you together at an earlier period than I had , ctherwife intended.—No oi>je<4 can be • nearer my heart than that, by your care , and wisdom, all such measures may be | adopted, as may, upon fullconfideration, i appear bed calculated to alleviate this ; severe preflure, and to prevent the danger , of its recurrence, by promoting, as far' as poliible, the pertinent extpnhon and improvement of our agriculture. , " For the objedt of immediate relief,' ' your attention will naturally be diredted. in the firft instance, to the baft mode of affording the earliest and mod ample en- 1 couragement for the importatibn of all descriptions of Gxain from abroad, , " Such a supply, aided by the ex amples which you have (ct <>n former ©ccafions of attention to economy and frijgality in the consumption of Corn, is molt likely to contribute to a reduftion in the prefeut high price, and to inlure at the fame time the means of meeting the demands for the ijeceflary consumption ofj the year. The present drcumftances will also I am persuaded, render the (late of the laws re fpedtirrg the commerce in the various arti- cles of provilion the object pi your serious deliberation. " If on the result of that deliberation it shall appear to you that the evil neceffatily a,rifing from unfavourable feai'ons has been increased by any combinations or fraudulent praflices, for the fake of adding unfairly to the price, you will feel an ear ned desire if effectually preventing such ab'. Fes ; but you will, I am i'ure, be care ful to distinguish any practices of this na ture from that regular and long eltabliftled course of trade which experience has lhewn to be intjifpenfable for the present state of loc.iety, for the supply of the markets, and for the subsistence of mypeciple. " You will have seen with concern the temporary 'disturbances which have takeii place in some par|s of the langdapi. Thoi iralicions and diiaffected perloiu who crii-' elly take advantage of the ties to excite any of my lubjefts to'act in violation of the laws and of the public peace, are in the present circumstances dou bly criminal, as fitch proceedings mult ne cessarily and immediately tend to iucreafe in the llighelt degree the evil complained of, while they at the lame time, endanger the permanent tranquility of the country, cn which the well-being of the-induftrious claflcs of the community mult always prin cipally depend. " The voluntary which have m this occasion been made for the imme diate reprelfion of these outrages, and in support of Ihe laws and public peace, are therefore entitled to n>y highefl praise. " Gentlemen of the Houje of Commons, " UtKjer the circumltances of the present meeting, I am defirotts of asking of you such Supplies only as may be neceflary for carry ing on the public Service, in the parliament of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland may conveniently be The Eftirtiates for that purpose wtil be laid before you; and I have no doubt of voor re&dineft to make such provisions as the public interest may appear to require. " My Lor as and Gentlemen, " I have directed Copies to be laid be fore you of thole communications which have been recently palled between me and the Ftench Government, refpeding the commencement of negociations for peace. You will fee )n them frefh and flriking proofs of my earr.elt desire to contribute to the re-establishment of general tranquility. That desire on my part has hitherto Been unhappily fruftrated, by the detetmination of the enemy to enter on a separate negociation, in which it was impossible for me to engage, tonliftently either with public faith, or with a due regard to the perma nent lecurity of Europe. " My anxiety for the speedy restora tion of peace remains unaltered ; and there ■will be no obftaclt s nor delay on my part to the adoption of such mekfures as may best tend to promote and accelerate that deiira ble end, confidently with the honour of this country, and the true intdreft of my people ; but if the difpolitiotf of our ene mies Ihould continue to render this greatob jeiVof all my wishes unattainable, without the of these e Hernial considera tions, on the maintenance of which all its advantages mult depend, you will, I am confident, parfevere in affording me the fame loyal and steady support which I have experienced through the whole of this im portant contest, and which lias, under the bJelfiDg of Providence, enabled me, during a period of such uuexsmple difficulty and calamity to all the iurrounding nations, to maintain, unimpaired, the security and ho nour ef these kingdoms [After the delivery, of }!ie King'? Speech a very long debate took place on the answer which it was propoled to fend so K by the Commons ; and especially on that pjrt.of tie Speech which relates to the general Icarcity of provifu>n in the kingdom. Mr. Pitt moved lor a committee to iconlidcr what bounties ftioultl be granted#!] the importation of coril; the tirlt object of which, he laid, would be to atjopt a pra&ical remedy for tfac scarcity, and afterwards to enquire into the causes. Granted. He then (obtained leave to bring in a bill to prevent diltijlerie. tiling grain for a limited time; a bill to prevent the making of Starch ; another ti> prohibit the exportation of Rice i and moved for a committee to consider vf the duty on the importation of hops, with a view of obtaining 3 supply of that article.^ PARIS, November 4. A Courier arrived yefterdaT from Milan has brought irttclligence that the French troop* had taken Arezzo by affjiult. Noreraber j. The Landgrave of Hefi'e. DarmftaJt has ap pointed as his envoy at the Congress of Lune ville, the Count de Papptnnerai, his preient tniaifter at P»ris. November 6. Two of our Journals bave announced that Tufcany had been evacuated by our troop", and ev«n that the invaficn of the country had not been aurtiorifed by the government. The offi.- dal journal b»s demanded upon wh»t «ircuin . fhnces t!i» c«n?lf"s flf these papers have . founded t|if alTertjon that tie Generals hid en fted in/fa »p'inrions 6f lij great iffip»«ta"ce ! without the order of Government. The tno- J tivp.* continues the Moniteur, which have de ; ter/ninerl and authorifeti the occupation of Tuf 1 <rf«y ftiffieiently ditplay tkemfelvej in faj\s and ift. jfp tKe preliminaries figncd by M. de St. j Julirn, the Emper r was pledged to difatra the levy in mais of Tufcany. I id. Ry the .additional convention made at CaftljilKHje Se'wcen General Marin.<nt and General Hohenzollern. General Brune had ; consented to wait the answer of the cabinet of Vie ria relative to the evacuation of the Coun ■ ry of Ferrari by the Auftriinß, who ought tp have evaluated the country in e*ecutioa of the cor.venMon of Marengo, hut there is no doubt that Tufcanv was th?. price of this, oMwiefcen fion in the Convenficn of Caftrgljoaie. 3d. The Aullrians had eflentially violated the ronven'on of Marengo, since it fpeeified they fli uld only occupy the town and ciiade! of Ferrara, I'Ut not forty leaguc'9 of cruntry. This fundamental convention, the basis of all . the o.hers, and ratified by the two govern ments, cou'd nt be rnrd'.fi d by any conventi on ma te by general officers. The Govern ment had expressly disavowed all\ modifica tion. 4th. The levy in mass was paid by the En glish, and dire&ed in part by Willof. A Nea politan corps had arrived to reinforce it, other wise tfce French army wnu'd n> t have conclud ed an armistice with the Neapolitan troops. sth. A few days after the French took pof feflion of Leghorn, an Englifli fleet apptared off the port, with troops on board. The Republic had not included ariy arinillice with the English* Precaution is the firft duty ■ mpofedby war. Whenever it is negleiled toy a government, vi&ary wavers, and defeats (uc coed. 6th. M. de Sommarivi, comaiander 1 f the Austrian troops in Tufcany, retired without giving any afliftance to the levy in mak, which it was ueeelTarV to disarm. These jcyoo bau ditti committed all kinds of excefles, and ref pefte 1 110 treaty. White