Gazette of the United States, & daily advertiser. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1800-1801, December 15, 1800, Image 1

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    Gazette of the United States, & Daily Advertiser.
By C. P. .Wayne, No. 65, South Front-street.
5 ' ® [ftiwrl XVJtli.
PHILADELPHIA PRICES CURRENT, in DoliarS and Cents—December ,j, 1800.
O- The Mo-ing Duties are filch « arise on Importations in American Volt*. An Additional Duty of Ten per Cent, is imposed on all Goods, Wares and Merchandize
Imported in Foreign Bottoms. , ' *
■ . ....... •
«.d. ■i MI ..,1 . ~ ~ . . I , ,| , _ ' /- 6
Wholeu FioniTo ~
crbrent phicf. D. C. D. G:
/i LiLUM C 8 9 Free
X*- Aluoiiqs lb 22 15 prctad v
Anchors 11 12-1 ditto. i
Allies pot none
Bacon ib »° 11
Beef, mess b ' 14
prime 12
cargo 9 11
Beer 6
Bread, (hip C 4
pilot 8 9
Braziletto T :
Bricks M 6 S°
Stock 26 27 <
Brim (tone-, roll C S 5 5°
Butter ir, kegs lb '5
CANDLES dipt! 16 17
mould 20
Spermaceti 5 o
Card», wool
Cassia 75 80 isprctady 8
Cheese, English 33 7 ceilts - |
American ' ® it
Chocolate, Bolton 26
Philad. 27 (
Cinnamon none
Cloves '3° 1 60 15 prct ad. v
Clover feed, red Ib 2° d*
white 20
Timothy !vj 4
Herd grass ' 5°
Cocoa C 2 2 24 2 ctsprlb II
Ct.ffee Ib 25 27 5 cents II
Coal, foreign b<, 5 cents bufliei |l
Virginia 3° 33
Cotton St. Domingo lb 33 47 ? cents pr U t
Surrinam 5° 5
Georgia fen ill. AS f
upland 36 3V
Cordage, American C 'i
Rnflia, tarred «3 '3 5° iBocentsprC.
Copper, pot, sheets, Ib 6° 1
Bottoms 4° > Fre«
Pat. (heath. 60 J |l
Copperas f. 35° 4
Corks gs 33 43
Currants, Zant J
DUCK, Havens p H75 12 ") , „, rct
Holland scarce J Q
Feathers ib 4j s<>
Fi(h,coddry qu 45° 5
do. pickled ..
Salmon do. B 9 10 I 1
do. fmoaked n I
Shad B 8 Hi
Mackarel 7 8 50
Herrings 4 4 25 9
Flax ~ lb 13 scarce Hi
Flaxfeed H 'O jo Dl
Flour, fuperfine B 10 HI
common 9 5° 8'
Burr middlings 7 7 5®
Rye meal 475 5 2 5
Indian meal 4 50 4 75
Ship fluff C 233 267 |
Furs, Otter fc 333 160
Beaver lb 1 2 | I
Seal WFree
Mink flc 33
Mulkrat, 33
* Note. Salt weighing more thnn 56 Ib. per bushel, pays 20 cents per 56 lbs. per bushel or lefi, JO cents per bulhel, in American veflels; if in foreign veff»Js 22 cents. —" From the Cape of Good Hope, or beyond 20
per cent is added to the colt of all goods paying an advalorem duty."
t The aforementioned rate of duties upon Teas relpeft those imported direftly from India—lf from Europe, bohea tea pays 14, souchong 21, iniperkl and hvfon 40 cents per lb. If from any other place, bohea pays 17,
fouoliong 27, imperial and hyson 50 cts per lb. 111 American bottoms. 111 Foreign bottoms from Europe, 171-5,27,50 cents per lb. From any other place, 18, 7-10, 29 7-10, 55 cents per lb.
All dutied articles, imported into the United Slate", not hiving b.-en landed more than one year, are allowed a drawback of the duties fofcjeA to a deduction of one per cent except spirits, which is one half cent per gallotw
>-j"* Of those articles that bate no price afSxed to thero, their is either none *t market, or such price cannot b* ascertained as to depei.d Jpon it.
