Gazette of the United States, & daily advertiser. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1800-1801, December 17, 1800, Image 1
Humiin 1566^ Jtjr The price of this (Jatftte Ooilaks per annum to Subscribers residing <i the city of Philadelphia. All others pay cne Dollar additional, for enclosing and dt- ' reelingand unless some person in this city mill become answerable for the subscription, it must be paid Six Months in Advance. *,* A'o Subscription will be received for t shorter term than six months. De-emVr 1 1799. ALMANAC Frtm Btcemlcr 16—to Dccmbtr 23. BIGH Willi. H. M. 3 *4 4 n 5 *4 6 16 7 3 7 46 8 a» We 'ntfday T'-iyrMiy Friday Saturday Sunday Monday Twefiay Wednesday * '* Thurfdsy Friday Saturday Sunday Monday Tu«May PROPOSAL BY Trio MA'S DOJiSOM, At the Stone-Home, t7i. 4.1, south Second street, Pbi'ade/pbia. VOV HJBtISHINC. HY S-TBSCRIPTION, ENCrCLOPTEDIA ; DICTIONARY Arts, Sciences, ANB Miscellaneous Literature; o>i i Plan entirety New, By which Tie different Sciences and Arts Are rfigt-i'.el into the Form of Diftlnfk TREATISE--- ->u -YSTEMS, comprehending npHF History Theory, and Pra&ice as eneh, ; X according ti» the Utefl Discoveries and ina; and full explanations given of tke various detached parti of Knowledge whether relating to natural and artificial obje£s or to matter! *c tl# fialicnl, civil, military eo-mnrrcial, &t In cluding «toes atioua of the molt ia:pona~t topics relative to rr'igion, morals, minnert and the cero nomyofhr.:: iigether with a u?f«ri tion of all the countries, cities, principal monntains, teas, ri vers &c throughout the world; a gen.-ral History, arcie*t and mtderH of the different e npires, king doms Mid '}\-r* ; and an account of the liven of th* p- rforsin every nation ,fr«m the carliert ages flown co the prt r »nt times Corni ltd Irom the ol rhe Se't auth> rs in fevw«l language' ; ttc uio3. apprwved di&ionaries, as Wet- ol wenei al fei-r.ce> as nf !ranches; th'. tranl .cli irs, jovrnaU arid memoirs, c' learned fucleti s. O jth at home a-.d abroad ; the MS. Leeturetof etr.irent yrofrff-ira en different fciew cc!; an f a varie'y »f origiwa maturiait, furuifh d by aa <-xce*f'-ft c.rrefpo; deree The Pu'Ufbcl h' '»e 11 fa'.icitad to furnifli sera of shis valuable and impurrant wvk y one volume atatirar. whieh, by dividing the pat' ment*, .nuke the acquiiitii t of the work moreonv* i.' t to j u'ch lers, pro t ioies to dispose of ihc few remaining copi-s on the following O >N 31 1"ION'S. The Wck being airrsly completed in Eigh teen large to Volmei in hoards, file gant'.y p t~d with five huadered ami forty-two Cop per lat»s- I. V ■!u• -c in boards will be delivered 'o "* Suh'.-iiber every three months till the \v '.le be <feli*e. rij, 11. 'he si t >■> the Subfcnber will be Seven JO.'lta'A and a H \lf for every Volume in in hoarJs, pavab> on delivery, which will a r\"iii:tVt« One Hundred ar.d Thirty-five Dollars fort*e Eighteen Volumes, being the prsfmi prirr for complete Sets of Jbe work. 111. I.acb lubferibe lhall pay the pre of one Volume in a.'vance, lhat is, whrc :h? firft Volume is delivered the pri.-e of t't firft and •ighte.iith Volu*r;e \o be paid, and the otiier Vol»ime9 to be paid on delivery. Any Subl'criber w ; io my choose to have the whole in a (barter time than the ibove •> entinn ed periods, may have a-y -umber »f Volume* that iniy be agreeable ai the fame tiuie at the above prions. To prevent any mifunderftamlinp it is pro per to cxprefs that no Vofinie will be delivered to any perl'on without the mon-y, and the Sets on hand are but few in number, it will be feq'ifit that futh aifchoofe to become Subfcribe.'s fhouH apply as early at ptuible to prevent dif appiin:nienu. 0- The ftubfcriptkim will be received by Thomis, a» above ; Dec. 6. la PROPOSALS FOK PUBLISHING THE Powers of Genius, A POEM, tS THItEH PARTS J To which are attached General Ctiticifms en Author ILLUSTRATIONS OF GENIUS. . r fy the Rev. John BL:ir Linn, Miniffer of the Firlt Pmfcytcrtan Church, in the City of Philadelphia. His work will 1 e pat to press as fo«n aspofli'.le, It »illlorm a Ju»i)ecimo voiime ; will he printed with elegance. <ih paper el the heft qmlity, snd will be debvereJ to fubfcriW r« at ths price of sne dollar, in boards. The wtik will be printed ua ditr the care, and at the expcnce of the luthor. <?jiT Sobfcriptions are rccuved hy Afbury blck. ens. *„ * Thofj perf'ns into whofchands fubferiprion paper! arc d?!ivere4. art return them to the author, or to Mr. Uickins Bo kfcller, at the ei t irati»n of three weekv rrom this date. Ft Hadclpbia, Dec. i Gazette i • SUN man ,tis ft? »5 4 35 7 *5 4 35 7 »5 4 -5 7 *5 4 35 • 7 4 -,5 7 ij 4 M 7 2; v< OB A ti«6w of the United P H I L A DE L 'P-TtTA, WEDNESDAY EVENING, DECEMBER ,7, 1800 . BENJAMIN CLARK, Clock if Watch MakbM, HAS REMOVED To No. 36, Mamut St*, Wliere fcc h»r for 8*!«, Spring And other Gtijcfes ; jfoitf'nnd filvr WaWIiSS ; • Tools, Flies and Mat'-'riaii ; Oxr I'd c;ilt Chains, Sea!» and Keys ; Springs, fcc. fee. CLOCKS ANP WA TCH-2iS Rcfjirad ts aftiij. fvtte t Philadelphia Academy. £ a £5" Mr. Francis Gallet, 11 V A N experienced and approved Ipftru&nr, has -1. undertaker, to reach the FRENCH LA V- p GIfAGE in this Semisary, to fach of the Young E Gi-ntlemro as may choose to place themUlves ul.- 1" der hi" care Pare'its and Guardians are requested to r , make immsdiatc application, that all the fchohrj } * may b«t>m at once. Samuel A.!>eicrombie J the Academv. Oiloher tl. ita«et< G ——— ft A. Dick ins, a OppOSI rK Ci! It I s i>Chuhch HAS JU ST PUBLISHED, si r.eut and correct Edition OK The Exercises, ADAPTED TO ; Murray's Eng/ijh Grammar, Ddigorti tor the benefit ot private as well tar the use of Schools, with Key, BY LINDL.EY MURRAY. [Price one Dollar.J IJecember 5, PROPOSALS FOR PUBLISHING Kr SUh'-CRtPTION, The Works OF TIIK Hon. James Wilson, Efq- L. L. .D L ite one of the Associate Justices of the Supreme Court of the United States and Projessor at Lavj in the College end Academy of FiUcdt'lpbi.i. From the original mancfeript, in the ptnTefiion of Bird Wilson, Esq. '" - • T}iafc worti (hall ho c!«gaot ; y i»nnteJ tor twi oolonct nJLwo, and <iau*«r<J*o fabUribvi at Tltcf shall h; par to pref« a* soon m tfw livnt «11l juftify (he cspcat* of pablicitHio,- Si-htcroptions will m receivtdby AS3t T iiY DICK IN The r'uhlifhtr, cpf.- si c Clinft Chor< h, Pkili delpr .i ; d..ii l)i i 1 i prioci'al bookiVUm ehnugh oti' 'he t tu d State. * fr.iipc >t„ s 01 the wark may be seen at tfc' place of fublcription. f"ptcm('fr I ? § PATENT American Balloon, OR Vertical Aerial Coachee. This wew, enri-tn, and elegant MACHIN E, Which has been exhibited to, and accommoda ted Thoufa mis of Persons in New-Yoik, :s uo v fixtd i:p at the CIRCUS, IN FIFt H STREET, In (his city. ' pHE Properties of this «■ j.idetful Conftrue-' L tion ire as beiiefi.ial as they are various a fF>rii>)g them 'ft delica'.e plra.ure, and it 'lk fame time operating as a redorative to health, and for which purpose the frequent tile of it is rtcninmen 'ed by the faculty, to the sick, the weak and those recovering The roo ion of the Walloon is from four to ab*ut twenty miles per hour. The rat 'of tra vei'ing, however, will be regulated by th will of the pafle'igers ; eight of wh m can h# comfortably accommodated ; but thrf Blilofln wili set off with i wo only. Sweet the air, bchol-I below, 1 ht city, cuntry far ironed. And then defccndin? quick or How, You think you move cb magic ground. Conflan -ttirnrljn-e will be given, for a few days oiily, when th« exhibition will close. Every refpeifUul attention w ll be fliewn by PHINEAS PARKER. Admittance to view, one-eighth of a dollar ; and for exercising the machine (in the whole) one fourth of a dollar Any perl'on defiroua of ptirctiaSng the exten sive privilege thereof fnr this city or State, will be informed of the terms by Applying a! aHove. P. P novemher ig To Printers. The falls win; MATERIALS Will tpe f.-W rtafoM-iblc if applied tor immediately. . Press, Founts Long-Primer (partly worn) 2 ditto Small-l'ica on Pica body, 2 ditto Fit-i, 1 ditto Knt»lift), 2 iitto Brevier, i ditto, Several pair of Chafes, Several conipotmj; IlicUs, frames and g»Jl:ys, some brass rutt-s. .Quotations, kc, See. See: all of the above will be fold very reasonable for Cast). September By C. P. Wayne, No. 65, South Front-flreet; NEW BOOKS, RKC.K&y.D J!T 4. via kins, •profile 'JirH CtmrvX. 1 MILIARS t,f» rilfMh, futto ' )( go a »ofc j MMt-rfanckutt'i fri*»l«, 4 toI? i» co Ao-i juubin Eiuniner. t vol*. it 50 ' Buo>*)<arr('» Leuera j ; f Cru:« !r*Oaiei»«r. ? »nl». auditls# .it .0 .Ne» Bfyraj-hieal Djiiimry. it »j|« jf {0 Dltfaii'i Sutcjf of liit Lilu j[ the frekch Nation t to PjrfonS Hriti !t Chflics, j6 vols 40 o New SyAcut of Natural Hi .'lory, 3 vols 12 a? t'iyin;'s Sjiitomc. of History, » vols 6 00 CneSerSeld's Works, 4 vols 11 00 Wilson's wicks, 8 Vcls I» OO Cin'dftjiith's works, 7 vols 9 op Wilpdle'i royal and 00' if authors a 15 ron's new geography, 4 vols Ij 00 J'stkc,on Infuia-icc,flew t,ori ed. »( 1803 500 Ci Curne's edit, of Burrs'a works 4 vult 11 00 ' '.(illu'b cditioD ol' Gilford's wo;ks, 1 vis 135 tliStl'tf Dtaigcaan'i reply to Cretin, l 73 tftlufctKiumiuiitre of tht baofe of <Mn<m«a tlu- Ira.S rebellion I OO «xinuoa«M>n 'J th« inercale of tb* 1 uricicminiiK'ce, 4>( o( O. Biitiia il.' lOiff.>:<V» Irtrcr lod.c Eirl of l.iadir.H'e 75 Romel'i «%rreti»» of its to I 00 Aimr's do I 50 A •iit'trtj of Pampblcts otf American dcci-ihrr 11 Wanted to charter FOR EUROPE, A Vessel, *~tSZSX2Mmr 0 f ij© or jBo tons burthen. Apply to "James, Clibb:rn, C3 1 Eaglijh. 12 mo. 9th. 0 For Liverpool, To return an early .,bp to Pbila detphia, jgs-j THE SHIP .m. ROSE, Philadelphia SII.A.S JON Eli, master, Burthen iSo tons. Is intended tu be fpe< lily dii patched for freight or f.affage »J»ly '0 JOHN F.NGI.H H, )47, Water"rect, cf JAMES, CLTRBOIIN iSf ENGLISH, Philadelphia Naw-Yo*i, Dec. td. 1800. § T!l« SCH^OVBR M. ELIZAtf KATY, George Parker, mailer ; I Byrthcn no tons, 4 months old, fail* faft, nn ispierced t'ori4 guns. Ap ply to the tsifter on board at lJuwnintt';! wharf, or SAMUEL RHOADi, No. 1. Pcnn Street. Novcml-er it. drt For Hamburgh, Tie Hamburgh ship Three Friends, <*<jlJrhn 5 etcr janOn, matter. A fujrti3iiil ftrotf go»4 wff.l. *»i wtll fnto<! it intcntferi rr> fti| rn.*i. *< to tlw »jih of IJ corn- S«r. twit tt:lr<b of htf eirgn hcinp jwtj n< p ad 1 tx»»d—Tot Lh« rdtultifn, or >»ply ee JAO/)B SPMK'.tY If Cn. IVbo have received per /aid vejfcl and are nn> Landing, P LATILLM sov&liV tritnniu tyi4r«p« KtHii Ct»«tk», No *, at i CiQide** 1 Cr-ii 4 l«Morl(ii AritliM .. tftri] et 6«1«4u But I t Oil CV'tfci , Cue Fli'.c» , Mjo pn Hand, Cbttki tixl "ripe* Ixnialln, SritnaiAi, CM f-rillw. 8r«»n itt'i, BlUpiilH. CRM i U Mfr tyiz, Biete£«k) 6(i* Sfc»r«l«jj,ß*, D»wU(», SjUm"ir«, T»pci QliftWim CvCm MlUi.Scfihrt, tinny johm. Quill*. nnirmher it. diot—nj<ff jw 30,000 lbs. bejt heavy Black Pepper, FOR SALF BY SAMUEL RHOADS, No. 1, Fcrtn Street. December >. $ Imported, In the lhip Atlantic, Waters, from Calcutta and Madras, And for sale by the fubferiber, A great variety of articles mostly suitable for exportation, among which AitK Blue cloths Neckantts Soot Rotnala Salem poi ires VentapolasU MaJra» Long Cloths Ditto Handkerchief*. Ai SO 2000 bags prime Sugar, Ilyfon and Souchong Tea, JOHN MILL EH, Junr. No. Vo, Dock street. oilober 1# raws tf PAMPHLETS. tor Sale, Gideon H. Wells Has just Received, By tf:t: Lto ainvA i—* Jar»j fc ami gencral a/Tort rvei.t oi Hardware y Cutlery of Sad/cry, Which he ; ffers lor sal-, f r calb or dbe D'Ual credit. I\ljrket-^reet t N'o. i -5. Madeira Wine, In p.pei hfcd.. and quarter casks, For sale by the. Subscriber, GIDEON HTLi. VVKf.LS, No-. 135 Market Street. Movemhrr ia. wtltf Saw Manufa£tory. FRANCIS MASON, No. 10, liiuth Filth ureal, MANUFACrUAE.S mill, crofi cut and jntt laws, equal in quality, appearance and fljj pe t"any ever imported; wMch ki fells wholesale at thr follow tr prices—>6 feet mil) lawj jI 1 dol lar each ; crols-cut do 50 cents per foot; pitt do. 60 cents per h»ot. ood Cutters c.j/1 steel saw*, an I every other kind, maJe to any particular direction. noT»mlier »S dim John Whitesides, INFOIMi his frierds and the public in geusral that he ! ai taken the BREWERY, (late WiTara asv! j»'s) N". 50, north bix'h flrejt —where they niay e tupplied with Porter, Mc, Table and other Heirs. N B. A quantity of excellent old Porter en hanfl fit for immediate u r e. envemier 18 dim CHINA GOODS" l anding fro n tbe sbij* America, Walte Sims, Commander, from Car, ton, and roil .s.ii t: itr NIC KLIN, GRIFFITH Ist Co. O Coujro, fnochfliigi rH Jc»iJ quality, Ga)>cr ftfuchnn r, ! fvl'M-flcn, t T UJIy,- f *»•!»•' ■> '*T> * J Vt-un, hyftn, a iii. if! & id quality, • rli in- «c w'/tte nankeen' i-nt'firings, b ick & lol&r'd ( In Bojre» Sin<hew» do. f jfl"...rted, Satfls* do. J Lu'>"flvii(c». «ii 2. Mue it dirk vrtren* f 1 • I'erfiiM u'ffrtu, dark K re«j ) lrox ™' Tbev bavt also on bjtul fjr sale, received bv tbv lute art .ti/j from Europe, SS>. ") Inltnal! pack- Strip.-d and checked fringhms , apr» iir-rtnl, White ffgiirsd & color'd Muf- j caleuiaied lor linetts Weft-ln- Whif curded di r ities | dia market Color'd IHk, ft ri turd Nankeens | entitled to J drawback, 14 TrunV» printed Calic.iee, 5 (Jo. do. ") 6 Bo'-sfeirtr (Gf.ti'led to io Cases Eui;hfh China ware, CdrjwbacV-, in tea I'rtts j si Calks mineral Mack, 1 do. white, 10' rl.i. culcother, ; C-lk» purple hrown, ■ls do. nails .i(T >rt9d> 9 do. L-nd * porter in bottles, Fnii'irti Mean,as, No. 1, 1& 1, Httffiiduofe, whiteHavanna fug\r, 13 Pipes old Midcira wii'e, r . i Enipty winr hrttlfti »3 G«.H| 6j»un(!crt, * do. 9 lift. , . S <lo 9 do. «i(h''lrriaMt, %c rtt coflfc*, jfl "" qtiilny f Pntffl«d ttf ' pepper t <Jr«wliirt. « L*v* tbiyy Horfcs to Wintcf, HOlMEJwill ► e Mkcn to wtnUr if lii)l,>i(t>c I*mlbficat <xi tSe W*'lrc»d, *lkn the? wi.'kha** iml Twn«njjmd Cbtmr Hay. li<wcll»k.'i cinof mud hare a Mi ts to.-? in wbtn 'he w<-tth*r i> jnr>.', l esquire at Wilbmto u> i(-ph iieniinf, Mi the fremifek. ' A They etK*ag* to return the-- in good order in thr fpr rg or charge noJii.t<j lot k. epu>£ them, anJ will not he anfwiT'ibie for iccidi ntt or efcap?, but will tat' evirr pfei ution to . reveM cither. * 2 mwf tf A (jcnteet 7 r t " 1 y BRICK HOUSE, in tyr«cc artr Tkit4 tenet, TO LEI'. Enquire of MOORE WHARTON. Pecember 8 eo ,iw That large and commodious H 0 U S E, /ft the cornet of Arch auel Niiitli flreets. To be Let, THE houf;, llaMs, coach-house sn Meljr occupied by Major lSutirr, fit-catr a 'evf For terms apply to ] 8. Wallace, Nc. 18, north Ftfth street. o&oV'r 2t *aw if F'y A SALt-i OLD Lonp Primer, Small Pita or. Pica Bady, Enaliffe, Chafes, Composing Sticks, and aj/rea variety of articles necessary to carry oh the frin iflg They wili be Ibid tlieap t»r cast Apply to the Printer. v,v ■ '-f ■ » Bank of North America. "VTO'JCE ii HEREBY GIVEN to the ho ders of the ITai.k of North AfMT* it, that on the frcon J Monday, the izth diV iu.ry.u*' n- Jifcaien of twflvfc Dj rae , £ ' r -/--' r .!"* <r.fa gyear, will be held «t the at ic oi the cio'ft in the f renoon. H a>KII\KER, jwir, Cafcler U.crrobtrg. *aw w&dt»»j. fnluramx Company of Nortft America. 0- THE, STOCKHOLDERS are hefehy informed, thn a ftatid Meeting of the Com piny will he held Office, on the 13th day of January next, (being the second fhurf day in the Month) f. r the Elrdlion of twenty- Bve Dir<-£lor<- f .r the eiiiuivg year.. CHARLES PET II I\ Prof,dent. D«cemb/r lc- f*tu 3 thj . j he Cargo Of THe SHip JOHN B U L K; E L r, Capt. Stocitlcy, frmt Baiavia, CONSISTING OF Coffee sugar & pepper Of the best <Jua!itj, FOR sale fc' y William IValn. December 9. FOR SAL£ ~ * Br Joseph Sims, No. Water street, White &brown Havanna Sugars Holland Gin CJld Coniic Brandy Lon.icn p irticalar Ma'.eifa Wine Pale re i and yellow lifttlr'i B.rk A large aflertment of CORDAGE, &c. dectml>cr 13 mwScfa tf For Sale BY JOSEPH ANTHONYS Ct. Hyfoo Souchong aud > TEAS. B:hea } M'.l< ov.vlo sugar in hhds. Brjftdy tft props ■ l.ilbiin wine i' quarter calks Ma 'eiri wine in pipes Chins, afTort d. on 1 a few bales white And? ytil iff nankeen; C A few box; 5 thoco'a e ;nd dipt candles Speirtise -ti oil and candles Dcem 'tr n. 3taw^w Ihomas Orr, No. 52, South Fi.ont i^thbst, HAS received by the latrft arrivals from Lon. dofl, a well caofen aflorrment of the fol lowing article;: CALICOES and Chmwo, (a great variety) Furniture do. do. C irdet! Diiaities for £,irrr;ent« and lurutlure IJuiants, Jjans atnl Calimancoes B< rnbazctt* and B.o.baztens Printed J.ien;iid Carton Handkerchiefs and Lawn bordered d«. and 3o k M' flin handkerchiefs Suayls, Out n and Chintz, a great variety Do. C mcl\ Hair ftofiery. : (ted and Cotton «f all fizta Do China White and BUcV Si'k Table Cloths, fri'tti 5 4, to 10 by 16-4 with and without Napkin s Thread. Ga< ze. Lawns and C;mbricks Jacvnr t and Lapett Muslin . coloured and plain While and li'ack Lace, Lace Veils, Cloaks and Handkerchiefs Black Mode, and Satips White and printed Marlcillca for veils SwaHfdown, Ariped *nd £aid Cotton Cheiks (live) 7 8, 4-4, 11-8, and 6-4 Block and ooiouted IJarce ona tiau-kerchief* Fndu Bandanna do ! super or quality White, Red and Yellow F annels Ourmfry Worsted Frocks A few d< zen Irelt elalttc SuTpendi-rs. Hf has Alio Just Received, a -.veil .1 (Torted Invoice of India Muslins, CONSISTING OF Berbhoom OwrrahJ P tna Bsftas Alihabad Emetties Do Outrahs Company Guzzapora Mamoodies. Curias. B; the Bale or Piec*. Oflober 18. diwjawtf. TEAS, tf N O T I C E. Bank of the Unifed States, November 17, jgoc. THE Stockholders of »tc Bank of the United States are ir.t«rmeii, that to the ftatuta of incorporation, a General Elcitien for twenty fire Dm >£lors, will be held a? the Bank of the Unitei Statei, in the city »f Philadelphia, on Monday the jth of January next, at ten o'clock in the forenoon, And pursuant to the eleventh feiSion of the bye laws, the ftcckholders oi the said Bank arealfo no tified t< afiemhle in general meeting, at the fame place, on Tuelday the 6 h of January next, at fix o'clock in the evening. G. SIMPSON, Cashier. Second Fundamental Article• Not more than t!iree sou th» oi tlie Directors In eific!-, txclufive of the President fhail be eligible for the next .ntuing year, but the Dire&or who fintl ha President at the tima of an Ele&u.n may always He re elffled. tu fjjy PRINTING, Neatly executed at the Office of the Gazette of the United States. , , -U / /'•v; *' f VCLUMB XVIII.