paid ia hr:nd, and the reddne divided ii.to f'njr or five annua! in iUlments, as may sUit the purclufcrs— to lie fcan red by mortgage Apply to John Cflfa-iJWdcr, EfcJ. Couisfjllor at I.aw, in the town of Huntingdon, or to the. fub fcrihers in the city ol Philadelphia. Willings & Francis. Ofiober 14 iawjivr To Printers. WANTED—in Exchange, A FOUNT ot Long Primer, weighing 6 or 700 !b. or upwards, and a Faunt of Brevier, weighing 400 !bt. of upwards. | September a* insurance company Of the State of Pennsylvania* T • ■<; December 16th, 1800. KE Stockholders are hcrel.fr notified that afe Ele&ton will.be held at the dompsny's Of fice, on Monday the nth dafr of January next.ac 11 o clock in the forenoon, for Thirteen Diredtort tor the entiling year. JAMES S. COX, PrejlJent, dtiijanf- Coffee an in bags, Also, about 3j,000 weight , Black Pepper in bags, Of a Superior Quality. All entitled to Drawback. For sale by WILLIAM HUSTLER* Wo. 69, fodtk Fourth flrec * December 18. F or Sale, or to Let, THE house, In C'ucsnvt Street, Near the corner of Eleventh street, at preK-nt In th« tenure of Mr. A. M'Call—PoiTeffion may be had, the first of 1 Xovsmfosr next, or fooncr if re quired Appiy to . Edward Shoemaker. September 3 ' ' J Prevention better than Cure! For the freventioa and cure of Bilious and Malignant Fevers, is recommended, Dr. HAHN'S Anti-bilious Pills, \T7"HICH hare been attended with a deftree VT of success highly grateful to the inven tor s feelings, in several parts of the Weft In dies, anring health and frequently in cases executed defperatc and bey ond the pouer of c.ininvui remedies. The operation of thde pills is perfe!tld be procured and carefully preserved for use by every leaman. Dr.HA'HN'J Genuine Eye-zv iter. A certain sn<: fate rvmedy for all flif.-afcs oftha I.)win ti.ci- Ih« «(£<& «i natural wf„kncfs, orof accident, f-eedily removing inflammations, de f'mioii- or rhcii'ji dslh:H, itcliirg, and film* m the eyes, never failing ro cure tli»fc maladies which frequently fuccesd the fc-.all po«, neilu and ft' *er», an.; ul'.y flrt-jgtheuinj i weak fight Hundreds have experienced its e«cdlent virtues when n«rly deprivs.i ol Oght. Tooth-ache Drops. The only remedy yet discovered whichgivesim mediate and lading relief in the most fevwc in fiances. The Anodyne Elixir. For the cure of every Kind 8-fhcad-acUe, and pains in the iacs and neck. Infallible Ague and Fever Drops. This racdici>e ha» never Ui:ed, in Many thou and cases not one is. a huudrcd has had occasion to ake mora than one bottle, and iiiHniiers not halt . bottle. The raAncy wi-ll be retwned if the tuts \ not psrformed. BY Wm. Y. BIRCH, M Stationer, No. 17, Sftuth Sec«nd Street, And no inhere else, in Philadelphia. Where a'if» may be had, Dr. Ham fl tons Worm )«firoying Lo4eng*<, his Sovereign Elixir for coughs, Sc. Restorative Dre; s, F.iTence and Ex trad of Murtar.i, 'overeipn Ointment torthelrch, Dr. Hahn's infallible German Corn Piaiftcr In dian Vegetable Specific for the Venereal com - plaint, Gowland's and Herfian Loti®n, keftorative Tooth Powicr, Dt mafic Lip Shlvi;, Church* Cough Drops, Anderfon's Pills, &c aprili? „y War Department, „ , Noriiuber x 3, ,8 00 . 'TniOScE Gsntlemen who have applied for mi -*■ li:ary appointments in the feryic« of the United States are informed that their applica tions with all the recommsndatory letters accom panying Were conLmed by fire in the War ©<- fire, on Saturday evening last. Thole" wh continue to desire to be ocnfidcred as cani dasct will fee the propriety of renewing their appi cations. SAMUEL DEXTER, Secretary of War. »» * »v.» ' »Vi k f u «> V ,«*«, f VOIMMK XVIII. Cocoa