AV.w it *567 , zy Tbe f rice Of cl\.. Ouie'■* tSfrvr Dvliars />«♦ anr.um ;o Subscribers residing in the city of Philadelphia.. AH -. tiers S,a_y atr>ni given of the variout detached pari; as whether relating to natutaid rtu« the world; a general History, amiriti "Slid mo-tern, of the diff.Ter.t empire*, king doms and {laces ; and an account of the lives of th* moilewiiifEtptrfonsin every nation, fr >m the earlie't a(»es down to the pr»rent times C'nwpiled from the writings of the heft auth.rs. in several language ; the moil appraved di&iouaries, as welt ot gcnrral fciencea as of particular lirsnche»; the tranfa>£lioi)s, journals and memoirs, of learned ifocini 9. both at home ayd abroad 5 the MS. Ledures of eminent profeffors on different fcieit ee ; and a variety «t original materials, furusfhed by an i-xtenlive c»rrefpondeiict The Publilhet having he:n solicited to furnifll sets of this valuable and important work by one volume at a time, which : by ,'ivi.ling r!ie pay ments, might make the acquisition of the work morecanvt- ier.t to jnrchfers, proposes to dispose of the few remaining copi.-s on the following CONDITIONS. The Wok beinj* alrea !y completed in Eigh teen Urge (Jha'to Vojmei in b oar ill, li!e ganily prr.tcvt 0.1 Sopri fine paper, il!u :ra t-d with five hSr.idered an ! forty-two Cop- per-olau^* I. A Volume in boa "(.Is will be delivcrcl so each Subtribcr every ihr<: C(konlh« ti!l (be vlviltbrddivcri'li • 11. The priti t<> the Sultfiribfr wit! be St»(K D>lUr« and a ll.if tor every V l ime in id boarJ*, ps i*ab!?r.a I'eliveify, which will •miuit i* Qn« H'tiwl'icd a~.d Thi~T"to ,e DrOara for t! e R:vjht«u V-li:me% l>c(ti|; the pr»f- nt price f-r corui'lrre Sen • f 'he work. HI. llaoh lubfer:l>er Ib'.l! p:y th_- p W «>f owe Vcrtoifie i'i tlui t», uiien *nprtfj (hit n-j Volume will dtli*f<'ihe'» Ihool.! apply 11 early ai p.iflibe to prevent dil'- lppViA;i,>cii'.l, - & Tl>f SuWrriptwni onil b4 received by Dec. 6. a«-v6w PROPOSALS ~j'j ru-.t-isßi*o | TUB .. ,j Powers of Genius, ' A rOE M, . q Iw rimer p«*rsj b To Itv Ettjchid Hitntral Criticisms en Author itti •' ILLUSTRATION? of genius. l ! y lie Him. John El air Linn, ~ - Jriiiiita itlhc i%t Pr>(by■ the City «f Phii»lelflii«. . . Tfckwock.wl!i'.-«v«:tn|tTrf>i»foftD»»pftllUife r t tt will torn • P«'fjo« iafo whofi hj«Ji fuVrriprico fiifwri ar»d tie Tick, the weak and thnfe rccovrHrj; The mo 1 ion of the Walloon it from four to ab«ut tw» nty oii'es per hour. The rat* of tra vc inp, hone' rr, will be refulated fy 'he will of the pafle'.ptrs ; eight of wlvm can h» c. mfortabiy accommodated; but the Walloon w:II let nil .vith 'wo only. Sweet the air. 'jefcnU 'elow, 'I In- .'ity, country f.r around, And th-.n defccndiucv quick or fliw, You think y.n move on mcgic gicuud. Conflan: Jtienjin't will be given, for a lew days or ty. when the exluhiti n 1 ( J . re.ifo sable if applied tor immediately, i I'ivl's, 3 F unts Long-Prirwer (partly worn) 1 ditto Sinall-Pica on Pica body, 2 tiitto Pica, 1 ditto linglilli, 2 iitto Bierier, i ditto Bmgeois, Several p.iir of Chafes, Q-veral ro*ipt)fin£ 'li-01-., frames and jjall-ye, some brass fitk-s, Ouotvilions, &c. See. ioL's royal and noble authors 2 15 p ron's new geography, 4 vols. U 00 rke ,on Infnraiice, new n. eJ. ef I Soo 500 ®r. Curr:e'« sdit. rf Burma's works 4 volt 12 00 Pcnno's edition of Gifford's woiks, a v jls 3*5 PAMPHLETS. Duig-nan's reply to Grattan, I 75 Report of the f rcret coMmirtee of the houf* of comatons «n th; lrifh rebellion 1 eo R-Ote a examination if the incr'cafe of the &c.ofG. Britain 6i^ Gifl\>xt'» letter totlje F.arl of Lasdcr.ts'e 'J Rorael's jiarrative of the Datamation to Cayenne I 06 Aimc's do tso A variety of Pamphlets on American Politics, flecmber II Wanted to charter FOR EUROPE, of 150 or 280 tons burthen. Apply to James, Clibhorn, £2* EngUJh. 1* m O . 9th. $ For Liverpool, To return on early Spring ship to Pl'ita delpbtu, THE SHIP jm-j ROSE, of Philadelphia <*»=£=* SILAS JONES, n.aOer, Burthen 380 tons Is intendsd-to !.t fpcc iily dif pitched. Fit freight or p(T*ge arjtly to JOHN ENGLISH, No. 141. Tl"aie'r ftrftt, or JAMES, CLIBBORN if ENGLISH, Philadelphia Dec. »d. iSoo. S For Sale, <~%r\ TH t Shmnirv ftpei O if«War«* Ctfft* MUU Scythn, Lkm\jok<» Qwlb. noTrmScf *; ' d • ot—tuAfrfw 6 A/, btflhtavy Black Pepper, FOR SALE BY SAMUEL RHOADS, No. i, Penn Street. December i. G Imported, In the {hip Atlantic, captoih Waters, From Cslcutt* and Madras, And for sale by the fubferiber, A great variety of articles mostly suitable for exportation, which are IJLTJii CLOTHS J Neckanves Soot Roniali Salempoores Ventapo'iams Madras Long Cloths Ditto HandksrcViie.'t. ALSO 2000 bags prime Sugar, Hyson and Souchong Tea, JOKN MILLER, jtinr,. A T e. Bawfon'«) So jo, north Six'h street —wfcere they may I e i'upplicd with Porter, Me, Tableardothsr Becr». NBA of cMtlkat «M Porter mi •io.J fit fur intudiittilc. Mnev.Ur lS t the Weft-ln- Wliire cor led dirniUcs I dix market & ! Oo'.ji'd :.:k. striped Kjnke;n» | entitled tu ,) drawback, | 4 Trunk» printed Caliches, f do. d >. ' i Hilej fripe tVirie f Entitled to C-K* Enol-fi, Chi:-j w -i'backi few. jifc in if: I'rttJ , 6 C.ilk« mineral Mack, 1 do. while, o do. ciucrthfi", 3 Cists purple Ivo'.vn, j do. nail; afT'rtea, ? I,- jvrtcr ii» bonieJ, uig'i ! h fiilcmvaS, No. I, 1 & f jj Gtntect. Tine BRICK HOUSE, in Spruce near Third Sreet, TO LET. Enquire of MOORE WHARTON. Becemlier R. ' o . V T " t~v *> t % -r T x i ~~ PRINTING, Neatly executed at lie Office of the Gazette of the United States. ■T' N r .* ' I ' m&w tf f Volume XVIli. Baafc of North America. VfOHCE IS HEREBY GIVEN to ifce ""*■ vntlif firuwd iion lAy, the 12th dijr ft J3»,« {l y r tr, an Elegit,a of iwtlve Dirw: tor. f T - year, nil! bt belj jt tht ii kat ic of the dork in tV f r.-i , ■ H DkJI,'KF.K, j ßl ir. WVT2W' Decc tnber 9. Infuranct Company of Nortte America. p- THE SI OCKIiOLDERS are hireby informal, that ajlated Meetiqg of the Com pany will be held it tfceir Office, on the 13th day of January i-ext, (being the second Thurfc day in the Month) f. r the Kledion of twenty five Direilors fix tht en!wii g yeJJ*. CHAR-LES PETTI r, Prefi&ir. Dumber tc - f&ttijtfij i he Cargo OF THs SHi P JOHN B U L K E L Y, Capl.-Stockfey.from Batavia, consisting or Coffee sugar & pepper 0/ tut bejl quality, for sale by William IValn. December 9.. , £( I 1 Br Joseph SIMS, No, I '5, flrect, White&brown Havanna Sttgars Holland 6m Old Conuc Brandy . Loudon particular Madeira Wine Pale rei and yellow lefuir's Bark. A large s&rtment of CORDAGE, icc. Hetrmber i .j mw&fa. tf For Sale BY JOSEPH AN THO NT & Ce. Hyson So'i' hi ng and y TEAS. Bohea j( Muscovado fug;r in fi^ds. B- .ndy ift proof Lisbon wwe in quarter cases MliJeira wiije ir, pr r es China, aflbrt.d, aft,! 1 few bales white and > yellow na;i keens j A few boxf t cliooslafr md dipt c.in4lei Kpermjceii oil and c»ndles l> ember tt. itasuiw A Jiomaa Qrrjrx Sovti f r®Vt .^^nr; lUf Ut lltH) 4TM(iI ftu^i floo, **l ftObrMMfrt • . tewiogk aHidcn .• . £ fXijJQOE# Md Ckiniacv (f fW Wbh) . Vj Furniture .- 4a.<'. - -49. a- , r Carted pinikirt for imtltriMl£*aiiqee.\ Dumbii, /oani ai Ccliwttogr' B"fai&ii«fi» abd B.imhnccii*. I Printed Linen ?nd Cotton Handkerchiefs and Lawn bordered do. Jaconet and .%>. It Mud in handkerchief* Shawl#, Cotti.n and Chintz, a great variety Do. C.'tntl's llair I-lofiery, Worsted *nd Cotton of all fiies Do China White and Black Silk Table Chths, frim 5 4, to loby 16-4 with and witV.Ut Napkins Thread, Gauze, Lawns an 4 C*rabrick9 Jaconrtand Lipett Mn(lin?, tfvJonred and plaift Whi;e and Black Lace, Lace Veili, Cloaks and Handkerchiefs Bl ick Mode, Peelongi and Satitts VVhite and printed Mar!e>!les far vcfla Swanfdown, ftripedaw! plaid. Cotton Checks (five) 7 8, 4-A, 11-8, and 6-4 Mack and coloured fiarcekma handker,chi«f» India Bandanna do of fupenor quality White, Red and follow F anncU ducrnfey Worded Frocks A few dozen best elailx Snfpenderi. ffc ha 1 ) Alto Just Received, a well afforW Invoice of India Muslins, CoysrsTioo of Bcrbhoom Ofcrraha IP. tna fiafta? Alahabad Eraerties 1 Do Gurrahs Company I Ja«oa Mamoodit!. ColTas. J By the Bale or Piec*. O&oberlS. diwsawtf. N O I I C E> Bank of the United States> Nov ' MUFR ; jgoc. "|~■ jfti