Gazette of the United States, & daily advertiser. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1800-1801, December 19, 1800, Image 3
and . tlity oppofcd him by J. E. Calhoun. At the Gt-ft ballot they had equal vote., each 74—At the tecond vote Calhoun h.<: ?5> Ward 73. Calhoun is an honed, vir twots, well informed man, attached to the conftitptUn, but much attached to Mr. Jef ierl-.n. He will not go the full length with the party. CHARLESTON. Dec. 4 . Yesterday was brought to trial, before joftices Jolinfon and Glover, Ben and Smart, two.ntgro slaves, the property of Mr. Crejr miles, of the thirteen-mile-houfr, for the murder of William Maxwell, (hip carpen ter, who was in the niplov of Mr. Creg milet, as patroon. The and free holders were unanimous in bringing them 111 guilty ; Und further, froVi the cir > cutjiftrancts ot agr:ivation, that the pumfc went Oiould be feverfc. They wer - accord ingly fenteneed—Ben to be carried, between the hours of 10 and u this day, out-lide the Tobacco Infpeftioii, and there :o fuffer death by being burned alive, the other, Smart, to be carried \o the place where the murder was committed, near the thirteen mile-hoiife, between the hours of 10 and 4, and there to fuffer the like pUiiiftiment, 00 Friday the jth in ft. Tbis day was burnt pmfuant to sentence, Ben, a negro ftlUw belonging to Mr. Creg miles, for the murder of Mr* William Max well, in a barbarous manner. Smart, con cerned with Ben, will ftiffer death in like iTanner, this day, at the place where the murder wa: committed, near thethirteen wile-houfr, between the hours of ten and four. 7le fallowing article was handed t-s by cap. tain Stiitson, of the ship Polly, from Cadiz : I left Cadis at fun down on the ift of Oftober ; at ten, at night, was brought to by the squadron off there, and detained two days, after which I was difaiiJTed with the following paper: THESE are t» certify, that I have this Hay re lea led the American {hip Folly, Levi Stutfon, master, after detaining her two although Hie is liable to eonfifcation, for having entered the port of Cadiz, after be ing duty informed of the blockake by tlie Dragon, one of his majesty's ships employed Upon that service ; nevertheless, as the pre sent (late of Cadiz fnbjertl all veflfeli coming from thence to a long quarantine, and the Polly rould not have a communication with the shore at Gibraltar in left thaa forty-two days : I have, therefore, from motives of humanity to the master and crew, consented ,t« allow her to proceed on her voyage ; but J expert that Mr, StutfWr will take care to inake public the reasons .which ! ive ii.duceJ me to this art of amity, and warn his tell w citizens, that vefTels under the Time circniti ftances arc in future not to expert the fame indoigence. Givftt u»der rrv hand, on board his Maj«fty> fliipthc Svif'iure, at sea, the Thi'd Day of Ort< !*r, One Thoufaud and Eight Hundred. R. BICKT RTON\ Mr, Timotht, I observed in your jwper of the 4th of OiVoher, Capt. Talbot's (of the Crmftitutian) answer to Capt. Laurie of the Britilh frigate Andromache, which I acknowledge to be true, bat I received n.y information from Capt Talbot's Clerk, who w,>»fent pn board with dispatches. Relying •« his veracity I thmight proper to publifti what he had com tnunicated to rae—the refore hope the publie wil not cenftire roe for so doinp, *5 I was led into a fiilfliood by him. I would have an. fwercd Capt. Talbot's letter before, but had no opportunity. Charleston, Dec. j.IBOO. I 1 11 200 Barrels Prime PORK, Vov sale by THOMAS KETLAND. Bccember 16 diw Never AEled Here. New-Theatre. ON FRIDAY EVENING, December ii). Will be prefent«d, • mr.vh ai'mired CoMtiv, in 5 ails, called The EaO: Indian. Written by Mr. G. l.rp,i«, F.fq.