V. .V- -1% Nuxtnvn ij6B"; (J- The price of tlu-i Gaictte is Right Dollars per anvum to Subscribers residing in the city »9- 'ALVAN.it: Pram Dtccmhtr l6—to Becemltr 43, «i«« ViTil- Vcdwffer Tfcarflifhei having e. n folieiui! to farnifh ftfts of shis valuable and imp Ttant work oy one volume at a time, which, by dividing the pay men-.-, might make the aequiflfion of tne work morecoßveniei.t t« purch.fers, propoles to difpole of the few remaining copies -ji tlie following CONDITIONS. The Woik being already completed in Eigh teen large Quart** Vulnei in boards, Hte gaiuly p> intr 1 on Supeifine paper, illutra t*d with five huudered and forty-two Cop per-plates' I. A Volume in will be delivered to each Subfctiber every three months till the whole be delivered. 11. The price to the Subscriber will be Seven Dollars and a H7 5 *4 6 16 1 S 1 **> 8 >8 Philadelphia Academy. ... 0" Mr. Francis Gallet, AN experienced and approved Inftruilor, has Undertaken to teach the FRENCH LAN GUAGE in this Seminary, to such of the Young Gcntlenwn as may choose 10 place themfalves un der bis care £3' farc-.ts and Guardian* are reqaefled to nuke immediate application, that all the fchohrs may begin at once. Samuel Magaw 1 Directors of James Abercronibie J the Academy. Odlober 11. utawtf. A. Dickins, OPPO ITI. CHKIST-Chukch HAS JUST PUBLISHED, A neat and correct Edition The Exercises, ADAPTED TO Murray's Englijh Grammar, Dcfigned for the benefit of private Learners as well for the use of Schools, with Key, BY LINDLEY MURRAY. I Price one Dollar.'] December 5, PROPOSALS FOK PUBLISHING Br SUBSCRIPTION, The Works OF THE Hon. James Wilson, Efq- L. L. .D Lute one of the Associate Just ices of the Supreme Court of the United S'atesand Professor at lavj ig the College and Academy of Philadelphia. From the original mantifcript, in the polTeiEon of Bird Wilson, Esq. WhniTioSs. l'hefe works thai) be elegant y printed in two volumes o&avo, and !yiiv«rcj/o tuMcrii>crs at fivcd*!lar». fluy (ball be pi" 10 press at soon as the fubferip tions will juftity die rtpence of publication, Subscriptions willbe received by ASBUKY DICKINS, The publisher, rp,.ofite Chrift-Chureh, Phila delphia ; and iij the principal houkt Iters through out the United States. A Profpe&us of the werk hiay be seen at the place of fubferiptiou. fcptcmheri3 § PATENT __aiftl aati "' ? »J 435 1 *s—4 ,35 7 *1 "A J5 - 1 «j 35 • J 4 iS 1 *S 4 35 1 *S 4 35 This sew, curious, and elegant MACHINE, Which has been exhibited to, and accommoda ted Thou finds of Perfous in New-York, is no*' fixed up at the In this city. THE Properties of this wonderful Conftruc tion are as beneficial as they are various affording the m II delicate plea ure, and at the fame time operating as a reliorajive to health, and for which purpose the frequent life of it is recommenced by the faculty, to the sick, the weak and those recovering The mo'lon of the Balloon is from feur to ab«ut twenty miles per hour. The rats of tra velling, however, will be regulated by ike will of the paflengers j eight of whom can hi comfortably accommodated ; but the Balloon will set off with two only. Sweet the air, behold helow, Th» city, country far around, And then defccndintr quick Or flow, Conftan: atiendance will be given, for a lew days only, when th« exhibition will close. Every rei'peiilful attention will be fh-wn by PHINEAS PARKER. Admittance to view ..one-eighth of a dollar ; and for exercifmg the machine (in the whole) one fourth of a dollar Any person deSrotu of pttrchafirg the exten sive privilege thereof for this city or State, will be informed of the terms by applying as al ove. P. P novembtr 29 The folUwing MATERIALS will be fold rcafoaable if applied for immediately. 