Gazette of the United States, & daily advertiser. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1800-1801, December 20, 1800, Image 4

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    Certificates Loll.
THE undermentioned certificates of stock of
tk< Bank of the Unitel Statas, viz
No. 978, dated Ift January, 179J, for five
fliarcs in the same of Bourdieu, Cholletl
and Bour dieu
No 17366, dated tft of January, 1798, for
si ve (hares, in the name "f the Right hen.
lord John Townfhend.
Notice is hereby given,
That application is intended to be made at thf
said Bank bjr the fabferiber, for a renewal of the
fame, of which all perfoni concerned are requeued
to take notice.
Philadelphia, 10 iho. »8, 1800 tuthfa^ra
The follswing certtfii rtes of eight per c»nt. stock
in the name of Wiiliani Bell, jr. (landing to his
credit on the hooks of the United State* Loan
Office of Pennsylvania, viz.
No 503, a Certificate dated 30th January, lßco,
for one thousand dollars.
Nj JOJ, a Certificate dated 30th January, ißco,
for,one thousand dpllirs.
Notice is hereby given, that application it in
tended to be made for a renewal of the fame—of
which all persons concerned are requeued to take
Philadelphia, to mo. 28, 1800. jtaw6w
IN the lfcip Kcnfingt»!i,captain Kerr, i<i the yfcar
1794, having been captured by the French 011
her voyage from hence to Amfterdam,the follow
ing certificates at stock ol the Bank of the United
Slates, standing ia the name of Benjamin Chip
Nvs. 43a 13" 436 4 Shares each ;
158 3 do.
la 15, isi6, 1217, 1 do.
Application is made at said Bank by the subscri
ber for a renewal of the fame, of which all perfam
concerned arc deflred to take notice.
oil. ty.
Law Books-
Imported by sundry late arrivals from London
and Dublin,
Is now arranged and ready for sale,
No. 319, Market'Jlrcet,
Where Catalogues wil 1 be dcli»«red on appli-
HE takes this opportunity of returning his sin
cere acknowledgments to the Gentlemen of
the Bar, and their (Indents in tke United States,
for the patrosage hisdefignh.s met with, for cf
tablilhiiig a <ture, exelufively for the sale of Law
Books, fha advantages which offer thcmfclvea
to the profeflion, from having such to apply t», he
ti ufts are rendered obvious by the confidcra'ion,
that confining his attention to the Importation of
hooks, only in that Line, he has it in his power to
keep couftantly tiy him, agenaral and molt valu
ablefspply of the late(V and hell Editions, and
from his riady fates, ts dispose of them, on terms
so moderate as to preclude the neceflity of gentle
men importing their own Libraries.
Any commands ke may be favoured with, from
a single volume to any number, Siull thanklully
nd promptly he attended to.
November »6 w&fr im
a "handsome edition
English Grammar,
Has this Day been publiftn-d, by As»UK7
Dickins, opposite Christ-Church,
[Price One Dollar-]
Qftober 7.
French School,
N.OOUIS DUFIEF, proffffor of the French
language, will open on 1 uefday, the 9th of De
cember, at Mrs. Beck's Academy, in Fifth llreet,
opposite the State House gard«n, a morning school
or young!adies,fromeleven till onea'clock (every
otker day.)
Parents or guardians are defirod to make early
application, that the fckohrs may have the mutual
advantage of beginning at o«ce.
N. G. Duficf, ha. the honor to inform th em
that he is the auther Of a courfc of practical \ ec .
turee and conferences on the mod efTential parts of
the French language, by means of which, the lear
ner is feou initiated in the mo ft approved pra&ice
of this polite and fathionablc language.
An analyOeof his pan of tu : tion, and of h.i»
work having been given at length in the public
papers, they are referred to the Gazette of the
United States and the Aurora for September lafl.
For terms and other particulars apply at No 5,
fnuth Fifth llreet, or at Mrs. Deck's on the dajrj
and hours oftuition afeuefaid.
December »• eod6t K
The Porcupine.
