Gazette of the United States. Pfl//.AOXLPKU, WXDXfcSDAT DfcCKMBER 17. Prices of Public Stock, Philadelphia, DbCkmber i> Par amount . Eight p«r cent, flock—loß a 107 J Hi* percent, fteck 1 Na/y ditto j9'"9° Deferred 6 per c;nt 90 a 89^; Three percent. ST'i" ?7 5 11 per ee:it. > 4 l-t per cent. 3 none at market BANK U. Scates 140 a 1 39 p. cent ad Peanfylv*oi»i f.W34 ditto r N. America 151 di'to f Insurance C». Fetins'a 117 aliß (Jitro J Nr>rth America 7» Turnpike - 150 a z6o dolU. Schuylkiil Bridge ... par Water Loan, 874 dolls. Land Warrant 15 a ~,0 dolli. 100 acres St.AuguJii*' Gburcb Loitery'Tictets t dollar 1 EXCHANGE. Ou London at (So days 70 a Rates of Foreign Coins and Cur- rencies in ,tbe United States—per act of Congres for payment of Du- tier. ' jknaWh putudWrUag ' irin 4u 4* ItaicfcPl<Mio «p Ouilfct 4awi|li Mirft stint*. COR&EcrzD Br M. M'CONNELL, Gbtsnui street, No. 143. ■■ if <£> ■ To all females tobom it may concern. LA^ips, A GOOD wife (bouM be like three thin?): which three things fl»* (hould not be like. I (J. She (Tlo>iM be like a /nail, always keep with n her own bouse : but (he (hould Rot be ike a./nail, to carry all /be has upon her back / ad. She (hou'd he like an echo, to speak ■when (he ii spoken to j hut (he (hould not ht like an echo, always to heive the lafl word ! 3d. Bue8 u e fho'ild be like a teivn-clock, always keep time and regularity—hut (he (hould not be likr 1 tonvi-cloek, to speak fe loud that <■// thi. tevrn :r.aj hear her I WASHINGTON cirr. CONG RESS CF THE UNITED STATES. House or Representatives. Wedntfday, D C. to, 1800. The went into a committee of the whole, Mr. Edmond in tlie chair, on the Biil for ereftinnr a Mausoleum to the memo ry of &!■ okGE Washington. Mr. Alston w»3 in hopes when he firft made tbfc motion now under consideration that a question woald have been taken upon the amendment Without debate ; but as his wifli upm that fubjeft had not been com plied with, he held it his duty to give to the fcoafe the reasons which actuated hiiw. He said that he by no means wilhed to detraft any thisg from the merit of that illuflrious charafter, whose memory we were Sow about to perpetuate ; that it was his Y'lh that hi* character might be handed to . the latest pollerity unimpaired, and that he really thought the amendment equally caT culated to effeft that desirable purpefe, with the bill ; that the difference of expence*was a matter of importance to the j etfle of thi% country ; the expence of a mausoleum, froi . the belt information lie had been able to collect, would amount to at lealk ISO or 200,000 dollars ; that a monument, such as was contemplated by the amendment, would not colt more than one tenth as much as a mausoleum, as contemplated by the bill as it now llood. Indeed he believed that the bare expence of interring the remains ol Gen. in a mausoleum would tofi as mnch as the proposed monument. Mr. Allton said he conGdered Congress pledged as -'ar the resolutions of the last Tefiion went; that the gentleman from J/affitchufctts (Mr. Otis) who was up a few days ago upon this fubjeft had requelled information ; in nnl'wer to whish he had on- ly to observe that if that gentleman would 'have given hirofelf the trouble to have examined the proceedings of the lalt session of Congress be would have been better informed than he appeared to be ; that a committee, equally refpeftable with that which had reported the bill at the pre sent time, had then fully invrftigated the fubjeft, and had made a repert, which was to be found upon the journals of the lalt feiion *f Congress, recommending a monu ment such as was contemplated by the pro psfed amendment and that the request made by the President of the United States to JVf rs. Wafliiiigton in confirmity to the re port «f that committee was for a monument to which tequeft she had consented ; he therefore, conlidered Congress as pledged thus far and no farther; that a motion ■was made in this house to change the mon ument to a mausoleum ; that the recent death of general Washington at that time pi evented any person from opposing any measure which was offered, let the expence be what it would ; but that the time which had elapsed firice, had enabled the public oiind the better to judge. The gentleman from Virginia [Mr.Lee] and the gentleman from Connecticut (Mr. fcriiwold) had dwelt a great deal upon the fubjetl of public gratitude. Is wa3 by no "Blear,s his wi'fli or intention to lefien that fenriment, but