Gazette of the United States, & daily advertiser. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1800-1801, December 16, 1800, Image 1
Numx.Hß ij 5j sy Tbi price of :1>.4 L,.,r.cit f it Kfcnr Dollars per t:> Subscribers residing in the city of /'••rfsJWsl-ijJ. Ail others p~y fne Dollar udJ'tiinji, fur enchsmg Jatd di recting ; an.l unless satr.e person in this ctiy mill become atiiivirable for the subscription, it must befaid Six Months in Ajzjncc. *,* No Subscription will be received for 3 shorter term than six months. December f f7>g. iLMAN.iC Fr*m \i~lo Dtttwirr »J. UIOH WAT ta. We^n«rday Thtiridajr Friday Saturday Sunday Menday 'tueUty llTaMday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday Monday Tuesday PROPOSAL BY THOMA 1 , DOBSON, At the Stone-House, No. 4<> south Second street, Philadelphia. FOR PUBLISHING BY ENCTCLOPJEDIA DICTIONARY Arts, Sciences, Misce 'laneous Literature ; On a eritire'y New, By which The different Sciences ond Arts Are digsf'e-3 into the Form iif Diftirtfl TREATISES on SYSTEMS, comprehending THE HilWy, Theory, and Pra&iee sfeach, according r■> the latcrt Di'cov ric* a;id ina- nn'l fu'.l explanation* givon of the various detached part* of K*o"wlcd%e whether relating to tiataial and -rtificiai o'.ijjtfs or to matters '•c cle(ia(lical, civil, mifiury nommfrtial, Stc. Ip eiuding C.luci 'ations of the mol important topics relative tn rc'igion, morals manners aril tht oeco nomy of We : together with a det»ri;<tion of all the connt'l'4, citie», principal mountains, f:«s, fi vers &; threnchous the world; a genra! Hiitory, indent and mcJern of the diffj-ent empires, king doms and (U'l» ; Bud an account of the lives of the mofc etr,ine*t p ;rfons in every nation, from the earhell ages down to the present times Compiled from the writings of the bcl auth"r% in leveral language* j tie mod approved dictionaries, as -"—II !i "-• ' f-tfurr* j« nf '.mnche. ; the trjnfaflions. journals and mrrnolTJ, of learned focittics. hiith at home abrooil ; the M?. Leflurt-s of eminent profefihrs on different fcien ces; and » variety •t origlW materials, foruifhed by an i-itenfwe c.rre!'pornience The FuSSifhet having hem to furnifh fert of this valuable and important work >y oae volume at a time, which, by .'.tvl.ling the pay ment', mi-jikt make the acqutfitiin c 4 the work more convenient ta ; urch»ferj, prorofci to dispose of the few remaining copies on the following CON D IT JONS. The Wo k being already completed in Eigh teen large Quarto Vnlmet in boirds, E!e gently p'ir.tetl o."» Supt-i fiiie paper, illu'tri ted with five hsuJered and forty-two Cop perplaw I. A Volume in boa»d» will be delivered to each Sublcriber every three months till the whole be delivered. 11. The price t<> the Suhfctiher will be Seven Dollars and a H If for every Volume in in boards, pav-ibl-" n delivery, which will a r nou\ t t« One Hundred ai d Thirty-five Dolla s for tiie Eighteen V Inmes, being the praf;nl price for cmnpl. te Sets of the work. 111. Each lubfcribe'lhsll pjv the {vice ef one Volume in ilvance, that is, wie* the lirlt Volume is delivered the price of tl.e fir ft and nighteenth Volume to be paid) and the other Volumes to he paid on delivery Any Suhfcriber who may chonfe to have the whole in a fhoriert'me than the above M ention ed periods n)ay have a y mmber »f Volumes that miy be agreeable at the fame tin.e at the above pricss. To prevent any it is pro per t > rxprefs that no Vol«t:>c will be delivered to any peri'on with' ut the moitry, and :ii t!ie . Sets on hand are but few in number, it will he requftt that such as'choofe (obetomc Subftribers should app'y as early as p,.fiib e to prevent dit ♦ppvinti.ents. jJjT The Subfcripl'mns will be received by Thoims Oobfiin, as above ; a a w PROPOSALS" ~ roa pur LI SUING THE Powers of Genius, A PO K M t IN THREE PASTS} To which are atuched General Criticl/rns en Author AND ILLUSTRATION'; OF GENIUS. hy the Rev. John Blair LJntt, Itfh'.ifler <?f the Fir ft Prefb/ crc an Church, in the Cify of Phil. 'Li: bra. T2:i6 *.vor!i v.'iil c put pre:- i fonn 29p -1);. le, Jt will iorm a du*decirn.> vo urn-* ; *if he printed with, cleganot, «. n }.a:irr ot r:.; quality, and will he <1 livcreJ to fubferi* <at th* price of *r.e dollar, in hoards The woiV *«ill be print/\ un der the care, and at the of the author. Subfcriptkms are received !>y Aibury £»rck, ens. Thof« perf.ns it-to whofchmda ftfVY ripr ior papers are dpiivtred, are uily raurn them to th< author, «»r to v.r. Dicksns Bo kfeller, at the expiration ofthres w'ec ironi this* date. Philadelphia) Dec. 4 Gazette of the United States, & Daily H. If. 3 *4 4 »7 5 24 6 16 7 3 7 46 8 48 SUM' —*!•«» S*TB 7 %g 4 35 7 »5 4 35 7 »J-*~4 35 7 »J 4 35 ■ 7 4 7 15 -4 35 7 4j 4 35 OR A *KB •aurAw rifILADE L P II 1 A, TUESDAY EVKhING, DECEMBER i 6, ,800. BENJAMIN CLARK, Clock C 5" Watch A 1 HA* K*Vf<9Vf.D l'<> No. Manxi.t Struct, Where he ha* for tile, .m-.U other C>i'bks ; snd filvr nd pi: Cestui, SrnU and Ivryv •, Sr. &»r. CLOCKS AN'P VV ATOM ES Repaired »« usual. 7itnt ; Philadelphia Academy. gF Mr. Francis Gali/et, AN experienced aid approved Inftrnflor, has un.Urtaken to teach (tic FRKNCH f.AV GVAGF. ia rhu Se.r.intry, to inch of the Young Gentleman as may ckocfc to place tbemfVlves un der hi» care £j" fare t* arii Ouar utis are requeued to make immediate rppiintiun, that all the feholars may begin at one:. Samuel Magsiw "I Directors of J.inies AbeieroinHir J the Academy. Oftober 11. 3UW(I. A. Dickins, Opposite Cn . isi-Chuhch HAS JUST PUBLISHED, A neat and comet Edition The Exercises, ADAPTED TO Murray's Englijh Grammar, D.-litjiied lor the benclit of private Learners as well for die use of Schools, with Key, BY LINDLEY MURRAY. [/Vice one Dollar.^ D ceml rr 5, PROPOSALS FOt PUBLISHING nr SUJISCKIrrtON, The Works OF THE Hon. James Wilson, Efq- L. L. .D Late one of the Associate Justices of the Supreme Court oj tie United States and Projessor at Law in the College and Academy of Philadelphia. From the original maoufcript, in the pufTcQion of Bi'd Wilson, Esq, coNnirtcus. ttirft works ftitil he in |w« oitn, and ffblitHbcn-* l They (ball He pat u> prtft •' fooa it tlie ftilfcrlp u*» will juftify Ac op*uc« of palliation. Subscriptions will be received by ASBUItY DICKINS, The publilher, nppoflte Christ Church, Philn delphra ; and h) the priucipal bookfcllers through out the United States. A frofpeClus of the wsrk may be seen at the place of fuhferipciom f'ptcmlerl3 $ PATENT American Balloon, OR Vertical Aerial Coacbee. This stw, curim, and elegant MACHINE, Which has been exhibited to, and accommoda ted Thou&nd* of Perfoos in New-York, m no v up at the CIHCUS, IN FIFiH STREET, In this city. Properties of th : s wonderful Conflruc- L tion are as beneficial is they are various aft"»rding the m fl delicate plea'ure, and at the fame lime operating as a reliorative to health, and for which pyrp.,fc the frequent use of it is recommenced Uy the faculty, to the ikk, the weak ar.d those recovering The inoFon of the Haiioon is from four to ab»ut twenty miles per hour. The rat -of tra veling, however,, will be regulated by the will of the parte' gers ; eight of wh«m can be comfortably accommodated ; but the Balloon will set off with i wo only. Sweet the air, behold below, Th- -ity, c-U'itry far a'-otmd. And then quick or flow, You thii i y ii move on magic gtotind. Conttan: 4t:enJ<n< e will Ke gi»en, for a lew •lays O! when the exhibiti. n will close. Every rei'peiiliul attention w.U be ftiewn by PHINEAS PAHKEIt. Admittance to view, c.ieeighth of a dollar; and for cxerciftng the machine {in the whole) one fourth of a do'nr Any ptrfon 'tcfirous o? pufchafing tha»exten fivc privifecS thereof for this city "r Stale, will be informed of the ttrms by applying as ahove. P. P novrmber 10 To Printers. Tlie loU'wliig' MATERIALS will be fold reafouible if applied for iminediatcly. I Prels, 3 Founts Long-Primer (partly worn) 2, dit;o Small-Pica ou Pica body, > ditto Pics, i ditto Ettglifli, i i!itto Brevier, i ditto Bu;geois( Several puir of Chafes, t-vsrh! ccnpofing tic(.s, fraiiK-s afid gall.-yS, funic bra la rules, "Junta turns, &c. See. See: all of tl.e above willbr fold rery reasonahU lor Galli, September b. By C. P. Wayne, Nc. 65, South Front-street. Wanted to charter FOR EUROPE, A Vessel, 0 p [jo or 280 tons burthen Apply :o James, Gibborn, £s* Englijh. 1% mn. 91b. f-. . For Sale, Alexander Ruflel.maflsr, , uur hen 76 torn or thereabouts, between two ■_ and three years 01-l, and isfaid to f*il well—a cre , lilt «f 4or 6 mor.ths will be allowed. Enquire of MOORE WHARTON, No. sS, Dock Urcet. s December 13 dflt «*■ T tO For Liverpool, £ To return an early Spring ship to Pbila delpbta, It; THB s!Ilp Mm Rose, > ef Y SII.AS JONES, matter, J Burthen iSo tons. Is iutmdcd to fee speedily dif ■ patched For freight or pafTane apply !o JOHN ENGLISH, 0 No. J47, Waterflrect, or ~ JAMES, CLIBBORN & ENGLISH, T , Philadelphia N*w-Yo*k, Dec. id. 1800. § '_l• d ■ < For Sale, f3ci THE SCHOONER I OtL ELIZA , *' Grorge Parker, matter ; %t£~ ~~'S? Burthen 110 tons, 4 tnonths old, fails faft. ana is pierced fori4 guns. Ap- J ply to the mailer on board at Downing'! g ( wharf, or C SAMUEL RHOAt)S, H No. I, Pcnn Street. November 21. dtf ' j For Hamburgh, ij The Hamburgh sbip L ' .§^| r rhree friends, [■ Jehu °ctcr matter, Si A fuMlautial ftroiig gooM iT.I, and wcllfo*nd P " tofiilprcvi u* t» of Dectm- c f ber two thirds ot her cargo btit.g ready tu go en beard—-For the remainder, or partner, apply to JACOB SPERKY V Co. Sl Who have received per said vejfel v and are 1, otv Landing, v PI.ATILL AS ROY ALES Britannias , Quadruple ScL'fiat Checks. No a, and Li&adaes Crr«s a la Morlaix Arabia* Strives Selefia Handkerchiefs Bazzi's Qil Clothe 11 Gun Flints Aljo on Hand, Checks and Uriues Boccadillos, Britannias, Caf- £ f ri'.Jos, Brown Rolls Bftonillas, Crcas ala Mor- tt laix, BielcSeld fine SKirting, Linnent, i Siam Tapes GUIs Ware*, Coffee Mills. Scythes, i Demyjohns Quills. G n»)vemhcrai di ot-*-tu3cfr 3W E 30,000 lbs. bej*. heavy *' Black Pepper, ; FOR-SALE BY SAMUEL RHOADS, No. 1, Penn Street. December x. $ \'— ■ ? Imported, ] " In the Atlantic, caputiu Waters, from v ® Calcutta and Madras, [- tukftf And for sale by the subscriber, A great variety of articles mostly suitable J'or exportation, AIMOKO WHICH AUK t }> LUG CLOTHS * ) Nuckan«es ' Soot Uomalt Salempoores Ventapolams MaJraa Long Cloths Ditto Handk«rchief». ALSO 2000 bags prime Sugar, Hyson and Souchong Tea, JOHN MILL.EK, Junr. , No. 80, Dock street. oi>obTio mwf tf Landing At Wain's wharf, The Cargo of the brigEnterprize, CONSISTING OF Surinam MolafTes, Jf an ex»cllcKt quality, in hogflieadi, tierces and barrels, And about 40 quarter casks LISBON WINE, Foit Sale fir Wharton Lewis, No. 11 Jjfouth Front fttcet. oitefler 9 tu th fa tf v Gideon H. Wells Has Just Received, By the late arrivals-*'* large and general afiort- I 1 ment of » V- / 1 Hardware, Cutlery & Sadlery, \ Which he offers for f»lt,.f.r cadi or the usual credit. Market-street, No; 135. 30*4** Madeira Wine, In pipes hhdi. and quarter Cades, For sale by the Subscriber, . GIDEON HILL WELLS, No, 135 Market Street. 1 November n. eodtf t Saw Maniifadlory. FRANCIS MASON, No. 10, foutli Fifth ftre«t, Manufactures mill, crof« cut and pitt saws, equal in quality, appearance and shape to any ever imported; which he fells wholefalc at the following prices—6 feet mill faw?i 1-a dol lar each ; cross-cut do 53 cents ;er foot; pitt do. 60 cents per faot. Wood-Cutters cast fleel saws, and every othfr kind, made to any particular direilion. . novamher 18 dim { John Whitesides, INFORMS his frier;da and the public in gensral that he has taken th« BREWERY, (late Wil'.Lnj liawfon's) No. jo. north Sixth flreet —where tliey may I« l'upplied with Porter, Ale, Tabicindottier Beers. N B. A quantity of excellent old Porter on hand fit for immediate ufc. novevifcer if dim CHINA (GOODS. Lsnding from Ibe ibijt America, Waifc Sims, Commander, ftom Canton, > a*» ron SAt.e tr NICKLIN, GRIFFITH far Co. Bohea, Congo, So»ichor*£, ift St jnd quality, Caper foncliong, r&tr ?;ng!o, Young hyson, Hyfi.'ti, ift & ad quality. Imperial, Yeilrvw k white oankcent LuUftrings, black & color'd ( In Boxes Siu!haw« do. £ afloHcd, Sitti«s do. J Luteltrings, tau. blue & dari green") . Sinlhaw# d" l L " Pcrfian MffVtat, dark green J oxc, ' They bavt alsu in itmi! for sale, received bv the late arrivals frcrm Europe, ifo. 1 lufmallpick- Striped and checked ginghami i age> affined, White figured & color'd Muf- | calculated for liuetts the Weft-In- W r hi te corded dimitiea | dia market & Color'd silk, striped N»nkcen» | entitled to J drawback, 4 Trubkl printed Ca'.icies, do. do. •, Bales seine twihe (Entitled to > Cases Enplilh China ware (drawback) . tnpliLi, in lea I'r:11s > Calks mineral b'ark, I do. white, o Ho. colcother, 3 Calks purple hrown, *l* 15 do. nails aflorted, 9 do. London porter in bottles englirti failcanva«, No. I, 1 & 3, Uuffia duck, 17 Boxes white Havanna fugir, 13 Pipes old Madeira win*, Gunpiwier, Empty wine bottles, 10 G;n;s, 6 pGunder«, 1,1 do. 9 do. 18 do 9 do. with carriages, he. aßo>ccc!bj. Ceribon coffee, 10") (Entitled ti jo,ooolbs. Mack pepper (drawback. 10 Jv*gs ebony J May a;. ro&w tl Horses to Winter, HOU SES will lie taken to winter at Profped Hill, at the i» mile stone, on the Brift .1 road where they will have 1 ooJ T'mothy and Clover Hay, be wel I taken care of, and have a field to run in when the weather is good ; enquire ol William Bell, Philadelphia; or, ol Joseph Hunting, on the 1 preniiics. I Th'.y engage to return them irt good order in | the spring or charge nortii.ig for k< eping them, and will rot be anfw rablc for .-ccidern or clcap?,but will take every precaution to prevent either. oisl<i!n r 7 1 mwf tf A Genteel Tire* Story BRICK HOUSE, in Spruce utar Third Sree:, TO LE I'. Enquire of MOORE WHARTON. Pecemb«r 8. eo '.aw That large and commodious HOUSE, At tke cornet of Arch and Ninth flreets. To be Let, THE lioufe, Oa.llf, coach-bouse sn.i lots, late'y occupied by Majar Buttef, fit<jate above For apply to ]. B. Wallace, No. aS, north Fifth street. .r FUR sal*., OLD Long Primer, Small Pica on Pica Body, Englifo, Chafes, Compelling Sticks, and agrea varitty of artiales necefiary to carry on the Prill ing Business. They wilFoc fold cheap tor cash Apply to the Printer. > iruvm* xvjtfL' Bank of North America. "XTO riCE IS HEiiiißY to tb« ' '" ,o c -bo ders of the Bank of NorthXfier* that on the second Monday, the nth J... U-' January tifxt, an Ele<9i,>n of tv/eiVe Difec rrrs t r the enf>jing year, -Aill be helj at tin r4rk at 10 Of the clork in the forenoon. H DRINKER, jtsnr. Cafhirr. December 9. .. sawiw&dtijj.. Infuranct Company of North America. £? THE STOCKHOLDERS ire hereby informed, that a flatcd Meeting of the Com« pany will be held at tlieir Officei on the ijttt day of January next, (being the fetond Thurf- ' day in the Month) i\ r the Election of twenty five D:resnrs f, t the enihir.g year,. CHARLES PETTIT, President. Daeemb'.r 10 - f&tti^thj The Cargo OF the SHit < JOHN BUUELY, Capt. Stock!ty, from Baiavia, consisting Of Coffee sugar & pepper Of the lefl quality, f6R sale BY William Wain. December 9. 6t FOR SALE, Br Joseph SIMS, No- 15J,fouth Water Oreot, White &brown Havanna Sugara Holland Oin Old Coniac Brandy London particular Madeira Wine Pale reV. and yellow Icfuit's B?rk A large alUttmcirt of CORDAGE, &c. dectmht-r 13 rnwStfa tf For Sale J3Y JOSEPH ANTHONYS Ca. Hyfpn } Souchong ;sd£ TEAS. % : Bohea Muirovado fugor in hhdj. Liibon wine }ji quarter cafcj Ma 'eira wine in pipe* China, aflWrtrd, an I a few bgJcs white and 7 yellow nankeens A few boxes choc;>la'e dipt cjndlc» Spermaccii oil and c..n.!!es Dei ember ji. Thomas Orr, No. SoWTH FIfOXT Stiiebt, HAS received by the latefl arrivals from Lon* don, a well chosen alTortment of the fol lowing articles: CALICOES and Chintzes, (a great vjriety) Furniture do. do. Corded Dimities for garments and furniture Uurants, Joans and Calimanccss and B nihazeens Printed Liren and Cotton Handkerchiefs and Lawn bordered dn. Jaconet aud 3o,>k Muslin handkerchiefs Shawls, Cottcn and Cbiutz, a great variety Do. C'mf ; l'» Hair Holiery, Worded aud Cotton of all sizes Do. China White and Black Silk. Table Cloths, from j 4. to loby 16-4 with and without Napkins Thread, Gauze, Lawns and Cambrkks Jaconet and Lapett Mufliiu, coloured and p!ain White and Black Lace, Lace Veils, Cloaks and Handkerchiefs Black Mode, Peelonys and Satins White and printed Marle'lles for vad« Swanfdown. ftripedand plaid. Cotton Checks (five) 7 8, 4-4, 11-8, and 6-4 Black and coloured Barcelona handkerchiefs India Bandanna do rt superior quality White, Red and Yellow;nels Outrnfey Worded Frocks A ftw dozen belt ebftic Suspenders. He has Alio Just Received, a well affortrd Invoice of India Muslins, CONSISTING OF Berbhooift Gurrahs Ptna Baftas Alahabad Emerties Di»- Gutrahs Company Guzzapora Jaaoa Msmoodics. Cuflas. By the Bale cr PiecCt j O<£tober 18. diw3awtf. N O T I C E. > Bank of the United States, NoVtMBFR 17, 180 C» THE Stockholders oi the Bank of the United States are inlsrme.'i, that accerding to the ftatnte of incorporation) a General ElcAlcn for twenty five Directors, will b« held at the Bank of the Unite! States, in the city of Philadelphia, on Monday the jthof January next, at tcu 0 c)cck ill the forenoon. And pursuant to the eleventh fefiion of the bye laws, the stockholders of the said Bank are alio no tified to aflemble in genrral meeting, at the fame place, on Tuesday the 6 h of January ncit, at fit o'clock in the evening, G. SIMPSON, Caftier. Second Fundamental Article* Not ttiore than three fourth, ot the Difc«So: t in office, exclufivc ot' the i-rufHelrt ftia'l be e:igiiile for the next tnfuinj year, but tl v Dii'-'it r«o fliall be President ac the tinw of an fck&urn may always be re eleileJ. tJ'ijy PRINTING, Neatly exeruted at the GJJict of ;!:e Gazette of the United States. T W*B»' %.«r' J 3ta-v3w «