I TAKE this method of informing the People of
the United States, »hat on the firftdayof No
vember next, I propose to rsfumc the publication
of Porcupine's Gazette, under the title of THE
PORCUPINE ; and to sotily (in ease any gentle
man in America should want it) that the price of
each Number will be iixpence sterling, and that
the cafta mull be received by me before the paper
can be lupplied.—At to the mode of conveyance,
ju+reouent are the opportunities from Lomjon to
Now-York, that files may be forwarded te the lat.
ter place once a fortnight upon an average—from
New-York they can be (peedily conveyed to ev
ery part of the Union. When files can be, with
out delay, sent to OTHti places dire#, it may be
done ; when they cannot, they will all be fenc le
NtW-York, unleft otherwise ordored.
£? Porcupine's I'Veris^
Which have been sometime in the Pr»fs, wil
be completed in February next, when the copies
fubfcriSed for in America will be forwarded tv
the Subferibcrs. ...
Any ot my literary friends in America, who
nay be disposed to renew their •orrefpondcnce
with me; will pleafeto direisl to me at my print
ino- office, No. 3, Southampton flreet, Siraud, or
at rnv Bookfelier's (hop, No. 18, Pall Mall.
September 6, 1800,
Of the Pittsburgh Glass Works,
HAVING procured a filfficisnt number of
liiemoll approved European Glals Manu
fuflurers, ant) having on band a large stock of
thebeft Materials, on which tlicir workmen are
now employed, have the pleasure of alTuring
the public, that window glass of i laperior qua
lity and of any lize, from 7 by 9, to 18 by 14
inches, carefully packed in boxes containing
toe feet ea h, may be had at the (horteft notice.
Glass of larger sizes for other purposes, may
also be had, such aj for pidturcs, coach glafTc-j,
clock faces, he. Bottles of all kinds and of any
quantity may also be had, together with pocket
fla(ks,pickhngjars, apothecary's (hop furniture,
or other hollow ware—the whole at least 15 per
cent, lower than articles of the fame quality
brought from any as the sea ports of the United
States. A liberal allowance will be made en
fali of large quantities. Orders from merchants
in>l others will be punctually attended to on ap
plication t» james o'hara or isaac
CRAIG, or at the Store of Messrs. PRATHER
and SMILIEr in Maiket-Street, Pittlburgh,
March tnihtf.
THE Proprietors of the Philadelphia and
cafter line #f Stages DISPATCH, return their
grateful riitnks to thoir friends and the public in
geneiiai, for the past favors they have received,and
into ran them that in addition to the regular I.ine,
thay art provi Ced with Carriages,fober and careful
drivers, to go through between the City and
Boro*g!i in two days. Those who prefer this mode
of travelling nan be accommodated at the Stage
-Office, sign of United StatM Eagle, Market street,
Slougb, Dawning, Dunwoody tit Co.
A r oO. 30. *t—s
THE public are hereby informed, that the Bal
timore Coachee will ia future start fr»m the In
dian Queen, No. 1 j, south Forth street, every Hay
except iunday, at 7 o'clock, and will arrive at
Peck'i Tavern, Baltim6re, the next day at 8 o'clock
aad the Stages to New Y»rk, will start every day
at 8 and 1 a o'clock.
N. B.—A book is kept open at Mr. Ely Chan
dler's Franklin Head, where feats may aflo be ta
ken in the above line of stages.
oiSlober i §
An Invoice of
Playing Cards.
SUPERFINE Columbian, Hairy the Vlllth
and Merry-Andrew Playing Cards, far Tale theep
for cafli—Apply at this Office,
september 13.
T~l . . , ,
Prevention better than Cure.
For the prevention and- cure of Bilious and
Malignant Fevers, is recommended,
Anti-bilious Pills,
WHICU have been attended with a degree
of success highly grateful to the inven
tor'* feelings, in fevera 1 parts of the Weft-In
dies,anil the fauthcrn parts of the United State;-
particuiarly in Baltimore, Pttcrfburg, Rich,
mond, Norfolk, Edenton, Wilmington,Charlef
ton, Savannah, Stc. The testimony of a hum
ber of perfo*s in each of the above places can be
adduced, who have reason to believe that a
timely us* of th s salutary remedy, has, under
Providence, prelerved their lives when in the
m«ft alarming circumstances.
Fails of this conclusive nature fprak more in
favour of a medicine, than columns of pompous
eulogy, founded on mere aflerttoa, could do
It °m not indeed presumptuously proposed as
an infallible cure, but the inventor has every
pottible reifon, which can result from eutenlive
experience for belveving that a dose of thefc pills,
taken once every two weeks during the preva
lence of out annual bilious fevers, will prove an
infallible preventative ; and further, that in the
earlier stages of tliofe diseases, their use wiU
very generally succeed in restoring health and
frequently is cafe* esteemed desperate and bey
ond the power of common remedies.