he said that ne could not give his conient to an expcnfive meafufe of a fiare 400 &£,. Ct, 4 44 } ■4 «° C O 4» .1 O' fj I jJ '* Resetted, That the statue be of bronze --The General to be rep re len ted in a Roman dress, holding a truncheon in his right hand, and his head encircled ulth a laurel wreath. The statue to be supported by a marble pedcltal, 011 which are to be rrprefented ill biilTor relievo, the following principal events of the war, in wh-cli general Walhington commanded in person, vis. The evacuation of Boston—the capture of the HelTians at at Trenton—the battle of Princeton—the aftion of Monmouth—-and the surrender of York. On the upper part of the front ol the pedestal, to be engraved as follows, The U. States in Congress aflenibled, ordered this statue to be erefted in tlie year of our i.ord 178,5 in honor of George \Vafhington, commander ifi chief of the ar mies of United States of America,during thfe war, which vindicated Slid secured their liberty, sovereignty and independance." A Monument thus designed. continued Mr. Claiborne, would pourtray, in liv«ly colours, the Military Aichievments of our late Illustrious Chief, Sc r is calculated toim. press upon our posterity, a grateful recollec tion of his eminent services. Mr. Claiborne was the more lute reded in fttpport of a monument of this kind because it had been lan ft io lied by a unanimous vote of those venerable pVilofophers and statesmen, who who presided in our Council? at a time of the greatest danger, direfted the storm of war and tamed the rage of Tyranny. It was true, that this Equestrian Statue would not express any of the great events of Washington's Civil Life, but of these, we have alreafy many honorable Teftimouials the firll in order, and which he hoped would he the lait in durability, was the Conttitution of the United States ; to this Inftriiinent his Name was annexed, -and would be noticed with gratitude, by the Lovers of freedom in every Age, and every Clime ; this City is another .Memento of , his Civil Life, and if it should be the reii. dertce of all tnat P ety, Wil'dom and Mag nanimity, which was so devoutly prayed for, by each branch of the Legislature, at tlie Commencement of the present lefliou, this City would remain an honorable Tes timonial of tiie CiviJ Virtues ol" its great Founder. I There was no doubt, laid Mr. Claiborne but that many Gentlemen were also {oliciti ; ous, that the body bf General Washing ton (hould be ilt-pofited within the Walls ( of the C<pitol ; oF this number, Mr. Clai borne was one, and was desirous that a plain but neat Apnrtment'fhould be fpecdi \ly .prepared t'oi its reception -But ovi r | like that contemplated in die bill, when a measure far Icfs expensive in his opinion, would answer every puipote as well. Mr. A 1(1 on v/:is followed by Mr. /Tuger, who advocated the erection of a Mauso leum. Mr. replred. Heconlidered the eveflioH of a Mauloieum as of unnecessary expence, as. a monument would anlwer every rational purpole con templated in the bill. General Lee next spoke at feme length in favor of a Mausoleum, and read a letter received from M". King, our ambalTador at London, encluling a plan, picl'ented to him by an eminent foreign,arti(l, for a Mauso leum of orw hundred and fifty feet bale and the fame height, the expence of which w s etfim ited at 170,000 datlars. We lliall make no apotojy for the brief notes taken of these fpetches. We Could not hear them. Mr. Chaplin, after fouie remarks, the in diftinft hearing, of »hich d:J not enable us to determine on which lade of the queflion he ironed, moVed that the'committee riIV, report progress, and ask to lit Which motion being carried without a di- Vifioti, the commute rose ; :»nd on the que if'on to grant them h-ave to fit again, only three members rose in the affirmative. Leave was, of course, denied. Mr. Ghr.mplin then moved the recommit ment of the hill to the lame committee that reported t, with the addition of two mem bc i, which was carried, and MelTrs. Clai b»re and Cliamptin appointed. After Mr. C!;a:: pliil's motion for a re commitment ot the Hill to a fcledl commit* tee was carried. Mr. Cliii ornr said, he h.\d risen to move that the committee jnft.ippoiimd be inllmtV ed to enquire into the expediency ot carrying into tffert a resolution p.jfled by the old Co ,1 - grefs, ort the 7>h p( Augiju 1788,'' DireA ing an eqiiefliian llnne of general Wask imgtcw, to he ere died ,<t the place wlieie the relidence of C >ngref« lhall be cfl.ihlifh. d. Mr. Claiborne laid, that on a question which could 110: fail to excite the sensibility of every American heart, it was a fubje&cf great rrgret, that a division of fentuaent (hould a rift. The memory of our departed patriot lives in the affrftions of * grateful country, and will tiiumpli ®ver time. Dur ing a long life, so ufefa'.ly and honourably employd, Washington had reared to him felf a labric of fame, the lustre of which can neither be rttminifhed or heightened ty ar.y raeafure that we can take. But, Sir, from a refpett for our own, as well as for the feel ings of the nation, we should endeavour to umte in the l»(l aft of attention, which we prnpofe to (hew this venerable charaftcr. Mr. C. said, that the proportion for a maafoleum was calculated to create a divili op. The expence of fach a monument would he inimenfr, and would be viewed by many, as a profufc and useless expenditure of the public money—He believed that the (htue. recommended t»y the ®ld Congrels, could be better juftilied upon principles of economy, and would meet with mote gene ral support. Here Mr. C. read from the journals of the old Congress the following refolution3 ; " Resolved, (unanimously, ten slates br ing prtfcht,) Tint an equestrian fHtue of General be crafted at the place where the relitlence of Congress (hall be esta blished. It's **rir..sns, inflr.'.d of an expenGve maoo ruent, Mr. Cl*ih->rne thou:vJit i: most ad vifai.le to pltc? a nlrfin but neat Tomb-lhfre oi American Marble, and prepared cv an American" Artist. And iu orUc-r to Convey to I'oflerity, in tmp'reffive language, the feelings of ttie American Nation, when the loss of* our Patriot. Sage, and Hero, was fir!l announced, Mr. Claiborne vrilhed to fee engraved upon the Tomb, the Add re {lts of each House of Congress, on this occaGon, to the Piefideijt of the United States, toge ther with the Prelidoiit's replies thereto. Mr. Gl,.il»orne, after fame remarks eOn ctuded,by moving the inftruftions, flatsd in the commencement of his Speech. Mr, C. was folflfcred by Mefi'rs Craik ni:d N it. The inftrutVi'm to the committee, moved by Mr. Claiborne, witlf a flight modifica tion, was agreed to. Mr. H. next rose. He spoke for some time, without our being able to hear him ; and through the whole course x>f his speech We occafionHily lofl a sentence. He laid he put it upon the candour of his colleague from Virginia to declare, whether in his o pir.ion, any gentleman in that house wished to fupprels his sentiments, or was disposed to {brink from an avowal us them. If an individual were to fr<.in the debate of to-day, he would infer that it was the desire of some members on that floor to conceal their sentiments from tfce people. No such thing was the cafr. We are anxious, as thwfe who differ from us, that the people Ihould know what we think, fay, and do. The only question was,whether the speak er shall exercise a certain power, which he can conveniently, and which he has hitherto honorably exercised, or whether we lhall assume it with all its inconveniences. He hoped we (hould not. He feared no inac curacy so long as the debates pnblifhtd re ceived no fanftion from the house. Have you, said Mr. Lee, nogieaterob je&s to engage your attention, than whe ther this man, or that man (hall go eut'of your bar, ar remain within it. Me thought the houii might be better employed. Mr. Macon understood ihe fubjcdl before the house very much as his colleague did. Ihe question was ftmplv whether we will take upon ourselves inconveniences alledg ed to exist, or keep the with our the bar. be was convinced that thi situations occupied by the stenographers were badly calculated for hearing, aT"even within the bar the members could scarcely hear each othe. One reason had great weight wftth him.— It was, that if the house made a rule in re lation to the fid mi (lion of the stenographers it wonld be placing law in the room of dis cretion. He ever preferred a certain rule, to a vague discretion. The danger apprehended from a crowd ef stenographers was farcical. Since he had beun in Con«jrefs +ie had never seen more than three or four. And if the number ad mitted Ihotikl prove inconvenient, it would t>e time enough, when the inconvenience was experienced to remedy it. Mr. S. Smith said, the queftUn was en tirely one of convenience. He would not ascribe to any member, a desire to suppress his sentiments. The speeches never went forth as delivered. Yet it was desirable to aftign to the stenographers the molt conve nient places. He had heard gentlemen on both fides qf the chair dfcclare they would experience no inconvcnießce from the ad minion of tin Renography j. For himfelf, from his Titration he could experience none. He believed indeed; that the members could be he heard from any part of the house ; and nearly as well in one place as in ano ther—But as other gentlemen hold a differ ent opinion, and the stenographers had hi therto been admitted within the bar, he had not the leutt objection, and would vot« for their admilfion. In this (l>ge of the debate the Speaker | rofu, not,he said [the connexion of his words I was here loft]—— not to enquire into j the consequences of the house afting in the | bulineft; but again to repeat the line of | conduct he had pursued, and the motives that inHuenctd his condu& ; he did this for the-infurmatibn of members not in the houle at the time he had before address.d the house. Ihe Speaker then repeated what he had before dated, for which we refer our readers to the National Intclligeneer, N«. , 16, with some additions, viz. - that on being applied toby Mr. Stewart, he had declared to him his dtcilion before any other appli cation tiad been made ; that he had spoke to many members, all of whom without a Tin gle exception bad approved his ideas, and concluded with again declaring as he had before. dttia;ed, that the llenographers could not be admitted within the bar with out violating the order of the house, and the convenience of the nlembers. It was, he said, for the house to decide—to them only was he refponlible. Mr. Nicholas underload it to be the ob je&ofthoU who supported the admiflion of the Stenographers within the bar to place them upon the fame footing, they had heretofore held. Thiswas his objeft. All the remarks, twfefore, "made, relpefting their independence of the chair, were inapplicable. They would still be fubjeft to his co troul, except as to the Tingle point of situation. In fliort the business would be restored to its old form. His colleague had made an appeal to his candor. He wilhed to know whether he Mr. Nicholas thought that he, or any Gentleman in that house, wished to fap ]»r«fs his lentiments, or was disposed tc Ihrink from an avowal of them. He would answer the appeal made by his colleague, and would tell Turn that he did not feel himfelf at liberty to form conjeftures re !pe£ling th« opiuious of others but decided < '- V luesclay, December 9. (Oebate Concluded from our last) from fafls. If lie beard Geiulemirn make use of arguments so weak as th'fe which he had heard that day in defence of their lentimcnts, he would fay that their Ree ling. differed effentiatly from hi?. He would lav that, judging them hy their argu ments, they do not wifli public city to be given to the Debates of this honfe» What does the gentleman tell us? Does it not amount to this, that their eomplaifance for the speaker fsffer him to judge for thein felves, in a cafe where they a e the bed judges ; and would not this eomplaifance gs to this length, that if the Speaker (hould judge wrong, they will not interfere to •corleft his error. We are told by a Gentlrmm just up that the application made proceeds from pride, and that it can proceed from nothing else. But the Gentleman ha; not assigned his renfons for this extraordinary charge. It is contended that any place without the bar will be convenient for the Steno graphers. Let the place be pointed out. Let the gentlemen who urge this fbew us a place without the bar inaccessible to the whispers of the members and the pressure ef a Crowd. Do they imagine that any par ticular place can be sffigned, to which they can enftire a profound silence, arid from which every person can he withheld ? Do they not know, have thev not experienced, that when huGnefs prelL-s, when fubjeils of importance are difcufled, a crowd is pro duced, noise ensues, and interposing ebfta cles render it impofltile either to hear or fee the members. In such cases, by far the most interesting that can occur a recess within the barman be their enly protection. The gentleman from Maflchufetts had put the buGnefs upon a very extraordinary footing, a footing that he did not expect from him. He represented that it would be fafe to trust the reporters to the speaker's indulgence. For his part he did not think it would be fafe in fueh hands. Shall the speaker have the discretion of faying what debate lhall be taken, and what shall not ? Shall he, and he only have the public ear i Gould the speaker rfefiri this? Surely he could not. He ought rather to defue the house to decide generally than thus impose upon him fuc'- an invidious talk. Mr. Nicholas said he considered those who report the debates as appearing in this house 011 behalf of the people of the United States, to whom they communicated what pafl'<?d here. The people were entitled to this information, and if, as observed by the gentleman from Maflhchfctts, either foreign minifters,or fecrctaries, or any other gentlemen in long robes, interfered with Inch an objeft, thev ought to'give way. He knew not wherein confided the propriety of assigning them particular feats—-what right had they to exclusive feats ? He knew no coHneftion that fobftfted between them and this house. Be the right as it may, he was not for facrificing a solid benefit to more complaisance. But a gentleman has told us that one ste nographer, for his luilVeprefentation and insolence, had been discharged by the speak er. In the course ef the debate Mr. Ni cholda said, he had. Itudipuflj' avoided any allusion to this circumflance. Nor would he njw fay any thing about it, as he tho't it altogether foreign irom the present ques tion. The respect which gentlemen exprefied for the Speaker appeared to him to lead them from the objef. they profetTcd to have in view. For at present the Stenographers are not under the controul of the speaker. But admit thera within the bar; and if they are guilty of mifcondutt, if they infringe any of the rules of the house, the speaker h»3 them within his power. Some gentlemen apprehend ths admifSon of a croud of ftrncgroplieis. The thing is morally impoflible. When Congress met in a large populous city, where several daily papers were printed) we saw but two repor ters. Here, removed frotfi the busy world, where the demand for that description of labcur which arose from publiJhihg the de bates was not nearly so great, and of con sequence the profit less, it could not be ex. pecVd that there could be more. • Mr. Nicholas concluded by declaring that, in his opinion it 'was the duty of the house to decide in this cafe. The speaker had changed the establishing pra£lice of the hoijle. It became, therefore, the houlf to enquire whether he had done what he ougjit to have done, which if he had omitted to do, it devolved 011 them to fee eff'e^id. * Mr. Wain spoke in favour of the adoption oi the report. The beginning of the speech we were totally unable to hear ; nor did we diflindlly hear it in its piogrefs. We forbear, therefore, the attempt to report it. The queflion was then taken by Yeas and Nays, on agreeing the report of the felett -committee, and carried by the carting vore ot the Speaker.—There being Ayei, 45, Noes 45. Sales Postponed. THE SAI.ES of the property of Robert Morns and John Nichotfsn, advertii'ed by the Marlhal, have been postponed until Mon day the instant, when they will positively commence at the Merchant's Coffee House, in the city of Philadelphia, at 7 o'clock in the evening, precifelv. JOHN HALL, Marsbcl. December 15. $ House to Let. IT" is the third house weflward of the east Week of buildings lately ert&id on Walnut fireet, hetween Siith and Seventh Ortets, No. l6l,(lart. ly occupied by Mr. G. W. Bryan ) S*id holife is just papered, and in compleat or der—p.-Ocflica may be had on the firl! of January next Plcai'e apply at N®. %i, fonth Seventh flrcet, near Walnut Itreef, to CHARLIiS P. HEATH. dccetnber |4 d+: Foreign Intelligence. CONTINUED. r-OKDON, Oilnber 4. The ciowd at the Buofrags Warelrnufe r.f the Esft India Compan ho been immense this week, atvrad\:-d by the pretence of the Royal fajrrrfly, cunCifting of the W.irdrobe and other articles, tik-n from the l,ite Tip poo Sultan. The following is n particular account of the ra< ft remarkable ef the arti cles . Greta War Dress—This Dress (which belonged to Tippoo Sultan) is called a Ghetta, Pcrfiati word, implying forty folds. The infeription in the inside, however, ftatts, that there are forty folds in the body of the dress. The Turban has been dipped in the waters of the Fountain of Zum Zum, at Mecca, and is hence lappofed to bf in vulnerable. It is a Tin-he rnock, or holy gift. The nofe-pi-ce of tfae turban has fc veral Arabic inferiptions ill letters of gold, and tak-n chiefly from the Koran : they are all invocations to the Pr ophet Maho met, to proted the wearer. This dress was taken from Tippop's own wardrobe which contained no other but the cloths 1 r a mour in constant use. The above are in tended for his Royal Highness the Duke ( f York. A piece of mechanism representing a Tyger in the a£l of devouring a proflrate European. There are some harrels in iri mituion ofan organ within the body, of the tygcr ; the found, produced by the organ, are intended to reft-mUIe the cries of a per son in difTre'fs, intermixed with the roar of a tyger. The machinery is so that while the organ is playing the hand of the European is often lifted Bp to express his helpless and-deplorable condition. This piece of rnechanifm was feund in A room of the PalsCe at; Serrngapitam appropriated for the reception ofmufrcal ihltriinients. Tyger r s Head.—This had formed parr! of the Throne of Tippoo Sultaun. It ii made of wood, snd is covered with plates of the pured gold,<about f-iothof an inch' in thickness. The Teeth are of rock chryf tal and the eyes of the fame material- 'lie throne was of an o£t»goiial form, and en tirely covered with similar plates of gold, marked with the tyger fliipe (which was the dilUnguidling mark of Tippoo and his fare . ily.) Over the throne was raised a canopy of gold supported by eight, light buc throng pillars ; there was a fringe ef pearls rouid ihe top of the canopy, of about four inche debth, and the who'e was crowned by a hei'- ma nude entirely of preciousftones, and lent to England in August 1799. This head wiih four legs, representing the legs of a ty ger, was placed under the throne. Tie f*at of the throne was about four «r fi\« feet from the ground, and the height of the canopy eight or nine feet. The head is ac companied hy a fmali but rich and beutiU.l carpet ufrd by Tippoo upon his Mufnod on days of fate. Tbe Btddirg of ibe Su/ta:in—lsadorned with two green war helmets, dipped in the waters ol Zum Zum, at mecca, and tlicncc supposed to be in ulnerable. One peitre pr cuirefs to coveo the body—arc like wile pre fects to the King. Tbe Red War Dress ; falls to the fliare of the Prince of Wales. This war dress vras worn by Tippoo, in his c.mpaign in> Adoni in 1786, against the Nizam and Mahiattahs. He was then in the plenitude oi' his power. Rajah Cawu, the Sultaun's favourite <hvr, knew the dress immediately on its being (hewn to him, after the reduc tion of Seringapatam, confirmed the fa£t above stated. Tlie Musical Tyger has been already de scribed as affording* proof if any yet were warning, of the rooted hatred Tippoo enter tained againlt the Englilh nation. The or gan pipes are inutilit'd, and many wanting. This piece, unique in its kind, is prefcntcd to his mjjcfly. O&ober 14. A ridiculous circumftanie lately occurred at sfafhionablfc A fo-dif ant gentleman having bfcen dete&ed in of fering some very great indecencies to the ladies at theirbathing time, w-jsdragged to the sea fide by the father^of one of them, who delivered him over to the dipping ladies, who ducked hifn completely to the fatisfa&ion of numerous fpeflators. Drooping, ll'ivering,, ar.d vommitting the fait water dose, the un fortunate youth took refuje in an nn, and pretending some accident, demanded fire, bed, and brandy j but while these were pre p.iing, the inn keeper's daughter recognifrd him for the person who had infnlted her th£ evening before by very gross misbehaviour. The - enraged Boniface preferred wsrming his guert with a good oaken flick, witih which he very fairly beat him out of Brigh ton. Oftober Ceremony of swearing tie New Sheriffs. r l he Lord Mayor, several Aldermen, the two Sheriffs, and the late Sheriffs, with the City Officcfj, went in Hate to Weftmitifter Hall in tjfe* prand City Bsrge, with the courtJ of Affiflams of the Glothworkers and Stationers companies, in their barges up th< Thames and landed at Weftminfler.— About three, his lordship and the whole pro ceflion came into the Exchequer Court, where they were received by Baron Maziets The Lord Mayor being paramount of the fee, flood covered. The Recorder made his long harangue in praise of the late Sheriffs, and then proceeded to expatiate on the high charters of the prttTent Gentlemen. Ihe Baron fliortly replied, that his Maj fly could not have any obje£\ions to the choice of his faithful Citizens of London. John Perring, Esq. Clothw.irker, and Thomas Cadell, E% tationer, were then f.vorn into office. Thomas Pearing, Esq. ->V
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers