TREASURY DEPARTMEN T, Wafhinglan, September ifl, i 860. ■ 1 . Public Notice is hereby Given, In purfwmce of on dS of Congress, pajed on the J 3 <l day 6J' April, one tlsitfand eight hundred, entitled "Ah OS to ejlablifh i General Stamp-O/Jice THAT a General Stamp.Office is now eftabliflied at the feat of government, in tne city of Wafhingtoii, from wheneie there will iffae, from and after the date hereof, (upon the application of the Supervisors of the Revenue, under whose management thfc collection of the stamp duties is placed) any Quantities of paper, pascbroent and vellum, marked ot; (lamped, and duly counter-damp ed, with the following rates of duty vVhich are demandableby law : For every'lkin or piece of vellum or parchment,or llieet or piece of paper, upon which (hall be written or printed any or nither of (be instru ments or writings following, to wit, A I'M. C. M. NY certificate of naturalization 5 Any licence to prailice, or certificate of the adtnifiion, enrollment or re giflry of any counsellor, Solicitor Advocate attorney, or pro<Stor, in any court of the United States le Provided, that a certificate in any one of the courts tof he United Stltes, for any one of the said offices, (hall so far as relates to the payment of the duty aforefaid, t<e a fufflcient admif fn»n hi all the courts of the United State*, for each and every .of the said offices. Any grant cr letters patent,unslw the seal or authority of the United States (except for lands granted for military services) 4 Any exemplification or certified copy of any fuch'grant or letters patent (except for lands granted for mili tary services) 1 Any charter-party, bottomry or re» fpoitdentia bosd 1 A«y receipt ordifcharge for or on ac count of any legacy left by any ■will or other teflimentaty instru ment, or for any lhare or part of a porfonat eflate, divided by force of any statute of diftrikutions other than to the wife, children or grand \ children of the perf.m diseased, the amount « htre«t (hall he above the value of fifty dollars, and (hall not s exceed the value of one hundred dollars , 15 When the amount thereof (hall ex ceed the value of one hundred dol lars, and (hall not exceed five hun dred dollars 50 And for evtry further sum of five hundred dollars, tke additional sum of 1 Any policy of infnrance or inflru ment in nature thereof, when the sum for which insurance is trade shall not exceed five hundred dol lars »r When the sum injured (hill exceed five hundred dollars ( I Afly exemplification of what nature < soever, that (haH pass the fell of any owurt, other thin fuoh as it may he the duty of the clerk ef fucli coiirr to furnilh for the use of the United Sut«, or some parti cular (late Any bond, bill single or penal, inland bill of excbinge, promilTory note or other note (other than any recognizance, bill, b«nd or other Obligation or contrafl, made to or strith the United States, or any (late, or for their life relpe&ively ; and any bonds required in any cafe by the laws of the United States, or of any Date, upon legal precef6, or ih anv judicial proceeding, or for the faithful performance of any trufter duty) If above twenty dollars and not exceeding one !»undr«d dollars If above one hupdred and not ex ceeding five' hundred dollars If above fivs hi/ndred and not ex ceeding one thnuhnd dal'ars And if »hoveone the uland dollars Provided, (hat if any bonds or notes (hill he payable at or within tlxty days, such bonds or notes (lull be fubjefl to i nly two-fifth parti of the dury afJrefaid, viz. If above twerty and not exceeding one hundred dollar* If above- one hundred dollars and not exceeding five hundred dollars If above five hundred dollars and Tiot exceeding one thou r and dolls. If,above one thousand dollars Any foreign bill of exchange, draft or order for the payment of money in any foreign csuntry The said dvty being charge able upon each and every bill of ex change, without refpedl to the num ber contained in each