Certix/cates Loll. LOST, THE \i"J*rirc'.ii nic.l -eertiScaUs or dock o< tk« Bank of the Uiu«t viz No. 978, d'e Ift January, 179t, for five fharcs in the r.ir.-.col Buurdicu, Chollitt andßourdicu N No »7.?66. dated ill of January, 1798, for five fcjri.i. bi ihe »iame n i tnViKiatn Bell, jr. ftaaiipgt" •»» ' ' Mi the iinHii bf th« United iuMUu " Ofiiea of Pensfylrmia, ▼>* Kp a Ctr' : Se»»e Atui 30th Jarvaiy, 1800, femtt ****"»» — K)i jaj, a Orrificatt d'ted xai tor mat thboEtvJ W'fi Notice i» hereby Rive:i, that appliciti 'si it in tended t.i b.' bi '; for a icnevral of the l'ain«—*l which all perfoii* concirned are requeued to tak. notice. warder. PfciUdel' liia. 'O ma iB, »Bco. 3t»w6w Loft, IN the ftip K'.ufi'gon, captain Kerr, in the year 1794. living been captured by the FiencV mi her voy:.ife from he-ice to ArnfUr am. the folluw ing certificates r,f stock ol the Bank ol the 1 Fnited States, standing in the name of Dccjam;n Chap man. Afos. 4:2 if 436 opportunity of r turning Kjs fiß- CtT€ aekn >wl djmentj to th Gentlemen of the Btfr, and tlujr flu tents in the United States, for th« patronage his has me" with, for cf tablilhiag a *>tore ex ufively for th - la'e of Law Book*- 1)m a ivA'iUgti which offer thrmfelvca to the prpfelfioa. from having l'uch to apply t«, he trufls are rendered ohvi">ui !>y the coou-icrauon that confining his artelision to the lmt'or'ation of books, only io that Line, he has it in hi' j-owcr to keep conftanciy Vy him, a general and mo»t valu rtblefapply of the latest and heft Editions an*t „«LL'IA ■ Ir(¥ / * r * i' fff jglHuflnni J'. f, »f yi BMBimportitif thnr owl Librarie*. Amy tximmdt kr rniy be Uvtfurcd with, (roni • taglcv»)wa« to mya*«ib>r, iitll thioktaily ad pxesaiitfy b: »retul f»on initiated in thenVitt approved pradio of th» P oilt <-' *ni MuncaiCe hnguige. An analylis his pam of tu ; i>on, and of hi ■work, having peen given at. length 1:1 th« pubh. _,per», they art referred to the Gatette of th. Ur ited S»»te» and 'he Aurora for September lall pox terms and other p rticitUrs apply at No j ff.uth tilth Ore-t, or at Mrs. Beck'. 011 the day and hours of tuition afortfaid. December eod6; The Porcupine. IXaKE thi« method of informing the People of the United State#, rfiat on the firidayot No -cß,b«r nctt. Iprnpofsto r»fume the publication of PorcutnisVi. Gazette', u.idcr the title of THE PORCUnNu ; an 4 to notify (in cafe any gec.tii/- man in An- erica fbould want it) that the price ol each Numbtrwill l.xpcnce sterling, and that the eafh mu.l lis received by me before the paj>er can be l\ipp'«' ! -As to the mode .of conveyance, so frequent arc the opportunities from London t • \ew-Yori, that file* mar be forwarded to the lat. ttt place once a fortnight upon an average—from New-York they can be fpecdily conveyed to ev ery part of the Union. When files can be, with oat delay, sent tu otbu places direct, it may be done ; when they cannot, th y will all be sent New-York, unlcfs o'herwife ordored. {? Porcupine*s Works, Which have beci. sometime in the Pr«fs, v>i' be completed ia February next, v.hen therapies fubfcri h el for in America will be forwarded to the Subfcribcrs. Any ot my literary friend# in America, w.io ■lay be Jifpofed to renew their corrMponc'crce withmc, will please to direil to me at my pn.it ing office, No. 3. Southampton Orcet, Strand, or at my Bookseller's Ihop, No. 18, Pall 7 WILLIAM COBBETT. tendon, September 4, lßc*. GLASS MANUFACTORY. V.Jr. PROPRIETOR* Of tbe -"'.HsbvrgS Glass Works, TTAVINO pmrured i f..I v U!»rn nu"ilvim»cii4tc ri.iu< have the p'etfnrs of afiViß}? the public, the; window glass of i fttperiwTjaa iity and of any size, from 7 by 9, to 18 by 14 inches, carefully picked iji boxen fcuiitaii.int' 100 fret ca h, maybe at the Ibortert notice Ciafs of larger sizes for other purposes, may &!("«> He lu •!, f.ich is for pictures, coach gtafTe*, clock faces, Ac. Bottles of all kinds and of any o'iantity may ilfo be had, togeiher with pocket llaiks,picklingjaii, ipotkeoifr's Shop furniture, tr oilier hallow ware—the whole at leatt 15 pei cent. I.)wer than aiticUa of the lame quality brought from any nf the sea ports of tile United Vtatei). liberal allowance will he made «i lale of la<-g* quantities. Oi dens fv>.m merchants ind others will be attendrd to on ap plication ti. J A ME' O'UAUA or ISAAC CR.UG, or at the 3toreof Meflis. PRATHER and?MILIE, in"M»iket-Streot, P.ttfburgh. VTsri-h tuihtf. LANCASTER STAGES. oi thf and Lmti -V ttft«r}ine»fS:»*t«l>W*.TCll,M;Bni ttrii tbailiuan tu ih: l.ine, ">uy «v pitr»iJ«d with and carclu] , driver», tc. f-i -J.ronjfh Lirwen the City ani! ; Jarcvf h -* two lUyi. Tfct«f« whoprcferthitinodi. ; at tr>*»inr.|j wu he at t>c 6ugr ! Off. •. Gjfii of i'uttitf Statr* Ucrkct (Uett, rbiUdilpbm- Sl.'Ujb, D.*sining, Dtnwoodj *3 Co. AV». 30. % «—i [aauary, 18. o STAGES REMOVED. THE public are hereby inform:d, that ih: Bal timore Coackee will i* fututu liart fr»m th« In dian (J»«n, No. 15.1'outh Forth llrcet, every .lay except Sunday, at 7 o'clock, and will arrive at Peck'n Tavern, Ealtimore. the next day at 8 o'»!ixk a«d the Btsg»s to New Y.>rk, will fUrt everyday at 8 and l» o'clock. N. B book i« kept open at Mr Ely Chan .Sober » § An Invoice of Playing Cards. BUPHSIINE Columbian, Harry she Vlllth and Metry-Andrew Flaying Card*, ferfale cheef for calh —Apply at this Oflire. feptemKer 13. !}> fKrt.. / 1 1 Prevention better than Cure. For tbe J retention irtd cure of. Bilious and Malignant Fevers, is recommended, Dk. HAHNfi Anti-bilious Pills, WHICH have been attended with a degree of fuccef« tighly grateful to the inven tor's feelings, in fc»er>l parts of the Weft Im di«,anf. the lout hem parts of the United ;ita:e parricuhrly in Baltimore, Ptterlburg, Rich, moiul, N'orMk, Edcnt->Ti, Wilmingt' n,Ch»rlcf tnn, savai;nah. itc. she teitimr>r.y ol a num ber of perfoiu in each of the above places cin be adduced, who have realon to brlieve that a timr?4Vuf« of th « f-ilu ary remedy, ha», '.rnrtrr provideiwe, prelerved their lives wher in the nioft alarmiftg circu.-nflances. Fa.'lt of rhi- conclulive .lature fprak more in favour ot a medicine, that, columns cf ponpout eulogy i founded on mere afTerti .11, could dn !t nt indeed presumptuously proposed at in Infallible cure, but the inventor has every poflib'.e reason. \rhiclicau result from extevfive experience furbelievingil.it a dofeofthefe pills, taken once every two weeks during the preva lence of O'.u annual H:lio»» fevers, wilt prove an infallible preventative ; and further, that in the earlier stage» of thole difeales, their use wiW very generally fuoceed in reftortng health aid frequently in cases eltecmed «lef;>erate asd bey ond the power of common remedies The operation of these pills i» perfcilly mild and may be used with falety by psrfoaain ever Gt nation a.id of every age. They ere excellently adapted to carry nfffu perflnous bile uk!prevent Ita morbid fecreiions ; to rettore arf taken on its firft appearance. They .ire celebrated for removing h ibit'iil eoftivenefs, ficknefi the iiomiclt and severe head-ache, and ought to be taken by all persons on a change of climate. They have been found remarkably efficacious an prev»nting and curing moll tkforderi attend ant on long voyages, and (h iuld be procured and carefully preserved for ul'c by every feamar,. w&fr isi A certain and fafe remedy for all difeafm of thj cyea, whether th« eff.il 01 aatiiral Wciknefi, or of acci'nut, ffeedily rrn»viil(; i»(liiomatioin, de flvxioiii ol rheum, dujlri»r*, itching, and films in tha eyes,never lading to cure thofi maladicn which frequently futceed the small poi, and fe vers, and wosoer uVty llrengihening a weak fij>ht Hundreds have experienced its excellent virtuei when nearly deprived of fight. Tooth-ache Drops. The only remedy yet discovered *hichgive» im mediate an i Ulling relief in the mo ft f«v«re ia .UncL's. 7'he Anodyne Elixir. For the cure of every kind head-ache, and ef pains in the fact and neck. Infallible Ague and Fever Drops. 1 iii< medici'e hai never failed, in many thou find cafe* not one in a hundred has had occasion to take more than one bottle, and numbers not half a bottle. The money wiil be returned if the cure ;ft»oying Lozenges, his Sovereign Elixir fur coughs, fcc. Reilorative Drops, F.fTence slnd Fx trait of Mustard.Sovereign Ointmei.t for the Itch, Dr. Hafcn's infallible Qerman Csrn Piaifter, In dian Vegetable Speciflc for the Venereal com plaint, Gowland's aud Ptifian Lpti»n, Restorative Tooth Pow-kr, Damask Lip Salve, Church* Cough Drops, AnicrUu's Pills, fcc &.C april»9 JOHM H. BAUNKY ts* C- I)R. HAHN's Genuine F.ye-w>itcr. Wants a place «.? A Wet Nurse, •s Youc waiun who ha.« l"ft «er child. £ > —Jivi hat a frelh breast c*pW NOTICE. \ LL persons indebted to the F-ftate r.i Thomas Hermtn l.cuffer, mifeh-f.l. are requaiiej to make immediate payment; aud thefr who have any demands Jg'infi fai-i eilace, are re quefleJ to accounts, properly attsft eti, foe f-ttVrt\er.t, to SUSANNAH LEUFPER, Admii.'x. No. 34, r.orth Fifth,ftreec. %l ,yaw 4tp 20 Dollars Reward. n AN away from the frigate ConlelU'.ion. i\_ cajrain Murray, at Mjrci.a Hook, i mu lattn m a, named William Williams, bir bit cr known by the na.:ie of JOHNSTON. — He »•■'« fifer to the marines on board said (hip, aVoir. zi years of age, 5 feet, 7 or S inche» high, a little pock marked, full 'iced and free, open countenance, ftcut snade, his hurtled in a flrjrt qiieue—Had on when he went away, »'■ olive ca:or'd jicket, and par.ralooM, the colour ot which is not ricolletfled. Having been ac <«i>otned to the lea, it is probable he hasenter e<, and failed, on boar t lomt merchant ship. Ten Dolars will 1* given. f r c»rtam informa tion, u hat velTut he has failed on board of, or the above rewad and reafo-able expence-s, for feciring him, in any part of the United Slates, an.l gr ing immediate information t :e eof, to Richard Cuksan, El'quire, of Baltimore, Ja*i;s3«ton, F.fq\ of New-York, or ife fulifcribrrs in Philadelphia, Thomas & Peter Jlleckie, No. H9,. foyth Fion; ftrcet. December 8 eodiot. 20 Dollars Reward. Dg. oPJtiftmUfl 0 PJtiftmUfl craning, JOSEPH PARKIN SON, private i-> tl'.e marine corps ol the United Su'es, he was l>o r n in Ireland, is about 17 yeo'eoM. 5 feet 6 an.l a half inches high, dirli eyes black hair, a'ld fallow complexion- Also, iH CLAKKaON, born in England, town of itockport, i» 39 year# of age, 5 feet 7 inch** high, grey eyes, ligi.t brown kair, florid complexion and by trade a Hatter ; from the ap pearance of his'ace the mod evident aiark« of as tachment to driikr.ay l.e traced, theyhav* bo" served in the Western Army, and now deserted in lull u.'iorin The asave amou it will be paid with charges t > sppreli.nd them ; or I'tnDoila foreith' r by a; plying to FRANKLIN WHARTON, Captain Commanding. Philadelphia, Marine barracks, Nov. 8. Education FOR YOU NG L/IDIES. COLUMBIA HOTTSE, BOAR-DING iff DA Y-S G HO O L, m-coin.JtNcia For the winter leuleih, on Monday, Oilobe 6ih, WoiiiUt, krtwo ii 7nurtli aitd 1 Fifeh-RreeU. A/TRS. GROO.MHRIUOE res; e>t or re giflry of any counlellor, Sne hundred dollars and rust exceeding five hundred dollara 10 It above five hundred dollars and not exceeding one thousand dolls. xo It above one thousand dollars 30 Any foreign bill of exchange, draft or order for the payment of money in atiy !orei t -n country »o The said duty being charge able upon each and every bill of ex change, without refpetSl to the num ber contained in each let. Any note or bill of lading or wriiing or rtctipt in nature thereof, for go Ws or merchandize to be ex ported ; If from one diftritff to anothe-r dii t-ri nin or Oil warraitti lor Uad grjui.J liy tlx United Xiatt* ai l.ir nullify frrviset pertoruitJ hi >!. c |j|f wV tf Any iuvntory or caujr ef •omit* or effcdj, aiai« \p n.j u(r rc<)birb| lif |n tifci ' 4 of I'Nltintj (huttliili!ii(iai4 r«f rcit M (iin.iiiit padiu|itnin iaf^ A tut of aoy li-jtl by u J oftctr }* A»y of berrm wty riucc coi»par.y f of a ftary in the banjc -jf the United States, or of any slate or other bank ; If aliove twenty dollars and :iot exceed- ing one hundred dollars |o if above one hundred dollars If under twCcty dollars, at the rateof ten cents for one hundred dolaus. f 11 That tlie power of die fnpervifors of tfe* Revenue to in»rk or fymp any vellum,- parchment or paper .chargeable with duty.' Will, ccsfe'and determine from ait J after fix months from the date hereof, to wit, on the last day of February 1801. That, if any prrfons (hall, after the last day of February 180 1, have in their cullody or poffc(lion, any vellum, parchmeait ot pa ptr, marked or (lamped by the fupej-eifors of the Revenue, upon which any matter or thing, charged with duty, (hall not have been written or printed, they may at any time within tic space of sixty days after the said last day of February 1801, brinjj or lend luch vel.dw, parchment and paper, unto lome office of infpeftion, and in lttu thereof, receive a like quantity or value of vellum, parchment and paper, duly (lamped in parfuarice ot the aft herein before recited. And in cafe any person (hall negleft or re fttfe, within the time aforefaid, to bring or oaufe to be brought unto officer of 111- Ipeftion, any 1 nr.h vellum, parchgient or pa per, it is hereby declared, tint the fame wilt thereafter be of 110 other t-fie ft or use, than if it had never bee*i marked or (lamped, and that all matters and things, which may af ter that time be written ar printed upon suiy vellul, parchment or paper, authorized to be exchanged in maimer atorelaid, will be of no other effect, than if they had been written or printed on paper, parchment or vellum, not marked or (lamped. And for the convenience of tliofe persons who may be inclined to liave their own vel lum, parchment arjd paper fta-ciped or mark ed, it is hereby peclared, that when any per lon shall deposit my vellum, parchment or paper at the office of a supervisor, accompa nied with a lift, fp*cifving the number and denomination ot the framps or marks, which are aefired to be thereto affixed, the fame " ill be transmitted to the General Stpam- Offip-, and there properly marked or stamped, and forthwith sent back to the fume fuper vilor, who will thereupon colleft the duties and deliver the paper, parchment or vellum, to the order st the per fen from whom the fame was received. Given under my H-.td. and the SsaF (L. S.) of the T reahiry, at Waflnng ton, the day ard year above men-* tioned. OLIVER WOLCOT'!', Secretary of the Treasury. djm. feptember 29. leptember 29. dj m . For Sale, or to Let, THE HOUSE, In Cbcsnut Street, Near the corn-.r of Eleventh street, at present iW th'is tenure of Mr. A. M'Call—Paifefiion may he had the first of November next, or focncr if re quired Apply to Edward Shoemaker. September 3 $ FOR SALE, The following Real Efhte ; the property of Anthony Francis Hald'imand, Esquire of London, 582 and an half Axres Patented Land SITUATE ou Vineyard Greek, in the townfliip and county of Huntingdon, is the Hate of Pennfylvams, on a public roadabcut j miles from the town of Huntingdon, which is situated on »- boatable river—there are cn the premifci a water' Grill Mill and Saw Mill—several Log dwelling Houfe»—one of which is occupied as a Tavern with a Diliillery fappliedby a powerful fprir.g o r excellent water—a cuufi ierable quar.titv of Timo thy Meadow fit for the scythe, and fcvcral acre* of arable Land already cleared—,l'histrE(jl will admit of being divided into three farms, with a due proportion of meadow and arable land in each. At present in tenure of Adam Hall, Esq. John Hicks, and others. 187 and aH half acres on Trough Creek, in Union township.a flooriftiing fcttleincnt, firli rate lahd, wi'h a filial) improvement. 173 and 3 quarters acre* a!j jining the above and the fame quality—as those lift mentioned trails are adjoining surveys they would make one valuable farm. 10 In Bedford county, 314 acres situate on Dunnings Creek, &r(l rite land, on a public road to Bedford. 364 and 3 quarters acres adjoining the above., and of the fame quality. 388 acres called the Springs, fame quality as above 198 and 3 quarters acres on half way run, a good improvement and now in tenure oi Jacob Moses. Terms of sale, as follows viz—One fourth part of the coofideration money mull: he paid in hand a and rtie pv-ti 'ac divided into four or five annual in lUlmen'i,a» may suit the pur chafers—to be sea«» red by mertpage. Apply to John CadwalUdtr, Esq. ConnftHor at Law. in the town ot Huntingdon, or to the fub -1 fcribers iu the city of thiUdelpbia. 1 6 O&ober 14 a r» AN APPRENTICE WANTED, At tie Office »f the Gazette of the United' States. ,« Ccft. C. M. IV. v WUliflgser France K h.j:'. si ,v*>»v