Gazette of the United States, & daily advertiser. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1800-1801, December 15, 1800, Image 4

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Of the Pittsbiftgb ~Glcss Works,
HAVING procured a fufficiunt number of
the moil approved Europe**: Glass Manu
fuiflurers, and having on hand a large ltock of
the bell Materials, mi which their workmen are
now employed, have the pleasure of alluring
the public, that window glass of a fupeiior qua
lity and of any size, from 7 by 9, to 18 by 14
|nch#s, carefully packed in boxes containing 1
100 feet ea h, may be had at the lhorteft notice.
Oafs of larger fizea for other purposes, may
tlfo be had, fiich is for piiltires, coach glaiiL-i,
4ock faces, &c. Bottles of all kinds and cf ariy
qiantity may also l>« had, together with pocket
flits, picklingjars, apothecary's Oiop furniture,
oryV'tr hellow ware —the whole at lead i$ per
Jower than articles of the fame quality
broujXit from any as the sea ports of the United
States., A liberal allowance will he made mb
sale of lat;e quantities). Orders from merchants
and otho, will he punflually attended to on ap
plication \o JAMES O'HARA or ISAAC
CRAIG, >at the -Store of Mefils. PRATIIER
and SMfY in Maiket-Street, Pittfturgh.
March 1 tnrbtf.
THE Pro;>rfc->« of-the Philadelphia and !-an
cafler lint' V:tage» DISPATCH, return their
grateful thanks Axhcir friends and the public in
general, for the p.V favors tfeey have received,and
inform them that in addition to the regular I,ine.
they art provided Gitriage»,f "lier and capful
drivers, to go between the City and
Borough is two day*. y*fcofo who prefer this mode
of traveling can be accommodated at .the Stage
Office, fljjn of United SivWS« Eagle, Market ftrei-t,
Sii ttgb, Downin&i Duniboody W Co.
A'ot) 30. • 1[ »t—s
THE public are hereby, that the Bal
timore Coachee will in future start fr*ai th« lo
dian Queen, No. ij, south Forth street, every rfsy
except Sunday, at 7 o'clock, „nd will arrive at
Peck's Tavern, Baltimore, the n*xt day at ? o'clock
and the Stages to New York, will llart every day
at 8 and 11 o'clock.
N. U.— A book is kept open at Mr. E'y CHan
<Jler'» Franklin Head, where feats it ay alio be ta
ken in the above line of stages.
An Invoice of
Playing Cards.
SUPERFINE Columbian, Harry ti« Vlllth
and ?.V.:ry-Andrc.w Playing Card*, f«r !*le cheep
lor caih—Apply at this Office,
feptemltcr 13.
Prevention better than Cut e.
For the prevention and cure of Bilious and
Mclignant Fevers, is recommended
I>u. HAHN's
Anti-bilious Pills,
WHICH Wc been attended with a dttgree
of fucce& highly grateful to the inven
tor's feelings, in i'everal parts of the Weii-In
di#s,an I the feuthern parts of the UnitrdSJa'e:-
partiruhrlv in Baltimore, Petersburg, Kicb,
mond, tfot'folk,Edtnton, Wilmington,C'urlcf
ton, Savannah, Sc. Tbe teftim.iny ot auura
btr of persons in each of the above places can Iv
adduced, who have reason to believe that a
titsclv ufs of thUfalutary remedy, has, under
Providence, preserved their lives when in the
milt alarms circvmftances.
Fails of thi conclusive nature speak more in
favour of a medicine, than colsnins of pompous
eulopv, founded on mere aflerti"n, could do
It is indeed prefuniptuoufly proposed as
an infallible cure, hut the inventor has every
potSble reason. which can refulr from cxteslive
experience forbehevingthat a .lotl-of these p<ll«,
taken once cv--rv two weeks during the preva
lence of o 11 annual bilious fevers, will prove an
infallible preventative ; and further, that in the
earlier stages of those difeales, their life will
very generally succeed in restoring health and
frequently in cafe* esteemed desperate and bey
ond the power of common remedies.
