By this Day's Mails NEW-YORK, December 22. POSTSC R I P T. From London papers ( Star J received at the Office of the. Daily, Advertiser. {Q** Dates to tie 6tb of November. ' LONDON, November 5. We this day received the' Pans Journals to the ill inlhnt, inclulWe. Tie tiply arti cle ill the Official Journal refpefling the Negociations, is a (liort ftatenient of the arrival of Count Cobentzel, the Auflrian Plenipotentiary, and the Marquis Luc- Chefini, (from Pruflia) in Paris. Some of the non-official papers mention also tiie arrival of a Bavarian Minister, and slate, that it is probable the Negociations for Peace, will be carried 011 in that city The following are the only articles which the late hour at which we received :hofe journals, allow us time to lay before our readers. PARIS, 8 Brumanv," OAober jo. Count de CobeVitzel and the Marquis of Lucchefini, have arrived here on the f'.me day. [ A/iwiV eur,] It is extremely probable that the Congress wii!ch was to be held at Luneville, in cafe the EngJJh had confentecf to lend thitht-r a ne gotiator, will be held at Parrs, where the Ministers of the greatell powers in Europe have already arrived. The firfl consequence which will thence relult is, that the *ill hivt no representative here, and (hat peace will be concluded without them. The ftcond is, that the negociations will be car ried on with more effril under the eyes of a man accuftniTied toemploy as much fiucerity and diTpatch in his d liberations. The chiet trait by which his ge;niu.= is clurarterifrd is to fee far and at one crlancc. We (hall therefore be not far fiom thf truth, and (hall grat'fy the mod ardent Willi of our heart, if we forefee that the annivrrf.iry of the i 8 :h Brumaire, (November 9,) may be at- the fame tiu.e the feftival of l'eacc. Would it not form a Cngular epoch in the hiflory of our worthy First Consul, to b« able to in- scribe in onr annals, " On the 18th Bru- ITiairr, (Noveniher g,) year 8, hf _ the mnnfter anarchy ; on the, 18th BrSmajre, (K~XU)ber 9,) year 9, ha pvt an end to the ftourge of war ?" [Publiast.] Count Cobenzel, since his arrival, ha s had frequent and long conferences with the First Consul. On the evening of the Bth, he was at the opera, after which he paid a vi!u toMadame Berthier, where he partook of a superb entertainment at which werepre feitt Madame Murat, Msdemf ifelle Beau harncis, and the mod amiable women of Paris- [Gazette de France.] The Congress of Luneville is provjfionally trajisfi red t-o Paris. We know that Count Cobextzel has arrived here, that citizen Jo fcph Buonaparte returned along with him and tint the Marquis Lurelielini, the Min ister Plenipoteiitiaiy of the King of Pruflia, has also arrived. It is afierted that the conferences which take pl«c< at Paris, will not retard the opening of a congress ; on the ■contrary, it is probable they will hasten the rrfolt- M.Ceitotle Bavarian Minilicr hat alio arrived at Parti. It ia asserted in a yafitive'vunner in lettrra from Vieuna, that tba. difcreaect which exited between that Court and the Court of Peterlburgh have been terminated to the fatisladion of the two monarchs, nud they mention as a proof of it, that the Grand Duke Confhntine, who ■was in G.illicia at the tirtie o,f the grand military reviews commanded on tbit occa fio;; a division of Aullrian ttoi.os. This ae- which is very probanle, will not iioweverbe carried so far as to pr uiuce an jJlvawe oflenltve and defenfive between •the two -Crmrts ; the eng.igements into vubich HtiJfia lias entered with Prulli i, mull intcrdift the fomier from making any ali ance that might be contrary to the objeft of the armed aiediation- The last avmiflice wai to expire on the aoth of Oftober. It is said, but we know not on what foundation, that it will be pro longed fur four monhts: it is more probable that it will be prolonged till the end of the negocation6, the refnlt of which is dill in volved in •bfenrity, [Gazette de Fraaci.] Sir Sidney Smith has been relieved in hit flation bflf the cuaft of Egypt bv Admiral Biekerton. [Momteuf."] The levy en masse, which has Wen dis persed in Tufcsjiy by the French army, was in tie pay of E' gland. The Ex-Gentral Willcot was the principal :gent in this bufi liefi. [Mor.iteur.] GATSIZ. O&oVer lq>. The enemy are itill cruizing hefore this p->rt', but as yet they have made no further attempt. We are surrounded by troops, and these arc ■ontinually arriving from every quirter, fe as to be able to repel any attempt that may be made 10 efTeil a landing. i.irniurg\ on the Ldhn y OB iter to. Whit provej that the fufpenfiin of arms be tween the Austrian and Frerch arihiea in Ger iimny, will be prolonged, is tlw order jnft j>i«- tn to several corpr of the army under General Angereau, to go and take bp cantonment!) be* tween the Latin, the Sieg and the Wup per. A large park of artillery ha 9 been brought hi ther, as veil a* a great oumtity of baggage and military flores. LONDON, OitobW 29. In the court's: of Sunday night «nd Mon day morning the Channel Fleet, copfifling of 26 fliips of the line, under conimapd of Ear! St. Vincent, returned to Torbay. We learn from our iliip letter, that the Tl e frus, so long in the Levaftt, with Sir Sidney Smith, arrived yeflorday morning, at the Wtiert ifce U mw- ptrfoiaity; quarantine,. ■.-... ;• . i Letters from fiocMwlm, of Oft. 3 fay, 1 " -The King will this capitol »- bout' the ;yth inft. His relations with, the Emperor of Ruffu became . every day more ilitinrate, and our dtfpute with-Eng- I.Mid' furnilhes 1 new food. These two Princes will 'doubtless concert their inea f'.ires and their declarations cn this fubjecf, and we Ihull fcton fee, what has been very : rarely seen, the three Powers of the North Uniting their interests, and fyeaking the fade language." If we liVijy bcliev; the intelligence from C'lillantin'ople, uifeitrd in tfic French pi pers, the-j'.tyajion of Abel i!lah MenCu in Egypt is much t more favorable than was imjginetl; While the renewal of the in fiureftian of P-fwah Oglou has retain-d a conlidfruble p4rt of the Ouonian troops ; in Europe, the feeble -and di(organized ar my of the Grand Vizier is Hill (lationary I nfar JafTa. OAober a 6. OF THE ENGLISH FLEET. The mind receives, with a degree of in credulity, accounts it wilhes to believe un true. We heard that an uiifuccefaful at tempt had been made by our troops on Cadiz ; btu conceiving that, benefitting by the experience we had so dearly piirchaied, we should avoid further difallers :—that the yet f 1 e(h recollection of Holland and of Fer rol, would have removed every polfible cause of mifcarnage, and lhat encrenfed discredit would no:, by elating the enemy, augment the danger our gallant soldiers oiuft have to contend with when they come to aftion,— We would not credit the account, till we yetteniay received letters from the fleet and army, dated the 28th of September, and 2d and 7th iufl. from which the following pain fully important particulars are extracted. On the I 3th of September, Lord Keith, accompanied by Sir Ralph Atiercromby, -and 10,000 of as brave fellows as the wotl.l cah boafl, arrived from Minorca at Gibralter.— ( The return c.f thia army was unexpeiVd, • and the contiguous cmft of Spain det'ence lefs ; but the alann crt ted by t : e nueHi* geiice was accompanied by preparations, and troops brgan to eolleil from various quarters td Cadiz, and to the lines and fortiefles at St. Roche. On the 18th, the Spaniards 1 moored in the Pv,ntal fix fail of the line and I a frigate, with springs 011 their cables, in suCh a mannei as to form a powerful protec tion to the Crfrraka* and the dock-yard ; and aifmatitlmg ihcl'e fliips, sent half their crews 1 into gun-veflels, and to allilt at the batteries. On the lame evening Sir U, Bickerton, who with about fix fail of the line h;.d effedlually blockascd Cadiz, ffll 111 with Sir J. M. Pulteney and 15,000 mei:, i.ot inferior to the others, and informing him of .the'pro. grefs of preparation at Cadiz, urged'Jiis liay, whilst he, the Admiral, difpatciied a frigate to Gibralter to apprize Lord K'tth ami Sir Ralph Aberoromhy : but the General's or ders were peremptory, and he proceeded to Gibraltar, where he arrived on the 19th ol September. The Rock being unable to fup'ply die ne ce(T...y quantity of w.-.tef- to this encreateif : number of perfors, 70 of the trocp-fhrps were sent to the Bay of Titnan, 14 le itf attack, to which we have to attribute our failure and dif^race. The impodibility of deiiving fiiccoms at ' Gibraltar and the d.fficulty o! getting from thence,' Which On account of the strOng wes tern current, can oiily be afledUd with a breeze at Ealt. randers that phice peculiarly ineligible as a rend'-vous for an .enterprise to the weflward. It is alike ( ninfu! and ex traordinary, that the planners of this expe | dition, knowing, that it was t > comprise 25,000 raeii, & the importance of debarking wt once as many *3 poflible,did not provide the means to land more than 3.000 ; and tlut the Officers who dire&ed it did not know, till the K>?o were actually in the boati, that these boats coirtd not contain a fuffictent number cr troops toafturd a pro bability'of fucceli. Cod Fifli. A few quintals l eft Cod Filh and tco quaricrcilks Sherry Wine, just received. On hand, Wine ;md' Cyder Vinegar in ) pipes and quarter calks, J F R SALE BY BENJAMIN W. MORRIS V Co. December I*. ' vritli ovcr the piA'tires wli'cii »mM- Gazette of (He United States. Pit,'waifind. at csOljr »«£*.> We ob »•• vjed also to in lu-r right, lund,. v The sceptre, which coulhiuly sppeart as an i. ' PHlL4t>laccojnp'tnipieitt of hrr portrait, would be a twksday RVKNijiG, D v cKMBKK 23. rnuch more appropriate ornament. j ~,,■1. ~ A CONSTAN T READER. hIE.iriKJCA-L. THE EAST INDIAN. A Comedy under the above title, written by M. G. Lewis,. author ps the Monk and Ca/tle Lnieftrc. was (eprefen. ted, for the tiill tiiu: on Friday evening. From the celebmy li( bis tinier pr'>du£l ioiis, much expect,num w. uld naturally be excited with regard to the p'ece under con lideration ; but tliafc expe£hou would be, in lone degree, checked, were it generally known, that the Eatl-Indian,- is a more juvenile effort, than either of t'.ie works be fore mentioned. It is laid indeed, to have been written at the very ear.iy age of sixteen. From this circuinllance however, indepen dently of its dramatic merit, it claims at tention as n iiu r: iy euriofty. That an author To yowng, could have looked at life, with so discriminating an eye, as to liavfc di(covered new (itUHtions, or to have sketched new chancers, could h'aidly be exuefteil. Yet, he tial occasionally introduced l'ome happy hits at the falhionu ble frivolities of the day, which are a; once recommended by their force, and their ori ginality. But,'generally speaking, it would seem, that " lie has looked at life through the fpeftad- not of books, but of plays. The four firrt afts feidom rife allure medio crity. A fpeftator. conversant with the Drairia, eaTily traces the archetype ofmoft of the Gtuations in the Eaft-Indiar., and dis covers that Mr. L ewis has, nTore frequently, modernized and adopted bis incidents, tH in invented them. This i>,''the more tq be. re gretted, as the, jth aft' in which, he lias drawafrmw ihe {lores i f his own brilliant imagination, lewes the ethers 'at a wry greit diftuwce indeed. I# is cei wlir'.y n«« 'exaggerated praise, to fay, that it difficult to find a modern comedy, which can boa'fl of a termination, so iuterelling in Situation, and so energetic in language. The ruperiority of the scene between Zoray ria and her father, ilr.mediately evinced itfelf, by the profound attention which the au- I dience paid to it, and the repeated but-fts of lapplaiifd,' with they expiefled the I pleasure which ther recsived* This scene wis admirably powers were never more eleftrical. If we were to attempt to discriminate, and to i piinf out the luperioiity of one palTafije, where all was excellence, we Ihould feleft ! the sentence which imiiiediateljr precedes the forgiv-nefs of Tier father. The deep tones of annuity ;)nd defj air in which-lite pcunfi forth, her ]afl.appeal to his mercy, mufl be ; heard : I hey cannot be dcfcrihed. We conceive that it is no small praise to Mr. ; Warren,.ohferve, that he fully, on his part, Aj-jipui ted the eft-ft ot inch a Rene, so that'iti vived in'terelk never flagged for a nnrr.erft. ' f\s " We l*»g J lesve however* to fugged to Mr. VVai reii in ■ tfiij place, the idea, that the ptain dr'fr,wfiC!i was neccff.iry for carrying of! Ms dcrtjitTor. In the beginning of thr JMkJ'i is neceffary at the dole of i~tj The '* hhttk icrctcb.'' whichfo power rally rxrittrf -,he terrors of Lady Ct:ira, Hiould be laid af!de in the third or foorth n6\. 'l%isisa trifling circumstance ; hut, fu<"h nrinutfail hav- hi) ln>ail share in producing the £enrnl iIT-iV Of Mr. 'Bernard, it is fufliciefit to fay. that he Jjcrfrirmed liie T*Tt of Locd Littleif, w'r.h the lame fxoellenee wlvth diftinguifties his reprrfentation of oj>e of Lord Lilllefs's "archetypes. We A ray dlfplayed with the happiest eSscl, t!.e mingled noiiclaUncc and ;,fFe£trd sensi bility of Lady Clara. Mis. Oldinixoo fup poit.'d the cHarfi&er of Mil's Chatterall. with her VuM dilV:iimin-.ticn and vivacity. Mr.' Wigrtell's perfbinficaWon of Modish was fpiriled *ndc<n WodneliLiy )-u(t, for reducing the I'fcond Regiment of Artil'.-rifts to three Battalions—it at present conCfts of four. It produced a very lang warm debate —and oa tht- tjufftion being taken there were for it 39, against it 46. Mr, /*u*rdi\ Ute Consul'of the' Uiited Stilt* at| Ctdif, h«< arrived M Norfolk from Ura Havanni. Adlllmir.ll N lfoti with fir William Ha milton, the Englilh Amba(T,dor at Naples, and hii lady, arrived at Hamburgh, on 22d oi O&ober. An order has been iflued, that every Ita lian shall quit France in 24. hour*, ar.d be fumifhed with passports for Milan. The Cerfican Arena who drew a dagger on Buo naparte at St. Cloud, is one of the leaders of the conspiracy. The brig Susanna of Philadelphia, Sam'l Commings nailer, in 34 days from Port Republican, laden with a cargo of ccffee and fygur, bound fur Philadelphia, has put into Newport, R. I. Scliooner Hope, ot Charleflon, S. C. funk at sea "n the 27th November—The .Capt. ;:nd crew, 12 in number, were taken up by Captain Harvey, arrived at Newport from Havanna. The bfip Minerva, captain Archer from St. Sebastians loound to Philadelphia, has ar med in J-Wpton jB oads—C .pt. A. spoke or. the 7 1h inft. the brig from Ille of May to New York, loaded, wctli fait, wipes, &c. who informed th vho plundered him of his wines, (lores and b.twren 3 and jooo dollars'in cafti. On fhmfday l.ill anchored in Hampton Roads, the (bip Hero, captain, in ij .daysfrom the Hava.ina bound to Philadel phia. Extraft rtf a letter from Captain Brown of the United States ship Merrimack, to the Secretary of the Navy, dated Bassatere, St. Kilts, Nov. 6, 1800. " I left this port the loth ult. and return ed here again lall evening;, with one of the fineft brigs belonging to Guadaloupe, mount ing I/J. guils and 120 men." FRENCH TREATY. SEXA7E or thf. UNITED SIAIES. For four days part the French Treaty has been btfeie the Senate, whe> have been engaged in reading the drcumenti that ac companied it, which are circuniftiiTuial, and which are part- in Eliglifh and part in French. The Treaty with Francs having been previously printed for the ufc cf the mem bers, Mr. Morris moved on Wednesday the adoption of a rule, enjoining on the mem bers iVcrtcy in tie case of all future Mrsties and tbe proceedings thereon, unless it fbouid ibe otherwise direfled by the Senate. The motion made did not in the least affeft the proceedings of the Senate as to the Treaty i now before them. On this motion the ; Senate were equally divided ; and tlie Vic# President gave his calling vete again ft it. The reafens fiir rrrjeiling this motion, we underftahd were that the time of ofl'cring it was improper, as it might tend to im peach the conduit of, members in the in ilance of the treaty before them, refpefting which there had heen no special iojundTion of secrecy, and because it« provifi«ns ,wi-re improper in tlientfelves , it was alleged by tho'e who voted against the motion that the true principle would be, that in all cases of treaties in which tint Rrefident recommen ded secrecy, the injunction (hould exist uu til revoked by the Senate. Thomas Covert, late commander of the Uniied States brig Norfolk, is appointed commander of the brig Eagle. Irorn1 rorn the (London) Courier received by the Commerce. America, as we'll as the Northern Powers, must be incliurd to conteil our maritime liiw. She is, it is true, lirtund 0 us by Wrong tics of intertll. The councclion be tween the two countries is mutually advan tageous. lint Amerce too. is natur. lly led into the carrying trade ; and fliould tine couduft of France really prove honourable in the execution of the Convention, the fyi tem of England, if adhered to, will infalli bly produce discontent on the other Puie of the Atlantic;. Indeed the conduit of our cruiser* will demand revision and cjntrcu'. If we co'ifider the extent a»d importance of oureemmerce with America—it'we con lider how neceflary a good unuerftajidiug with America is to the Weft-Indja 1 (lauds, which depend for provifimns upon tie Uni ted States, we muli he fenlible how. much it is cur Injure ft to treat the Uui'-'d Staffs in the melt .liberal manner, and to guard acainft every danger of i rupture. It appears by one of our London papers, 'hat in the town «f Afrahi province of B n.-si. a thatched HoUfet tiave been lately rori'.un :r. PORT OF i'HILADELPH i 7 . <,r- > -.i_ , ARRIVED, Schr. Jane, Teby, - Htrir.-if Sugars—to R. C.-i: Brig Tryphenia, Arnold HavaV' Is Cleared. Ship Veptune, i- Devotion Tremels Cape i •.; , Sloop Dependence, ChuMitides. N r . t : S'■ C-iptain Toby failed from H.ivarr. - •: iwftari*. Left therp, brijc Eetfey, V". , this p6.rt, from St. Thomas. Schooner r h Coffin, of and for Philadelphia, fire > n the iJavanna the day before the jar.<- . , Th'jrfrby last Captain F. spoke.the Ih'.u i . to the northward of Cap* Hemlopeii, Ft>V. >.h« Havawna to this port. Ship Fabius Hu'tchinfon, from br.: Barcelona, is taken by the Britilh anu U ; ; Halifax. j Ship Swanwick, Kirkbridge, of and ! r ■' port, failed from Liverpool in co wita :!>. £j ;j Commerce,, arrived at New York. The (hip Felicity, Reed, left Live the 19th O&ober. bound to tb> j j Ship Fair Amer'-can, Higby, C. Nitobr.,-; Ship f.viiij Tredwell, ' Livtrpo. : 4.; MarPi ', Jama' a 51 Hope, Hudgjo, Virgin::'. . Dispatch, —. —, St. Thou :£ Saixk, Smith, Charleflo'i \' T Brig Almirr, Atkmfon, Liver 00 Schr. John, Sherman, Dull! 1 : Schr Cornelia, Oeer,'r.i.. c ' Sloop Maiia, Pratt, Nt V '• "A J Sloop Young Wm. ——, Jam. & Bermi,-.!* ; 1 CLEARED, Ship Venus, Stanton, Brig N Y Packet* Checfeborough, Ja,:; , 1 The (hip Sally, Captain Oliver, has arrived in 141 days from Baia^ia Slut. Uni »n, Hall, his arrived at Lomlc;;. The ftips Industry, Swaine, and Gen Mercer, have arrived at Liverpool. The fr.ip Frefi.lent was fpnken the 3ci' - vemhe'ri ir latitude 40, so, longitude 5;. 4 :, al well, foven days nut. December 5, Captain Atkiofan, in lati": c 39, ts, I ngkude 58, spoke t-,e brig Ii >• p , twelve days from New York to St. it' .', tiarii. November 7, Captain Mcore spoke the I ! n in thirry'h'ee days trom Bo \ . November 28, in latitude 43, h.r.gitiMr <;, fp >ke th« bri;'V.n", sixteen days from fioli for Cowea. . December 1, in latitude 4-,. :a. longitude jl, fpgke the (hip Polina, il.irfi 1 days from Alexandria toLondbn. Captain R. land informs, that the brig w_s to faili» li'teen days and the brig I": • . fix days, for Philade!j»l.ia, On the 191': '' - vember ? was informed at the M*:le by; ' jer from Jeremy, that an Enjlifh sri ;i \ • brig.atid a (chcoser were cruising oR" i ; e. anu had iakf n a French drogger bound t> i' r au PriiKe with coffee. The only Amcr t: i velTei there was a Clip of twc*ty guns, si; ji ' ed to be the Fair American, of Baltimore j •!: arrived with lumber, November 30, r.ff C».'»« NicholartKi e. spoke a small yellow sided !c ner from Philadelphia, bound to Jamaic 1 iff th: Capes of the Delaware, spoke the fch •r-' which, in the gale of Friday last, loft her rtcJt oad k three Ciilots,-and the mate. December -6, Captiin Smith was boari'ri' '1«; :hf pjivstterNvo pli, from Halifax, wlw j ..t 3n board the Orlando, the second ma:r wo If amen, belonging to the (hp r ' - ifudfon, from Philadfelphia to Barcelona, li\-" ng sent her into Halira*. The fcip Black River, Matthews, of it.'-a jon has arrived at St. Sebaflians, fr«m Riar-i - iqne she ship ComTrerce, Chew, from I,:v > - rerpool, failed tnco. with the fallowing — !iino, Owens, for Norfoik j Swanwick, K'rk.- >r i (, ge, for Philadelphia ; Onflow, Bar rev, or B. ft:tn ; Henry, Aiiderfnti, for ChirUi". i'.dly and Harriet, Noble, for Savannah. Lift of vtflcls'it Liverpool, when the C rr ■ mere? left it !hip Sifter*, Murph'/i of Philadelphjj, ?hip Pwmona, Merna, of c.i, ?h'p Mars, M*C )«n, of do irig Chailotte, Bunker, of «tj There was also a nnmber of other vtlTels I r t it Liverpeol from diflirent parts of the Unjie ; itates. Basset're OS. 18. The U. S. Fr'j;r; , .« IhetapeaVt! B.iririn, tfq. Comma 11 1 r, cut in on Tliuifd.'.y the Eugiilh Biij trom IVivid'i.ce to L<>".."> aden. .'with £ugar, Stc; and yellicd.iy . i t,r* i,9.)ii the Schr. Little George, from St b « :holomews bound for Guadalnupe, v .! a :orgo of proviliont, was sent in by t' s U. . hip P:c'ident, Commodore Trnxto:i. Nov 1. On Wrdiiefday ,1 frfi :ll fleet of Am:ricnn , nimeward bound, fiiled underconvoy jif 'J. S. Blip Patapfco Samr.el Gtddes, 7 fy. Minmander. Imported In the ship Fh:lcidefpbia from Leghorn AND FOR SALE, ET THE SUBSCRIBER, G SOAP in large and (mall foxes Lucca d tto in flaflcs f Camels Hair Cfemor Tartar ai d Gum arable Leghorn Hats aff.rted Mantuas and OIW Crocking* Spanifl> fools cap Paper Hyson arid f. Hchsng Teas 4 small ass ,rt"u*nt ot Ohipa Wafe Jmbrcllas, Hair Ribbon, Dorea Muflinl :: December 23 4\ «'