Wiro is Ga.vr.n.iL ?WCKNEY? Is a 511efti.n1 frequently 'alked by his ene hiies, As we have but a poor opinion o: their knowledge, we will endeavor to in for;r. them who he is and what he is. 1. General Pinckney is a native of South Carolina ; is the lon of the chief juflice ol that (then) colony ; and is in the 54th year -of his age. ' z. He was for many years previous to the revolution, an ardent and patriotic Mem ber of the general aflembly of South Caroli na. 3. He commanded thefirft corps of uni form volunteers in Charleston, in 177-, & c . 4- He was major of the firft (kte~ 'rrtfii ment, ifter the comnifncemeiit of the war, of which the present Gen. Gadlden was colo-' Kel, 5. He was aherwards promoted to the command of that regiment, and assisted at the defence of Fort Moultrie, in 1776, again ft the Britilb under Sir Peter Parker and Gen. Clinton. 6. He was aid-de-camp to Genzr il Washington, in the battles of Brandy wine Germantown, &c. 7. On the re-invasion of the Southern Stites, he resumed the Command of his re. gimcr.t, and headed it in the assault on Sa vannah- 8. He was engaged in every important aftion in Georgia and S. Carolina previous to the faH of Cliarkftot). 9* He was intruded by Gen. Lincoln with the defence of the important pafe of Fort Moultrie. 10. He was made aprifoner bvtre B.i» tifti, st the surrender of Charleston. 11. He was kept prisoner until ne4rly tire close of the war ; aiming which time his beautiful feat near was burnt to the ground by the Bnufh. iJ. He was made a delegate in the fede ral convention in 1787, and fignei the pre fect constitution ot' die United S- ,t.-s. 13. He a friend to the French revo lntion, until its crimes rendered it the ab horrence of all good men. 14. He was commander in chief of the wilitia of South-Carol; iMj 1794. 15. He was offered the office of Secre tary of State, on the rrfignation of Mr. Jtrf (eifon, and ? feat on the bench of the Su preme Court of the Upited States, by Piefi dent Walhingtwi ; but he declined them. 16. He was appointed by Pfefident Wash ington to lucceed Mr. Munroe, a£ minilter plenipotentiary to the French Republic ; which he accepted ; but the infdlcnt repub lic refuted to accredit him—The woild well knows the personal dangers which he then braved while unprote£led by the law of nati ons, and abandoned by a profligate govern ment to the regulations of their own police ag*inlf foiriar.eis. 17 H* was nominated at the bead of the second en,bs(Ty to Paris, in co. with General Marshal, and Mr. Gerry. How well he then behaved none but the moll ig norant are unacquainted Giles of Virginia, ronteflVd that G'Oeral Pinckiley had con ducted " with dlfcrution and ability." irt. He was Major G'tieral of the pro *ifionttl army, of which General Wallurg. ton died commander in chief. 19. He iiaperlon it vlwm the Pn si. dfrt of the United State* io thr lli.cerity ofhii heart, lui f.id -.bit he know* of Uo getWmiD whose charaAer tad conduit it more drferviny of Confidence. a*. He it a mill who alwiyi- foliated thr port of dinger i~ a mail of kiowk-dget « mtfculine and nervous .>ntn ; *no a tpinj)f pun» inuruli aitd of im-ffccVd piety. Such is (.HASIES fiOTISWOSTH PlNCK nky, who has been voted for by the elec tors of P fident *ml V ce-PreGdent. Let the world fliew a man in whim gre ter Cer vices, and better qualifications are united if it can. \et this is the man, fellow citi zens, whom Jacobin fcribbers has had the impudence to call " the creature of Hamil ton" From rut. AURORA of tbis morning. To the £Ji:or, received by express yester day, dated Washington, Thurfrfay •even ing, December 1 i, ißco. •' My alEi ranee to you yesterday, was not too confidently made. This evening's mail has brought letters to the Executive fioni South Carolina, from which the Secretary of the N»*y has i'urnilhrd to one of our repre sentatives, a lift, in the Srcieury'i hand writing, of the Eledors chosen in that Rate, on Tncfday, the ad inflant, in copying- it in a hurry one name h;s been dropped, whitb 1 can't i'upply, but the other seven are as ROBERT AKDF.RSON, ARTHUR SIM KINS, WADE HUMfTON, ARTHUR LOVE, THEODORUS GUILLIARD, PAUL HAMILTON, AMD JOSEPH KLIGH l\ General Bavie ; has arrived in the Ports mouth, at Norfolk, and brought th? TjSflTy "with Fiance. Chief Justice Ellsworth, is gone to England, Mr. Mukkav to the- Hague. (ibid.) Two negro (laves were ccnvifted of inur d-;r at Chailifton on the 3d itifhnt, and re ceived lenience to fuflk'i death [>y being burnt alive ! One of tl.ein to be executed theday after his trial, and the other on Fri day following. The Count St. J'ulien has bee* exiled by the Emperor of Germany for signing the preliminaries of peace at Paris. His fate is similar to that of Count Lutz.m, who ■was dil'graced for having signed in 1641, in the name of the Emperor, the treaty of peace of Hamburgh, the conclulion «»' the thirty years war. Si i \ report •jOf the ddmniiffioners of the fund Tor navy peufions and half pay, paifv»it'nr to the a£t tor the better government of the navy j of the United States. R/ad r.) the house of reprefe'nutives, December' 2, igbo. I In purfuaiice of the aft, entitled <' An aa for the better .» ivenirtient of the navy ' ot the United State*," the lefcietary of the ■' HAvy, the fee ret* l*y of the Treasury, »id 1 the ice retdry ot relpecifully repart t'J ! Longrels— j Tilt on the 30th d y of June, 1800, ■ 1 . had oceu received into the Treasury, > ths turn of 23,859 dollars, 88 cents, being j the proportion ot prize-money, lo far as the account had been rendered, then belonging j to the United States ; whith sum they have | I canted to be invefed 111 flock of the United ! States, through the agency of George Strop -1 cafl of the Bin ft of'the United j States, (except the sum of 32 dollars, 76 cents, {fill remaining in his hands.) 1 hat since the 50th of Jane, and prior to the lit of October, the further sum of <024 aorars, and 32 cents, has betn received at t e Treasury, and is now to be invtfted. Ihat other lums have been received at the Treasury since the lit of October, (which will be applied in the lame manner as direct ed by law, as fuon ai the forms of office would admit. Oil behalf of the board, ben. stoddert. City of Washington, Nov. 25, 1800. Mr Fen no ha? been fined by a 'Pennsyl vania Court two thousand Jive hundred do!- lars for t lje publilhing what has bren con- Thued into a ]ii d upon a Jacobin. In Jiiissacbusetts, a Printer was only amerced 200 dollars, for a libel on the LsgiAature I W hat a di.Terer.ce there u between the chance of a FederslHi among Jacobins, >nnd of a Jacobin amojig Federates ! The bo tiled friends of the liberty df the press in fii&a teufold more feverepuni/hmeiu, when their chnr*dler-> are canvafled ; than those who are charged with being the enemies of newlpsper freedom, do, when libelled in the most abominable and iuexcn&We manner. Boston Mercury. The dinner lately given at Paris to the American Envoys was Itrvcd upon three tables, in three large raonis which commu nicated with each other. The firft was the Salle del' Union ; the feconcj and third, which bore the names of Washington and Franklin, were adorned with the bulb of those great men. The three rooms were beaut fully or namented with flowers and emblematical re premutations. In the frli of those was seen an Eagle and Lexington : In a second, The 4th of July, 1776—American Independence Har.cock : In a third, the initials F. A. and Warren ; In a fourth, 9 Venderr-aire, year 9 [the date of the Treaty] : The fjftl>, F. A—Putnam : The f.xih, Ville Fedcrale —Trenton s The seventh, 17 th of Otlober, '777 —Saratoga—Gites : The eighth, g:h of O&ober, 1781 —Yoiktawn : The ninth, the (bores at' France and America j'epjtrdted by the fei—a vefiel quitting H.i Vie am. fail ing lor Philadelphia, and the nanlf of Green : The tenth, repirfeojfd, a French artd an j American vessel failing in company with : e icli other, ( j Shun Z.-.m:, (hua that dullcy feathcr'd queen, I Prud ncr t!ireft» rich danger toforfake ; *" Ff less expoieil through yonder tno ny brake, c - Where lurks the rattlc-lr.ake or hideous mei;. ,rt Ha, ere he lt-ikes, may give the wuningfign, *• Or lenient plant m»y mit.gatt the wound : d, But never aught to cure a pain like mine, :i- Was e'er in w »■ d» or wide savannahs found. If Yet wh«>'d fufpeft a form likelier so fair. 1- S ) hard a heart in such a breast could bide ? Or that such manreis mgrt'd as defp .is there, i hat ev'rv feature, ev'ry grace bely'd? Smiling fii; moves, as undelipmsf ill, N"f gifts a warning, though (he mean* to kill The American 3 LADIES POCKET BOOK, I, AND f Gentlemen's I POCKET REMEM BRANCER, i Fob ms tlaic )Soo. s Juit Publiflied, By fVitiiam T. Birch, No. ij, Siitnh S.-cond-llrtet. | I IIL Ladies' Book contain* an interesting scene in the hit of General Walhaigton, em belhfhed with a beautiful engraving. An Almanac—ruird pages for memoran dums and acconni of monies, &c. for every day in the year ; .MifLellane-us, moral, and entei lairjing piee» in pn.fe and verse j new lad cele brated iongj, and several ufeful tables. The Genlh man's Bosk Contains an Intercfting fctne in the life of General V% with an engraving. •in Almanac, ruled pages lor mem raudums andcalh account j the Bankrupt Law complete; Duties on goods imported, fianip duties, do. ondomeftic articles; Congrds of ths United Slates, Departments of State, War, Navy, »rtali:ry, and Judiciary, lift 6f the a my anj nav.y, several uJelul and other intertit* ing ma ter. . Y. Birth hasjuft received from London, a gencial -.flottiiicnt o' Ewglifh Writing and Diawiog papers of the ft. ft quality; copying, inarliiiies, pap r and iiJc piwcier, fine hot-pref l led polt; an alTortment of the late!) Jind belt Maps oa rollers, twelve e'eganr Atiafi'es. He keeps always f.-r lala, a gcn:rjl a(T rtment of. ftafionary ; L;:dies' and Gentlemen'« pocket books, with and without ijillrtimcnts; mabo- i gany writing deftf, pea and :ruit knives, play cards. &c. &r. December 4 . weiw | Al! De. niecrats, mid who -will vote I'.r Jrf ferfon k Burr. <>♦*> INDIAN 30N.NET. PORT OF PHILADELPHIA. A'RRIVEDj 1 -days Slcop CirrfiDa, WvM Bermuda 20 'Oared. Ship MilTouri, VicaYy, Canton Amiable, Titfirif Ijilll Liverpool onow George, Walt: Limerick » • w ary ' P izh Norfolk Brig Jamaica Sch r Maria, Wallace Havanna iiwmas, Stanley Norfo'k Be:fey & Pell/, Smith do. Sloop Harriot, Brown i do. Eagle, Hart Havanna Ship Wapens, Hi\»ly, from Batavia, and brig- Minerva, Archer, from St. Ssbaftians, are below. Ship Si/uthCarolina,Garman,for Charlel'. ton, is alhorc on Wilmington Flats. I>c.hr. L-iinbert, Statefoury, of and from this port to Gibraltar, was captured the 4th S«ptember and condem»ed at Algefiras, by the Spaniards Snow Robert, from Londondsrry to this port, ucaft aw/yon the Irish coatt—people saved. The (hip Little M.irtha, of-PfeiiadeJphia from Uurfeftoe, for St. Setuili.tm, haj been ftur into New ProVhfence, by the Andromache, »'»d the fchoner Poljy, of Norfolk, by the Li on a Revenjr'-. The ihip Smith, from Philadel phia has arrived at Chariefion. On Saturiay evening, irrived in this city, Captain Archer, in fatty-nine Java from St, Scbaftian . i Capt A. in lot. 0/37, 44 Kt long 67, 00, W. ! '?o*e the brig John, from New-London, bcund to 'hi «Vest tidies; Dec. 6, 60 leagues E. of the Cap*s of Delaware, fpolte the Ihip 1 homas Wilfoi., Smith 3 ch-s out from Philadelphia to AmfterJam ; D«# 7!h, in ht. 14, N. long. 73 >v spoke tnc.hip "•upcrb from Button to Norfolk, 38 days out, m:jen maft'gene. supplied her with 1 caflosof water Dec. 9 h, offChincoteague, spoke the brig David & Georgr, ul and for Norfolk, capt Abeal, 66 days from the Isle of May, fupp'ina hi« «uh a calk of wa.er.he hid been fcy a French privateer, the wind being N. he b»re away for Norfolk. The following velfels were at St. Sckaftiau* When captain Archer failed j Ship A.lknomack, Akins New-York Matildj, Trayerie do Thomas, Higgins Charleston Argus, Main N.York Eliza, Brown Charleston Orlando, Smith New-York 1 wo Mary's, K,ichardfon, ilo. Hope, Stephens Charleston Brig Trial, Giliord New-Ynk Hiram, Rice do. Two Sifters, Watfou Philadelphia Mary, BaicJay New-York Lydia, Roche da. July, Stone Norfolk Amiable Creole, Eldredge, Philad. Fiiendlhip, O'Conuor da, Nancy, AiirAall Charleston Scli'r Sally, Forrelter Philadelphia Bitbca, Perkins do. Betsey, Manloti *-v. -- York Miyerva, llabi'on Bollon Woodiidge, Lufkin Grand Bank j BOjTON, Dec«mber 6. ARRIVED, dIVB Peregrine, Poller, Gottfnburg i 0 Planter, Bordm.ni, Demarara 44 Left there the following vefleis Little Sally, of thAon McriimJ, of Poi tfmouth SiiLd from Toitiia tSe fellbwiiv t SK.opli.dullry, f< tr Bolton ! —» ISUritingt f T Newburyport Mefey, of Keiinebunk Parted from the couv.»y November i % Lying at Liverpool ao ; Fox, White, of Portland ready to fail. Cleopatra, of Boston IJctfcy, of • Portland to fail in u or 14 days Ma; tha Wafhi.igi.ia,' for Charlefion Warrington, for Savannah Prelidcnt, for N. Bedford ready t* fail. NEW YORK, December 13. , ARRIVED. days Ship Matilda, Fan"., St. Sebaffian. 58 Brig Polly, Boyer, New Providence 23 Ship Will,am and Henry, Japit, Madeira 1 Penelope, Cougar, Iktftot J0 Morning Star, Hobfon, Malaga Schr. Phoeb« Ann, , Ri€hm.»nd u Sloop Nancy, Ho>t, Cbarlefton 6 CLEARED, Ship Fortkade, Cofiiti, Goliah, Coffin, Trinidad Schr. James, Austin, Leghorn 1 here is reason tu fear, from the violent wind and ftarm during the 1 last forty-eight bours, that we flull i'osn hear of wreck* on oar coast. . - VrDelf fpokr : November at, latitude '43, 00, N. longitude 43> 00, spoke brig Hoiifon, cightcen-d-ivs .ut Irom Liftwn, bound to Bolton lud Uift his mam j topmast, quarter boards and caUoufe j n a e yj ; and Charlotte, Morgan, tor north-writ coast of America, next day. Two largi ftiips hnd jnll arrived from London, belonging to Khod'-Mand, bound to the F.aft Indies. Ssptembei 2111 on the pafTage out (poke 111 in Alliance. Gardiner, out 8 days From Nantucket, bound on a whaling voyage, had lolt ont boat in a heavy gale 3 days before. On the l.omewa u pilTagf, iN'ov. J sth, in len ■■ 50. 10. W. lat. 25. 10. fpokc IMp t)U>«. Duval, from I.iveipnol,|bx>und to .Savannah, out 63 isl ij o, »{J well. ovem .er 25,1 i, in lat IT. ioijg. 66. (poke sloop Ehlfcrprifc, Miles, bound from New-York to Jamaica' o:i: 12 days, all well. Piopofals torpublijhitig, by Suhfcribtion, .A DIGEST o.' tjic Law of Anions and Trials at NISI PRIUS. By IStM 'ElpinaflTe, of Gray's inn, Esq. Barrister ■y.. at Ij3w - The third edition, corrected, with considerable additions irorn printed and manuscript cases, i Bt spes ct ratio studionttm Tin two VoiUMKs. HE work is now printing. and in confid-ra ble fcrwardiiefs, on a fuperfinc paper, of t royal nze, and o&avoft.im. It will befrirted n page for page with the latefl Londrn edition, and e no pains will be spare to r.-nder the work cor rect, and free of typographical errors. : It will he neatly bound and lettered in two to lu'urs, royal uit.ivo, and to fu : icribcrs will be put , at five dollars and fifty cents per fct—to uonftib . J Icribcrs the price will be somewhat enhanced I i he price of the London edition i.i fevtn doilars J Those who fubferibe for eight fcts (ball have a ninth gratis. Ihe two v.junies will conSft of about nine I hundred pagrs, ol which the one annexed to 'the propolals is a specimen: As the wnrk is ns.v | puhliihinjr, and will be completed with a!) convv irietit expedifior, tbofe wbo wilJi t* profit bytise j fu ' firiptian, willplcsfe t.. fubicri-e (eiifonaMf. | N. B. Gentleiurn holding fuWcription lepers are requeflcd to return tin m to ' hotnas „nd l'ho , mas, the publifliers, by the firU of fuiuiry r.eit. j fbe hookfellers in I'l iladelpi.a are rtjpcd" I fully informed, that they will keloid either b. unci or g..thired in flic- ti, by the fubfcrijxfs at their : nfual low price. Those who vtift to purttala j wilfpleafe to apply by letter to tht pulililhers- The wurk will be out of press fume time ia the : wkifer. - . * •*' ; . . t • *9 « - ? deny, hound to New Caiife and NW ¥o r k was cast a*ay near Wcftp ,- t , we :| o fh\-:v d I all hands weiC saved, aud part of the cargo. L Th-b-ig Cagle, M'K e, f rom Kew rr vi s Qcncr. is Jaid !o'be tn tlae s*r>tißd. No em'erir, Captain T avii, in latitude 4», 10, I 45. (pi Ice .he brig Horizon, 18 days *rom Lfbtn for Boftb , had loft her' camboole, and quai ter gal!fcrjes ; her wuh i!(joking apparatus. On tVe 24th in lati tude 4J. longitude 55, spoke a brig from Ja ma ca tor Dublin. December 4, in latitude > 38, longitude 64. spoke a fchoo cr from Wif caflet to Trinidad. On the 4th, in latitude 37> 42. longitude 66, spoke ship Brutus, Br wo, from Algiers, last from'Gibrtlter, out twenty-fix days, for Salem. On the sth, in latitude 39, 12, longitude 67, fpiilie the Da 111ft (hip Phcenix, three day> from New Yotk for Madeira. November .7, Captain Japp e, in latitude 24. longitude 4?, lpoks the British Ihip Amer ica, of sixty tour gun?, irom Halifax, for Mar tinique. December 3, in latitude 36, jo, (puke the schooner Polfy, from Indian river for Philadelphia. On the Bth, in lati r ude 19,43, the bri j Dolphin, from Ne » York, for J mai ca Received a fupplv trom the two last vel fels. December 5, Captain Rwzier, fpokethebrlg Polly, ftom Turks Island for Bpltun. New York, Dec. 12. Arrived Ship Neptune, Lane Newry 62 Eagle, Thompson Belfaft 53 Hunter, Madeira ~ Waken, Parker N.Bedford Olive Branch, Dotjr Bolton 10 Brig Venus, ■ Antigua ; Union, Malaga 54 , Race Hoi fe, Whittlefay, Jamaica 36 I j Marj, Latimer, Coii 49 ' 1 Schr. Three .-ifters, Penny Halifax 23 Polly' Walih Virginia 6 Cleaved. Brig Friends, Andrews Jamaica J Schr. Virago, Fuller (.urracoa ' Venelia, , Cape Francois Sloop Cato, Darrell ' iiaibadoes * r Q '1 he Ihip Washington of this port funk q among the rocks at Cadiz, audislwft ; part [j of the cargo will be preserved. j. Arrived since ourlaft, brig Peggy, Lati-o more, 49 days from Cork. Pafl'cngers, Mr. Gordon, Dr. Scott, and Dr. Howe. Ship Eagle, Thompfon,4Bdays from Bel faft. By this yeffcj We have received '1 Belfaft News-Letter" to the 17th Odobei-, intlufive, but no news. In the Eagle catnf 103 patTengtis. Brig Union, Packwood, 4'J days fr»m Malaga. Came up with 4te i'chooner L'a bella, having only one man on board, jbhe had beensirovc off the Capes cf Virginia , the people were on (tmre, hhe parte/ hei calne in lat. 37, h-r the mate and 3 .en from the br>{ , and made fail tor Jamaica. Schr Paragon, Clark, 22 d*y« froili Cape Francois. bhip Phcfenix, Bray, 56 days from Vfala_ ga. Lett tliere lliip Relerve, Mac/h ,11, & brig Morning Star, Robert fall, of Ne»- York ; t'chr. 1-anny, of V'hilr.dclphi!:, to fml on the 15thO£lnber. Nov. 9,lat ( 29, Uj north, long, 41, 10, weft, spoke fli {. Didn , Duval, 5'2 days from Liverpool, l(ili from Waterfosd in 44, bound for SfVatv.aii, ali well. The captain iiifomied tiia 1 rafter lie left VVateii'orj he was boarded by j, Frenrl fiigate, and treated politely, KqN. SSrhj in lat. 28, 10, N. long. 70, W. was boarded by the Enjjlj/h iluop of war Lilly (had the (hip's papers examined, and broke open a number of letter.--. THOMAS isf THOMAS. Wilpolc (N. H.) oa. 5800 (18) t.** .s d Sales PoftponedL !. [HE SALES of t prnp«fty of Robert. - Morris and foha Nichoifen, a ivertjefed tf / tj,C ' u*"I'* 1 '* * )avc Cen P v %' or * e d Uuri! Molts l, L c#y the 22t lullanr, „hen th-y will poficiveltf 1 ■r j ••-Hitrence t the Merchant's Coffee ffcuft, ii» rj be try ol Pii idelphla, at j o'doci in tlfct - prcctfeiv JOHN HALL, Mar (bah e Decern'er fs. ±/\ \ Coffee and Cocoa^ ; : v , 'IN BAGS, - * Emitted to I)ruivkock, I FOli S A- L E B T William Hujtltr, No. 69, south Fourth flWret receiver * < & r - ; x *- * - i nomas Orr, No. 52, Sooth Front St#3et, HAS received by the latfft ah h 4 |, fr«m Loa do«, a well ch< fen aflorti At ut of ihe i'ol lo*irg artic/J^! G ALIO »ES and Cliintz ej, (a great v*riet7 I ■ Corded Dimities for gar- ,/ n t 1 and furniture Durauts, Joans and Cal ii&ancoca fWnh«zettf*nd B im' Printed Linen zad C it'jn Handkerchiefs and Lavca bordered (' Jac. net and 3pjk W u'iin handkerchiefs Shawl*, Cott.n and Chintz, a great variety 80. Camel's Hair Hosiery, Worsted /id Cotton of all sizes Do. China White ,nd Black Si!k ' able CI iths, fror r 5 4, to toby 16-4 with and without Nspk .hu fjiread, Gauze , Lawns and Cambricks | Jaconetnd La Muslins, coloured and plain White and Si; & Lace, I*ace Veils, Cloaks and Handktr. Jiiefs Black Mode 1'e?long? and Satins W hj\c and p ,'mted Marseilles fur vcfls Swfjjldown., ftripedand plaid. Coftnn Che>;ks (five) 7 8, 4-d, it-8, and 6-4, Bhck and ;oioured Barcelona handkerchief* Jfdia Bar. ianna do of superior quality ¥v hite, P.ed and Yellow F.anuei* f Jucrnfry 'Worsted Frocks A few d /Zen bed elastic Snfperwicrl. He has Alio Just R.ccriv-d, a well aftmed Invoice of J CONSISTING OF RerbYiom Gunahs r tna Baftas 1 Alahabad Emertie# Do Gurrahs , Corr* r any Guzzapora Janaa Mamoudjcs. : ' Codas. By the B.lc ,r Piece. , , Bank ot North America. NO ICE IS HE.'.EBY GJVfcK • to the ders of the liii.k ofNorth Amer ica» that v»r the fecoud Monday, the 12th day o; January next, an Eleftion of twelve Direc tors for the cnf'iiiig year, will he hfM at the P-lVk at Ic of the .do*k in tke f irerioon. H■ DH Kj ]<, j ß nr Cafcier. I/ecfrTibcr 9. laariw&dtia j. Infura'nct Company of North America. Jdr THE STOCKHOLDFRS'are hereby 1 HlioC/ned, tHat a stated Meetini? ot t.ie C.>m» j pany wid lie held at lUeir dayofjmuury ext. (being the fecotid Fhurf day in the Month) ft tho Election of tweniy five Direilors f r the enfmnar ytar. CHARLEb PETTIT, President. Dwemher >0 • f&tti 3 thj For Sale BT JOSEPH ANTHOHTV Co. Hyson Sooth ng and C TEAS.' B ye low aankefns C A few boxes choeola e mil dipt candies Mpetmaceti oil and candles !,J _ _ 3 ta^3w Tv ANTED, ~ • Genteel Boarding lua private amily tor TWO LA6IEB, Wnh the ateomniojlatjon of two Rooms. .ijo laid hank a:e aiio no* tilled to aflemble in g-n ral meetitig, at Ihe fame place, on fuefday t*.c 6th of January next, at fix o clock in the evening. G. SIMPSON, Caftier. Second Fundamental Article, Not m >re tkat: t .rpe l.nu ths o the Dircilors in office, exclufiv o/'the frifidect lhall he eligible for the next nfuinir year, but the D. telor who Slall he PreQdent it zbe tirnn of an E.. i9;i<.n may altvays he tu.Jjy War Department, Nov.mber 13, tßo o . 'T'HOSE Gentlemen who have .pplied for tn!- I A lirarv appointments in the fe, vita of the United Stales are informed that their jpolic tioris with al the recommsndatcry letter-acropi ■ panying were confimed by fire in the \Var Of fire, on Saturday eveni.-.g lafV. Id.oh- w h 1 continue to dc-fire to te c-onGacred a? can! da'es will fee the propriety of relieving: their aptife cktiotis. SAMUFLDEX PER, Secretary of War. 0" THE Prir.tsrs in the different c utes are .j- | requelUd to give this a place in their Gazsttsi if*'