The operation of tbefe pills is perfedlly ivild
and may be used with fafety by perfonsin ever
situation and of every age-
They ire excellently adapted to carry «n In
nerfiuousbile andprevent its morbid secretions;
to restore and amend the appetite ; to produce
a free perspiration and thereby prevent colds ;
which are often of fatal consequence. A doie
never fails to remove a cold if taken on its fjrft
appearance. They are celebrated for removing
habitual coftivenefs, sickness of the ftomacK and
severe head-ache, and ou,;ht to be taken by all
nerfons on a change of climate. .
They have beenfound remaikahly efficacious
an preventing aod coring most rWfordcrs aiten -
ant on long voyages, and (hculd be procurci
and carefully prefwved for ufc by every fcamaa.
Genuine Eye-water.
A ctrtaiH and fafe remedy for all difeafesof thj
«ve 3 whether the efT-ii of natural weaknef., or of
accident, speedily removing inflammations, de
fluxions of rheum, dullnef*, itching, aud films.*
the eyes, never failing to ere those which
frequently succeed the small yot, meafl* andl fe
vers, and wosJeriuHy llrengthenmg a weak fight
Hundreds have experienced its excellent virtues
•when nearly deprived of fight.
Tooth-ache Drops.
The only remedy yet discovered which gives im
mediate and lifting relief in the most severe in
The Anodyne Elixir.
Vor the cure of every kind #f hcad-ache.and
pains in the face and neck.
Infallible Ague and Fever Drops.
This medicine has never failed, in many thou
find cases not one in a hundred has hadoccafion to
take mete than one bottle and numbers not halt
a bottle. The money will be ret»rned if the tufe
is not performed.
•ouglis, ~c " r(1 t- ovcre ,,n ointment for the Itch,
* u h infallible German Corn Plaifter, In-
V. r - " ~v Specific for the Venereal com
«*? r? lland's and Perflan Loti«n, Restorative
¥»oth Powder, Damalk Lip »*lve, Church'
, .>
Certificates Loft.
THE undermentioned certificateß 01 (lock Of
tht Bank •>£ the United st»t<x, vie
No. 978, dare tft Jsiujary, 1793, for fire
iliarcs in the naaieof Bourdieu, Cfcollctt
and Bourfiiju
No 117.166, dared ill of January. * 79 8 - for
five (iurea, in the name tli« Right hon.
lord John Townlhend.
No lice is hereby given,
That application is intended to be made at the
said Bank by the fHbfcriber, for a renewal of the
fame, of which all pcrfons concerned arerequefted
to take notice,
Philadelphia, 10 mo. »8, 1800 tuthfajm
rhe foil-wirg certifi rte# of eight per cent flock
in the name of William Bell, jr. flaniing to hi#
credit on the r>«r>ks of the United State* Loan
Office of Pennsylvania, viz
No <O3, a CertifitJte d*te«l 10th January, 1800,
for one thousand dollars.
JS T o 505, a Certificate
for one thoafand dollars
Notice i« hereby given, that application is in
tended tn be made for a renewal of the fame—of
which all persons concerned are requeued to take
Philadelphia. 10 mo. »8, i»oO. juw6w
IN the (hip Kenfmgt.n, captain Kerr, in the year
1794, having been captured by the FiencS on
her voyage from hence to AmfUriam,the follow
ing certificates of atock ot the Bank o? the l/pited
States, standing in the name of Benjamin Chap
tfos. 432 & 436 0/ 4 Shares each]
i s ß 3 d °■
12 15, 1216, i 217. 1 do.
Application is made at laid Bank Hy the fuhferi
her for a renewal of the fame, of which all perfonc
concerned are deGred to take notice.
d 3m
Clocks Watch Maker, (j
To No. 36, Market St», 1 3
Where be has for Sale, I
Spring and other Clocks ; gold and filve j
Watches; Tools, Files and Materials; lire I
1 nd gilt Chains, Seals and Keys ; Springs, J
Repaired as usual. ,
r Tunc 3 tuScftf
A. Dickins,
Opposite Chr is t-Church
A neat and correct Edition I
The Exercises,
Murray's Englijh Grammar, I
• Delignt'd tor the bene tit of private Le.inurs J
, as Mill for the use of Schools, with I
' Key,
t Price one Dollar.]