The operation of thefc pills is perfeflly mild
ind maybe used with fafety by porfontin ever
situation and of every age.
They are excellently adapted to carry ofT fu
per Auous bite and prevent its morbid secretions ;
to restore and amend the appetite ; to produce
a free peroration and thereby prevent colds
which are often of fatal conlequence. A dose
never fails to remove a cold if taken on its firfl.
appearance. They are cefebrated for removing
habitual cofiivenefs, sickness of the ftamach and
severe head-ache, and ought to be taken by all
perfous on a change of climate.
They have been found remarkably efficacious
an preventing and curing most (Hforders attend
ant on -long voyages, and Ihould be procured
and carefully preserved for use by every feamar».
Dr. HAHN's
Genuine Eye-water.
A certain and fafe remedy for all diseases of th>
eyes, whether the of natural weahnefi, or of
accident, speedily removing inflammations, de
flexions of rheum, dullntfs, itching, and films i«
the eyes, never failing to cure those maladies which
frequently succeed the small pox, meaflea and fe
vers, end wonderfully (lengthening a weak fight
Hundreds have experienced its excellent virtues
when n«arly deprived of fight.
Tooth-ache Drops.
The only remedy yet discovered whiehgiTesim
mediate and lilting relief in the melt frvtre in
The Anodyne Elixir.
For the cure of every kind •fh«ai-acl»e, and «f
pains in the fade and neck.
Infallible Ague and Fever Drops.
"1 his medicine has never failed, in many thou
sand cases not one in a hundred has had occafton to
take mere than one bottle, and numbers net halt
a bottle. The money will be tetarhed if eke c»»e
is not performed.
No. 17, South Sec»ndStreet,
And no where else, in Philadelphia.
Where also may be had, Dr. Hamilton's Worm
Daftroyir.g lozenges, his Sovereign Elixir for
coughs, &c. Reiterative Drops, Efience and Ex
tract of Mustard, Sovereign Ointment for the Itch,
Dr. Halm's infallible German Cern Plaifter, In
dian Vegetable Specific for the Venereal com
plaint, Gowland'sand Pcrfian Lotien, Restorative
Tooth Powder, Damask I.ip Salve, Church'
Cough Drops, Anderfon's Pills, &c. &c
Wants a place as
A Wet Nurse,
A YOUG WOMAN who has loft her shild
~and has a frefh breafi of Mi'k. Apply
in South Street, three doors Eait of Sixth
December 13. <[eod jt
AI.L persons indebted to the F.ftate ot Thomas
Herman I.cuffor, merchant, «!eceafc<l, are
requsfted to make irnmediatepayment; and those
who have any demands againufaij eftatc, are re
quested to produce their accounts, properly attest
ed, for fettiement, to
Mo. 34, north Fifth ftreec.
novemKsr It 3JW4W
20 Dollars Reward.
RAN away from the frigate Conilellation,
captain Murray, at Marcus Hook, a mu
latto mm, named William Williams, but
better known by the name of JOHNSTON. —
He was filer to the marines on board said (hip,
about 2j years of age, 5 feet, 7 or 8 inches
high, a little pock marked, full faced and free,
open countenance, stout made, his hair tied in
a ftort queue—Had on when he went away, a*
olive coier'd jacket, and pantaloons, the colour
of which is not recolledted. Having been ac-
Cbftomed to the sea, it is probable he has enter
et, and failed, onboard some merchant ft ip.—
Ten Dollars will be given, for csrtain informa
tion, what vefltl he has failed on board of, or
the above reward and reafosable expences, for
securing him, in any part of the United States,
and gi'ing immediate information theieof, to
Richard Cursan, Esquire, of Baltimore,
James SiTON, Efqr. of New-York, or the
fubferibers iu Philade'phia,
Thomas ©* Peter Maciie,
No. 119, south Fron' ftrect.
December 8 eodiot.
20 Dollars Reward.
Deserted laftevwing, Joseph parkin
SON, private in the marine corps of the
United States, he was born in Ireland, is about 17
yeare old, 5 feet 6 and a half inchos high, dark
eyes black hair, and fallow complexion. Also,
JEREMIAH CLABK3ON, born in England,
town of Stockport, i« 39 years of age, 5 feet 7
iach»s high, grey eyes, light brown hair, florid
complexion and by trade a Hatter ; from the ap
pearance of his face the mod evident marks of at
tachment to drii-kmay he traced, they have both
served in the Wetlern Army, and now deserted in
lull uniform. The amount will be paid
with charges to apprehend them ; or Ten Dollar
foreithcr by applying te
Captain Commanding.
Philadelphia, Marine Barracks, Nov. 8.
For the winter fcafon, 011 Monday, Oflober
6th, Walnut, between Fourth and
MRS. GROOMBKIDGE refpertfully ac
knowledges the liberal enconragement
(he has experienced, for more than seven years
in Philadelphia, and, as the moll expreflive proof
of gratitude, will be a continuance of the unre
mitting attention, already pa.d to her pupils ;
flatters herfelf, it will be the best recommenda
tion to future patronage.
Tte following branches for any of them sep
arately) may be engaged for, as molt agreeable,
the English, French, and Italian languages
grammatically ; writing, arithmetic, geogra
phy, use of the globes, history, music, vocjl
and inflrumental, drawing and dancing.
Plain work, marking, embroidery and tam
bour in gold; fllver or colours, fillagree, artifi
cial flowers, fancy bafkew, netting, hair, print
•loth, and mullin work of every kind.
ftO. ij. diw jwts-
Gifford's Epistle to Peter Pindat#
(Price 37 i-» Cents)
avd or
Dutton's Poem on the present state of
(Price I# ».» Cents)
Have just been received by
A. DICKENs, opposite Christ Church,
navemher 7. dtf
Modern Europe.
'-pHE iecond Volume of MODERN EUROPE
A is now delivering to Subscribers.and may b
h« J of
W. Y. Birch,
o. 17, Sousa Second Street
OAobtr 15.
BE it remembered that on the 14th day of Oc
tober, in the twenty-fifth year of the Inde
pendence of the United States of America, Charles
W. Qoldiborough of the said DiftriS, hath depo
sited in this offiu, the title of a book, the right
whereof he clai«s, as author, in the word 9 fol
lowing, to wit.
An original and correA lift of the
United States Navy,
Containing a lift of {hips in commission, and their
refpeftive force.
A li ' of offieeis.and their rank, as well dhofc be
longing to the Navy, as the Marine Corps.
And a Digejt
Of the principal Laws relating t« the Navy,
&c &c. &c.
By Charles fK Guldsboroitgb.
In conformity to the a{t of Coagrefs of the
United States, intituled " An ail for the encour
agement of learning, by securing the copies of
maps, charts and books, to the authors an J pro
prictars of such copies, during the times therein
mentionid. '
Clfrk of the Diftriil of Marycd.
»OTimb«r i» IaMEi 4w
To Printers.
* WANTED—/« Exotangc,
A FOUNT of Long Primer, weighing 6
or 700 lb. or upwards, and a F»unt of
Brevier, weighing 400lbs. or upwards.
September 2.
Wafuingtan, September ift, 1800.
Public Notice is hereby Given,
In pursuance of on aB of Congress, pajftd on
the 2sd day of Apjr'ii, one thousand eight
hundred, entitled " An a3 t» ejak/r/h a
General Stamp- OJfue,''
THAT a General Stamp-Office ia now
eftablitficd at the feat of government, in tne
city of Washington, from whence there will
iflue, from and after the date hereof, (upon
the application of the Superiors of the
Revenue, under whose management the
colleftion of the (lamp duties is placed) any
quantities of paper, panch-m-Mit aad vellum,
marked or damped, and duly coumer-ftamp
ed, with the following rates of duty which
are demandable by law :
For every ikia or piece of vellum or parchment, or
sheet or piece of paper, upoa which (hall be
written or printed any or either of the inftru
meots or writings following, to wit,
AD.11,. C. M.