—author of the Caftle SpcSre, Monk, &c. and now performing in Loude;\, and at the theatre, New York, with diftinguilhcJ applause. Loro' Bernard ; Modift, mr Wigncil; Rivers, mr Warren; Beauc'namp, mr W eoJ ; / Hrigmore ; Frank, mr BliiTetc; Squtciucn mr.FrancU ; Fr;poß»Jti, Vailey 1 Trifle,mr Hopkins; John, mr Duxngi Rt.bert, matter L'Ertranfe. I.iJy Clara Modith, mifc Weftrsy; mrs Ormord, inrs Hnowden ; miss Chattcrai!, mri Oldmixou; mrs Slip fiop. Mrs Francis, La y HuV bicb,mrb mrt Salmpn ! mrs Ball-all. Mrs jicrn.ird; mrs Tiffany, nui Do&or ; Anne, mr« Stuart; Zo ' r*yda,.mr* Merry- EPILOGUE By Mr. Bernard. To which will be added, a MuScal Farce, (r.ot aded here thefa lour years) called The Flitch of Bacon, OK, The Cuflom of Dunmozv Priory. ffZT" On Mosday, PIZARR©—With Entertainments [ e a * r. Jiear A<tmtral• H. PARSONS. Gazette of the United States. PMILAIiLL'HId, FRIDAY Kvp *rr.7 . rtf'cRMDCR t<> RETURN OF For President and Vice President »/ the United States. *0 £ I 'e -5 :5 iT J! s■ I s New-H#o>pftire, 6 6 MafiV.diuleus, 16 16 Hhode-Ifland, 4 4 Connecticut, 9 9 Vermont, 7 00 CO 788 55 5 , 21 21 1 488 ; 8 I 8 1 1 t Mew-J.-rfry, 7 P«nnfylvania, •) Delaware, i Maryland, j Virginia, Kentucky, TenneflVe, North-CarslinS, 4. South-Carolina, Georgia, 61 | 6i | 6j | 62 A paper called the Times, printed at Alexandria, in Virginia, on the 15 th instant, contains tne following impor portant article : " We are informed by authority upon which we can rely, that Mr. has at length negociated anadjuftment of our differences with great Britain, which have arisen inconsequence of the ilxth ar ticle of our treaty ofatnity, commerce and navigation with that power. Govern ment, we believe, h»s not yet received an official copy of the instrument, and our knowledge of it is not fufficiently exten sive, to state with precision many of the leading features, or the nature of the claims which are barred by it infuture ; but we can venture to allcrt, that, as the solid bafts upon which the future friendfliip of the two nations is to be founded, it is stipulated that a fpeci fied sum of money {hall be paid by the government of the United States to that of Great Britain, and in consequence that certain claims of a particular nature shall not be again adduced. The commilion ers will then refunie the exercise of their functions." The weather is said to be fc> f«vere at Baltimore, that the schooner Atlantic, mentioned in our marine iiit cf this was unable to get nearer that place than Fell's Point, on account of the Ice in the river; while not a p?rticle of ice is to be fcen in any of the Docks of Philadelphia. It appears from an article published in the Washington City paper, that the Electors of South-Carolina gave an una nimous vote for Mr. JefFerfon and Col. Burr. Do£lor Thornton in a letter written during the last fefliori of Congress, to his correspondent in Philadelphia, sug gests the following dcfign for a monu ment in honor of Gen. Wafliington. " The moll suitable, in my opinion, would be a fine groupe of figures on a well composed mafly rock, the whole c*- ecuted in white marble. The figures to consist of Eternity, leading him to the pinnacle, and pointing upward ready to take flight, while Time is left below in a posture as if inviting him to stay ; at tended by Independence, by Victory, by Liberty, by Peace, Virtue, Prosperity and Fame. —All but the two firft Fi gures would be in a lower region of the rock, and they ought not to be crowded. A capital artist or two ought to be sent for from Europe, and model, from all the best ideas, such pieces as would pleaf'c a painter rendering it at once in terfting and pifturefque. The rock would :.dmit of the figures being finely grouped, and the arcdae, supporting the column rond the dome* would give such a contra ft as to make the whale a grand and striking composition. The dome being also lighted in the centre would be admirably calculated not only to render the principal figures more bright, but would give more apparent reality to the design of the figure of Eternity. The bodies of the general and his* ********* may be depo sited in a place prepared in the rock, in the region where time and the reft of the figures are grouped, fignifying that though Time has taken pofleffion of his body yet Eternity has taken his spirit out of the reach of Time. * This wa« written with a supposition that the monument wist« be crefled in the Dome at the Capitol. * 45 * c *? s •n Jv.nith in his " Wealth. of Nations,"; * te ttv-ngeful difprfinon treating of a Public Debt; obfcrves— ' Whether such an aft as-this, or « Commerce and Manufactures can fel- I fT ■?»*"*** be thc , „ , li'lcsin occafiin he ha? in reserve, I lf»vc p», dom naunfh in any (tate in wharf* therje fry ot>k to his own -conj f ft«m-s. I h.ri!;, is not a certain degree of confidence in VP 0 ." t, e whole. ,Mr Addifon oiulu to'] the justice of Government." , a watchful eye, and ft'atid prepared to | What degree of confidence can that 1 • - ' , ... ?. ~ „ c Mr. ocull, if any of your correfpondeiws be, Winch induces a fall of ten per ctnt can ihrow ligLt upoi, this 'apparent d<rk in the price of Public Stock—and t)e( " s > it will be gratifying the caricufny of this in the fliort space of one week ? . a " ENQUIRER. I beg his Honor's pardon for using the f*ive fignaturc which he applied .to. the fu'jeft of the Academy, but I kliow he will Acknowledge that everv nViti has as good a right to become an Enquirer as him ielf. Capt. Robert Dorfey of Wilmington, North-Carolina, has been tried at the Circuit Court in Raleigh N. C. on the charge of Murdering Edward Melton on the high few.—-The Jury without going from the liar, found him NOT GUIL TY, The Editor of the Aurora regrets that Captain feainbridge submitted to the im perious command of the Dcy of Algiers, and fays " no considerations of personal enslavement 01* even deatli could juftify it."~We da not doubt but tile Editor of that paper would muchrather Capt. Bain bridge had refilled, as by that means the Frigate would hdte been loft to the United States and many brave fellows confined in chains:—This would have gratified the Jacobins to a tittle, as they j could have clamoured against the Navy and thfe raftincfs of its officers. Although evefy American feels indig pation at the insult committed by those pirates, and would be willing to redress our wrongs by an appeal to Arms, yet he niuft admit tlwit under the then existing circumstances the condu£t of Capt. B. deserves the highest praise. A warehouse in Wilmington, N. C. was set on fire on Monday the firft in ft. but the timely interferrcnce of,the in habitants stopped the progress of the flames, before much damage was done A reward of 1500 dollars is offered far apprehending the person or persons con cerned. The United States frigate John Adams, George Cross esq. commander, was at St. Kitts the beginkig of Nov. From the Pittsburgh Gazette. Mr. Scvi.l, AS' Enquirer is greatly at a loss to guess at the modc of attack which Braek enridge " has in reserve tor a more SO tt.MW which Ire threatens Mr. Auiifyii in h.s ruffianly let* J tex, Cm i'uppofed pcfffoual ifijuriei received. He must certainly intend jTomethiiig alto gether imconneftetl with the slliffance of his ptn, becauie nothing solemn or decent has proceeded from it line* the commence ment of his prtl's. 1 b*ve been thinking, that, probably from bis mifhken Confidence, in his liiperior prfon .1 Itreiigth, he might be prompted by the ravings of his distract ed mind to make a personal attack with a cudgel or a horl'e-wh p, or perhaps some rrore dangerous weapon ; but again I think, tlw.t Ins noted cowaidice wohM so far pre dominate, at to defeat every projeft ot tli:.t kind. Brfides, his t«/E<h!y conduct upon num-roiw occufions, )u» often brought him ft If under the chuUfemetli of the Ihelalagb, See that he alwa) S trcmbl • at the very remem brance of loch weapons. As the iolemnity of a legal prjcel'», I luppofe that to be to. tally out ot' the que ft on ; bcciuie Mr. Ad dif"ti has neither affaullednor flandcred him. But 1 am jolt ft ruck with a favourite projeft which probably may be contemplated. He has already tuld the public in his horrid letter,that Mr. Addil'on ought to be ''drag ged from the bench anrftrodden underfoot. 1 ' Now, if he could by any meanr, either by pe.fuafiou or bribery, engage ajjew deluded or desperate wretches to perpetrate this deed, it tvcstild fie cffeftually completing the secret willies of his dialmlical lieart. He would then have the plausible plea of de claring this to be the aft of the fuvereign people ; and that the infohs and indigni ties they h-«l received, dictate J to them this mode of public vejigeance. This would al so be an act of double gratification to him. It would not only destroy one of his 1110 ft ha ted objedts, but it would be fixing ail i'ever laftng Itigma on the Weflern Country ; for he bates the people of this country near ly as bad as he does Mr. Addilon. "In fadt, he hates the human race generally. A great objection, however, afifes against this mealure. The certainty of public punifliment awaiting the perpetrators. Befidei, I fl ttter myfelf, that ereu the fury of party, or the de pravity of human nature, could Hot prove luf iicient to furnitb a wreUli in tbis country, be sides hinlfelf., wicked enough to perpetrate such aii ait upon an innocent man. Weil then, what are we to suppose the next probable solemn occasion contemplated. If it is improbable tllas.iny. of foregoing public mcafures will be ftttemplnd, nothing remains but some tiling of a nature that will ensure ftciecy and security A private as- Ijilfinntion would therefore seem to strike the imagination. This, to be ftire maybe thought a honid idea, and ever)' rational creature ought to shudder at tlie .thought. But read his letter, and you will find every sentence abounding with such copious effu- ] fions of rancourous heart, such bjacknefs I of foul, that one would be induced to oe lieve that nothing (hart of the mod horid adt that litHitfelf coalddidtate, would fati [The playful sweetness of Anacrcon, is hap pily instated in the following lines.] ANACREON, OI)£ 40 IMITATED. ONCE a bee, unseen while fleepinz; Touch'd by, from rose buds creeping, Stung the boy, who eipying On his finger fell a. crying-1 Then, both feet and pinions (training Flew to Venus, hus complaining : " Oh ! inamma, mamma, I'm dying, Me a little dragon spying, WhLh the ploughman tribe, so ftnpid, Call a bee, has bit yi>uc Cupid'' " Ah I" (Juoth Venus, finiling (hrewdljr, " H' a bee can woun;t so ru ely^ Cupid, think h.w sharp the 1 r'Qws Caus'd by thy envenom't! arrows. 1" Gazette Marine Lift. PORT OF PHILADELPHIA. Arrived. Days Brig Minerva, Arebei, St. SebalVians 42 Sch'r Volunteer, Hudging* Virginia 6 Wheat—To Captain. CI Hied h'hip Lavinia, Sweeper, Charleston Baique Three Friends; Janfcn, Hamburgh Brig Betsey, White, of this port, Leghorn, arrived at St. Thomas and pro ceeded from thence to the Havanna. Sclir, Atlantic, Kingft«n, of and for Phi ladelphia from Curracoa has armed at Bal timore. ' Sloop Maiy Ann, Geyer, from St. *lho mas has arrived at Wilmington, (D.) The schooner Jane and Maria, captain Whe len, from hence has arrived at Malaga The fbip Kdward, captain Baird, of and for Philadelphia, iSdays out from Malaga, wai fp:'ke on the 19111 of November, in lat-18, 5 N. long 41, 001 N. all well. The f hooi ei Suceeft, captain 'ohnf~n, from L'Aficevcau, Out t<-n days, bou'd to his port, was spoke cn the 8;h inltant. al l weil. Thefblps Connecticut, Kiver La Plata, and Harry, from Barcelona, pallid New Catile, bound up, yeftei#ry. '■ 'PtcMbtr is. AkKIVED, .> ' 1 Brig lrdit* Barnard* <lMa»ia'? o Scbr. hia. O.ijfin, . IJipfc. 54' - \ Hibi'a'.tar SloopToli n, Vosjc, .Thi'iat> Captain Cr ffi'i failed/'om GHxaket in com pany with tbe Aid r.t Davit, and IHdlm:*! phra, Paif-nt ; parted N«»e.«ba.- 3, ff iy W. of C»p* Sfi tet, inniw.'e.i in run down the indti' OA :xr jllibi Wu'J ad rma an fri|;at«, v» ith two liar'of' baitle (kipt io cofhpary; flawing been croiiii.g for three (tpiniik i.irn 6t war front' Vtlerin > ; but they bad armed fafe at Cirtba^ena. UNI' FD STATES NAVY. We are happy 10 remove tl e tears for the ! lifcty of the Irga'e Inlurgcnt Captiis Fletcb er. SKe has been » rdsrej tii the reported ciui7iiig gr ,urd of the Cayetii e pin'ateers We iuv.; Hs>t heard fr«m he Pickering ; hut ■t -is nt probable thr br g fren bott m up»aril» was her, but the wreck of some light veff I. NF. W YOTIK, December 18 ARRIVED, days Ship Rrferve, Marfchalk, Malaga 48 Itrig Cer.s, , Havai.r.j • Schr. Betsey, —, Savamlah 15 CLEARED, Brig Union, B;llington, Bel/aft Brig Jofiah Parkrr, Sreed, has arrived at Norf Ik from Antigua Dccsmber 8, the brig Crres spoke in latitule 36, 40, the brig Nelly, from I'hiladctpiiia f 1 New Orleans. Captain Ptters in'orms, t v at it was ve y Cckly amongfl he American f:am n at flavau ni. I'he fmp Mary, J<iy f as B' fton, had loft most of her crew. The Qiip E'izabeth, (mentie,t.ed linier our marine head ye:!< rday) Csptaiu LUfllcr; f< «B Barctloiia, heK ngs t 1 Baltimore, an«l comei cnnlipned to Murray and &l<j«if.ird, with t v.iluafUe carg > of wine, brandy, ibap, 01! an.i fi!ks. Novrm'ier 25, 'n latits 'e "0- /|4., ;i, saw fe.fu I'ai l oc" armed ill 1 p-. iv' v. mlur 17, in }t, spoke an Enjj'ifa hriij twenty e.j;ht iljft troin Boftun for Diriur i»i i jury mi u ma|. November 30* in latitude 31, ii'oicc the ('chooner filizfive days from Mort .* :or New Providep.ce. Oifinber 1?., in latitnde 35, 34 1 ntr" Hi '4> is> pallid a c.;nv(iy eif. twenty five (ail under a .ngaie and two cutter brigs, ft -a i r t!» the 8. auil VY —supposed to be a Spa. Ofti.bcr 4, in the StraitN moii'h, was boai l.tHy. December i, in latitude 31, 14, lr»ngitjdi 74, '.9, spoke the ship Advci.tur-, fifty tw; days from London, for this port. Noveml er —, *'4i boarded by the L lly from Bermuda, and tfeaid tolerably wed. While Captain L was loading at Sa'..i Bay cut out ef Barcelona, two Bnauila raertb ml w«n- t ■ BrirfWWy. An*re*». froA Nn» CW »M for Nt% Ymk, fit i*o «»• Otf l f if/ ■ ••; . : «■•'•'• 1 ■ Tht'iklp C»pt»i* C«*fir, 'wrir #4 tt (Kit jo*t f* ■** Sriw» ftTetf I, in tMlhip D*n», Cipt. L«ct, \tfVat\fifi, i»d (kip ttirrfrt, CapUi* Oit^ | for B f*on. »6, in tiiftrcT -jlji lofcgittide 6<> fpcketke irlg jelfito# froiii Cafto Bjy, "-oun«! 11 fcrr'.trf'ica j tfeif, brig Be-fey, fr<i ii Kennebunfc in company -i u hi-r, ar-d in i le.tkv cbriiliii !i. ei.-Kt. uv out.' I r;(temlter f) u latitude 37, icngitudc 73s i ißohivtbe Gu'ijivUo, i>f JoK* I Morris, rrcitier, irorn Virginia, bund tcifil nwu h, two day< on;. Extract fr-off, the logioe\ of the ship lit scivl\ cajjiain "Tti : >sb*lk, iti udisjront Malaga. , " I.ef »t the tSrljgf Harmony, cafj» •tlin Sh' tw'4'- r« (»r( in to or'xf day. ; a«.d tcho ne> Jan? an.! Mirii of Phila delphia. Nov m'.. r . ill J t ■!?. C fpcVe -he ftlp E<.T«j'-,!;'rfpta!ft Ha <1 ? on Madeira b' lind to Philadelphia, oat i 8 .dsys» all wrij. On Ike id.»of ?«'riveinhfr. in' ;at> 17, jb, long (4r-£pokc tto-ip i>ifjnt< H, Hbf bard from h-u id <«> Dema"ir.i, out 10 days j had loft j,-ait lief stock o(T the deck in a hfcatfy gale of wind. BALTIMORE, Dfc. t?. . Arrived fctyooner Roby, A. Martin, tiliaTlefton lodays; On tin- sth inft. fp»ke the ftiip South-Carolin., Pelon, from N. w- ] York, out 7 days—on the Bth, ipikc the feboouer StKceisi Johnfoh, from L'Amer-a Veau, bound t® Philadelphia, out to dajs 4 tC7» A Hated Meeting of the American Philosophical Society will be held at ttic;r Hail this evrpinir, fit 6 o'clock. JOSEPH CLAY, Secretary. Friday, I Btli December, Employment Wanted BY A. CLER K% WHO can produce good recommendation*. Enquire at he Office of the G.zettc of the Uni e' State*. Dicember 19 jt Loft r ON tkt t »th isA, lietwetn 10 "bin t>V«.k ifi (fie fufcnonti, a losfc I-et'rr, ()k4d«ii M Vi!|i«ju 8»)»lti*J(o 9 Llilk Witu firc«t»iKi- tare of Oxvm 11 RiHihi i, cnclufiry M'ffri SreWlfk ".ob'» Hvtt'oa tyflri. J.ffc and R?btt'_ W»|n, in Incur of A'iUitm V C»T 160 >pmili millrd l)oll*ri. Imnd fii.i Note, ird will return it co tbe ftf-fcriticr, H» 9 Littlr. Wit<t :lre«. still be f«it*bly re warded. At tbjt r'?■»<•»» »» ft»npe«\ it am bt df Mb us: t* atijrptrCm but th* fnl f ril tr. WILLI AW BOWLES. itre*rnV»»'f a «i t - A...» i. (,■ nil i > House to Let*, IT li the third bMft«ill«ard bUxfc of building* lawly rri-A<-d Walnse •cet, W««mi «inb aud fcraet*, No,lti, (lit*, ly •sttbisd by Mr Q. W. Urytm), fcMfinofc ii j«& paper*#, a»d in aortifm f* & r —*■ *««yfca M »B Ita firft «f frn—ii •« -Vlntt tfpkf k M*. M/feutb Buth tirtcx p«rfW*Jr>»r drat, » ■. > CHARtES p. pKATH, • ttttaKrtt';, : dii God Fish. A few quin';L eh fio ! Fish aod 100 quarter Calk* Shi.ryWirte.juft rccf;v?i. Gp «•*"<!, Wine and Cyder Vinegar "in ? pipes and quarter C4fiis, y •• r-:ll SALE BY BF.NJAMIN W. \}OIUUS to* Co. Decelribtr .2 eodjt Land i ng The Cargo of the brigEnterprizej' Surinam MolaiTes, Of an CJ.S lent qual rv, in lmgflieads, tierces and birrt s, An ! ab.-v 40 qv,r f. r casks LISBON WINE, Fun SjtLi p.r 1 >/ Whartoij CrLcwis, /U.i. J ' ; - -hftrf oitekCr 9 The American , LADIES POCKET BOOK, AND Gentlemen's POCKET REMEM BRANCER, Foe The tear 1800. Just Pubiiiiied,; By Willi dm T. Birch, No. 17, Souih Srcond.ftreet. THE Ladie*' Book contaim an intereft'ng fc«ne in the lifsof General era bellilhed with a be.iutif>ji ingr >ving. An —ru d page? for memoran dums an 1 acconht Of monies, &c. for every day tu the yeftr ; Mifceltane-ius, moral, asd enter raimng pie-e« in pr->fe a*d verse.; new iail cele brated fonps, and !cve,-al uleful »abica. The Genth mails Book Contains an interesting fc'trte in 'he life of General Va(hingt/>n, will] an engraving. An Almanac, tuled,pages for mem randumt 3rd ca(h account; the Bankrupt Law complete j Duties oh goods imported, itamp duties, do. on domed 1 c articles; C ngrets of the United States, Departments of Sra:e, War, Navy, Treasury, and J.idieiary, litt of the airay and r,av<y> ievcral ufcful tables, ani '.her imereft ing rra'trr. i W. Y. Birch has jufl received from London, I a general ijbrcment of Englrth Writing and Drawing papers of the 15: ft q afiy ; u'p\''.g machines, pap-r and isk powder fir.e hot prcl fed post ; an Eflortment us the lat« ft and best 'Maps on rol ers, twelve elegant t'afles. He ■keeps Talways fie tain, a general afT rtment of stationary; Ladies' and Get>tleiT:et.'s pocket books, with'and without ■ .ftrurnet ts. maho gany writing delks, pea and fruit knives, play cards, &c. &c. December 4. At WtfaV-wbsrf, co»(tivik'r.»r ▼.4w