AV.w <i>it *567 , zy Tbe f rice Of cl\.. Ouie'■* tSfrvr Dvliars />«♦ anr.um ;o Subscribers residing in the city of Philadelphia.. AH -. tiers S,a_y <s«e Dollar liljitivtiiil., for enclosing arid :ki rccting ; und unless sjme person in ibis c(ly will become answerable for the subscription, it mutt be paid Six Months in Advance. %* No Subscription will be received for a shorter term than six. months. December 1 17f9. 4%I»nAAN .*0 tfm Dtamttr li—1» fiectmLr (j. V«dnClif Tb«rfd*y FKdif Saturday Sanfey • Maiiday T*B»r Wednesday Tbarf&y FrVtof SMoKby Sendiy Monday Tuesday PROPOSAL BY THOMAS DOBSON. At the Stone-House, 41, south Second street, Pbi/adelpbia. Foa PUBLISHING BY S"BSCRIPTION, ENCYCLOPEDIA ; DICTIONARY Arts, Sciences, AND Miscellaneous Literature ; On a Pla 1 entirely Nfw, By which Tie different Sciences and Arts Are ciigifleJ into the Form of DiftinA TREATISES ok SYSTEMS, comprehending THE History, Theory, and Prsilice »f eaeh, *o the laieft Difcov;ries and ir«- proveme. ts; and full Gipta>atr>ni given of the variout detached pari; as whether relating to natutaid rt<ficial objects or to matters «o clefiaQical, civil, military tommcreial, tic. In cluding tflueidatioct of the nioft important topics relative to re!igion, morale manners an"l thi (Eco nomy of life: together with a dcf»riftion of all the ounfies, citiei, prircipal mountains, seas, ri vers 3t: throusrh'>u« the world; a general History, amiriti "Slid mo-tern, of the diff.Ter.t empire*, king doms and {laces ; and an account of the lives of th* moilewiiifEtptrfonsin every nation, fr >m the earlie't a(»es down to the pr»rent times C'nwpiled from the writings of the heft auth.rs. in several language ; the moil appraved di&iouaries, as welt ot gcnrral fciencea as of particular lirsnche»; the tranfa>£lioi)s, journals and memoirs, of learned ifocini 9. both at home ayd abroad 5 the MS. Ledures of eminent profeffors on different fcieit ee ; and a variety «t original materials, furusfhed by an i-xtenlive c»rrefpondeiict The Publilhet having he:n solicited to furnifll sets of this valuable and important work by one volume at a time, which : by ,'ivi.ling r!ie pay ments, might make the acquisition of the work morecanvt- ier.t to jnrchfers, proposes to dispose of the few remaining copi.-s on the following CONDITIONS. The Wok beinj* alrea !y completed in Eigh teen Urge (Jha'to Vojmei in b oar ill, li!e ganily prr.tcvt 0.1 Sopri fine paper, il!u :ra t-d with five hSr.idered an ! forty-two Cop- per-olau^* I. A Volume in boa "(.Is will be delivcrcl so each Subtribcr every ihr<: C(konlh« ti!l (be vlviltbrddivcri'li • 11. The priti t<> the Sultfiribfr wit! be St»(K D>lUr« and a ll.if tor every V l ime in id boarJ*, ps i*ab!?r.a I'eliveify, which will •miuit i* Qn« H'tiwl'icd a~.d Thi~T"to ,e DrOara for t! e R:vjht«u V-li:me% l>c(ti|; the pr»f- nt price f-r corui'lrre Sen • f 'he work. HI. llaoh lubfer:l>er Ib'.l! p:y th_- p W «>f owe Vcrtoifie i'i tlui t», uiien <hj firll Volutse ii t- L c pri.e of t''< ft'ft , and •ich:r-nt!i Voturr.e to Itc paid, the •t'ter VoUi/Wr«'(i If* paid d^tivrfy, Airy rjb<*r who tniy to the wh ?Ie in a (Ititter time than the above « entloir« ed pciHidv tn«y have a v number »f Volaoti thar m ij- b< afeealle it ibefkoe tid.tf atlhc ibirec ?r)raa. Tuyitvrnl any it i* pre fer ¥>*nprtfj (hit n-j Volume will dtli*<red t» »ny per Coo with ut ih? mon y, «nd *«. the Vm on k»nJ ire hut itw in nutnli- f. i" will b« Vri|'ifit tjiil furfc Hfcbuofe tnbr- rmi 3uV>f<'ihe'» Ihool.! apply 11 early ai p.iflibe to prevent dil'- lppViA;i,>cii'.l, - & Tl>f SuWrriptwni onil b4 received by Dec. 6. a«-v6w PROPOSALS ~j'j ru-.t-isßi*o | TUB .. ,j Powers of Genius, ' A rOE M, . q Iw rimer p«*rsj b To Itv Ettjchid Hitntral Criticisms en Author itti •' ILLUSTRATION? of genius. l ! y lie Him. John El air Linn, ~ - Jriiiiita itlhc i%t Pr>(by<rrmn Church, >■ the City «f Phii»lelflii«. . . Tfckwock.wl!i'.-«v«:tn|tTrf>i»foftD»»pftllUife r t tt will torn • <!iM£euau» v&mat 4 wiu be jnnkd ,Willi will dftthr, -inboard*- Hie wtik Wl to printed on. rf«r tS* <«rr, ;md»t tSt <xj*meof tht aut\»r. l , B»Wmprt#lir»i* ttorrediy Afcwry Uhk. o «u. 1 TKof> P«'fjo« iafo whofi hj«Ji fuVrriprico fiifwri ar»d<li»»rtd, »w t< *rt»r«rUua u th« loth?*, us to Mr. UJc'iirtt. Bo Aftlttr. at the eviration or»lwet w«k» *om T v ' " '• * Gazette of the United States, & Daily UICU IVAIIH. H»H *«T* - 1 «J -f-4 JJ • 7 *i-r—4 ii \ v t *S~+-4. SS • 7 *S-—4 '« - 7 *s*—k-4. r« 1 • 4 Ji ■ » ». SJ •X A ii'v6w MKIJAMIN CLARK," Gtvfxij tV.rrc;r Maker, HAS REMOVED iu No. 36, Mau.rr'T STAKP!T, Wharc lie has lor .Sale, Sarin;' miJ other Clocks ; goldjnd filve Watches 5 Tools, Files and Materials ; Wee (pi* Chains, SeaU atrd Kejfj ; Springs, fcc. &c.. CLOCKS ANP WATCHES Repaired as usual. 7 tnSd'tf Philadelphia Academy. g? Mr. Francis Galiet, AN experienced and approved loflruilor, has tindertaken to teach the FHEfiTCH I.AST. GWAGE in this Seminary, to such of the Young Gentlemen as may choifc to place themfjlves un der hit care are .ts and Guardians are requeued to mjke immediate application, that all the fchobrs m3y begin at once- Satnurl Kfagaw "J Directors of James Aijcicrombie J the Academy. (Jdhiher si. uawt 1 . A. Dick ins, OpWIlT* CHK ISr-CHtIHCH HAS JUST PUBLISHED, A neat and correct Edition The Exercises, ADAPTED TO Murray's Englijh Grammar, Delimited tor the benefit of private Learners as well for the use of Schools, with Key, BY LINDLEY MURRAY. [Price one Dollar.] Decern her 5, H. U. 3 »4 4 *7 5 *4 .'4 16 7 i r 46 8 »8 PROPOSALS FOt PUBLISHING IIT SUBSCRIPTION, The Works or TH* Hon. James Wilson, Efq- L. L. .D Late one of ike Associate Justices of tie Supreme Court of the United States and Projessor at Law in ti-e College and Academy of Philadelphia. Prom the original manuscript, in the poffelfion of Bird H'llioti, Esq. cosniricxs. Thcfe work: (ball be elegant'y printed in two volumes oSavo, and delivered ,ro fuhfcribtri at five dollars. Tbey (liall be put 10 press as soon as the fubforip. tions will juftify tlie eipence of publication, Subscriptions mill be received by ASBURY DICKINS, The publifhrr, opposite Chrifl Church, PViilm delphia ; and by the principal houkl'tllcra thrcngh out the UDicrd States. *,* A f'nfpe.ftti» of the work may be seen at the place of luhfcription. fcpcctnber 13 5 PATEN T American Balloon, OR Vertical Aerial Coaehee. Thi» sew, curi 'iil, an-il elegant MACHINE, Wliicli linbeen exhibited to, and accommoda ted Thoufmdi of Perl'ons in New-York, is IJO-v fixed irp at the CUCUS, IN FIF I'M STREET, 111 ihi« rity. "pHE Properties of ivdndriful Ccnßnc i t««n Are as beneficial they are various affording the m 11 delicate piea ure, yd t 'lie fair e time operating as a re'.iorative to health, iitd lor which purp, fc the treq-ientufe ot' it 15 recommended by tit.- facility, t«> tie Tick, the weak and thnfe rccovrHrj; The mo 1 ion of the Walloon it from four to ab«ut tw» nty oii'es per hour. The rat* of tra vc inp, hone' rr, will be refulated fy 'he will of the pafle'.ptrs ; eight of wlvm can h» c. mfortabiy accommodated; but the Walloon w:II let nil .vith 'wo only. Sweet the air. 'jefcnU 'elow, 'I In- .'ity, country f.r around, And th-.n defccndiucv quick or fliw, You think y.n move on mcgic gicuud. Conflan: Jtienjin't will be given, for a lew days or ty. when the exluhiti n <v:!I cloi'e.— Every rel'ntillul attention w l! be Ihewti by PHINEAS PARKER. Adrrt'tanee to view, cre-e ; );hth of a dullar ; and for ex-rcifing the machine (in the whole) on- fourth of a rfrcltar Ai-.y perron delfows of p:;rchifing the exten (i"f privilege thereof ft this city or State, will be informed of the terms by applying at alove. P. P r.ov'mbtr xg To Printers. The following MATERIALS will be f> 1 ( J . re.ifo sable if applied tor immediately, i I'ivl's, 3 F unts Long-Prirwer (partly worn) 1 ditto Sinall-Pica on Pica body, 2 tiitto Pica, 1 ditto linglilli, 2 iitto Bierier, i ditto Bmgeois, Several p.iir of Chafes, Q-veral ro*ipt)fin£ 'li-01-., frames and jjall-ye, some brass fitk-s, Ouotvilions, &c. See. i<c: all of the above wili br fold very reasonable for Calh» September a. By C. P. Wayne, No. 65, South Front-flreet. P U l LADELP 11 lA, THURSDAY KVtNING, DECEMBER 18, ,k O O ' NEW BOOKS, RECUmn BY A. OS KISS, Mi-poSie Chri 11 Church. MILI.AR.-i OrtßDKlifja'i Di&K»ary, ris v r ; iri«n, folio 36 00 U'elu's Pr2ve|v a vols 7 00 ftochclaucauh's I'ravcls, 4 vil« is.eo Ami Jacobin' Fturnip-r, 1 vols. 6 50 Buonaparte's intercepted Letters g 75 (.'rntw llNGazetcer, 3 vuis. aad atlas 18 co New Biographical Di&ivnary, 1 ? vols 37 50 D'lremois's Surrey of tiic L(;ff«s of the Vrrkch Nation t 50 Parlon's British CUfiics, }6 vols 4« 03 N'cw Syi\em of Natural Hiflory,3 vols il eo Payne's Epitome of Hiftpry, j vols 6 00 C!"eler3etd's Works, 4 vols 11 00 Bilhop Wilson's wenks, 8 Tols j» 00 G.Kiilmitli's works, 7 vols 9 00 \V«];>oL's royal and noble authors 2 15 p ron's new geography, 4 vols. U 00 rke ,on Infnraiice, new n. eJ. ef I Soo 500 ®r. Curr:e'« sdit. rf Burma's works 4 volt 12 00 Pcnno's edition of Gifford's woiks, a v jls 3*5 PAMPHLETS. Duig-nan's reply to Grattan, I 75 Report of the f rcret coMmirtee of the houf* of comatons «n th; lrifh rebellion 1 eo R-Ote a examination if the incr'cafe of the &c.ofG. Britain 6i^ Gifl\>xt'» letter totlje F.arl of Lasdcr.ts'e 'J Rorael's jiarrative of the Datamation to Cayenne I 06 Aimc's do tso A variety of Pamphlets on American Politics, flecmber II Wanted to charter FOR EUROPE, of 150 or 280 tons burthen. Apply to James, Clibhorn, £2* EngUJh. 