the head under SliPriflT, was also fsvorn Warrants of Attorney were recorded, and then cSme the mirthful part of this ceremo ny, about which so many tlionfand f.iUlcs have been propagated ; she truth being, thai the Sheriffs have not the mod diflant lharc in the bufinrfs. t Usber of tie Court, " Sfnior Alderman below tbe Chair come forth, and perform suit and service for a certain manor and tenement, called the nioore, in Com. Chefter."—Aldernun Newman accordingly mounted the table, when the Ullier prefen. ted him with i hill hook ! ft B£ li IJ RETURN Ol J VOTES,'''. For President and Vice President ef (be United States. K „5 S S g< JS 2 . t ■3 § t § C. tS Co New-HatupfhiiT, (, 6 Mrfifrchufejtitf, 16 K'i iJc-Ill.inu, 4 4 C>llltw£licut, y g Vernmnt, New-York-, ij 12 New-Jerf-y, 7 i oo co P-nnfyivania, 7 7 S 8 Dcliware, ? ■? / Maryland, S S 5 S Virginis, 2 , 21 Kentucky, Tenheffee, North-Carolina, 4488 South-Carolina, 8 | 7 f Georgia, 61 | 61 | 62 | 61 J «• © ■;:•<■ HIM WATER WORKS. Wc wnderflnnd, that an exueriment, in part, was made on Monday, on the opera tion of the Water Works cynllristtt*! in ciry, by Mr L*trob<*. Wc are h:r>py i:s Oeing authorised to state, that their lucfef, is equal to tlie public expectation; aud that the mod (wiitary and ui'eful efFe&s may be Anticipated from the general operation of an inftitu ion, conceived with ingenuity, and v executed with equal sagacity and applicati >n. One of the fupsreargoes ef the ship Phi ladelphia, frofn Leghorn. arrived in town lad evening from Cape Mis, at which place, he lef-c the (hip on Sunday evening By this gentleman, we learn, that the Ihip Phila d. l .ihia 011 her paflage to this port, fiepped at Gibraltar, from whence to the Capes of Delaware, flic had 42 days passage. Whilst the Philadelphia lay at Gibraltar, fiiip to Baltimore arrived ther#, from Leghorn, the cautain of which in'for* red, ihat, on the 16th OAob*r, he. with a number of others, were obliged 10 flfj» *heii cables and put to sea on account of a Fren.'h army having attacked and got complete ;>o(Teflion of Leghorn. Our informant further adds, that the fleet with troops under Sir It. - Abercronibie h ll returned from -Cadiz to Gibraltar; With out eftetV'ng any thing, an-i h?d again failed, destined, as was generally fuppol'ed, to Egypt. 1 he Philadelphia, saw a great number of veScls off the coali bound in [The Editnft of rht- B.'llon Mercury prcpr.fe at the commtnc met)t of the Nd»-Y< ir to enlarge the (ize, .*.nd ejttend the plan of their paper. It hns been a f.ithion of late, from the example of a few indivi dual*, to diverfify the diurnal page and yoke literary articles witli political detail and corumercia .notices. Thi» plan thp above Editors are about to foliotf. We undrrftai'.d tint a Gentleman of principle* purr, and of elegant letters, is to be associa ted in the defigil. It it unnreefTiry for us add that though we doubt, we warmly v)isb, success to this liberal fchrmr. We lliould do injollice to tie supposed Editor, if we fupp'elled the publication of the following ferfible remarks, extrafted Irom his ProfpefUu.] S e iV A R K s. IN a country, where Government lives and ails by the constant consent of the peo ple, it is all.important that the mind of the people be founc. Errors in opinion will generate errors in praftice. When the na tional ninij is efltanged' from jult maximsj the national will mutt be expedited to ue pe veife. That irewfpapfrs hive great influence up on the sentiments and dtfpofi'.ions of evsry community, in which they are circulated, is verified by uniform experience and ohferv.t tion '1 o these fotirc j s a preat proportion of men look for political infoi M.ation.— Hence these publications ws engines of 1111- mrnfe force, either to prop the bulwarks of society, or to lh ke them to their founda tions; and tVere is realon to believe that nc itiflitutions, sacred or civil, can Hand againd the tonllant j-epeiitio*, by the press, of un < qutradicled falfehood, unexpoled riiifrep, fcnt.ition, and ur,confuted lophiftiy. The modern Innovators ar.d l)eftrt»Yeri, aware of this truth, hove (eizrd upon the I'lefsWiih avidity, that by governing tlw moral, they might control the phyiical power of society. Believing that human nature is prone to be come what it long contemplates, and to act in unison with its ohjeft ; they have never (topped at the occafiomil, or tianfient im preflion of their dbOru e' ; but by pref nt mg them continually in every form,' aimed to mark them lo deeply upon the mind that they (liould influence the lift, and inevitably become principles of conduct. Under the impofipig names of Flulofophy, D;uioci?cv, and Republicanism, they have propagated sentiments and feelings naturally ptudu&i/e of irreligion, anarchy, and the diff lution of every moral and social tie. That tlif efforts of Jacobittifm have h: d an alarming fucceis in our country, mud appear to every one who reflets, that the very bed of govern ments have sometimes been fcarce'y aMe to move ; that the principle of refiOunce has appeared to be too much for the principle of redraint ; that the prejudices and pa (Hons of the community have been prevailing over its reason and intercils } and that our fingu- ■ ,| lar profperiry 'Kan ffrrri-J .aurjnvmt op , by ihc,riJ}>itii!y MI«X' fli \| mulcting u'k- exV< i,.«i : of.,th.iye iiot y»t fpn:"e.,u;> i»V> >J ,i tlvol'r oi!'ii.-.!i-ri ( wliali in ptlic.r ptwa <»f ; i reifon m iu>}-r :lu*y may. here, ; *l, Iciill, b ! ( I n ilit .[irtnc'iplcj, inditytlon ( Sid numvri, flitch *c r T,, y t' J the l"('oi>ers, ilicjr triomjili be. iudtri j complct* ; and. th«- hope * nait.rn cai ! oe ac oner republic.(i'lVV v* hladtt fjrcvrr. Wo Arc nfSflu if bOl rt«.to jxcfcur them ; to rouic, be caufr so oiocl, it m fakr , tbencnura«e, be tanfe we have tlie *' ground." • To tht cauje of Turn Li ■ s-ft Tir f tin CMife of the lejdioy P: in'cipltt >l)4 tnflilß iTi®n» which we'l.arc treeived Ironi Ffpvidcnc and from our Antcflur?, tln» p4per i» to bi W<»ft faithfully AhH pfrf'vrr'uijty tlfvotrd Its iue to bn dir.-rt-: flrn.nff hi»M* of lfc(-i>tfoufrrf* *ij It wilJjim to tell :hc' 'nHJ'ni .ir>d ihi niUTH' onrj-, 'u|i6n c«*ry imporwnt i'ut» jcA i to f .'liow tip tit* tirn 0/ j ><;pS;i:tfe< with W .<>•. *hle aclVociV f: f £*.•<■ m ilifi-J, tbc itirirrlU i l i_- prl virtue, and vlie tmtht af.Hli^io»». "If ri;d'«f the candidates For the qsic« oFPrciiJent ihould h:ivc "a majory of the whole number and ati ojual number 01 retd, the ccmftirutitjrr provides, thai the" Ho-jfi* of Rcprdentatives fl>aiv im ujcdia;cly after die voces, ape Counted cliooli wie of the two- by ballot ; bul the rrprdentation ft om each H.itp is en titled to but one vote ?nd a majority oi all the ' ftrucs U required to 3' choice. New a 5 the two reprefdAtadvet from Vermont we of ©ppofite polirictd fcntK mcntj, ral fhtcs .ii N.ew (Itts, Connodlcut, See. u decidedly on lone fide and that rfotKcrtj J 'fork, Pennsylvania . Viijihia, &c. ti lon tbe ottjefj Md as the majoritj of j|s« woul4 .it not Jhtit cir cumihtnon beextresnely AiAcult taiuaM a choice ? ' . * -Hi ' " ' i to work ; in conJcquence of which a mutiny broke out among the Blacks, which was quelled by 12 of tic-ringlea ders being executed. ... On Saturday, November 27, iff the Lo.;;i:turc of Maryland,-it Was deter mined, that the Constitution of the United States did nit prohibit an indi vidual state from paling bankrupt laws, or granting relief to insolvent debtors. • The pleadings of counsel on this im portant qu eft ion occupied two days. On Friday lafl Mr. Jeffcrfon received at the city of Walhington, a letter from L. C. Pinckney, Esquire, informing hirr that the s of the State of South- CaroKr.a had given eight votes for Tho mas Jeubrfcn, and seven for A-ron Burr. [Bait. American The last Pittfburg paper contains, a lift Oi' One Hundred aid Six causes to be fried at Alleghany county court next term. What tine picking must the get*, tlemen of the bar find in such a litigious neighbourhood ! Ror points front the bow; Then the 1 nutfVain's fiiriil cnll, Pipe* I he ce*- mie and all, All lianas t > m.ik ■ tail and we'll I'jjh overhawi. Then fi'l to the Navy, &c- IV. If a Toe fie tun-- out we (hall quickly decide, J v'ry c lhiil be ftrain'dto mike her fur* render ; Oil' funs are all pri-n'd, iq our tars we confi !e, Ar.d ! i '.hi b ten Columbia;.a «ili her ; A.i i 'f e are. Tho' we've courage to conquer, we've mercy to (pare : Then fill totl.e I'.ivy, Sen, V. Let antiquity's pig.* it* herpes extol. The fame o.' their Czlars aad '.rave Alexin i!e. s Eir ,' H . Cap . Brown of t'.ic (liip Terrific, BrSww, flaM '« I '> «Sys ir.nii H'tvauna, informs, that I iif irft thee in CO. villi i 4. fail of American I vefi'eis .unaiiij whom were, the brigs F a'.tie, I , for BaltirnWre, Fricndfliijj, H awy, I tor ■ ■ ew- i ork, and (loop Sally, Hemjugton, I (or ;liis port. Lxft tlwrrc, (hip HeroiCafc- I :'-y, to fail next day ; fch'r Peggy, Coffin, I in 2 or 3 days ; Ship Good Friends, .Ear!-, ana fchv ; tiix, Davidijn, to lait in 4 or S 1 Says all for this pore. , I ..'i;.' !"r. Arnold, and f.-h'r Jin;, Tufcy, at I and this port, taken, fc:H into an •>? (chooser Tws Frig's, captain Gribb«i< I from tape Francois, was tota.iy'joft on Jot I m the ga.e of Ttyirfdiy i.ift . 9 Capiair. Grbfeen (eft Cape F .ncain ta.cptil' I pany wjtli tilt lchnoner Paia, n, o.f and for I 'vew-Y'. rk. (Jn the loth inllaiit, to the I ward of.Chirics'e.gue, fpok*. the brig I of Newhavtn, tn.w t or*s lfia*d t:r N. Xork> I the capt. o; which in ormcd him that' the brig I 1 lannah, Lnandfii eof aM from i'Ji tad. for C t I Francois, w.-.s cast away c>n tie Caicos.tbe aoih I Nor. crew and part of the cargo saved, aud had I arrived it i'urks Island. ■ BOSTON, December 9. * RRIVP.D. day 11 ■ Brig Friu dfl-.ip, Pat'.erfon, Liverpool 51 j Bug Borz n, Yung, Liibjji 40 I ! Sohr J"! y itov;r, D. inkwater, T- lfl ind tj Schr. Beifey, ManfWß, St. S bafliaiii 4 S I Arrived on the loth Dec- — I Bug Ua '••»( G«te, Bremen 44 I Rri;.: Olive Prvieh, i.h.'fay, Turk. Island 16 I ; The fchoorer lieifty left at St. StLaliians the ! ollowihg "viflVls : Brlj» Lydia, of New Yoik ; Captain Wat- j so» vf Philadelphia; O'Cor.ner. of do. ftiin I Th j-. as, -of Chjil-ttm ; Captain'- t Lirrellrr «n.l .Vt«fhall, ctclo bKg f-tuly of Jvrtrfolk ; hirtpre Nixon, Hay, of Savannah, (traoihri, and cargo damaged; the iviinerva, :»r Philadelphia, failed the 13 1 Oc- fl to!>e ; tie I'latinia f ravels. tor New York, I filled a lew hours be ore "the Betsy. Oc : rober 19, in latin de 44, 7, longitude 4. (poke j a fchooiior IrnHi Gloucelter for St. Sebastians. I The brig Friendship left it Livtrpool the fol lowing vrflels ; ■ Na : /by, riil', cf Portland ; (hip Palrni ra. Sow ie, i>t Profidrnce, for Madeira,, firft aiml; brig 3«p)iia, Follat lbee, from Newbu ryp rt ; Titree Sifters, .Murphy, Plymouth i I Polly an : Harriot Nuble, of Boston, f,r Sa valinah firfl wind ; sVarr.npton, I W.ifton, ft>r SaT'Mnah. Oiflobrr latitude 47, 46, for.Cf tu !e > *6, ,IC, spoke fbip Ori on, tl '.rrifon; of **., girt'» fr .m N- « London, ■lor tdi d n ; 17 days ig for Baltimore, ready for f'ea ; ani three or f -hp thrrs In latitude 42, for pitiide 44, i'poke (hip Matilda, Tnv-ef», I twenty-fix days fiom St Sehaftians, for New York; who inforii ed that Caftain Archer, of Silem, was to faij next day 1 ,r the fame place. November 19, latitude 41, 59, spoke ship H Gi*org-Wa!bi«gton, thr;« da;s from Boston- ■ December 7, twenty eight league# froim Cap; Cod, Ipokt'Captain Alien in a fch;:oner 5S | ; days from Malaga, for B.dt'jn- The Koriaon experignttd Lvtrai fsserc gales of wind. The fchroner Jolly Rovi-rleft at Turks Island j the foiiowing veflels I Biig Miujit, of Pi.rii'mou h, and Wil liam, Thiflipiiin. of Niw fljven, to fail in two or three days. Captain D. failed from tbe V'i iryard tin Sunday, leaving fhip Olive Branch, r ghteen days from boston ; two brigs from thsWeft ladies, of Portland and Keune ■ 1 Tjie brig Olive Branch failed in co. with a brig for Portfmouih, and Captain Thojnpfon, I for New (laven. • Several squire rigged veflels were in the bay yefterd Vi W'Undm. The ship Boniulus of this port has arrived st the Vineya-d, from Batavia, in a Ihort pas- I sage NEWPORT, Dec. 8. Arrived oil Ssturd'iiy, the brig Sally, of Boston, capt. Hall from bound for Bofton.—Saled from Batavia 16th Jnne, under convoy of the U. S. frigate Essex, capt. Preble!. Ait v;d this d y. the (liip China, of Phi» ladeiphi 1 Capt. Joi'nfi, from Bitavia. bound j for Philsdefpiiia. Sailed under convoy of I tlie Eff,x. NEW-YORK, December 16• ARRIVED, d2y , Brij Pe,rgy, Cotter, St. Übts 61 Afjih.r to 1! e Dominii k Terry, arrived here from Martii iq ie.iolorras, thitthat ftiip was '-aptured n Sat 79, long 69. b/ a French I pnvate rnf jo guns and :8o men, and sent into 1 Guadeloupe. The lugger Viper, front MiJdletoa, has arri ve ' at St i h inas. Cap:. Mansfield handed us the f illowing Lift of Veflels, at New Providence, condemned and so adjudication. Schr. Massachusetts Mansfield, of New York, I furiher proof ; fchr Betsey, NichoUs of N. Y»rk, vefTel and part of her cargo, condemned, pirt for fuither proof ; brig Eftjuibo Packer^ Dunfmore, N. York, pan of tbe earjjo con demned, veflel and other part cleared ; fchr. Raven, Jennings N- York, a.lju Jicati. 11. brig fl Hannah. Hall, N. York, adjudication j brig Ceres, Peters. N York, adjudication ; brig El'- I sex, Orne, Salem, veflel and cargo condemn-d ; Ichri. Stlly.—Bolton, vessel arid cargo con- Bfl detuned; Picket, Roberts. Charleston, and cargo condemned ; Nancy, D-ine,Charlef ton, vciTcl cleared ind carco condemned ; JSuck £kin. Fuller Csarlefton. idjudicatiriiiPauK Mill.', No f.ik ; adjudication ; Experim.-nt , p^ji adeiph; > adjudication ; and Gofport, Jennings, Charleston, and (loop Good intent, Slocum, Bolton, adj dication. A fewjojys previous to Capt. Men ft. Id; lenving N «.v.Provide 11-- ao or lrr was issued fr»m tfi Covlrt ol' Viee A'l-iiralty, that all nmtral vtf n ha'-iug on board articles the produillon < f .Spait. S unl to a Spamfh port, wili be cocdcmned with out trial; and the iike with French manufaSuru.,. I bound to a French part , H