The Fartnerfhip
WAS Defolve l the 3d inftact, by mutual
consent, and James Creflbn is duly au
thorized to fettle th: of fiid firm.
December 9.
French School,
N . GOUIV DTIFIEF, profeffor of the French
language, will open on lu-iiday, the 9th ot De
cember, at Mrs. Beck's Academy, in Fifth llieet,
oppoSte the Stat: HouP garrf»n, a morning ichool
or you igladies,fro.n eleven til! one o'clock (every
otfcer day.)
Parents or guardians are desired to make early
application, that the scholar? may have the mutual
advintag* of 1 egirning ato»ee.
N. G. Dufi-f, h3« the h m?r to inform theti
that he is the auther of'.a course of pra&icit lec
tures and conferences on the most efTentia* of
the French languajfe, hy means of which, the lear
ner is soon initiated in 'he most approved practice
of this polite and falhionabte language.
An rnalyfis Q f his paa of tu'eion, anJ of lis
work having beeo given at length in the puMic
papers, they are referred to the Gaze'tc of the
United States and the Aurora for -epfemli-rr frft.
Foi tcrmsand other p.rticaUrsa; ply at No j,
feuth Fifth llreet, or .it Back's on tjic days
and hears of tuition aforrfaid.
Deceoibsr a. eod6t 1
V'« trom lb
CtJHUKHT PKICS. 1? B. C. D. C. " L ' rIhS
Martin (k 50
Grey Fox 47
Red Fox 1
Racoon 33 53 j
Pi flier 50
Bear 150 3 '
Wild Cat 40 50
southern 27
Deer in hair, tall ib. 16 17
Ditto red 25
Fnftic T
GINGER, Race C Bjo ijprctadv
do. J 11$. gvd.llb 12 I 14 do
Glafs,Wind.Bby lobx 12 ij 'JP ct v
7 by 9 do
Jlue Ib 15
Grain, Wheaft bu i5O 2
I Rye 75 80
Indian corn 80
New cOrn 60
Oats 33 40
Grain, Barley bu 67 80
belt (helled lb 6
Gunpowder Eng. !cg to 12
do Amer. 850 9
I HAMS, Pork Ib 15 Ispctad v
Hair-powder 100 cts p C
itmp, Rufiia T 350 1
Hides, La Guira lb 10 ?■ Free I
St. Dmiingo 10 J
Gr»eq 3|
Hoops,Hhds. Ihaved M
Hogr-lard lb 14 142.
Honey, country ga none at market
Havannah dj 80 86
Heps 45 50
Barrel poles
INDIGO, lb }
St. Domingo I w^ctsplh
I fie of France 1 25 J
New-Orleans I 7 1 12
Carolina 60 1
Iron Calling? I 74 67 80
P'>r 34
Country Bar 113 33
RHffi* Bar 100 J ,2 t P ct
Sweden 110 110 I. ad val
Sheet 226 67 240
Hoops 133 33 IjB 67
Nail-rods 12267 I t cent It
Lead, Bar r , s ® >
Sheet 15 pctad v J
i„ead white, gr. in oil 14 jo 15 ' |
Leather, foal it 20
Lemons, Li (bolt bx 7 3
Malaga, 10
Cadiz 5 c '°
Lime (lone H 5 25 ef: *
LignunivitK T 65
Logwood jo-
Boards, Cedar \f 25 ,
White Pine 19 33
Ditto Panncl 27 28
Inch & qr. do. 53 33
HeaitPine 1 28
Sap 12
Oak Scantling 18
Hemlock lo 12
Red Ceuar Ft 50
or •
English Grammar,
Has this Day been pqblifhed, hy Asburi
JDicKins, opposite Clirilt-Cliurch,
[Price One Dillar-~]
Oftofcer 7.
That large and commodious
At the cornet of Arch aiwl Ninth flraets.
To be Let,
THE house, fta/ile, co3ch-houfe and lots, lately
occupied by Major Butler, Titrate at above
For terms apply to J. B. Wallace, No. aB, north
F«tth (Ireet.
it law :f
A LL. perfotis indebted to the Eflate of Thomas
•fl Hcrmin merchant, •'nccafei, are
requaited to make immediate pay ;nent; ar>d those
who have any demands aguinft fai.] ef.arc, am re
queued to produce their accounts, properly attcfl
ei, for fe'tlstnent to
No. 54, north Fifth street.
novembsr at .•?aw4»r
so:< publishing
Powers of Genius,
To which are attached
General Criticisms on Author
By tbe Rev. John Blair Linn,
Minifttr ef the First Prsfby'erean Church, in the
City of Philadelphia.
This work will fce put to press as soon as poflinle,
It will forna a duodecimo To'ume j will he printed
with elegance, on paper at the best quality, and
will be delivered to fubfcriWs at th« price ofsne
dollar, in boards. The work will he priuted un
der the cire, and at the expenceof the author.
fjr Subscriptions are received by Afbury Dick,
%* Thof. perf.ns intc whofehas Isfubfcription
pap.-rs are delivored, are rcfpcSlully requeued to
return them to the auth«r, or to Mr. Dickins,
Bo kfeller, at tbe expiration of three weeks from
this date.
Pb'tade'f)' ia. Dec. (i
Madeira Wine,
Iri pipes hhd- and quarter cafits,
Forfalc by tbe Subferiber y
Noi 135 Market Street.
November u. eedkf
YViiok-fale i-, •)»•. i,
! CUKUENT PRICK.i"S D. C. D. (;.
jbingles, 3 ft. dreftiM 26
2 feet R 8
18 inches 5
Limes bll
'.art I ', hogs lb 14 14-il
6 6 50 t; prct adi
Madder 2 6 ")
1 Mihogany, Bay F I Free.
St. Domingo 40 J
Molafles, W. India G 60 5 cts per gal
Sugar house 73
v Mufl. Fl. in Bottles dz 12© 15. pctad \
Nails, 3 d lib
6d .6 ") ? -5 -
t S il
'°d i! (3 rJ
-3 i J Is.
2od ) 2
Cut do. 3d 13
4d 13 14
6d I 2
8d 1,
iod ici
' 2d 10
2od 10
v Nankeens, long p i2|pctad\
C short 1 do
Nutmegs Ib 6 6 50 15 pet ad v
OlLFlor jofja. I 2 1 p ltto
12 bottles 8 J
Oil, com. Whale G 50
Spermacetti. 60 70
Tanners B ij
Lintleed G 70 73
Onions, bi,
ico ropes 6 7
PEAS 40 40
Pepper black Ib 30 32
lb Pimento, Jaun. 13 14 6 ctß per lb
Pitch B at market 4 cents
Plailler, Paris T 10
Pork Burlington, B 16 jo
Porter, Lond. draft !z Bctspg&io
bot. 250 3 ,n bo;, ad v
Philadelphia bot. 110 120 do
I Pearl, Penn. patent 8 9
IT> AIS INS, belt 4; 650 7 'sP«a4>
Jtv Bloonl & mufk : -x 45® 5
Redwood, ground 'b 2o 3 o
R ice, C j
Rosin, B 3 350
ALT, Allum bu t "1
O Cadiz 24 ( r ee „ ote r
Lilbo.. 1 *"■■§
Liverpool fine 67 J
St. Üb.» 1
pctre refine I 'b 27 30 i2-|pctad \
Sail clock Eh. No. i
Segars, Spanilh M g l 0
.* mt;W a 1 '*l l* r cen
Sh eting, Rullia P >7 75' l cent per I!-
Shot C j5O 8
SuufF, in Blaildars 33
Bottles 7 * 6
Rappee 6 94 2 cents per 1 !
Caflile lb 20
Brown 9 io
White 13 ? per gallon
Spirits, G 133 139 $ ill pIS c
Brandy, French 1 150 ,
J, J "I 1 *
Philadelphia Academy.
Mr. Francis Gallet,
AN experienced and approved loltruiStor, has
undertaken to teach the PKRNCH LAV- r
GVAG£ in this Seminary, to fach of the Yoong f
Gentleman as may choose to place themf-fives un
der his care
T Parents and Guardivs are reqaeftcd to
make immediate application, that all the fchoUfs
may begin at once.
Samuel Magaw 1 Directors of
he James Abeicrombie j tbe Academy.
O&flber »t. jtawtf.
Horfes to Winter,
ue T TPUSES will he taken to winter at Prol'pcft
n- xl. Hill, at the 14 mile stone, on the Briftcl road,
where they will have i ; oovl Timo'.'iy and Clover
k. Hay, be we! I tskm careof, and have a field tn ruta
in when the weather is good ; erquire ot William
3 n Bell, Philadelphia; or, ol Joseph, on the
to premises.
u, Th;y engage to return them in good or..!er in
m thefpring or charge .. "hiiig sot If ■ cping fhen?, and
will not be for accidents or f'cap -, but
will rake every precaution to preveiit cither.
- oilober a 1 inwf tf C
FOR Sale,
OLD Long Prime',
Small Pica on t'ici Brady,
Englilb, Chalet, Ctwip sing Sticks, and agrea
varitfy of ariieles necefriry to carry on the Prin
isg Business. They will be fold cheap tor carta
Apply to the Printsr.
. ~ I ('
-—— - •
Spanif) 1 •
Rum, Jainaii 1 3c '' ;UT '
Antiur, 1 12 J* i"> als trflin Lon«
St Croi a qo 1 «of the !bl-
Windward I jo fir » - • » 1
New-En;.'la;ic (a great )
Gin, Holland 120 1 n ti and furniture
Apple Brandy jo cmcosa
Rye jt, tens
1 Staves, wt.Oak pipe .V 69 33 in Handkerchiefs and
Hbd. 40 , . r
gMtine ao h»ndkercJ4ief» r
Red () A 30 great variety
Leogan 26 67 of all sizes
Barrel 26 ick Silk
Steel, German 16 o toby 16-4 with and
Englidi bliftere.. fa 14
Crowley's 17 r C , g tnd Cimbncks
American 140 ,44 }»' ind plant
Starch IJ, to ace Veils, Cloakb and
Sugar, Havan. white G 17 17 scs'atiM
Brow l 2 3 fur vcfta
India, Ift quality us J1 50 ii i-
Mul'covado C, 12 26 1, 11-8, and 6-4,
Lump ft 26 handkerchief#
Loaf, finale res. 28 9
TAR, N. c. B 4 45 0
Jerley I 25
1 allow, Rufiia 1, 14 12 per ct.
America! 14
l ea, Impe rial Ico I 66") „
Young Hyfoi 1.2 f T *
Hvfon , 20 j P er Ib t
Hy "on Skin 83 g 7 20 do
Souchong 80 99 t8 do
Bohea 12 de
Tin in plates JX 18 Free
Tobacco -
Richmond oL 6 6 50
do ner 6
Peterlburgh j 75
Georgia 4 75
Carolina +75 5
Twine, Seine 'b ) 400 cts
Sewing 4.6 ) per cwt.
Tui-pentine B 2jo
'J*. spirits < ■ 33 40
U-'"" Varniil 33 , 1
W:" S0
Gydf- J 8 20
Varnifii 23""'
VVrdigi-tale 80 »
Vermillion 2
WAX, Bees 30
Wines, Madeira ' 160 300 ,0 to Jo c g
B-It Loud, partic. jotojS do
Sherry 1 112 12j 40 cents
Lifboli '' Ii JO do
IVneriffe u j 8,- 93
Malaga 8 9' *8 do
Faynl 68 7' do
Port none markei j°
Claret, sup. Bourd'x
cafks6ogals. 40 45 40 pr ct ad t
Old fuperfine cargo 60 d°
Glass Ware',
A well AfTor -1 I.ivoi • jnll Received,
Conjifiing of
Wi'ie-Gl-tlTes, I u - 1 .'ln-,'D*-canturs,. Le.
mon.ints, Goblets, &c. kc. of tiic newel!
: falhion, and for sale.
Nov. 13. jtawtf
Gideon H. Wells
Has Just Received,
By th« late arrivals—.', ana g«uerai aflort
mci;t of
Hardware, Cutlery f Sadlery,
Which he offers for fait, f r cash or the
usual credit.
Market-street, No. 135. 31w4.1v
At Wain's wharf.
The Cargo of the brigEnterprizc,
Surinam Molades,
Of an ex<«!le»t quahty, in hogfteads, tici ccs and
And ahjut 40 amtrtsr cists
Fou ? ilf. rr
Wharton y Lewis,
No. nj,fuuth Front street.
oAsber 9 tu ih fa tf