Gazette of the United States, & daily advertiser. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1800-1801, December 12, 1800, Image 3

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    Gazette of the United Slates.
Friday evening, lucsmber 12
OF Vui liS,
for President and Vice Preiidint tj the
United Si Jits.
M*fT»clnifctrs, . „ •16 >6 .
CoineiMiLut, 9 9
Vermont, '
New-York, 12 I 2
Neiv-Jrrfey, y 7 oo CO
.Pemifylvama, 7788
Dataware, 3
Maryland, 5 5 5 5
Virginia, a[ 2I
C?" The Eastern Mail, had not arri
ved when this paper went to Press.
A Painter being employed to repre
fcnt the Cherubim and Seraphim in a
country Church, made them with very
long melancholy faces, and being asked
the reafoti for so doing by the reftor of
the parish, answered, " I have your own
words for the propriety of it, have I not
heard you fay, a thousand times, that
Cherubim and Seraphim continually do
Mr. Malone, in summing up the
praises of Sir Joshua Reynolds, has the
following memorable paflage. . "He has
tine claim to commendation which I
think it my duty particularly to mention,
I mean the praise to which he is entitled
concerjaing the pernicious dpdrines, that
were made the balls of that Revolution,
which took place in France not long be
fore his death. Before the publication
of Mr. Burke's Reflexions on that Jub-
jecV, he had been favored with a pcrufal
of that excellent work, and was lavish in
his encomiums upon it. He was, indeed,
never weary of expressing his admiration
of the profound sagacity, which saw in
their embryo state all the evils with
which this country was threatened by
that tremendous convulllon; he well
knew how eagerly all -the xuild and erro
neous principles of government attempted
to be established by the pretended philo
lbphers of France, would be cherished
and enforced by those turbulent and un
ruly spirits among us, whom "no King
l Ottld govern end no God could pleafeand
long before that book was written, fre
quently avowed his contempt of those
' " Adam wits," who set at nought the ac
cumulated wisdom of ages, and on all
occasions are desirous of beginning the
world a-new. He did not live to fee
the accomplishment of almost every one
of the predictions of the prophetic and
philosophical work alluded to. Happily
for himfelf, he did not live to participate
of the gloom, which has saddened ever)'
virtuous bosom, in consequence of all the
civilized states of Europe being ihaken
to their foundations, by those " troub
lers of the poor world's peace," whom
Divine Providence has been pleased to
make the fcourgc of human kind.
On I'tfefday la ft, the Senate of this
5/tate proceeded to the appointment of a
Gerk, Serjeant at Arms, aud Door
keeper, when Jofcplvßullock, was cholen
Clerk, Michael Pigeon, Serjeant at Arms,
and Dietrich Hiifs, Doorkeeper.
[By this days mail we have received
Charleston papers to the 28th Novem
ber, the only article refpefting the
Legislature of South Carolina contain
ed in them, is. the following.—
Extract of a letter from Columbia, dated
Monday November 24.
" Yesterday morning forty-two mem
bers were in town ; sixteen more arriv
ed last evening : fifteen of the whole are
Senators.—forty-eight of the above are
decidedly federal."
Another letter fays " so great a num
ber of members arrived yesterday, that
we expert to make a house this day—
thofe I have seen and spoke with are de
cidedly federal."
6 s
-5 ? -
5 % U
47 I 47 I 46 I 46
In y.i'ur poor canting produdlion—yon
undertake to abuse the Legislature of Ncw-
Jtrli-y, for giving to the people the liberty
of choofiftg any jive persons for their rcpre
fentatives :—you i:» your wisdom, would
have confined them to choolV only one out
ot a pait.cuLr district. Wi -t now are we
to think of your republicanism. Surely it
is a broader cxtfltfinn of fnflfrage to give
the people a right to choose all tlirir repre-
Icntativrs from among elixir whole body—
than to confine them to l)is r.ct:, and to
oblige them to vote for but one it tie per
ron? who is to reprefsnt them—you in fact
«ifii to deprive every voter ®f four fifth? of
I Progress of Jactbiififai'.
i ne following paragraph is copied from
a Jacobin paper, printed in tiie interior
|or I ennfylvania, under the immediate
direction of Mr. Brtickenridge, who has
lately been created a Judge] by the Go
vernor. It is, for impudence, unecjtial
led, and its author, would have a more
appropriate station in one of the cells of
the Pennsylvania Hospital, than pn the
sacred bench of jufrice.
c 0 p r.
I hose persons who have in their pos
session, petitions to the Legislature of
this Commonwealth, praying for the
ADDISON, vvill deliver them to
the Editor of the Herald, that they may
be immediately forwarded to our Repre
sentatives. j
Extract of a letter from a .refpe&able
character in York-town, (Penns.) to
his friend in Frederick-town (M. D.)
" Colonel (alias late General) Hart
leys life, fcems near a close——he is very
low and much deranged—he has never
been well lince McLean or the. Devil
tempted him to apostatize from the fe
deralfaith )
DEMOCRATIC NE ffi—Jrcm Ntwyerfij.
1 Iw Slab-TentM Chairman of famous me
mory, has pftblifhed—a bulletin—without
date, frtting forth the mmts of the Antv-
Federal Corigrrfs Ticket—namely, John
Conclla, Mr. Helirfs, (it fcemi he has no
chriftidn name) Henry Southard, James
Mott, and E'»enezer Elmer and hi: and
his secretary, one John Mprgnn, " with
threat diffidence" (that i» their exprefljon]
recommend them as pure republicans (in other
woHs democrats) to be voted tar as repre-
I'entatives to th. seventh tio'ngTe fa !—And
they ea> nesc'y beg that as thele men are
'■ farmers," and their " occupati on; and in
terestscongenial with ttie " great body"
ot voters in New-Jerley, tlut therefore the
l J id farmers would pit ale to support then*.
Was ever i'uch mav.hlcfs t'ailchood *nd
impudence ! This old, worn our pretext,
ot " farmei" candidates, wontdi, Mr. Chair
man. You know the Julia-Town- meeting
t.r ed to make people believe thit their only
object in get tin.' in those '• pwe republi
cans"—Shreve, Newbold &. Co. was to be
n. fit the farmers —but u and y»ur Si/uir *
Sayre, let the cat out of the bail ; and in
your ulundering speeches on the 20th Sep
tember iaft, told the farmers y'ur only de
sign was to get Jefferson and Burr 10 rule
aver them.
Bcfides thnn " diffident," Chairman, is
it not a bit of a falsehood that your " pur*
republicans" aie farmers. John Condici
and Ebeoecfr Elmvr, are by all accounts,
whit are utwally called Doctors, in the coun
try— As to Jemmy Mott, it will be hard to
j pre*.e lie has feeu » plough tor many a d >y—
I This: Mr. Helms, as you modestly cM liirn,
;is like yourfelf, a General; ar.d as to Henry
I Southard, lie has I'.itg since abandoned the
peaceable profilion ot a far roer, for the trade
ot J:\crtbinifm. Aiiot:er thing, who told
; von Mr. Chairman, that all the voters in
Mew-JVrley, were farmers :—What ; are
there no tradesmen—no mechanics—no mcr:-
j chants—no men of private fortune out ot
employment—no labourers—no fibers but
farmers ? Surely y.ur head as ufoal was
Vtool-gatbtring, when you could make fudi
a slant as that But let me whifprr » word
in your ear, Mr. Chairman General ; tie
farmers of New-Jersey fee through the thin
gauze of y>ur hypocritical cant about their"
interefl : They like a&'ons better than
words : They like a fydein of legislation
which lays the taxes upon imposts and not
on lind : '1 hey Lke a fyltem of legifl..tion
which encourages tradr, and protests it by
arms, when necrflaiy. These fyftenis make
tlieii property worth l'omething—itencreafes
the value of their lands it keeps up the
demand arid price fir their produce—it has
made them rich, contented and icfpeflable
for twelve years !
Tliefe are the fv fteirs which you and your
junto willi to annihilate —lt is scarcely two
months, lince you and your secretary, weie
bawling out againlt the Navy, without which
our public trenfury, at this moment, wuuld
have heen empty—-our ships either captured
or rotting at the wharves——the whole mer.
cantiie it: teres- of the ountry dcllroyed
our Jisberies, those mines of wealth and nnr
feiies ot haidy teamen, defer ted ; and the
whole landed capital of the United States,
depreciating under taxes and the fail of pro
duct ! And yet you and your fatlipii Itill
"ave the impudence to talk to the Jerley
I .ruler* about your feeling tor their interefl,
and recommending guardians for the care ot
them, namely those precious "pure republi
cans' mentioned in your Auror'a add re Is.—
Fie, Mr. Chairman Gwienl—Ftr, upon fucb
hypocryfy as this—tell your partisans at
once what you want if you done "it shall
be done for you."
/lis right of fiil7r;i!>;e : tint tV; Legislature,
citizen General, were in this tiiftance more
republican than your pure fcj£—Never do
you talk of being a .republican, again. ~
: But you tell us irf. litis adilrel's Of yours
j pub!fill. ii in tlie Lying Aurora, .that it
comes out under the faiiftion of « Dela^ates
"convened at Trenton from ten counties"
Now IVf.r tjtizen in the plain |*ngu:«j.« of
a republican. is a flat lie. This addrels
ol yours (written by citizen fayre, of poor
point Brerzt:"} was not made by Delegates
convened at Trenton—you well know that
tlitC;" delegates" (in yonr pompous, modest,
diffident phraloolngy) ncwei: met at Trenton
" you know tint a few iiifignificant un
authnrifeii •>, met you gt 5 poor
ablcure gin IhojV opponte to Trenton .
in another county, where you locked your
selves up, as if afraid to lee the faces of
hone ft ni-u.
\ou knOMK-ynu yourfelf went to this
hovel in the dusk tf the evening —and tho'
tpo days about the precious work of pal
ming these pure republicans, upon the far
mers ol New-Jerfcv —yet you never set your
tool in 1 rentJii, nor alTociated for a mo
ment with the great collection of rrfpeitd-
He pertons, whe were in Trenton on
thole days, being the 2d and 3d of Decem
ber, yau will know that though within light
ol well turuilheri, and large houses of enter
tainment in Trenton, and of marty persons
ot your acquaintance, you and your compa
ny nefllel ia a lingte room, not more than
twelve feet Iqnare ; and tiiat you, or foine
of von afkually ftept on chairs and tables :
so fearful were you and your famous Dele
gates ot meeting the countenances or under
going the feriitiny of candid mep.
In trills aildr.-ls of yours ; (if it may be
called by that name) you "hope the reign
•if'abufe intl terror arc past." It is well for
you citizen to enter the tills agninft " abuse"
who abused, PredWent Adams and General
Pnickriey, aP Slab-Town ; who abused the
Congress of the United States ; and with
frothy impudence pronounced reprobation
upon the measures of Washington ; who
charged P.ckering and Wolcott, with cor-1
ruption j and the Federalists of New-Jersey j
as a British Faction ? 'I his did you and your j
paltry Secretary ; and yet you now" hope
(O —|i)i ld rxprtflion) that the reign of abuse '
is over ; your reign is indeed over ; but !
the reign of Truth has yet many salutary j
bleflings in store for the Slat-Town chair- J
man, and his Secretary that ; and they 1
tlrall now be told, your worst enemies couul
never have drfned a greater triumph than to
Ice you appear again in the ridiculous cha
mber of a ch.irman, and your friends (one
leels firry for their misfortune) will tremble
for this repetition of your folly.
But citizen (not to overwhelm you at
once) what has happened to your old Secte -
rv ! He was a Delegate at the meeting " at
1 renton" was he not ? yes-—you answer;
well can you tell us why he did not resume \
lie honorable occupation he filled at Slue- I
Trmn, i>l recotdwtr derTvocratic proceedings ? !
Ah ! Stephen, you are a cunning Wight,
much too Cuuuiug for the Slab-Town orator,
but it fli.ill a'l come out; even though the
cbiirni Mi bites off I's finger ends for mor
tification ; In a few tiays the public lhall have
the lull history of the " Delegates at Tren
ton" with lom4 democratic anecdotes.
TCy a letter from London, dated 10th Oc
tober, it apponri the Brig Ann, Gilden b;.-
longing to i'h.ladelplps, (carried in'o Ply.
mouth the beginning of that month) had
not been relcaftd, .and that, the King's
advocate had not given his opinion relative
to her.
Lad evening arrived at the Fort, th • ship
Roebuck, Captain Razer, from London.
The Roebuck left London the 12ih Octo
ber »nu the Downs the 19th.
'J he law, annuling so much of the
cnarter of the Bank of Baltimore, as
renders five Diredors of that Bank in
telligible for more than one year, was
brought forward in the House of Dele
gates on Saturday last, and carried.
£ Th* rediculous asses Jttiun of refitted humani
ty, and the mumtonojij drawl of Charlotte
Smith's and Robin SouTHh v't-f ir.neu are
juflly laughed at in the folio win ,>'i a realm]
Sennet to my Uncles Hoc.
Poor grunting animal, that all the dav.
Plods dull .ind mopitb round my uncles yard
Ah me, it strikes me that thy lot is hard
For thoud jftdroopthyea.t, thy hairs are grey.
Thy humi \ eyes link wet - Ah wretch ill fhrr'd
What forrowin^fadnefsfeeni'torn jrk thy way
While every pleasure is from thre debarr'd
Nor frolic rapture bids thy heart be g.iy.
Poor grunting Swire, full much l griev» to view
Thy groping snout, enja-v'd with iron cold,
For thou n.uft feel, and feel, with sorrow t.»o
What vetthy peaceful tongue has never to:d.
Adieu, poor Pork, again I sigh, adieu,
My tears fa ft fall—they fall, alas, for ycto.
[Waller has written four lines in prail'e of
Tea, which t is Dr. Johnfm, the
greatest tea tipler of hia time did uot prail'«. |
The muses friend, Tea dues our Fancy aid
Reprefi thole vapours, which the head invade
And keeps that Palace ps the Soul fcrcne
Fit, on h«r birth day to salute a Queeß.
Here lies Nick, the nailor
Who became a retailer
Of Dunne's falfe tenets,
And . f failious Gsnet's ;
But 'tis known that he said
When on his death bed,
" I have liv'd long enough
To diflemir.ate lii>ff
Like sedition and treafnn
And that wiihout rsifon"—
So laying he I'ied
No one laugh'd—no one cry'd.—
Since Demo's all are like to go tn por,
In peace, for pity's fak<;, may each ore nt.
Of tic late MadCiicuit o/']UDUEQR,VCK
&NRIOGE through Washington County.
l dly last Mr. Brackenridge delirous
i of dilj'Uying- his new dignity of a
j mnng hi* old acquaintances, came oyer to
! W Ihingtaq dressed with unufuaj neatness.
Finding that lis decent person of the place
called tq fee. him, t he walked through the
town, aicoflejl the people with studied cour
tesy as be pi (Ted the flreets ill some instances
advanced to th(j door of his former friends
but was ,recei\ed with maiked Cfjolnet's,
and although not direftly infyUed, yet he
tcuiifi hiinlelf lb much detested, that with
all his infuiuating civilities. no per foil invi
ted him into his ,h:uit'e. Mortified beyond
me a fare at this treatment, lie returned to
his tavern, called for brandy to cure his vex
ation, and after drinking hastily an uliufual
poi tion of that fiery liquor he rode away to
Cannon fburgh.
Although evidently intoxicated when lie
alighted theie, yet he went on drinking
whiflcey to great excess and obufmg the
gentlemen ot Walliington he
; pretended to be asleep in his chair, andfua
j denly would (tart up with some incoherent
, exclamation, and then take another diink.
j Altera while he said he had a fever, pro
| ceeding to (trip him felt naked, took a ftieet
I and hung it over his (boulders, and walked
I bel.'.re the door thus expolld. This focil
j colleftrd a multitude ot boys, to whoni he
| »d<l re (fed many pleasant things nffedting to
, talk and aft like one ot tbcmfclves—Pref
: ently lie ordered water to be carried to the
j (table, and compelled a blacji smith's boy to
j throw feverai buckets of Cold water upon
i him. the other boys, and even men, gath
ered round the (table and diverted them-.
(elves with the whimsical figure of a naked
Judge upon nil tours among the horl'es un
dergoing the operation of w<,lhing and rub.
bing-. One lad fiid that he oujht to be
drenched alfo--others said he was already
drenched with whiflcey. The merriment of j
these fellows'offended the Judge. He or
dered them away j»~they, ret'ufed to go.-.'
r.e threatened to commit.them : faio he was j
a Judge of the Supreme Court and aflur- !
ed the black smith's boy that he would do j
foniething clever tor him if he would Itay by '
him, and ,ry to prevail with the other boys j
to go home. Returning <rom the (table i
wrapped in the Iheet he took more whilkey,
and at intervals put-011 his clothes again#
Although altogether unfit for travelling
lie resolved Jo set out for P ttfburgh, and
with difficulty got upon his horse. By this
time all Caiifio'nlburgh had learned that the
Judge cither drunk, or mad, or both, and
there was a general laugh as he p.;(fed.
NraV the end of the village he f.-.w feverai.
nien together with tickler in their (lAnds.
Fancying them to be enemies he damned
lhem to clear the road fur a Ji/d(ie of the
Supreme Court ; then clapping (purs to his
horse he raised a fr ghti'ul war-hoop, and
defiling through the ill id ft of them ; went oIT
at tull fpted yelling wildly as he went, while
the peace.iole reapers it od in the utmolt
confirmation.— JHe lb tar overpowered
)\ith diink that lie immediately loft the main
road and went off a great ditlance
Mdier'. run. His horse wss nearly exh .lif
ted on his arrival rt Mr, Aga's, where he dif
im.iii.ted, came into th< houl'e asked for
win(l;ey, pulled Alf his out fid. clothes, and
orgau io draw his Ihirt from his breeches.
I "he women fled thinking him mad. The
men'ot the houic were reaping in the field.
He commanded ai> old lick nun to go with
him to the spring where sixteen buckets of
water were thrown upon him. Then he or
dered a tin ot whiskey and another tin of
milk, mixed them togethtr, and orf
the wln.le. Told the old man he was a
ot th,- Supreme Court Threw him*
ielf upon a bed where he remained till next
morning -
Finding himfelf out of the road he enr
quii<d tor Pitifburgh, and proceeded some
dill;ft)Ce on that rout, but afterwards mif
takmg-his couifc, Fie turned towards Can
noi.fhurgh, Tie buttling inn awaled the
unperlpired wh.fkey of tie prrceding* d v,
and br,.tight back his delirium. As
he travelled on, people obferted his frantic
gedures and hdrd his incoherent ejaculation*.
At lenght he overtook a boy on his way to
fetch water for reapers in a netghbeuring
harveil field. He emmanded the
, ed boy on the peril of hi*. 1 si; to flicw him
the fp'rihg. There be ftipp d and laid Jiim
felf over a large log. Ihe b j poured noie
than twenty buckets of water'up-n him,
while the Judge was curling and d,' lining
him all the time—The boy was so agitated
that he did not obierve the shirt of the'
Judge and trod great part of it into th; mire
as he pal Ted between the fpi ing ar.d the log.
-.-When the Jud,;e aroi'e his shirt was
scarcely visible and utteily unfit to put on.
Ihe boy si d. The Judge h:id no other
shirt nnd was therefore compelled to ilek
the h'jufe and there lie in bed till his shirt
w«» walked and dried. While ihia pruceft
•at going. "ofl, ttt drauk pkoufuily ol wiC
kryandoilk ; tokl the women -if hue (it
that he wan a judge of tile fuprrnie Court,
kigbrr ill rank than Mr. Addifon—that lie
would have Addilon turned out, arid mod of
the Judices in the neighborhood broke be.
cause they were enemies of Governor
At lenittti tbe fliift being read]; he. pu ka*e the hoafe, fapt when off ring
t» pay for rite trouble be had occafioaed* hit
nancy «m loft, li re » new fccne of curw
ling and fwearirg enl'ued, until one of the
childre* searching at the fprmg found the
money were his clothes had U.en thrown
All these tilings being fettled the Ju ;ge
started for Patflburgh ar.d on his way Hop
ped at the tavern of Mr. Hamilton in No-
to refrefh himfelf. Here he adted
1 ve.-' ag-. in his usual extravagances. Strip
p d himf.lf--put on a woman's gown and
From the Pittsburgh Gazette.
ordered the* landlord to lead him to tOSjn]
I lie landlord did notunderftand hirtli The
Judge flew mo a passion damning and {W;i*
mg dreadfully. The landlord was obliged
to. carry a veflsl to the f'pring and throv
> water upon lum for more than a, quarter of
■ an hour. Ihe whole village was
1 I that the judge was out ol his fenfesi Return*
ing to the house with the' 1 gdwn uport hith
he ordered egg-noggto be made, upon: taflihg
it he lVore and damned fen horribly that
the r.hole family were tnrifiej « his pro
lane Fiefs ; and, all this merely ecaufe the
t "B3 ! ." l:(, gg bad not whiskey enougii its it,
ti" threatened to commit the cavern keeper
and take away his license because he did not
keep accommodations proper foi gentlemen.
Seeing a Tick-child in the family, he. told'
the mother that it would die in a few hour?
unlets jhe gave it raw bacon. Swore that
nothing ell'e would cure it. .After muih
more wila frantic tolly remounted and deoart
rd for Put/burgh, where it is said he con
tinued drunk for several days under circum
stances very aggravated and diflrelTing, but
they are not so well known to the writer
as to b- particularly fpecified.
rhe foregoing narrative would seem al
most incredible to any person unacquainted
with Mr. Brackrnn'dge, .yet it can be provf d
by the oaths of many wijnefles. ijis curf and i a earing- were Ihocking beyond any
thing ever heard before ; A person at Noblel
burgh is willing to mate oath that the Judge
damned the landlord fifteen times while he
was getting whiflcry to make the egg-nogjj
dronger. When these things are done by a
magistrate high 111 office we can not expeift
retormatioij or punifhroept of the profane
and d Ifohite ainrnjg us. Office is d-graded,
religion d>(honoured,and sober virtue wound
ed, by such outrageous behaviour in a judge.
Wife men will fee all the tfiifchiefs which
I mull tolloW the rr\nd careei 1 of such an officer
i in the lociety, and good men will every whei«-
! lament the affliftion and misfortune which
| has befallen the state by the appointment of
[ a man ufelefi in point of iuduftry and fenfr,
and noxious beyond all calculations by his
A Citizen of Washington.
Gazette Marine Lift. '
Ship Roebuck, Rafrr, London 41
Merchir. Size—tj T. and J. Clifford
Mount Vernon, , Baltimore 10
Sundrit?—to Captain
Phcebe, WliHow, Cape Fiancois 34
Sugar mi coffee—to R Ralft.n
Brig Saily, Hampton, Curracoi 30
Cocoa —tr> R. Kdllion
Schr. Diana, Burtsn, Nr - York 6
.^lindriet—to J. Leatny
Slo ipPatitnce, Mcntg-mf-ry, Mew Yftrk
Sundries—to "1
Sch'r Sukey, Gage Norfolk
Kutby, Daane New York
Thetw, White NmfVlk
l.egul i , !>,:gley Alexandria
he br g Sa'ly capttin H-mpt-n .»i!ed ir«n.
Cuir.uo-I t* G'b ult ti. company with a*'
brig CI r (Ta. Nichoi iritl .ch o-<r i.tlanu,
of an ) for rh > orr in Uillaft—part J
«•'£}• th • form r icth \ >vcm rr, and the latter
ths i;th. iti thr Mon* PafTaye— Capt in H. \io
informed that no ntu ral vtlTcls wete al!c.iv>-d t >
load in Curracoa exept thol'c wh'ch wcr" f hri;
previous to fbo capitula ion of tie' tfltrfd to ic
Brit ft 4i d further that ike Eritifli hud l*id c'»!ai
to ore icur'h part of all neutral property in Cur
racoa, ;s c, w'ich wai rc:ul"'dby fe*< r>l
A merican v. and accordingly abandoned their
Vefleliaud ca-.ots.
Prices of Public Stock,
Pat amots *
of a JbaiL
Eighr per cent Aock—itj < 113 I a !
Six per cent. ftsck )
Navy iitto t ' la 93
percent. 90 a 91
Three per cu»t. a 57
J I J per ctut. )
4 I-» per cent, j n<me at market J
BANK IJ. States, j 4 O p. cent ad
Pennfylvania, 135 ditto /
N. America iji ditto f 400
InfuranceC». Fenns'a 1143125 ditto J '
North America 70a 7 ' j r |
Turnpike - »5© « a6o dolls. 301 [
1 ichuylkiil liridjje - - - par , j
! Water"i,oan, dolls. xou )
Lan.l Warrant 15 a 30 dol!?. 100 arre9 j
; St.Augujline Cbureb Lottery Haiti* dollars
On London at 60 days ;o«7is
Rates of Fw jign Coins and Cur- ||
rencies in the Unit d Slates—per- j,
act of Congrcs for payment f Du
Dells. Cts.
Kriglift pound (lerling 4 44 "S
Irish d do . 4 10 / j
Dutch or Guilder o 40 f !j
Hamburgh L<anco o J3 1 3 J
Cqrkected Br
Cbesnut street, No. 143.
Oil Sunday neict Ctfij'uy Sermons, will
be prt'acltd at' Clinft Church and S-.j:.t
Piters for the benefit of the Pour of tue in'.U
Conjf relations.
D o ii.
Cod Fiili.
A few quintals ! ift God F.fh and
100 quartercafks Sherry Wilie,juft received ,
On hand,' Wine and Cyder Vinegar i> )
pipe» and qnaner calks,'
December ix. to J
t- •*- .«»
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