General Dupsnt »it canno. iding the town of Ar rto, and carried by ifTmlt at pticrrttre Anttnxni rook General Sommarivi, nbtnir.H <permit!i< r march w th the corps under his eocnnuud acrol's the French army, and to rejoin the Aullrlai * my at Ferrara. ' The lavy en mafle wai so oppreflive to cany', that those perfofis who were inoft att.: - ed to th« Grand Duke saw with pieafure I'm arrival of the French, which was coriduijt'd according to the manner of regular troops who came to deliver a coftntry from the yoke nt os diftiplined barbarians In other 1 lie government was preserved, as it had brer, etla bliflied by the authority of the Grand Dude. November 10. The report of the entrance of the French into. Kome is untrut. Lucien Buonaparte set eft ycfterday. It fa.d that he is going to Spain. From Luneville we learn, that the young ci tizens Ucedcrer, Portalis, and Simeon, have d«elare<l to the dfficers of Police of that city, that they aYe attached to the French Legation. November 11, French funds, 3+f. 300 BOS'J ON, Detemhcr tl. Ciptain Udny, who armed here yesterday from Greenock,, had occdfion to touch at d nother port 111 Scotland, where he saw a Gl.ifgow parser of the sth Nov. which con tained accounts of an army of 150,000 Kufli 11s being on their match for the fron tiers of Germany, part of which had al ready arrived ; that the Einpetor of Ger many had prepared accommodations tor their reception, and that'theKing of Profli* had in motion a large body of troops ; but whether they weie to aflifl France or Aus tria was not known. CONCORD, (N. H.) D.-fceinber 6. AfrAMS anu PINC.KNEY. We authorised to fay, that the Elec tors for this State of President ana V ; Ct- Prcfiden? of the United States, who met in this town on Wcdnefday lafl, voted unani tnoufly far John Adams aHd Cb<zrles Cotes worth Pitickmj. . Not one Elector even suggested the pro priety of t bin king of any other candidate. NEW-YOUK. Decomber 23. Communicated fpr publication by Captain Smith of the ship Orlando from St. Seba- stians. December 6, in 1 t. 27. 2, long 60, co, was boarded by the privateer (liip Nymph, captain freeman, of and from Halifax, 12 days out; and after giving me a barrel of piovifions, and putting the f.cond mate and two seamen cf the flup Fabfui ef Philadel phia, captain Hud Ton, on bo-irt, he very politely dismissed The above (liip was from Philadelphia bound <0 Barcelona, 8 days out, whom Hie had taken 5 days be fore and ordered for Halifax. November s—in the Bay of Biscay, was boarded by the Britifli frigate, Cyrus, cap tain King from PortlYnouth, and alter a (hort detention he very politely difmified me. . ' Left at St. Sebastians the Jol' owing vessel. Ship Argus, Main, of New-York to lail in 8 days ; Alknomac, Atkins, do. ißdo. Two Mary's Richards, do. 40, do. Black River, Mather, do. Thomas, Hagins, of Charleston in 6 days ; hope, Steyens, do. F.liza, Brown, do, Brigs Mary, Barclay, of New-York, fonn ; Hiram,- Riee, ditto ; Lydia, Roach, do. Amiable Creele, El. dredge, of Philadelphia, soon ; Friendftiip, O'Conner, do. Two Sillers, Waffun, of do. Nancy, Marfhatl, do. Tryal, Gilford, of New-B-dford ; Tully, Stone, of Norfolk ; barque Nixon, Rl-y, o.f Savanna)) ; Schre. Bilboa, Perkins, of Philadelphia ; Sally, Forrefler, of do. Minerva, Bab Con, of 1 Boston ; Woodbridge, Luster, of Glmice- Pier. The ship Adelaide, C pt. John Mm, of Baltimore, is at Port Passage. PRINTING, Neatly execttfed at the Office of the > Gazette of the* United States. x ' ' >»' • • ' " e Gazette ot' the United- States.: j.' PHILADELPHIA, ' j WfiDNKSOAY RVKNING, DtCKMBF.K 24.. t. RhTURN (IF VOTES, ie For President Vice President of the United States. / ■!«:- Nc w-H.impfliire, 6 M?l/;c]iy('eto, tfy, Rtinde-in.ind, -4 ConncdVuut, 9 Vermont, . 4 New-York, New-Jersey, 7 Pennsylvania, 7 Delaware, •} Maryland, j Virginia, Kentucky, TenneflVe, North-Gafnlinaj '4. Sbiith-Carolina, Georgia, N Ml 6 S | 60 |£6 | ~'T " M • • Cj* 'to-morrow being Chrijlmas, the publication of this Gazette \Vill be suspended until Friday. £5" The Editor of the Gazette of the United States requests all persons who (land indebted for S-./bfcriptkn. or Adver t-fiugi and who refidt: out of the City of \ Philadelphia, to transmit, the amourt of t : . ;r Bills, by letter, fofipaid., »r is also proper so remind those who j ft i a indebteu o the late proprietor, for fubTcription and advertising, that the j, .nt Editor is duly authorited to fettle j all accounts relating ito said Gazette— and as there are sums to a large a rriount, due from persons residing at a d;itance, an immediate Settlement is re- j quelled. All letters must be post paid. The short time eiapfrd since the publicati on of the Convention with Frmce, docs n.»t permit a lulf examination of i;s merits 5 it is however, deiira'iL- that the gilt .niprelfioa ot its leading puiioplcs, llica.d be as nearly as poflible, cc.i ri <ft. It may t>e rer.icnnbertd, that 11 indemnifi cation for pall, fecutKy ai-aiptt future inju ries, ami expl<ii.vt.on« of- former milunii 1. Handings," were pr. rtiii d as fruits ot tins million. To ui'd.riund "how far tliel'c tiiree objects ha»e Urn attained, wt (h ill briefly examine llieni 111 their leteral rrder.' lit. Indemnity for spoliations on our Coninltrce.— i lia uiii liicutioii'of indemnity ir in-the fecoiid aftirf;;, and as the parties declare they had no power to revive the tnaty of I 778, and the" convention of the 14. h of November, it is agreed tg negotiate 011 their poi-tits and the mutual indemnities, ;.t a iuture and more convenient season— however, led we might claim compenfafion, for their captures of our property, by the Laws ot Nauons without reference to the fhpulations ol the treaty of drmnrtxeanotrs for cap ures an 3 condemna tions arc politively exvepttd and denied by the sth article. l'nus it appears no pait lias be»n obtain ed of abdut Twenty Miliums of DolLrs, taken from us, contrary to the Jaws of na tions, "and to l'olemn treaty. But it appears very doubtful, wliether'vft can ever renew our demand for -in<k,ranity, uniefs we are ready to renew the treaty of 1778, with thst moll dangerous condition, the guarantee of the French lUands, and that inonller in jurisprudence, the Consular Convention—this ia mentioned with diffi dence. ad. Security against future injuries.—lf there is one man 111 the page of lr»lto y, wlio has made hiniftlf more than all pre eminent in perfidy, who has oftener violated fblemn contradts with the furroutiding nati ons, a;id oy a more diabolicaf treachery, en slaved his country and ul'uiped a throne, it is Buonaparte J a contrast .with him is so far from lecurity, we ought to Be*alarm ed at his prj/flers of amity, as if the enemy were at our gates. Bel'ides is it probable be can maintain the lofty flation he has adorned, lord and mailer of twenty-five millions ot people ; if long heieditary fucieffion, without a rival claim, and the much more mild defpotifrp of the Bourbon family, could not p.referve the crown to the mild, but unfortunate.Louit, —Can a Gorlican Robber put alide the pre tentions of Angeieau, MaJTe'na, Moreau, See. to participate«of the power,, emolument, aiid reputation us tiovernmg ? Neither with such a man, or fitch a Government, oti there be any fecutity, at leali. under the pre 'fent state of things. 3d. Explanations of former jnifunderflantt ings.—Neither 011 this point, has the least pro gress been made ; but by reinserting the ar ticles of the treaty of 1778,'whirt have been the chief l'ubjeds of contToveify, the meaning given by each party is flill to be infilled upon, or France may interpret the re-adniiffion of the'articles, without our infilling on our former interpretation, an acquiescence 111 the? oire (lie-has"given it will be easily perceived, I illude to. the 14th article, by which free iliips are to make free goods, tU O»U!TJ. . :T «" §5 o -t: <0 r* iT ** 3 *• & J ! 6 6 : I 6; 1 6 .4 4. 9 9 4 4 12 12 7 7 'OO co 77 8 8 3 3 5 .5 S S 21 21 '4488 8 8 4 4 ] ■> T lie Uftited States, contended (' I JefTerfuu con-efpondence with Mr. M >rru and Gtpiict) this llipulation, related only Frauie a nd the United Stales ; in cafe on 6t't'hera being at WarJ'and the other At Peace t(ie Ships; of the one, proteft ene mies property from capture by the other,; France on the bther hand contended, we were obliged to protect her property in oar fliips from cspture by her enemies, wh > having never acceeded' to this. exttiof dinary Compaft, governed themselves by the general laws of Nations, and took French property. wbei;evtr they found it on the high feasj although on board of Neutral Ships. This, right is so well lulled by the laws of.nation;,- that fylr. Je.ffVrfon, in j answer to Mr.. Genet, fi»ys hi''-dots not know, upon what ground?, tie could cohj. plain of it to the Bi it.fh Government. I have thus curfori'y gone over the three leading obj 6t of this million, 1 hope fatisfac torlly. I cannot however omit the fhanleful degradation of our country, and the insolent triumph ot France. —By refilling ever to ne gotiate on our claim to compensation fat con ttmptuoufly rejefts our pretence of complaint, and juftifies the wjiole cf her conduft and as if this draft was not fuffi cieritly bittef, (lie hai thrown all the blame of the rupture upon us, hy demanding re storation of the very ships, we seized in the ail of plundering us of our property failing on the high leas, under the protection of the laws of nations, and the faith of solemn lontj exiiling treaties. As the 25th article is I hope wrong printed, I (hall at present make no comments on the apparent in fraftion as our treaty with Great Britain, and l.eave to abler hands more fully, to exa mine this Grecian horse. A letter from Wafhingtdn, received this morning fays Mr. Jay has been nom inated Chief Justice of the United States in the room of Oliver Ellfworth, Esq. resigned. The Editor of the National Intelligen cer, published at the City of Washing ton, has issued a supplement, containing, as he fays, an Official Copy at the Con vent ion between America and France. He States, as a reason for publishing it, that a mutilated copy has got into circu lation. A gentleman who left the City of "Washington yofterday, informs, that it was currently reported there, that the French treaty would not be ratified. On what ground this report had gained currency, he could not fay. £ffa/tiim,re Fed. Gaz, Extract of a lifter from the city of Wash ington to the editprs, da,ted Dec. 19. " The Senate are-now clofdy occupi ed with the French treaty: Nothing transpires, as the doors are kept closed." [lbid. In the House of Commons of North Carolina, Mr. Deberry presented a bill directing the-manner in which any bet on horse racing shall in futnre be recov ered ! and sent to the Senate. The bill to provide for the equal divi sion aiid distribution of of insolvents debtors' estates, was rejected ! ! ! FEMALE ASSOCIATION. AT a meeting of the Board of Diredfion of the Female AfTociation of Pliiladelphia, on Monday, the 22d December, 1800 Resolved, That this Boflrd acknowledge with gjatitude the receipt of Five Hundred Dol lars, presented to there by the Donors to the contribution for the assistance of the poor of Norfolk, &c. being part of the overplus money-os that contribution. A room is prepared at the ftorr of Messrs. Taylor and N f wbold, No. 28, Chefnut flreet for the reception of clodthing, groceries, and other .iieceflaries, lent as donations for the use of the-Female Affociition, wlftre two,of the members will attend on the forenoon of Tuesday and Friday, in every week, at id o'clock. Extratt of a letter from Falmouth, to the Editor of the New-York Daily Adverti ser, dated November 19, 1890. " A motion has been made in Parliament, to take the avenge sales of foreign grain in London, three weeks preceding the importa tion, an 4 whatever that may be under loos, per quarter, Government will make up the difference ; and the fame refpeiling flour, fixing the price at 70s per barrel, for fuper fine, and 625. for fine. The followiug are the current prices: Wheat 100 to 120s per quarter. Flour 160s per sack, of 2 i-j cwt. Rye 50s to 65s per quarter, .1 - - Employment Wanted BY A CLERK, , WHO can produce good recommendations. Enquire at the Office of the Gazette of ihe United State*. December 19 f -3t ~ Cod Fish A few quintals >eft Cod Fish and ico quarter calks Sherry Wine,juft received. On hand, Wine and Cyder Vinegar in ) pipes and quarter casts, > fpR SALE BT BENJAMIN W. MORRIS & Co. December 12. eod3t .ofStau. , ntfc Dec. 1800- Sir, I entlolo ail additional' Lift of the Names of Imprctfed Seamen, to be dis pOsed, of in the fame manner as that which accompanied my letter of the 30th Oftoher last. * I am, ytty refpeftfully, Your mo ft' obedt. servant, J. MARSHALL, George Latimer, Esquire, Callfiflor, Philadelphia. PENNSYLNANIA. - Persons Namtt Places of Residence John Hall,, Unknown John Hamilton (negro) Germantowa Thomas Edwards, Philadelphia Robert Nugent Ditto Gazette Marine Lift. POUT OF PHILADELPHIA. CLEARF.L NONE-ARRIVED NONE. B. g Frank ir,, K'n'ity. r rom heace, to Ne«f O'leans, is sent into NcW Pr videncf. Brig Griltisna and Andrew, Brqwn, ffoißi Hambro' has come too at the Point. An inward bound brig below— armed, and has a figure head,; name unknown. Ship Alexnder, KUkrr, irom hence, has arrived at London, after a paflage of thirty two days. Schooner Frlendftitp, Taylor, from hence, to fort Republican. h*« been lent into Naflati, (New Pr >t!dericejl liberated and has procc-edad on her r yage. Ship Wa'tiingtoß, Williamfon, from hence, to Bauvia, wjs fpofeen the 14th August, in latitude ss, go, N. longitude 36, 33, W. all well. The Belvidcre, Lovely Lass. Mtfrouri 8 thfi" Ganges ftip of war, went to fta on Saniay lift. BOSTON, December 16. ARRIVKD, dayt Brig Edmund, Davis, St Übes 34 Brig Hsbe, M'Farlane, Placen:ia 16 'I he brig Edmund spoke on the 9th of De* cember, in latitude 41, 16, longitude jj, brig Ferdinand, Jamefon, seven days from Top* (ham, for Liverpool, all well, On Friday last, felt an extreme heavy gale of witid, accompa nied with rain and hail- Several *efl> a were in the outer harbor lift evening, coining up, am ng which we under' flan 1i» an Ecglifh (hp from Greenock., The fleet left Ue Vif.eyard on Sunday | may be hourly expefled l December 17. This arrived, fliip Ruby, Udny, fifty* fix diva fr»im Greenoik. The Eliza, Choit, from h'ence, for Liver pool, wasfyokpise miles east or the Light Ho ife, ) twenty'.'f«ur hrurs out, alf well. The fetor. Isabel a has been met with at fe* in Jat; if, 30 witt) but one man oh board, har* irig licrn driv n to sea from her anchors, while the reft of the crew were < n shore. She was manned and ordered for the firft port she could tuake- The brig Express wa» lefr'at Antigua the »oth or November Wanted an Apprentice, To a lighr profitable bufi u is, A smart adtive Lad,' Of rej u able parent«—ELquire at No. 76, Dock ftreer. PSA who has some genius for painting of drawing would be preferred'. December 24 <| i, < 7his Day was Publijhed y BY A. DICK INS, h "OfPOStT* CHRIST CHURCH, 1 The origin principles " w e OE THE ' - 1 American , Revolution, Compared with The origin ss* principles OF THE t French Revolution. d Translated from the German of Genta, e By an American gentlcmnn. f Copy right secured. D Price— 37 I-» Cents, dccemher 24 e .JUST RECEIVED By A. Dickins, t, oppcfite Christ Church. THE POEMS of the late Mr. Clift'ton, ■ To which are pre6xed the introducftory notices of 1 e th« life, chara&er, and writings of the authar, and , a beautifully engraved li kenefs. Price, bound and gilt, I dollar cent e December 13. ■ i' 1 — 5 New-Theatre. r7» On account of the indisposition cf Mrs. Merry, tbe new Comedy of tie EAjf INDIAN is unuvoidablypostponed. ON WEDNESDAY EVENING, December 24. Will be presented, a much admired Comedy, in 5 acts, callbd THE WILL; Or, a School for Daughters. To whidh will be added, not acted this tea font from the German ps Kotzebue, called The Wild Coafe Chafe.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers