Gazette of the United States, & daily advertiser. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1800-1801, December 18, 1800, Image 3

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    ittf. three couriers arrived at he; d-quirter:
cf General who lit off immediately j
tor fans, accompanied by leveral of his of- i
ficer?, and pafitjl through Cnnfhdt to Stracf- j
fcuigh on the 14th. Lt-ci urbe went off he-]
. fore bim to take command oft he armed force,'
and general St. Luzenm- I'uccceds Moreau,
ad interim.',
: Apartments are fitting up at Mcntz for
the Chief Consul, who intends rdiding there
during :he Congress, (liouM it meet at Lune
vdle, as is exprfted. f:t -five mean time
Bonaparte and Talleyrand are ft id to be
buliiy employed in drawing out a plan for a
General Peace, in which the interests of al
parties, will bs consul ted to it
I hd Aicli Ouke Charles has been appoint
ed to, and accented again the command of
'the Ar iiiies. Hopes are alio entertained by
Austria. tliat it the war fliould be renewed,
a formidable Ruffian Army will co-operate
■with them. Volunteers' from Austria,
Hungary, and indeed from all the Empe
ror's territories, round the flandardj
in (Treat number* and d splay a aeal hitherto
Xineqnalled 111 defence- of th-ir country ; vet
all these formidable ap
pearances, negociations are (Yill irojnvr on at
Extratt of a letter from a Gentleman in
Hamburg, to a refutable Ht.ufe in thit
city, dated the Jjd 0 f Oftober.
" Although again a new armistice has
taken place between the Emperor and the
French, and the Englidi have been tiying
whether they could also make up their diffl--
retiers ; the refu|t.of bath appeal sto he fliU
dubious—and t'v Negotiations with the
la'ter arc reported to be broken off already
If peace on tUe continent fhr.uld take place
it is believed the differences with England
will not befoau fettLd."
Since the above,
Tne Gentleman who has our Hamburg
Paprrs; f;,ys, " !Tut the paper of the 24th
of Oflober exprefles a doubt whether the
Congress at Luneville would ever effedj the
objeft wished for—A Peace."
FROM THE HAGUE, Oaob v ,4.
Accoui t» are received daily, which con
firm the news, that tlire- Urge Ruffian ar
mies «re forming ; and. it is fciedihly report
• rd. that according to circum(luurei, His
Majeftv the Emperor of Rgflja will go in
perfiin to take command ofthofe armies.
_ Srhimmelprnning, our minifh r to the
French Ucpul lie has returned to Paris.
Several French OfSr<ri are
from Grrtnany, to join the BtUviao
by wblcli it appeara that no winter Cisipaiga
I»r*prftfd in Gt-riHl>lnr.
Tt it tfTiUi jlly exposed her* that there
■will he a peace.
V.'e are inforn-rd, from the H<-ldL-r, that
on the 7th inttant, during a thunder storm,
a l?;ip opposite Prtten, tink (ire and
confnmed. She isfuppofed t>b? an An)#ri~
can, or an English floopof war.
Captain Haves fiys, it was the general
opinion at Hamburgh, that there would be
a pence between the Emprror ancl t' e French
1< public hut it not so prevalent a one,
that Great Brit )in would lie included in the
pacification. Ihe accounts, however, were
Varioustind contradictory.
Insurance on American ship*. armed or
unarmed, at Hamburgh, was from 8 to 10
per cent.
That larger and commodious
At the cornet of rtrch and Ninth Greets.
To be Let,
THE houfr, eoach-houfc and lots, lately
occupied by Major Sutler, fithat'- a aKove
For ttr ns jpply to J. D. Walkti, No. 18, north
Fifth ft'eet.
oftoScr 11 »aw tf
The American
Ml D
Gentle men's
Foh The rbsiß >£oo.
Just Pqbliilied,
By William T. Birch,
No, 17, South Sceond-llreet.
THE Ladi»s' Book contain! an interesting
{c«nt in tbeliftof General Walhatgtuii, cin-
Vellifhed with a beaut.fMl eneraymg.
AnAlma:i' —rultd j>age» for memoran
dums an>! accnnnt of monies &c. for every day
in the year *, Mil' ellane.-,us, moral, aud enter
taining p.c-fj in prufe an 4 verfrj new and cek
fj.-atei foiigs, sad Ave a) useful tablet.
The Gentleman s Book
Contains an imereUmg t'cene in the life of
General Wafningron, with an engraving.
Ail Almanac, ruled pages lor mem randoms
andcalh account; the Bankrupt Law complete;
Duties on goods imported, sUmp dutir«, <!o.
on domeflic articles ; Cungrels of the United
States, Depirtments of Stale, War, Navy,
Trcafury, and Judiciary, lilt of the a my and
navy, several ufetul tables, ap«l other i mere ft
ing master.
W. Y. Birch hai jufl received fnm London,
a gen.-ral of Efiglifh Writing and
machines, psp'r and iuk powder. fine hot j.r.f-
Maps on rollers, twelve elegant At'sllcs. M(
keeps o'wsys for tale, a general air.rtnient of
Itaticnary ; Lsdics' and Gentlemei.'s pocket
books, wifli an i without ir.ftrurnciits; n,.i',:o
gsny writing delk«, per and fruit knives, play
cards, &c. &c.
December wtCvr
£ ' or Pi 9 f the
|Jtuicd Stati'S.
~ ft 3 .«
■3 *■&!■«
X «» is cq .Co
New-Hampfliire, 6 6
MiiflV.chufi-tts, 16 16
it tiodc-1 finiid,
Onine<£licut, g y
New-York, l 2 , 2
Mew-Jersey, y 7 oo oO
Pennsylvania, 7 7 g g
Delaware, ,
Maryland, S- S S 5
Virginia, 2I 21
North-Carolina, 4488
South-Cirolina, -8 - 1
® «>
[I he article publilhed among the Foreign
News, in this day's gazette, fa id to be in
the convention entered into between A me.
Rica and France, concludes in the follow*
ing d-gradiripr and infultina; manner :]
" bar the en filing four years NO TREA
TY shall be concluded between the latter
[America] and Great Britain until the
conditions of it are made known to the
French Government and receive its
approbation" !MM 11 !!!!!!!! !
flf this is true, what has become of out-
Independence—surely under fuchcirc tun [lan
ces, no wan will be fool enough to fav, we
are an Independent Nation—lt is iiifiilting
tbe underftawling and feeling of the Envoys,
to fuppole it pollihle, that such a stipulation
ha 3 been acquit feed in.]
Tb« Kanoorable Tnomai Pinc'k">t,
Esj r ' Member of tlx Hutilc of HepreQ;nt»
n»rt, arrive* at Wi«iui>(<oQ on Fri-
JUy avening la A.
Elegant Compliment.
A French officer being just arrived at
the court of Vienm, and the Empress
hearing that he had the day before been
in company with a great lady, asked him
if it were true that she was the most
handfomc princels of her time ? The of.
ficcr answered, with great gallantry,
" Madam, I thought so yesterday."
v A Well-Dotr.
A father wished to duTuade his
tcr from any thoughts of matrimony.
" She who marries does well," fii<l he j
" but (he wlio does not marry, does
better."-—" My father," flie anfwercd
meekly, " I am content with doing well;
let her do better who can."
Ignorant Naivete.
I An old officer had loft an eye in the
wars, and supplied it with a glass one,
which he always took out when he went
to bed. Being at an inn, he took out
his eye, and gave it to the ilmplc wench
who attended, deliring to lay it on
the table. The maid afterwards still
waiting and (hiring, " What dost wait
for ?" (aid the ofi&cer, " Only for the
other eye, Sir."
A Commandment.
The evening before a br.ttle, an officer
came to alk Marshal Toiras for permis
sion to go and fee his father, who was
at the point of death. " Go," faiJ the
general, who saw through the pretext ;
" thou ihalt honour thy father and thy
mother, that thy days may be long upon
the earth."
Ufc of Monajhriit.
An envoy from Cairo to Lorenzo de
Medici aikcd that wife prince how it
came to pais that there were so few mad
men at Florence, while the capital of
of Egypt preferred great numbers. Lo
renzo, pointing to a monastery,
"We shut them up in those houses."
Divine Favour.
In Italy, when they make processions
to procure rain, and a tempest and de
luge follow, they fay that when Domini
dio is good he is too good. A Venetian
trying to mount a horse, prayed to our
Lady to assist him. He then made a vi
gorous spring, and fell on t'other fide.
Getting up and wipipg his clothes, he
said, " Our Lady has a (lifted me too
•*. •'♦ ."J ' ''
j [Witt.!an Ccnatrr, havingprojected «
j daily paper in L- n'don, the fallowing are
i ej?tr3£ts fro!-.-, his H« In? no;
I r.-iin(ju!nieci his iijtfcuelwßCc, or h'.j incre
f P<v'>'.3 . '
_ I '• THE PORCUPINE will, embrace all,
the usual topics of a '-Nertfpaprr ; Parlia
mentary .ond Law R-ports.C >urt City, and
I Country Newsj Stc.»--A.n early, and co'rreih.
__ account of thofc foreign events, tyliicb may
y ' ,e "conlide.icd as news, is a thing so much
; |'stt tlir beaten track, aniV) indilpe-nf.-b 1y" lie
s' jceflaiy, that any fp-r.if.c promise «>», jfwt
> lie3tl woultl ho fuperfliieus ; but it may not
Oe iveotion, that, to f'.ithful fanf
lations frotn foieign j.uinais, I Hi til aide.' -
voir to add (ucli a cosimentury as will pre
vent my paper from being- {what 'oo many
others are) a mere vehicle t'yr tllcfe articles,
which are fabricated 011 the Continent of
Europe and America, for the fule puipnfe of
deceiving the too credulous people of this
kingdom. The intrigues of the French,
the ftrvile, the inlidious, the iuQnmtttig
French, lhall he an ohjedl of my conflat.t I '
attention, Whether at war or at peace
wilh us, they Hill the power, envy the
happineis, and thiift for the. ruin of Eng. '
land. Coileftively and. individually, tiie '
t whole and every one of them hv, te ua. Had '
tne means, they wtottld exterminate us to the
. I«ft man ; they would In,itch the crutch
from our pit rents, the cradle from our clnl
dicn, and our inppy country itfelf would
they fink beneath tbofe waves, 011 which
1 they now Hec lroiti the thiuider of our can
-1 not;. When we (hall iijeath the (word it is '
tor our Sovereign to fiy ; but, while we '
retain one drop of true BritiH> blood inaur '
■ veins, -tft Jiev'er (hall (hnke htnis with this '
perfidious and fnuguimry race, much U-fs 1
fliall yft make a compromile with their '
nioukey-lilfe maimers «nd tiger-like prici- '
' pl;s.
I shall f\and in threat need of, and, I
, hope, I ftv,ll receive*, voluntary atTillance,
in every departnv 111 of ipy P.per, bi>t more 1
' particularly in that which v. ill treat of the '
artful nianreuvres of the l.iQipui in the '
■ cou'.try-tpwns, and in the villages. The
unperverted lenfe of the people is so decided ' e
in favour of the eftahii(Tied order of things; ; v
that the contrivers of innovation are never 1 1
formidable, except where tluir real views (f
are unperceived. It is , thsir. hy oc ,f :ckl '
cant, their cUiidcftine intrigues in • ru- ; '
Wrous si cieties and i-nftitutions into which
they - imperceptibly worm then,l lies '; it is '
tbeir visor, and not their visage, that we 1
have to fear. 011 this topic, therefore, I '
thus -arly folic;t information from m.-iv
part of the United Kingdom, being vy t ff
allured, that, if t';r m ajecontcnts huve
lometimrs fucceet!-. d in cxvi::: •; a spirit. cf
#>ppo(ition and revolt, tlieirfneeef; is to be
f lely attributed totbr,vant of a regular,
well-rondudled, widely.-exteudcd fy lit 111 of
' A late I.ondon paper fays—" The net?
species ot Hemp, called Sun, the produce of
Uengal, and which has been mnnufadiiiied
there for general pvtrpofe 1 ;, Iv-ij tsnied out
near!) toouro vn rope. In order to
give it a fair trial, the company's (hip the
Farl Howe, Captain Robert Bun-owes,
which has lately arrived, had all lier running
•%? ln 2 rove w »th this r»pe in Bengal, by
the order <if government ; and we learn,
from refpeftable amhoiity, that itanfwered
1 during a long voyage home, captain ftur."
j rowes'« sanguine expcAutio'ns. All the
Marin; Eftabliltimcnt in In«'ia is to be
1 Inpplied with this new article of Eastern
' piodtife, which is edeemeJ an invaluable
acquilitimn to the flapping navigating the
Indian feat."
■ -i -
From tk» Oracle of Dauphin.
THE rigid penfarers of that commotion
•which some tine finer, ei:flumcd the body
politic ot Peiinfylvania, extending thro* tlit
enlightened comities of NOl thanrpton, Berk.-
and Dauphin—tr in the Banks ol the D.-i
-awarc almofl to tliofe of ; leeni
tn be wholly unacquainted .vith the genius
and spirit of our Rtpublieiitt luflitutions.-
What to the affrighted imagination of thei
ignorant cavillers, p»cfented the appearance
ef a tremendous inllirredVion, \/2s nothing
more than an ebullition or rather alinimer
ing of liberty, a mere hot water bulinef., as
it has been aptly termed.
A confequ.-r.tial ill which freedom draws,
A bid efi«ift, but from a glorious caule.
No wonder, therefore, that the formida
ble force which was drawn out by, Govern
ment, to quell an effervefcence in
tlit befl of causes, fliould have excited so
Muich difgufiand indignation in the minds
of good Republicans ? but t lie real motive
of the terment is yet but liule undcrßoi.d.
It was no difafTeiSHon to the general go
vernment. no reluflance to comply with its
requiGtiniis, no hoflility to its meafurirs.
No, "fir—The poles which pierced tlic
tkics, the trees of librrty, wfiich proudly
decked the villages from E<ftnn to Lebanon
inclusive, waved their cloud-Capt heads
in defiance of government. Were no j
lignals cf sedition. as his been invidiously
alledged ; but to eyes of all intelligent Re
publicans, the floating ffreamers which adjr
■ ej their tops, held out the words-—M'Kean
and Liberty. This, patriotic Heifter, Vnew, (
otherwise can it be supposed that he would 1
have cnndefcended to patronize the pale of
Stirrr ? This too, was well known to his j ]
Excellency; For had i: not, who will d ire j {
to fay, that Stever would have figured a( ]
justice and Fiies a colonel, under the ad- :
niinirirHtion of a man, so anxious to fulfil •
bis f, deral obligations ? I*t the |
:h.'n, wl;o fH,n tranl'init to poftei ity, the .
glories of this mrmoralle adminiflration, l>e
ware of falling into llie comman erior. The t
lame of an illuftriotis man is much nearer I
61 | 64 I'6l
• '■
to him than life or property, and {nftice is
all he- requires " Let him he fpok.-n of then,
he is, .nothing extenuate or fat down
aught-in njalice."
1 he,
I Hilly ot al/rnied at every cloud which
appears in the political horizon. ale
f.-r defpotilin, the fra of liberty ig ever tein-
We niuA not be (uiprifej tfiere
fyre, ii. .in tlie progref? of illumination, a
gentle infurn &ion litpuld precede every im-'
pnrtHlll clcCuon. Infurr£il\io'.i,s giye
to the cause of IV. cdom. Like ;«u «k£W
to its lea hoaid, the impulse is
andtlic pai tilars of arc every where
in motion. -'VriityCt,.( 7i« overwhelmed,. Hr
publicanilm triumphant. Such are ihyblei
ffofy Insurrectivu ! ,
It is by no meat's, however in f]"tiatrd
that the Republican Candidate had a ha id in
exci'ing the hot-water commotion. .• Far be
if from us to entertain To unfounded a fui
picion. Hut as it ,w?t in, action : for !.i»
benefit, it is not all to be wondered at, :1m ! e
'liould be penetrated With errfolious pfgrati.
tnde to a let of (jitizem, tlut did him i'ucb
signal feryicc on the girat day of hs elec
tion : or that amid the doubtful ftrit'e, he
(liould <virh heroic ardour excUirii,
J le nan to day, that j»jve« a vote for me,
Slisijl lie niy' br. tier ; |. e he ne'. rfo vile,
rh.j-dj)- fhjl; gentle his condition.
Clashing opinions.
.Governor Jay, and indeed all the Govern
ors n the K itward, have borne teftimotii
si 3§>£ n :" *'* dangers of innovation—in which
r action the President concur?. But the
i Governor of Pc-nnfylvunia has no f-ar on
s 13t icorc—He is for rotation and ilinoya
r tion ; and is now urging fame new-fangled
. ni.ideof IHt&ing jurors.
[ibid. .
Uclieir, that some time last week, a
, pack ct th-.- Jscobin Can a i at M'fflin
tJWn. (one iii M'Kean's hod beds of Demo
•jJ-rray) -bout 4« mites from this place Ind
"•-* i ffrontary tq publicly hang and burn in
rr-fffigy the thirteen Senators of tbis Hate,
! who have lb vir.tuoafty dillingoilhed them
[ thrives by , their patrotifm, and thereby
, pievi nted the govermirnt of this country
' r "|-' felting ■ nt: 1 the hands of men unwor
• thy oi fotmp rr»m I truli. We have not
Heird who thele fell ws are, that dare in -
lulr in this on'.r .c ou% manner, t!>e dignity
ol the Sefi ,te ot lennfylvania but we cio
nt testate tJ nfftirt, fnould tlie'.r idol
ever #et the ,af<* ad'.-nry it the United
, St;.;--;, »» ii in t!, s iKtc, no liotieft
'■ - e v.x.rcile the privileges of
g d ><Sling as an American, with
out ij himlrlf tr> the cutrag® of
• ; <tertijcratic ,u.d ra'gjjamuffin malice.
I [ ibid.
F om tbi TV.isbnigto't Federalist.
. 7Ke ' ifvie ol th- eledtMjn of Pi»»r.«l
' , Vice-Prefidcnt iit the U. ited States, ft jar
a* it depended upon tlx mdi-.idir.l ilites,
is .t length V '••mi. Pi-. ■■•j-ua to the vote
'of Soiitff-CaroliVa which decided the elec
tion, tl.e ft t r" <ai didst-.-s (or.itiefe high j.tid
important offices, had each 6$ \otes. Tht
Anti*i, from mere accid. mt. Wi o >tained a
n ...nty] in the .lepfiature of that state, and
t ct couri'e appointed electo i who bellowed
their futlrages on Mr. Jeffirfon and Col.
Burs. The who's nun .tier of votes will,
| therefore, on the final count, fartdlhus;
for 01. Burt, 73
Mr. Jefferlbn, 7-5
Mr. Adams, 65
Gen. Pinckney, 65
Stieh their being the fail, on winch of the
two c.-ndid'ttes having the srteateft number
df votes, will tbe House of Representatives
who are cor.ftitution.illy empowered to de
tide in the event of an equal voce, confer
their f*r,£\ion ?
1 He choice indeed lie's.between two evils ;
but as the Federal Republicans are, under ex
iting cirttimftances, not only overpowered
lor the rerfons alorefnd, hut aftually enablrd
byihei >''ll:l.hers to titaL-e it, ought they not,
v to chuf.- the le.iftr and it this be the
cali, will they not -ledt cplouel Burr and
ceriais.lytjwleaft phyCc-d, and mod protablj
the T#)»!irW evil ?
DIED]] —In the. Sid year of h?r age, at
Coventry, Cbefi-.-r Ceunty, on Frilay the
sth inliant. Mrs. RtoiccA G«a< h ; and
011 the Sunday her refniain- were
elepcliied in the family burial ground, atteu-
I .I' d by a nuni'crous train of relations and
I I.- d<, by whom (lie lived beloved and re-
Philadelphia, December 16.
Gazette Marine Lift.
v " Arrived.
Ship Magens, Hawley Batavia 149
Good, Friends, Earl •' Havannah
Ship Good Friends, Earl, Havanna 11
Sugars—to S. G rard
Magens, Hawlev, Bjtavia 149
Ccffet, pepper, See —M. & N -fbold
Keg»lator, , 8i .Vugull ne 18
> Ked cedar— : —to L. Cr 1 fiiljt
Slop;?Prrfidei)t, Pear/'on, Sivaonah 7
Cotton—to A I'ielcSi
Ship Fjir American, B evar, a>d f hoor.'er
Feliji, Ojv'idfon, of aftd from t .is put, fil ed
from lliVjima in company with tfie Good
Frknds, Eari.
Ship H)rrv, Boyd, forty nine day" fron ''t ,
was spoken a few day 6 fi'ce SE of th.
Cap.s of Delaware,'lillar.t al> uc!: ve:ity mil a,
boup'l tor Philadelphia, ail well.
Brig Hope Anderfm, from Martin.qui, is
Ship Co* fl*<sticut, jMillcr, fr i-ii La Plate to
this port, wss fj,o!te on FrSfcy fall, all wcli.
V • w4- "• <-• - • ■ «
Brg Little Maris, Thr.mpfon, fr.ta
; o Martm'que, is captured by the French.
Brig Catharine and And-ew, Bf wn, f-r'
this port, was at llambro 27th Oflcber, tt» i„i
.in 9 jdiyi.
1 ■ Ship Harry, Boyd, from. \vai
I £■{>,* few day ; since off the Canes,
j L\>pt. 'Fleming-, i f the Slip. Doair.ic'i
I'cirfj-, caj>*jireJ aod.fen; into tiuatlaloari,-,
caftie paifenger in the l-ivifk',
WILMiNOTOff, December!-.
" - AURSVKI), • d iyfl
loep.Mary Ann, frnyeV, •• St. Thomas 14
I ht Captain of the Mi y Ann unarms, (Jut
the - brig Betsey, .Captain YFJoU'e, tailed ufiri"
13d ultimo, from St. Thomas, bound fer (!-c
Havanna 1 ).
Ship Fnihdelpnta, cf Philadelphia, is I> -
: •• " . . ;; » ■. -,■ '; • ' :
From our Correfpcndeist at. New Caftie, De
rrnibrr t6. ~
Ship S- uth C-.i.-)i9% Tatket bound out,'pet,
fee , 'iff Chrifliamia sis;*, ijtftief , having been five da). i>
nt- j.t»ii thine, anil o ligtd to unfbip thecargi.
!i» j 5' 'f, l'riendfhtp, (rom, ht. Scbafiia s, tiyV
I f days, on fh'. re on App qu'runisnint k flats,
■ am] at, thi.-purt, without damage on her pal',
ch 'f e ,0 P^''. a dc-lphia. . , < ,
L -Uip F:ur Captain Earl, from I!a
-rc* vaona. by.n'i to Vhila.'clphia.. ••
he Ship ■ r trr:i;<v. Captain Bown, from Hsvi'<-
na, boiti'd to Philadelphia.
» 'L. VesT, Is in the Hoi!, bound out.
« s hip Hannibal, Ulyffiil, B<&lvidfcre, bri:;Lovr»
LaK, and Harriot-
NOR! OI K. December
n _ Arrived on Sir,day, the fl cp Lark, Captain
Dunfeomb, fptuteen days t<um Bermuda ' ,
'j' arrived in Uainpto« Roads, the
Clotilda, Captain- Gniy , firm. St,
he Ki'ta Left rhere the United States tfliti*
>n Chesapeake, Captain fiarrou.
a- ' • • . • . •
:(! t SALF.M, December 11, •
Ceptain Brou n, of the Brutus, in Ivtitudr
.18; lonritmle 66, spoke the ship Matildl, {r< n
St Sfbaflinis f<ir Mew ,Y»>rk; forty days qut.
at the foot.of the South 'if.oJs »f Nantucket,
a law a which appeared to have had
1- live flock on' hoard, which ft in had lotl.
Cap ain VVehb, of the brig Exchange, No
tl vemher 2;, /pel;e a l,.ei!ncbunk brig, JefFee
in Snow, mafier, bound to the VVeit It dies.
1 NEW YO;;K, December 18.
'* • - ARRIVED, davs
■y Ship Elizabeth, Barcelona fee
y Brig I homas, '-awes, Hamburg 43
•. Ceres, Peters, Havanr.a
,t . T h « thzabeth fpuke the ship Adventure,
from tendon, about ten days ago
I he Gaiigta aad Connedlfput, fl >ops os-war,
' we umterfland, ?re to fail fliortly for Batavia.
" and will take convoy for thence.
| Captain Cotter, « f the l»rij» from St»
d U'net, (whose artil-ai we mentioned yeft»rday,
(t but who was ot up) OAober 17, in lat 36,
jf long 10, spike the brig Mary, from Ncwhuiy
i- P'^ r J Leghorn—Nov, 30, in !ar 30. long 70
,■ 3", spoke the Happy Owner, Ccx, 7
diys from Philadelphia, for St. Bartholomew 4.
On Friday la ft Tpcke the ship Connedlicut from
La Date, hound to Philadelphia.
Captaiq Hawes, on the 4 :h lift, in lat 41. no
'nng ( 6 W. fp®ke the ship Palias.'Jparliug, iritei
, Hamburg for Salem- She failed the day after
captain H*wej.-
lr Le,t a; Himjjiii jr, Q4 ay.'
" 1 "Flic Catherine, Englcfon, to fail in two
Le days for New Vo.k ; the ship Abigail of Pro
;• vidence, half unloaded ; the t rig C.thejihe and
0 A -ndrew, t . fail ir; two ays for Phila elphia.
it Jptain Cotter, on the Brh of November,
fell in with fi'-e fail of Urge.armed
L ndoh to Surinarji. The Commodore's Chip
® -vas called the Qjeeir Chai iott». Some of tine
ships had tro p. ..0 board. Th-ry were in the
1. latitude of 27, longitude 37, 30.
' • illWl—igiiM^ 1r 1,,,, | Mit
Coffee and Cocoa
in bags,
Also, about vfeic;ht
jr. Black Pepper
in hags, .
Of a Stiperi (if Quality.
All entitled to Drawback.
l'or sale by
1 No. 6■), fuUii Fourth ftrect
Dcembtr 13.
r v To-morrow morning,
1 Will be Landed,
56 Hogflieads excellent
1 * Moore Wbarter.
dcremHer 18
Never Afted Here.
■December 19. • presented, a reu:h admired Comeot,
in 5 r.fls called
The East Indian.
Written by Mr. G. Lewii, Efq —auth roT the
Caftie Spr<£tre, Monk, &c. and now performing
in London, and at the theatre, New Yark, wißh
d.flioguifbed applause.
Lord Bernard ; Moduli, mr WigneJl;
Rivew, mr Warren; Iteauchamp, mr W,,od
mr erigm'orc ; Frank, mr B'ifTctt
Sqnec2um mr Francis ; Friponsau, mr Bailey ;
l'rifle, mr Hopkins j John, mr Durang; Robert,
niaQer L'Eflrange.
Lady Clara Modifli, miss JTeftray; mr< Ormond,
thn I ; howden ; miss Chatterall, Ihr< Oldmixon,
nirs Slip flop, mrs Francii I.a-!y Htlbbah.mra
mis Salmon ! mrs Ball-all, mrs Bernard; mrs
Tiffany, mrsDoilor ; Anne, mrs Stnart; Zo-
mrs Merry.
EPILOGUE', By Mr. Bernard.
To which will be added, a Musical Farce, (not
aded here thefa four yearr) called
The Fiitch of Bacon }
Toe Cuflom of Dunmoiv Prisry.
I acr On Monday, PIZARRO^.WitS „r r
[ Eiitcrtainments.
• t *