Gazette of the United States, & daily advertiser. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1800-1801, December 19, 1800, Image 2

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    Gazette of the United States.
iw ton fm
Prices of Public Stock,
Jfcj* "Tbc Books for transfer ing funded Stock
olosed ytsUrdty with tbe following prices.'
Par amount
Eight p«.r teat, (lock— 107
Hi* p«r cent. fl.«k "} „
ditto j 90089
Deferred 6 per c*nt 874 «88
Thr»e per cunt. 55 0 Js*
i I-* per ee:it. )
4 I»» per cent, j none at market
BANK U. Scites 140 a 139 p. cent ad. - }
■ n ■ Pennsylvania, J350134 ditto /
» ■1 N. America 154 ditto (
InfuranceC®. Feims'a 117 al»8 ditto J
• ■ North America 7iJ" 7i
'Furnpike - 150 a »6o dolls.
Schuylkill Bridge - - • par
Water Loan, 8$ \ dolis.
Land Warrant! 1$ a 30 dolls. 100 acres
Sf.Avgujline Church LotteryTickett, 95 dollars
On London at 60 days 70 a 714
Bates of Foreign Coins and Cur
rencies in the United States—per
act of Congrts for payment of Du-
Englilh pound fteiling 4 44 ")
Irifb do do 4 IQ (
fiutch Florin or QuiWer o 40 (
Hamburgh Mark Banco o a 1-3 J
CbMKri* «r
Qbesnut street, No. 143.
O ® «■
A letter it said to have been received in town
ycfterday morning, from Walhington, announcing
the ratification 01 the French treaty by the Se
House of Commons, North Carolina,
Nov. 24.
A hkCi|i wm font 10 tk« Scott* yr»p«ltat th«
rfijoiflt conaitr**, «o in* if futh
M**4mtnMtt Ike FoMtotio* oftbt Unite! Sutt»
■ tM] ntt think wtfcfi id 4 that tlwy mki
MfM <wiii| ib« |Mbni «««k.
House of Representatives.
Friday, December 12.
A letter was received from the Secretary
of the Tmfury, enetefing I'HstenStfnt'of
the loam made in relation to the City of
Wsfbrftgton, and a report from the Gom
containing an account of the
expenditures from .Nov. 18, 1799, to Nov.
JB, 18bo.
Referred to the committet of wayi and
The fepcYt of the committee of commerce
and manufactures, allowing Robert Hooper
a drawback on 14 pipes and 3 quarter eaflcs
of Madeira wine, was agreed te, and the
fame committee inftrafted »o report a bill
for that purpole.
Tlie Houle went into a committee of the
whale on the report of the committee of
commerce and manufactures on the petition
of Thomas Jenkins and Sons.
The report is as follows «
That the obje£t of the petitioners is to
ebtain a Regifler for a ship built on the re
mains, 01 hulk, of a British ship, burnt at
the port of New York; three-fourths of
which (hip, they set forth to be built with
timber, plank and other materials of the
United States.
The committee are of opinion that the
prayer of the petition aught not to be gran
ted, and that the petitioners have leave to
withdraw their petition.
A debate of some length, in which
Messrs. S. Smith and Otis supported the re
port, and Messrs. 3ird, Huger, and Elmen
dorfF opposed it,enfued.
On the question to agree te the report it
was carried.
A letter was received from the Secretary
•of State, enclosing a lift ef Impressed A
merican Seamen, with an account of the
mealure* purfucd for their release.
Ordered to be printed.
Mr. obferved that appropria
tions of particular uafls of Land in the N.
W. Territory, had been made for the esta
blishment of Schoole and the support of
religion, and tkat in particular a trail of
land fix miles square had been set a part
for these puTp6fe«<out of a tradt granted to
John a Sims ic Co. One of the terms of
the appropriation had been the location
thereof with the consent of the government
•fthe N* W- Territory, within a certain
time, which had not been done.
He also dated that in each township one
Jot had been appropriated for tbe support of
Schools, one for the support of Religion ;
but that Congress had not vested them in
any particular persons. It followed that
the property not only remained unimproved
but was much injured by the encroachment
•f individuals.
He had been dire&ed to apply ,to Con
gress to take the fubjeft into consideration,
provisions might be made as would
tedrefs the exuiing evils. For which pur
pose he moved the appointment of a com
mittee to enquire into tf>e situation of cer
tain trails of land appropriated to t(je lup- j
port of schools and religion, out of a fraft (
of land granted to John C. Sims, to re
port by bill or otherwise what meafuresare
jieceffary te be adopted to render tbe said
*rafts preduftive.
O .tiered to lie •» the tab]*.
Felloui-Citiicns of tbe Senate, and
of the House of Representatives,
The perl&d is again arrived at which it
becomes my duty to lay the state of the
Republic ancl account of the lalt year's ad
ministration before yoa.
The Wsr which Has for so many years de
solated Europe, (till continues, and 13 likely
so to do, -until the pride and perseverance
of one of the two great rival potoers shall
yifeld to the gallant conduft and determina
tion of the other. The United States,
have happily evaded a part in this dreadful
contest, in. the course of which, millions of
fellow creatures have been fnciificed to the
manes of royalty, and the ambition of indi
viduals. But, although we have hitherto
eicaped this declared warfarfc—a warfare
alinoft as deftruttive has been waged on our
commerce by both those powers, and on the
of oar'chizens by one of them;
torn from their country, their dearest rela
tives and connections- they have been im
pressed on board Britqh fliips of war, com
pelled to fight their battles, and to afiift ip
the continuation of this plundering system
against the states they belonged to. Should,
however, the armed neutrality so much
talked of prevail, we have room for hope,
that haughty nation which at, present rules
the ocean, with her fiat trampling under
foot the laws of nations and hospitality as
(lie lifteth, will soon be reduced to the ne
cessity, as (he was at the close of our glori
ous revolutionary war, to relinquilh the
kingly contefl, and rellore peace to the
world, for which the friends of humanity
must pant, and even the despots of Europe
appear to llgh. Satiated with lood, Rus
sia, PrufTia, and it is asserted Ajiftria, have
withdrawn from the coalition against Re
publicanism ; Bri.ain alone keeps up the
flame, and lupports it by depredations on the
trade of all nations. Although it cannot
be the interest of the United States, that
j either of those power* (hould altogether
break down the other, it certainly is their
interest that they fhonld check each, other,
and that some limits Ihould be fixed to the
maritime power of Britain, wh lfe ships
proudly Jwrep the ocean from the northern
to the southern pole, and whose politics, ,
inimical to every principle 01 government
but monarchy, would lead her to extermi
nate from the catalogue of words the term
Republic. If we have to fear, it is from
her, and the nature of her government j and I
had the coalition succeeded in oreakiag ,
down France, there appears more than bare
probability that our happy fotni of govern
ment would have been next attacked.
It is asserted, and with l'ome colour of
authority that an influence exifls in Ame
rica, partial to British rule and ready for
monarchy—indeed, the conspiracy of gov.
Blount, fliied in the enquiry, after great
expence } the miflion of Mr. Bowles to the
Cre«k Nation, to which he was convoyed
by a British (loop of war, and where he flill
is, or hovering with his tomahawk on the
frop.tieri of Georgia——The Governor »f
Canada's address, some time fmce, to the
northern tribes of Indians, and a variety
of ether cticuroftaucei, warrant a suspicion
if not a belief, that some plan was in agita
tion, hoflile to the conllitution and liberties
of the United States. It is on the other
hand declared in the papers, that the Bri
tish minifler has assured our government,
that Styles is not l'upported by that power,
but is it usual for ships ot war to be em
ployed in the escort of a mere adventurer f
Whether, however, this be or be not the
faft, it is a duty we owe our country our—
selves and our poflericy, to keep a watch
ful eye over our republican rights and con
llitutions, and to refill every monarchial
impreflion or influence, whith we have rea
son to lament there should be room even for
suspicion of as being in existence among us
—an influence hostile to our independence
and our rights, which were purchaled at the
expence of oceaqs of the blood of our fa
6f a
lOo 1
DcHr. Cti.
The papers and information refp-£ting
Bowles, 'to which ysur attention will be
more immediately drawn, as being more
interesting to this than to any other' (late
in the union, together with my proclamati
on, issued in the mon:h. of July lall, for
bidding his enlifling or railing men, which
he attempted to do within this (late, will be
found in the bundle marked No. 1, and a
mong them a moll ipfolent letter to myfelf,
proffering amity and future correspondence,
thinking no doubt, as I have mentioned on
this fubjett to the Secretary of State of the
United States, that as I was (ligmatized as
a Jacobin in the papers of Georgia, and
fonie ot the other Itates, 1 mufl be prepared
to join any party hoflile to the United
States. If to be of republican principles,
and to enjoy my own opinion flf public
measures, and declare that opinion freely,
constitute a Jacobin, I do not deny the
charge, for 1 am one j they were instilled
into ine in the trying hour ot' and I
trufl I (hall never desert them. But if to
support the United States, which was done
by th t proclamation, and my offer to the
agent for Indian affairs, as well as the go
vernment, by three or even five thousand
Georgia militia, .o crush gen. Bowles, con
stitute a federalili, then am I Federalist*
The riciiefl monarch of Europe is too poor
to purthafe my principles, or to (hake my
firm adherence to the conllitution of our |
country. ]
The documents marked No. 2. being
extradls ef letters from the commifftoners
appointed by this (late to treat with com
niiffioners of the United States, refpedling
a ceflion of our Weflern Territory, and a
sopy oi their minutei will inform yt,u, that
Of Governor feckson,
To both Houses of the Legislature of
•"Georgia,prefenied Nov. sth, 1800.
As this message is extremely long, the
local parts of it are omitted.
nothing has yet been coneluded on be
tween them. 'l'he pr Jpoiktons of
the latter a copy of whigh you
will find with the minutes, were of filch a
nature as our commifiTioners were not au
thorised to aft on, and not a little farpril'ed
to receive. Thole pi opofitions, and aft of
Gongrefs, under which the United States
commissioners deri\e their powers, deserve
your most serious conlideration. The aft
entitled ' an »{\ supplementary to the aft
for an amicable settlement of limits with
the (late of Georgia, and authoring the
eflablifhment of a government in the Mis
(iflippi Territory,' buijibly conceive, as
well as the,, aft to which it is fupplemenUry,
h violation of the rights of Georgia, and a
conditutional infringement, in as much as
it eftablifliej a government within her li
mits, independent of her authority, arid
without herconfent, contrary, to the ninth
article of confederation, and perpetual
union, which providi-s that ' no (tate (hall
be deprived of'territory lor the benefit of
the United States,' which engagement is
ratified by the sixth article of the federal
conflitution, and the third feftion of the
fourth article whereof further declares,
new states may b« admitted by the Gon
grefs into this unicn, but no new state (hall
be formed or erefted within the jurisdic
tion of any other state, nor any state to be
formed by the jun£tion of two or more states
without the coiifent of the legislature
of fucli dates as well as of the Gongrefs,
and again ' the Congress shall have power
to dispose of, and make all needful rules and
regulations refpeftir.g the territory or
other property belonging to the United
States, & nothing in this constitution (hall
be so conflrued as to prejudice any claims
of the United States, or any other particu
lar state."
(To be continued)
In a ParU piper we find the following
curious anecdote :
A curious occurrence lately took place
in the neighbourhood of Lyons : A dan
cing bear St his mailer went some time ago
to a farmer's house, not far from the city
of Lyous in tjuedjof- a night's lodging ; it
was not very natural that such gualts should
meet with 1 very welcome reception ; but
it was rather lata, the weather abominable,
and no other asylum near at hand. It hap
pened that the farmer was next day to go
to town to fell some cattle, and-with that
intention had put thirty (heep into a sepa
rate ilable-i-His humanity, however, indu
ced him to turn out his poor (Ueep, in order
to give a fit accomodation to his Bearilh
Majelly; after 'which he took home the
(how-man to sleep at his own house, About
mid-night, every one was awakened, and
alarmed by the mod dreadful howlings and
lamentations; when upon enquiry, it ap
peared that t-wo thieves, who got informed
of thaJarmer's intentions, but who were
ignorant of the event of the evening, came
to his If ablet to carry a.way the (heep, little
thinking of the kind of reception that
awaited them. On examining the (tables,
one of them was found torn in pieces by
the bear, and the other struggling i* the
unbraces of the terriGc animal. The {how
man, however, succeeded ju extricating the
thief, and in muzzling the bear.Thus was
the farmer rri'cued from alofs that must
have wholly ruined him, and recompenced
for the hafpitality he had so generously
Sales Postponed.
'[ HE HALES of the property of Robert
.1 Morris and John Nicholfon, advertised by
the Marihal, have been postponed until Mon
day the »ad infiant, when they will pofltively
c.-mmeocc it the Merchant's Coffee House, in
the city of Philadelphia, at 7 o'clock in the
evening, precisely.
JOHN HALL, Marshal.
December 15. J
Of (bo Slate of Pennsylvania.
December 16th, 1800.
THE Stockholders art hsreby nOtifitd that an
Ele&ioa will be held at thi Company's Of
fice, on Monday the lath day oS January next, at
It o'clock in the forenoon, for Thirteen Directors
for the unfiling year.
j'AMEi S. COX, President.
Coffee and Cocoa
111 bags,
Also, about 35,000 weight
Black Pepper
in hags,
Of a Superior Quality.
All entitled to Drawback.
For sale by
Ho. 69, foutli Fourth flrect
December 18. f
To-morrow morning,
Will be Landed,
56 Hogiheads excellent
Moore Wharton.
dectmber 18 4t
The Cargo
Of the Sloop SALLY,
AN affortniMtof CORN MEAL, FLOUR,
and BR BAD, together w<'th the said SLOOP,
will be difpofcd of at a liberal credit, if immedi
ate application be made, bhe can fail is 3 d«y».—
Apply ts
No, 18, Dock street.
Dfccmbcr 0. <Ut,
By this Days Mail
BOSTON, December 12.
Yesterday arrived the fchr. Iris capt Grif
fin, which failed from NiplesOftober 17,
and from Gibraltar Nov. 2. We are in
formed by the C>ptainand Mr. Hill, super
cargo, that on the day they left Naples, a
veflcl arrived from Leghorn ; and the mafler
reportfcd, that he departed on the :4th of
October when tint place was iN great con
fufion from the approach of the French.
At Gibraltar, Mr. Anderfoni a refprftible
merchant, mentioned, that an Englith (hip,
dif patched for the purpose, lud brought fn
formatien that the French took poflelTion of
Leghorn an the 17th of Oftober; and two
American armed ships, (the Ardent arid
Philadelphia.,) afterwards ai rived from Leg
horn, having precipitately left the harbour
on account of the success of the French. It
is fappofed every other American vtffel
which was armed endeavoured to escape in
the fame way. There were -some reports
that a formal capitulation preceded the en
thy of the French into this important city.
A large fleet of transports, See. was at
Gibraltar with 26,0a0 troops on board ;
r 2,00> it was said were destined to Egypt,
and 8000 to Lisbon. The Englifli had
made aa attempt on Cadiz ; but the dread
of introducing the disease, (which still pre
vails in that city) among the Britilh troops,
it was said, induced the Commander to
abandon the enterprizc. Some apprehen
sions existed at Naples, that the French
would attempt to pay them another visit,
and preparations were made to convince them
of their reluftance toentertain them.
Extraft of * letter from a refpe£table Gen.
tleman on board the (hip Ardent, from
Leghorn for Baltimore, dated at sea, Nov.
3, uilar 35, 30, long. 7.
" We failed from Leghorn, on the i6th
ult. on the morning of which day the
Frrnch (in what numbers I known not)
took pofleflion of the town.—The German
garrison capitulated under condition that
they (liould be perm»tted to join their main
army with baggage, cannon and every thing
b longing to them.—Gen. Clement, Com
mander of the Frsnch troops, issued a Pro
clamation upon entering the town :—The
fummum of which wa», That ?lie c'vil Go
vernment of Tufcany, owing to the good
harmony, t|jat subsisted between France, and
the Court of Vienna, was to undergo 110
change whatsoever ; the inhabitants, of
whatl'over nation the)' might be, had nothing
to fear, fine# he guaranteed to them, in the
mod sacred manner, the fatety of their per
tbns and property, and invited any of them,
who might tiave fled, under apprehensions
of danger, to return to their homes, where
they wou'd not be molested in the finalleft
" The above event was Hidden as anex
petted, for in virtue of the prolongation of
the armistice, wc -concti-cd our/elves j. -r
---feilly secure. If we are to from the
manner the Austrian Commander in Chief
in Tufcany, General Somariva, exprefled
himfelf in his Proclamation to the. Tuscans,
announcing the invaTion about to take place
—it was a gross infringement of the armi
stice. Some fuppofethat France and Audria,
are, notwitkdanding, perfedlly agreed upon
the fubjeit, as peace between them was be.
lieved to he upon the eve of being concluded,
and that the ceflion of Leghorn was to shut
the port to the British, and thereby incline
the latter dill more to accept terms of peace.
These are, however, conjectures which time
alone can bring to maturity.
,l All the British property was embarked
for Palermo ; and I believe they will fufier
but little ultimately, by the invasion."
NEW-YORK, Dec. 18. *
By this Public Instrument of Protest.
Be it made known to all to whom these
prelents may come, or in any wife concern ;
that on the ißtb day of November,before
me George C. Morton, Vice Couful of the
United States of America, for the city of
Havannah, &c.—personally came and ap
peared Michael Qmn, late of the fchr.
Minerva, ol WifcalTet, bound to New-York
from Jamaica ; who being duly sworn upon
the Holy Evangelists, deppfed and declared
as follows :
That he failed on the twenty-sixth day of
October lad, in capacity of mate on board
the said schooner Minerva, from Port An
tonio, on the north fide of Jamaica, bound
to the port of New-York ill said States;
that the cargo confided of feventy-five hogs
heads of Rum, for account of the owners,
the captain and his father; and twenty
hegfheads (hipped in name of capt. Pocock ;
that the crew confided of James Murray,
commander, of Wifcaflet ; Benj. Andrews,
seaman, of Portland ; Robert Murray, cap.
tain's brother and seaman ; Daniel Weft, sea
man, of Salem ; John Andrew, boy, of Wif
caflet J George Campbell, seaman, of Ballf
town (state unknown) George Slutfer, sea
man, of Wifcafet ; George Brown, do. of
Philadelphia, escaped from imprefiment by
the Englifli, working his paflage. A Coo
per, name unknown ef Wifcaflet, escaped
also from impressment, and working his pas
sage home.
Captain George Pocock, of New-York,
passenger, having had his vessel condemned.
That they prosecuted their voyage without
any material occurrence, till at meridian, 011
this second day of November (this present
month) when bring in fight of Atkins' keys,
at the entrance of Mayaguana Paflage, in
bout lat. 12, 20, long. 74, 30, the wind
blowing very heavy from the E, E. at
tended with weather to dark, gloomy andl
threatning, that they dared no't attempt the
PafTage, but hove the veiTel to, with her
head to the southward, and a three reefed
fore-fail and main-lail, but the wind {tall
incieafing, at 5 o'clock P. M* took in fore
fail, and so remained-until meridian of the
next day ; at that time the w«,ither was Hill
more dreadful, and a squall struck the veiTel
on tier beam endi, fhifted the cargo, and a
sea carried away the main null, captain G.
Pocock, and five of the handt, ef whom they
heard no more. The vessel instantly filled
with water ; but thi9 deponent, the captain,
hi? brother, and two hands, clung fall by th*
links of the main chains, until halt pall two
o'clock, wheie their arms were almost ren
dered useless, and their bodies much bruised ;
thence with great danger and difficulty, they
preached the sure rigging, the head of the
for era aft being ten pr twelve feet from the
water, they went out upon it; but in about
half an hour after, another sea came, and
snapped thc.foremaft at the deck, threw the
veiTel 011 her beam ends on the other Gde,
and buried in its wave? the remainder of
the crew, being the captain, his brother and
two seamen. This deponent after remaining
a considerable time'under water) ahd emerg
ing, found himfelf pre (Ted with great pain
between the foremaff on his bread, and the
fore yard behind, from whence he extricated
himfelf and gained the quarter decit, where
he lpfhed. himfelf fa ft, and remained four'
days and nights without any covering to
Ihield him fcprn. the vicilfitudes of weather,
or.the least sustenance, and- but veryJittle
reft to support life ; his body severely bruis
ed, and, strength' momently "departing, from
which dreadful (ituation he was totally re
scued, and brought hither by captain Endi*
cott of Salem.
This deponent, • therefore, protests, and I
the said Vice-Consul, at his in fiance and re
queftj do hereby publicly protest again!! th«
winds and waves, and-dangers of the seas
generally, and against tbe insurers, under
writers, and all cpntern-d, for tbt total
loss of the said-schooner Minerva and cargo
as afore said.
In witness whereof, I have hereunt®
subscribed my " me with this De
(L S ) P onent > t^'s -Eighteenth Day of
* ' November, in the Year of our
Losn, One Thouiand and Eight
A True Copy from the original Protefl,
regiflered at this Consulate.
BALTIMORE, December 17;
Extract of 3 letter from Henry William De.
laulfure, Efcj. member of the Lfgiflatiire
of Seut'n Carolina, to his friend in this
city, dated
Colombia, December, 4, 1800.
" Oil Tuesday the ele&ion for cle&ors
came 011, both parties avowing their purpoi'e
—the Federalists to support Mr. Adanis and
General Pmtkney—the Anti-federalifts to
upport Mr. JcfTcrfon and Mr. ljurr.
The Ann-federal Tickrt stood tbus :
John Hunter 87
A. Simians 84,
W. Hampton • ( 82
Andrew Love 81
Theodore Gail lard
Paul Hamilton «7
Joseph lily the 82
The Federal tbus :
General Wafliington 6a
fohn Ward
V. Falconer
General M'Pherfon 66
H. D. Ward 63
Thomas Roper 67
li When, we arrived here, we found thi
aflenibled in great numbers or,
the spot, and they immediately had a meet,
ingj at which it was moved and carried,
(about 60 members prefcnt) to support eleft
ors who would vote for Mr. Jefferfon and
Mr, Jiurr. This joint mode they fattened
upon every one who arrived, atod who was
known or supposed attached to Mr. J.
and notwithstanding many cf tli'em revolted
at the idea of abandoning General Pinckney,
they by degrees won them over. As the
election approached, the houles filled to the
unprecedented number of Hj in the house
of reprcfentatives, and to the number of 3$
in the senate. The nine feats unfilled in
| the house of representatives, were all from
I the lower country.* On examining the opi
, liions of the members, we discovered that
we ouild rely on about 68 or 70. The opi
| liions of about a dozen metnbers were not
I known, and on founding them, it appeared
; reasonable to expect 6 or 7 of them to be with
os. This would give us a bare majority.
I In this dilemma, the Federalists had a very
lerious discussion of the proper meafuies to
be pursued. On the one h:tnd, we had a
doubtful chance of carrying a ticket of elect
ors who would vote fer Mr. Adam* and Ge
neral Pinckney. On the other~Tiarai, it was
certain that if we would give np Mr. Adams
and consent to vote for eleftors who would
vote for Mr. Jefferfon and Gen. Pinckney,
we could easily secure the ele&ion of Gen.
Pinckney ; lor about 30 of the JefTerfonians
were extremely reluAant to give up Gen,
Pinckney ; and nuatiy of them requeued u»
privately to agreee to this arrangement. We
lhould then have been certain of at leaA 95
or 96 votes for ele&ors, who would unite
in Mr. Jeflferfdn and Gen. Pinckney. Af
ter mature deliberation, we resolved to ven
ture all on the election of Mr. Adams and
Gen. Pinckney, doubtful as it was, rather
than abandon the ground deliberately agreed
011 by the Federalists all over the continent,
to support Mr. Adams and Gen. Pinckney
" We have just doled the ballot for Se
nator to Congress. We put up John Ward,
• The federal part of tie Stale.