Gazette of the United States. PHILADELPHIA, TUESDAY EV KNING, DECF MBEI! 23. RETURN OF VOTES, For President and Vice President of United States, •£ * £ s -5 £ c ~ K h a -*5 oq Maffachufctts, <6 16 lthode-Illand, 4 Conned icut, tj g Vermont, 4 4 Ncw-Yorl--, 12 r2 New-Jerfy, 7 7 oo 06 Pennfylviniij 7 7 8 8 Delaware, 3 3 Maryland, 5 j 5 5 Virginia, 21 ji Kentucky, Tenneftee, North-Carolina, 4488 South-Carolina, 8 8 Georgia, 4 4 65 | 65 | 66 | 66 ■>!«■ cSr»— [COPY.] Department of State. Washington, nth Dec. 1800. §r*, I enclose an additional Lift of the Names of Imprefied Seamen, to be dis posed of in the fame manner as that which accompanied my letter of the 30th October last. I am, Sir, Very refpe&fully, Your most obedt. servant, J. MARSHALL. TSttrge Latimer, Esquire, (JoUccflor, PhilacJcTpbia. PENNSYLVANIA. Persons Natnet Hates of Residence John Hair, Unknown John Hamilton (negro) Gcrmantown Thomas Edwards, Philadelphia Robert Nugent Ditto •2 Z i o on " -~a 1 I © ° *Z *- «" C ? ** O r. . Sit®" 1 w S--2-S a - £ - °> - « *jyiE |" rHJ > £ t ji ■ ■t-Sc o u «.|-J -3 « §y : J«J "c c g rt £ "o °o ! ~°£S «- Q & s « Q i * &C = -J C., iJuil* s.s« 1 » 1 s|«!,sJS -.a" 0 I s "w I -o « r/5 u 2 o3JC - 2 ® 2 UQ J3 w £ * .*o * c T3 © V V o us M *5 -=■ v« *» „ * -.2 H5~!2 o «saic«.\ t *-' T O ""• *" \ "5 i \ ? v£ u-o v r o \ 8 v \ . 3 - -vm ss-s \ £ w. o.a " Z \ °'l"Sc3 \ •| J-2 g- \ \ \ «4»*ff3* \ hC ' .i cS "® . -V \ .5. \ > c cn ~ v \ ~ Zv ° ao "5 \ 8 \ 1 \ a H Q - 'Two gmtlerpen travelling on the Lan eafter road, at about 26 miles from the city,got information of a Mad Dog having bit several dogs anclhorfes on the roads— That on their arrival near Schuylkill ferry, the said dog pafled them, and they saw hipit in his passage to this city, bite several df»g« from which in eh mifchief may poflibly a rit'e,—The said dog was yesterday killed in Market street near Fourth street. EAST INDIA NEWS. Captain Cl.iy, of the Delaware, from Calcutta, informs. That an expedition vras preparing at Ma dias, to be commanded' by admiral Kainier, deflination unknown. A Mahratta war wu expetted. The Biitilli troops in Fort William had mutined. The mutiny was qnelled, and the ringleaders punished. Captain Clay has brought with him from Calcutta a fnperb piece of Plate, value aooo rupees, prei'cuted by the Riglit Honoura ble Lord Mornington, Governor General of the Britifli pofTeOions in India, to Captain Watters, late commander of the fliip At lantic of this port; as a tcftimony of their , gratitude for tlie service rendered the corr,- Tueicial iritercfts ill India by his gallant de- | fence made in that ftiip against a French eruifer of vciy superior force, in confequenc* «f which not only the Atlantic but a valu-| able Britifli Indiaman was preferred from the fanjs of the French. J Contmerciai Information, Extract of a Letter, dited Liverpool, 291<6 Qctobet, ItiGO. received by the Perseverance, from lb at port. BEING apprihenfive that the accounts from this country may Teflderyou desirous of knowing something lpecific refpe&ing our real ticaariori, we embrace this oppor tunity ps informing you, that from the hkrh and progielTively advancing prices of alnxjtl all provisions, it fee bis to be geji«?i ally Apprehended,?ch#t our prcfent, or even probable fuppliei, will prove inadequate to the tonfumpfion, unlels foitie extraordinary exertions are made. Indeed the flite of the country at this time is truly Serious , foi* as it is deemed inexpedient to give the prices enpefted by the farmers; and as they refufe to accept such prices as the milters, Etc. are to give, the consequent in conveniencies sustained by the c'onfuniers, and more efpec'ully by the labour'rous poor, are truely deplorable, In order, in some degree, to counteract thrfe, some of the moll produAive and fertile counties are endeavouring to draw fuppliei of grain, Sic. from the lea ports ; and such >s deemed the exigency of our situation, that Parlia ment is suddenly summoned to meet the 1 Ith of next month, when it is expe&ed that one of the firft objefts will be to coi:Gd?r what measures can be adop* ted for increasing the quantity, and reducing the prices of provilions general ly. We have little doubt that confidcrable encouragement -will be given (either by granting bounties, or guaranteeing dated prices) for the importation of grain, flour, rice, See. and it is expe&:d that measures will be adopted for improving the wjdte and uuinclofed lands in this kingdom. We .link it probable that the national sentiment will be so much in favour of the expediency, not to fay the necelfity of rtie measure, that it will e recotnmendtd to all classes to adopt a fyfteni of privation or lim ited confiimption, resembling that which feveial members of the legislature, ("m t'tjdr priva'e and others, pledged themselves to observe laA year. Seme coil jefture way perhaps be formed of tWe fen tiiscnts of adminillratiou, from the inclosed letters, written by the Duke of Portland, Secretary of State for the Home Depart*- ment, and to these, we are sorry to add, that there is confideralrfe reafun to fear, that the crop of potatoes will prove defect ive in this country, and dill more so in Ireland, where they conftitijte the principal article of food with a great proportion of the people and from whence it is at prelent deemed improbable that the Export of any Grain will be permitted. a *+ c» «• « » fs . " -t We will endeavour to give you early information of any meaf res which Par liament may adopt; and fmccrely wifli it were now in our power to tranfrnit fatisfactory acVices refpe£ting> Peace ; but increaGngly desirable as that event daily becomes, no information on the fubjett is yet publilhed by our Govern ment, and we (hould be afraid to hope much from the late Negociation, if it were not that the situation of the country feenis now to render peace indifpcnfable. • - JS I "7 'J a < - w o H £ *» s m O ? ui O Copy of a letter from the Duke of Portland, Secretiry of State for the Home De partment, to the Mayor of Nottingh»sl. LONDON, OCT. 7, 1800. Sir, " I have received your letter of the 27th of September, in which was inelofed the copy of an agreement entered into by some very rrfpe&able gentlemen of the town of Nottingham, with the fuins set op posite to thair names, to the amount of which they have refpe&Nely engaged to indemnify a committee selected for the pur pose of purchasing foreign corn, for in crealing the supply of the Nottingham market. I »*ry much approve the fublUuce of that agreement, and am very willing to enter into it, and support it, by engaging to advance, upon the fame terms as they have done, the lum of three hundred pounds, upon the express condition, however, that the «orn so bought il not offered to Tale at • left price than the fame col\, with the additional ex pence of carriage, unless the price of other corn falls, and in which cafe this corn fhoald be fold at a priee proportioned to its comparative value with that of other corn brought into the market, and I make this an indispensable condition of my fub fciiption, because I am confident that the scarcity is not fi&itious; that this year's ' crop, when it is threlhed out and brought regularly to market, must be managed and hulbanded; and those who can afford to fubinit to privations, must give up the use of as much of it as they can, and avoid any consumption of ic, which can be dispensed with ; that inflead of forcing the farmer or dealer by intimidation, or what will be call ed lhaming him to bring his corn to market, he mall be encouraged to it by a confidehce in the security of his property and person ; that great as the importation of foreign corn has already been, and is still likely to be beyond all precedent, it it not fuffici£nt to-fupply the markets, and ought not to be fuffered to do it to the exclulioil ofgrain of our own growth, which must neceflarily be betUr and more valuable ,• that it is extre mely unwise and dangerous to tempt the people to indulge thenifelves beyond what the flock in .hand cap afford them the means of doinir and to buoy them up with the hopes of plenty, in which they mull bedif | appointed at a time when the severity of the | fealon will render themJefs able to contend with the difficulties of their situation, and no less impolitic than unjust to encourage them toconfider the farmer as their enemy and the perlon who preys upon their neces sities. For these rcafons and for many more with which I do not trouble the gentleman, and which I know will suggest themselves more readily to them than to me, I protest ' Z Spjainrt felling this foreign or my other corn that.piay be brought for the supply cf the market, upon lower terms than those I have pointed out, and which I make the express condition of my subscription. I cannot conclmle this letter without expieffmg my with.that the wurd exorbitant had not ap peared in the preamble at' the agreement, and that it could now be erased, and any such epithet as high, very high, unusually high, or any of ths like import be substituted in its room, which could not be construed to convey any opinion which Ihiuld countenance the prejudices of the people, or keep alive the appieheillioiif of the growers 8t dealers in corn, or any other article of prnvilian. PORTLAND. Copy ef a Letter from the Duke of Portland, Secretary of ( ite for the home depaitment, to the Duke of Marlborough, Lord Lieutenant of the County of Oxford. Whitehall, Sept. 29, 1800. Mi Lord, I have had the honor to receive your graces letter of the Isth inft. and am very gI»J to find that the dilpotition to riot at Witncv, has beeß suppressed, and that all is quiet there for the prelent. I 1 cannot however, advert to the cause so 1 which your grace is of opinion, that this event may be ascribed, and to the confe qnencrs which you seem to think would tol low the removal of the troops which have been sent into Oxfardlhire, without parti cipating in your apprehensions, lo tar as to alfure your grace that none of ihem will be withdrawn until you are entirely fatisfied, that no part either of the cfciltjf or city ot Oxford is any longer exoofed to the rilk of fuffering from the effedfs of popular tu mult.—Btit notwitlvftanding these precaii tions, and all the extern of the military and , civil powtr, which it now placed at your grace's dil'pofal, considering the state of the county, your grace will give me leave to represent tp you the neceflity which I am persuaded theie mull be, for the exertion ot all your great influence and authority to combat and counterail theprejudites which have operated no less powerfully than un fortunately, in difpoling a very large part of the community, to believe that the late scarcity «vas artificial, and has been owing to,the views and fpeculationscf certain in- ] terefted and raoaciou* men, who take ad vantage of the ditficukies anl diftrefles of the times, to enrich the'nfelves at the ex pence of the public. ' Your Grace need not he reminded of the circumstances of the lalt year's harvest, and nfthe unfavourable state of the ground at the time of lowing wheat, to account for the d:arnef» of that article, arid indeed of every other fort of grain, and of all provi- Gou> in general and although the quantity of corn Which has bren imported, has far exceeded the moiTlanguineexpectations,nei ther in that refpert, nor in quality, does it, or c a n-Jt ever, coinpenfate the deficiency which was, and will be occationed by luch a season, a< that of last year, not would it have the.effcil "which mult be hoped to be derived froin it, wait it to be brought with out relitxve to market, in the fame quanti ties in whifch it is lauded ; for from the bed information that can be obtained of the state of this year's crop throughout the king dom, lam sorry t* lay, that according to the molt- sanguine eftiinstion, the produce of it is nat likely to amount to more than three T fourths of an average crop, and it is thought by many that it will not exceed three fifths. But be the amount what it may, it is, I fear, but too well alcertained, that the whole produce of the grain in the best of years, is not equal to the annual consumption of the country. '. I need not alk your giace what mud be the consequence of fuffering the do&riues which have of late been so unhappily re ceived against the growers of coru,k dealeis in that commodity, to prevail or of their not beiuij difcouiftenaflsetrty means that can be employed for that pur pose, and it inull be to evident, that it is indilpenfably nece(Taiy,withoutlof* of time, or being influenced by any other conside ration, to counteratt and expose the fohy ; and injustice of their lalfe policy, to which is to be attributed the aiTumption of a right, to set prices on commodities brought to market, of fixing a.maximum for the arti cles of daily consumption, of entering into atfociations (which is much the fame thing) not to give more than a certain price tor any of those articles; of obliging tjie grow ers of corn , or dealers in other articles of pravifion, to fell at a given price, and, what is worst of all, going in bands to the houses of farmers, and forcing them by threats, and various other modes of intimida tion, to eater into engagements, to bring and dispose . of their commodities at a given price, a proceeding which I cannot advert to, without urging y6ur grac# to prolecute without dil tindtidn all perfor.s concerned in it, in the mod rigorous, exemplary, and impressive manner, which the power, military, as well as iivil, under your command, will ill aft fpeedity and effeflually enable you to do. " It would be an unreatonable abuse of your gri'ce's tiine, to enumerate the evils which ronft unavoidably result from a con tinuance of the proceedings which I have taken the liberty of pointing out to you, a&: requiring to be immediately fupprelfed. — But if any thing could contribute to realize the abfitrd notion of corn being destroyed for the purpose of keeping »p the price, of it, this wonld be more likely to effeft it than any other niode that could l.e adopted, as the life of a person poffelTed of corn, or any other articles of pro»ifionj is rendered no less insecure than his property, and it wotild conlequently tend, as all other a£ts of violence do, to the concealment, much more than the production of the commodity; the of which inuft be obvious in tlie injury re fatting fro,a landed property by difcouragmg tillage Sc every fort of agri- by locking up,or diverting to auo ther channel, that capital whic'a is perhaps more beneficially employed in the improve ment of la-dthanihany other mode—it would so itppede & obftrudt the grea: source and | means of the daily supplies of the country,that famine would soon be substituted in the place of lcarcity, and that distress and tonfufion would soon ensue, which would debilitate its inhabitants, and enervate all its powers more fitally than any calamity with which it has t;ecn visited for centuries, or than is to be met with in the annals e£ its hiltory. If the employment of property is not l'ecure; if every man does not feel that he has pow er to retain what he pofTe«Tes as long as lie pleaseS, and dispose of it fit the time, in the manner, and for the price he chufes to fix upon it, there mull be an end of confidence, of industry, and of all valuable and virtuous exertions of every description ■, for there is no reason why a price may be fixed]!on the watks of the handicraftfraan, mechanic, or artifl, as well as upon those of the farmer, giazier, gardener, &c.—and thus the whole order ef things would be overturned and destroyed ; your grace, therefore, will, I hope, exeufe the earneltnefs with which I address myfelf to you to refill these attempts in their outfct,and to maintain the principle of perfect freedom'of property, upon which the prosperity of this country rests, and by which it has rtl'en, under Providence, to the extraordinary state of wealth and power which it now enjoys. ' If this conclusion is *3 well founded as I believe it to be, the neceflity of the protec tion I recommend cannot be disputed ; and 1 am persuaded your Grace will admit-and feel the occasion ts be worthy the exertion of the intiuence I The people will be made l'enfible that their own interest, as •ell as the law, require that the markets (liould be tree and open, and that every •nan ijhuuld dispose of what he brings there at his own p'ice, or be at liberty to with hold if, unless he is fatisfied with what is offered him for it ; and the person who brings his commodities to market will go there with that confidence which can alone secure his attendance at it. I cannot but be fearful that I have tress passed vtery unreafonabty upon your grace's time, but the situation in which I have the honour of (landing, having brought before me the details of all tha dillurbances and outrages occasioned 6y the prefiure of the times, and the opinions against which I have remonttrated, it may #e poflibly that I may be more to the ten-dericy of their eflfe&s than those who contemplate them at a greater distance, and more at their ease, but when 1 find reason to-infer that your Grace entertained apprebfenfiofls not much inferior to tl)ofe which 1 have des cribed, I may, I think, refer myfelf toyour candoar, to excuse the liberty 1 have taken in opening my mind so fully on a I'Mbjeh, in my conclulions on >vhich I ilva.ll feel my filf a? fully jsftjjSed by yoiw concurrence, as by the use you will make of your in fluence and powefr in leftoring and fecaring the tranquility and good order rtf the eonn try, and that confidence which Is as essen tial to the tranla&ioni of individuals, us to these of a public nature. I have the honour to be, My Lord, Your Grace's mod obedient hum bit servant, PORTLAND. A Liverpool Price Current, of the 101H of November, with which we have been favor ed conta n» the following : CoffVe, fine middling and fine, perait lbs. 142 a 1465. Middling and good middling, a 1375. Good and .fine ordinal y, 112 a 116s. Triage, 80 a 88a. Rejiaiikt.—The (lock on hand now, considerably kfs than this time lift year, of ccurfe we may look with confidence for a very brisk spring trade. This being the .great market to which they retort for conti ni-nul supplies, wt~regrrvi itt'u aniois ai pe culiarly -deserving your attention. This year's trade opened continues briik, though the stock wa» heavy} next year will open under circumstances in evpry refpedl more ptomifing, Segar, muscovado, brown, 44 * 4~s. middling, 74* ' Fine, " Oau, per qnarttt, 46 a jo* Ryt,. 1 ■ Beam, •' ■ 73 • . Indian tot-n,-' • 70 x Our harvest has been middling, our im portations great, i'o that the recent advance mirft in some measure be owing to individual enterprise and\ governmental interference —we think to both.. Parliament meet im mediately, when it is expetldd more tflf::£tu al measures than have hitherto been hit on, will be refortcd to, as a fixed encourage ment to the importer. ladigo, per lb 2s 6d a js flationary Cotton, Georgia, 29s a 33 6d ses-Iflaild, 2s u a 3s id New-Orleans, as 2d a 2s 24 St. Poiningo, as 4d a 2s purchasers coining in, and the stock of the year being all at Markets, is likely to be something higher. New Orleans and St. Domingo, judging from lome late tales, the market is likely to be regular, or fluttuate a little for %he better. Foreign Intelligence. BRUXELLES, October 16. Serious intentions are entertained Of re storing Antwerp to its former privileges. We learn fro/n Middleburg that in the porti of the Isle of Walcheren, th*y are fitting out a squadron great attivity, and vefiels of war are arming at Helvoet Sluys and Rotterdam to join them' Letter® from Calais fay, that the intercourse between London and Paris has never been more conflant. Troops continuhlly pals here to the Camp of Arniens. HAGUE, Oflober 18. This day was celebrated with great pomp in all the Republic, the Anniversary of the retreat of the English from North Holland. A sword, which cost 1300 florins was to be given to genetal Brune by an aft of the Republic. EAS7 INDIES. BOMBAY, June 28, On Monday the failed from the harbor, the American (hip John, Gapt. Joseph Roper, far Tranquebar. CALCUTTA, June 27. OnTuefday accounts were received of the arrival of the (hip Nancy, Capt. Allen, of and from New-York, which (lie le ft the 15th of February. No accounts of any privateers being in the Straights. The American brig Lydia, J. RufTel, from New-York, alio arrived in the river yefterdey, lafl from Madeira, whence (he , failed the 18th February, laden with wiae. Mr. Thomas O(borne, 13 puTenger in this vessel. July IT, On Saturday last, arrived the (hip Unian, Capain Cooke, from Rangoon, which (he left the 22d ultimo. By this vessel we learn that a French pri vateer, a grab snow, had been crufing off" that port for a considerable time, and bad made fcVjsraf captures. July 5. The Auspicious of this port, captured by the Clariffe captain SttrcoirflT, has been fold at the Mauritius for 13,000 dollars. July jO. His Excellency Vice Admiral Rainier, in hit- Maje.fty's (hip Intrepid, arrived at Madras on the 21>t ult. and landed on the following day under the afnal ialute. His MLa -SytriW, captai* Adarrj. arrived also on the 24th, from a cruz e : and on the fame day, the Ameriraa . (hip Herald, fiom . Uollon and Madeira, which last place (he left 011 the 16th March. While captain Biuny was at Amboyaa, hit Majesty's frigate La Virgi' ie brought in there a Dutch (hip and two brigs, which Ihe had captured among the iflaiids ; their value was estimated at 100,000 dollars. ISLE OF FRANCE. Letters received from Tranquebar mention the arrival there of two final veflels had arrived there from, the Isle o£ France, from which place they had a ve ry fp«ejy passage. The commanders of the above men tioned vessels reported, that prior to their departure from the island, a corvette had arr ved from Brest, the captain of which was charged with letters from the First Consul, to Mr- JV»alartic, informing him th«t two frigates were on the point of leaving France for Mauritius, on board of which were coaimiflioners for final ly sdjufting the gover msnt of the isl ands on such terms a 8 mud meet with the general approbation of the inhabi tants On Sunday last ar;ived the American fliio Eclipse, capt. Jon s, from Philadel phia, whence (he failed on the 25th of March. JUST RECEIVED By A. Dickins, opprficc Christ Church, THE POEMS of the late Mr. Cliflfcon, To ■which are prefixed the introductory notices of th« life, character, and writings ot the auth«r, and a beautifully engraved likenef-. Price, bound and gilt, 1 dollar 25 cents. December »3 • § New-Theatre. |C7* On account of the indisposition of Mr.i. Merry, tic new Comedy of the KA3T INDIAN is unuvoiddbljpostjxmed. ON WEDNESDAY EVENING, December 24. Will be presented, a much admired Comedy, in 5 acts, calbd THE WILL; Or, a School far Daughters. To which will he sdiled, not a<3edt(iis seas >:\ from tbs German of Kotztbue, fa'l'd ; The Wjld Go# Chafe,