1 Press, 3 Founts Long-Primer (partly worn) 2 ditto Small-Pica on Pica body, 2 ditto Pica, i ditto Englifli, z iitto Brevier, 1 ditto Burgeois, Several pair of Chafes, several composing flicLs, frames and galkys, some brass rules, Ouotations, &c. &c. &c: all of the above will be fold very reasonable for Cafe. September 8. PHILADELPHIA, FRIDAY EVENING, DECEMBER i«, 1800 .; ' , ■ • • ■•' • .-Ifl •- .* •" ' - * PATENT American Balloon, OR Vertical Aerial Coachee. CIRCUS, IN FIFTH STREET, You think you move on magic ground. To Printers. By C. P. Wayne, No. 65, South Froot-flreet. I NEW LOOKS, RECEIVE J li y ' y. DICKINS, j, Cftri" Churo' • MUX ARi GARDNER'S Diilionary, new edition, folio ' 36 oo Wel.j's Travels, 1 vols 7 00 Rochcfaucault's Travels, 4 vols t z 03 Anu-Jaiubin Examiner, a vols. 6 50 Buonaparte's Intercepted Letters 3 75 Crutwdl's Gazeteer, 3 vols, and atlas 18 co New Biographical Dictionary, If vole 37 50 D'l ve-iidis't Survey of the I.ofTes of the Fre-ch Nation » 50 Parson's British daffies, 36 vols 4® 03 New System of Natural Hiltory,3 vols II ®3 Payne's Epitome of Hi.'lofy, a vols 6 00 CHeftcrfield's Works, 4 vols 11 00 Bifcop Wilson's woiks, 8 vols 14 00 Goliilmith's works, 7 vols 9 00 Walpole's royal and noble authors 4 45 p_ron's new geography, 4 v#ls l» 00 'rkc, on lnfuiai.ee, new t.on. ed. at 1800 500 "r. Currie'e edit, of Burns's works, 4 vols 14 00 F tnno"s edition of Gilford's woiks, 1 vols 445 Duigenan's reply to Grattan, Report of the fee ret committee of the houfc of conaaiu ao the InbrMliM I '*o' Rtfe'a txaauoatioa sf th« mcrtafe ol lb* ra»«nct.fvsiaicrec, kcof O. britaia (>i Oitfard'iUtiir'ntiKCiri ol Lwltrda'o 75 Rotne!*! aarra>ite ol the Damnation to' ' Ciy.-aiic - 190 Aime'i "dp ■SO A variay of P«*ipbtct» fcfmlw at- Wanted to charter FOR EUROPE, A Vessel, of 1 jo or sBo tons burthen. Apply to 'James, Clibbsrn, is" Englijh. 11 mo 9 tii. For Liverpool, To return an early Sp ing ship to Phila delphia, R O "s E, of Philadelphia SILAS JONES, mafler, Burthen 480 tons. Is intended to be speedily dU patched. For freight or passage apply to JOHN ENGLISH, No. 147, Water tlreit, cr JAMES, CLIBBORN ENGLISH, Philadelphia Niw-York, Die. ed. 1800. S For Sjile. THS SCHf-OIUK « EL IZA ssf KATY, '• Gf-tvrp e Puker, maflcr ; Burtheii 110 tons, 4 old, fails fafl. in ispierced fort 4 guns. Ap ply to the nailer on board at Dnwning's wharf, or S \MUEL RHOADS, No. I, Fenn Street. November 21 • dtf For Hamburgh, j-TL. The Hamburgh ship l|SlThree Friends, tJftsSSP J 0 *" 1 " eter la»kn> maftcr, A fuMtan'ial strong gofl »«ff. I and well found is intended to fail previoua to the 15th of Decem ber. two thirds of her cargo b5 ■:> ceuts per foot; pitt do. 60 cents per feot. Wood-Cutters call flcel saws. and ev mwf tf A (ienteet Ti Tie Sioy BRICK HOUSE, in Spruce near Third Sreet, TO LET. Enquire of ' MOORE WIIARTON. December 8 - 0.-j.ng PR INTTMr, PRINTING, Neatly executed at the Office of the Gazette of the United Stages. . »» v* \ • - ,-1 , ffoLITMS XVil'l. -- ' • -v .