1* m O . 9th. $ For Liverpool, To return on early Spring ship to Pl'ita delpbtu, THE SHIP jm-j ROSE, of Philadelphia <*»=£=* SILAS JONES, n.aOer, Burthen 380 tons Is intendsd-to !.t fpcc iily dif pitched. Fit freight or p(T*ge arjtly to JOHN ENGLISH, No. 141. Tl"aie'r ftrftt, or JAMES, CLIBBORN if ENGLISH, Philadelphia Dec. »d. iSoo. S For Sale, <~%r\ TH<? SCHOON'BR ELIZA is? KATY, George Parker, niafler ; Burthen no tons, 4 months old, I'hiis nn ispierced l'ori4gmis. Ap ply to the raafler on board at Dowr.ing's wharf, or SAMUEL RHOAD3, No. i, Penn Street. November 11. dtf For Hamburgh, Tbc Hamburgh ship agfe'Three Friends, SbQSX Jfho Jtnfrb, mliflcr, A fuliiliutiil Inif toil »'f I »rd wc'lfuand it intir:dc.l t» t'.il p»Lti 'in to ihctyth of I)rt*<ii ber two rhir U ol her (Atjfn hire Kids to go *a board—Fur Lkcwminrf«r. or ('jO'iT'i »pr'y '<• JACOB splkky & Co. Who have receivedperfaid vessel and are *<kv Landing? P I..ATJLMS ROY ALU Frttam.iM S^l'fryt Checks. No », Ad l.ifiitfoM Or*** i U Muriaii Arihia Mirl; ei • Srlc6« Ht-dkCTftUf» Utitti on GanTlrori Alfa on Hand, ! Ckctki 1m?(< BotortJilloi.BritwinlM, CT f rijUi, Brrwn fiuCi Cf»i i U Mot- Slc'eWd Ihc l.Wmrm, D*<rl]f> t Shmnirv ftpei O if«War«* Ctfft* MUU Scythn, Lkm\jok<» Qwlb. noTrmScf *; ' d • ot—tuAfrfw 6 A/, btflhtavy Black Pepper, FOR SALE BY SAMUEL RHOADS, No. i, Penn Street. December i. G Imported, In the {hip Atlantic, captoih Waters, From Cslcutt* and Madras, And for sale by the fubferiber, A great variety of articles mostly suitable for exportation, which are IJLTJii CLOTHS J Neckanves Soot Roniali Salempoores Ventapo'iams Madras Long Cloths Ditto HandksrcViie.'t. ALSO 2000 bags prime Sugar, Hyson and Souchong Tea, JOKN MILLER, jtinr,. A T e. B<o, Dock strret. JuJl Received by A. Dickens ; Opposite Christ Chui\h, Desultory Refle&ioris, ON THB Pbhiftal Aspect of PUBLIC AFFAIRS In the United States of America Hart 11. " And I looked, and beheld a pale Kor r t : an " his ramc that fit on him was licith, an " Hell followed wiih him " (t'rice 35 C.nts ) ALSO CARMEN SECULARE Far the year 7800. By Heorr June? Pape P. L. Supirhly printed in 4 (Price 75 Cents.) December to, $ Gideon H. Wells Has Just Received\ By the late arrivals—a large and general a (Tort • ntcnt of Hardware, Cutlery Sadiery, Which he cfT:r« for Tale, for caflv or the usual credit. Market-street, No. tjS. Saw Manufa&ory. FRANCIS MASON, No. to, south Fifth street, MANUFACTURES mill, cross cut and pit! fawt, equal in quality, appearance and fbapc touny (ivtr in.ported; which fee fells who'.rUlc at tfat following prices—6 feet mill fa»i »5 I » dol lar each ; crofe-cut do 50 cents per foot; fitt do. 60 cents per foct. Wood-Cutters cuft steel saws, and every other kind, made to any particular direction. noveniVer 18 dim John Whitesides, INFORMS hit friend* and the public In general that iicha# taken th« BREWERY, (lite Wir.ir.nj .'>awfon'«) So jo, north Six'h street —wfcere they may I e i'upplicd with Porter, Me, Tableardothsr Becr». NBA of cMtlkat «M Porter mi •io.J fit fur intudiittilc. Mnev.Ur lS t <h«\ CHINA GOODS. [■anding fro n the ship Americp, IVnil s Sims, Commander, from Canton, AND FOB SALIC RT NICKLIN, GRIFFITH & Co. Bomea, CoilgO, S g, ill &ind q lality, Csper fjurhong, ilv lon-jktn) I fp A c T mlray, f ' hASt .*inp!o, | Young hyf».n, Hyi'un, lit &»d quality, | Inipu-iil, J Yellow fc white nankeens "J Lutcftrings, b'ack Si coJor'd £ln Unics Sinlhaw* do. f aflorted, SattUt do. j LuicHriiigs, rr.az. blue .& dark green . Sii.Dmvj do i i ™» Ptrfiiii KilT-tas, dark preen 3 oXv? ' 7 bey have also on bum', for sale, received bv tbe late arrivals from Europe, tsV. 1 Inl'ma'lptck- Stiip.d an-! r'leikcd pingharrs ; sj»r» ail'-.rted, White figured & color'd Mui- | calculated for [ linettt j> the Weft-ln- Wliire cor led dirniUcs I dix market & ! Oo'.ji'd :.:k. striped Kjnke;n» | entitled tu ,) drawback, | 4 Trunk» printed Caliches, f do. d >. ' i Hilej fripe tVirie f Entitled to C-K* Enol-fi, Chi:-j w -i'backi few. jifc in if: I'rttJ , 6 C.ilk« mineral Mack, 1 do. while, o do. ciucrthfi", 3 Cists purple Ivo'.vn, j do. nail; afT'rtea, ? <l.> I,- jvrtcr ii» bonieJ, uig'i ! h fiilcmvaS, No. I, 1 & <ufii» di.ck, m 17 Rise* *Hte Hat Mint sugar; m ij PipM oTd Madeira win*, fl 10 Guns, 6 ppvndtr% m 9 do. I? do 9 do. with carriages, &?. »Bo,ccclbs. Ceribon coffee, xfl"% (Entitled to }o,ooo'.bs Hack pepper i drawback. io L"g« ebony J M-v i;/ Horses to Winter, HORSES will be tahen to wint»r at Profyefl Hill,at the l» milcftone, on the Brift I road, where they will have cooi T'mothy and Clover Hay, be well tiltcn care of, and have a ficl.l to run in when the wfather is gooJ ; enquire ol William Bell, Philadelphia j or, 01 Joseph Hunting, ou the p'err,ife». Thi*y engage to return the-i: in good ore'er in the spring or charge nothing lor k cping them, and will not be snfwcrab'.c for cccidcnu or efcapc, but will take every precaution to prevent either. oAober aj ir.wf>f jj Gtntect. Tine BRICK HOUSE, in Spruce near Third Sreet, TO LET. Enquire of MOORE WHARTON. Becemlier R. ' o . V T " t~v *> t % -r T x i ~~ PRINTING, Neatly executed at lie Office of the Gazette of the United States. ■T' N r .* ' I ' m&w tf f Volume XVIli. Baafc of North America. VfOHCE IS HEREBY GIVEN to ifce ""*■ vntlif firuwd iion lAy, the 12th dijr ft J3»,« {l y r tr, an Elegit,a of iwtlve Dirw: tor. f T - year, nil! bt belj jt tht ii kat ic of the dork in tV f r.-i , ■ H DkJI,'KF.K, j ßl ir. WVT2W' Decc tnber 9. Infuranct Company of Nortte America. p- THE SI OCKIiOLDERS are hireby informal, that ajlated Meetiqg of the Com pany will be held it tfceir Office, on the 13th day of January i-ext, (being the second Thurfc day in the Month) f. r the Kledion of twenty five Direilors fix tht en!wii g yeJJ*. CHAR-LES PETTI r, Prefi&ir. Dumber tc - f&ttijtfij i he Cargo OF THs SHi P JOHN B U L K E L Y, Capl.-Stockfey.from Batavia, consisting or Coffee sugar & pepper 0/ tut bejl quality, for sale by William IValn. December 9.. , £( I 1 Br Joseph SIMS, No, I '5, flrect, White&brown Havanna Sttgars Holland 6m Old Conuc Brandy . Loudon particular Madeira Wine Pale rei and yellow lefuir's Bark. A large s&rtment of CORDAGE, icc. Hetrmber i .j mw&fa. tf For Sale BY JOSEPH AN THO NT & Ce. Hyson So'i' hi ng and y TEAS. Bohea j( Muscovado fug;r in fi^ds. B- .ndy ift proof Lisbon wwe in quarter cases MliJeira wiije ir, pr r es China, aflbrt.d, aft,! 1 few bales white and > yellow na;i keens j A few boxf t cliooslafr md dipt c.in4lei Kpermjceii oil and c»ndles l> ember tt. itasuiw A Jiomaa Qrrjrx Sovti f r®Vt .^^nr; lUf Ut lltH) 4TM(iI ftu^i floo, **l ftObrMMfrt • . tewiogk aHidcn .• . £ fXijJQOE# Md Ckiniacv (f fW Wbh) . Vj Furniture .- 4a.<'. - -49. a- , r Carted pinikirt for imtltriMl£*aiiqee.\ Dumbii, /oani ai Ccliwttogr' B"fai&ii«fi» abd B.imhnccii*. I Printed Linen ?nd Cotton Handkerchiefs and Lawn bordered do. Jaconet and .%>. It Mud in handkerchief* Shawl#, Cotti.n and Chintz, a great variety Do. C.'tntl's llair I-lofiery, Worsted *nd Cotton of all fiies Do China White and Black Silk Table Chths, frim 5 4, to loby 16-4 with and witV.Ut Napkins Thread, Gauze, Lawns an 4 C*rabrick9 Jaconrtand Lipett Mn(lin?, tfvJonred and plaift Whi;e and Black Lace, Lace Veili, Cloaks and Handkerchiefs Bl ick Mode, Peelongi and Satitts VVhite and printed Mar!e>!les far vcfla Swanfdown, ftripedaw! plaid. Cotton Checks (five) 7 8, 4-A, 11-8, and 6-4 Mack and coloured fiarcekma handker,chi«f» India Bandanna do of fupenor quality White, Red and follow F anncU ducrnfey Worded Frocks A few dozen best elailx Snfpenderi. ffc ha 1 ) Alto Just Received, a well afforW Invoice of India Muslins, CoysrsTioo of Bcrbhoom Ofcrraha IP. tna fiafta? Alahabad Eraerties 1 Do Gurrahs Company I Ja«oa Mamoodit!. ColTas. J By the Bale or Piec*. O&oberlS. diwsawtf. N O I I C E> Bank of the United States> Nov ' MUFR ; jgoc. "|~<HB Stockholders ot «fce Bank of the United _L Sut-s ;irc iir.»rmed, that accsrriing to the fUtn'e of incorporation, a General Election for twen'y f:ve Dircdto* s, will be held at the Bank of the Unite. States, in the city of Philadelphia, oa Monday the sth of January next, at ten o'clock in the forenoon. And pursuant to the eleventh feilion of the by-- laws, the stockholders of the said Pank are alio no place, on Tuesday the 6h of January next, zt fix o'clock in the evening. G. SIMPSON, Cafliier. Second Fundamental Article* Not mors than three fourths ot the Dire&ors in office, exclusive of the Frefifknt, stall be eligible fur the nirxt ensuing year, but the Diredor who always be re-eltiled. tu f 5.. v FOR SALE, OLD Long Primer, 1 mall Pica on Pica Bady, English, Chafes, Composing Sticks, and ijjrea varitty of articles neceflary to carry oh the Prin ting Bufir.efs. They vyill be said cheap tsr cast A} ply te the Printer. • "W :uj. X>■ jfti
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers