Gazette of the United States, & daily advertiser. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1800-1801, December 20, 1800, Image 1
Gazette */ States, & r A r c/.wcirJt JJ&SI £j" Tie price 0/ Ciatette is Ekht Ooi.LAits per annum to Subscribers residing in the city of Philadelphia. All others puy «ne Dollar additional, for enclosing and di recting ; and unless some person in this city will become answerable for the subscription, it must bepaid Six Months in Advance. *,* No Subscription will be received for 9 shorter term than six morttbs. httiht I I7«f> AI.VAM.-iU. Pmm Dmmimr 16 —la IJ. HIGH w*rm. Wcdnsfday Tharldaj' Friday Saturday Sunday • Menday Taefday Wednesday l'hurttay Friday Saturday Sunday Monday Tuesday PROPOSAL BY THOMAS DOBSON, At the Stone-House, No. 41, south Second street, Philadelphia, FOR PUBLISHING BY SUBSCRIPTION, ENCTCLOPJEDIA ; OR A DICTIONARY Arts, Sciences, AND Miscellaneous Literature ; On a Plan entirely New, By which The different Sciences and Arts Are digested into the Form of DiftinA TREATISES on .SYSTEMS, comprehending THE History, Theory, anil Praolkc of each, according to the Utert Discoveries and io>- proyeinei.ts; and full explanations given of the various deta&btdpartt of KnXm'UJg*, whether relating to natural and artificial obju-its or to matters *c c'efiaOical, civil, military «ornm'. rcial, &c. In cluding V luci.'.ations of the moll important topic* relative to re'igion, morals, manners and the orco nomyof life: together with a defection of all the countries, cities, prinei|>al mountains, ftas, ri vers 8c; throujhous the world; a gen-ralHiftory, mcient ..nd m*Utu, of the different empires, king tloms and sUtra ; and an acc junt of the li7es of the molt e Tiinent perfonsin every nation, from the earl'eft ages down to the prefect ti-nes _ Contpdcd lrom the writings of the bcO anthers, >0 several languages ; tic mow approved dictionaries, as well ol general sciences as of particular branches j the tranfiAions, journals and memoirs, of learned societies. both at home and abrrad ; the MS. of eminent profaflors on different fcien ca-f and a variety «f original materials, f urni(h:d by an e-ztenfive c»rrcfpondence The Puhliflici having been solicited to furnilH seta of shis valuable and important work oy one volume at a time, which, by dividing the pay ments might make the acquisition of the work more convenient to [urchiicrs, proposes to dlfpofe of the few remaining copies on the following CONDITIONS. The Wo k being already completed in Eigh teen large Quarto Volm;» in boards, Ele gantly pi i ted on Superfine paper, illu'tri t»d with five huadered and fori) two Cop pervUw I. A Volume in hoards will be drliverel to each Subfcriher every three mouths till thc wfiole be delivered. II- The prjre-to the Subscriber will be Seven D 1 Oars and a H<lf for every V.'iunu in in boards, payable on delivery, which will ■irtiiiuut t« One Hundred a::d Thirty-five Doila's for the Eighteen Volumes, bemg the pruf'ri! prire for complete Sets of ihe work; 111. 1 ach iuljfcriher lb<ll pjy the p-iceofone Volume in a.lvaute, that is, wkcu ily firft Volume is delivered the price of the si 11 arid Volmi.e to be paid, and the other Volumes to be paid o delivery. Any Subfcribrr who may cho..fe to have the whole in a Dinnertime than the above 'rention ed periudi, may have a :y number ,»f Volumes that miy he agreeable at the lame tin e at the above prices. To prevent any misunderstanding it is pro per to express that n • Volume will he delivered to any person withrut the money, and as the Sets on hand are btu few in number, i- will be fequ&t that such asjchoofe tobecomc Subscribers should apply as early as pslfibie to prevent dif appjintrr.ents. £5" The Subfcriptiuns will be received by Thorn :s Dublin, a 1 above ; Dec. 6. 23m'6w PROPOSALS KOI punLismxG THE Powers of Genius, A POEM, IN THREE PASTS; To which :ire attached General Ctiticifms on Author AND ILLUSTRATIONS of genius. Py the lien. "John lit air Lin it, Miniftcr ef the Firfl Prsfly/' rir >.n Church, in the City of Philadelphia. This wort wilt %t put to prcls as soon a? possible, It will loim a duodecimo volume ; will be printed with elegance, on paper al ths hctt quality, and will be delivered sb (übfcriV rs at thu price of .De dollar, in hoards The work'"ill he printed un der the care, and at the cxpence of the author. fjT Subscriptions ire received by Afbwry Dick, ens. *,* Tbof. perfoni whose hands fubferip'lnr. papers aredelivurej, are rc%>e(ftCully ftqite'.led tu return them to the author, or to Mr. Dickins Soukfcller, At the expiration of three wesks from this date. Philadelphia, Bee. it H. M. 3 *4 4 #7 J >4 6 16 7 3 7 46 8 »8 SUN——ants 9iT» - 7 *5 4 35 7 *5 4 35 7 »5 4 35 - 7 15 —3.4 35 ■ 7 M 4 35 7 >5- 4 35 7 15 4 35 «aw6w BENJAMIN CLARK, Clock & Watch Makes, HAS REMOVED i o No. 36, Mahkst St»ekt, Where he has for iftte, Spiting and i.';iier Clocks ; gold ana IVivt Watches; Tools, Files and Materials ; (tee "d grU Chains, SeaL and Keys ; Springs,- &t. Sec. ' - CLOCKS ANI? WATCHES Repaired as usual. , . ! 'June 3 Philadelphia Academy. & Mr. Francis Gallet, AN experienced and approved Inftru&or, has linderraken to teach the 7RENCH LAN GUAGE in this Beniiaary, to such of the Young Ucrit'.envn as may choose to place chemCslvts uii der his care £5" Parr ts and Guardians are req»elled to make imaisdiate application, that all the fchohtc« may b«gm at oncc. Samuel Magaw ) Directors of Jainos Abeicrombie j the Academy. OAohei *i. jtawtl J A. Dickins, Opposi?r Chh ist-Church HAS JUST PUBLISHED, A neat and correct Edition The Exercises, ADAPTED TO Murray's Englijh Grammar, Deligned tor the benefit of private Learners as well for the use of Schools, with Key, BY LINDLEY MURRAY. [ Price one Dollar.3 December 5, ( PROPOSALS FOt PUBLISHING BT SUBSCRIPTION, The Works OF THE Hon. James Wilson, Esq. L. L. .D Late one of the Associate yustiees of the Sutreme Court of tie Umttd Slates and Professor at Law in the College and Academy of Philadelphia. From the original rrunufcript, in the poJTelfion of Bird Wilson, Esq. cotmtrtowi. Their works (hall be elegantly printed in two v■>]u aie' oAavo, and delivered to fubicribtrs at five dellars. They (hall be put to press as soon as the fubferip tions will juftify ttie expence of publication, Subscriptions will be received by ASBURY DICKINS, TkepoMUhtf, oppoflte Cbritt ChnrcK/Phila ielf.bu; and by tfic prio«i|«l out tbe Unitod Seatet. *•* A Prolpe&us of the w»rk may be feeo ai the place of fubicription. feptentfier I 3 $ PATENT American Balloon, OR Vertical Aerial Coachce. This oew, curious, and elegant MACHINE, Which has been exhibited to, and accommoda ted Thoulands of Perlons in New-York, 1* no « fixed up at the CIRCUS* IN FIFTH STREET, In this city. r T"HE Propertiea of this wonderful Cr.nftruc 1. tmn are a» beneficial as they are various affording the m"ft delicate pleasure, and at 'he fame time operating as a reliorative to health, and for which purp ife the frequent life of it is recommen<'ed by the faculty, to the lick, the weak and those recovering The motion of the Hailoon is from four to ab»ut twenty miles per hour. The rats of tra ve. ing, however, will he regulated by the will of the pafiei.gers j eight of wh-m can b« c mfortabiy accommodated; hut the Balloon will set off with !wo only. Sweet the air, behold below, Ih« city, country far »>-o*nd, And then dtfecndinp quick or flow, You tiiink you move oh msgic ground. ConfUn: at endanre will he given, for a few 'ays wily, when the exhibiti n will close. Etery rei'pecMul attention w II be Ihewnby PHINEAS PARKEK. Admittance to view, one-eighth of a dollar ; and for exercising the machine (ia the whole) one-fourth of a dollar Any person delirous of pvrrchaCng the exten sive privilege thereof for this city or State, will be informed of the terms by applying a 6 a^ove. P. P novemher jg To Printers. The following MATERIALS will he fold real'oHablc if applied for immediately. ( Pit fs, Founts Lang-Primer (partly worn) 2 ditto Small-Pica on Pica body, 2 ditto Pica, 1 ditto Eiiglifli, 2 •'i110 Brevier, i ditto Bmgeois, Several pair of Chafes, ftve'ra! composing ilicl-s, framrs and g jljys, some brass rules, OtV'tatinns, Sec. See. See: sll'of the above will be fold very rtcktnal'lt for Calli, 3cp:emb»r 8. By C. P. Wayne, No. 65, South Front-fircet. PHILADELPHIA, SATURDAY DECEMBER 20 , IS#O . _ NEW BOOKS, RECEIVED BT A. LUCXiW, *!>pofite Chri: 1 Cburoli. ~jl /TiLl. ARS GAKDNfiR's Oifllis.'.ry, i-'X, edition, folio 36 00 "-VVvc i"r«v»!. a f 7 OO Rcchtiaucauit's I'raveliT, 4 voli ix 03 Xnti-Jacobir. Examiner, 1 vols. 6 50 Buoaapartn's Intercepted Letters 3 75 CriktweUVGasietrer, 3 vols, and atlas 18 co New Biographical Diftionary, 1; volt 37 50 D'lTernoii's Surrey of t-he Lollis of the Frc»th Nation t 50 Parson's Biitih Claflict, {6 vols 49 00 New 3yll em of Natural Hlilorv, 3 vols 12 so Payne's Epitome of HitWy, a vols 6 00 Chefterlield's Works, 4 vols 11 00 Bllhop Wilson's works, 8 vols l» 00 Goidlmith's works, 7 vols 9 co Walpole'h royal and noblr authors a 23 new geography, 4 v»ls la 00 e rke, on Insurance, new ed. ef 1 80® 500 r. Currie'» edit, of Burm's works 4 vols I a 00 r rnno's edition of GilTord's works, a volt a 35 PAMPHLETS. Duigenan'j reply to Grattan, I Report of the (ecret committee of the house of commons on the Irilh rebellion Roft 's examination #f thu increase of the rcveime,commerce, &c. of G. Britain 6aj Giffor !'. letter to the Earl of Lavderda'e 75 Romel's narrative of the D«; orcation to Cayenne I 00 Aime's do XSO A variety of Pamphlets oa American P#Huc». I dect'mber , 1 Wanted to charter FOR EUROPE, A Vessel, < ~* * of 150 or 280 tons burthen 8 "Ppiy to James, Glib for 11, Js" Englijh. i» ra 0 . 9th. $ For Liverpool, To return an early Spring ibip to Pbila dctpbia, Sfc R O S E, Philadelphia SILAS JONES, matter, Burthen 780 tons. Is intended to be speedily dif patched. For freight or raffle apply to t JOrt.M ENGLISH, j No. 147, Water flreet, or I JAMES, CLIBBORN tf ENGLISH, Philadelphia Niw-Youk, Dec. «d. 1800. § For Sale, TUP sc. HOOK BR | ELIZA S/ KATY, George Parker, matter ; ■ . -*v Burthen 110 tons, 4 montlis "Id, fails Uft. an ■is pierced for 14 guns. Ap ply to the matter on board at Downing'! wharf, or S ' MUEI, R HO ADS, Mb. 1, Ptnn Street. November 21- dtf For Hamburgh, r~"3-j The Hamburgh ship t §®||Three Friends, -'" - f John Janfen, master, A fu')ftantia! (Ironggood TtlTcl, and well found is intended to fail previous to the 25th oi Decem ber two thirds of her cargo being r<»ady to go #n board—For the remainder, dr p«Aag<?, apply to JACOB SPERRY Hi Go. Who have received per/aid ve/fel and are now Landing, P i.atillas rgyales Britannia! Quadruple SeltGa« ClKck<. No a, ai.d LifUdoct a Morlaix Arabia, Strifes Selelia Handkerchiefs Butili Oil Cloths ' Gun Flints Also on Hand, Checks and ftxipes Boccadillos, Brirtnnias, Cif f rillos, Brawn Rolls Eilopillaj, Creas ala Mor laix, Bielefield fire Shirting, I.innens, D.awlafs, Siamoife, Tapes Glaf»Warc»,Coffee Mills Scythes, IDemyjohns, Quills, november li dtot—tuifrsw i 30,000 lbs. bejlheavy Black Pepper, FOR SALE BY SAMUEL RHOADS, December 1. Imported, In the (hip Atlantic, captain Water», from Calcutta and Madrat, r " And for sale by the fubferiber, A great variety of articles mostly suitable for exportation, ajiong which ahk Blue cloths Neckan»es Root RomaU Salempoores Ventapolanu Madran Long Cloth* Ditto Handk'erchieU. ALSO 2000 bags prime Sugar, Hyson and' Souchong Tea, JOHN MILLEH, Junr. Ne. lio, Dock street. raws tf oStln 10 I 00 No. 1, Ptnn Sfrctt; - , T.t . S Jujl Received by A. Dickens ; Opposite Chrjft Church, Desultory Reflexions, ON *HE Ptditicql Aspect of PUBLIC. AFFAIRS In the United States of America Part 11. " And I Inoked, and beheld a pale horse ; an< his same that fat on him was Death, ani " Hell followod with him " ( Trice 35 Cents.) ALSO CARMEN SECULARE For the year 180®. By Henry Jame< Page P.L. Superbly printed in 4 to (Price 75 Cents.) December 10. 5 Gideon H. WdlT Has Just Received, By tht late arrivals—a large and genera) assort ment of Hardware, Cutlery £sf Sad/ery, Which he offers for sale, fcr cafe or the usual credit. Market-street, No. 135. 3HV4W Saw Manufadlory. FRANCIS MASON, No. 10, south Fifth (treat, Manufactures mill, crof> cut and pitt saws, eqsal in quality, appearance and ftiape to any ever imported; which ha ftlls wholefule at the following prices—6 feet millfawss I-* dol lar each ; cross-cut do 50 cents per foot; pitt do. 60 cents per feot. V/ cast steel saws, and every other kind, made tn any particular diredion. nowmbtr tft Jim John Whitesides, i jg friends a rid rhe public in general that I. e bas taken the BREWERY, (late Willianj ;awloi,'s) No. jo, north Sixth street —where they nay te supplied with Portsr, Ale, Tabic and oth«r Beers. N B. A quantity of excellent «ld Porter on hand fit for immediate use. I nove«n6er 18 CHINA GOODS. Landing from the ship America, Watte. Sims, Commander, from Canton, ANU FOR SALE DT NICKLIN, GRIFFITH fa- Co, BOIJEA, 1 Congo, | Souchong, if) &md quality, I Caper fouchorfg, I Hyfim-ftiD, I tbas T'hkay, fTBAS, Singlo, Young hyson, Hyson, ift& »d quality, |, Yellow & white nankeens Lutcftrings, black & color'd ( In Boxea Sinlhawa do. C affotted, SattUs do. J Luteili lugs, ma*. blue k dark green ") . Smlhaws dn C Pcrlian Mfttati dark green j Tbty have also on band for sale, received bv tie fata arrivals from Europe, fJfe. 1 Infina lp«ck- Striped and checked ginghams i ages alerted, White figured & cclor'd Muf- | calculated for tot'ltt J»the Weft-In- White coined dimities | d i m»rkct t Color'd silk, flriped N.mkeens | entitled to J drawback, 14 Trunks printed Calicoes, *\ 3 Bile'a feioe tuihc (Entitle! ti 10 Cases En ill ifh China ware, (drawback in teafetts 6 Calks mineral Mack, I ilo. white, WW 10 dr>. colcother, 3 Calks purple Ivown, 3 j do. nailr aftirtod, q d" Lund.ih porter in bottles Bnglifh fail canvas, No. 1, t & 3, UufTia duck, 17 Boxes white Havanna sugar, 13 Pipes oM Madeira wine, Gunpowder, Empty wine bottles, to Guns, 6 plunders, 1.; do. 9 do. it do- 9 do. with carriages, 4c. »to,ooolbs. Certf.ou coffee, ift (Entitled to jo,ooo!bs. black pepper {drawback »o L'vga ebony j Horles to Winter, HORSES will te taken to wints* at Prof[e& Hill,at the it mile stone, on the Briftjl road, where they will have vjood Timothy and Clover Hay, be well tiken care of, and have a field to run in when the weather is gout); enquire 01 William Bell, Philadelphia ; or, of Jufeph Buntilig, ou the preroifes. Thry engage to return them in good order Ift the spring or charge nothug lor k. eping them, and will ;,ot be anfwerablc for Accidents or escape, but wiQ rake every precaution to prevent either. o«3oher it mwf tf A dented Ti. r-e Zitory BRICK HOUSE, in Spruce mar Third Preet, TO LET. Enquire of MOORE WHARTON. WecomUcr ? tori.** PRINTING, Neatly executed at the Office cf the Gazette of the United Statps. c.-V i Amprira '\ 1 . •* c»*,i,. A d . Y ' yjfOCfliCj % /hM O/" /£<• quality , FOR. SALE By' •DtobiW FOR SALE, Br Joseph SIMS, N<>- 1551 south Water street, White cC brown Havanna Sugars Holland Gin Old Coniic Brandy London particular Maieira Wine Pale re"' and yellow Irlui-'s B rk A br(re nfl.rtnuut of CORDAGE, &c. m - r 1.7 mw&fa tf t or Sale Br JOSEPH ANTHQNrv Ce. Hyson Souchong andf TEAS. . Bohea S ' Mufrovado sugar in hhdt. Br aiiy lit proof Lisbon wine in quarter calks Maiieira wine in pipes China,.aflbrtcd, and a few bales white and J yellow nai.keens A few boxes chocola'e .->0(1 dipt caudles Spermaceti oil and candles BeiemiAT u dim - ■ -pO* f«j£ -V-"- ri i . •FI«*Y»StJJ|«T4. ; lAI tmMbf the lifcft irilvihilKaUH ' Ami, ■ w«U cheftn •fibrttotartf AtM* '- •, ■ .taring vticia' »" ?•' • |jALICOC(ud CbintMti (tgvcit~*a4ttf f » 3onW piniUtl for i«nrent»«»d • * Dnrant*, Jatiu ind C*lim*<i<Mu. Soßlbixetteud Bombacreni J ' Printed Linen tnd Cotton Hiiidkcrctyfcf* tad t*wa Wofdatd *». • . jKoeet do,k *#uflhf-liwlke#elii«fc;' Shawl*, CtytbO lni CkiM, • gjreit raaf ty J3O, Crta^MWr v j ■:' , Moßiry, Worft&J aua Couon'nftMfaea , Do Chliia M'hiie aindßlick Kit .J/,' Y' Table Clothi. frr.m j. 4. to io by i6-|wiu ial wftfitfit lWn4. G»to«e. Ltfwiwand Cwtlllll iaoonrtarid Lapett Mufiins, coloured and plain IVhre and i' ,u t Lace, Lace Veils, Cloaks and Handkerchiefs White a:.d printed Matfiyllet for veils iwanfdown, ftripedaml plsid. -ntton Checks (five) ?8, 4-4, it.B, ind 6-4 and coloured oatrctiojl* handkerchitft I'.dii Bjr, tanna (!<> • > fuprrior quality IVhite, Ucd and Yellow A. Itw dc2en belt ejaftic Sufpcnders. He las Alio Just Received, a well afTorted Invoice ©f India Muslins, CONSIJTINO OF Berbhoom Currahs K tn« llaftas Alahabad Enierties Do Guirahs "7omi sny Guzzapora Japna Mamoodies. Coflaa. Oflober tB. V ' * NOTICE. % Bank of the United States, :w tf I 'HE Stockholders of itie Bar.k of the Urired X States are inioimed, that acc#rciine 'to 'he ftatste of iiicoi poration, a General F.ieAmn for twenty five Biredtors, will be held ar the Bank of the Unitei State#, in the city of Philadelphia, on Monday the jthol January ii«t, at ten o'clock ia Aad purfiiant to the eleventh f »9!or> vf th„ ~v law9,the stockholders "I the laid Sank are also ra tified to afferoble in gene-al meeting, at the fme place, on Tuesday the 6th of Jauuary next, at sis o'clock in the evening. Secttid Fundamental Article, ' Not mire than three fourths of the Directors in office, exclusive of the Prsfi''ent ftiall le eligible ftjr the next ensuing year, hut the Diredlor who flsall be Prefideut at the tira« of an £u&i<.n may always be re-eli&ed tu '5Jv FOR SALE, OLD Long Primer, Small Pica on Pica Sndy, Englifla, Chiles, (Jompofing Sticks, and igres variety of artislet neceflary to carry o« the Prin ing BuGnefa. They will be fahlrheap ter cash Apply to th« Printer. ah'T ■<• - n .-«• |Tptf.j»rg XVI ... William Wain. 4t * % "■« '* »