December 5, 1
The Works
Hon. James Wilson, Efq* L. L. .D J
'.Ott one of tie Associate Justices of the I
Supreme C' urt of the United States ami J at in the College and I
Academy of Philadelphia. I
'rom the original manuscript, in the poflelUon of I
Bird Wilson, Esq.
cos nit ions. J .
fhefe work; (hill be eleganty printed in two I
volumes o&avo, and delivered 10 fubfcriberi at I
6ve dollars.
rHy (ball be put ;o press as soon is the ruMcrlp- 1
tions will juftify the cxpence of publication, I
Subscriptions will be received by 1
asbury DICKINS, 1
The publilher, oppoG-e ChriftChurch, Pkila- I
delphia ; and by the principal hookfellers through I
out the United States. 1
*,* A ?rofpeilus of the work may be seen at 1
the place or fubfeription. I
fcptem'er I j * I
BE it remfmhered that on the 14th day of Oc- I
toiler, in the twenty fifth year of the fcufe*
pctidence of the United Starts of America, Charles I
\V. Qok! thorough of. the said Diftridt hath de; o J
fitrd in this office, the title of a book, the right I
whereof he claims, as author, in the words 10l- j
lowiflg, to wit.
An original and correct t»lt or the
United States Navy,
Containinga lift of (hips in commiflion, and their
rcfpe&ive force.
A li l of officers, and their rank, as well Ihoic be
lonrne to the Navy, as the Marine Corps.
And a Dtgcjl
Of the principal Laws relating to the Navy,
&c. &c. fee.
By Charles W. Guldsborough.
lr. conformity to the a£t of Congress of the
United States, intituled " An a«ft for the encour
ace-ncct of learning, by securing the copies of
maps, charts and So l:,, to the authors ana pro
prietsrs of such copies, during the times therein
Cl< rk of the DiftriA of Maryr.d.
Bovesnber 11 UI » EI < w
To Printers.
WANTED —in Exchange,
A FOUNT of Long Friraer, weighing 6
or 700 lb. or upwards, and a F«unt ol
Brevier, weighing -joolbs. or upwards.
September 2.
For Hamburgh,
The Hamburgh ship
Three Friends,
Sis' John Pet" master,
A fu'■ fiantial strong gool ff' l . and well foßnd
is intended ro fail previous to the 25th of Decern
ber. two thirds of her cargo beirg ready to go on
board—For the remainder, or f silage, apply to
IVho have received per/aid. vejfel
and are now Landing,
Qaadrupie Seltfiai
Checks, No 2, and Liftadoet
Cre.s a la Mor'aii :<,r
Stri. es
Selefia Handkerchiefs
Oil Cloths
Gun Flints ; '
Aljo on Hand.
,x * , .
Jhecks and (tripes, Boccadillos, Britannias, Caf
tritlos, Br.-.wn Rolls. Eftopillas, Creas ala Mor
laix, BieleEeld fine Shirting, Linnens, D«>wUfs.
SumniCe,Tapes,GlassWares,Coffee Mills, Scythes,
Dcmyjohns, Quills
noveinber li
lIOVCIIIUCI 4 1 '• ----- U
For Sale,
s£% ELIZA is" KATY,
'viM&vSm ' George P arker t ;
Burthen no tons, 4 months
old, fails faft. Jin iis pierced for 14 guns. Ap
ply to the mailer on board at Downing'
wharf, or
No. 1, Penn Strret.
November 11 ■ dtf
For Liverpool,
To return an early Spring ship to Pbila
< —^the ship
of Philadelphia
SILAS JONES, niafler,
Burthen iSo tons. 13 intended to he speedily dif
uatched. For freight or paflage a; ply to
No. I»7. Wsterflreet, or
J Philadelphia
Nbw-York, Dec. td. 1800. §
30,000 lbs- beji heavy
Black Pepper,
No. i, Fcnn Street.
Decemlier (<
lu the (Hip Atlantic, captain Waters, from
Calcutta and Madras,
And for falc by the subscriber,
A great variety of articles mostly suitable
for exportation,
Blue cloths
Snot Romall
M-ifiras Clotha
Ditto Handk-rchieft.
At. so
2000 bags prime Sugar,
Hy-fon and Souchong Tea,
No. 80, Dock sir ret.
oSober 10
Saw Mannfa&ory.
Wn. io, I'mitK Fifth street,
MANUFAC rUKKS mill, croft cut an<! pitt
faw\ equal in quality, appearance and (h&pe
toany »»er imported; which f«'lls wholefalc
at the following price*— 6 feet mill saws 5X ■» dol
lar each ; crof»-cut do. 30 cents per foot; pitt do.
60 cent» per f«ot.
Wood, Cotters c-ft steel saws, and every other
kind, nva J .e to any particular dire&ion.
tiov«m!ier 18 < ' , m
John Whitesides,
INFORMS hit friends and the public in general
that be ha» uk'-n the
(late Wil'iata Dawfon'e) No. 50, north Sixth street
where they may > e supplied with Porter, Ale,
Table and other Eeer 3.
N B. A quantity of excellent »ld Porter on
hand fit for immediate use.
rove-i her 1% ' ,,n
-r r>
Law Books-
extensive collkction,
'uiported by sundry late arrivals from London
and Dublin,
Is now arranged and ready for sale,
No. 319, Market-Jireet,
Where Catalogues will be delivered on appli-
HE takes this opportunity of returning his fin
cert acknowledgment* to th 1 * Gentlemen of
the Bar, and th«!r f.udcnts iu the United States,
for th« patronage his design ha« mot with, for ef
tablilhing i Stnre, exc'ufm-ly lor the lale of Law
Books. I 1 !# advantages which < Her thtmiclves
to the profeflipn.t'om having such to apply t®, he
trulls are rendered obvious by the conuderation,
that confining his attention to the Impor:ation ol
book s, only & that Line, he has it in hi, power to
keep conftantW by him, a genoral and moll valu
able f«pp!y of the latest and heft Eaition\ and
Irom his r.ady falSs, t* difpote of them, o* t.rms
so moderate as to preclude the necessity ol gentle
men importing their own Libraries. ...
Any commands he may be favoured with, from
a single volume to any number, thanklully
nd promptly be attended to.
novembc* »6 w * fr lm
IVdJiington, September Ift, 1800.
Public Notice is hereby Given,
In purftance of an a 9 of Congref, pajfed on
the 23d day of April, one thousand eight
hundred, entitled " An a<3 t» rjlabli/h a
General Stamp-OJjiceJ'
THAT a General Stamp-Office is now
eftablWhed at the feat of government, in ttie
city of Washington, from whence there will
iflue, from and after the date hereof, (upon
the application of the Supervisors of the
Revenue, under whose management the
colk&ion of the damp duties is placed) any
quantities of paper, parchment and vellum,
marked or stamped, atid duly counier-ftamp
ed, with the following rates of duty which
are demandableby law :
For every (kin or pi fee of vellum or parchment,or
Iheet or piece of paper, upoo which Ihall be
written or printed any or either of the inftru
meats or writings following, to wit,
ADollt. C M.
NY certificate of naturalization 5
Any Hcence to prȣlice,or ccr jficate
of the admission, enrollment or re
gistry of any counsellor, Solicitor
Advocate attorney, or pro&or, in
any court of the United Sta'e# to
Provided, that a certificate in any
one of the court' tof be United States,
for any one of the said offices, (hall
so far as relates to the payment of the
duly aforefaid, be a fuffiK.ient admif
lion m all the courts of the United
States, for each and every_of the said
diot—ta&fr sw
Any grant or letters patent,under the
seal or authority ef the United
States (except for lands granted
for military services) 4
Aaay exemplification or certified copy
of any such gram or letters patent
(except for lands granted for mili
tary services) *
Any charter-party, bottcmry or re
fpondentia bond I
As y receipt or discharge for or on ac
count of any legacy left fcy -ny
will or other teftimentary instru
ment, or for any ftiire or part of
a psrfonal estate, divided by force
of any ftitute of diflri • utions other
than to the wife, children <.r grand
children of the person diseased, the
amount whereoi (hall be above the
value ■ f fifty dollars, and (hall not
exceed the value cf one hundred
dollars 25
When thr immnt thereof stall ex
cerd the value of one hundred dol
lars, snd shall not exceed five hun
dred dulla 8 s*
And for evtry further sum of five
hundred dollars, tho additional
sum of 1
Any policy of infarance or inftru
inent in nature 'iereof, when the
sum for which insurance is made
shall not exceed five huadred dol
lars ts
When the sum insured shall exceed
five hundred dollars 1
Any exemplification of what nature
soever, that fhali pass the seal of
any court, other than fucii as it
may be the duty of the clerk ef
such court to furnifb for the use of
the United States, or some parti
cular state
Any bond, bill single or penal, inland
bill of exchange, promifibry
note or other nrte (other than any
recognizance, bill, bind or other
obligation or contrast, made to or
with the United States, or any
tiate, or for their use refpcflively ;
and any bonds required in any cafe
bv the laws of the United Stares,
or of any state, upon legal process,
or in anv judicial proceeding, or
for the faithful performance of any
trust or duty )
If above twenty dollars and not
exceeding one hundred dollars 10
If above one hundred and not ex
ceeding five hundred dollars aj
If above five hundred and not ex
ceeding one thousand dollars 50
And if above one the ufand dollars 75
Provided, that if any bonds or
notes (hsll be payable at or within
sixty <(ays, such bonds or notes shall
be lubjeft to < nly two-filth parts of
ihe duty aforefaid, viz.
It above twer.ty aid not exceeding
one hundied dollars 4
If above <ne hundred dollars and not
exceeding five hundred dollars 10
If above live hundred dollars and
not exceeding one thousand doils. 20
If aboVe one thouf»nd dollars 30
Any foreign l.iH of exchange, draft
or ■ irder for the payment of money
in any foreign country 10
The said daty being charge
able upon each and every bill of ex
change, without refpefl to the num
ber contained in each set-
Any note it bill of lading or wriiing
or receipt in nature thereof, for
ported ;
If from one diftriA to another dif
triaoftheUnitedStates.oet being
in the fame state 4
If from the United States to any fo
reign port or place 10
The said duty being chargeable
upon well .mil every bill of lading
without r;i'peA to the number con
tainet! to each set.
Any notes iflued by the banks now
efhUifhed or that may be hereafter
established within the United
Stares, other than the notes of
such of the said banks as shall a
gree to an annual corapofition of
one per centum on the annual di-
vider.ds made by such barks, to
their flockh.'.ldeis refpsdtively, ac
cording to the following scale :
On all notes not exceeding fifty dol
lars, for each dollar 6
Chi all notes ab've fifty dr.11.-rs and
not exceeding one hundred dollars 50
On all nctes above one hundred dol
lar* andootexceeding five hundred
dollars 1
On all aotes above five hundred dol
Any pros oft '-r othir ncaii?] i'!>
Any letter of attorney, except for
an invalid ufßfioK, or to o'vain or
fell warrants for lard granted by
tbe United Statss as bounty tor
military ferviees performed in the
late war
Any inventory t>r catalogue of any fur
niture, gseds or effe&s, made in any
cafe required by law (except in cries
of gsods ar,d chattels tiiflrain-oti for
rent er tastes, and goods taktn in vir
tue of any legal process by any officer 50
Any certificates of a (hare in any insu
rance company, of a fhar" in the bank
of the United States, or of any state
or other bank. ;
If above twenty dollars and not exceed
ing one hundred dollars 10
If above on* hundred dollars 3;
If under twenty dollars at the rate of
ten cents for one hundred dollars;
That the power of the supervisors of th."
Revenue to mark or ftitup any vellum,
parchment or paper chargeable wi-th duty,
will cease and determine from and after fix
months from the date hereof, to wit, on the
isft day of February 1801.
That, if any persons shall, after the lafl
day of Kebrnary ißcr, have in their custody
or poflclfion, any vellum, parchment or pa
per, marked or fta.mped by the fuparvifo'rs of
the Revenue, upon which any matter or
thing, charged with duty, shall not have
been written or printed, they may at any
time within the space of sixty days after
the said last clay of February 1801, bring
or fend such vellum, parchment and paper,
unto some office of infpe&ion, and 111 liea
thereof, receive a like quantity or value of
vellum, parchment and piper, duly stamped
in purfuarice of the a£l herein before recited.
And in cafe any perfow (hall negledt or rfc
fufe, within the time aforefaid, to bring or
cause to be brought unto some officer of in
fpedion, any such vellum, parchment or pa
per, it is hereby declared, that the fame w 11
thereafter be of 110 other effe& or use, than
if it had never been marked or stamped, and
that all matters and things, which may af
ter that time be written or printed upon ajiy
vellul, parchment or paper, authorized to be
exchanged in aforefaid, will be of no
other eff:fl, than if they had been written
or printed on paper, parchment or velluui,
not marked or llamped.
And for the convenience of those perforti
who may be inclined to have their own vel
lum, parchment and paper stamped or mark
ed. it is heieby peclnred, that when any per
son shall depnfit any vellum, parchment or
paper at the ofSce of a supervisor, accomps
nied with a lift, ffarcifying the number and
denomination of the stamps or marks, which
are defued to be thereto affixed, the fame
will be transmitted to the General Stpam-
Officf, and there properly uiarked or stamped,
and forthwith sent back to the fame super
visor, who will thereupon colled the duties
and deliver the paper, parchment or vellum,
to the order of the person from whom the
fame was received.
Given under my Haud, and the Seal
(L. S.) of the Treasury, at Wathing
ton, the day and year above men
Secretary of the Treasury.
• september 29. d^ir.
For Sale, or to Let,
in Cbcsnut Street,
Near the corner of Eleventh street, at present in
th* tenure of Mr. A. M'Call—PofleHion may btt
had the first of November next, or sooner if re
quired Apply to
Edward Shoemaker.
«ber 3
The following Real Effate ; the property of
Anthony Francis Haldimand, Esquire,
of London,
582 and an half
Axres Pa tented Land
C ITHATE on Vineyard Sreelt, in the towndiip
O and county of Huntingdon, in the state of
Pennfylvanu, on a public road about 5 miles from
the tow.:l of Huntingdon, whkh is situated on a
hoatable river—there are on the premises a water
Grift Mill and Saw Mill—several Log dwelling
Houses—one of which is occupied as a Taven;
with a Diftillcry fapplied by a powerlul fprir.g o,
excellent water—a coufiderable quantity of Timo
thy Meadow fit for the fcythc, and several acres
of araV.e Land alrerdy cleared—ThistraA will
admit of beir g divided into three farms, with a
d-e proportion of meadow and arable land in each.
At present in tenure of Adam Hall, Esq. John'
Hicks, and others.
187 and an half seres on Trough Creek, in
[ Union townihip,a flourifhing fettlemcnt, firft ratt
iMd, wirh *(mail ivyr*v«m«K- ■ v '
173 ao4 % Mretadjoiing the Jfl»W . '
u4 «b* r«sic- »» tk«fc hi' onMUui -
tr»A» lie idjpiiiwrf faivcfrpMf
vaUubUbrn- .'• " '
In Bedfordcow&i C ,
j»4 icm Gt«it* on l>wiolng» GrMibi && twte >•<;
tar}, em * p*tlic t—4l6 Be<f««4. > '•;• ''
] Ijwimi »«• »4)eitiag,tM.d**%, V 1;
tad of ft* !«■>« qwlhiT* '
jt& icrn calro Hw •pMf*, f«ta JV*-
ib4%6 " * 1 ''
•98 md j »«w»*a btf "•*/ 'tttb, » -,'JfV
imfrpTvnrM i»d 9pm i« UtaN M j"??,
f Til '
•f Ac cMM&aMp4taotT mutt be
(Ulm«v'>,M mW» Dofdwkrtwa Mfc ftaS?-
L««, t* th« uw. afJHWio***, #CWK":r W
(cribcrtiathe<*J «TWs"flfT l M», '
; :DM«t , .v. 1 .-,-. i..',; •
At the Office of the Gazette of the Unite!
Dolls. C. ML
2 S