let. Any note or bill of lading or writing or receipt in nature thereof, for goJB-s or merchandize to be ex ported j If from one di(lri<sk to another dif* toifl of the United States,not being in the fame date If from the United States to any fo reign port or place The said duty being chargeable upon Mich and every bill of ladin vnthout rifpeiH. |to the number con tained to each set. Any notctUfaed by the hanks now efUMilhcd or that may be hereafter eftahlilhed within the United States, »tl«er than the notes of such of the said banks as (hall a grtt to an annual composition of one per centam on the annual di vidends made by such banks, t» their stockholders refpe&ively, ac tording tothe following scale : On all notes not exceeding fifty dol lars, for each dolbr ' On all notes above fifty dollars and not exceeding one hundred dollars On all notes above one hundred dol lar* and notexct eding five hundred dollars . I On all iolcsabart (in hundred dol lars ticUi. c. Any prot»A or other nolaflil ail »5 Any letter of a- torney, except for invalid pen Ron, or to obtain or fell ><"a'rfsatj -jor llnd granted by *^ c United Status as bounty for military ferviees performed in the late war Any inventory or catalogue of any fCr niture,g-ods breffess, made in any cafe required by law (ejoept in caj'e of gcods and chattels diOratned fct rent *>r taicec, and goods taken io vir tue of any legal pro.-ess by any otfteer 5® Asy CiTtitteace* of a (h arte in any infti rance company, of a IttaW in the hsnfc of the United States, or of any (late or othcV batik ; tf above twenty dolors aad ftot exceed- ' it}g ope hundred dollars 10 If above cue hundred dollars jj If under iweorv dollars, at the rate of ten cent* for one hundred dollars. 1 hat the power ot tJie ftiptrVifors of the" Revenue to mark or (tamp any vellum, parchment or paper chargeable wi-tb duty, will ceale and determine from and after iix months tro-m the aate hereof, to wit, oil the lad day ot February iß'ot. 1 liat, il any persons (lull, after the last day ot tebrnary ißci, have in their custody or poll".(lion, any vallum, pariliniont or pa per, marked or (lamped by the fupe-rrifornd the Revenue, upon which any matter or thing, charged with duty, (hall not have been written or printed, they may at any time within the space of sixty days after the said tast day of February ißot, biiiij; or fend luch velluux parchment and p.jiei, unto I me office of inspection, and in lieu thereof, receive a l?ke quantity or value of veMum, parchment and p,iper, duly (lamped in pursuance ot the adt herein before recited. And in cafeany person (hall neglefl or re tule, within the time aforefaid, to bring or cause to he brought unto son e officer of 111- fpe&inn, any f»rh vellum,' parchment or pa per, it is hereby declared, that the fame will thereafter be of 110 other eflKl or use, tlun it it lud never-been marked or (lamped, arid that all matters and things, which niay af ter that time be written or printed, upon ajiy vellul, parchment or paper, authorized to be exchanged in maimer alorelaid, will be of no other effi:tt, than if tbey had been written or printed on paper, parchment or vellum, Hot inarktd or (Lamped. And for the convenience of tliofe perfoiis who may be inclined to have their own vel lum, parchment and paper llsmped or mark ed, it is hereby pedared, that when any per foil fliall deposit any vellum, parchment or paptr at the office of a kipervifor, accompa nied with a lift, fp<-iify(ng the number and denomination ot the stamps or marks, which air desired to be thereto affixed, the fame will be tranfmittcd to the General Stpam- Officand there properly marked or (lamped, and forthwith sent back to tl»e famii fuper vilor, who will thereupon colledl the. duties and deliver the paper, parchment or vellum, to the order of the perlon from whom the fame was received. Given undrr uiy Haud, and the Ssal (L. S.) of the Trffafnrv, at Walhing ton, the day and year above men tioned. OLIVER VVOLCOTT, Secretary of ilie Trealury. frptember 29. d^iri. Certificates Loft! THE undermentioned certificates of (lock ol tli' Bac.kcf the United "tat 9«, viz No. 978, datel jft January, 179,?, for -five (hares in the name of Bourdieu, Chollctt and No *7166. ilatrd id of January, 1798, for I five (hares, in the name 01 the Right hoo. lord John Town(henJ. Notice is hereby given, That application is intended to be made at the said Bank l r the fuhferiher, lor a renewal of thr fame, of which *1! persons concerned are reqoefled to take notice. JOHN WARDER. Philadelphia, 10 mo. »8, 1800 tuthfajm Loft, IN the (hip Kcnfingt«n,captain Kerr, in the year 1794, having been captured hythc French on her voyage from hence to Araflir !am, the follow ing certificates ef stock of the Bank ol the Uvited States, standing in the name of Benjamin Chap man- Nos. 432 \sf 436 4 Shares etcb ; 158 3 do. 1215, 1:16, 1217. 1 do. Application is made at said Bank by the fubferi her (or a renewal of the fame, of which all perfans concerned aredefiredto take notice. JOHN MILLER, Junr. o<il. 17. djm. The Porcupine. I TAKE this, method of informing the People of the United States, (hat on (he firftday of No vember next, I propose to resume the publication of Porcupine's Gazette, under the title of THE PORCUPINE ; an 4 to aotify (in cafe any gentle man in America fcould want it) that the price of each Number will be sixpence sterling, and that the o»(h mud be received by me before the paper ran be lupplied. —As to the mode us conveyMce, so Irequent are the opportunities from Lontlon to Now- York, that files nay be forwarded ts the lat. ter place once a .fortnight upon an av;rape—from New-York they can be speedily conveyed to ev> cry part of the Union. When files can be, with out delay, sent to othib places diredt, it may bi done ; when tfiey cannot, they will all lie sent t< New-York, unless otherwise ordored. *» 0" Potcupint s Maoris, Which ha»e beei. sometime in the Pr«f», wil be completed in February next, when ths oopies fubfcri'ied for in America will be forwarded to the Subfcribcr*. Any of my literary friends in America, who may he difpolid to ranew their correspondence with me; will please 'o direift to my at my print ing office, No. 3, Southampton street, Strand, or at my Booklcller't shop, No. 18, Pall Mall. WILLIAM COBBETT. , Lwwlon, S«pt«mber i, lßco. IV. LOST, Wanted to charter FOR EUROPE, A Vessel, w-ftiartaiTfa.* 0 (- Ijo or 280 tons burthen. Applf to jfamej>, Clibborti, & Engli/h. $ For Liverpool, To return an early Spring ship to Phila delphia,, fjlr 1 £ THE sn,p fPj ' ROSE, of Philadelphia^ SILAS JONES, mailer, Burthen" 180 tons. Is intended to be fpecdily dif patched For freight or passage apply to JOHN ENGLISH, No. 141, Water Oreet, or JAMES, OLIBBORN isT ENGLISH, Philadelphia New-York, Dec. «d. 1800. ? For Sale, 1 , f v th« schooner M. ELIZA tsf KA.TY, \}>K'-<r£ssL George Parker, mailer ; Burthen 110 tons, 4 months old, fails fafti an"; is pierced fori4 guns, Ap ply to the wader on board at Downing': whaif, or SAMUEL RHOADS, No. i, Penn Street. ■ November n. dtf For Hamburgh, The Hamburgh ship |jij|b Three Friends, John Feter Jmfen, mailer, ■ A fytilantiat Urorg gool Vfffcl, and well found is mlcnd«'d t« fall previous to the 15th of Decem ber two third* of her cargo being ready to go on beard—For the rcmai; J«r, or paflsg •, apply to JACOB bPKRRY W Go. Who have received per/aid vcjfel and are now Landing, PLATILLAS ROY ALES Britannia! Quadruple Selrfiat Checks, No a, and Liftadocs Cr?as a la Morlaix Arabics Strifes Selefia Handkerchiefs Bazzils Oil Cloths < Cun Flints Aljo on Hand, Checks and flripes Boccadillos, Britannia*. C?.f ---f rillos, Brown Rolls, Edopillas, Creas a la Mor laix, Bielcf?e'.d fire Shirting, I.innens, Dowlafa, Siamoife, Tapes GlafsWarts.Ccffce Mills.Scythes, Demyjohns. Quills. nnvomher ai diot—tu&fr3W 30,000 lbs. bejiheavy Black Pepper, FOR SALE BY SAMUEL RHOADS, No. t, Penn Street. Drcemher 1. $ Thomas Orr, No. 52, SpUTH FItONT i>TB EST, HAS received by tlie latest arrivals trnm Lon don, a well chiifcn afFortment of the fol lowing articles: CALICOES and Chintzes, (a great variety) Furniture do. do. Corded Dimities for garments and furntfurc Durants, Joans and Calimancoes 1 Urmbazetis and Boinbazeens Primed Linen and Cotton Handkerchiefs and Lawn bordered dn. Jaconet and 3o<k Muslin handkerchiefs Shawls, Cotton md Chintz, a great variety Do. Camel's Hair Hosiery, Worftcd and Cotton nfall sizes Do China White,and Black Silk rsblACfctbs, from 5 4, to 10 by 16-4 with and with-\)t Napkins Thread, Gauze, Lawns and Cambric'/is Jaconet and Lapett Muslin?, coloured and plain White an 1 B'ack Lace, Lace Veils, Cloaks and Handkerchiefs Black Mode, Keclongsand Satins White and printed Marseilles forvefts Swanfdown, ftrjpedand pkid. Cotton Checks (five) j-8» 4-4, 11-8, and 6-4 Hlrck and coloured Barcelona handkerchiefs India Bandanna do of superior quality White, Ret} and Yellow Flannels Guernsey Worsted Frocks A ftw dozen !»eft elastic Suspenders. . Hie has Also Just Received, a well alTorted Invoice ol India Muslins, CONSISTING OF Bcrbhoom Gurrahs Pstna Bafta< Alahabad Emertlei Do. Gutrahl Company Guzzapora Janna Mamoodits. Coflas. By the Bale or Piece. Odober 1?. diw -jawtf. French School, FOR YOUNG LADIES. N. GOUIN DUFIEF, profeffor of the French language, wiU open on Tuitday, the 9th of De cember, at Mrs. Beck's Academy, in Fifth ftieet, opposite the State House garden, a morning school or young ladies, from eleven till one o'clock (every otker day.) Parents or guardians are defir«d to make early application, that the fckoiars may have the mutual advantage of beginning at o»ce. N- O. Dufief, has the honor to inform th em that he is theauiher of a course of practical lec tures and conferences on the motl efTential parts of the French language, by means of which, the lear ner is f»on initiated in the meft approved practice of this polite and fafhinnablc language. An analysis of his p'au of tu : tion, and of his work having been ghfen at length iu ths public papers, they arc referred to the Gazette of the Uritcd States "and the Aurora for September last. l ot terms and other at No 5, south Fifth street, or at Mrs, Beck's on the days and hows oftuitiou iforofaitl. December ». «od6t J N O T I C E., Bank of the United States, Novsmbpr 17, iSo~. Stockholder! of tie Bank of the UiVitecT . States are informed, that according |to the fistu'e of incorporation, a General Election sos twen'y fvs Dirc&ort, will be held at the Bank 01 the Unitei States, in the chy of Philadelphia, on Monday the sthef January next, at ten o'clock in tjie forenoon. And purfuantto the eteTenth feftion of the bye laws, the stockholders of the said Bank arealfo no tified to affefliMe in general meeting, at the fame place, oq Tuesday the 6".h of January f.-cxl, at fix o'clock in the erening. O. SIMPSON, Cashier. Second Fundamental Article. Not more than three fourths o( the DirciSors in office, cxcluive of the ProGdent lhall lie eligible for the next onfuing year, but the Diiedorwho shall ba Prcfwleut at the tim« of an Kle&ion IT,a) always he re elfited. tu 15Jv Infuranct Company of North America. g3* THE STOCKHOLDERS are hereby informed, that a flatcd Meeting of the Com pany will be held at their Office, on the r 3th day of January rext, (being the fecorid Thurf "•d»y in the Month) for the K left ion of twenty five Directors for the entiling year. CHARLES PETTI I', President. D'.cember 10- f&tti3'hj Bank of JjJ.orth America. Notice is hereby given to the Stockholders of Bank of North Amer ica, (hat 011 the second Monday, the isth day or' January next, an Eleflion of twelve Direc tors for tha ensuing year, will be hel4 at the Park at io of the clork in the firtnpon. H. DRINKER, j«nr. Cathier. Dumber 9. xawi w&dtuj. JuJi Received by A. Dickens ; Opposite Chrilt Church, Desultory Reflexions, ON T HI Political Aspect of PUBLIC AFFAIRS In the United States of America. Part 11. " And I looked, and beheld a pale horse s and " his name that fat on him was Death, and " Hell followsd with hi™ " { Price 35 Cpnts ) ALSO CARMEN SECULARE For the year 1800. By Henry James Page P.L. Superbly printed in 4.fa.— (Price 75 Cents.) December 10. $ PROPOSALS FOR PUBLISHING BT SUBSCRIPTION, The Works OF TIIE Hon. James Wilson, Esq. L. L. .D Late ont of the Associate Justices of the Supreme Court of the United States and Projessor at Law in tie Cqliege and Academy of Philadelphia. ' From the original manafcript, in the pofleflion of Bird Wilson, Esq. connrfroNs. Thefc works (hall be elegantly printed in two vo lu oftavo, ail J delivered jro fubfcriberj at fivedsllnrs. •• They fiwll be put to press as soon as the fubfcrip tion> wirl jiiAify t!;e eipence of publication, Subscriptions will be received by AS BURY DICK INS, The puMither, oppofife ChriilChnrch, Phila delphia ; and bj the principal bookl; llers through out the United States. *„* A Profpe.lus of the wark may be feqp at the place of fubfeription. f<rptemberl3 § A. Dickins, Opposite Chr ist-Chubch HAS JUST PUBLISHED, ' A neat and correct Edition OF The Exercises, ADAPTED TO Murray 1 s Englijh Grammar, Designed for the benefit of private Learners as well for the use of Schools, with Key. BY LINDLEY MURRAY. [Price one Dollar. December 5, vmiir n/-\/-vi/n NEW BOOKS, RECEIVED nr A. DICKINS, oppoSte Christ Church. Millars Gardners Dictionary, new edition, fo'.'a 36 00 Weld's Travel*, a vols 7 00 Rochrfaucault's Travels, 4 volf I* 00 Anti-Jacobin Examiner, 1 vols. 6 JO BuoHiparu's Intercepted Letters 3 75 Crutwell's Oazeti-er, 3 vols, and atlas 18 co New Biographical Di&ionary, 1? vols 37 50 D'lvernais's Survey of Che l offjs of the French Nation - .. Parson's British C!aflic», 36 vols 4a 00 New System of Natural History,3 volt 11 u Payne's Epitome of History, » vols 6 00 Chefterfield's Works, 4 vols II oc gilhop Wilson's work*, 8 vols II CO ,oldlmith's works, 7 vols 9 00 •".alpble's royal and noble authors , 2 15 ron's new geography, 4 v»ls ii 00 P e rke, on Infuiance, new *ji>n. ed. «f 1800 500 Dr. Ctirrie'a edit, of Burns's work* 4 vols i» 00 Fcnno's edition cf Clifford's wo;ks, 1 v ils ais PAMPHLETS. Duigenan's reply to Grattan, I 75 Report of the I'ecrct committee of the house of commons on the Irilh rebellion I eo Rose's examihation ®f ths increase of the revenne.commerce, &c. of G. Britain_ 6»< Cifford's letter to the Earl of Laoderda e 75 Romel's narrative of the Deportation to Cayenne I 00 Aime's do 150 A variety of Pamphlet) on American Politics, dtceraber II WILLIAM BLACK, Of Dover, in Delaware, HAVING obtained the copyright Of D/AT'i Poetical Nosegay, and other work#, by ti rioßi hands, offerstfiem for sale, viz. Ncwcomb's Version, at *5 cents a copy. Mite of Praise, at 11 r-l cents 3 copy. Thij work originated from refpeft To Him, who rul'd, and Him who rules the Land And tho' may not displease, NARRATIVES OF THE PIRATES, (Baker, Lacroix, & Beroufe or Brous—price 40 cents. BALL'S FAST DAY SERMON, price 30 rents. Here piety and policy combine, * To prove Ball both a statesman and divine ; That the belt way to guard the civil rights When pitty with policy unites; From France expelled pkty we fee, And in her place stalks murd'rous anarchy. THE POETICAL NOSEGAY, By D. W. price 10 cents. Where Woikmanftands the Sempleof the day, Or, revolutionizing, (talks away ; Array'd vftth guilt—the fharpcr plays the sneak And leaves the heart of inilocence to brjak. impos'd on innocence, ill anguilh, jreeps, While onward to hisiaint, Httgh WerkmanL^pi. MORAL SKETCHES. And n varisty of other Works. Orders poll paid, and price fenr, attended to Ijy WILLIAM BLACK, november 15 tamiim PROPOSALS" " V Fon PUBLISHING THE Powers of Geriius, A POEM, ' 1 ll* THItEE PARTS ; To which are attached General Criiicifnis on Author AND ILLUSTRATIONS OF GENIUS. By the Rev. John Blair Linn, Minitter ef, tht First Prfftytcrean Church, in the City of Philadelphia. This work will be put to press ai soon aspr.fliMe, U will loim a dusdecimo volume ; will be printed wi'Ji elegance, on paper ot the belt quality, and will be delivered to fubfcri'-< rs at the price of one dollar, in boards. The work will be printed un tier the cire, and at the expenceof the author. 10" Subscriptions are received by Afbury Dick; ens. Thof« perfoas into whofehar,iis fubfeription papsrs are delivered, are rtipc&iuily requeited to return them to the Author, or to .v(r. Dickins, Bookseller, at the expiration of three weeks lrora this date. Philadelphia, Dec. 6 PROPOSAL BY THOMAS DOBSON, , At the Stene-House, No. 41, south Second street, Philadelphia, FOR PUBLISHING BY SUBSCRIPTION, ENCYCLOPEDIA DICTIONARY Arts, Sciences, AND Miscellaneous Literature; On a Pian entirely New, By which The different Sciences and /rts Are digelte 1 into the Form of Diftinft TREATISES or SYSTEMS, comprehending THE Hifiory, Theory, and Praoli'ce of tach, according to the iatefl DiTcovries and im provements; and fall explanations p»rn of the various dctacleripirts of Knoii'tj'j whether re-latingf to natttal and artificial objects or to matters «c ---clefaflical, civil, military commercial, &c. In. eluding elucidations of the mod imporrant topics relative to religion, morals, manners an<-i the (eco nomy of life: together with a def*ijtion of all t(ie countrirs, cities, principal mountains, seas, ri vers Ac thcoufehous the world; a general Hittory, ancient and no Jem ot the diff„*rei.t empires, king doms and states; and an account of the liven of the molt eminent perfor.B in every im the earliest ages down to the present times. Compiled from the writings of the belt authors, in leveral languages ; the most approved dictionaries, as well ol general fcieyces as of particular branches ; the tranfa&ioris, journals and memoirs, of learned societies. both at home and abroad ; the MS. Leflares of eminent profeffors on different scien ces; and a variety »f original materials, furnifhed by an extensive cerrefpondence. The Publisher having been Solicited to furnifh sets of shis valuable and important work by one volume at a time, which, by dividing the pay ments, might make the acquisition of the work more convenient to purchasers.proposes to dispose of the few remaining copies on the following CONDITIONS. The Work being already completed in Eigh teen large Quarto Volm?» in boards, Ele gantly printed on Super fine paper, illustra ted with five huadered and fortj-two Cop per-plates - I. A Volume in boards will be delivered to each Subscriber every three months till the whole be delivered. 11. The price to the Subscriber will be Seven Dollars and a Half for every Volume in in beard?, payable on delivery, which will amouut t® One Hundred and Thirty-five Dollars for the Eighteen Volumes, being the pr«fcnt price for complete Sets of the work. 111. Each fubferiber {hall pay the price of one Volume in advance, that is, when the firlt Volume is delivered "the price of the firft and eighteenth Volume to be paid, and the other Volumes to be paid on delivery. Any 9ubfcriber who may choose to have the whole in a fliortertime than the above ed periods, may have any number #f Volumes that may be agreeable at the fame time at the above pricos. To prevent any misunderstanding it is pro* per to exprefsthat no Volume will be delivered to any person without the njonry, and as the Sets on hand are but few in number, it will be requfit that such isjchoofe to become Subscribers should apply as early as psffible to prevent dis appointments. The Subscriptions will ba received bf Thomas Dobfon, is above ; Dec. 6. taw6w « SO FOR SALE, OLD Long Primer, Small Pica on Pica Body, Englifli, "Chafes, Composing Sticks, and jg&ea varitty of articles necefThry to rarrv on the Pric ing Business. They will be fold i heap tor ca% Apply to the Printer. >' OR A
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers