c azette of the iw « m i PHILADELPHIA, SVrURTIAV EVKNIHS ( DtCfMMR RETURN OF VOTES, F* r President and Vice President as United States. I «ew-Hampfhire, (, 5 I ■laffachufetts, 16 16 I Ihodc-Illnnd, < v>n nt flic lit, g g Vermont, New-York, 12 rj New-Jersey, 7 7 00 ro Pfniii'ylvania, 7788 Delaware, ~ Maryland; 5 5 5 5 2l Kentucky, TennefTee, North-Caralina, South-Carolina, Georgia, |C7* The Eastern Mail, had not arrived when this Paper went to Press. The debates in Congrels, on the ere&ion of® Mausoleum to the memory of (jeorge Washington, will conyey to the world a most difgraceful idea of Ame ricans. Betted would it have been, had the resolution never been proposed, than to fee an American Congrels, contend ing for days about the expence of railing a Mausoleum to the firft and best of Men, the great and good Walhington In one day Jive hundred thousand facllari could be raised for the purpose by a sub scription among the Federal Republi cans ; let us hear no more of the expcnce. From the Farmer's Weekly Museum, printed at Walpole, New Hampshire, on the eighth initant, we copy the following:— " From the highest authority we can aflure the public, that on Wednesday last, the eleftors for this State gave a unanimous vote for Adams and Pinck ney." Something very like a Whale. From the Aurora. A letter from New York, received last evening, fays,—- ' Vermont has giv en JeJferfon two votes. The leading Jacobins at Washington had expresses conltantly passing from thence to Lancaster, previous to the dem otion for Electors, and when they found that threats, flattery and corruption had no eiieft on the Senate of Pennsylvania, they advised the lower house to dole with the propolition of the Senate* An attempt has been made to bribe the Federal Elc&ors in a neighbouring State, but like the Federal Thirteen of Pennsylvania, they were tempted in vain. Thirteen United States, saved thein felves.from a foreign yoke and thirteen Senators of Pennjytvania have laved these States from anarchy and Jacubinifm. The number Thirteen muff be gratcfull to Americans. We have already noticed the dif» missal of Mr. Bullock, from being Clerk to the House of Representatives o,f Penn sylvania. For his dilchafge no other rea son could be urged, than to make room for a Man ot their own politics. This unprovoked ait on the part of the lower house, was expected to produce, on the part of the Senate, a iyffcm of reta liation, and the retaining of their old Clerk, Mr. Matlack, altonilhed every person. We at that time observed that the candor and liberality of the Senate, formed a itriking contraff with the lower house, and the retaining of Mr. Matlack, was an evidence that mere difference in political opinion was no crime in the eyes of Federal Repub licans. liad Mr. M. confined him- j felf to a decent and proper exercise of his J opinion, we doubt not he might still have remained in office ; but cogent reasons have at length urged the Senate to make him vacate his place, and they have filled it with Mr. Bullock, who was turned out by the lower house. ■lf Mr. M. fiiould alk " what have I been difmifled for," let him read the fable of the Man and the Snake and apply the moral. lited States. ?• 'r '.be lt ' » -.5 •M fc •a *XS "t a «k £ S3 I S3 I 46 I 46 i froligte Ufa- n< ( n J i a - ; ;r tr „p n W I . by r S. 4 H. A letter received by a gentleman higl. in ollice in this City, from Gen. C. C. Pinckney, dated Columbia, S. C. No vember 29th, ffat'es that owing to the absence of ten Federal members, arifins - ' O rrom sickness and other causes, it is highly probable, that Mr. Jefferfon and h'r. i J .-.irr will have every vote in South Carolina. Wk hear, without being able-to vouch for ins authenticity, that a French Mi nister has arrived at Norfolk. Report fays, the Commissioners of the United States to France, have arrived. We have nothing by this Day's Mail confirming such report. REMARKS On the er.tertanment, given by Citizen Bu cnapartCi to the American Commissionert % in honour of the Treaty vf Peace between the t*j>o Rtjnibhtt. I his ridiculous piece of French mummery, and tlu* three insidious toasts drank an the ocg i!jon, are lo much like the mountebank tricks thnt were pl.iyed off in the year 1794, when the French ai d American Colors, twin ed together, were hung up 111 the hall..of the National Convention ; that I verily fufpedl UitTe juglrrs Intend, if poifible, to d cei've aidenli.are us once more. By a fuecial Providence, in our i'.vour. we elcaped from their firft attempt, but we have no rcafou to expeel a similar iiitrrpolitiou repeated, if we put ourlelves iu thmr power again. Wr have A more nnful fcouudre! to ueal with at .present, than aor who were 011 thr board at th.it period, and the poison of French prin ciples have spread wider and deeper among owr own cit.zi lis. But thetoafl* are not as ridiculous as the mummery that: pieced-d tliem. In the very bull e <>( I,is m n-key tricks* Monfienr often mft(i, to the unio* of America with the powers of the Noun to enforce relpeift to the liberty of the leas.' aye, aye, citizen Le Brun,-by this fenti iiunt you have given us a key to the wboh ot this civic tarce. We understand you per fectly ; you mean .* '• Quarrel With Great Bntain about the liberty of the leas t cot mit ye or commerce ; your infant navy your lunds ; youi revenue ; the piofperity tile ejtiliei.ee of your country ; tf> the chanci o! a C Mi.r. Willi the powcitul fleets of Grea Britain, oor formidable enemy ; and yot Hi. II fa.e the honour of an alliance oft'cnliv< and dtfcnfivi, with ihe great Republic, am of peri flung in the glorious eaul'e of lib rty.' Thank God, John Adams is not the mat. ti undertake inch a mad cm fade, although no body that knows him will fufpe'tt him of i p o tiality tor Gieat Britain ; nut lie lias toi much undei'landing to bedapedbv founds he is fcnfible, r.otwithfta ruling, themterfer ence of British Crullers, and the capture o some licit traders, that the trade and ton nage of tl el'e dates have inciejleo during tin war; and that this increase has been derived f rrincipnllv, from our extenGve . commerce wii'h the BrrfT.'b HtuJ, the protett ity; ih'.rdow of the Brit4fh oak. To dilput:- Iwsr lotijj cft.ihl'lheci ci vms, which (he cer tainly will Hot irln ttjijj." t|,j s war hiftc, w ki Id thereto re .he tin; dog he f.,bl* f we -ili uIJ h 1 f '* u lub aiiu ; and they nM y have attempted to tu kkj- the vanity of an American, by making-him a ■ principal in this cowaidly, treacherous pr.jecl. - But Hut hitherto they have tailed 111 all their at tempts 111 this itfpec\ from a jeaioufy the the nati 11s have entertained wf French am bition, more than from any friendlliip for Great .Jritaifi ; andl tiuftthey will yet be nappomted, as no treaties we can form ii'ir tdice we Cart' equip; as nothing, in (h""t, but the fl lating Castles of this ot Isles cm pr.f-rve u» from their me reikis clutches. Mr. Wayne, I HE publication of Vice Admiral Hugh Seymour's pi ucl\uiawoi), in yqur paper ot 1 hnrfday, (hews fucli bufe condudj, on the part of the Britilh, commanders, that I think oui government ought ;o make a Icrioui remonllrance to the Britilh govern ment refpe£Ung their conduct at Curracoa, and a." their Ingiatitudt will not be lb gla» ring Without a knowl dge of the circuni llanCrs of the capture or surrender of Ctir ricce, I will briefly state sonic of them as they have b'en riUted to ire.—lt will be re collc£\e(l that it ha? beje.n tfublifhed, that B. H. Phillips lent to St. Kitts'foi feme of the American ciuizeis tog j to protect the Ameri can vefels from the French, who wereexpeft [ ed (hoi tly to get poflrlEon i f the whola illaud, in confquence of which the Patapfco, capt. Geddes, proceeded with the grentert expedi tion—u hen the Cißie oft the itl.md, tht Biitifli frigate Nereide,captain VV'atkins, was titers witii the Ainer.caii Conlul, 15. H. I'hU lips., on boaid, dcn;'y, or \vh iteifc may it be called, declined going into the harnour, to the allillance u! the town ; but protnifed to watch about u or 14 Freiith puvateers, £u. that were lay ing at anchor, at another place, with a great value of plunder On board : this was in tilt afternoon, and it w.is well known that the French were prepared t j dorm the town that litght ; no time wj» therefore to be loft ; and though the goveri.sr of tile island agreed to give up the Ilhid to the Britilh, the one CO tiki not g»W tfrfr t lie overtake poff.-l lion thereof, for tile F onch who had poffrt (t«n of several OiUei'ipi, bifidcs a number ot field piece*, placed in lacii manner, as to a Hoy the velVv-ls ; bat the Pat.ipfco proceeded into the harbour under th« fire of the whole, and full dil'mouiitrd the field piece*.and then lilenced the battriies, m twitiiftanding they were fired upon from the hollies with I'mall arnis ; during the iiijil» all was quiet and, next day the . all iiJt-Xiapt. Watkiii* entered the haibour, lint twenty marines to take pofi" {lion of the toic.aiid hoilt the En gl i ill colours (t'ie UiKH was Hy-ng when the Pattpfio ejneirdjirflid there having been more supplies expected by the French from Guadalcttpe, the Patapfco 1 lied to endeavour to intercept them. - It apjieaieil th.it Capt. Wttkius took so mttih .cure of the French vrfiVlj til.it they writ all out ofjigh' next morning. It. tiiw i.ems. that the American vcfTVis niull pay fi'vagr to the British, tho' 'h American vrflel f*vrd fiotlv tinni and the I Hard !vi,m the hundt'ot tit French, which trie Britiil' vefiVf could'not or wojrld not do ; the Ifiiiiili or If#. Dutch otfght there* lure to p*y the A.meri< an» a salvage f«Txhe whole ilJii'd, v.ljich by, theiu was related Iroi* the Frenel'c .»s uul lolly appeal by the certificate of the inhib'.t uits, .lud.y -; tin Bri« tiili are poll (Vid ot so muchgratttnJe tb»t,tor taking the lllaiid fir them thvy will generous ly nuke the Ainericaiispiy 25 pr. ct..l (Wage, and pay the 111 over again for the goodj they have pure-haled and paid for.- I luppofs they will alio Condescend tJ claim ftlVage ; pirUlie .aflbrtd) that if any improper, or irf]urlftttt to l|r - AH*nc«Q Flajr •»" betfn { by ihi BrMiOi- iCwrtwfewi ihe XJaTe/n. l.meit 'dfYhe United Sla»«, WTlf p<)r prajxx | . • « I■ " ! :'. ' ■ > Attention to tt.J I C(. mvumicatTon—To the Editor. J A fieport beit g spread that the managers of the PannfyU .«ni» Hospital applied for the 'two tho.il faiid dolfcrs, returned from Nor folk, for that inftitjjtfon, it is proper to state the taCt, for the information of all the fiibfcri bets. • „ • • ir on this most ex traordinary- and prefling occasion, to fuf- pend immediately from their right to fit and aft as members thereof, the ing Gentlemen, viz. H. W. Defauflure, Thomas Simons, Thomas Rhett Smith, Adam Gilchfift, Henry M. hutledge, John Dawfon, jun. Wm. Price and Robert Howard ; Untill a decision can be had on the merits of this petition. IV A 5 H I NGTO N CIT T. CONG RESS OF THE UNI TED ST ATE S. House of Representatives. Turfday, Dec. $. r:« Spe a Ice r r<-ad a Letter From Mr. Condy, the prrf-nt clrk, infoVmi'ig the htiuli through him .that the Hate of Ins health d.u not p whom was referred the Me morial of Samuel H. Smith and Thomar Carpenter, desiring admission within the" bar to ifepoit the debates and proceedings of the Huuf'e. The report it in substance that it is not expedient that the House (hould take any order on the memorial presented. IC7- The debate git the above occopiss nine columns of The Wufhington Intelligencer —which obliges us to omit the remainder this day. The question \vas thru taken by yeas and nays, on agreeing, to the rep Jit of the Icledt committee, and carried by the csftinjj vote of the ipeaker. There being ayes 45 ; noes 4S- WANTED, Genteel Boarding In a private family for TWOLA » I E S s F'i'.b the accommodation of two Rooms? a APPLY to Mr> Jufcph Anthony, N*o 94 Mirkrt Siri-et, or to John iVlaybin, No f Chefnut Street. • , , December f. 3t»wn» V. • . 1) T'T* f PRICES Cl-RRENTi jf, „ . :i' • HAVER DB GKACS, OCfOMUS 13i Ctfftg&j 1 >e.niar araWw a"i 11 ed y*T~ Ditto Binirbon 2 francs . . Ditt,<) Martinique, 2 fr. 40 c\.a 2 fr. 39 d Pftifl St, i)qn:ingo,.>2 £. 5 c..a 2 f. 50 C» Di'.to Guadeloupe, 2 f. 50 c.—tjeno Cotton, : a rig, Sc, Fernanjb si. .75 c. Ditto Smyr.ne, 2 f, 20 c. —none Ditto L.fVjtnt, 3f. • , ; | ' Brandy f., 5 a 10 c. te pat. Diito ii-iyoime, 2 f. 5 a 10 c. >, Ditto M m:p-.-! : .er,2L«22deg.2f.s/. Bourdeaox Wine, White and Red, 150 a. 350 f. Itmav not be unnc-ceflary to remark, that a Franc i* land l-4_per in ya lue than a Livre ; »r 5 francs and 6 cents are equal to one dollar. mrm <& *':• mi I, _ < • Gazette Marine Lift. PORT OF PHILADELPHIA. AU RIVED, day Irig H'cl Poii t, Alston, St. Jago de Cuba 4a !*uj r ar .in! molalfes, &c. —A. Rcfch Jrig Aiyu3, Inely, W fton 7 Salt—Ruflel snd Boone irig Cornwitlis, Ran, Windsor ai Philter p.ris—to Captain ichr. Fanny, WisflMalaga 53 Wine* and fru : t—J. Claimn Jloap Walh ngton, Travtrs, Psrtliuouth ao F ih, Sic.—J. Welto BALTIMORE, D?Cemh?V ir. ArrvH, (hip Nancy, Capt. George Hob&v rora Batavia; "* he Na »cy let! I!ata ia the l6tli June, and fava Head the ift of July bit, in c mpany with hirtcen fail ol lvmewari bound Ameriian Yt!"- cls, uh :#r convoy of the United St;;tes frigate FfTex, E*. vard Preble, Efq com.-nahder. Ia loubling ihe Cape of Good Hope, met with nanv heavy giles o* wind from the wtftvfard, which Icparated ilk fleet. Arrived at St, He ena the 1 ith Sep'ember, and there the nentior.ed veflelv under convoy of the Eflex. Par-cd company with the Efl".'*, on ThuriUay light; the loth November, in latitude 33, 30, N. and longitu'ie 73, 4', W. blowing a gale if wind fr m i: :f.« pafl'jge f'nm Batavia to Ameri ca, Captain Prehle paid the gr«ateft attention to the pi el" rvation of the fleet tinder his con voy, and ifFirdrd every afliltanc? in h;s power to any of the fleet that ttud in need. C ,m« into, the Cafe* on Monday morning, the if instant Saw a brig he. ting in. SALE M, December 5. ARRIVED, Ship Mary, Mo'iltom, Havanna Brijr Hopewell, Dowiing, Malaga -*■ Brig Leopard, Repet, Naff.u. (N. P.) Schr.Trial Tate, Port Republican C aptaio Tate arrive-i h-re 011 Sunday lift 7 frcm Port Kepub.'ican, left there, Capt' Brad ftnw, of (hit port. Ocflohex 18, spoke brig Morniup Star, from Philadelphia, bound to Port Repuhl can November ti, spoke brig Eliza, O * Plymouth, l'r«m Madeira, for Nor folk. November 30, Taw a (loop >n Heneaga, which a; psarid to have jult tun ashore j and a brig on Atkins's Keys. A wreck Was earning fintn the flo'-p, which appeared tu be deeply loaded. . ' Yctterday arrived, the brig St. John, Cap tain Godlhail, trom Norfolk. NORFOLK, November 3a. Ait iveJ, Britifti schooner i3etiVy and Finny, Witter, eighteen day§ Turki iflami- Arrived th- fcnoor.er (in verity, ot" Phiiadel ph a, Captain Ltrnis, thirty-four clays from Porio Cavailo, in ditlrefs—cargo, manufjiilar ed tobacco. The fchoouer Almira spoke the brig Fair Manhattan, thirty miles N. ot Cape Henry, out thi ty-four days from ICaYffon) (Jamaica) all well. Wants a place as A Wet Nurse, A YOUG WOMAN wi, , has loft ;er child ** —and has a frefh bread bf Milk. Apply * in South Street, three dcors Ea!t of Sixth Streer. DeCerrber 13. FOR SALE, Br Joseph SIM S> No uth Water ilreet. White Scbrown Havanna Sugars Holland Gin Old Ctoiac Brandy London particular Ma. |^iifc<* awfc. i^, V 4 ) • t Vv, ■'%