NY certificate of naturalization s
Any licence to pra<stice,or certificate
of the admission, enrollment or re
gistry of any counsellor, Solicitor
Advocate attorney, or pro&or, in
any court of the United States 10
Provided, that a certificate in any
one of the courts tof he United States,
tor any one ef the said offices, {hall
so far as relates to the payment of the
duty aforefaid, be a fufficient admis
sion m all the courts of the United
States, for each and every.of the said
Any grant or letter* patent,under th«
seal or authority of the United
States (except for lands granted
far military services) 4
Any exempli fication or certified copy
of any such grant or letters patent
(except for lands granted for mili
tary Cervices) j
Any charter-party, bottomry or re
fpondentia bond 1
A By receipt or discharge for or on ac
count of any legacy left by any
will or other tefliraentary instru
ment, or for any (Ijare or part of
a personal cflate, divided by force
of any statute of diilrikutions other
than to Ihe children or «rand
children of thf person diseased, the
amount whereof (hall 6e above the
value r.f fifty dollars, and (hall not
exceed the value of one hundred
When the amount thereof (hall ex
ceed the value of one hundred dol
lars, and (hall not exceed five hun
dred dollars
And for every further sum of five
hundred dollars, the additional
sum of x
Any policy of infarance or inftru
inent in nature thereof, when the
futn»for which insurance is made
(hall not exceed five huadred dol
lars tJ
When the sum injured (hall exceed
five hundred dollars 1
Any exemplification of what nature
soever, that (haU pass the seal of
any oeurt, other thin fuob as it
be the duty of the clerk sf
such court to furnilh for the use of
the United Statas, or some parti
cular state jo
Any bond, bill single er penal, inland
bill of exchange, prpmiflbry
note or other note (other than any
recognizance, bill, b«nd or other
obligation or contrail, made to or
with the United States, or any
slate, or for their use refpedlively ;
and any bonds required in any cafe
by the laws of the United States,
or of any slate, upon legal process,
or in any judicial proceeding, er
for the faithful performance of any
trust or duty)
If above twenty dollars and not
exceeding one Luldrcd dwllarfc 19
If above one hundred and not ex
ceeding five handred dollars 45
If above fiv« hundred and not ex- *
ceeding one thousand dollars 50
And if above one thculand dollars 75
Provided, that if any bonds or
noies shall be payable at or within
sixty days, such bonds or notes (hall
be fubjeit to only two-fifth pats of
the duty aforefaid, viz.
If above twenty and not exceeding
one hundred dollars 4
If above one hundred dollars and not
exceeding five hundred dollars 10
If above five hundred dollars and
not exceeding one thousand dolls. *0
If above one thousand dollars 30
Any foreign bill of exchange, draft
or order for the payment of money
in any foreign country 10
The said duty being charge
able upon each and every bill of ex
change, without refpe<Sl to the num
ber contained in each let-
Any note or bill of lading or writing
or receipt in nature thereof, for
gocfes or merchandize to be ex
ported ;
If from one diftrifl to anothsr dif
t-rift of the United States,net being
in the fame state 4
If from the United States to any fo
reign port or place to
Thefaid duty being chargeable
upon wich and every bill of lading
without rifpeifl to the number con
tained to each set.
Any notes iflued by the banks now
efhblilhed or that may be hereafter
established within the United
States, other than the notes of
such of the said banks as shall a
gree to an annual composition of
one per centum on the annual di
vidends made by such banks, t»
their iiockh.-Idets refpe&ively, ac
cording to the following scale :
On all notes not exceeding fifty dol-
lari,for each doti*r 6
Oil all note* ab>we tfij dollira and
not a*ceesrg 00c hundred t
On all octe* above one hundred dol- .
Urt and not exceeding five hundred
" dollar* ■ t
On all aoui huodrtd id
fylf, c. At.
Any prot«n or oticr notarial a& jj
Any letter of attorney, except for
an invalid pension, or to obtain or
fell warrants for land grant, d by
the United Status as bounty for
military ftrviees performed in the
late war
Any inventory or catalogue of any fur
niturc.goclj or effedts, made in any
cafe required by law (except in cafe
of g»eds and chattels difirained for
rent or taxes, and goods taken in vir
tue Of any legal process by nny officer j«
Any certificates of a Ihare in any insu
rance company, of a scar* in the bank
of the United States, or of any state
or other bank ;
If above twenty dollars and not cicced
If above ona hundred dollars 2f
If under twenty dollars, at the rate of
ten cents for one hundred dollars.
That the power of the supervisors of the
Revenue to mark or fh rap aHy Velluft).
parchment or paper chargeable wkfc duty,
will cease and determine from and after fix
months from the date hereof, to wit, on the '
lait day of February 1801.
, That, if any persons shall, after the M
Y °£ nery lRc, » have in their curtody
or pofLffion, any vellum, parchmeait or pa
per, marked or stamped by the fupereifors of
the Revenue, upon which any matter or
thing, charged with duty, (hall not have
been written or printed, they may at any
time Within the space of sixty days after
tie said last day of February xßoi, brinr
or fend such vellum, parchment and paper,
unto some office of infpedtion, and in lieu
thereof, receive a like quantity or value of
vellum, parchment and paper, duly stamped
in purluance of the aft herein before recited.
And m cafe any person shall negleft or re
i ' Wlt hm the time aforefaid, to bring or
caule to be brought unto feme officer of in
ipeftion, any fach vellum," parchment or pa
per, it is hereby declared, that the fame will
thereafter be of no other effeft or use, than
.fit had sever been marked or (lamped, and
that all matters and things, which may af
ter that time be written er printed upon any
vellul, parchment or paper, authorized to be
exchanged in manner aforefaid, will be of no
other effea, than if they had been written
or printed on paper, parchment or vellum,
sot marked or llamped.
And for the convenience of these p?r foirß
who may be inclined to have their own vel
lum, parchment and paper Aamped or mart
r £'» he , reby P eclared - that when any per
son (hall deposit any vellum, parchmein or
paper at the office of a tiipervifor, accompa
nied With a lift, the number and
denomination of the fwmps or marks, which
are defined to be the it to affixed, the fame
w.U be transmitted to the General Stpam-
Office, and there properly marked or Ham.ed,
and forthwith lent back to the fan*- fiiper
vifor, who will thereupon colleft the duties
and deliver the paper, parchment or vellum,
to the order ef the person from whoni the
lame was received.
Given under my Han J, and th« S»al
(L.S.) of the Treasury, at Walliing
ton, the day and year above men
Secretary ot tlie Treasury.
d: : m.
fcptembcr 29.'
For Sale, or to Let,
In Cbesnut Street,
Near the corner of Eleventh street, at prefect is
t»e tenure of Mr. A. M'Call—Poffeffion may b«
tad the first of November next, or fooncr if re
quired Apply to
Edward Shoemaker.
September 3 j
The following Real Efhte ; the property of
Anthony Francis Haldimand, Efquiire,
of London,
582 and-an half
A.cres Patented Land
O'TUATE on Vintyard greek, in thetownfhip
i_» and county of Huntingdon, is the Hake of
Pennfylvanis, on a public road about j miles from
the town of Huntingdon, which ie situated oh »
boat able river—there are on the premifet a water
Grift Mill and Saw Mill— ftveral Log dwelliug
Houfes—»ne of which is occupied as a Tavern
with a Distillery supplied by a powerful spring o
excellent water—a coufiderable quantity ofTimol
thy Meadow fit for the scythe, and several acres
of arable Land already cleared—ThistraA will
admit of being divided into three farms, with a
due proportiou of meadow and arable land in each.
At present in tenure of Adam Hall, Efo. John
Hicks, and others.
187 and as half acres on Trough Creek, in
Union townlhip, a floori&ing settlement, firft rate
land, with a small improvement.
'73 and 3 quarters acres adjoining the above
and the fame quality—as those lad mentioned
trails are adjoining surveys they would make one
valuable farm.
; In Bedford cmwwy,
, j74 ton CroiW oo Dunnltan&bA. iH
Uod, oacpibCcMMl "a
3*4 »o4 J *»«*»««* t*
iod ofmiainenilit^
*"» «>« tfat
*9B Ml! 3 <js*tCTi tern on UiT w»y no. »
gMd iaproMßiMK «o* noffto t*nvr« of teat
Mrtfe.. J
Terras of fa!e,w follows, viz—One fourth part
of the consideration money mull be paid in hand,
arid the rcfidue divided into four or five annual in
ftalmcnts, as may iuit the piirchafirs—to be feoa
red by mortgage.
to John CarfwalWdcr, Esq. Cotmfellor at, in the wn of Huntinpdon, or to the fub
fciibers in the city »f Philidelphia.
Willings &P Francis.
OAo\t/tr 14
' ' 5
At tie Office of the Gazette of the Unit« 4
- % s'