- .: . . -v- Baak of North America. NO JCE IS HEREBY GIVIiPi to tfae foe.ho ,Jers of tie liar,k of North Aitier* "' x ' on the feciHid MjmUv, the itth da? ot J '.nu.iry next, an ftlcdti m of twelve Direc tors t r the tnf'iii.g year, will be held at thb rank at ic of the clock in the f" renoon. H DttllxKEß,' j»nr. Cashier. Decenber9. tawawgedtiaj. Infuranct Company of North America. ST THE STOCKHOLDERS are hereby i;ilorroed, that a ftattd Meeting of tbe Com- PW will be held at their Office, or. the 13th day of Januiry i.ext, (be!i:g the I'econd Thurs day in the Month) f* r the Election of twenty* five Directors fur th; en.Hi:,g year. CHARLES PETTIT, President. Ducmhrr ip. fftt qjthj f he Cargo O? THE SHI f JOHN BULKELY, Capt. Stockley r from Baiavia, CONSISTING OF Coffee sugar & pepper Of the bejl quality, FOR sale BY William Wain. December 9. gt "folTsale" Br Joseph SIMS, No. 155,f0nt!) Water flreet, White &brown Havanna Sugars Holland Gin Old Coniac Brandy London particular Madeira Wine Pale rei and yellow lefui''s B»j-k A larur aflmment of CORDAGE, See. decemVr 13 miv&fa tT For Sale BY JOSEPH ANTHONYS Co. Hyson } Sauchtmg and >- TEAS. Bohe a > Mufiovado fuyar in hlidi. Brindy ift proof Lifb.jn wine in quarter caflu Madeira wine in pipes China,.aflortfd, and a few bales white and J yellow na keens J A few boxes chocolate and dipt candle* Spermaceti oil and cindles Rtvemher n. 3lyjw Thomas Orr> No. 52, Si'UTH FIJONT bTUBST, HAS rrtSfve.rSy ffi&TaWJl L«n. don, a well chosen allurrmeut of the fol lowing articles : CALr£Ot9 snd Chintze», (a great variety) Furn rure do. do. Corded Dimities for garments and furniture Dm ants, Joans and Calimancoss Hrmbazmsand Brimbazeens Printed Lii;en and Cotton Handkerchiefs and Lawn bordered do. Jaconet jnd 30.k Muffin handkerchiefs Stiawls, Cutt n and Chitfli, a great variety Do. Camel's Hair Hosiery, Worsted and Cotton of all sizes Do China White and BUck Si:k Tabic Cl-iths, from 5 4, to ioby 16-4 with and without Napkins Thread, Gaze, Lawns and Caffibricks Jacomtand Lapett Mufiins, coloured and plain White and B'ark Lace, Lace Veils, Cloaks and Handkerchiefs Black Mode, S;tiis White and printed Marfclles forvtfts Swanfdown, flripedaiul plaid. Cotton Checks (five) ? 8, 4-*, 11-8, and 6-4 Black and coloured Barcelona handkerchiefs India Bandanna do <•('fuperior quality White, Ked and Yellow F annels Guernlty Worfled Frocks A ftw dozen be ft elastic Suspenders. Ht has Alio Just Received, a well affcrrted Invoice of India Muslins, CONSISTING OF Berbhoom Hurrahs t'-trja Baftas Alahabad Emerges Do Gtnrahs Company Guzzapora Janna MamoodieS. Cnfias. By the Bale or Piece. OStoberiß. diw^awtf. NOTICE. Bank of the United States, KOVtMBER 17, IBOC. Stockholders of tiif bank of -lie United 1. Stairs are in!*tmed, that accef.ling to the ftatnts of incorporation, a General Eie&'on tor twedty fivt Dir. Aors, will be held at the Bank ot the United States, in the city 'f Philadelphia, im Monriay the sth«f January r.ext, at ten o'cicck in the forenoon. And pursuant to the eleventh fedtion of the bys laws, the stockholders ot the said Bank are also no tified to assemble in gen ral meeting, atths f>n<- place, on Tuesday the 6ih of January nttt, at fcn o'clock in the evening. G SIMPSON, Cashier. Second Fundamental Artich* . Not more than three sou"th» gWae Dire6tor« in office, cxclufive ot'the Preßjlert (hall be elrjfi' i - for the next snfuinr re*?, hut the Dire&or who shall be PreQuet t a -_'ue tinw of an Eiefli ft nm j always be re eV?c.e'f. FOR SALE, OLD Long Primer, Small Pica on Pica Bedy, Englifti, Chafes, Composing Sticks, and a r variety of artiel«s necessary to carry on tie 1 ■ isg Buftnefs. They will be fold cheap tor isiu Apply to th« Printen.